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$LANG = array(
'organization' => '組織',
'name' => '名前',
'website' => 'WEBサイト',
'work_phone' => '電話番号',
'address' => '住所',
'address1' => '番地',
'address2' => '建物',
'city' => '市区町村',
'state' => '都道府県',
'postal_code' => '郵便番号',
'country_id' => '国',
'contacts' => 'コンタクト',
'first_name' => '名',
'last_name' => '姓',
'phone' => '電話',
'email' => 'Eメール',
'additional_info' => '追加情報',
'payment_terms' => '支払条件',
'currency_id' => '通貨',
'size_id' => '会社の規模',
'industry_id' => '業種',
'private_notes' => '非公開備考',
'invoice' => '請求書',
'client' => '顧客',
'invoice_date' => '請求日',
'due_date' => '支払日',
'invoice_number' => '請求書番号',
'invoice_number_short' => '請求番号 #',
'po_number' => 'PO番号',
'po_number_short' => 'PO #',
'frequency_id' => '頻度',
'discount' => '値引き',
'taxes' => '税',
'tax' => '税',
'item' => 'アイテム',
'description' => '説明',
'unit_cost' => '単価',
'quantity' => '数量',
'line_total' => 'Line Total',
'subtotal' => '小計',
'net_subtotal' => 'Net',
'paid_to_date' => '現在までの支払済額',
'balance_due' => 'Balance Due',
'invoice_design_id' => 'デザイン',
'terms' => '条項',
'your_invoice' => 'Your Invoice',
'remove_contact' => '連絡先の削除',
'add_contact' => '連絡先の追加',
'create_new_client' => '顧客の新規作成',
'edit_client_details' => '顧客情報の編集',
'enable' => '有効',
'learn_more' => '詳細を見る',
'manage_rates' => '料率を管理',
'note_to_client' => '顧客宛備考',
'invoice_terms' => '請求条件',
'save_as_default_terms' => '既定の請求条件として保存',
'download_pdf' => 'PDFダウンロード',
'pay_now' => '直ちに支払う',
'save_invoice' => '請求書を保存',
'clone_invoice' => '請求書に複製',
'archive_invoice' => '請求書をアーカイブ',
'delete_invoice' => '請求書を削除',
'email_invoice' => '請求書をメールする',
'enter_payment' => '入金を登録',
'tax_rates' => '税率',
'rate' => '率',
'settings' => '設定',
'enable_invoice_tax' => ' <b>invoice tax</b>の指定を有効にする',
'enable_line_item_tax' => '<b>line item taxes</b>の指定を有効にする',
'dashboard' => 'ダッシュボード',
'dashboard_totals_in_all_currencies_help' => '備考: 単一の基軸通貨を使用した総額を表示するには".name" に:innkを追加します。',
'clients' => '顧客',
'invoices' => '請求書',
'payments' => '入金',
'credits' => '前受金',
'history' => '履歴',
'search' => '検索',
'sign_up' => 'サインアップ',
'guest' => 'ゲスト',
'company_details' => '企業情報',
'online_payments' => 'オンライン入金',
'notifications' => '通知',
'import_export' => 'インポート | エクスポート | キャンセル',
'done' => '完了',
'save' => '保存',
'create' => '作成',
'upload' => 'アップロード',
'import' => 'インポート',
'download' => 'ダウンロード',
'cancel' => 'キャンセル',
'close' => '閉じる',
'provide_email' => '正しいEメールアドレスを入力してください。',
'powered_by' => 'Powered by',
'no_items' => 'アイテム無し',
'recurring_invoices' => '繰り返しの請求書',
'recurring_help' => '<p>顧客に対して同一内容の請求書を毎週、毎月、隔月、四半期、年間の単位でで自動送付します。</p>
<p>動的に日付を変更したい場合は、 :MONTH, :QUARTER もしくは :YEAR の変数を使用します。簡易的に数式を使用することが出来ます。例えば、:MONTH-1 は先月を表記します。</p>
<li>":MONTH 月のジム会費 " >> "7 月のジム会費"</li>
<li>":YEAR+1 年の年会費 >> "2015 の年会費"</li>
<li>":QUARTER+1 四半期の弁護士費用" >> "Q2 四半期の弁護士費用"</li>
'recurring_quotes' => '繰り返しの見積書',
'in_total_revenue' => 'in total revenue',
'billed_client' => '請求済み顧客',
'billed_clients' => '請求済み顧客',
'active_client' => '有効な顧客',
'active_clients' => '有効な顧客',
'invoices_past_due' => 'Invoices Past Due',
'upcoming_invoices' => '次回請求',
'average_invoice' => '請求の平均',
'archive' => 'アーカイブ',
'delete' => '削除',
'archive_client' => '顧客をアーカイブ',
'delete_client' => '顧客を削除',
'archive_payment' => '入金をアーカイブ',
'delete_payment' => '入金を削除',
'archive_credit' => '前受金をアーカイブ',
'delete_credit' => '前受金を削除',
'show_archived_deleted' => 'アーカイブまたは削除された以下のものを表示:',
'filter' => 'フィルター',
'new_client' => '新しい顧客',
'new_invoice' => '新しい請求書',
'new_payment' => '入金を登録',
'new_credit' => '前受金を登録',
'contact' => 'コンタクト',
'date_created' => '作成日',
'last_login' => '最終ログイン',
'balance' => 'バランス',
'action' => 'アクション',
'status' => 'ステータス',
'invoice_total' => '請求合計',
'frequency' => '頻度',
'range' => '範囲',
'start_date' => '開始日',
'end_date' => '終了日',
'transaction_reference' => 'Transaction Reference',
'method' => '方法',
'payment_amount' => '入金額',
'payment_date' => '支払日',
'credit_amount' => '前受金総額',
'credit_balance' => '前受金残高',
'credit_date' => '前受金受日付',
'empty_table' => 'このテーブルに利用可能なデータはありません。',
'select' => '選択',
'edit_client' => '顧客を編集',
'edit_invoice' => '請求を編集',
'create_invoice' => '請求を新規作成',
'enter_credit' => '前受金を登録',
'last_logged_in' => '最終ログイン:',
'details' => '詳細',
'standing' => 'Standing',
'credit' => '前受金',
'activity' => 'アクティビティ',
'date' => '日付',
'message' => 'メッセージ',
'adjustment' => '調整',
'are_you_sure' => 'よろしいですか?',
'payment_type_id' => '入金方法',
'amount' => '金額',
'work_email' => 'Eメール',
'language_id' => '言語',
'timezone_id' => 'タイムゾーン',
'date_format_id' => '日付フォーマット',
'datetime_format_id' => '日時 フォーマット',
'users' => 'ユーザー',
'localization' => '地域設定',
'remove_logo' => 'ロゴを削除',
'logo_help' => '利用可能フォーマット: JPEG, GIF and PNG',
'payment_gateway' => '決済プロバイダ',
'gateway_id' => '決済プロバイダ',
'email_notifications' => 'Eメール通知',
'email_viewed' => 'Email me when an invoice is <b>viewed</b>',
'email_paid' => 'Email me when an invoice is <b>paid</b>',
'site_updates' => 'Site Updates',
'custom_messages' => 'カスタム・メッセージ',
'default_email_footer' => 'デフォルトの<b>Eメール署名</b>を設定',
'select_file' => 'ファイルを選択してください。',
'first_row_headers' => '1行目をヘッダーとして扱う',
'column' => 'カラム',
'sample' => 'サンプル',
'import_to' => 'Import to',
'client_will_create' => '顧客が登録されます',
'clients_will_create' => '顧客が登録されます',
'email_settings' => 'Eメール設定',
'client_view_styling' => 'Client View Styling',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'PDFを添付',
'custom_css' => 'カスタムCSS',
'import_clients' => '顧客データをインポート',
'csv_file' => 'CSVファイル',
'export_clients' => '顧客データをエクスポート',
'created_client' => '顧客を登録しました。',
'created_clients' => ' :count 件の顧客を登録しました。',
'updated_settings' => '設定を更新しました。',
'removed_logo' => 'ロゴを削除しました。',
'sent_message' => 'メッセージを送信しました。',
'invoice_error' => '顧客を選択し、エラーを修正したことを確認してください。',
'limit_clients' => '申し訳ありませんが、これは :count クライアントの制限を超えます。有料プランにアップグレードしてください。',
'payment_error' => 'There was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.',
'registration_required' => 'Registration Required',
'confirmation_required' => 'メールボックスを確認してください。確認メールを再送する場合は :link をクリックしてください。',
'updated_client' => '顧客を更新しました。',
'archived_client' => '顧客をアーカイブしました。',
'archived_clients' => ':count 件の顧客をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_client' => '顧客を削除しました。',
'deleted_clients' => ':count 県の顧客を削除しました。',
'updated_invoice' => '請求書を更新しました。',
'created_invoice' => '請求書を登録しました。',
'cloned_invoice' => '請求書を複製しました。',
'emailed_invoice' => '請求書をメールしました。',
'and_created_client' => 'and created client',
'archived_invoice' => '請求書をアーカイブしました。',
'archived_invoices' => ':count 件の請求書をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_invoice' => '請求書を削除しました。',
'deleted_invoices' => ':count 件の請求書を削除しました。',
'created_payment' => '入金を登録しました。',
'created_payments' => ':count 件の入金を登録しました。',
'archived_payment' => '入金をアーカイブしました。',
'archived_payments' => ':count 件の入金をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_payment' => '入金を削除しました。',
'deleted_payments' => ':count 件の入金を削除しました。',
'applied_payment' => 'Successfully applied payment',
'created_credit' => '前受金を登録しました。',
'archived_credit' => '前受金をアーカイブしました。',
'archived_credits' => ':count 件の前受金をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_credit' => '前受金を削除しました。',
'deleted_credits' => ':count 件の前受金を削除しました。',
'imported_file' => 'ファイルをインポートしました。',
'updated_vendor' => 'ベンダーを更新しました。',
'created_vendor' => 'ベンダーを登録しました。',
'archived_vendor' => 'ベンダーをアーカイブしました。',
'archived_vendors' => ':count 件の納入業者をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_vendor' => 'ベンダーを削除しました。',
'deleted_vendors' => ':count 件の納入業者を削除しました。',
'confirmation_subject' => 'Account Confirmation',
'confirmation_header' => 'アカウントの確認',
'confirmation_message' => 'あなたのアカウントを確認するために下のリンクにアクセスしてください。',
'invoice_subject' => ':account からの :number 番の新しい請求書',
'invoice_message' => 'この請求書( :amount )を見るには、下のリンクをクリックしてください。',
'payment_subject' => '入金がありました。',
'payment_message' => ':amount の入金ありがとうございました。',
'email_salutation' => ':name様',
'email_signature' => 'どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。',
'email_from' => 'Invoice Ninja チーム',
'invoice_link_message' => '請求書を見るには次のリンクをクリックしてください。:',
'notification_invoice_paid_subject' => ':clientから入金のあった請求書 :invoice ',
'notification_invoice_sent_subject' => ':invoice の請求書は:clientに送られました。',
'notification_invoice_viewed_subject' => ':invoice:clientが請求書 :invoice を閲覧しました。',
'notification_invoice_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards Invoice :invoice.',
'notification_invoice_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Invoice :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_invoice_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Invoice :invoice for :amount.',
'stripe_payment_text' => 'クライアント :client の :amount の請求書 :invoicenumber',
'stripe_payment_text_without_invoice' => 'クライアント :client の金額 :amount の請求書なしの支払い',
'reset_password' => 'You can reset your account password by clicking the following button:',
'secure_payment' => 'Secure Payment',
'card_number' => 'カード番号',
'expiration_month' => 'カード有効期限 月',
'expiration_year' => 'カード有効期限 年',
'cvv' => 'CVV',
'logout' => 'ログアウト',
'sign_up_to_save' => 'Sign up to save your work',
'agree_to_terms' => ':terms に同意します',
'terms_of_service' => '利用規約',
'email_taken' => 'そのEメールアドレスは既に登録されています。',
'working' => 'Working',
'success' => '成功',
'success_message' => 'You have successfully registered! Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.',
'erase_data' => 'アカウントが登録されていません。そのため、データが完全に消去されます。',
'password' => 'パスワード',
'pro_plan_product' => 'プロ・プラン',
'pro_plan_success' => 'Thanks for choosing Invoice Ninja\'s Pro plan!<p/>&nbsp;<br/>
<b>Next Steps</b><p/>A payable invoice has been sent to the email
address associated with your account. To unlock all of the awesome
Pro features, please follow the instructions on the invoice to pay
for a year of Pro-level invoicing.<p/>
Can\'t find the invoice? Need further assistance? We\'re happy to help
-- email us at contact@invoiceninja.com',
'unsaved_changes' => '未保存の変更があります。',
'custom_fields' => 'カスタムフィールド',
'company_fields' => '企業フィールド',
'client_fields' => '顧客フィールド',
'field_label' => 'フィールドラベル',
'field_value' => 'フィールド値',
'edit' => '編集',
'set_name' => 'あなたの会社名を入力してください。',
'view_as_recipient' => 'View as recipient',
'product_library' => '商品マスタ',
'product' => '商品',
'products' => '商品',
'fill_products' => 'Auto-fill products',
'fill_products_help' => 'Selecting a product will automatically <b>fill in the description and cost</b>',
'update_products' => '商品の自動更新',
'update_products_help' => 'Updating an invoice will automatically <b>update the product library</b>',
'create_product' => '商品を追加',
'edit_product' => '商品を編集',
'archive_product' => '商品をアーカイブ',
'updated_product' => '商品を更新しました。',
'created_product' => '商品を登録しました。',
'archived_product' => '商品をアーカイブしました。',
'pro_plan_custom_fields' => ':link to enable custom fields by joining the Pro Plan',
'advanced_settings' => '詳細設定',
'pro_plan_advanced_settings' => ':link to enable the advanced settings by joining the Pro Plan',
'invoice_design' => '請求書デザイン',
'specify_colors' => 'カラーの選択',
'specify_colors_label' => '請求書で使用されるカラーを選択してください。',
'chart_builder' => 'Chart Builder',
'ninja_email_footer' => '作成者 :site |作成。送信。お金をもらう。',
'go_pro' => 'Go Pro',
'quote' => '見積書',
'quotes' => '見積書',
'quote_number' => '見積書番号',
'quote_number_short' => '見積 #',
'quote_date' => '見積日',
'quote_total' => '見積金額合計',
'your_quote' => 'あなたの見積書',
'total' => '合計',
'clone' => '複製',
'new_quote' => '新しい見積書',
'create_quote' => '見積書を新規作成',
'edit_quote' => '見積書を編集',
'archive_quote' => '見積書をアーカイブ',
'delete_quote' => '見積書を削除',
'save_quote' => '見積書を保存',
'email_quote' => '見積書をメール',
'clone_quote' => 'Clone To Quote',
'convert_to_invoice' => '請求書に変換',
'view_invoice' => '請求書を表示',
'view_client' => '顧客を表示',
'view_quote' => '見積書を表示',
'updated_quote' => '見積書を更新しました。',
'created_quote' => '見積書を新規作成しました。',
'cloned_quote' => '見積書を複製しました。',
'emailed_quote' => '見積書をメールしました。',
'archived_quote' => '見積書をアーカイブしました。',
'archived_quotes' => ':count件の見積書をアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_quote' => '見積書を削除しました。',
'deleted_quotes' => ':count件の見積書を削除しました。',
'converted_to_invoice' => '見積書を請求書に変換しました。',
'quote_subject' => ':account からの新しい引用 :number',
'quote_message' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the link below.',
'quote_link_message' => 'To view your client quote click the link below:',
'notification_quote_sent_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_quote_viewed_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_quote_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_quote_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'session_expired' => 'セッションの期限が切れました。',
'invoice_fields' => '請求書をフィールド',
