service->company->db); $this->setEntityType() ->setDateFormat() ->setPdfVariables() ->setDesign() ->setCurrencyForPdf() ->setLocale(); return $this; } /** * setLocale * * @return self */ private function setLocale(): self { App::forgetInstance('translator'); $t = app('translator'); App::setLocale($this->settings_object->locale()); $t->replace(Ninja::transformTranslations($this->settings)); $this->locale = $this->settings_object->locale(); return $this; } /** * setCurrency * * @return self */ private function setCurrencyForPdf(): self { $this->currency = $this->client ? $this->client->currency() : $this->vendor->currency(); $this->currency_entity = $this->client ? $this->client : $this->vendor; return $this; } /** * setPdfVariables * * @return self */ public function setPdfVariables(): self { $default = (array) CompanySettings::getEntityVariableDefaults(); // $variables = (array)$this->service->company->settings->pdf_variables; $variables = (array)$this->settings->pdf_variables; foreach ($default as $property => $value) { if (array_key_exists($property, $variables)) { continue; } $variables[$property] = $value; } $this->pdf_variables = $variables; return $this; } /** * setEntityType * * @return self */ private function setEntityType(): self { $entity_design_id = ''; if ($this->service->invitation instanceof InvoiceInvitation) { $this->entity = $this->service->invitation->invoice; $this->entity_string = 'invoice'; $this->client = $this->entity->client; $this->contact = $this->service->invitation->contact; $this->path = $this->client->invoice_filepath($this->service->invitation); $this->entity_design_id = 'invoice_design_id'; $this->settings = $this->client->getMergedSettings(); $this->settings_object = $this->client; $this->country = $this->client->country ?? $this->client->company->country(); } elseif ($this->service->invitation instanceof QuoteInvitation) { $this->entity = $this->service->invitation->quote; $this->entity_string = 'quote'; $this->client = $this->entity->client; $this->contact = $this->service->invitation->contact; $this->path = $this->client->quote_filepath($this->service->invitation); $this->entity_design_id = 'quote_design_id'; $this->settings = $this->client->getMergedSettings(); $this->settings_object = $this->client; $this->country = $this->client->country ?? $this->client->company->country(); } elseif ($this->service->invitation instanceof CreditInvitation) { $this->entity = $this->service->invitation->credit; $this->entity_string = 'credit'; $this->client = $this->entity->client; $this->contact = $this->service->invitation->contact; $this->path = $this->client->credit_filepath($this->service->invitation); $this->entity_design_id = 'credit_design_id'; $this->settings = $this->client->getMergedSettings(); $this->settings_object = $this->client; $this->country = $this->client->country ?? $this->client->company->country(); } elseif ($this->service->invitation instanceof RecurringInvoiceInvitation) { $this->entity = $this->service->invitation->recurring_invoice; $this->entity_string = 'recurring_invoice'; $this->client = $this->entity->client; $this->contact = $this->service->invitation->contact; $this->path = $this->client->recurring_invoice_filepath($this->service->invitation); $this->entity_design_id = 'invoice_design_id'; $this->settings = $this->client->getMergedSettings(); $this->settings_object = $this->client; $this->country = $this->client->country ?? $this->client->company->country(); } elseif ($this->service->invitation instanceof PurchaseOrderInvitation) { $this->entity = $this->service->invitation->purchase_order; $this->entity_string = 'purchase_order'; $this->vendor = $this->entity->vendor; $this->vendor_contact = $this->service->invitation->contact; $this->path = $this->vendor->purchase_order_filepath($this->service->invitation); $this->entity_design_id = 'purchase_order_design_id'; $this->settings = $this->vendor->company->settings; $this->settings_object = $this->vendor; $this->client = null; $this->country = $this->vendor->country ?? $this->vendor->company->country(); } else { throw new \Exception('Unable to resolve entity', 500); } $this->setTaxMap($this->entity->calc()->getTaxMap()); $this->setTotalTaxMap($this->entity->calc()->getTotalTaxMap()); $this->path = $this->path.$this->entity->numberFormatter().'