data = $data; $this->company = $company; $this->user = $user; $this->resources = $resources; } /** * Execute the job. * * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function handle() :bool { set_time_limit(0); foreach ($this->data as $key => $resource) { if (! in_array($key, $this->available_imports)) { //throw new ResourceNotAvailableForMigration("Resource {$key} is not available for migration."); info("Resource {$key} is not available for migration."); continue; } $method = sprintf('process%s', Str::ucfirst(Str::camel($key))); info("Importing {$key}"); $this->{$method}($resource); } $this->setInitialCompanyLedgerBalances(); Mail::to($this->user)->send(new MigrationCompleted()); /*After a migration first some basic jobs to ensure the system is up to date*/ VersionCheck::dispatch(); CompanySizeCheck::dispatch(); info('CompletedπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ at '.now()); return true; } private function setInitialCompanyLedgerBalances() { Client::cursor()->each(function ($client) { $company_ledger = CompanyLedgerFactory::create($client->company_id, $client->user_id); $company_ledger->client_id = $client->id; $company_ledger->adjustment = $client->balance; $company_ledger->notes = 'Migrated Client Balance'; $company_ledger->balance = $client->balance; $company_ledger->activity_id = Activity::CREATE_CLIENT; $company_ledger->save(); $client->company_ledger()->save($company_ledger); }); } /** * @param array $data * @throws \Exception */ private function processCompany(array $data): void { Company::unguard(); if ( $data['settings']['invoice_design_id'] > 9 || $data['settings']['invoice_design_id'] > "9" ) { $data['settings']['invoice_design_id'] = 1; } $data = $this->transformCompanyData($data); $rules = (new UpdateCompanyRequest())->rules(); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } if (isset($data['account_id'])) { unset($data['account_id']); } if (isset($data['referral_code'])) { $account = $this->company->account; $account->referral_code = $data['referral_code']; $account->save(); unset($data['referral_code']); } $company_repository = new CompanyRepository(); $company_repository->save($data, $this->company); Company::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $rules = null; $validator = null; $company_repository = null; } private function transformCompanyData(array $data): array { $company_settings = CompanySettings::defaults(); if (array_key_exists('settings', $data)) { foreach ($data['settings'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'invoice_design_id' || $key == 'quote_design_id' || $key == 'credit_design_id') { $value = $this->encodePrimaryKey($value); } if ($key == 'payment_terms' && $key = '') { $value = -1; } $company_settings->{$key} = $value; } $data['settings'] = $company_settings; } return $data; } /** * @param array $data * @throws \Exception */ private function processTaxRates(array $data): void { TaxRate::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.name' => 'required', //'*.name' => 'required|distinct|unique:tax_rates,name,null,null,company_id,' . $this->company->id, '*.rate' => 'required|numeric', ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; $company_id = $this->company->id; $user_id = $this->processUserId($resource); if (isset($resource['user_id'])) { unset($resource['user_id']); } if (isset($resource['company_id'])) { unset($resource['company_id']); } $tax_rate = TaxRateFactory::create($this->company->id, $user_id); $tax_rate->fill($resource); $tax_rate->save(); } TaxRate::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $rules = null; $validator = null; } /** * @param array $data * @throws \Exception */ private function processUsers(array $data): void { User::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.first_name' => ['string'], '*.last_name' => ['string'], '*.email' => ['distinct'], ]; // if (config('ninja.db.multi_db_enabled')) { // array_push($rules['*.email'], new ValidUserForCompany()); // } $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $user_repository = new UserRepository(); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; unset($modified['id']); $user = $user_repository->save($modified, $this->fetchUser($resource['email']), true, true); $user_agent = array_key_exists('token_name', $resource) ?: request()->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); CreateCompanyToken::dispatchNow($this->company, $user, $user_agent); $key = "users_{$resource['id']}"; $this->ids['users'][$key] = [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $user->id, ]; } User::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $rules = null; $validator = null; $user_repository = null; } /** * @param array $data * @throws ResourceDependencyMissing * @throws \Exception */ private function processClients(array $data): void { Client::unguard(); $contact_repository = new ClientContactRepository(); $client_repository = new ClientRepository($contact_repository); foreach ($data as $key => $resource) { $modified = $resource; $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['balance'] = $modified['balance'] ?: 0; $modified['paid_to_date'] = $modified['paid_to_date'] ?: 0; unset($modified['id']); unset($modified['contacts']); $client = $client_repository->save( $modified, ClientFactory::create( $this->company->id, $modified['user_id'] ) ); $client->contacts()->forceDelete(); if (array_key_exists('contacts', $resource)) { // need to remove after importing new migration.json $modified_contacts = $resource['contacts']; foreach ($modified_contacts as $key => $client_contacts) { $modified_contacts[$key]['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $modified_contacts[$key]['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified_contacts[$key]['client_id'] = $client->id; $modified_contacts[$key]['password'] = 'mysuperpassword'; // @todo, and clean up the code.. unset($modified_contacts[$key]['id']); } $saveable_contacts['contacts'] = $modified_contacts; $contact_repository->save($saveable_contacts, $client); } $key = "clients_{$resource['id']}"; $this->ids['clients'][$key] = [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $client->id, ]; } Client::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $contact_repository = null; $client_repository = null; } private function processProducts(array $data): void { Product::unguard(); $rules = [ //'*.product_key' => 'required|distinct|unique:products,product_key,null,null,company_id,' . $this->company->id, '*.cost' => 'numeric', '*.price' => 'numeric', '*.quantity' => 'numeric', ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $product_repository = new ProductRepository(); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); unset($modified['id']); $product_repository->save( $modified, ProductFactory::create( $this->company->id, $modified['user_id'] ) ); } Product::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $product_repository = null; } private function processInvoices(array $data): void { Invoice::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.client_id' => ['required'], ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $invoice_repository = new InvoiceMigrationRepository(); foreach ($data as $key => $resource) { $modified = $resource; if (array_key_exists('client_id', $resource) && ! array_key_exists('clients', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing invoices failed, because of missing dependency - clients.'); } $modified['client_id'] = $this->transformId('clients', $resource['client_id']); $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $modified['line_items'] = $this->cleanItems($modified['line_items']); unset($modified['id']); $invoice = $invoice_repository->save( $modified, InvoiceFactory::create($this->company->id, $modified['user_id']) ); $key = "invoices_{$resource['id']}"; $this->ids['invoices'][$key] = [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $invoice->id, ]; } Invoice::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $invoice_repository = null; } private function processCredits(array $data): void { Credit::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.client_id' => ['required'], ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $credit_repository = new CreditRepository(); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; if (array_key_exists('client_id', $resource) && ! array_key_exists('clients', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing credits failed, because of missing dependency - clients.'); } $modified['client_id'] = $this->transformId('clients', $resource['client_id']); $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; unset($modified['id']); $credit = $credit_repository->save( $modified, CreditFactory::create($this->company->id, $modified['user_id']) ); $key = "credits_{$resource['id']}"; $this->ids['credits'][$key] = [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $credit->id, ]; } Credit::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $credit_repository = null; } private function processQuotes(array $data): void { Quote::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.client_id' => ['required'], ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $quote_repository = new QuoteRepository(); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; if (array_key_exists('client_id', $resource) && ! array_key_exists('clients', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing quotes failed, because of missing dependency - clients.'); } $modified['client_id'] = $this->transformId('clients', $resource['client_id']); $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; unset($modified['id']); $invoice = $quote_repository->save( $modified, QuoteFactory::create($this->company->id, $modified['user_id']) ); $old_user_key = array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) ?? $this->user->id; $key = "invoices_{$resource['id']}"; $this->ids['quotes'][$key] = [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $invoice->id, ]; } Quote::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $quote_repository = null; } private function processPayments(array $data): void { Payment::reguard(); $rules = [ '*.amount' => ['required'], '*.client_id' => ['required'], ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } $payment_repository = new PaymentMigrationRepository(new CreditRepository()); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; if (array_key_exists('client_id', $resource) && ! array_key_exists('clients', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing payments failed, because of missing dependency - clients.'); } $modified['client_id'] = $this->transformId('clients', $resource['client_id']); $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); //$modified['invoice_id'] = $this->transformId('invoices', $resource['invoice_id']); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; //unset($modified['invoices']); unset($modified['invoice_id']); if (isset($modified['invoices'])) { foreach ($modified['invoices'] as $key => $invoice) { $modified['invoices'][$key]['invoice_id'] = $this->transformId('invoices', $invoice['invoice_id']); } } $payment = $payment_repository->save( $modified, PaymentFactory::create($this->company->id, $modified['user_id']) ); $old_user_key = array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) ?? $this->user->id; $this->ids['payments'] = [ "payments_{$old_user_key}" => [ 'old' => $old_user_key, 'new' => $payment->id, ], ]; } Payment::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; $payment_repository = null; } private function processDocuments(array $data): void { Document::unguard(); /* No validators since data provided by database is already valid. */ foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; if (array_key_exists('invoice_id', $resource) && $resource['invoice_id'] && ! array_key_exists('invoices', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing documents failed, because of missing dependency - invoices.'); } if (array_key_exists('expense_id', $resource) && $resource['expense_id'] && ! array_key_exists('expenses', $this->ids)) { throw new ResourceDependencyMissing('Processing documents failed, because of missing dependency - expenses.'); } /* Remove because of polymorphic joins. */ unset($modified['invoice_id']); unset($modified['expense_id']); if (array_key_exists('invoice_id', $resource) && $resource['invoice_id'] && array_key_exists('invoices', $this->ids)) { $modified['documentable_id'] = $this->transformId('invoices', $resource['invoice_id']); $modified['documentable_type'] = \App\Models\Invoice::class; } if (array_key_exists('expense_id', $resource) && $resource['expense_id'] && array_key_exists('expenses', $this->ids)) { $modified['documentable_id'] = $this->transformId('expenses', $resource['expense_id']); $modified['documentable_type'] = \App\Models\Expense::class; } $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $document = Document::create($modified); // $entity = $modified['documentable_type']::find($modified['documentable_id']); // $entity->documents()->save($modified); $old_user_key = array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) ?? $this->user->id; $this->ids['documents'] = [ "documents_{$old_user_key}" => [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $document->id, ], ]; } Document::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; } private function processPaymentTerms(array $data) :void { PaymentTerm::unguard(); $modified = collect($data)->map(function ($item) { $item['user_id'] = $this->user->id; $item['company_id'] = $this->company->id; return $item; })->toArray(); PaymentTerm::insert($modified); PaymentTerm::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; } private function processCompanyGateways(array $data) :void { CompanyGateway::unguard(); $rules = [ '*.gateway_key' => 'required', '*.fees_and_limits' => new ValidCompanyGatewayFeesAndLimitsRule(), ]; $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new MigrationValidatorFailed(json_encode($validator->errors())); } foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; $modified['user_id'] = $this->processUserId($resource); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; unset($modified['id']); if (isset($modified['config'])) { $modified['config'] = encrypt($modified['config']); } if (isset($modified['fees_and_limits'])) { $modified['fees_and_limits'] = $this->cleanFeesAndLimits($modified['fees_and_limits']); } $company_gateway = CompanyGateway::create($modified); $old_user_key = array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) ?? $this->user->id; $this->ids['company_gateways'] = [ "company_gateways_{$old_user_key}" => [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $company_gateway->id, ], ]; } CompanyGateway::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; } private function processClientGatewayTokens(array $data) :void { ClientGatewayToken::unguard(); foreach ($data as $resource) { $modified = $resource; unset($modified['id']); $modified['company_id'] = $this->company->id; $modified['client_id'] = $this->transformId('clients', $resource['client_id']); $cgt = ClientGatewayToken::Create($modified); $old_user_key = array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) ?? $this->user->id; $this->ids['client_gateway_tokens'] = [ "client_gateway_tokens_{$old_user_key}" => [ 'old' => $resource['id'], 'new' => $cgt->id, ], ]; } ClientGatewayToken::reguard(); /*Improve memory handling by setting everything to null when we have finished*/ $data = null; } /** * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | Additional migration methods. * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * | * | These methods aren't initialized automatically, so they don't depend on * | the migration data. */ /** * Cloned from App\Http\Requests\User\StoreUserRequest. * * @param string $data * @return User */ public function fetchUser(string $data): User { $user = MultiDB::hasUser(['email' => $data]); if (! $user) { $user = UserFactory::create($this->company->account->id); } return $user; } /** * @param string $resource * @param string $old * @return int * @throws \Exception */ public function transformId(string $resource, string $old): int { if (! array_key_exists($resource, $this->ids)) { throw new \Exception("Resource {$resource} not available."); } if (! array_key_exists("{$resource}_{$old}", $this->ids[$resource])) { throw new \Exception("Missing resource key: {$resource}_{$old}"); } return $this->ids[$resource]["{$resource}_{$old}"]['new']; } /** * Process & handle user_id. * * @param array $resource * @return int|mixed * @throws \Exception */ public function processUserId(array $resource) { if (! array_key_exists('user_id', $resource)) { return $this->user->id; } if (array_key_exists('user_id', $resource) && ! array_key_exists('users', $this->ids)) { return $this->user->id; } return $this->transformId('users', $resource['user_id']); } public function failed($exception = null) { info('the job failed'); info(print_r($exception->getMessage(), 1)); } }