'invoice_options' => '請求書オプション',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'Hide Paid to Date',
'hide_paid_to_date_help' => 'Only display the "Paid to Date" area on your invoices once a payment has been received.',
'charge_taxes' => 'Charge taxes',
'user_management' => 'ユーザ管理',
'add_user' => 'ユーザを追加',
'send_invite' => '招待メールを送信',
'sent_invite' => '招待メールを送付しました。',
'updated_user' => 'ユーザを更新しました',
'invitation_message' => ':invitorさんから招待がありました。',
'register_to_add_user' => 'ユーザを追加するにはサインアップしてください。',
'user_state' => 'ステータス',
'edit_user' => 'ユーザの編集',
'delete_user' => 'ユーザの削除',
'active' => '有効',
'pending' => '保留',
'deleted_user' => 'ユーザを削除しました',
'confirm_email_invoice' => 'この請求書をメールしてもよろしいですか?',
'confirm_email_quote' => 'この見積書をメールしてもよろしいですか?',
'confirm_recurring_email_invoice' => 'この請求書をメール済にしてもよろしいですか?',
'confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent' => 'Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?',
'cancel_account' => 'アカウントのキャンセル',
'cancel_account_message' => '注意: あなたのアカウントを完全に削除します。削除の取り消しは出来ません。',
'go_back' => '戻る',
'data_visualizations' => 'ビジュアルデータ',
'sample_data' => 'サンプルデータ shown',
'hide' => '隠す',
'new_version_available' => ':releases_linkの新しいバージョンが利用可能です。現在、v:user_versionで稼働中です。最新バージョンはv:latest_versionです。',
'invoice_settings' => '請求書の設定',
'invoice_number_prefix' => '請求書番号プレフィックス',
'invoice_number_counter' => '請求書番号カウンター',
'quote_number_prefix' => '見積書番号プレフィックス',
'quote_number_counter' => '請求書番号カウンター',
'share_invoice_counter' => 'Share invoice counter',
'invoice_issued_to' => 'Invoice issued to',
'invalid_counter' => 'To prevent a possible conflict please set either an invoice or quote number prefix',
'mark_sent' => '送付済みにする',
'more_designs' => 'その他のデザイン',
'more_designs_title' => 'その他の請求書デザイン',
'more_designs_cloud_header' => 'プロ・プランで他の請求書デザインを使う',
'more_designs_cloud_text' => '',
'more_designs_self_host_text' => '',
'buy' => '購入',
'bought_designs' => '請求書デザインを追加しました。',
'sent' => '送信済',
'vat_number' => 'VATナンバー',
'timesheets' => 'タイムシート',
'payment_title' => '請求先住所とクレジトカード情報を入力してください。',
'payment_cvv' => '*クレジットカード裏側に記載されている、3桁から4桁の番号です。',
'payment_footer1' => '*請求先住所はクレジットカードの住所と同一である必要があります。',
'payment_footer2' => '*「支払い」ボタン1度だけクリックしてください。 - 手続きに1分ほど時間を要します。',
'id_number' => 'IDナンバー',
'white_label_link' => 'ホワイトラベル',
'white_label_header' => 'ホワイトラベル',
'bought_white_label' => 'ホワイトラベル・ライセンスが有効になりました。',
'white_labeled' => 'White labeled',
'restore' => 'リストア',
'restore_invoice' => '請求書をリストア',
'restore_quote' => '見積書をリストア',
'restore_client' => '顧客をリストア',
'restore_credit' => '前受金復旧',
'restore_payment' => 'Restore Payment',
'restored_invoice' => '請求書をリストアしました。',
'restored_quote' => '見積書をリストアしました。',
'restored_client' => '顧客をリストアしました。',
'restored_payment' => 'Successfully restored payment',
'restored_credit' => '前受金を復旧しました',
'reason_for_canceling' => 'Help us improve our site by telling us why you\'re leaving.',
'discount_percent' => 'パーセント',
'discount_amount' => 'Amount',
'invoice_history' => '請求履歴',
'quote_history' => '見積履歴',
'current_version' => '現在のバージョン',
'select_version' => 'バージョンを選択',
'view_history' => '履歴を閲覧',
'edit_payment' => '支払いを編集',
'updated_payment' => '支払いを更新しました',
'deleted' => 'Deleted',
'restore_user' => 'ユーザをリストア',
'restored_user' => 'ユーザをリストアしました。',
'show_deleted_users' => '削除したユーザを閲覧',
'email_templates' => 'Eメールテンプレート',
'invoice_email' => '請求書メール',
'payment_email' => '支払いメール',
'quote_email' => '見積書メール',
'reset_all' => '全てをリセット',
'approve' => 'Approve',
'token_billing_type_id' => 'Token Billing',
'token_billing_help' => 'Store payment details with WePay, Stripe, Braintree or GoCardless.',
'token_billing_1' => '無効',
'token_billing_2' => 'Opt-in - checkbox is shown but not selected',
'token_billing_3' => 'Opt-out - checkbox is shown and selected',
'token_billing_4' => 'Always',
'token_billing_checkbox' => 'クレジットカード詳細を保存',
'view_in_gateway' => 'View in :gateway',
'use_card_on_file' => 'Use Card on File',
'edit_payment_details' => 'Edit payment details',
'token_billing' => 'Save card details',
'token_billing_secure' => 'The data is stored securely by :link',
'support' => 'Support',
'contact_information' => 'Contact Information',
'256_encryption' => '256-Bit Encryption',
'amount_due' => 'Amount due',
'billing_address' => '請求先住所',
'billing_method' => '請求方法',
'order_overview' => '注文の概要',
'match_address' => '*住所はクレジットカードのものと一致している必要があります。',
'click_once' => '*Please click "PAY NOW" only once - transaction may take up to 1 minute to process.',
'invoice_footer' => '請求書フッター',
'save_as_default_footer' => 'デフォルトのフッターを保存する',
'token_management' => 'トークンの管理',
'tokens' => 'トークン',
'add_token' => 'トークンを追加',
'show_deleted_tokens' => '削除したトークンを表示',
'deleted_token' => 'トークンを削除しました。',
'created_token' => 'トークンを追加しました。',
'updated_token' => 'トークンを更新しました。',
'edit_token' => 'トークンを編集',
'delete_token' => 'トークンを削除',
'token' => 'トークン',
'add_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを追加',
'delete_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを削除',
'edit_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを編集',
'updated_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを更新しました。',
'created_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを追加しました。',
'deleted_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを削除しました。',
'pay_with_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'pay_with_card' => 'クレジットカード',
'change_password' => 'パスワードの変更',
'current_password' => '現在のパスワード',
'new_password' => '新しいパスワード',
'confirm_password' => 'パスワードの確認',
'password_error_incorrect' => '現在のパスワードが正しくありません。',
'password_error_invalid' => '新しいパスワードが正しくありません。',
'updated_password' => 'パスワードが更新されました。',
'api_tokens' => 'APIトークン',
'users_and_tokens' => 'ユーザ トークン',
'account_login' => 'Account Login',
'recover_password' => 'パスワードの再設定',
'forgot_password' => 'パスワードをお忘れですか?',
'email_address' => 'Eメールアドレス',
'lets_go' => 'Let\'s go',
'password_recovery' => 'パスワード再設定',
'send_email' => 'メールを送信',
'set_password' => 'パスワードを設定',
'converted' => 'Converted',
'email_approved' => 'Email me when a quote is <b>approved</b>',
'notification_quote_approved_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was approved by :client',
'notification_quote_approved' => 'The following client :client approved Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'resend_confirmation' => '確認メールを再送信',
'confirmation_resent' => '確認メールが再送信されました。',
'payment_type_credit_card' => 'クレジットカード',
'payment_type_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'payment_type_bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'payment_type_gocardless' => 'GoCardless',
'knowledge_base' => 'ナレッジベース',
'partial' => 'Partial/Deposit',
'partial_remaining' => ':partial of :balance',
'more_fields' => '項目を増やす',
'less_fields' => '項目を減らす',
'client_name' => '顧客名',
'pdf_settings' => 'PDF設定',
'product_settings' => '商品設定',
'auto_wrap' => 'Auto Line Wrap',
'duplicate_post' => 'Warning: the previous page was submitted twice. The second submission had been ignored.',
'view_documentation' => 'View Documentation',
'app_title' => 'Free Open-Source Online Invoicing',
'app_description' => 'Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers. With Invoice Ninja, you can easily build and send beautiful invoices from any device that has access to the web. Your clients can print your invoices, download them as pdf files, and even pay you online from within the system.',
'rows' => 'rows',
'www' => 'www',
'logo' => 'ロゴ',
'subdomain' => 'サブドメイン',
'provide_name_or_email' => '名前またはメールアドレスを入力してください',
'charts_and_reports' => 'チャート レポート',
'chart' => 'チャート',
'report' => 'レポート',
'group_by' => 'Group by',
'paid' => '支払済',
'enable_report' => 'レポート',
'enable_chart' => 'チャート',
'totals' => 'Totals',
'run' => 'Run',
'export' => 'エクスポート',
'documentation' => 'Documentation',
'zapier' => 'Zapier',
'recurring' => '繰り返し',
'last_invoice_sent' => 'Last invoice sent :date',
'processed_updates' => '更新が完了しました。',
'tasks' => 'タスク',
'new_task' => '新しいタスク',
'start_time' => '開始時間',
'created_task' => 'タスクが登録されました。',
'updated_task' => 'タスクが更新されました。',
'edit_task' => 'タスクを更新',
'clone_task' => 'タスクを複製',
'archive_task' => 'タスクをアーカイブ',
'restore_task' => 'タスクをリストア',
'delete_task' => 'タスクを削除',
'stop_task' => 'タスクを停止',
'time' => '時間',
'start' => 'スタート',
'stop' => 'ストップ',
'now' => 'Now',
'timer' => 'タイマー',
'manual' => 'Manual',
'date_and_time' => '日時',
'second' => 'Second',
'seconds' => 'Seconds',
'minute' => 'Minute',
'minutes' => 'Minutes',
'hour' => 'Hour',
'hours' => 'Hours',
'task_details' => 'タスク詳細',
'duration' => 'Duration',
'time_log' => 'Time Log',
'end_time' => '終了時間',
'end' => '終了',
'invoiced' => 'Invoiced',
'logged' => 'Logged',
'running' => 'Running',
'task_error_multiple_clients' => 'The tasks can\'t belong to different clients',
'task_error_running' => 'Please stop running tasks first',
'task_error_invoiced' => 'Tasks have already been invoiced',
'restored_task' => 'タスクをリストアしました。',
'archived_task' => 'タスクをアーカイブしました。',
'archived_tasks' => ':count件のタスクをアーカイブしました。',
'deleted_task' => 'タスクを削除しました。',
'deleted_tasks' => ':count件のタスクを削除しました。',
'create_task' => 'タスクを新規作成',
'stopped_task' => 'タスクを停止しました。',
'invoice_task' => 'Invoice Task',
'invoice_labels' => 'Invoice Labels',
'prefix' => 'プレフィックス',
'counter' => 'カウンター',
'payment_type_dwolla' => 'Dwolla',
'partial_value' => 'Must be greater than zero and less than the total',
'more_actions' => 'More Actions',
'pro_plan_title' => 'NINJA PRO',
'pro_plan_call_to_action' => '今すぐアップグレード!',
'pro_plan_feature1' => 'Create Unlimited Clients',
'pro_plan_feature2' => 'Access to 10 Beautiful Invoice Designs',
'pro_plan_feature3' => 'Custom URLs - "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com"',
'pro_plan_feature4' => 'Remove "Created by Invoice Ninja"',
'pro_plan_feature5' => 'Multi-user Access & Activity Tracking',
'pro_plan_feature6' => 'Create Quotes & Pro-forma Invoices',
'pro_plan_feature7' => 'Customize Invoice Field Titles & Numbering',
'pro_plan_feature8' => 'Option to Attach PDFs to Client Emails',
'resume' => 'Resume',
'break_duration' => 'Break',
'edit_details' => '詳細を編集',
'work' => 'Work',
'timezone_unset' => 'Please :link to set your timezone',
'click_here' => 'こちらをクリック',
'email_receipt' => 'Email payment receipt to the client',
'created_payment_emailed_client' => 'Successfully created payment and emailed client',
'add_company' => '会社を追加',
'untitled' => 'Untitled',
'new_company' => '新しい会社',
'associated_accounts' => 'Successfully linked accounts',
'unlinked_account' => 'Successfully unlinked accounts',
'login' => 'ログイン',
'or' => 'もしくは',
'email_error' => 'メールの送信で問題が発生しました。',
'confirm_recurring_timing' => 'Note: emails are sent at the start of the hour.',
'confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent' => '注: 請求書は時間の開始時に作成されます。',
'payment_terms_help' => 'Sets the default <b>invoice due date</b>',
'unlink_account' => 'Unlink Account',
'unlink' => 'Unlink',
'show_address' => '住所を表示',
'show_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their billing address',
'update_address' => '住所を更新',
'update_address_help' => 'Update client\'s address with provided details',
'times' => 'Times',
'set_now' => 'Set to now',
'dark_mode' => 'ダークモード',
'dark_mode_help' => 'Use a dark background for the sidebars',
'add_to_invoice' => '請求書 :invoice に追加',
'create_new_invoice' => '請求書を新規作成',
'task_errors' => 'Please correct any overlapping times',
'from' => 'From',
'to' => 'To',
'font_size' => 'フォントサイズ',
'primary_color' => 'プライマリ・カラー',
'secondary_color' => 'セカンダリ・カラー',
'customize_design' => 'デザインをカスタマイズ',
'content' => 'コンテンツ',
'styles' => 'スタイル',
'defaults' => 'デフォルト',
'margins' => 'マージン',
'header' => 'ヘッダ',
'footer' => 'フッタ',
'custom' => 'カスタム',
'invoice_to' => 'Invoice to',
'invoice_no' => '請求書番号',
'quote_no' => 'Quote No.',
'recent_payments' => '最近の入金',
'outstanding' => 'Outstanding',
'manage_companies' => 'Manage Companies',
'total_revenue' => 'Total Revenue',
'current_user' => '現在のユーザ',
'new_recurring_invoice' => 'New Recurring Invoice',
'recurring_invoice' => 'Recurring Invoice',
'new_recurring_quote' => 'New Recurring Quote',
'recurring_quote' => 'Recurring Quote',
'recurring_too_soon' => 'It\'s too soon to create the next recurring invoice, it\'s scheduled for :date',
'created_by_invoice' => 'Created by :invoice',
'primary_user' => 'プライマリ・ユーザ',
'help' => 'ヘルプ',
'customize_help' => '<p>:pdfmake_link を使用して、請求書のデザインを宣言的に定義します。 pdfmake :playground_link は、ライブラリの動作を確認する優れた方法を提供します。</p><p>何かを理解するのに助けが必要な場合は、使用しているデザインで :forum_link に質問を投稿してください。</p>',
'playground' => 'playground',
'support_forum' => 'support forum',
'invoice_due_date' => '支払期日',
'quote_due_date' => 'Valid Until',
'valid_until' => 'Valid Until',
