Sublime's custom image

# Invoice Ninja ### []( [![Join the chat at](]( ### Referral Program * $100 per signup paid over 3 years - [Learn more]( ### Reseller Program There are two options: * 10% of revenue * $1,000 for a site limited to 1,000 accounts ### Installation Options * [Self-Host Zip]( - Free * [Docker File]( - Free * [Bitnami]( - Free * [Softaculous]( - $30 ### Requirements * PHP >= 5.4.0 * MCrypt PHP Extension * MySQL ### Features * Built using Laravel 5 * Live PDF generation using [pdfmake]( * Integrates with 50+ payment providers with [OmniPay]( * Recurring invoices with auto-billing * Tasks with time-tracking * Multi-user/multi-company support * Tax rates and payment terms * Reminder emails * Partial payments * Client portal * Custom email templates * [Zapier]( integration * [D3.js]( visualizations ### Recommended Providers * [Stripe]( * [Postmark]( ### Documentation * [Ubuntu and Apache]( * [Debian and Nginx]( * [User Guide]( * [Developer Guide]( * [API Documentation]( * [Support Forum]( * [Feature Roadmap]( ### Contributors * [Troels Liebe Bentsen]( * [Jeramy Simpson]( - [MyWork]( * [Sigitas Limontas]( ### Frameworks/Libraries * [laravel/laravel]( - A PHP Framework For Web Artisans * [twbs/bootstrap]( - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. * [jquery/jquery]( - jQuery JavaScript Library * [jquery/jquery-ui]( - The official jQuery user interface library * [patricktalmadge/bootstrapper]( - Laravel Twitter Bootstrap Bundle * [danielfarrell/bootstrap-combobox]( - A combobox plugin * [eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker]( - A datepicker for @twitter bootstrap * [knockout/knockout]( - Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript * [rniemeyer/knockout-sortable]( - A Knockout.js binding to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI sortable functionality * [bpampuch/pdfmake]( - Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript * [FortAwesome/Font-Awesome]( - The iconic font designed for Bootstrap that works with twitter bootstrap * [Anahkiasen/former]( - A powerful form builder, for Laravel and other frameworks (stand-alone too) * [barryvdh/laravel-debugbar]( - Laravel debugbar * [DataTables/DataTables]( - Tables plug-in for jQuery * [Chumper/Datatable]( - This is a laravel 4 package for the server and client side of datatables * [omnipay/omnipay]( - A framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.3+ * [Intervention/image]( - PHP Image Manipulation * [webpatser/laravel-countries]( - Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries * [briannesbitt/Carbon]( - A simple API extension for DateTime with PHP 5.3+ * [thomaspark/bootswatch]( - Themes for Bootstrap * [mozilla/pdf.js]( - PDF Reader in JavaScript * [nnnick/Chart.js]( - Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag * [josscrowcroft/accounting.js]( - A lightweight JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting * [jashkenas/underscore]( - JavaScript's utility _ belt * [caouecs/Laravel4-long]( - List of languages ​​for Laravel4 * [bgrins/spectrum]( - The No Hassle JavaScript Colorpicker * [lokesh/lightbox2]( - The original lightbox script * [josdejong/jsoneditor]( - A web-based tool to view, edit and format JSON * [simshaun/recurr]( - PHP library for working with recurrence rules * [quilljs/quill]( - A cross browser rich text editor with an API * [Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel]( - An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV files for Laravel * [thephpleague/fractal]( - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures