Credit: properties: id: description: "The unique hashed ID of the credit" type: string example: Opnel5aKBz user_id: description: "The unique hashed ID of the user associated with the credit" type: string example: 1a2b3c4d5e assigned_user_id: description: "The unique hashed ID of the assigned user responsible for the credit" type: string example: 6f7g8h9i0j client_id: description: "The unique hashed ID of the client associated with the credit" type: string example: p1q2r3s4t5 status_id: description: "The ID representing the current status of the credit" type: string example: 3 invoice_id: description: "The unique hashed ID of the linked invoice to which the credit is applied" type: string example: u1v2w3x4y5 number: description: "The unique alphanumeric credit number per company" type: string example: QUOTE_101 po_number: description: "The purchase order number referred to by the credit" type: string example: PO_12345 terms: description: "The terms associated with the credit" type: string example: "Net 30" public_notes: description: "Public notes for the credit" type: string example: "Thank you for your business." private_notes: description: "Private notes for internal use, not visible to the client" type: string example: "Client is requesting a discount." footer: description: "The footer text for the credit" type: string example: "Footer text goes here." custom_value1: description: "Custom value 1 for additional credit information" type: string example: "Custom data 1" custom_value2: description: "Custom value 2 for additional credit information" type: string example: "Custom data 2" custom_value3: description: "Custom value 3 for additional credit information" type: string example: "Custom data 3" custom_value4: description: "Custom value 4 for additional credit information" type: string example: "Custom data 4" tax_name1: description: "The name of the first tax applied to the credit" type: string example: "VAT" tax_name2: description: "The name of the second tax applied to the credit" type: string example: "GST" tax_rate1: description: "The rate of the first tax applied to the credit" type: number format: float example: 10.00 tax_rate2: description: "The rate of the second tax applied to the credit" type: number format: float example: 5.00 tax_name3: description: "The name of the third tax applied to the credit" type: string example: "PST" tax_rate3: description: "The rate of the third tax applied to the credit" type: number format: float example: 8.00 total_taxes: description: "The total amount of taxes for the credit" type: number format: float example: 23.00 line_items: type: array description: 'An array of objects which define the line items of the credit' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InvoiceItem' amount: description: "The total amount of the credit" type: number format: float example: 100.00 balance: description: "The outstanding balance of the credit" type: number format: float example: 50.00 paid_to_date: description: "The total amount paid to date for the credit" type: number format: float example: 50.00 discount: description: "The discount applied to the credit" type: number format: float example: 10.00 partial: description: "The partial amount applied to the credit" type: number format: float example: 20.00 is_amount_discount: description: "Indicates whether the discount applied is a fixed amount or a percentage" type: boolean example: true is_deleted: description: "Indicates whether the credit has been deleted" type: boolean example: false uses_inclusive_taxes: description: "Indicates whether the tax rates applied to the credit are inclusive or exclusive" type: boolean example: true date: description: "The date the credit was issued" type: string format: date example: "1994-07-30" last_sent_date: description: "The date the credit was last sent out" type: string format: date example: "1994-07-30" next_send_date: description: "The next scheduled date for sending a credit reminder" type: string format: date example: "1994-07-30" partial_due_date: description: "The due date for the partial amount of the credit" type: string format: date example: "1994-07-30" due_date: description: "The due date for the total amount of the credit" type: string format: date example: "1994-07-30" settings: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CompanySettings" last_viewed: description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was viewed" type: number format: integer example: 1434342123 updated_at: description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was updated" type: number format: integer example: 1434342123 archived_at: description: "The timestamp of the last time the credit was archived" type: number format: integer example: 1434342123 custom_surcharge1: description: "First custom surcharge amount" type: number format: float example: 10.00 custom_surcharge2: description: 'Second Custom Surcharge' type: number format: float example: '10.00' custom_surcharge3: description: 'Third Custom Surcharge' type: number format: float example: '10.00' custom_surcharge4: description: 'Fourth Custom Surcharge' type: number format: float example: '10.00' custom_surcharge_tax1: description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts' type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_tax2: description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts' type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_tax3: description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts' type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_tax4: description: 'Toggles charging taxes on custom surcharge amounts' type: boolean example: true type: object