setCurrentCompanyId($user->companies()->first()->account->default_company_id); } /** * Login via API. * * @param LoginRequest $request The request * @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException */ public function apiLogin(LoginRequest $request) { $this->forced_includes = ['company_users']; $this->validateLogin($request); if ($this->hasTooManyLoginAttempts($request)) { $this->fireLockoutEvent($request); return response() ->json(['message' => 'Too many login attempts, you are being throttled'], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } if ($this->attemptLogin($request)) { LightLogs::create(new LoginSuccess()) ->increment() ->batch(); $user = $this->guard()->user(); //2FA if ($user->google_2fa_secret && $request->has('one_time_password')) { $google2fa = new Google2FA(); if (strlen($request->input('one_time_password')) == 0 || !$google2fa->verifyKey(decrypt($user->google_2fa_secret), $request->input('one_time_password'))) { return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_one_time_password')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } } elseif ($user->google_2fa_secret && !$request->has('one_time_password')) { return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_one_time_password')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } /* If for some reason we lose state on the default company ie. a company is deleted - always make sure we can default to a company*/ if (!$user->account->default_company) { $account = $user->account; $account->default_company_id = $user->companies->first()->id; $account->save(); $user = $user->fresh(); } $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } /*On the hosted platform, only owners can login for free/pro accounts*/ if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !$user->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } event(new UserLoggedIn($user, $user->account->default_company, Ninja::eventVars($user->id))); return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } else { LightLogs::create(new LoginFailure()) ->increment() ->batch(); $this->incrementLoginAttempts($request); return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_credentials')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } } /** * Refreshes the data feed with the current Company User. * * @param Request $request * @return CompanyUser Refresh Feed. */ public function refresh(Request $request) { $truth = app()->make(TruthSource::class); if ($truth->getCompanyToken()) { $company_token = $truth->getCompanyToken(); } else { $company_token = CompanyToken::where('token', $request->header('X-API-TOKEN'))->first(); } $cu = CompanyUser::query() ->where('user_id', $company_token->user_id); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } $cu->first()->account->companies->each(function ($company) use ($cu, $request) { if ($company->tokens()->where('is_system', true)->count() == 0) { (new CreateCompanyToken($company, $cu->first()->user, $request->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT')))->handle(); } }); if ($request->has('current_company') && $request->input('current_company') == 'true') { $cu->where('company_id', $company_token->company_id); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !$cu->first()->user->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->refreshResponse($cu); } /** * A client side authentication has taken place. * We now digest the token and confirm authentication with * the authentication server, the correct user object * is returned to us here and we send back the correct * user object payload - or error. * * This can be extended to a create route also - need to pass a ?create query parameter and * then process the signup * * return User $user */ public function oauthApiLogin() { $message = 'Provider not supported'; if (request()->input('provider') == 'google') { return $this->handleGoogleOauth(); } elseif (request()->input('provider') == 'microsoft') { return $this->handleMicrosoftOauth(); } elseif (request()->input('provider') == 'apple') { if (request()->has('id_token')) { $token = request()->input('id_token'); return $this->handleSocialiteLogin('apple', $token); } else { $message = 'Token is missing for the apple login'; } } return response() ->json(['message' => $message], 400) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } private function getSocialiteUser(string $provider, string $token) { return Socialite::driver($provider)->userFromToken($token); } private function handleSocialiteLogin($provider, $token) { $user = $this->getSocialiteUser($provider, $token); if ($user) { return $this->loginOrCreateFromSocialite($user, $provider); } return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_credentials')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } private function loginOrCreateFromSocialite($user, $provider) { $query = [ 'oauth_user_id' => $user->id, 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, ]; if ($existing_user = MultiDB::hasUser($query)) { if (!$existing_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } Auth::login($existing_user, true); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !$existing_user->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } //If this is a result user/email combo - lets add their OAuth details details if ($existing_login_user = MultiDB::hasUser(['email' => $user->email])) { if (!