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* Invoice Ninja (https://invoiceninja.com).
* @link https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021. Invoice Ninja LLC (https://invoiceninja.com)
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AAL
namespace Tests\Unit\Migration;
use App\Exceptions\ResourceDependencyMissing;
use App\Exceptions\ResourceNotAvailableForMigration;
use App\Jobs\Util\Import;
use App\Jobs\Util\StartMigration;
use App\Mail\MigrationFailed;
use App\Models\Client;
use App\Models\ClientContact;
use App\Models\ClientGatewayToken;
use App\Models\Company;
use App\Models\CompanyGateway;
use App\Models\Credit;
use App\Models\Document;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Payment;
use App\Models\Product;
use App\Models\Quote;
use App\Models\TaxRate;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Tests\MockAccountData;
use Tests\TestCase;
class ImportTest extends TestCase
use MockAccountData;
use DatabaseTransactions;
public $migration_array;
public function setUp(): void
$migration_file = base_path().'/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json';
$this->migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1);
public function testImportClassExists()
$status = class_exists(\App\Jobs\Util\Import::class);
// public function testAllImport()
// {
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// $this->user->setCompany($this->company);
// auth()->login($this->user, true);
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// public function testExceptionOnUnavailableResource()
// {
// $data['panda_bears'] = [
// 'name' => 'Awesome Panda Bear',
// ];
// try {
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// }
// catch (ResourceNotAvailableForMigration $e) {
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// }
// public function testCompanyUpdating()
// {
// $original_company_key = $this->company->company_key;
// $data['company'] = [
// 'company_key' => 0,
// ];
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertNotEquals($original_company_key, $this->company->company_key);
// }
// public function testInvoicesFailsWithoutClient()
// {
// $data['invoices'] = [
// 0 => [
// 'client_id' => 1,
// 'is_amount_discount' => false,
// ]
// ];
// try {
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// } catch(ResourceDependencyMissing $e) {
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// }
// public function testInvoicesImporting()
// {
// $this->makeTestData();
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// $original_count = Invoice::count();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertGreaterThan($original_count, Invoice::count());
// }
// public function testQuotesFailsWithoutClient()
// {
// $data['quotes'] = [
// 0 => [
// 'client_id' => 1,
// 'is_amount_discount' => false,
// ]
// ];
// try {
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// } catch(ResourceDependencyMissing $e) {
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// }
// public function testImportFileExists()
// {
// $this->assertGreaterThan(1, count($this->migration_array));
// }
// public function testClientAttributes()
// {
// $original_number = Client::count();
// $random_balance = rand(0, 10);
// $data['clients'] = [
// 0 => [
// 'id' => 1,
// 'name' => 'My awesome unique client',
// 'balance' => $random_balance,
// 'user_id' => 1,
// ]
// ];
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// $client = Client::where('name', 'My awesome unique client')
// ->where('balance', $random_balance)
// ->first();
// $this->assertNotNull($client);
// $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Client::count());
// $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $client->balance);
// }
// // public function testInvoiceAttributes()
// // {
// // $original_number = Invoice::count();
// // $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// // $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json';
// // $this->migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1);
// // Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// // $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count());
// // $invoice_1 = Invoice::whereNumber('0001')
// // // ->where('discount', '0.00')
// // // ->where('date', '2020-03-18')
// // ->first();
// // $invoice_2 = Invoice::whereNumber('0018')
// // // ->where('discount', '0.00')
// // // ->where('date', '2019-10-15')
// // ->first();
// // $this->assertNotNull($invoice_1);
// // $this->assertNotNull($invoice_2);
// // $this->assertEquals('13.5000', $invoice_1->amount);
// // $this->assertEquals('67.4100', $invoice_2->amount);
// // $this->assertEquals('8.4900', $invoice_1->balance);
// // $this->assertEquals('50.4200', $invoice_2->balance);
// // }
// // public function testQuoteAttributes()
// // {
// // $original_number = Quote::count();
// // $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// // $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json';
// // $this->migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1);
// // Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// // $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count());
// // $quote = Quote::whereNumber('0021')
// // ->whereDiscount('0.00')
// // ->first();
// // $this->assertNotNull($quote);
// // $this->assertEquals('0.0000', $quote->amount);
// // $this->assertEquals('0.0000', $quote->balance);
// // }
// public function testPaymentsImport()
// {
// $original_count = Payment::count();
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertGreaterThan($original_count, Payment::count());
// }
// public function testPaymentDependsOnClient()
// {
// $data['payments'] = [
// 0 => [
// 'client_id' => 1,
// 'amount' => 1,
// ]
// ];
// try {
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// } catch(ResourceDependencyMissing $e) {
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// }
