getCompany()->company_key); return true; } public function rules() { return [ // ]; } /** * Resolve company gateway. * * @param mixed $id * @return null|\App\Models\CompanyGateway */ public function getCompanyGateway(): ?CompanyGateway { return CompanyGateway::findOrFail($this->decodePrimaryKey($this->company_gateway_id)); } /** * Resolve payment hash. * * @param string $hash * @return null|\App\Models\PaymentHash */ public function getPaymentHash(): ?PaymentHash { if ($this->query('hash')) { return PaymentHash::where('hash', $this->query('hash'))->firstOrFail(); } return null; } /** * Resolve possible payment in the request. * * @return null|\App\Models\Payment */ public function getPayment() { // For testing purposes we'll slow down the webhook processing by 2 seconds // to make sure webhook request doesn't came before our processing. if (app()->environment() !== 'production') { sleep(2); } // Some gateways, like Checkout, we can dynamically pass payment hash, // which we will resolve here and get payment information from it. if ($this->getPaymentHash()) { return $this->getPaymentHash()->payment; } // While for some gateways, we need to extract the payment source/reference from the webhook request. // Gateways like this: Stripe if ($this->has('api_version') && $this->has('type') && $this->has('data')) { $src = $this->data['object']['id']; return Payment::where('transaction_reference', $src)->firstOrFail(); } // If none of previously done logics is correct, we'll just display // not found page. abort(404); } /** * Resolve client from payment hash. * * @return null|\App\Models\Client */ public function getClient(): ?Client { $hash = $this->getPaymentHash(); return Client::find($hash->data->client_id)->firstOrFail(); } /** * Resolve company from company_key parameter. * * @return null|\App\Models\Company */ public function getCompany(): ?Company { return Company::where('company_key', $this->company_key)->firstOrFail(); } }