account->isPro()) { $account = Account::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->account->id) ->with(['clients.invoices.invoice_items', 'clients.contacts']) ->first(); $account = $account->hideFieldsForViz(); $clients = $account->clients->toJson(); } elseif (file_exists($fileName)) { $clients = file_get_contents($fileName); $message = trans('texts.sample_data'); } else { $clients = '[]'; } $data = [ 'feature' => ACCOUNT_DATA_VISUALIZATIONS, 'clients' => $clients, 'message' => $message, ]; return View::make('reports.d3', $data); } public function showReports() { $action = Input::get('action'); if (Input::all()) { $groupBy = Input::get('group_by'); $chartType = Input::get('chart_type'); $reportType = Input::get('report_type'); $startDate = Utils::toSqlDate(Input::get('start_date'), false); $endDate = Utils::toSqlDate(Input::get('end_date'), false); $enableReport = Input::get('enable_report') ? true : false; $enableChart = Input::get('enable_chart') ? true : false; } else { $groupBy = 'MONTH'; $chartType = 'Bar'; $reportType = ''; $startDate = Utils::today(false)->modify('-3 month'); $endDate = Utils::today(false); $enableReport = true; $enableChart = true; } $datasets = []; $labels = []; $maxTotals = 0; $width = 10; $displayData = []; $exportData = []; $reportTotals = [ 'amount' => [], 'balance' => [], 'paid' => [] ]; if ($reportType) { $columns = ['client', 'amount', 'paid', 'balance']; } else { $columns = ['client', 'invoice_number', 'invoice_date', 'amount', 'paid', 'balance']; } if (Auth::user()->account->isPro()) { if ($enableReport) { $query = DB::table('invoices') ->join('clients', '', '=', 'invoices.client_id') ->join('contacts', 'contacts.client_id', '=', '') ->where('invoices.account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where('invoices.is_deleted', '=', false) ->where('clients.is_deleted', '=', false) ->where('contacts.deleted_at', '=', null) ->where('invoices.invoice_date', '>=', $startDate->format('Y-m-d')) ->where('invoices.invoice_date', '<=', $endDate->format('Y-m-d')) ->where('invoices.is_quote', '=', false) ->where('invoices.is_recurring', '=', false) ->where('contacts.is_primary', '=', true); $select = ['clients.currency_id', 'contacts.first_name', 'contacts.last_name', '', ' as client_name', 'clients.public_id as client_public_id', 'invoices.public_id as invoice_public_id']; if ($reportType) { $query->groupBy(''); array_push($select, DB::raw('sum(invoices.amount) amount'), DB::raw('sum(invoices.balance) balance'), DB::raw('sum(invoices.amount - invoices.balance) paid')); } else { array_push($select, 'invoices.invoice_number', 'invoices.amount', 'invoices.balance', 'invoices.invoice_date', DB::raw('(invoices.amount - invoices.balance) paid')); $query->orderBy(''); } $query->select($select); $data = $query->get(); foreach ($data as $record) { // web display data $displayRow = [link_to('/clients/'.$record->client_public_id, Utils::getClientDisplayName($record))]; if (!$reportType) { array_push($displayRow, link_to('/invoices/'.$record->invoice_public_id, $record->invoice_number), Utils::fromSqlDate($record->invoice_date, true) ); } array_push($displayRow, Utils::formatMoney($record->amount, $record->currency_id), Utils::formatMoney($record->paid, $record->currency_id), Utils::formatMoney($record->balance, $record->currency_id) ); // export data $exportRow = [trans('texts.client') => Utils::getClientDisplayName($record)]; if (!$reportType) { $exportRow[trans('texts.invoice_number')] = $record->invoice_number; $exportRow[trans('texts.invoice_date')] = Utils::fromSqlDate($record->invoice_date, true); } $exportRow[trans('texts.amount')] = Utils::formatMoney($record->amount, $record->currency_id); $exportRow[trans('texts.paid')] = Utils::formatMoney($record->paid, $record->currency_id); $exportRow[trans('texts.balance')] = Utils::formatMoney($record->balance, $record->currency_id); $displayData[] = $displayRow; $exportData[] = $exportRow; $accountCurrencyId = Auth::user()->account->currency_id; $currencyId = $record->currency_id ? $record->currency_id : ($accountCurrencyId ? $accountCurrencyId : DEFAULT_CURRENCY); if (!isset($reportTotals['amount'][$currencyId])) { $reportTotals['amount'][$currencyId] = 0; $reportTotals['balance'][$currencyId] = 0; $reportTotals['paid'][$currencyId] = 0; } $reportTotals['amount'][$currencyId] += $record->amount; $reportTotals['paid'][$currencyId] += $record->paid; $reportTotals['balance'][$currencyId] += $record->balance; } if ($action == 'export') { self::export($exportData, $reportTotals); } } if ($enableChart) { foreach ([ENTITY_INVOICE, ENTITY_PAYMENT, ENTITY_CREDIT] as $entityType) { // SQLite does not support the YEAR(), MONTH(), WEEK() and similar functions. // Let's see if SQLite is being used. if (Config::get('database.connections.'.Config::get('database.default').'.driver') == 'sqlite') { // Replace the unsupported function with it's date format counterpart switch ($groupBy) { case 'MONTH': $dateFormat = '%m'; // returns 01-12 break; case 'WEEK': $dateFormat = '%W'; // returns 00-53 break; case 'DAYOFYEAR': $dateFormat = '%j'; // returns 001-366 break; default: $dateFormat = '%m'; // MONTH by default break; } // Concatenate the year and the chosen timeframe (Month, Week or Day) $timeframe = 'strftime("%Y", '.$entityType.'_date) || strftime("'.$dateFormat.'", '.$entityType.'_date)'; } else { // Supported by Laravel's other DBMS drivers (MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL) $timeframe = 'concat(YEAR('.$entityType.'_date), '.$groupBy.'('.$entityType.'_date))'; } $records = DB::table($entityType.'s') ->select(DB::raw('sum(amount) as total, '.$timeframe.' as '.$groupBy)) ->where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where($entityType.'s.is_deleted', '=', false) ->where($entityType.'s.'.$entityType.'_date', '>=', $startDate->format('Y-m-d')) ->where($entityType.'s.'.$entityType.'_date', '<=', $endDate->format('Y-m-d')) ->groupBy($groupBy); if ($entityType == ENTITY_INVOICE) { $records->where('is_quote', '=', false) ->where('is_recurring', '=', false); } $totals = $records->lists('total'); $dates = $records->lists($groupBy); $data = array_combine($dates, $totals); $padding = $groupBy == 'DAYOFYEAR' ? 'day' : ($groupBy == 'WEEK' ? 'week' : 'month'); $endDate->modify('+1 '.$padding); $interval = new DateInterval('P1'.substr($groupBy, 0, 1)); $period = new DatePeriod($startDate, $interval, $endDate); $endDate->modify('-1 '.$padding); $totals = []; foreach ($period as $d) { $dateFormat = $groupBy == 'DAYOFYEAR' ? 'z' : ($groupBy == 'WEEK' ? 'W' : 'n'); $date = $d->format('Y'.$dateFormat); $totals[] = isset($data[$date]) ? $data[$date] : 0; if ($entityType == ENTITY_INVOICE) { $labelFormat = $groupBy == 'DAYOFYEAR' ? 'j' : ($groupBy == 'WEEK' ? 'W' : 'F'); $label = $d->format($labelFormat); $labels[] = $label; } } $max = max($totals); if ($max > 0) { $datasets[] = [ 'totals' => $totals, 'colors' => $entityType == ENTITY_INVOICE ? '78,205,196' : ($entityType == ENTITY_CREDIT ? '199,244,100' : '255,107,107'), ]; $maxTotals = max($max, $maxTotals); } } $width = (ceil($maxTotals / 100) * 100) / 10; $width = max($width, 10); } } $dateTypes = [ 'DAYOFYEAR' => 'Daily', 'WEEK' => 'Weekly', 'MONTH' => 'Monthly', ]; $chartTypes = [ 'Bar' => 'Bar', 'Line' => 'Line', ]; $reportTypes = [ '' => '', 'Client' => trans('texts.client') ]; $params = [ 'labels' => $labels, 'datasets' => $datasets, 'scaleStepWidth' => $width, 'dateTypes' => $dateTypes, 'chartTypes' => $chartTypes, 'chartType' => $chartType, 'startDate' => $startDate->format(Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT)), 'endDate' => $endDate->format(Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT)), 'groupBy' => $groupBy, 'feature' => ACCOUNT_CHART_BUILDER, 'displayData' => $displayData, 'columns' => $columns, 'reportTotals' => $reportTotals, 'reportTypes' => $reportTypes, 'reportType' => $reportType, 'enableChart' => $enableChart, 'enableReport' => $enableReport, 'title' => trans('texts.charts_and_reports'), ]; return View::make('reports.chart_builder', $params); } private function export($data, $totals) { $output = fopen('php://output', 'w') or Utils::fatalError(); header('Content-Type:application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=ninja-report.csv'); Utils::exportData($output, $data); foreach (['amount', 'paid', 'balance'] as $type) { $csv = trans("texts.{$type}") . ','; foreach ($totals[$type] as $currencyId => $amount) { $csv .= Utils::formatMoney($amount, $currencyId) . ','; } fwrite($output, $csv . "\n"); } fclose($output); exit; } }