driver_class = $driver_class; } public function authorizeView($data) { } public function authorizeRequest($request) { } public function paymentView($data) { } public function processPaymentResponse($request) { } /* This method is stubbed ready to go - you just need to harvest the equivalent 'transaction_reference' */ private function processSuccessfulPayment($response) { $amount = array_sum(array_column($this->driver_class->payment_hash->invoices(), 'amount')) + $this->driver_class->payment_hash->fee_total; $payment_record = []; $payment_record['amount'] = $amount; $payment_record['payment_type'] = PaymentType::CREDIT_CARD_OTHER; $payment_record['gateway_type_id'] = GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD; // $payment_record['transaction_reference'] = $response->transaction_id; $payment = $this->driver_class->createPayment($payment_record, Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED); return redirect()->route('', ['payment' => $this->encodePrimaryKey($payment->id)]); } private function processUnsuccessfulPayment($response) { /*Harvest your own errors here*/ // $error = $response->status_message; // if(property_exists($response, 'approval_message') && $response->approval_message) // $error .= " - {$response->approval_message}"; // $error_code = property_exists($response, 'approval_message') ? $response->approval_message : 'Undefined code'; $data = [ 'response' => $response, 'error' => $error, 'error_code' => $error_code, ]; return $this->driver_class->processUnsuccessfulTransaction($data); } /* Helpers */ /* You will need some helpers to handle successful and unsuccessful responses Some considerations after a succesful transaction include: Logging of events: success +/- failure Recording a payment Notifications */ }