mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-09-20 00:11:35 +02:00
2016-07-21 20:21:27 +03:00

829 lines
29 KiB

var NINJA = NINJA || {};
CLEAN: "1",
MODERN: "3",
function GetPdfMake(invoice, javascript, callback) {
javascript = NINJA.decodeJavascript(invoice, javascript);
function jsonCallBack(key, val) {
// handle custom functions
if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (val.indexOf('$firstAndLast') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return function (i, node) {
return (i === 0 || i === node.table.body.length) ? parseFloat(parts[1]) : 0;
} else if (val.indexOf('$none') === 0) {
return function (i, node) {
return 0;
} else if (val.indexOf('$notFirstAndLastColumn') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return function (i, node) {
return (i === 0 || i === node.table.widths.length) ? 0 : parseFloat(parts[1]);
} else if (val.indexOf('$notFirst') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return function (i, node) {
return i === 0 ? 0 : parseFloat(parts[1]);
} else if (val.indexOf('$amount') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return function (i, node) {
return parseFloat(parts[1]);
} else if (val.indexOf('$primaryColor') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return NINJA.primaryColor || parts[1];
} else if (val.indexOf('$secondaryColor') === 0) {
var parts = val.split(':');
return NINJA.secondaryColor || parts[1];
// determine whether or not to show the header/footer
if (invoice.features.customize_invoice_design) {
if (key === 'header') {
return function(page, pages) {
return page === 1 || invoice.account.all_pages_header == '1' ? val : '';
} else if (key === 'footer') {
return function(page, pages) {
return page === pages || invoice.account.all_pages_footer == '1' ? val : '';
// check for markdown
if (key === 'text') {
val = NINJA.parseMarkdownText(val, true);
if (key === 'stack') {
val = NINJA.parseMarkdownStack(val);
val = NINJA.parseMarkdownText(val, false);
return val;
// Add ninja logo to the footer
var dd = JSON.parse(javascript, jsonCallBack);
var designId = invoice.invoice_design_id;
if (!invoice.features.remove_created_by && ! isEdge) {
var footer = (typeof dd.footer === 'function') ? dd.footer() : dd.footer;
if (footer) {
if (footer.hasOwnProperty('columns')) {
footer.columns.push({image: logoImages.imageLogo1, alignment: 'right', width: 130, margin: [0, 0, 0, 0]})
} else {
var foundColumns;
for (var i=0; i<footer.length; i++) {
var item = footer[i];
if (item.hasOwnProperty('columns')) {
foundColumns = true;
var columns = item.columns;
if (columns[0].hasOwnProperty('stack')) {
columns[0].stack.push({image: logoImages.imageLogo3, alignment: 'left', width: 130, margin: [40, 6, 0, 0]});
} else {
columns.push({image: logoImages.imageLogo1, alignment: 'right', width: 130, margin: [0, -20, 20, 0]})
if (!foundColumns) {
footer.push({image: logoImages.imageLogo1, alignment: 'right', width: 130, margin: [0, 0, 10, 10]})
// set page size
dd.pageSize = invoice.account.page_size;
pdfMake.fonts = {}
fonts = window.invoiceFonts || invoice.invoice_fonts;
// Add only the loaded fonts
$.each(fonts, function(i,font){
function addFont(font){
folder = 'fonts/'+font.folder;
pdfMake.fonts[font.name] = {
normal: folder+'/'+font.normal,
italics: folder+'/'+font.italics,
bold: folder+'/'+font.bold,
bolditalics: folder+'/'+font.bolditalics
if(!dd.defaultStyle)dd.defaultStyle = {font:NINJA.bodyFont};
else if(!dd.defaultStyle.font)dd.defaultStyle.font = NINJA.bodyFont;
doc = pdfMake.createPdf(dd);
doc.save = function(fileName) {
return doc;
NINJA.decodeJavascript = function(invoice, javascript)
var account = invoice.account;
// search/replace variables
var json = {
'accountName': account.name || ' ',
'accountLogo': ( ! isEdge && window.accountLogo) ? window.accountLogo : blankImage,
'accountDetails': NINJA.accountDetails(invoice),
'accountAddress': NINJA.accountAddress(invoice),
'invoiceDetails': NINJA.invoiceDetails(invoice),
'invoiceDetailsHeight': (NINJA.invoiceDetails(invoice).length * 16) + 16,