$existing_login_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } Auth::login($existing_login_user, true); auth()->user()->update([ 'oauth_user_id' => $user->id, 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, ]); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !$existing_login_user->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } nlog("socialite"); nlog($user); $name = OAuth::splitName($user->name); if ($provider == 'apple') { $name[0] = request()->has('first_name') ? request()->input('first_name') : $name[0]; $name[1] = request()->has('last_name') ? request()->input('last_name') : $name[1]; } $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'password' => '', 'email' => $user->email, 'oauth_user_id' => $user->id, 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, ]; MultiDB::setDefaultDatabase(); $account = (new CreateAccount($new_account, request()->getClientIp()))->handle(); Auth::login($account->default_company->owner(), true); auth()->user()->email_verified_at = now(); auth()->user()->save(); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !auth()->user()->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } private function hydrateCompanyUser(): Builder { $cu = CompanyUser::query()->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return $cu; } if (CompanyUser::query()->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->where('company_id', auth()->user()->account->default_company_id)->exists()) { $set_company = auth()->user()->account->default_company; } else { $set_company = $cu->first()->company; } auth()->user()->setCompany($set_company); $this->setLoginCache(auth()->user()); $truth = app()->make(TruthSource::class); $truth->setCompanyUser($cu->first()); $truth->setUser(auth()->user()); $truth->setCompany($set_company); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return $cu; } if (auth()->user()->company_users()->count() != auth()->user()->tokens()->distinct('company_id')->count()) { auth()->user()->companies->each(function ($company) { if (!CompanyToken::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->where('company_id', $company->id)->where('is_system',true)->exists()) { (new CreateCompanyToken($company, auth()->user(), 'Google_O_Auth'))->handle(); } }); } $truth->setCompanyToken(CompanyToken::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->where('company_id', $set_company->id)->first()); return $cu; } private function handleMicrosoftOauth() { if (request()->has('accessToken')) { $accessToken = request()->input('accessToken'); } elseif (request()->has('access_token')) { $accessToken = request()->input('access_token'); } else { return response()->json(['message' => 'Invalid response from oauth server, no access token in response.'], 400); } $graph = new \Microsoft\Graph\Graph(); $graph->setAccessToken($accessToken); $user = $graph->createRequest('GET', '/me') ->setReturnType(Model\User::class) ->execute(); if ($user) { $account = request()->input('account'); $email = $user->getMail() ?: $user->getUserPrincipalName(); $query = [ 'oauth_user_id' => $user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => 'microsoft', ]; if ($existing_user = MultiDB::hasUser($query)) { if (!$existing_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } return $this->existingOauthUser($existing_user); } //If this is a result user/email combo - lets add their OAuth details details if ($existing_login_user = MultiDB::hasUser(['email' => $email])) { if (!$existing_login_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } Auth::login($existing_login_user, true); return $this->existingLoginUser($user->getId(), 'microsoft'); } // Signup! if (request()->has('create') && request()->input('create') == 'true') { $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $user->getGivenName() ?: '', 'last_name' => $user->getSurname() ?: '', 'password' => '', 'email' => $email, 'oauth_user_id' => $user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => 'microsoft', ]; return $this->createNewAccount($new_account); } return response()->json(['message' => 'User not found. If you believe this is an error, please send an email to'], 400); } return response()->json(['message' => 'Unable to authenticate this user'], 400); } private function existingOauthUser($existing_user) { Auth::login($existing_user, true); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !$existing_user->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } private function existingLoginUser($oauth_user_id, $provider) { auth()->user()->update([ 'oauth_user_id' => $oauth_user_id, 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, ]); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !auth()->user()->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } private function handleGoogleOauth() { $user = false; $google = new Google(); if (request()->has('id_token')) { $user = $google->getTokenResponse(request()->input('id_token')); } else { return response()->json(['message' => 'Illegal request'], 403); } if (is_array($user)) { $query = [ 'oauth_user_id' => $google->harvestSubField($user), 'oauth_provider_id' => 'google', ]; if ($existing_user = MultiDB::hasUser($query)) { if (!