'reset_terms' => 'Reset terms',
'reset_footer' => 'Reset footer',
'invoice_sent' => ':count 請求書を送信しました',
'invoices_sent' => ':count 件の請求書が送信されました',
'status_draft' => 'Draft',
'status_sent' => '送信済',
'status_viewed' => 'Viewed',
'status_partial' => 'Partial',
'status_paid' => '支払済',
'status_unpaid' => '未払い',
'status_all' => 'All',
'show_line_item_tax' => 'Display <b>line item taxes inline</b>',
'iframe_url' => 'Website',
'iframe_url_help1' => 'Copy the following code to a page on your site.',
'iframe_url_help2' => 'You can test the feature by clicking \'View as recipient\' for an invoice.',
'auto_bill' => 'Auto Bill',
'military_time' => '24 Hour Time',
'last_sent' => '最後の送信',
'reminder_emails' => 'Reminder Emails',
'quote_reminder_emails' => 'Quote Reminder Emails',
'templates_and_reminders' => 'Templates & Reminders',
'subject' => 'サブジェクト',
'body' => '本文',
'first_reminder' => 'First Reminder',
'second_reminder' => 'Second Reminder',
'third_reminder' => 'Third Reminder',
'num_days_reminder' => 'Days after due date',
'reminder_subject' => 'リマインダー: Invoice :invoice from :account',
'reset' => 'リセット',
'invoice_not_found' => 'The requested invoice is not available',
'referral_program' => 'リファーラル・プログラム',
'referral_code' => 'リファーラル URL',
'last_sent_on' => 'Sent Last: :date',
'page_expire' => 'This page will expire soon, :click_here to keep working',
'upcoming_quotes' => 'Upcoming Quotes',
'expired_quotes' => 'Expired Quotes',
'sign_up_using' => 'Sign up using',
'invalid_credentials' => 'These credentials do not match our records',
'show_all_options' => 'Show all options',
'user_details' => 'ユーザの詳細',
'oneclick_login' => 'Connected Account',
'disable' => 'Disable',
'invoice_quote_number' => 'Invoice and Quote Numbers',
'invoice_charges' => 'Invoice Surcharges',
'notification_invoice_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Invoice :invoice to :contact.',
'notification_invoice_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Invoice :invoice',
'notification_quote_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Quote :invoice to :contact.',
'notification_quote_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Quote :invoice',
'custom_invoice_link' => 'Custom Invoice Link',
'total_invoiced' => 'Total Invoiced',
'open_balance' => 'Open Balance',
'verify_email' => 'Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.',
'basic_settings' => 'Basic Settings',
'pro' => 'Pro',
'gateways' => 'ペイメントゲートウェイ',
'next_send_on' => 'Send Next: :date',
'no_longer_running' => 'This invoice is not scheduled to run',
'general_settings' => '一般設定',
'customize' => 'カスタマイズ',
'oneclick_login_help' => 'Connect an account to login without a password',
'referral_code_help' => 'Earn money by sharing our app online',
'enable_with_stripe' => 'Enable | Requires Stripe',
'tax_settings' => '税の設定',
'create_tax_rate' => '税率を追加',
'updated_tax_rate' => '税率を更新しました。',
'created_tax_rate' => '税率を作成しました',
'edit_tax_rate' => '税率を編集',
'archive_tax_rate' => '税率をアーカイブ',
'archived_tax_rate' => '税率をアーカイブしました。',
'default_tax_rate_id' => 'デフォルトの税率',
'tax_rate' => '税率',
'recurring_hour' => 'Recurring Hour',
'pattern' => 'パターン',
'pattern_help_title' => 'Pattern Help',
'pattern_help_1' => 'Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern',
'pattern_help_2' => 'Available variables:',
'pattern_help_3' => 'For example, :example would be converted to :value',
'see_options' => 'オプションを見る',
'invoice_counter' => '請求書カウンター',
'quote_counter' => '見積書カウンター',
'type' => 'Type',
'activity_1' => ':user は 顧客 :client を作成しました。',
'activity_2' => ':user は 顧客 :client をアーカイブしました。',
'activity_3' => ':user は 顧客 :client を削除しました。',
'activity_4' => ':user は 請求書 :invoice を作成しました。',
'activity_5' => ':user は 請求書 :invoice をアーカイブしました。',
'activity_6' => ':user は、:client の請求書 :invoice を :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'activity_7' => ':contact が :client の請求書 :invoice を閲覧しました',
'activity_8' => ':user は 請求書 :invoice をアーカイブしました。',
'activity_9' => ':user は 請求書 :invoice をアーカイブしました。',
'activity_10' => ':contact は、:client の請求書 :invoice に :payment_amount の支払い :payment を入力しました',
'activity_11' => ':user updated payment :payment',
'activity_12' => ':user archived payment :payment',
'activity_13' => ':user deleted payment :payment',
'activity_14' => ':user entered :credit credit',
'activity_15' => ':user updated :credit credit',
'activity_16' => ':user archived :credit credit',
'activity_17' => ':user deleted :credit credit',
'activity_18' => ':user created quote :quote',
'activity_19' => ':user updated quote :quote',
'activity_20' => ':user は、:client の引用 :quote を :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'activity_21' => ':contact viewed quote :quote',
'activity_22' => ':user archived quote :quote',
'activity_23' => ':user deleted quote :quote',
'activity_24' => ':user restored quote :quote',
'activity_25' => ':user restored invoice :invoice',
'activity_26' => ':user restored client :client',
'activity_27' => ':user restored payment :payment',
'activity_28' => ':user restored :credit credit',
'activity_29' => ':contact 承認された見積もり :quote for :client',
'activity_30' => ':user 作成されたベンダー :vendor',
'activity_31' => ':user アーカイブされたベンダー :vendor',
'activity_32' => ':user 削除されたベンダー :vendor',
'activity_33' => ':user 復元されたベンダー :vendor',
'activity_34' => ':user created expense :expense',
'activity_35' => ':user アーカイブ済み経費 :expense',
'activity_36' => ':user 削除された経費 :expense',
'activity_37' => ':user 復元された費用 :expense',
'activity_42' => ':user 作成されたタスク :task',
'activity_43' => ':user 更新されたタスク :task',
'activity_44' => ':user アーカイブされたタスク :task',
'activity_45' => ':user 削除されたタスク :task',
'activity_46' => ':user 復元されたタスク :task',
'activity_47' => ':user 更新された経費 :expense',
'activity_48' => ':user がユーザー :user を作成しました',
'activity_49' => ':user 更新されたユーザー :user',
'activity_50' => ':user アーカイブされたユーザー :user',
'activity_51' => ':user 削除されたユーザー :user',
'activity_52' => ':user 復元されたユーザー :user',
'activity_53' => ':user マーク付き送信済み :invoice',
'activity_54' => ':user 支払われた請求書 :invoice',
'activity_55' => ':contact 返信チケット :ticket',
'activity_56' => ':user 閲覧したチケット :ticket',
'payment' => 'Payment',
'system' => 'System',
'signature' => 'Eメール 署名',
'default_messages' => 'デフォルトのメッセージ',
'quote_terms' => 'Quote Terms',
'default_quote_terms' => 'Default Quote Terms',
'default_invoice_terms' => 'Default Invoice Terms',
'default_invoice_footer' => 'デフォルトの請求書フッタ',
'quote_footer' => '見積書フッタ',
'free' => 'フリー',
'quote_is_approved' => 'Successfully approved',
'apply_credit' => '前受金を適用',
'system_settings' => 'システム設定',
'archive_token' => 'トークンをアーカイブ',
'archived_token' => 'トークンをアーカイブしました。',
'archive_user' => 'ユーザをアーカイブ',
'archived_user' => 'ユーザをアーカイブしました。',
'archive_account_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを削除',
'archived_account_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイをアーカイブしました。',
'archive_recurring_invoice' => '繰り返しの請求書をアーカイブ',
'archived_recurring_invoice' => '繰り返しの請求書をアーカイブしました。',
'delete_recurring_invoice' => '繰り返しの請求書を削除',
'deleted_recurring_invoice' => '繰り返しの請求書を削除しました。',
'restore_recurring_invoice' => 'Restore Recurring Invoice',
'restored_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully restored recurring invoice',
'archive_recurring_quote' => 'Archive Recurring Quote',
'archived_recurring_quote' => 'Successfully archived recurring quote',
'delete_recurring_quote' => 'Delete Recurring Quote',
'deleted_recurring_quote' => '繰り返しの見積書を削除しました。',
'restore_recurring_quote' => 'Restore Recurring Quote',
'restored_recurring_quote' => 'Successfully restored recurring quote',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'untitled_account' => 'Untitled Company',
'before' => 'Before',
'after' => 'After',
'reset_terms_help' => 'Reset to the default account terms',
'reset_footer_help' => 'Reset to the default account footer',
'export_data' => 'Export Data',
'user' => 'ユーザ',
'country' => '国',
'include' => 'Include',
'logo_too_large' => 'あなたのロゴのサイズは :size です。PDF生成のパフォーマンス向上のため200KB以下の画像ファイルのアップロードをお願いします。',
'import_freshbooks' => 'FreshBooksからインポート',
'import_data' => 'Import Data',
'source' => 'ソース',
'csv' => 'CSV',
'client_file' => '顧客ファイル',
'invoice_file' => '請求書ファイル',
'task_file' => 'タスクファイル',
'no_mapper' => 'No valid mapping for file',
'invalid_csv_header' => 'CSVのヘッダが正しくありません。',
'client_portal' => '顧客ポータル',
'admin' => '管理者',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'show_archived_users' => 'アーカイブされたユーザを表示',
'notes' => 'ノート',
'invoice_will_create' => 'invoice will be created',
'invoices_will_create' => '請求書が作成されます。',
'failed_to_import' => '以下のレコードがインポートされませんでした。',
'publishable_key' => '公開鍵',
'secret_key' => '秘密鍵',
'missing_publishable_key' => 'Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process',
'email_design' => 'Eメール デザイン',
'due_by' => 'Due by :date',
'enable_email_markup' => 'マークアップを許可する',
'enable_email_markup_help' => 'Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.',
'template_help_title' => 'テンプレート ヘルプ',
'template_help_1' => 'Available variables:',
'email_design_id' => 'Eメール スタイル',
'email_design_help' => 'Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.',
'plain' => 'プレーン',
'light' => 'ライト',
'dark' => 'ダーク',
'industry_help' => 'Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.',
'subdomain_help' => 'あなた自身のWebサイトで請求書を表示するために、サブドメインを設定',
'website_help' => 'Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website',
'invoice_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.',
'quote_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.',
'custom_client_fields_helps' => 'Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_account_fields_helps' => 'Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_fields_helps' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_charges_helps' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.',
'token_expired' => 'Validation token was expired. Please try again.',
'invoice_link' => '請求書リンク',
'button_confirmation_message' => 'Confirm your email.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'email_preferences' => 'Email Preferences',
'created_invoices' => ':count件の請求書を作成しました。',
'next_invoice_number' => '次の請求書番号は :numberです。',
'next_quote_number' => '次の見積書番号は :numberです。',
'days_before' => 'days before the',
'days_after' => 'days after the',
'field_due_date' => 'due date',
'field_invoice_date' => 'invoice date',
'schedule' => 'スケジュール',
'email_designs' => 'Eメールデザイン',
'assigned_when_sent' => '送信時に割当',
'white_label_purchase_link' => 'ホワイトラベル・ライセンスを購入',
'expense' => 'Expense',
'expenses' => '経費',
'new_expense' => 'Enter Expense',
'new_vendor' => 'New Vendor',
'payment_terms_net' => 'Net',
'vendor' => 'Vendor',
'edit_vendor' => 'Edit Vendor',
'archive_vendor' => 'Archive Vendor',
'delete_vendor' => 'Delete Vendor',
'view_vendor' => 'View Vendor',
'deleted_expense' => 'Successfully deleted expense',
'archived_expense' => 'Successfully archived expense',
'deleted_expenses' => '経費の削除に成功しました',
'archived_expenses' => '経費のアーカイブに成功しました',
'expense_amount' => 'Expense Amount',
'expense_balance' => 'Expense Balance',
'expense_date' => 'Expense Date',
'expense_should_be_invoiced' => 'Should this expense be invoiced?',
'public_notes' => 'Public Notes',
'invoice_amount' => 'Invoice Amount',
'exchange_rate' => 'Exchange Rate',
'yes' => 'はい',
'no' => 'いいえ',
'should_be_invoiced' => 'Should be invoiced',
'view_expense' => 'View expense # :expense',
'edit_expense' => 'Edit Expense',
'archive_expense' => 'Archive Expense',
'delete_expense' => 'Delete Expense',
'view_expense_num' => 'Expense # :expense',
'updated_expense' => 'Successfully updated expense',
'created_expense' => 'Successfully created expense',
'enter_expense' => 'Enter Expense',
'view' => 'View',
'restore_expense' => 'Restore Expense',
'invoice_expense' => 'Invoice Expense',
'expense_error_multiple_clients' => 'The expenses can\'t belong to different clients',
'expense_error_invoiced' => 'Expense has already been invoiced',
'convert_currency' => 'Convert currency',
'num_days' => 'Number of Days',
'create_payment_term' => 'Create Payment Term',
'edit_payment_terms' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'edit_payment_term' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'archive_payment_term' => 'Archive Payment Term',
'recurring_due_dates' => 'Recurring Invoice Due Dates',
'recurring_due_date_help' => '<p>Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.</p>
<p>Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don\'t have that day will be due the last day of the month.</p>
<p>Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.</li>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of <strong>next</strong> month.
