is('api/v1/login') || $request->is('api/v1/register') || $request->is('api/v1/oauth_login'); $headers = Utils::getApiHeaders(); $hasApiSecret = false; if ($secret = env(API_SECRET)) { $requestSecret = Request::header('X-Ninja-Secret') ?: ($request->api_secret ?: ''); $hasApiSecret = hash_equals($requestSecret, $secret); } if ($loggingIn) { // check API secret if (! $hasApiSecret) { sleep(ERROR_DELAY); $error['error'] = ['message' => 'Invalid value for API_SECRET']; return Response::json($error, 403, $headers); } } else { // check for a valid token $token = AccountToken::where('token', '=', Request::header('X-Ninja-Token'))->first(['id', 'user_id']); // check if user is archived if ($token && $token->user) { Auth::onceUsingId($token->user_id); Session::set('token_id', $token->id); } elseif ($hasApiSecret && $request->is('api/v1/ping')) { // do nothing: allow ping with api_secret or account token } else { sleep(ERROR_DELAY); $error['error'] = ['message' => 'Invalid token']; return Response::json($error, 403, $headers); } } if (! Utils::isNinja() && ! $loggingIn) { return $next($request); } if (! Utils::hasFeature(FEATURE_API) && ! $hasApiSecret) { $error['error'] = ['message' => 'API requires pro plan']; return Response::json($error, 403, $headers); } else { $key = Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->account->id : $request->getClientIp(); // $hour = 60 * 60; $hour_limit = $hasApiSecret ? 1000 : 100; // users are limited to 100 requests/hour (or 1000 for the mobile apps) $hour_throttle = Cache::get("hour_throttle:{$key}", null); $last_api_request = Cache::get("last_api_request:{$key}", 0); $last_api_diff = time() - $last_api_request; if (is_null($hour_throttle)) { $new_hour_throttle = 0; } else { $new_hour_throttle = $hour_throttle - $last_api_diff; $new_hour_throttle = $new_hour_throttle < 0 ? 0 : $new_hour_throttle; $new_hour_throttle += $hour / $hour_limit; $hour_hits_remaining = floor(($hour - $new_hour_throttle) * $hour_limit / $hour); $hour_hits_remaining = $hour_hits_remaining >= 0 ? $hour_hits_remaining : 0; } if ($new_hour_throttle > $hour) { $wait = ceil($new_hour_throttle - $hour); sleep(1); return Response::json("Please wait {$wait} second(s)", 403, $headers); } Cache::put("hour_throttle:{$key}", $new_hour_throttle, 10); Cache::put("last_api_request:{$key}", time(), 10); } return $next($request); } }