'invoiceLineItems': NINJA.invoiceLines(invoice),
'invoiceLineItemColumns': NINJA.invoiceColumns(invoice),
'invoiceDocuments' : isEdge ? [] : NINJA.invoiceDocuments(invoice),
'quantityWidth': NINJA.quantityWidth(invoice),
'taxWidth': NINJA.taxWidth(invoice),
'clientDetails': NINJA.clientDetails(invoice),
'notesAndTerms': NINJA.notesAndTerms(invoice),
'subtotals': NINJA.subtotals(invoice),
'subtotalsHeight': (NINJA.subtotals(invoice).length * 16) + 16,
'subtotalsWithoutBalance': NINJA.subtotals(invoice, true),
'subtotalsBalance': NINJA.subtotalsBalance(invoice),
'balanceDue': formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice),
'invoiceFooter': NINJA.invoiceFooter(invoice),
'invoiceNumber': invoice.invoice_number || ' ',
'entityType': invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote : invoiceLabels.invoice,
'entityTypeUC': (invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote : invoiceLabels.invoice).toUpperCase(),
'fontSize': NINJA.fontSize,
'fontSizeLarger': NINJA.fontSize + 1,
'fontSizeLargest': NINJA.fontSize + 2,
'fontSizeSmaller': NINJA.fontSize - 1,
'bodyFont': NINJA.bodyFont,
'headerFont': NINJA.headerFont,
for (var key in json) {
// remove trailing commas for these fields
if (['quantityWidth', 'taxWidth'].indexOf(key) >= 0) {
var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$'+key+'",', 'g');
val = json[key];
} else {
var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$'+key+'"', 'g');
var val = JSON.stringify(json[key]);
val = doubleDollarSign(val);
javascript = javascript.replace(regExp, val);
// search/replace labels
var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$\\\w*?Label(UC)?(:)?(\\\?)?"', 'g');
var matches = javascript.match(regExp);
if (matches) {
for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
var match = matches[i];
field = match.substring(2, match.indexOf('Label'));
field = toSnakeCase(field);
var value = getDescendantProp(invoice, field);
if (match.indexOf('?') < 0 || value) {
if (invoice.partial > 0 && field == 'balance_due') {
field = 'partial_due';
} else if (invoice.is_quote) {
field = field.replace('invoice', 'quote');
var label = invoiceLabels[field];
if (match.indexOf('UC') >= 0) {
label = label.toUpperCase();
if (match.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
label = label + ':';
} else {
label = ' ';
javascript = javascript.replace(match, '"'+label+'"');
// search/replace values
var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$[a-z][\\\w\\\.]*?[Value]?"', 'g');
var matches = javascript.match(regExp);
if (matches) {
for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
var match = matches[i];
// reserved words
if (['"$none"', '"$firstAndLast"', '"$notFirstAndLastColumn"', '"$notFirst"', '"$amount"', '"$primaryColor"', '"$secondaryColor"'].indexOf(match) >= 0) {
// legacy style had 'Value' at the end
if (endsWith(match, 'Value"')) {
field = match.substring(2, match.indexOf('Value'));
} else {
field = match.substring(2, match.length - 1);
field = toSnakeCase(field);
var value = getDescendantProp(invoice, field) || ' ';
value = doubleDollarSign(value);
javascript = javascript.replace(match, '"'+value+'"');
return javascript;
NINJA.notesAndTerms = function(invoice)
var data = [];
if (invoice.public_notes) {
data.push({stack:[{text: invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.public_notes) : invoice.public_notes, style: ['notes']}]});
data.push({text:' '});
if (invoice.terms) {
data.push({text:invoiceLabels.terms, style: ['termsLabel']});
data.push({stack:[{text: invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.terms) : invoice.terms, style: ['terms']}]});
return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'notesAndTerms');
NINJA.invoiceColumns = function(invoice)
var account = invoice.account;
var columns = [];
if (invoice.has_product_key) {
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.custom_invoice_item_label1) {
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.custom_invoice_item_label2) {
