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Review the `.env.example <https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/blob/master/.env.example>`_ file to see additional settings.
Recurring invoices and reminder emails
Create a cron to call the ``ninja:send-invoices`` and ``ninja:send-reminders`` commands **once daily**.
.. code-block:: shell
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/ninja/artisan ninja:send-invoices
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/ninja/artisan ninja:send-reminders
Email Queues
When sending an email in the app the default behavior is to wait for the response, you can use queues to improve the perceived performance. To enable the feature add ``QUEUE_DRIVER=database`` or ``QUEUE_DRIVER=redis`` to the .env file.
.. Note:: You can process the jobs by running ``php artisan queue:listen`` or ``php artisan queue:work --daemon``.
Postmark bounce and open notifications
Include the following two setting in the .env file, the rest of the email settings can be commented out.
.. code-block:: shell
In your Postmark account settings make sure Open tracking is enabled and enter the following values under Settings > Outbound.
- Bounce webhook: https://invoices.example.com/hook/email_bounced
- Open webhook: https://invoices.example.com/hook/email_opened
Social/One-Click Login
Create an application in either Google, Facebook, GitHub or LinkedIn and then set the client id, secret and redirect URL in the .env file. For example:
.. code-block:: shell
There are two methods to attach PDFs to emails sent by background processes: phantomjscloud.com or local PhantomJS install.
To use phantomjscloud.com check for the following line in the .env file.
.. code-block:: shell
To use a local PhantomJS install add ``PHANTOMJS_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin/phantomjs``.
- Check storage/logs/laravel-error.log for relevant errors.
- To determine the path you can run ``which phantomjs`` from the command line.
- We suggest using PhantomJS version >= 2.1.1, users have reported seeing 'Error: 0' with older versions.
- You can use `this script <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/develop/resources/test.pjs>`_ to test from the command line, change ``__YOUR_LINK_HERE__`` to the link in the error and then run ``phantomjs test.pjs``.
- If you require contacts to enter a password to see their invoice you'll need to set a random value for ``PHANTOMJS_SECRET``.
- If you're using a proxy and/or self-signed certificate `this comment <https://github.com/invoiceninja/dockerfiles/issues/39#issuecomment-282489039>`_ may help.
- If you're using a custom design try using a standard one, if the PDF is outside the printable area it can fail.
Custom Fonts
Follow these steps to add custom ttf fonts: ie, `Google fonts <https://www.google.com/get/noto/>`_
- Create a new folder in ``public/fonts/invoice-fonts/`` and copy over the ttf files
- Run ``grunt dump_dir``
- Add the font to ``database/seeds/FontsSeeder.php``
- Run ``php artisan db:seed --class=FontsSeeder``
- Clear the cache by adding ``?clear_cache=true`` to the end of the URL
We use `Omnipay <https://github.com/thephpleague/omnipay#payment-gateways>`_ to support our payment gateway integrations.
Follow these steps to add a custom driver.
- Run ``composer require <package_name>``
- Add a row to the gateways table. ``name`` is used in the gateway select, ``provider`` needs to match the Omnipay driver name
- Clear the cache by adding ``?clear_cache=true`` to the end of the URL
.. NOTE:: Most drivers also require `code changes <https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja/tree/master/app/Ninja/PaymentDrivers>`_ to work correctly.
To require a password to update the app add ``UPDATE_SECRET=random_value`` to the .env file and then use /update?secret=random_value to update.
By default the app clears the session when the browser is closed and automatically logs the user out after 8 hours. This can be modified by setting ``REMEMBER_ME_ENABLED`` and ``AUTO_LOGOUT_SECONDS`` in the .env file.
To include a secret when notifying subscriptions add ``SUBSCRIPTION_SECRET=random_value`` to the .env file.
Google Map
You need to create a `Google Maps API <https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key>`_ key for the Javascript, Geocoding and Embed APIs and then add ``GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=your_key`` to the .env file.
You can disable the feature by adding ``GOOGLE_MAPS_ENABLED=false`` to the .env file.
Voice Commands
Supporting voice commands requires creating a `LUIS.ai <https://www.luis.ai/home/index>`_ app, once the app is created you can import this `model file <https://download.invoiceninja.com/luis.json>`_.
You'll also need to set the following values in the .env file.
.. code-block:: shell
Lock Invoices
Adding ``LOCK_SENT_INVOICES=true`` to the .env file will prevent changing an invoice once it has been sent.
Using a Proxy
If you need to set a list of trusted proxies you can add a TRUSTED_PROXIES value in the .env file. ie,
.. code-block:: shell
Our `developer guide <https://www.invoiceninja.com/knowledgebase/developer-guide/>`_ has more details about our applications codebase.
You can add currencies and date/time formats by adding records to their respective tables in the database. This data is cached, to clear it load any page with ``?clear_cache=true`` added to the end of the URL.
The JavaScript and CSS files are compiled to built files, you can recompile them by running bower install and then ``gulp``.