$existing_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } return $this->existingOauthUser($existing_user); } //If this is a result user/email combo - lets add their OAuth details details if ($existing_login_user = MultiDB::hasUser(['email' => $google->harvestEmail($user)])) { if (!$existing_login_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } Auth::login($existing_login_user, true); return $this->existingLoginUser($google->harvestSubField($user), 'google'); } } if ($user) { //check the user doesn't already exist in some form if ($existing_login_user = MultiDB::hasUser(['email' => $google->harvestEmail($user)])) { if (!$existing_login_user->account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User exists, but not attached to any companies! Orphaned user!'], 400); } Auth::login($existing_login_user, true); return $this->existingLoginUser($google->harvestSubField($user), 'google'); } if (request()->has('create') && request()->input('create') == 'true') { //user not found anywhere - lets sign them up. $name = OAuth::splitName($google->harvestName($user)); $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'password' => '', 'email' => $google->harvestEmail($user), 'oauth_user_id' => $google->harvestSubField($user), 'oauth_provider_id' => 'google', ]; return $this->createNewAccount($new_account); } return response()->json(['message' => 'User not found. If you believe this is an error, please send an email to'], 400); } return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_credentials')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.minimum_client_version')); } private function createNewAccount($new_account) { MultiDB::setDefaultDatabase(); $account = (new CreateAccount($new_account, request()->getClientIp()))->handle(); if (!$account instanceof Account) { return $account; } Auth::login($account->default_company->owner(), true); auth()->user()->email_verified_at = now(); auth()->user()->save(); $cu = $this->hydrateCompanyUser(); if ($cu->count() == 0) { return response()->json(['message' => 'User found, but not attached to any companies, please see your administrator'], 400); } if (Ninja::isHosted() && !$cu->first()->is_owner && !auth()->user()->account->isEnterpriseClient()) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Pro / Free accounts only the owner can log in. Please upgrade'], 403); } return $this->timeConstrainedResponse($cu); } public function redirectToProvider(string $provider) { $scopes = []; $parameters = []; if ($provider == 'google') { $scopes = ['', 'email', 'profile', 'openid']; $parameters = ['access_type' => 'offline', 'prompt' => 'consent select_account', 'redirect_uri' => config('ninja.app_url') . '/auth/google']; } if ($provider == 'microsoft') { $scopes = ['email', 'Mail.Send', 'offline_access', 'profile', 'User.Read openid']; $parameters = ['response_type' => 'code', 'redirect_uri' => config('ninja.app_url') . "/auth/microsoft"]; } if (request()->has('code')) { return $this->handleProviderCallback($provider); } else { if (!in_array($provider, ['google', 'microsoft'])) { return abort(400, 'Invalid provider'); } return Socialite::driver($provider)->with($parameters)->scopes($scopes)->redirect(); } } public function handleProviderCallback(string $provider) { if ($provider == 'microsoft') { return $this->handleMicrosoftProviderCallback(); } $socialite_user = Socialite::driver($provider)->user(); $oauth_user_token = ''; if ($socialite_user->refreshToken) { $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setClientId(config('')); $client->setClientSecret(config('')); $client->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($socialite_user->refreshToken); $oauth_user_token = $client->getAccessToken(); } if ($user = OAuth::handleAuth($socialite_user, $provider)) { nlog('found user and updating their user record'); $name = OAuth::splitName($socialite_user->getName()); $update_user = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'email' => $socialite_user->getEmail(), 'oauth_user_id' => $socialite_user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, 'oauth_user_token' => $oauth_user_token, 'oauth_user_refresh_token' => $socialite_user->refreshToken, ]; $user->update($update_user); } else { nlog('user not found for oauth'); } return redirect('/#/'); } public function handleMicrosoftProviderCallback($provider = 'microsoft') { $socialite_user = Socialite::driver($provider)->user(); $oauth_user_token = $socialite_user->accessTokenResponseBody['access_token']; $oauth_expiry = now()->addSeconds($socialite_user->accessTokenResponseBody['expires_in']) ?: now()->addSeconds(300); if ($user = OAuth::handleAuth($socialite_user, $provider)) { nlog('found user and updating their user record'); $name = OAuth::splitName($socialite_user->getName()); $update_user = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'email' => $socialite_user->getEmail(), 'oauth_user_id' => $socialite_user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider, 'oauth_user_token' => $oauth_user_token, 'oauth_user_refresh_token' => $socialite_user->accessTokenResponseBody['refresh_token'], 'oauth_user_token_expiry' => $oauth_expiry, ]; $user->update($update_user); } else { nlog('user not found for oauth'); } return redirect('/#/'); } }