var count = 3;
if (account.hide_quantity == '1') {
count -= 2;
if (account.show_item_taxes == '1') {
for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
return columns;
NINJA.invoiceFooter = function(invoice)
var footer = invoice.invoice_footer;
if (invoice.is_recurring) {
footer = processVariables(footer);
if (!invoice.features.invoice_settings && invoice.invoice_design_id == 3) {
return footer ? footer.substring(0, 200) : ' ';
} else {
return footer || ' ';
NINJA.quantityWidth = function(invoice)
return invoice.account.hide_quantity == '1' ? '' : '"14%", ';
NINJA.taxWidth = function(invoice)
return invoice.account.show_item_taxes == '1' ? '"14%", ' : '';
NINJA.invoiceLines = function(invoice) {
var account = invoice.account;
var total = 0;
var shownItem = false;
var hideQuantity = invoice.account.hide_quantity == '1';
var showItemTaxes = invoice.account.show_item_taxes == '1';
var grid = [[]];
if (invoice.has_product_key) {
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.item, style: ['tableHeader', 'itemTableHeader']});
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.description, style: ['tableHeader', 'descriptionTableHeader']});
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.custom_invoice_item_label1) {
grid[0].push({text: account.custom_invoice_item_label1, style: ['tableHeader', 'custom1TableHeader']});
if (invoice.features.invoice_ettings && account.custom_invoice_item_label2) {
grid[0].push({text: account.custom_invoice_item_label2, style: ['tableHeader', 'custom2TableHeader']});
if (!hideQuantity) {
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.unit_cost, style: ['tableHeader', 'costTableHeader']});
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.quantity, style: ['tableHeader', 'qtyTableHeader']});
if (showItemTaxes) {
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.tax, style: ['tableHeader', 'taxTableHeader']});
grid[0].push({text: invoiceLabels.line_total, style: ['tableHeader', 'lineTotalTableHeader']});
for (var i = 0; i < invoice.invoice_items.length; i++) {
var row = [];
var item = invoice.invoice_items[i];
var cost = formatMoneyInvoice(item.cost, invoice, true);
var qty = NINJA.parseFloat(item.qty) ? roundToTwo(NINJA.parseFloat(item.qty)) + '' : '';
var notes = item.notes;
var productKey = item.product_key;
var tax1 = '';
var tax2 = '';
var custom_value1 = item.custom_value1;
var custom_value2 = item.custom_value2;
if (showItemTaxes) {
if (item.tax_name1) {
tax1 = parseFloat(item.tax_rate1);
if (item.tax_name2) {
tax2 = parseFloat(item.tax_rate2);
// show at most one blank line
if (shownItem && !notes && !productKey && (!cost || cost == '0' || cost == '0.00' || cost == '0,00')) {
shownItem = true;
// process date variables
if (invoice.is_recurring) {
notes = processVariables(notes);
productKey = processVariables(productKey);
custom_value1 = processVariables(item.custom_value1);
custom_value2 = processVariables(item.custom_value2);
var lineTotal = roundToTwo(NINJA.parseFloat(item.cost)) * roundToTwo(NINJA.parseFloat(item.qty));
lineTotal = formatMoneyInvoice(lineTotal, invoice);
rowStyle = (i % 2 == 0) ? 'odd' : 'even';
if (invoice.has_product_key) {
row.push({style:["productKey", rowStyle], text:productKey || ' '}); // product key can be blank when selecting from a datalist
row.push({style:["notes", rowStyle], stack:[{text:notes || ' '}]});
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.custom_invoice_item_label1) {
row.push({style:["customValue1", rowStyle], text:custom_value1 || ' '});
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.custom_invoice_item_label2) {
row.push({style:["customValue2", rowStyle], text:custom_value2 || ' '});
if (!hideQuantity) {
row.push({style:["cost", rowStyle], text:cost});
row.push({style:["quantity", rowStyle], text:qty || ' '});
if (showItemTaxes) {
var str = ' ';
if (item.tax_name1) {
str += tax1.toString() + '%';
if (item.tax_name2) {
if (item.tax_name1) {
str += ' ';
str += tax2.toString() + '%';
row.push({style:["tax", rowStyle], text:str});
