CreditCard::class, GatewayType::BANK_TRANSFER => ACH::class, ]; const SYSTEM_LOG_TYPE = SystemLog::TYPE_WEPAY; public function init() { if (WePay::getEnvironment() == 'none') { if(config('ninja.wepay.environment') == 'staging') WePay::useStaging(config('ninja.wepay.client_id'), config('ninja.wepay.client_secret')); else WePay::useProduction(config('ninja.wepay.client_id'), config('ninja.wepay.client_secret')); } if ($this->company_gateway) $this->wepay = new WePay($this->company_gateway->getConfigField('accessToken')); $this->wepay = new WePay(null); return $this; } /** * Return the gateway types that have been enabled * * @return array */ public function gatewayTypes(): array { $types = []; if($this->company_gateway->fees_and_limits->{GatewayType::BANK_TRANSFER}->is_enabled) $types[] = GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD; if($this->company_gateway->fees_and_limits->{GatewayType::BANK_TRANSFER}->is_enabled) $types[] = GatewayType::BANK_TRANSFER; return $types; } /** * Setup the gateway * * @param array $data user_id + company * @return view */ public function setup(array $data) { return (new Setup($this))->boot($data); } /** * Set the payment method * * @param int $payment_method_id Alias of GatewayType */ public function setPaymentMethod($payment_method_id) { $class = self::$methods[$payment_method_id]; $this->payment_method = new $class($this); return $this; } public function authorizeView(array $data) { $this->init(); $data['gateway'] = $this->wepay; $client = $data['client']; $contact = $client->primary_contact()->first() ? $client->primary_contact()->first() : $lient->contacts->first(); $data['contact'] = $contact; // $data['contact'] = $this->company_gateway // $data['public_client_id'] = $this->authorize->init()->getPublicClientKey(); // $data['api_login_id'] = $this->authorize->company_gateway->getConfigField('apiLoginId'); return $this->payment_method->authorizeView($data); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function authorizeResponse($request) { $this->init(); return $this->payment_method->authorizeResponse($request); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function processPaymentView(array $data) { return $this->payment_method->paymentView($data); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function processPaymentResponse($request) { return $this->payment_method->paymentResponse($request); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function refund(Payment $payment, $amount, $return_client_response = false) { return $this->payment_method->yourRefundImplementationHere(); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function tokenBilling(ClientGatewayToken $cgt, PaymentHash $payment_hash) { return $this->payment_method->yourTokenBillingImplmentation(); //this is your custom implementation from here } public function getClientRequiredFields(): array { $fields = [ ['name' => 'client_postal_code', 'label' => ctrans('texts.postal_code'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required'], ['name' => 'contact_email', 'label' => ctrans(''), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required'], ]; if ($this->company_gateway->require_client_name) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_name', 'label' => ctrans('texts.client_name'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; } if ($this->company_gateway->require_client_phone) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_phone', 'label' => ctrans('texts.client_phone'), 'type' => 'tel', 'validation' => 'required']; } if ($this->company_gateway->require_contact_name) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'contact_first_name', 'label' => ctrans('texts.first_name'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'contact_last_name', 'label' => ctrans('texts.last_name'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; } if ($this->company_gateway->require_contact_email) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'contact_email', 'label' => ctrans(''), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required,email:rfc']; } if ($this->company_gateway->require_billing_address) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_address_line_1', 'label' => ctrans('texts.address1'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; // $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_address_line_2', 'label' => ctrans('texts.address2'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'nullable']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_city', 'label' => ctrans(''), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_state', 'label' => ctrans('texts.state'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_country_id', 'label' => ctrans(''), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; } if ($this->company_gateway->require_shipping_address) { $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_address_line_1', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_address1'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; // $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_address_line_2', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_address2'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'sometimes']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_city', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_city'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_state', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_state'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_postal_code', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_postal_code'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; $fields[] = ['name' => 'client_shipping_country_id', 'label' => ctrans('texts.shipping_country'), 'type' => 'text', 'validation' => 'required']; } return $fields; } }