<li>Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.
'due' => 'Due',
'next_due_on' => 'Due Next: :date',
'use_client_terms' => 'Use client terms',
'day_of_month' => ':ordinal day of month',
'last_day_of_month' => 'Last day of month',
'day_of_week_after' => ':ordinal :day after',
'sunday' => '日曜日',
'monday' => '月曜日',
'tuesday' => '火曜日',
'wednesday' => '水曜日',
'thursday' => '木曜日',
'friday' => '金曜日',
'saturday' => '土曜日',
'header_font_id' => 'ヘッダー・フォント',
'body_font_id' => 'ボディ・フォント',
'color_font_help' => 'Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.',
'live_preview' => 'ライブ・プレビュー',
'invalid_mail_config' => 'Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.',
'invoice_message_button' => 'To view your invoice for :amount, click the button below.',
'quote_message_button' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the button below.',
'payment_message_button' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount.',
'payment_type_direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'bank_accounts' => 'Credit Cards & Banks',
'add_bank_account' => '銀行口座を追加',
'setup_account' => 'Setup Account',
'import_expenses' => '経費をインポート',
'bank_id' => '銀行',
'integration_type' => 'Integration Type',
'updated_bank_account' => '銀行口座を更新しました。',
'edit_bank_account' => '銀行口座を編集',
'archive_bank_account' => '銀行口座をアーカイブ',
'archived_bank_account' => '銀行口座をアーカイブしました。',
'created_bank_account' => '銀行口座を登録しました。',
'validate_bank_account' => 'Validate Bank Account',
'bank_password_help' => 'Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.',
'bank_password_warning' => 'Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.',
'username' => 'ユーザ名',
'account_number' => '口座番号',
'account_name' => '口座名義',
'bank_account_error' => 'Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.',
'status_approved' => 'Approved',
'quote_settings' => '見積書設定',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'Auto Convert',
'auto_convert_quote_help' => 'Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved.',
'validate' => 'Validate',
'info' => 'Info',
'imported_expenses' => 'Successfully created :count_vendors vendor(s) and :count_expenses expense(s)',
'iframe_url_help3' => 'Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.',
'expense_error_multiple_currencies' => 'The expenses can\'t have different currencies.',
'expense_error_mismatch_currencies' => 'The client\'s currency does not match the expense currency.',
'trello_roadmap' => 'Trello Roadmap',
'header_footer' => 'ヘッダ/フッタ',
'first_page' => '最初のページ',
'all_pages' => '全てのページ',
'last_page' => '最後のページ',
'all_pages_header' => 'Show header on',
'all_pages_footer' => 'Show footer on',
'invoice_currency' => '請求書通貨',
'enable_https' => 'We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.',
'quote_issued_to' => 'Quote issued to',
'show_currency_code' => '通貨コード',
'free_year_message' => 'Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.',
'trial_message' => 'Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.',
'trial_footer' => '無料のプロ プランの試用期間はあと :count 日です。:link で今すぐアップグレードできます。',
'trial_footer_last_day' => 'これは、無料のプロ プラン試用版 :link の最終日です。今すぐアップグレードしてください。',
'trial_call_to_action' => 'フリートライアルを始める',
'trial_success' => 'Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial',
'overdue' => 'Overdue',
'white_label_text' => '$:price で 1 年間のホワイト ラベル ライセンスを購入して、Invoice Ninja のブランドを請求書およびクライアント ポータルから削除します。',
'user_email_footer' => 'To adjust your email notification settings please visit :link',
'reset_password_footer' => 'If you did not request this password reset please email our support: :email',
'limit_users' => 'Sorry, this will exceed the limit of :limit users',
'more_designs_self_host_header' => 'Get 6 more invoice designs for just $:price',
'old_browser' => ':link を使用してください',
'newer_browser' => 'newer browser',
'white_label_custom_css' => ':link for $:price to enable custom styling and help support our project.',
'bank_accounts_help' => '銀行口座を接続して、経費を自動的にインポートし、納入業者を作成します。 American Expressと:linkをサポートします。 ',
'us_banks' => '400+ US banks',
'pro_plan_remove_logo' => 'プロプランに加入して、Invoice Ninjaのロゴを消す。 :link',
'pro_plan_remove_logo_link' => 'こちらをクリック',
'invitation_status_sent' => '送信済み',
'invitation_status_opened' => '開封済み',
'invitation_status_viewed' => 'Viewed',
'email_error_inactive_client' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive clients',
'email_error_inactive_contact' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts',
'email_error_inactive_invoice' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices',
'email_error_inactive_proposal' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals',
'email_error_user_unregistered' => 'Please register your account to send emails',
'email_error_user_unconfirmed' => 'Please confirm your account to send emails',
'email_error_invalid_contact_email' => 'Invalid contact email',
'navigation' => 'ナビゲーション',
'list_invoices' => '請求書一覧',
'list_clients' => '顧客一覧',
'list_quotes' => '見積書一覧',
'list_tasks' => 'タスク一覧',
'list_expenses' => 'List Expenses',
'list_recurring_invoices' => 'List Recurring Invoices',
'list_payments' => '入金一覧',
'list_credits' => '前受金一覧',
'tax_name' => '税名称',
'report_settings' => 'レポート設定',
'search_hotkey' => 'shortcut is /',
'new_user' => '新しいユーザ',
'new_product' => '新しい商品',
'new_tax_rate' => '新しい税率',
'invoiced_amount' => 'Invoiced Amount',
'invoice_item_fields' => 'Invoice Item Fields',
'custom_invoice_item_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'recurring_invoice_number' => 'Recurring Number',
'recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help' => 'Specify a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.',
// Client Passwords
'enable_portal_password' => 'Password Protect Invoices',
'enable_portal_password_help' => 'Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.',
'send_portal_password' => 'Generate Automatically',
'send_portal_password_help' => 'If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.',
'expired' => 'Expired',
'invalid_card_number' => 'クレジットカード番号が不正です。',
'invalid_expiry' => 'The expiration date is not valid.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'The CVV is not valid.',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.',
// User Permissions
'owner' => 'Owner',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator_help' => 'Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records',
'user_create_all' => 'Create clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_view_all' => 'View all clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_edit_all' => 'Edit all clients, invoices, etc.',
'partial_due' => 'Partial Due',
'restore_vendor' => 'Restore Vendor',
'restored_vendor' => 'Successfully restored vendor',
'restored_expense' => 'Successfully restored expense',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'create_all_help' => 'Allow user to create and modify records',
'view_all_help' => 'Allow user to view records they didn\'t create',
'edit_all_help' => 'Allow user to modify records they didn\'t create',
'view_payment' => 'View Payment',
'january' => 'January',
'february' => 'February',
'march' => 'March',
'april' => 'April',
'may' => 'May',
'june' => 'June',
'july' => 'July',
'august' => 'August',
'september' => 'September',
'october' => 'October',
'november' => 'November',
'december' => 'December',
// Documents
'documents_header' => 'Documents:',
'email_documents_header' => 'Documents:',
'email_documents_example_1' => 'Widgets Receipt.pdf',
'email_documents_example_2' => 'Final Deliverable.zip',
'quote_documents' => 'Quote Documents',
'invoice_documents' => 'Invoice Documents',
'expense_documents' => 'Expense Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents' => 'Embed Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents_help' => 'Include attached images in the invoice.',
'document_email_attachment' => 'Attach Documents',
'ubl_email_attachment' => 'Attach UBL',
'download_documents' => 'Download Documents (:size)',
'documents_from_expenses' => 'From Expenses:',
'dropzone_default_message' => 'Drop files or click to upload',
'dropzone_default_message_disabled' => 'Uploads disabled',
'dropzone_fallback_message' => 'Your browser does not support drag\'n\'drop file uploads.',
'dropzone_fallback_text' => 'Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.',
'dropzone_file_too_big' => 'File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.',
'dropzone_invalid_file_type' => 'You can\'t upload files of this type.',
'dropzone_response_error' => 'Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.',
'dropzone_cancel_upload' => 'Cancel upload',
'dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?',
'dropzone_remove_file' => 'Remove file',
'documents' => 'Documents',
'document_date' => 'Document Date',
'document_size' => 'Size',
'enable_client_portal' => 'ダッシュボード',
'enable_client_portal_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
// Plans
'account_management' => 'Account Management',
'plan_status' => 'Plan Status',
'plan_upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'plan_change' => 'Change Plan',
'pending_change_to' => 'Changes To',
'plan_changes_to' => ':plan on :date',
'plan_term_changes_to' => ':plan (:term) on :date',
'cancel_plan_change' => 'Cancel Change',
'plan' => 'Plan',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'renews' => 'Renews',
'plan_expired' => ':plan Plan Expired',
'trial_expired' => ':plan Plan Trial Ended',
'never' => 'Never',
'plan_free' => 'Free',
'plan_pro' => 'Pro',
'plan_enterprise' => 'Enterprise',
'plan_white_label' => 'Self Hosted (White labeled)',
'plan_free_self_hosted' => 'Self Hosted (Free)',
'plan_trial' => 'Trial',
'plan_term' => 'Term',
'plan_term_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'plan_term_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'plan_term_month' => 'Month',
'plan_term_year' => 'Year',
'plan_price_monthly' => '$:price/Month',
'plan_price_yearly' => '$:price/Year',
'updated_plan' => 'Updated plan settings',
'plan_paid' => 'Term Started',
'plan_started' => 'Plan Started',
'plan_expires' => 'Plan Expires',
'white_label_button' => 'Purchase White Label',
'pro_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'pro_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_product' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'enterprise_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'plan_credit_product' => '前受金',
'plan_credit_description' => 'Credit for unused time',
'plan_pending_monthly' => 'Will switch to monthly on :date',
'plan_refunded' => 'A refund has been issued.',
'page_size' => 'Page Size',
'live_preview_disabled' => 'Live preview has been disabled to support selected font',
'invoice_number_padding' => 'Padding',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'list_vendors' => 'List Vendors',
'add_users_not_supported' => 'Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.',
'enterprise_plan_features' => 'Enterprise プランでは、複数のユーザーと添付ファイル :link のサポートが追加され、機能の完全なリストが表示されます。',
'return_to_app' => 'Appに戻る',
// Payment updates
'refund_payment' => 'Refund Payment',
'refund_max' => '最大:',
'refund' => 'Refund',
'are_you_sure_refund' => 'Refund selected payments?',
'status_pending' => 'Pending',
'status_completed' => '完了',
'status_failed' => 'Failed',
'status_partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'status_partially_refunded_amount' => ':amount 返金済み',
'status_refunded' => 'Refunded',
'status_voided' => 'Cancelled',
'refunded_payment' => 'Refunded Payment',
'activity_39' => ':user は :payment_amount の支払いをキャンセルしました :payment',
'activity_40' => ':user は :payment_amount 支払い :payment の :adjustment を払い戻しました',
'card_expiration' => '経験値: :expires',
'card_creditcardother' => 'Unknown',
'card_americanexpress' => 'American Express',
'card_carteblanche' => 'Carte Blanche',
'card_unionpay' => 'UnionPay',
'card_diners' => 'Diners Club',
'card_discover' => 'Discover',
'card_jcb' => 'JCB',
'card_laser' => 'Laser',
'card_maestro' => 'Maestro',
'card_mastercard' => 'MasterCard',
'card_solo' => 'Solo',
'card_switch' => 'Switch',
'card_visacard' => 'Visa',
'card_ach' => 'ACH',
'payment_type_stripe' => 'Stripe',
'ach' => 'ACH',
'enable_ach' => 'Accept US bank transfers',
'stripe_ach_help' => 'ACH サポートも :link で有効にする必要があります。',
'ach_disabled' => 'Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.',
'plaid' => 'Plaid',
'client_id' => 'Client Id',
'secret' => 'Secret',
'public_key' => 'Public Key',
'plaid_optional' => '(optional)',
'plaid_environment_help' => 'When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid\'s development environment (tartan) will be used.',
'other_providers' => 'Other Providers',
'country_not_supported' => 'That country is not supported.',
'invalid_routing_number' => 'The routing number is not valid.',
'invalid_account_number' => 'The account number is not valid.',
'account_number_mismatch' => 'The account numbers do not match.',
'missing_account_holder_type' => 'Please select an individual or company account.',
'missing_account_holder_name' => 'Please enter the account holder\'s name.',
'routing_number' => 'Routing Number',
'confirm_account_number' => 'Confirm Account Number',
'individual_account' => 'Individual Account',
'company_account' => 'Company Account',
'account_holder_name' => 'Account Holder Name',
'add_account' => 'Add Account',
'payment_methods' => 'Payment Methods',
'complete_verification' => '認証完了',
'verification_amount1' => 'Amount 1',
'verification_amount2' => 'Amount 2',
'payment_method_verified' => '認証完了',
'verification_failed' => 'Verification Failed',
'remove_payment_method' => 'Remove Payment Method',
'confirm_remove_payment_method' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'payment_method_removed' => 'Removed payment method.',
'bank_account_verification_help' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.',
'bank_account_verification_next_steps' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.
Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click "Complete Verification" next to the account.',
'unknown_bank' => 'Unknown Bank',
'ach_verification_delay_help' => 'You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.',
'add_credit_card' => 'クレジットカードを追加',
'payment_method_added' => 'Added payment method.',
'use_for_auto_bill' => 'Use For Autobill',
'used_for_auto_bill' => 'Autobill Payment Method',
'payment_method_set_as_default' => '自動請求の決済方法を設定',
'activity_41' => ':payment_amount 支払い (:payment) 失敗',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook URL',
'stripe_webhook_help' => ':link が必要です',
'stripe_webhook_help_link_text' => 'Stripe のエンドポイントとなる URL を追加します',
'gocardless_webhook_help_link_text' => 'GoCardless のエンドポイントとなる URL を追加します',
'payment_method_error' => '決済方法を追加できませんでした。後ほど再度お試しください。',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject' => '請求書 :invoice の支払いに失敗しました',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed' => 'クライアント :client による請求書 :invoice に対する支払いが失敗しました。支払いは失敗としてマークされ、:amount がクライアントの残高に追加されました。',
'link_with_plaid' => 'Link Account Instantly with Plaid',
'link_manually' => 'Link Manually',
'secured_by_plaid' => 'Secured by Plaid',
'plaid_linked_status' => ':bank の銀行口座',
'add_payment_method' => 'Add Payment Method',
'account_holder_type' => 'Account Holder Type',
'ach_authorization' => '私は、:company が将来の支払いに私の銀行口座を使用することを許可し、必要に応じて、誤った引き落としを修正するために私の口座に電子的に入金することを許可します。支払い方法を削除するか、:email に連絡することにより、いつでもこの承認を取り消すことができることを理解しています。',
'ach_authorization_required' => 'You must consent to ACH transactions.',
'off' => 'Off',
'opt_in' => 'Opt-in',
'opt_out' => 'Opt-out',
'always' => 'Always',
'opted_out' => 'Opted out',
'opted_in' => 'Opted in',
'manage_auto_bill' => 'Manage Auto-bill',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'paypal' => 'PayPal',
'braintree_enable_paypal' => 'Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree',
'braintree_paypal_disabled_help' => 'The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments',
'braintree_paypal_help' => ':link も必要です。',
'braintree_paypal_help_link_text' => 'link PayPal to your BrainTree account',
'token_billing_braintree_paypal' => 'Save payment details',
'add_paypal_account' => 'Add PayPal Account',
'no_payment_method_specified' => 'No payment method specified',
'chart_type' => 'Chart Type',
'format' => 'Format',
'import_ofx' => 'Import OFX',
'ofx_file' => 'OFX File',
'ofx_parse_failed' => 'Failed to parse OFX file',
// WePay
'wepay' => 'WePay',
'sign_up_with_wepay' => 'Sign up with WePay',
'use_another_provider' => 'Use another provider',
'company_name' => 'Company Name',
'wepay_company_name_help' => 'This will appear on client\'s credit card statements.',
'wepay_description_help' => 'The purpose of this account.',
'wepay_tos_agree' => ':link に同意します。',
'wepay_tos_link_text' => 'WePay Terms of Service',
'resend_confirmation_email' => 'Resend Confirmation Email',
'manage_account' => 'Manage Account',
'action_required' => 'Action Required',
'finish_setup' => 'セットアップが完了しました',
'created_wepay_confirmation_required' => 'Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.',
'switch_to_wepay' => 'WePay に変更',
'switch' => 'Switch',
'restore_account_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを復元',
'restored_account_gateway' => 'ゲートウェイを復元しました。',
'united_states' => 'United States',
'canada' => 'Canada',
'accept_debit_cards' => 'デビットカードを許可',
'debit_cards' => 'デビットカード',
'warn_start_date_changed' => 'The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.',
'warn_start_date_changed_not_sent' => 'The next invoice will be created on the new start date.',
'original_start_date' => 'Original start date',
'new_start_date' => 'New start date',
'security' => 'Security',
'see_whats_new' => 'v:version の新機能を見る ',
'wait_for_upload' => 'Please wait for the document upload to complete.',
'upgrade_for_permissions' => 'Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.',
'enable_second_tax_rate' => 'Enable specifying a <b>second tax rate</b>',
'payment_file' => 'Payment File',
'expense_file' => 'Expense File',
'product_file' => 'Product File',
'import_products' => '商品をインポート',
'products_will_create' => '商品が登録されます',
'product_key' => 'Product',
'created_products' => ':count 製品が正常に作成/更新されました',
'export_help' => 'Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.<br/>The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.',
'selfhost_export_help' => '<br/>We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.',
'JSON_file' => 'JSON File',
'view_dashboard' => 'ダッシュボードを参照',
'client_session_expired' => 'セッションの期限が切れました',
'client_session_expired_message' => 'このセッションは期限切れになりました。送信されたメール内のリンクを再度クリックしてください。',
'auto_bill_notification' => 'この請求書は登録されている :payment_method によって、:due_date で自動的に課金されます。',
'auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer' => '銀行口座',
'auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card' => 'クレジットカード',
'auto_bill_payment_method_paypal' => 'PayPal アカウント',
'auto_bill_notification_placeholder' => 'この請求書は、期日にて登録されているクレジットカードに自動的に請求されます。',
'payment_settings' => 'Payment Settings',
'on_send_date' => '発送日',
'on_due_date' => '支払期日',
'auto_bill_ach_date_help' => 'ACH送金システムは常時期日において自動的に請求を行います。',
'warn_change_auto_bill' => 'Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.',
'bank_account' => '銀行口座',
'payment_processed_through_wepay' => 'ACH payments will be processed using WePay.',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree' => 'WePay :terms および :privacy_policy に同意します。',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree_required' => 'You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.',
'ach_email_prompt' => 'メールアドレスを入力してください:',
'verification_pending' => 'Verification Pending',
'update_font_cache' => 'Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.',
'more_options' => 'More options',
'credit_card' => 'Credit Card',
'bank_transfer' => 'Bank Transfer',
'no_transaction_reference' => 'We did not receive a payment transaction reference from the gateway.',
'use_bank_on_file' => 'Use Bank on File',
'auto_bill_email_message' => 'この請求書は、期日にて登録されている支払い方法を用いて自動的に請求されます。',
'bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'gocardless' => 'GoCardless',
'added_on' => ':date を追加',
'failed_remove_payment_method' => 'Failed to remove the payment method',
'gateway_exists' => 'This gateway already exists',
'manual_entry' => 'Manual entry',
'start_of_week' => 'First Day of the Week',
// Frequencies
'freq_inactive' => 'Inactive',
'freq_daily' => 'Daily',
'freq_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'freq_biweekly' => 'Biweekly',
'freq_two_weeks' => 'Two weeks',
'freq_four_weeks' => 'Four weeks',
'freq_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'freq_three_months' => 'Three months',
'freq_four_months' => 'Four months',
'freq_six_months' => 'Six months',
'freq_annually' => 'Annually',
'freq_two_years' => 'Two years',
// Payment types
'payment_type_Apply Credit' => 'Apply Credit',
'payment_type_Bank Transfer' => 'Bank Transfer',
'payment_type_Cash' => 'Cash',
'payment_type_Debit' => 'Debit',
'payment_type_ACH' => 'ACH',
'payment_type_Visa Card' => 'Visa Card',
'payment_type_MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
'payment_type_American Express' => 'American Express',
'payment_type_Discover Card' => 'Discover Card',
'payment_type_Diners Card' => 'Diners Card',
'payment_type_EuroCard' => 'EuroCard',
'payment_type_Nova' => 'Nova',
'payment_type_Credit Card Other' => 'Credit Card Other',
'payment_type_PayPal' => 'PayPal',
'payment_type_Google Wallet' => 'Google Wallet',
'payment_type_Check' => 'Check',
'payment_type_Carte Blanche' => 'Carte Blanche',
'payment_type_UnionPay' => 'UnionPay',
'payment_type_JCB' => 'JCB',
'payment_type_Laser' => 'Laser',
'payment_type_Maestro' => 'Maestro',
'payment_type_Solo' => 'Solo',
'payment_type_Switch' => 'Switch',
'payment_type_iZettle' => 'iZettle',
'payment_type_Swish' => 'Swish',
'payment_type_Alipay' => 'Alipay',
'payment_type_Sofort' => 'Sofort',
'payment_type_SEPA' => 'SEPA Direct Debit',
'payment_type_Bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'payment_type_GoCardless' => 'GoCardless',
'payment_type_Zelle' => 'Zelle',
// Countries
'country_Afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan',
'country_Albania' => 'Albania',
'country_Antarctica' => 'Antarctica',
'country_Algeria' => 'Algeria',
'country_American Samoa' => 'American Samoa',
'country_Andorra' => 'Andorra',
'country_Angola' => 'Angola',
'country_Antigua and Barbuda' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'country_Azerbaijan' => 'Azerbaijan',
'country_Argentina' => 'Argentina',
'country_Australia' => 'Australia',
'country_Austria' => 'Austria',
'country_Bahamas' => 'Bahamas',
'country_Bahrain' => 'Bahrain',
'country_Bangladesh' => 'Bangladesh',
'country_Armenia' => 'Armenia',
'country_Barbados' => 'Barbados',
'country_Belgium' => 'Belgium',
'country_Bermuda' => 'Bermuda',
'country_Bhutan' => 'Bhutan',
'country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of' => 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of',
'country_Bosnia and Herzegovina' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'country_Botswana' => 'Botswana',
'country_Bouvet Island' => 'Bouvet Island',
'country_Brazil' => 'Brazil',
'country_Belize' => 'Belize',
'country_British Indian Ocean Territory' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
'country_Solomon Islands' => 'Solomon Islands',
'country_Virgin Islands, British' => 'Virgin Islands, British',
'country_Brunei Darussalam' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'country_Bulgaria' => 'Bulgaria',
'country_Myanmar' => 'Myanmar',
'country_Burundi' => 'Burundi',
'country_Belarus' => 'Belarus',
'country_Cambodia' => 'Cambodia',
'country_Cameroon' => 'Cameroon',
'country_Canada' => 'Canada',
'country_Cape Verde' => 'Cape Verde',
'country_Cayman Islands' => 'Cayman Islands',
'country_Central African Republic' => 'Central African Republic',
'country_Sri Lanka' => 'Sri Lanka',
'country_Chad' => 'Chad',
'country_Chile' => 'Chile',
'country_China' => 'China',
'country_Taiwan, Province of China' => 'Taiwan, Province of China',
'country_Christmas Island' => 'Christmas Island',
'country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
'country_Colombia' => 'Colombia',
'country_Comoros' => 'Comoros',
'country_Mayotte' => 'Mayotte',
'country_Congo' => 'Congo',
'country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' => 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the',
'country_Cook Islands' => 'Cook Islands',
'country_Costa Rica' => 'Costa Rica',
'country_Croatia' => 'Croatia',
'country_Cuba' => 'Cuba',
'country_Cyprus' => 'Cyprus',
'country_Czech Republic' => 'Czech Republic',
'country_Benin' => 'Benin',
'country_Denmark' => 'Denmark',
'country_Dominica' => 'Dominica',
'country_Dominican Republic' => 'Dominican Republic',
'country_Ecuador' => 'Ecuador',
'country_El Salvador' => 'El Salvador',
'country_Equatorial Guinea' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'country_Ethiopia' => 'Ethiopia',
'country_Eritrea' => 'Eritrea',
'country_Estonia' => 'Estonia',
'country_Faroe Islands' => 'Faroe Islands',
'country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
'country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
'country_Fiji' => 'Fiji',
'country_Finland' => 'Finland',
'country_Åland Islands' => 'Åland Islands',
'country_France' => 'France',
'country_French Guiana' => 'French Guiana',
'country_French Polynesia' => 'French Polynesia',
'country_French Southern Territories' => 'French Southern Territories',
'country_Djibouti' => 'Djibouti',
'country_Gabon' => 'Gabon',
'country_Georgia' => 'Georgia',
'country_Gambia' => 'Gambia',
'country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied' => 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
'country_Germany' => 'Germany',
'country_Ghana' => 'Ghana',
'country_Gibraltar' => 'Gibraltar',
'country_Kiribati' => 'Kiribati',
'country_Greece' => 'Greece',
'country_Greenland' => 'Greenland',
'country_Grenada' => 'Grenada',
'country_Guadeloupe' => 'Guadeloupe',
'country_Guam' => 'Guam',
'country_Guatemala' => 'Guatemala',
'country_Guinea' => 'Guinea',
'country_Guyana' => 'Guyana',
'country_Haiti' => 'Haiti',
'country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
'country_Holy See (Vatican City State)' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
'country_Honduras' => 'Honduras',
'country_Hong Kong' => 'Hong Kong',
'country_Hungary' => 'Hungary',
'country_Iceland' => 'Iceland',
'country_India' => 'India',
'country_Indonesia' => 'Indonesia',
'country_Iran, Islamic Republic of' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
'country_Iraq' => 'Iraq',
'country_Ireland' => 'Ireland',
'country_Israel' => 'Israel',
'country_Italy' => 'Italy',
'country_Côte d\'Ivoire' => 'Côte d\'Ivoire',
'country_Jamaica' => 'Jamaica',
'country_Japan' => '日本',
'country_Kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan',
'country_Jordan' => 'Jordan',
'country_Kenya' => 'Kenya',
'country_Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of' => 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of',
'country_Korea, Republic of' => 'Korea, Republic of',
'country_Kuwait' => 'Kuwait',
'country_Kyrgyzstan' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'country_Lao People\'s Democratic Republic' => 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
'country_Lebanon' => 'Lebanon',
'country_Lesotho' => 'Lesotho',
'country_Latvia' => 'Latvia',
'country_Liberia' => 'Liberia',
'country_Libya' => 'Libya',
'country_Liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein',
'country_Lithuania' => 'Lithuania',
'country_Luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg',
