Company: properties: id: description: "The unique hashed identifier for the company" type: string example: WJxbojagwO size_id: description: "The unique identifier representing the company's size category" type: string example: '2' industry_id: description: "The unique identifier representing the company's industry category" type: string example: '5' slack_webhook_url: description: "The URL for the company's Slack webhook notifications" type: string example: '' google_analytics_key: description: "The company's Google Analytics tracking ID" type: string example: 'UA-123456789-1' portal_mode: description: "The mode determining how client-facing URLs are structured (e.g., subdomain, domain, or iframe)" type: string example: subdomain subdomain: description: "The subdomain prefix for the company's domain (e.g., 'acme' in" type: string example: acme portal_domain: description: "The fully qualified domain used for client-facing URLs" type: string example: '' enabled_tax_rates: description: "The number of tax rates used per entity" type: integer example: '2' fill_products: description: "A flag determining whether to auto-fill product descriptions based on the product key" type: boolean example: true convert_products: description: "A flag determining whether to convert products between different types or units" type: boolean example: true update_products: description: "A flag determining whether to update product descriptions when the description changes" type: boolean example: true show_product_details: description: "A flag determining whether to display product details in the user interface" type: boolean example: true custom_fields: description: "A mapping of custom fields for various objects within the company" type: object enable_product_cost: description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product cost field in the user interface" type: boolean example: true enable_product_quantity: description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product quantity field in the user interface" type: boolean example: true default_quantity: description: "A flag determining whether to use a default quantity for products" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes1: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the first custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes2: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the second custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes3: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the third custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes4: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the fourth custom" logo: description: "The company logo file in binary format" type: string format: binary example: logo.png settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings' type: object