mailer = $mailer; $this->accountRepo = $repo; $this->paymentService = $paymentService; } public function handle() { $this->info(date('r').' ChargeRenewalInvoices...'); if ($database = $this->option('database')) { config(['database.default' => $database]); } $ninjaAccount = $this->accountRepo->getNinjaAccount(); $invoices = Invoice::whereAccountId($ninjaAccount->id) ->whereDueDate(date('Y-m-d')) ->where('balance', '>', 0) ->with('client') ->orderBy('id') ->get(); $this->info($invoices->count() . ' invoices found'); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { // check if account has switched to free since the invoice was created $account = Account::find($invoice->client->public_id); if (! $account) { continue; } $company = $account->company; if (! $company->plan || $company->plan == PLAN_FREE) { continue; } if (Carbon::parse($company->plan_expires)->isFuture()) { $this->info('Skipping invoice ' . $invoice->invoice_number . ' [plan not expired]'); continue; } $this->info("Charging invoice {$invoice->invoice_number}"); if (! $this->paymentService->autoBillInvoice($invoice)) { $this->info('Failed to auto-bill, emailing invoice'); $this->mailer->sendInvoice($invoice); } } $this->info('Done'); if ($errorEmail = env('ERROR_EMAIL')) { \Mail::raw('EOM', function ($message) use ($errorEmail) { $message->to($errorEmail) ->from(CONTACT_EMAIL) ->subject('ChargeRenewalInvoices: Finished successfully'); }); } } /** * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return []; } /** * @return array */ protected function getOptions() { return [ ['database', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Database', null], ]; } }