'country_Macao' => 'Macao',
'country_Madagascar' => 'Madagascar',
'country_Malawi' => 'Malawi',
'country_Malaysia' => 'Malaysia',
'country_Maldives' => 'Maldives',
'country_Mali' => 'Mali',
'country_Malta' => 'Malta',
'country_Martinique' => 'Martinique',
'country_Mauritania' => 'Mauritania',
'country_Mauritius' => 'Mauritius',
'country_Mexico' => 'Mexico',
'country_Monaco' => 'Monaco',
'country_Mongolia' => 'Mongolia',
'country_Moldova, Republic of' => 'Moldova, Republic of',
'country_Montenegro' => 'Montenegro',
'country_Montserrat' => 'Montserrat',
'country_Morocco' => 'Morocco',
'country_Mozambique' => 'Mozambique',
'country_Oman' => 'Oman',
'country_Namibia' => 'Namibia',
'country_Nauru' => 'Nauru',
'country_Nepal' => 'Nepal',
'country_Netherlands' => 'Netherlands',
'country_Curaçao' => 'Curaçao',
'country_Aruba' => 'Aruba',
'country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)' => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
'country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba' => 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba',
'country_New Caledonia' => 'New Caledonia',
'country_Vanuatu' => 'Vanuatu',
'country_New Zealand' => 'New Zealand',
'country_Nicaragua' => 'Nicaragua',
'country_Niger' => 'Niger',
'country_Nigeria' => 'Nigeria',
'country_Niue' => 'Niue',
'country_Norfolk Island' => 'Norfolk Island',
'country_Norway' => 'Norway',
'country_Northern Mariana Islands' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'country_United States Minor Outlying Islands' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
'country_Micronesia, Federated States of' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
'country_Marshall Islands' => 'Marshall Islands',
'country_Palau' => 'Palau',
'country_Pakistan' => 'Pakistan',
'country_Panama' => 'Panama',
'country_Papua New Guinea' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'country_Paraguay' => 'Paraguay',
'country_Peru' => 'Peru',
'country_Philippines' => 'Philippines',
'country_Pitcairn' => 'Pitcairn',
'country_Poland' => 'Poland',
'country_Portugal' => 'Portugal',
'country_Guinea-Bissau' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'country_Timor-Leste' => 'Timor-Leste',
'country_Puerto Rico' => 'Puerto Rico',
'country_Qatar' => 'Qatar',
'country_Réunion' => 'Réunion',
'country_Romania' => 'Romania',
'country_Russian Federation' => 'Russian Federation',
'country_Rwanda' => 'Rwanda',
'country_Saint Barthélemy' => 'Saint Barthélemy',
'country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
'country_Saint Kitts and Nevis' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'country_Anguilla' => 'Anguilla',
'country_Saint Lucia' => 'Saint Lucia',
'country_Saint Martin (French part)' => 'Saint Martin (French part)',
'country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
'country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'country_San Marino' => 'San Marino',
'country_Sao Tome and Principe' => 'Sao Tome and Principe',
'country_Saudi Arabia' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'country_Senegal' => 'Senegal',
'country_Serbia' => 'Serbia',
'country_Seychelles' => 'Seychelles',
'country_Sierra Leone' => 'Sierra Leone',
'country_Singapore' => 'Singapore',
'country_Slovakia' => 'Slovakia',
'country_Viet Nam' => 'Viet Nam',
'country_Slovenia' => 'Slovenia',
'country_Somalia' => 'Somalia',
'country_South Africa' => 'South Africa',
'country_Zimbabwe' => 'Zimbabwe',
'country_Spain' => 'Spain',
'country_South Sudan' => 'South Sudan',
'country_Sudan' => 'Sudan',
'country_Western Sahara' => 'Western Sahara',
'country_Suriname' => 'Suriname',
'country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
'country_Swaziland' => 'Swaziland',
'country_Sweden' => 'Sweden',
'country_Switzerland' => 'Switzerland',
'country_Syrian Arab Republic' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'country_Tajikistan' => 'Tajikistan',
'country_Thailand' => 'Thailand',
'country_Togo' => 'Togo',
'country_Tokelau' => 'Tokelau',
'country_Tonga' => 'Tonga',
'country_Trinidad and Tobago' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'country_United Arab Emirates' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'country_Tunisia' => 'Tunisia',
'country_Turkey' => 'Turkey',
'country_Turkmenistan' => 'Turkmenistan',
'country_Turks and Caicos Islands' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'country_Tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu',
'country_Uganda' => 'Uganda',
'country_Ukraine' => 'Ukraine',
'country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of' => 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of',
'country_Egypt' => 'Egypt',
'country_United Kingdom' => 'United Kingdom',
'country_Guernsey' => 'Guernsey',
'country_Jersey' => 'Jersey',
'country_Isle of Man' => 'Isle of Man',
'country_Tanzania, United Republic of' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
'country_United States' => 'United States',
'country_Virgin Islands, U.S.' => 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
'country_Burkina Faso' => 'Burkina Faso',
'country_Uruguay' => 'Uruguay',
'country_Uzbekistan' => 'Uzbekistan',
'country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of' => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of',
'country_Wallis and Futuna' => 'Wallis and Futuna',
'country_Samoa' => 'Samoa',
'country_Yemen' => 'Yemen',
'country_Zambia' => 'Zambia',
// Languages
'lang_Brazilian Portuguese' => 'Brazilian Portuguese',
'lang_Croatian' => 'Croatian',
'lang_Czech' => 'Czech',
'lang_Danish' => 'Danish',
'lang_Dutch' => 'Dutch',
'lang_English' => 'English',
'lang_English - United States' => 'English',
'lang_French' => 'French',
'lang_French - Canada' => 'French - Canada',
'lang_German' => 'German',
'lang_Italian' => 'Italian',
'lang_Japanese' => '日本語',
'lang_Lithuanian' => 'Lithuanian',
'lang_Norwegian' => 'Norwegian',
'lang_Polish' => 'Polish',
'lang_Spanish' => 'Spanish',
'lang_Spanish - Spain' => 'Spanish - Spain',
'lang_Swedish' => 'Swedish',
'lang_Albanian' => 'Albanian',
'lang_Greek' => 'Greek',
'lang_English - United Kingdom' => 'English - United Kingdom',
'lang_English - Australia' => 'English - Australia',
'lang_Slovenian' => 'Slovenian',
'lang_Finnish' => 'Finnish',
'lang_Romanian' => 'Romanian',
'lang_Turkish - Turkey' => 'Turkish - Turkey',
'lang_Portuguese - Brazilian' => 'Portuguese - Brazilian',
'lang_Portuguese - Portugal' => 'Portuguese - Portugal',
'lang_Thai' => 'Thai',
'lang_Macedonian' => 'Macedonian',
'lang_Chinese - Taiwan' => 'Chinese - Taiwan',
'lang_Serbian' => 'Serbian',
'lang_Bulgarian' => 'Bulgarian',
'lang_Russian (Russia)' => 'Russian (Russia)',
// Industries
'industry_Accounting & Legal' => 'Accounting & Legal',
'industry_Advertising' => 'Advertising',
'industry_Aerospace' => 'Aerospace',
'industry_Agriculture' => 'Agriculture',
'industry_Automotive' => 'Automotive',
'industry_Banking & Finance' => 'Banking & Finance',
'industry_Biotechnology' => 'Biotechnology',
'industry_Broadcasting' => 'Broadcasting',
'industry_Business Services' => 'Business Services',
'industry_Commodities & Chemicals' => 'Commodities & Chemicals',
'industry_Communications' => 'Communications',
'industry_Computers & Hightech' => 'Computers & Hightech',
'industry_Defense' => 'Defense',
'industry_Energy' => 'Energy',
'industry_Entertainment' => 'Entertainment',
'industry_Government' => 'Government',
'industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences' => 'Healthcare & Life Sciences',
'industry_Insurance' => 'Insurance',
'industry_Manufacturing' => 'Manufacturing',
'industry_Marketing' => 'Marketing',
'industry_Media' => 'Media',
'industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed' => 'Nonprofit & Higher Ed',
'industry_Pharmaceuticals' => 'Pharmaceuticals',
'industry_Professional Services & Consulting' => 'Professional Services & Consulting',
'industry_Real Estate' => 'Real Estate',
'industry_Retail & Wholesale' => 'Retail & Wholesale',
'industry_Sports' => 'Sports',
'industry_Transportation' => 'Transportation',
'industry_Travel & Luxury' => 'Travel & Luxury',
'industry_Other' => 'Other',
'industry_Photography' => 'Photography',
'view_client_portal' => 'View client portal',
'view_portal' => 'View Portal',
'vendor_contacts' => 'Vendor Contacts',
'all' => 'All',
'selected' => 'Selected',
'category' => 'Category',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'new_expense_category' => 'New Expense Category',
'edit_category' => 'Edit Category',
'archive_expense_category' => 'Archive Category',
'expense_categories' => 'Expense Categories',
'list_expense_categories' => 'List Expense Categories',
'updated_expense_category' => 'Successfully updated expense category',
'created_expense_category' => 'Successfully created expense category',
'archived_expense_category' => 'Successfully archived expense category',
'archived_expense_categories' => ':count 経費カテゴリが正常にアーカイブされました',
'restore_expense_category' => 'Restore expense category',
'restored_expense_category' => 'Successfully restored expense category',
'apply_taxes' => 'Apply taxes',
'min_to_max_users' => ':min :max ユーザー',
'max_users_reached' => 'The maximum number of users has been reached.',
'buy_now_buttons' => 'Buy Now Buttons',
'landing_page' => 'Landing Page',
'payment_type' => 'Payment Type',
'form' => 'Form',
'link' => 'Link',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'dwolla' => 'Dwolla',
'buy_now_buttons_warning' => '注: トランザクションが完了していなくても、クライアントと請求書は作成されます。',
'buy_now_buttons_disabled' => 'This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.',
'enable_buy_now_buttons_help' => 'Enable support for buy now buttons',
'changes_take_effect_immediately' => '注: 変更はすぐに有効になります',
'wepay_account_description' => 'Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja',
'payment_error_code' => 'お支払いの処理中にエラーが発生しました [:code]。後でもう一度やり直してください。',
'standard_fees_apply' => '手数料: 2.9%/1.2% [クレジット カード/銀行振込] + 成功した請求ごとに 0.30 ドル。',
'limit_import_rows' => 'データは :count 行以下のバッチでインポートする必要があります',
'error_title' => 'Something went wrong',
'error_contact_text' => 'ヘルプが必要な場合は、:mailaddress までメールでお問い合わせください。',
'no_undo' => '警告: これは元に戻せません。',
'no_contact_selected' => 'Please select a contact',
'no_client_selected' => 'Please select a client',
'gateway_config_error' => 'It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.',
'payment_type_on_file' => 'ファイル上の :type',
'invoice_for_client' => ':client の請求書 :invoice',
'intent_not_found' => 'Sorry, I\'m not sure what you\'re asking.',
'intent_not_supported' => 'Sorry, I\'m not able to do that.',
'client_not_found' => 'I wasn\'t able to find the client',
'not_allowed' => 'Sorry, you don\'t have the needed permissions',
'bot_emailed_invoice' => 'Your invoice has been sent.',
'bot_emailed_notify_viewed' => 'I\'ll email you when it\'s viewed.',
'bot_emailed_notify_paid' => 'I\'ll email you when it\'s paid.',
'add_product_to_invoice' => '1 :product を追加',
'not_authorized' => 'You are not authorized',
'bot_get_email' => 'Hi! (wave)<br/>Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.<br/>You need to create a free account to use this bot.<br/>Send me your account email address to get started.',
'bot_get_code' => 'Thanks! I\'ve sent a you an email with your security code.',
'bot_welcome' => 'That\'s it, your account is verified.<br/>',
'email_not_found' => ':email の利用可能なアカウントが見つかりませんでした',
'invalid_code' => 'The code is not correct',
'security_code_email_subject' => 'Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot',
'security_code_email_line1' => 'This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.',
'security_code_email_line2' => '注: 有効期限は 10 分です。',
'bot_help_message' => '私は現在サポートしています:<br/> • 請求書を作成\更新\メールで送信<br/>• 商品の一覧表示<br/>例えば:<br/><i>ボブに 2 枚のチケットを請求し、期日を次の木曜日に設定し、割引を 10% に設定します。</i>',
'list_products' => '商品の一覧',
'include_item_taxes_inline' => 'Include <b>line item taxes in line total</b>',
'created_quotes' => ':count 件の見積もりが正常に作成されました',
'limited_gateways' => '注: 会社ごとに 1 つのクレジット カード ゲートウェイがサポートされます。',
'warning' => 'Warning',
'self-update' => 'アップデート',
'update_invoiceninja_title' => 'Invoice Ninjaをアップデート',
'update_invoiceninja_warning' => 'Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!',
'update_invoiceninja_available' => 'Invoice Ninjaの新しいバージョンが利用可能です。',
'update_invoiceninja_unavailable' => 'Invoice Ninjaの新しいバージョンはありません。',
'update_invoiceninja_instructions' => '下の<em>[今すぐ更新]</em>ボタンをクリックして、新しいバージョン<strong>:version</strong>をインストールしてください。 その後、ダッシュボードにリダイレクトされます。 ',
'update_invoiceninja_update_start' => '今すぐアップデート',
'update_invoiceninja_download_start' => ':version をダウンロード',
'create_new' => 'Create New',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle Navigation',
'toggle_history' => 'Toggle History',
'unassigned' => 'Unassigned',
'task' => 'Task',
'contact_name' => 'Contact Name',
'city_state_postal' => 'City/State/Postal',
'postal_city' => 'Postal/City',
'custom_field' => 'Custom Field',
'account_fields' => 'Company Fields',
'facebook_and_twitter' => 'Facebook and Twitter',
'facebook_and_twitter_help' => 'Follow our feeds to help support our project',
'reseller_text' => '注: ホワイト ラベル ライセンスは個人使用を目的としています。',
'unnamed_client' => 'Unnamed Client',
'day' => 'Day',
'week' => 'Week',
'month' => 'Month',
'inactive_logout' => 'You have been logged out due to inactivity',
'reports' => 'レポート',
'total_profit' => 'Total Profit',
'total_expenses' => 'Total Expenses',
'quote_to' => 'Quote to',
// Limits
'limit' => 'Limit',
'min_limit' => '分: :min',
'max_limit' => '最大: :max',
'no_limit' => 'No Limits',
'set_limits' => ':gateway_type 制限を設定する',
'enable_min' => 'Enable min',
'enable_max' => 'Enable max',
'min' => 'Min',
'max' => 'Max',
