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* Invoice Ninja (https://invoiceninja.com)
* @link https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2019. Invoice Ninja LLC (https://invoiceninja.com)
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AAL
namespace App\Utils\Traits;
use App\Utils\Number;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
* Class MakesInvoiceValues
* @package App\Utils\Traits
trait MakesInvoiceValues
private static $master_columns = [
private static $labels = [
public function makeInvoiceTemplateKeys()
$data = [];
foreach(self::$labels as $label)
$data[] = '$'.$label.'_label';
foreach(self::$labels as $label)
$data[] = '$'.$label;
return $data;
* Iterates and translates all labels
* @return array returns an array of keyed labels (appended with _label)
public function makeLabels() :array
$data = [];
foreach(self::$labels as $label)
$data['$'.$label . '_label'] = ctrans('texts.'.$label);
return $data;
* Transforms all placeholders to invoice values
* @return array returns an array of keyed labels (appended with _label)
public function makeValues() :array
$data = [];
$data['$invoice_date'] = $this->invoice_date;
$data['$due_date'] = $this->due_date;
$data['$invoice_number'] = $this->invoice_number;
$data['$po_number'] = $this->po_number;
$data['$discount'] = $this->calc()->getTotalDiscount();
$data['$line_taxes'] = $this->makeLineTaxes();
// $data['$tax'] = ;
// $data['$item'] = ;
// $data['$description'] = ;
// $data['$unit_cost'] = ;
// $data['$quantity'] = ;
// $data['$line_total'] = ;
// $data['$paid_to_date'] = ;
$data['$subtotal'] = $subtotal = $this->calc()->getSubTotal(); Number::formatMoney($subtotal, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$balance_due'] = Number::formatMoney($this->balance, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$partial_due'] = Number::formatMoney($this->partial, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$total'] = $total = $this->calc()->getTotal(); Number::formatMoney($total, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$balance'] = $balance = $this->calc()->getBalance(); Number::formatMoney($balance, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$taxes'] = $taxes = $this->calc()->getTotalTaxes(); Number::formatMoney($taxes, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$data['$terms'] = $this->terms;
// $data['$your_invoice'] = ;
// $data['$quote'] = ;
// $data['$your_quote'] = ;
// $data['$quote_date'] = ;
// $data['$quote_number'] = ;
// $data['$invoice_issued_to'] = ;
// $data['$quote_issued_to'] = ;
// $data['$rate'] = ;
// $data['$hours'] = ;
// $data['$from'] = ;
// $data['$to'] = ;
// $data['$invoice_to'] = ;
// $data['$quote_to'] = ;
// $data['$details'] = ;
$data['$invoice_no'] = $this->invoice_number;
// $data['$quote_no'] = ;
// $data['$valid_until'] = ;
$data['$client_name'] = $this->present()->clientName();
$data['$address1'] = $this->client->address1;
$data['$address2'] = $this->client->address2;
$data['$id_number'] = $this->client->id_number;
$data['$vat_number'] = $this->client->vat_number;
$data['$city_state_postal'] = $this->present()->cityStateZip($this->client->city, $this->client->state, $this->client->postal_code, FALSE);
$data['$postal_city_state'] = $this->present()->cityStateZip($this->client->city, $this->client->state, $this->client->postal_code, TRUE);
$data['$country'] = $this->client->country->name;
$data['$email'] = isset($this->client->primary_contact()->first()->email) ?: 'no primary contact set';
$data['$contact_name'] = $this->client->present()->primary_contact_name();
$data['$company_name'] = $this->company->present()->name();
$data['$company_address'] = $this->company->present()->address();
$data['$company_logo'] = $this->company->present()->logo();
$data['$website'] = $this->client->present()->website();
$data['$phone'] = $this->client->present()->phone();
//$data['$blank'] = ;
//$data['$surcharge'] = ;
$data['$tax_invoice'] =
$data['$tax_quote'] =
$data['$statement'] = ;
$data['$statement_date'] = ;
$data['$your_statement'] = ;
$data['$statement_issued_to'] = ;
$data['$statement_to'] = ;
$data['$credit_note'] = ;
$data['$credit_date'] = ;
$data['$credit_number'] = ;
$data['$credit_issued_to'] = ;
$data['$credit_to'] = ;
$data['$your_credit'] = ;
$data['$work_phone'] = ;
$data['$invoice_total'] = ;
$data['$outstanding'] = ;
$data['$invoice_due_date'] = ;
$data['$quote_due_date'] = ;
$data['$service'] = ;
$data['$product_key'] = ;
$data['$unit_cost'] = ;
$data['$custom_value1'] = ;
$data['$custom_value2'] = ;
$data['$delivery_note'] = ;
$data['$date'] = ;
$data['$method'] = ;
$data['$payment_date'] = ;
$data['$reference'] = ;
$data['$amount'] = ;
$data['$amount_paid'] =;
return $data;
* Returns a formatted HTML table of invoice line items
* @param array $columns The columns to be displayed
* @return string[HTML string
public function table(array $columns) :?string
$data = '<table class="table table-hover table-striped">';
$data .= '<thead><tr class="heading">';
$column_headers = $this->transformColumnsForHeader($columns);
foreach($column_headers as $column)
$data .= '<td>' . ctrans('texts.'.$column.'') . '</td>';
$data .= '</tr></thead>';
$columns = $this->transformColumnsForLineItems($columns);
$items = $this->transformLineItems($this->line_items);
foreach($items as $item)
$data .= '<tr class="item">';
foreach($columns as $column)
$data .= '<td>'. $item->{$column} . '</td>';
$data .= '</tr>';
$data .= '</table>';
return $data;
* Transform the column headers into translated header values
* @param array $columns The column header values
* @return array The new column header variables
private function transformColumnsForHeader(array $columns) :array
$pre_columns = $columns;
$columns = array_intersect($columns, self::$master_columns);
return str_replace([
* Transform the column headers into invoice variables
* @param array $columns The column header values
* @return array The invoice variables
private function transformColumnsForLineItems(array $columns) :array
/* Removes any invalid columns the user has entered. */
$columns = array_intersect($columns, self::$master_columns);
return str_replace([
* Formats the line items for display
* @param array $items The array of invoice items
* @return array The formatted array of invoice items
private function transformLineItems(array $items) :array
foreach($items as $item)
$item->cost = Number::formatMoney($item->cost, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$item->line_total = Number::formatMoney($item->line_total, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
if(isset($item->discount) && $item->discount > 0)
$item->discount = Number::formatMoney($item->discount, $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings());
$item->discount = $item->discount . '%';
return $items;
* Due to the way we are compiling the blade template we
* have no ability to iterate, so in the case
* of line taxes where there are multiple rows,
* we use this function to format a section of rows
* @return string a collection of <tr> rows with line item
* aggregate data
private function makeLineTaxes() :string
$tax_map = $this->calc()->getTaxMap();
$data = '';
foreach($tax_map as $tax)
$data .= '<tr class="line_taxes">';
$data .= '<td>'. $tax['name'] .'</td>';
$data .= '<td>'. Number::formatMoney($tax['total'], $this->client->currency(), $this->client->country, $this->client->getMergedSettings()) .'</td></tr>';
return $data;