payment = $payment; $this->payment_hash = $payment_hash; } public function run() { $paid_invoices = $this->payment_hash->invoices(); $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $this->transformKeys(array_column($paid_invoices, 'invoice_id')))->withTrashed()->get(); $client = $this->payment->client; if($client->trashed()) $client->restore(); collect($paid_invoices)->each(function ($paid_invoice) use ($invoices, $client) { $client = $client->fresh(); $invoice = $invoices->first(function ($inv) use ($paid_invoice) { return $paid_invoice->invoice_id == $inv->hashed_id; }); if($invoice->trashed()) $invoice->restore(); if ($invoice->id == $this->payment_hash->fee_invoice_id) { $paid_amount = $paid_invoice->amount + $this->payment_hash->fee_total; } else { $paid_amount = $paid_invoice->amount; } $client->paid_to_date += $paid_amount; $client->balance -= $paid_amount; $client->save(); /* Need to determine here is we have an OVER payment - if YES only apply the max invoice amount */ if($paid_amount > $invoice->partial && $paid_amount > $invoice->balance) $paid_amount = $invoice->balance; /*Improve performance here - 26-01-2022 - also change the order of events for invoice first*/ //caution what if we amount paid was less than partial - we wipe it! $invoice->balance -= $paid_amount; $invoice->paid_to_date += $paid_amount; $invoice->save(); $invoice = $invoice->service() ->clearPartial() // ->updateBalance($paid_amount * -1) // ->updatePaidToDate($paid_amount) ->updateStatus() ->touchPdf() ->save(); $invoice->service() ->workFlow() ->save(); /* Updates the company ledger */ $this->payment ->ledger() ->updatePaymentBalance($paid_amount * -1); $pivot_invoice = $this->payment->invoices->first(function ($inv) use ($paid_invoice) { return $inv->hashed_id == $paid_invoice->invoice_id; }); /*update paymentable record*/ $pivot_invoice->pivot->amount = $paid_amount; $pivot_invoice->pivot->save(); $this->payment->applied += $paid_amount; $transaction = [ 'invoice' => $invoice->transaction_event(), 'payment' => $this->payment->transaction_event(), 'client' => $client->transaction_event(), 'credit' => [], 'metadata' => [], ]; TransactionLog::dispatch(TransactionEvent::GATEWAY_PAYMENT_MADE, $transaction, $invoice->company->db); }); /* Remove the event updater from within the loop to prevent race conditions */ $this->payment->saveQuietly(); $invoices->each(function ($invoice) { event(new InvoiceWasUpdated($invoice, $invoice->company, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user() ? auth()->user()->id : null))); }); return $this->payment->fresh(); } }