context['client'])) { $this->client = $this->context['client']; } if (isset($this->context['entity'])) { $this->entity = $this->context['entity']; } $this->document(); return $this; } /** * Initialize local dom document instance. Used for getting raw HTML out of template. * * @return $this */ public function document(): self { $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->validateOnParse = true; @$document->loadHTML($this->html()); $this->document = $document; $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($document); return $this; } /** * Get specific section HTML. * * @param string $section * @param bool $id * @return null|string */ public function getSectionHTML(string $section, $id = true): ?string { if ($id) { $element = $this->document->getElementById($section); } else { $elements = $this->document->getElementsByTagName($section); $element = $elements[0]; } $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $document->formatOutput = true; if ($element) { $document->appendChild( $document->importNode($element, true) ); return $document->saveHTML(); } return null; } /** * This method will help us decide either we show * one "tax rate" column in the table or 3 custom tax rates. * * Logic below will help us calculate that & inject the result in the * global state of the $context (design state). * * @return void */ public function processTaxColumns(): void { if (in_array('$', $this->context['product-table-columns'])) { $line_items = collect($this->entity->line_items); $tax1 = $line_items->where('tax_name1', '<>', '')->where('type_id', 1)->count(); $tax2 = $line_items->where('tax_name2', '<>', '')->where('type_id', 1)->count(); $tax3 = $line_items->where('tax_name3', '<>', '')->where('type_id', 1)->count(); $taxes = []; if ($tax1 > 0) { array_push($taxes, '$product.tax_rate1'); } if ($tax2 > 0) { array_push($taxes, '$product.tax_rate2'); } if ($tax3 > 0) { array_push($taxes, '$product.tax_rate3'); } $key = array_search('$', $this->context['product-table-columns'], true); if ($key) { array_splice($this->context['product-table-columns'], $key, 1, $taxes); } } } /** * Calculates the remaining colspans. * * @param int $taken * @return int */ public function calculateColspan(int $taken): int { $total = (int) count($this->context['product-table-columns']); return (int)$total - $taken; } /** * Return "true" or "false" based on null or empty check. * We need to return false as string because of HTML parsing. * * @param mixed $property * @return string */ public function toggleHiddenProperty($property): string { if (is_null($property)) { return 'false'; } if (empty($property)) { return 'false'; } return 'true'; } }