Update ====== .. Note:: We recommend backing up your database before updating the app. To update the app you just need to copy over the latest code. The app tracks the current version in a file called version.txt, if it notices a change it loads ``/update`` to run the database migrations. If the auto-update fails you can manually run the update with the following commands. Once completed add ``?clear_cache=true`` to the end of the URL to clear the application cache. .. code-block:: shell composer dump-autoload --optimize php artisan optimize --force php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed --class=UpdateSeeder We’ve seen some updates fail when moving the app to a new server because the MySQL default storage engine has changed with MySQL 5.7. If you see ``SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1215`` error you may be able to fix it by running this `SQL query `_ Version 2.6 """"""""""" Make sure the .env file includes ``APP_CIPHER=rijndael-128`` Version 2.5.1 """"""""""""" Minimum PHP version is now 5.5.9 Version 2.0 """"""""""" Copy .env.example to .env and set config settings Set the app cipher to ``rijndael-256`` to support existing passwords Check that ``/path/to/ninja/storage`` has 755 permissions and is owned by the webserver user