// public function testQuotesImport()
// {
// $original_count = Credit::count();
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertGreaterThan($original_count, Credit::count());
// }
// public function testMigrationFileExists()
// {
// $migration_archive = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.zip';
// $this->assertTrue(file_exists($migration_archive));
// }
// // public function testMigrationFileBeingExtracted()
// // {
// // $migration_archive = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.zip';
// // StartMigration::dispatchNow($migration_archive, $this->user, $this->company);
// // $extracted_archive = storage_path("migrations/migration");
// // $migration_file = storage_path("migrations/migration/migration.json");
// // $this->assertTrue(file_exists($extracted_archive));
// // $this->assertTrue(is_dir($extracted_archive));
// // $this->assertTrue(file_exists($migration_file));
// // }
// public function testValidityOfImportedData()
// {
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $differences = [];
// foreach ($this->migration_array['invoices'] as $key => $invoices) {
// $record = Invoice::whereNumber($invoices['number'])
// ->whereAmount($invoices['amount'])
// ->whereBalance($invoices['balance'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['invoices']['missing'][] = $invoices['id'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['users'] as $key => $user) {
// $record = User::whereEmail($user['email'])->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['users']['missing'][] = $user['email'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['tax_rates'] as $key => $tax_rate) {
// $record = TaxRate::whereName($tax_rate['name'])
// ->where('rate', $tax_rate['rate'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['tax_rates']['missing'][] = $tax_rate['name'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['clients'] as $key => $client) {
// $record = Client::whereName($client['name'])
// ->whereCity($client['city'])
// // ->where('paid_to_date', $client['paid_to_date']) // TODO: Doesn't work. Need debugging.
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['clients']['missing'][] = $client['name'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['products'] as $key => $product) {
// $record = Product::where('product_key', $product['product_key'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['products']['missing'][] = $product['notes'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['quotes'] as $key => $quote) {
// $record = Quote::whereNumber($quote['number'])
// ->whereIsAmountDiscount($quote['is_amount_discount'])
// ->whereDueDate($quote['due_date'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['quotes']['missing'][] = $quote['id'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['payments'] as $key => $payment) {
// $record = Payment::whereApplied($payment['applied'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['payments']['missing'][] = $payment['id'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['credits'] as $key => $credit) {
// // The Import::processCredits() does insert the credit record with number: 0053,
// // .. however this part of the code doesn't see it at all.
// $record = Credit::whereNumber($credit['number'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['credits']['missing'][] = $credit['id'];
// }
// }
// /*
// foreach ($this->migration_array['company_gateways'] as $key => $company_gateway) {
// // The Import::processCredits() does insert the credit record with number: 0053,
// // .. however this part of the code doesn't see it at all.
// $record = CompanyGateway::where('gateway_key' ,$company_gateway['gateway_key'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['company_gateways']['missing'][] = $company_gateway['id'];
// }
// }
// foreach ($this->migration_array['client_gateway_tokens'] as $key => $cgt) {
// // The Import::processCredits() does insert the credit record with number: 0053,
// // .. however this part of the code doesn't see it at all.
// $record = ClientGatewayToken::where('token' ,$cgt['token'])
// ->first();
// if (!$record) {
// $differences['client_gateway_tokens']['missing'][] = $cgt['id'];
// }
// }
// */
// //@TODO we can uncomment tests for documents when we have imported expenses.
// // foreach ($this->migration_array['documents'] as $key => $document) {
// // if(!is_null($document['invoice_id'])) {
// // $record = Document::where('hash', $document['hash'])
// // ->first();
// // if (!$record) {
// // $differences['documents']['missing'][] = $document['id'];
// // }
// // }
// // }
// //\Log::error($differences);
// $this->assertCount(0, $differences);
// }
// public function testClientContactsImport()
// {
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// $original = ClientContact::count();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertGreaterThan($original, ClientContact::count());
// }
// public function testClientGatewayTokensImport()
// {
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// $original = ClientGatewayToken::count();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $this->assertTrue(true, 'ClientGatewayTokens importing not completed yet.');
// }
// public function testDocumentsImport()
// {
// $this->invoice->forceDelete();
// $this->quote->forceDelete();
// $original = Document::count();
// Import::dispatchNow($this->migration_array, $this->company, $this->user);
// $document = Document::first();
// $this->assertTrue(true, 'Documents importing not completed yet. Missing expenses.');
// }
// public function testExceptionMailSending()
// {
// Mail::fake();
// $data['panda_bears'] = [
// 'name' => 'Awesome Panda Bear',
// ];
// try {
// Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user);
// }
// catch (ResourceNotAvailableForMigration $e) {
// Mail::to($this->user)->send(new MigrationFailed($e, $e->getMessage()));
// $this->assertTrue(true);
// }
// }