'limits_not_met' => 'This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.',
'date_range' => 'Date Range',
'raw' => 'Raw',
'raw_html' => 'Raw HTML',
'update' => 'アップデート',
'invoice_fields_help' => 'Drag and drop fields to change their order and location',
'new_category' => 'New Category',
'restore_product' => 'Restore Product',
'blank' => 'Blank',
'invoice_save_error' => 'There was an error saving your invoice',
'enable_recurring' => 'Enable Recurring',
'disable_recurring' => 'Disable Recurring',
'text' => 'Text',
'expense_will_create' => 'expense will be created',
'expenses_will_create' => 'expenses will be created',
'created_expenses' => ':count 経費が正常に作成されました',
'translate_app' => ':link で翻訳の改善にご協力ください',
'expense_category' => 'Expense Category',
'go_ninja_pro' => 'Go Ninja Pro!',
'go_enterprise' => 'Go Enterprise!',
'upgrade_for_features' => 'Upgrade For More Features',
'pay_annually_discount' => 'Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!',
'pro_upgrade_title' => 'Ninja Pro',
'pro_upgrade_feature1' => 'YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com',
'pro_upgrade_feature2' => 'Customize every aspect of your invoice!',
'enterprise_upgrade_feature1' => 'Set permissions for multiple-users',
'enterprise_upgrade_feature2' => 'Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses',
'much_more' => 'Much More!',
'all_pro_fetaures' => 'Plus all pro features!',
'currency_symbol' => 'Symbol',
'currency_code' => 'Code',
'buy_license' => 'Buy License',
'apply_license' => 'Apply License',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'white_label_license_key' => 'License Key',
'invalid_white_label_license' => 'The white label license is not valid',
'created_by' => '作成者 :name',
'modules' => 'Modules',
'financial_year_start' => 'First Month of the Year',
'authentication' => 'Authentication',
'checkbox' => 'Checkbox',
'invoice_signature' => 'Signature',
'show_accept_invoice_terms' => 'Invoice Terms Checkbox',
'show_accept_invoice_terms_help' => 'Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.',
'show_accept_quote_terms' => 'Quote Terms Checkbox',
'show_accept_quote_terms_help' => 'Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.',
'require_invoice_signature' => 'Invoice Signature',
'require_invoice_signature_help' => 'Require client to provide their signature.',
'require_quote_signature' => 'Quote Signature',
'require_quote_signature_help' => 'Require client to provide their signature.',
'i_agree' => 'I Agree To The Terms',
'sign_here' => 'ここにご署名下さい:',
'authorization' => 'Authorization',
'signed' => 'Signed',
'vendor_name' => '納入業者',
'entity_state' => 'State',
'client_created_at' => 'Date Created',
'postmark_error' => 'Postmark: :link を介して電子メールを送信する際に問題が発生しました。',
'project' => 'プロジェクト',
'projects' => 'プロジェクト',
'new_project' => '新しいプロジェクト',
'edit_project' => 'プロジェクトを編集',
'archive_project' => 'プロジェクトをアーカイブ',
'list_projects' => 'プロジェクト一覧',
'updated_project' => 'プロジェクトを更新しました。',
'created_project' => 'プロジェクトを登録しました。',
'archived_project' => 'プロジェクトをアーカイブしました。',
'archived_projects' => ':count 件のプロジェクトをアーカイブしました。',
'restore_project' => 'プロジェクトをリストア',
'restored_project' => 'プロジェクトをリストアしました。',
'delete_project' => 'プロジェクトを削除',
'deleted_project' => 'Successfully deleted project',
'deleted_projects' => ':count プロジェクトを正常に削除しました',
'delete_expense_category' => 'Delete category',
'deleted_expense_category' => 'Successfully deleted category',
'delete_product' => 'Delete Product',
'deleted_product' => 'Successfully deleted product',
'deleted_products' => ':count 個の商品を削除しました。',
'restored_product' => 'Successfully restored product',
'update_credit' => 'Update Credit',
'updated_credit' => 'Successfully updated credit',
'edit_credit' => 'Edit Credit',
'realtime_preview' => 'Realtime Preview',
'realtime_preview_help' => 'Realtime refresh PDF preview on the invoice page when editing invoice.<br/>Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.',
'live_preview_help' => 'Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.',
'force_pdfjs_help' => ':chrome_link および :firefox_link の組み込み PDF ビューアーを置き換えます。<br/>ブラウザーが PDF を自動的にダウンロードする場合は、これを有効にします。',
'force_pdfjs' => 'Prevent Download',
'redirect_url' => 'Redirect URL',
'redirect_url_help' => 'Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.',
'save_draft' => 'Save Draft',
'refunded_credit_payment' => 'Refunded credit payment',
'keyboard_shortcuts' => 'Keyboard Shortcuts',
'toggle_menu' => 'Toggle Menu',
'new_...' => 'New ...',
'list_...' => 'List ...',
'created_at' => 'Date Created',
'contact_us' => 'Contact Us',
'user_guide' => 'User Guide',
'promo_message' => ':expires より前にアップグレードすると、Pro または Enterprise パッケージの初年度から :amount が割引になります。',
'discount_message' => ':amount オフの有効期限が切れる :expires',
'mark_paid' => '支払済にする',
'marked_sent_invoice' => 'Successfully marked invoice sent',
'marked_sent_invoices' => 'Successfully marked invoices sent',
'invoice_name' => 'Invoice',
'product_will_create' => 'product will be created',
'contact_us_response' => 'Thank you for your message! We\'ll try to respond as soon as possible.',
'last_7_days' => 'Last 7 Days',
'last_30_days' => 'Last 30 Days',
'this_month' => 'This Month',
'last_month' => 'Last Month',
'current_quarter' => 'Current Quarter',
'last_quarter' => 'Last Quarter',
'last_year' => 'Last Year',
'custom_range' => 'Custom Range',
'url' => 'URL',
'debug' => 'Debug',
'https' => 'HTTPS',
'require' => 'Require',
'license_expiring' => '注: ライセンスは :count 日、更新するには :link 日で期限切れになります。',
'security_confirmation' => 'Your email address has been confirmed.',
'white_label_expired' => 'Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.',
'renew_license' => 'Renew License',
'iphone_app_message' => ':link のダウンロードを検討してください',
'iphone_app' => 'iPhone app',
'android_app' => 'Android app',
'logged_in' => 'Logged In',
'switch_to_primary' => '主要な会社 (:name) に切り替えて、プランを管理します。',
'inclusive' => 'Inclusive',
'exclusive' => 'Exclusive',
'postal_city_state' => 'Postal/City/State',
'phantomjs_help' => '場合によっては、アプリが :link_phantom を使用して PDF を生成するため、:link_docs をインストールしてローカルで生成します。',
'phantomjs_local' => 'Using local PhantomJS',
'client_number' => '顧客番号',
'client_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.',
'next_client_number' => '次のクライアント番号は :number です。',
'generated_numbers' => 'Generated Numbers',
'notes_reminder1' => 'First Reminder',
'notes_reminder2' => 'Second Reminder',
'notes_reminder3' => 'Third Reminder',
'notes_reminder4' => 'Reminder',
'bcc_email' => 'BCC Email',
'tax_quote' => 'Tax Quote',
'tax_invoice' => 'Tax Invoice',
'emailed_invoices' => 'Successfully emailed invoices',
'emailed_quotes' => 'Successfully emailed quotes',
'website_url' => 'Website URL',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'domain_help' => 'Used in the client portal and when sending emails.',
'domain_help_website' => 'Used when sending emails.',
'import_invoices' => 'Import Invoices',
'new_report' => 'New Report',
'edit_report' => 'Edit Report',
'columns' => 'Columns',
'filters' => 'Filters',
'sort_by' => 'Sort By',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'unpaid' => '未払い',
'aging' => 'Aging',
'age' => 'Age',
'days' => 'Days',
'age_group_0' => '0 - 30 Days',
'age_group_30' => '30 - 60 Days',
'age_group_60' => '60 - 90 Days',
'age_group_90' => '90 - 120 Days',
'age_group_120' => '120+ Days',
'invoice_details' => 'Invoice Details',
'qty' => 'Quantity',
'profit_and_loss' => 'Profit and Loss',
'revenue' => 'Revenue',
'profit' => 'Profit',
'group_when_sorted' => 'Group Sort',
'group_dates_by' => 'Group Dates By',
'year' => 'Year',
'view_statement' => 'View Statement',
'statement' => 'Statement',
'statement_date' => 'Statement Date',
'mark_active' => 'Mark Active',
'send_automatically' => 'Send Automatically',
'initial_email' => 'Initial Email',
'invoice_not_emailed' => 'This invoice hasn\'t been emailed.',
'quote_not_emailed' => 'This quote hasn\'t been emailed.',
'sent_by' => ':userによって送信されました',
'recipients' => 'Recipients',
'save_as_default' => 'Save as default',
'start_of_week_help' => 'Used by <b>date</b> selectors',
'financial_year_start_help' => 'Used by <b>date range</b> selectors',
'reports_help' => 'Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.',
'this_year' => 'This Year',
// Updated login screen
'ninja_tagline' => 'Create. Send. Get Paid.',
'login_or_existing' => 'Or login with a connected account.',
'sign_up_now' => 'Sign Up Now',
'not_a_member_yet' => 'Not a member yet?',
'login_create_an_account' => 'Create an Account!',
// New Client Portal styling
'invoice_from' => '請求書の送信者:',
'email_alias_message' => 'We require each company to have a unique email address.<br/>Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com',
'full_name' => 'Full Name',
'month_year' => 'MONTH/YEAR',
'valid_thru' => 'Valid\nthru',
'product_fields' => 'Product Fields',
'custom_product_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'freq_two_months' => 'Two months',
'freq_yearly' => 'Annually',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'payment_type_help' => 'Sets the default <b>manual payment type</b>.',
'industry_Construction' => 'Construction',
'your_statement' => 'Your Statement',
'statement_issued_to' => 'Statement issued to',
'statement_to' => 'Statement to',
'customize_options' => 'Customize options',
'created_payment_term' => 'Successfully created payment term',
'updated_payment_term' => 'Successfully updated payment term',
'archived_payment_term' => 'Successfully archived payment term',
'resend_invite' => 'Resend Invitation',
'credit_created_by' => '支払いによって作成されたクレジット :transaction_reference',
'created_payment_and_credit' => 'Successfully created payment and credit',
'created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client' => 'Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client',
'create_project' => 'Create project',
'create_vendor' => '新しい納入業者',
'create_expense_category' => 'Create category',
'pro_plan_reports' => ':link は、Pro プランに参加してレポートを有効にします',
'mark_ready' => 'Mark Ready',
'limits' => 'Limits',
'fees' => 'Fees',
'fee' => 'Fee',
'set_limits_fees' => ':gateway_type 制限/料金を設定',
'fees_tax_help' => 'Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.',
'fees_sample' => ':amount 請求書の手数料は :total です。',
'discount_sample' => ':amount 請求書の割引は :total になります。',
'no_fees' => 'No Fees',
'gateway_fees_disclaimer' => '警告: すべての州/支払いゲートウェイで手数料の追加が許可されているわけではありません。現地の法律/利用規約を確認してください。',
'percent' => 'Percent',
'location' => 'Location',
'line_item' => 'Line Item',
'surcharge' => 'Surcharge',
'location_first_surcharge' => 'Enabled - First surcharge',
'location_second_surcharge' => 'Enabled - Second surcharge',
'location_line_item' => 'Enabled - Line item',
'online_payment_surcharge' => 'Online Payment Surcharge',
'gateway_fees' => '決済手数料',
'fees_disabled' => 'Fees are disabled',
'gateway_fees_help' => 'オンライン決済の決済手数料、もしくは割引を自動適用します。',
'gateway' => 'Gateway',
'gateway_fee_change_warning' => 'If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.',
'fees_surcharge_help' => '追加料金 :link をカスタマイズします。',
'label_and_taxes' => 'label and taxes',
'billable' => 'Billable',
'logo_warning_too_large' => 'The image file is too large.',
'logo_warning_fileinfo' => '警告: GIF をサポートするには、fileinfo PHP 拡張機能を有効にする必要があります。',
'logo_warning_invalid' => 'There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.',
'error_refresh_page' => 'An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.',
'data' => 'Data',
'imported_settings' => 'Successfully imported settings',
'reset_counter' => 'Reset Counter',
'next_reset' => 'Next Reset',
'reset_counter_help' => 'Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.',
'auto_bill_failed' => '請求書 :invoice_number の自動請求に失敗しました',
'online_payment_discount' => 'Online Payment Discount',
'created_new_company' => 'Successfully created new company',
'fees_disabled_for_gateway' => 'この決済方法では決済手数料は無効になっています。',
'logout_and_delete' => 'Log Out/Delete Account',
'tax_rate_type_help' => 'Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.<br/>Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.',
'invoice_footer_help' => 'Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.',
'credit_note' => 'Credit Note',
'credit_issued_to' => 'Credit issued to',
'credit_to' => 'Credit to',
'your_credit' => 'Your Credit',
'credit_number' => 'Credit Number',
'create_credit_note' => 'Create Credit Note',
'menu' => 'Menu',
'error_incorrect_gateway_ids' => 'エラー: ゲートウェイ テーブルの ID が正しくありません。',
'purge_data' => 'Purge Data',
'delete_data' => 'Delete Data',
'purge_data_help' => 'Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.',
'cancel_account_help' => 'Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.',
'purge_successful' => 'Successfully purged company data',
'forbidden' => 'Forbidden',
'purge_data_message' => '警告: これにより、データが完全に消去されます。元に戻すことはできません。',
'contact_phone' => 'Contact Phone',
'contact_email' => 'Contact Email',
'reply_to_email' => 'Reply-To Email',
'reply_to_email_help' => 'Specify the reply-to address for client emails.',
'bcc_email_help' => 'Privately include this address with client emails.',
'import_complete' => 'Your import has successfully completed.',
'confirm_account_to_import' => 'Please confirm your account to import data.',
'import_started' => 'Your import has started, we\'ll send you an email once it completes.',
'listening' => 'Listening...',
'microphone_help' => 'Say "new invoice for [client]" or "show me [client]\'s archived payments"',
'voice_commands' => 'Voice Commands',
'sample_commands' => 'Sample commands',
'voice_commands_feedback' => 'この機能の改善に積極的に取り組んでいます。サポートしてほしいコマンドがある場合は、:email までメールでお問い合わせください。',
'payment_type_Venmo' => 'Venmo',
'payment_type_Money Order' => 'Money Order',
'archived_products' => ':count 個の商品をアーカイブしました。',
'recommend_on' => 'We recommend <b>enabling</b> this setting.',