row.push({style:["lineTotal", rowStyle], text:lineTotal || ' '});
return NINJA.prepareDataTable(grid, 'invoiceItems');
NINJA.invoiceDocuments = function(invoice) {
var stack = [];
var stackItem = null;
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < invoice.documents.length; i++)addDoc(invoice.documents[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < invoice.expenses.length; i++) {
var expense = invoice.expenses[i];
for (var j = 0; j < expense.documents.length; j++)addDoc(expense.documents[j]);
function addDoc(document){
var path = document.base64;
if(!path)path = 'docs/'+document.public_id+'/'+document.name;
if(path && (window.pdfMake.vfs[path] || document.base64)){
// Only embed if we actually have an image for it
stackItem = {columns:[]};
stackItem.columns.push({stack:[{image:path,style:'invoiceDocument',fit:[150,150]}], width:175})
return stack.length?{stack:stack}:[];
NINJA.subtotals = function(invoice, hideBalance)
if (!invoice) {
var account = invoice.account;
var data = [];
data.push([{text: invoiceLabels.subtotal, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'subtotalLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.subtotal_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'subtotal']}]);
if (invoice.discount_amount != 0) {
data.push([{text: invoiceLabels.discount , style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'discountLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.discount_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'discount']}]);
if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value1) && invoice.custom_taxes1 == '1') {
data.push([{text: account.custom_invoice_label1, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'customTax1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'customTax1']}]);
if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value2) && invoice.custom_taxes2 == '1') {
data.push([{text: account.custom_invoice_label2, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'customTax2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'customTax2']}]);
for (var key in invoice.item_taxes) {
if (invoice.item_taxes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var taxRate = invoice.item_taxes[key];
var taxStr = taxRate.name + ' ' + (taxRate.rate*1).toString() + '%';
data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'taxLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(taxRate.amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax']}]);
if (invoice.tax_name1) {
var taxStr = invoice.tax_name1 + ' ' + (invoice.tax_rate1*1).toString() + '%';
data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'tax1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.tax_amount1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax1']}]);
if (invoice.tax_name2) {
var taxStr = invoice.tax_name2 + ' ' + (invoice.tax_rate2*1).toString() + '%';
data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'tax2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.tax_amount2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax2']}]);
if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value1) && invoice.custom_taxes1 != '1') {
data.push([{text: account.custom_invoice_label1, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'custom1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'custom1']}]);
if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value2) && invoice.custom_taxes2 != '1') {
data.push([{text: account.custom_invoice_label2, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'custom2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'custom2']}]);
var paid = invoice.amount - invoice.balance;
if (invoice.account.hide_paid_to_date != '1' || paid) {
data.push([{text:invoiceLabels.paid_to_date, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'paidToDateLabel']}, {text:formatMoneyInvoice(paid, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'paidToDate']}]);
var isPartial = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial);
