data = $data; $this->send_logs = $send_logs; } /** * Build the message. * * @return $this */ public function build() { $system_info = request()->has('version') ? 'Version: '.request()->input('version') : 'Version: No Version Supplied.'; $log_lines = []; /* * With self-hosted version of Ninja, * we are going to bundle system-level info * and last 10 lines of laravel.log file. */ if (Ninja::isSelfHost() && $this->send_logs !== false) { $system_info = Ninja::getDebugInfo(); $log_file = new SplFileObject(sprintf('%s/laravel.log', base_path('storage/logs'))); $log_file->seek(PHP_INT_MAX); $last_line = $log_file->key(); $lines = new LimitIterator($log_file, max(0, $last_line - 100), $last_line); $log_lines = iterator_to_array($lines); } $account = auth()->user()->account; $priority = ''; $plan = $account->plan ?: 'customer support'; $plan = ucfirst($plan); if (strlen($account->plan) > 1) { $priority = '[PRIORITY] '; } $company = auth()->user()->company(); $user = auth()->user(); $db = str_replace('db-ninja-', '', $company->db); $is_large = $company->is_large ? 'L' : 'S'; $platform = array_key_exists('platform', $this->data) ? $this->data['platform'] : 'U'; $migrated = ctype_lower(preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $company->company_key)) ? 'M' : ''; $trial = $account->isTrial() ? 'T' : ''; $plan = str_replace('_', ' ', $plan); $plan_status = ''; if ($account->plan_expires && Carbon::parse($account->plan_expires)->lt(now())) { $plan_status = 'Plan Expired :: '; } if (Ninja::isHosted()) { $subject = "{$priority}Hosted-{$db}-{$is_large}{$platform}{$migrated}{$trial} :: {$plan} :: {$plan_status} ".date('M jS, g:ia'); } else { $subject = "{$priority}Self Hosted :: {$plan} :: {$is_large}{$platform}{$migrated} :: ".date('M jS, g:ia'); } return $this->from(config('mail.from.address'), $user->present()->name()) ->replyTo($user->email, $user->present()->name()) ->subject($subject) ->view('', [ 'support_message' => nl2br($this->data['message']), 'system_info' => $system_info, 'laravel_log' => $log_lines, 'logo' => $company->present()->logo(), 'settings' => $company->settings, ]); } }