.pdf'; return $this; } public function setTaxMap($map): self { $this->tax_map = $map; return $this; } public function setTotalTaxMap($map): self { $this->total_tax_map = $map; return $this; } public function setCurrency(Currency $currency): self { $this->currency = $currency; return $this; } public function setCountry(Country $country): self { $this->country = $country; return $this; } /** * setDesign * * @return self */ private function setDesign(): self { $design_id = $this->entity->design_id ?: $this->decodePrimaryKey($this->settings_object->getSetting($this->entity_design_id)); $this->design = Design::withTrashed()->find($design_id) ?? Design::withTrashed()->find(2); return $this; } /** * formatMoney * * @param float $value * @return string */ public function formatMoney($value): string { $value = floatval($value); $thousand = $this->currency->thousand_separator; $decimal = $this->currency->decimal_separator; $precision = $this->currency->precision; $code = $this->currency->code; $swapSymbol = $this->currency->swap_currency_symbol; if (isset($this->country->thousand_separator) && strlen($this->country->thousand_separator) >= 1) { $thousand = $this->country->thousand_separator; } if (isset($this->country->decimal_separator) && strlen($this->country->decimal_separator) >= 1) { $decimal = $this->country->decimal_separator; } if (isset($this->country->swap_currency_symbol) && strlen($this->country->swap_currency_symbol) >= 1) { $swapSymbol = $this->country->swap_currency_symbol; } $value = number_format($value, $precision, $decimal, $thousand); $symbol = $this->currency->symbol; if ($this->settings->show_currency_code === true && $this->currency->code == 'CHF') { return "{$code} {$value}"; } elseif ($this->settings->show_currency_code === true) { return "{$value} {$code}"; } elseif ($swapSymbol) { return "{$value} ".trim($symbol); } elseif ($this->settings->show_currency_code === false) { return "{$symbol}{$value}"; } else { $value = floatval($value); $thousand = $this->currency->thousand_separator; $decimal = $this->currency->decimal_separator; $precision = $this->currency->precision; return number_format($value, $precision, $decimal, $thousand); } } /** * Formats a given value based on the clients currency. * * @param float $value The number to be formatted * * @return string The formatted value */ public function formatValueNoTrailingZeroes($value): string { $value = floatval($value); $thousand = $this->currency->thousand_separator; $decimal = $this->currency->decimal_separator; /* Country settings override client settings */ if (isset($this->country->thousand_separator) && strlen($this->country->thousand_separator) >= 1) { $thousand = $this->country->thousand_separator; } if (isset($this->country->decimal_separator) && strlen($this->country->decimal_separator) >= 1) { $decimal = $this->country->decimal_separator; } $precision = 10; return rtrim(rtrim(number_format($value, $precision, $decimal, $thousand), '0'), $decimal); } /** * Formats a given value based on the clients currency AND country. * * @param float $value The number to be formatted * @return string The formatted value */ public function formatMoneyNoRounding($value): string { $_value = $value; $thousand = $this->currency->thousand_separator; $decimal = $this->currency->decimal_separator; $precision = $this->currency->precision; $code = $this->currency->code; $swapSymbol = $this->currency->swap_currency_symbol; /* Country settings override client settings */ if (isset($this->country->thousand_separator) && strlen($this->country->thousand_separator) >= 1) { $thousand = $this->country->thousand_separator; } if (isset($this->country->decimal_separator) && strlen($this->country->decimal_separator) >= 1) { $decimal = $this->country->decimal_separator; } if (isset($this->country->swap_currency_symbol) && strlen($this->country->swap_currency_symbol) >= 1) { $swapSymbol = $this->country->swap_currency_symbol; } /* 08-01-2022 allow increased precision for unit price*/ $v = rtrim(sprintf('%f', $value), '0'); $parts = explode('.', $v); /* 08-02-2023 special if block to render $0.5 to $0.50*/ if ($v < 1 && strlen($v) == 3) { $precision = 2; } elseif ($v < 1) { $precision = strlen($v) - strrpos($v, '.') - 1; } if (is_array($parts) && $parts[0] != 0) { $precision = 2; } //04-04-2023 if currency = JPY override precision to 0 if($this->currency->code == 'JPY') { $precision = 0; } $value = number_format($v, $precision, $decimal, $thousand); $symbol = $this->currency->symbol; if ($this->settings->show_currency_code === true && $this->currency->code == 'CHF') { return "{$code} {$value}"; } elseif ($this->settings->show_currency_code === true) { return "{$value} {$code}"; } elseif ($swapSymbol) { return "{$value} ".trim($symbol); } elseif ($this->settings->show_currency_code === false) { if ($_value < 0) { $value = substr($value, 1); $symbol = "-{$symbol}"; } return "{$symbol}{$value}"; } else { return $this->formatValue($value); } } /** * Formats a given value based on the clients currency. * * @param float $value The number to be formatted * * @return string The formatted value */ public function formatValue($value): string { $value = floatval($value); $thousand = $this->currency->thousand_separator; $decimal = $this->currency->decimal_separator; $precision = $this->currency->precision; return number_format($value, $precision, $decimal, $thousand); } /** * date_format * * @return self */ public function setDateFormat(): self { $date_formats = Cache::get('date_formats'); if (! $date_formats) { $this->buildCache(true); } $this->date_format = $date_formats->filter(function ($item) { return $item->id == $this->settings->date_format_id; })->first()->format; return $this; } }