if (!hideBalance || isPartial) {
{ text: invoiceLabels.balance_due, style: ['subtotalsLabel', isPartial ? '' : 'balanceDueLabel'] },
{ text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.total_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', isPartial ? '' : 'balanceDue'] }
if (!hideBalance) {
if (isPartial) {
{ text: invoiceLabels.partial_due, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'balanceDueLabel'] },
{ text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'balanceDue'] }
return NINJA.prepareDataPairs(data, 'subtotals');
NINJA.subtotalsBalance = function(invoice) {
var isPartial = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial);
return [[
{text: isPartial ? invoiceLabels.partial_due : invoiceLabels.balance_due, style:['subtotalsLabel', 'balanceDueLabel']},
{text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style:['subtotals', 'balanceDue']}
NINJA.accountDetails = function(invoice) {
var account = invoice.account;
var data = [
{text:account.name, style: ['accountName']},
{text:account.id_number, style: ['idNumber']},
{text:account.vat_number, style: ['vatNumber']},
{text:account.website, style: ['website']},
{text:account.work_email, style: ['email']},
{text:account.work_phone, style: ['phone']}
return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'accountDetails');
NINJA.accountAddress = function(invoice) {
var account = invoice.account;
var cityStatePostal = '';
if (account.city || account.state || account.postal_code) {
var swap = account.country && account.country.swap_postal_code;
cityStatePostal = formatAddress(account.city, account.state, account.postal_code, swap);
var data = [
{text: account.address1},
{text: account.address2},
{text: cityStatePostal},
{text: account.country ? account.country.name : ''},
if (invoice.features.invoice_settings) {
data.push({text: invoice.account.custom_value1 ? invoice.account.custom_label1 + ' ' + invoice.account.custom_value1 : false});
data.push({text: invoice.account.custom_value2 ? invoice.account.custom_label2 + ' ' + invoice.account.custom_value2 : false});
return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'accountAddress');
NINJA.invoiceDetails = function(invoice) {
var data = [
{text: (invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote_number : invoiceLabels.invoice_number), style: ['invoiceNumberLabel']},
{text: invoice.invoice_number, style: ['invoiceNumber']}
{text: invoiceLabels.po_number},
{text: invoice.po_number}
{text: (invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote_date : invoiceLabels.invoice_date)},
{text: invoice.invoice_date}
{text: (invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.valid_until : invoiceLabels.due_date)},
{text: invoice.is_recurring ? false : invoice.due_date}
if (invoice.custom_text_value1) {
{text: invoice.account.custom_invoice_text_label1},
{text: invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.custom_text_value1) : invoice.custom_text_value1}
if (invoice.custom_text_value2) {
{text: invoice.account.custom_invoice_text_label2},
{text: invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.custom_text_value2) : invoice.custom_text_value2}
{text: invoiceLabels.balance_due, style: ['invoiceDetailBalanceDueLabel']},
{text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.total_amount, invoice), style: ['invoiceDetailBalanceDue']}
if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial)) {
{text: invoiceLabels.partial_due, style: ['invoiceDetailBalanceDueLabel']},
{text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style: ['invoiceDetailBalanceDue']}
return NINJA.prepareDataPairs(data, 'invoiceDetails');
NINJA.clientDetails = function(invoice) {
var client = invoice.client;
var data;
if (!client) {
var account = invoice.account;
var contact = client.contacts[0];
var clientName = client.name || (contact.first_name || contact.last_name ? (contact.first_name + ' ' + contact.last_name) : contact.email);
