API === Invoice Ninja provides a RESTful API, `click here `_ to see the full list of methods available. To access the API you first need to create a token using the "API Tokens” page under "Advanced Settings”. - **Zapier** [hosted or self-host]: https://zapier.com/zapbook/invoice-ninja/ - **Integromat**: https://www.integromat.com/en/integrations/invoiceninja - **PHP SDK**: https://github.com/invoiceninja/sdk-php - **Zend Framework**: https://github.com/alexz707/InvoiceNinjaModule .. NOTE:: Replace ninja.test with https://app.invoiceninja.com to access a hosted account. Reading Data """""""""""" Here’s an example of reading the list of clients using cURL from the command line. .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/clients" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" For invoices, quotes, tasks and payments simply change the object type. .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/invoices" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" You can search clients by their email address or id number and invoices by their invoice number. .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/clients?email=" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/clients?id_number=" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/invoices?invoice_number=" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" To load a single record specify the Id in the URL. .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/invoices/1" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" You can specify additional relationships to load using the ``include`` parameter. .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/clients/1?include=invoices.invitations" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" You can download a PDF using the following URL .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "ninja.test/api/v1/download/1" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" Optional Settings """"""""""""""""" The following are optional query parameter settings: - ``serializer``: Either array (the default) or `JSON `_. - ``include``: A comma-separated list of nested relationships to include. - ``client_id``: If set the results will be filtered by the client. - ``page``: The page number of results to return when the results are paginated. - ``per_page``: The number of results to return per page. - ``updated_at``: Timestamp used as a filter to only show recently updated records. Creating Data """"""""""""" .. TIP:: Add ``-H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"`` to see validation errors in the response. Here’s an example of creating a client. Note that email address is a property of the client’s contact not the client itself. .. code-block:: shell curl -X POST "ninja.test/api/v1/clients" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"name":"Client","contact":{"email":"test@example.com"}}' -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" You can also update a client by specifying a value for ‘id’. Next, here’s an example of creating an invoice. .. code-block:: shell curl -X POST "ninja.test/api/v1/invoices" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"client_id":"1", "invoice_items":[{"product_key": "ITEM", "notes":"Test", "cost":10, "qty":1}]}' \ -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" If the email field is set we’ll search for a matching client, if no matches are found a new client will be created. If the product_key is set and matches an existing record the product fields will be auto-populated. You can use a comma-separated value to create an invoice with multiple products. Options ^^^^^^^ The following options are available when creating an invoice. - ``email_invoice``: Email the invoice to the client. - ``email_type``: Set to reminder1, reminder2 or reminder3 to use the reminder template. - ``auto_bill``: Attempt to auto-bill the invoice using stored payment methods or credits. - ``paid``: Create a payment for the defined amount. Updating Data """"""""""""" .. NOTE:: When updating a client it's important to include the contact ids. .. code-block:: shell curl -X PUT 'ninja.test/api/v1/clients/1" -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -d '{"name":"test", "contacts":[{"id": 1, "first_name": "test"}]}' \ -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" You can archive, delete or restore an entity by setting ``action`` in the request .. code-block:: shell curl -X PUT "ninja.test/api/v1/invoices/1?action=archive" \ -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN" .. TIP:: For invoices use `mark_sent` to manually mark the invoice as sent Emailing Invoices """"""""""""""""" To email an invoice use the email_invoice command passing the id of the invoice. .. code-block:: shell curl -X POST "ninja.test/api/v1/email_invoice" -d '{"id":1}' \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-Ninja-Token: TOKEN"