var clientEmail = client.contacts[0].email == clientName ? '' : client.contacts[0].email;
var cityStatePostal = '';
if (client.city || client.state || client.postal_code) {
var swap = client.country && client.country.swap_postal_code;
cityStatePostal = formatAddress(client.city, client.state, client.postal_code, swap);
// if a custom field is used in the invoice/quote number then we'll hide it from the PDF
var pattern = invoice.is_quote ? account.quote_number_pattern : account.invoice_number_pattern;
var custom1InPattern = (pattern && pattern.indexOf('{$custom1}') >= 0);
var custom2InPattern = (pattern && pattern.indexOf('{$custom2}') >= 0);
data = [
{text:clientName || ' ', style: ['clientName']},
{text:client.country ? client.country.name : ''},
{text: client.custom_value1 && !custom1InPattern ? account.custom_client_label1 + ' ' + client.custom_value1 : false},
{text: client.custom_value2 && !custom2InPattern ? account.custom_client_label2 + ' ' + client.custom_value2 : false}
return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'clientDetails');
NINJA.getPrimaryColor = function(defaultColor) {
return NINJA.primaryColor ? NINJA.primaryColor : defaultColor;
NINJA.getSecondaryColor = function(defaultColor) {
return NINJA.primaryColor ? NINJA.secondaryColor : defaultColor;
// remove blanks and add section style to all elements
NINJA.prepareDataList = function(oldData, section) {
var newData = [];
for (var i=0; i<oldData.length; i++) {
var item = NINJA.processItem(oldData[i], section);
if (item.text || item.stack) {
return newData;
NINJA.prepareDataTable = function(oldData, section) {
var newData = [];
for (var i=0; i<oldData.length; i++) {
var row = oldData[i];
var newRow = [];
for (var j=0; j<row.length; j++) {
var item = NINJA.processItem(row[j], section);
if (item.text || item.stack) {
if (newRow.length) {
return newData;
NINJA.prepareDataPairs = function(oldData, section) {
var newData = [];
for (var i=0; i<oldData.length; i++) {
var row = oldData[i];
var isBlank = false;
for (var j=0; j<row.length; j++) {
var item = NINJA.processItem(row[j], section);
if (!item.text) {
isBlank = true;
if (j == 1) {
NINJA.processItem(row[j], section + "Value");
if (!isBlank) {
return newData;
NINJA.processItem = function(item, section) {
if (item.style && item.style instanceof Array) {
} else {
item.style = [section];
return item;
NINJA.parseMarkdownText = function(val, groupText)
var rules = [
['\\\*\\\*(\\\w.+?)\\\*\\\*', {'bold': true}], // **value**
['\\\*(\\\w.+?)\\\*', {'italics': true}], // *value*
['^###(.*)', {'style': 'help'}], // ### Small/gray help
['^##(.*)', {'style': 'subheader'}], // ## Header
['^#(.*)', {'style': 'header'}] // # Subheader
var parts = typeof val === 'string' ? [val] : val;
for (var i=0; i<rules.length; i++) {
var rule = rules[i];
var formatter = function(data) {
return $.extend(data, rule[1]);
parts = NINJA.parseRegExp(parts, rule[0], formatter, true);
return parts.length > 1 ? parts : val;
NINJA.parseMarkdownStack = function(val)
if (val.length == 1) {
var item = val[0];
var line = item.hasOwnProperty('text') ? item.text : item;
if (typeof line === 'string') {
line = [line];
var regExp = '^\\\* (.*[\r\n|\n|\r]?)';
var formatter = function(data) {
return {"ul": [data.text]};
val = NINJA.parseRegExp(line, regExp, formatter, false);
return val;
NINJA.parseRegExp = function(val, regExpStr, formatter, groupText)
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gm');
var parts = [];
for (var i=0; i<val.length; i++) {
var line = val[i];
parts = parts.concat(NINJA.parseRegExpLine(line, regExp, formatter, groupText));
return parts.length > 1 ? parts : val;
NINJA.parseRegExpLine = function(line, regExp, formatter, groupText)
var parts = [];
var lastIndex = 0;
while (match = regExp.exec(line)) {
if (match.index > lastIndex) {
parts.push(line.substring(lastIndex, match.index));
var data = {};
data.text = match[1];
data = formatter(data);
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
if (parts.length) {
if (lastIndex < line.length) {
return parts;
return line;