'recommend_off' => 'We recommend <b>disabling</b> this setting.',
'notes_auto_billed' => 'Auto-billed',
'surcharge_label' => 'Surcharge Label',
'contact_fields' => 'Contact Fields',
'custom_contact_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'datatable_info' => ':total エントリの :start から :end を表示しています',
'credit_total' => 'Credit Total',
'mark_billable' => 'Mark billable',
'billed' => 'Billed',
'company_variables' => 'Company Variables',
'client_variables' => 'Client Variables',
'invoice_variables' => 'Invoice Variables',
'navigation_variables' => 'Navigation Variables',
'custom_variables' => 'Custom Variables',
'invalid_file' => 'Invalid file type',
'add_documents_to_invoice' => 'Add Documents to Invoice',
'mark_expense_paid' => '支払済にする',
'white_label_license_error' => 'Failed to validate the license, either expired or excessive activations. Email contact@invoiceninja.com for more information.',
'plan_price' => 'Plan Price',
'wrong_confirmation' => 'Incorrect confirmation code',
'oauth_taken' => 'The account is already registered',
'emailed_payment' => 'Successfully emailed payment',
'email_payment' => 'Email Payment',
'invoiceplane_import' => ':link を使用して、InvoicePlane からデータを移行します。',
'duplicate_expense_warning' => '警告: この :link は重複している可能性があります',
'expense_link' => 'expense',
'resume_task' => 'Resume Task',
'resumed_task' => 'Successfully resumed task',
'quote_design' => 'Quote Design',
'default_design' => 'Standard Design',
'custom_design1' => 'Custom Design 1',
'custom_design2' => 'Custom Design 2',
'custom_design3' => 'Custom Design 3',
'empty' => 'Empty',
'load_design' => 'Load Design',
'accepted_card_logos' => 'Accepted Card Logos',
'phantomjs_local_and_cloud' => 'Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com',
'google_analytics' => 'Google Analytics',
'analytics_key' => 'Analytics Key',
'analytics_key_help' => ':link を使用して支払いを追跡する',
'start_date_required' => 'The start date is required',
'application_settings' => 'Application Settings',
'database_connection' => 'Database Connection',
'driver' => 'Driver',
'host' => 'Host',
'database' => 'Database',
'test_connection' => 'Test connection',
'from_name' => 'From Name',
'from_address' => 'From Address',
'port' => 'Port',
'encryption' => 'Encryption',
'mailgun_domain' => 'Mailgun Domain',
'mailgun_private_key' => 'Mailgun Private Key',
'send_test_email' => 'Send test email',
'select_label' => 'Select Label',
'label' => 'Label',
'service' => 'Service',
'update_payment_details' => 'Update payment details',
'updated_payment_details' => 'Successfully updated payment details',
'update_credit_card' => 'Update Credit Card',
'recurring_expenses' => 'Recurring Expenses',
'recurring_expense' => 'Recurring Expense',
'new_recurring_expense' => 'New Recurring Expense',
'edit_recurring_expense' => 'Edit Recurring Expense',
'archive_recurring_expense' => 'Archive Recurring Expense',
'list_recurring_expense' => 'List Recurring Expenses',
'updated_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully updated recurring expense',
'created_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully created recurring expense',
'archived_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully archived recurring expense',
'restore_recurring_expense' => 'Restore Recurring Expense',
'restored_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully restored recurring expense',
'delete_recurring_expense' => 'Delete Recurring Expense',
'deleted_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully deleted project',
'view_recurring_expense' => 'View Recurring Expense',
'taxes_and_fees' => 'Taxes and fees',
'import_failed' => 'Import Failed',
'recurring_prefix' => 'Recurring Prefix',
'options' => 'Options',
'credit_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.',
'next_credit_number' => '次のクレジット番号は :number です。',
'padding_help' => 'The number of zero\'s to pad the number.',
'import_warning_invalid_date' => '警告: 日付形式が無効のようです。',
'product_notes' => 'Product Notes',
'app_version' => 'App Version',
'ofx_version' => 'OFX Version',
'error_app_key_set_to_default' => 'エラー: APP_KEY がデフォルト値に設定されています。更新するには、データベースをバックアップしてから、 <code>php artisan ninja:update-key</code>を実行してください。',
'charge_late_fee' => 'Charge Late Fee',
'late_fee_amount' => 'Late Fee Amount',
'late_fee_percent' => 'Late Fee Percent',
'late_fee_added' => ':date に追加された遅延料金',
'download_invoice' => 'Download Invoice',
'download_quote' => 'Download Quote',
'invoices_are_attached' => 'Your invoice PDFs are attached.',
'downloaded_invoice' => 'An email will be sent with the invoice PDF',
'downloaded_quote' => 'An email will be sent with the quote PDF',
'downloaded_invoices' => 'An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs',
'downloaded_quotes' => 'An email will be sent with the quote PDFs',
'clone_expense' => 'Clone Expense',
'default_documents' => 'Default Documents',
'send_email_to_client' => 'Send email to the client',
'refund_subject' => 'Refund Processed',
'refund_body' => '請求書 :invoice_number の :amount の払い戻しが処理されました。',
'currency_us_dollar' => 'US Dollar',
'currency_british_pound' => 'British Pound',
'currency_euro' => 'Euro',
'currency_south_african_rand' => 'South African Rand',
'currency_danish_krone' => 'Danish Krone',
'currency_israeli_shekel' => 'Israeli Shekel',
'currency_swedish_krona' => 'Swedish Krona',
'currency_kenyan_shilling' => 'Kenyan Shilling',
'currency_canadian_dollar' => 'Canadian Dollar',
'currency_philippine_peso' => 'Philippine Peso',
'currency_indian_rupee' => 'Indian Rupee',
'currency_australian_dollar' => 'Australian Dollar',
'currency_singapore_dollar' => 'Singapore Dollar',
'currency_norske_kroner' => 'Norske Kroner',
'currency_new_zealand_dollar' => 'New Zealand Dollar',
'currency_vietnamese_dong' => 'Vietnamese Dong',
'currency_swiss_franc' => 'Swiss Franc',
'currency_guatemalan_quetzal' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal',
'currency_malaysian_ringgit' => 'Malaysian Ringgit',
'currency_brazilian_real' => 'Brazilian Real',
'currency_thai_baht' => 'Thai Baht',
'currency_nigerian_naira' => 'Nigerian Naira',
'currency_argentine_peso' => 'Argentine Peso',
'currency_bangladeshi_taka' => 'Bangladeshi Taka',
'currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham',
'currency_hong_kong_dollar' => 'Hong Kong Dollar',
'currency_indonesian_rupiah' => 'Indonesian Rupiah',
'currency_mexican_peso' => 'Mexican Peso',
'currency_egyptian_pound' => 'Egyptian Pound',
'currency_colombian_peso' => 'Colombian Peso',
'currency_west_african_franc' => 'West African Franc',
'currency_chinese_renminbi' => 'Chinese Renminbi',
'currency_rwandan_franc' => 'Rwandan Franc',
'currency_tanzanian_shilling' => 'Tanzanian Shilling',
'currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder',
'currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar' => 'Trinidad and Tobago Dollar',
'currency_east_caribbean_dollar' => 'East Caribbean Dollar',
'currency_ghanaian_cedi' => 'Ghanaian Cedi',
'currency_bulgarian_lev' => 'Bulgarian Lev',
'currency_aruban_florin' => 'Aruban Florin',
'currency_turkish_lira' => 'Turkish Lira',
'currency_romanian_new_leu' => 'Romanian New Leu',
'currency_croatian_kuna' => 'Croatian Kuna',
'currency_saudi_riyal' => 'Saudi Riyal',
'currency_japanese_yen' => '日本円',
'currency_maldivian_rufiyaa' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa',
'currency_costa_rican_colon' => 'Costa Rican Colón',
'currency_pakistani_rupee' => 'Pakistani Rupee',
'currency_polish_zloty' => 'Polish Zloty',
'currency_sri_lankan_rupee' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee',
'currency_czech_koruna' => 'Czech Koruna',
'currency_uruguayan_peso' => 'Uruguayan Peso',
'currency_namibian_dollar' => 'Namibian Dollar',
'currency_tunisian_dinar' => 'Tunisian Dinar',
'currency_russian_ruble' => 'Russian Ruble',
'currency_mozambican_metical' => 'Mozambican Metical',
'currency_omani_rial' => 'Omani Rial',
'currency_ukrainian_hryvnia' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia',
'currency_macanese_pataca' => 'Macanese Pataca',
'currency_taiwan_new_dollar' => 'Taiwan New Dollar',
'currency_dominican_peso' => 'Dominican Peso',
'currency_chilean_peso' => 'Chilean Peso',
'currency_icelandic_krona' => 'Icelandic Króna',
'currency_papua_new_guinean_kina' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina',
'currency_jordanian_dinar' => 'Jordanian Dinar',
'currency_myanmar_kyat' => 'Myanmar Kyat',
'currency_peruvian_sol' => 'Peruvian Sol',
'currency_botswana_pula' => 'Botswana Pula',
'currency_hungarian_forint' => 'Hungarian Forint',
'currency_ugandan_shilling' => 'Ugandan Shilling',
'currency_barbadian_dollar' => 'Barbadian Dollar',
'currency_brunei_dollar' => 'Brunei Dollar',
'currency_georgian_lari' => 'Georgian Lari',
'currency_qatari_riyal' => 'Qatari Riyal',
'currency_honduran_lempira' => 'Honduran Lempira',
'currency_surinamese_dollar' => 'Surinamese Dollar',
'currency_bahraini_dinar' => 'Bahraini Dinar',
'currency_venezuelan_bolivars' => 'Venezuelan Bolivars',
'currency_south_korean_won' => 'South Korean Won',
'currency_moroccan_dirham' => 'Moroccan Dirham',
'currency_jamaican_dollar' => 'Jamaican Dollar',
'currency_angolan_kwanza' => 'Angolan Kwanza',
'currency_haitian_gourde' => 'Haitian Gourde',
'currency_zambian_kwacha' => 'Zambian Kwacha',
'currency_nepalese_rupee' => 'Nepalese Rupee',
'currency_cfp_franc' => 'CFP Franc',
'currency_mauritian_rupee' => 'Mauritian Rupee',
'currency_cape_verdean_escudo' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo',
'currency_kuwaiti_dinar' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar',
'currency_algerian_dinar' => 'Algerian Dinar',
'currency_macedonian_denar' => 'Macedonian Denar',
'currency_fijian_dollar' => 'Fijian Dollar',
'currency_bolivian_boliviano' => 'Bolivian Boliviano',
'currency_albanian_lek' => 'Albanian Lek',
'currency_serbian_dinar' => 'Serbian Dinar',
'currency_lebanese_pound' => 'Lebanese Pound',
'currency_armenian_dram' => 'Armenian Dram',
'currency_azerbaijan_manat' => 'Azerbaijan Manat',
'currency_bosnia_and_herzegovina_convertible_mark' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark',
'currency_belarusian_ruble' => 'Belarusian Ruble',
'currency_moldovan_leu' => 'Moldovan Leu',
'currency_kazakhstani_tenge' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge',
'currency_gibraltar_pound' => 'Gibraltar Pound',
'currency_gambia_dalasi' => 'Gambia Dalasi',
'currency_paraguayan_guarani' => 'Paraguayan Guarani',
'currency_malawi_kwacha' => 'Malawi Kwacha',
'currency_zimbabwean_dollar' => 'Zimbabwean Dollar',
'currency_cambodian_riel' => 'Cambodian Riel',
'currency_vanuatu_vatu' => 'Vanuatu Vatu',
'currency_cuban_peso' => 'Cuban Peso',
'currency_bz_dollar' => 'BZ Dollar',
'review_app_help' => 'アプリをお楽しみいただければ幸いです。<br/> :link をご検討いただければ幸いです。',
'writing_a_review' => 'writing a review',
'use_english_version' => 'Make sure to use the English version of the files.<br/>We use the column headers to match the fields.',
'tax1' => 'First Tax',
'tax2' => 'Second Tax',
'fee_help' => '決済手数料は、オンライン決済を処理する決済サービスへの費用です。',
'format_export' => 'Exporting format',
'custom1' => 'First Custom',
'custom2' => 'Second Custom',
'contact_first_name' => 'Contact First Name',
'contact_last_name' => 'Contact Last Name',
'contact_custom1' => 'Contact First Custom',
'contact_custom2' => 'Contact Second Custom',
'currency' => '通貨',
'ofx_help' => 'トラブルシューティングを行うには、:ofxhome_link のコメントを確認し、:ofxget_link でテストします。',
'comments' => 'comments',
'item_product' => 'Item Product',
'item_notes' => 'Item Notes',
'item_cost' => 'Item Cost',
'item_quantity' => 'Item Quantity',
'item_tax_rate' => 'Item Tax Rate',
'item_tax_name' => 'Item Tax Name',
'item_tax1' => 'Item Tax1',
'item_tax2' => 'Item Tax2',
'delete_company' => 'Delete Company',
'delete_company_help' => 'Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.',
'delete_company_message' => '警告: これにより会社が完全に削除されます。元に戻すことはできません。',
'applied_discount' => 'クーポンが適用され、プラン価格が :discount% 割引になりました。',
'applied_free_year' => 'The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.',
'contact_us_help' => 'If you\'re reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage/logs/laravel-error.log',
'include_errors' => 'Include Errors',
'include_errors_help' => 'storage/logs/laravel-error.log から :link を含めます',
'recent_errors' => 'recent errors',
'customer' => 'Customer',
'customers' => 'Customers',
'created_customer' => 'Successfully created customer',
'created_customers' => ':count 顧客が正常に作成されました',
'purge_details' => 'あなたの会社 (:account) のデータは正常に削除されました。',
'deleted_company' => 'Successfully deleted company',
'deleted_account' => 'Successfully canceled account',
'deleted_company_details' => 'あなたの会社 (:account) は正常に削除されました。',
'deleted_account_details' => 'あなたのアカウント (:account) は正常に削除されました。',
'alipay' => 'Alipay',
'sofort' => 'Sofort',
'sepa' => 'SEPA Direct Debit',
'name_without_special_characters' => 'Please enter a name with only the letters a-z and whitespaces',
'enable_alipay' => 'Accept Alipay',
'enable_sofort' => 'Accept EU bank transfers',
'stripe_alipay_help' => 'これらのゲートウェイも :link でアクティブ化する必要があります。',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
'pro_plan_calendar' => ':link は、Pro プランに参加してカレンダーを有効にします',
'what_are_you_working_on' => 'What are you working on?',
'time_tracker' => 'Time Tracker',
'refresh' => 'Refresh',
'filter_sort' => 'Filter/Sort',
'no_description' => 'No Description',
'time_tracker_login' => 'Time Tracker Login',
'save_or_discard' => 'Save or discard your changes',
'discard_changes' => 'Discard Changes',
'tasks_not_enabled' => 'Tasks are not enabled.',
'started_task' => 'Successfully started task',
'create_client' => 'Create Client',
'download_desktop_app' => 'Download the desktop app',
'download_iphone_app' => 'Download the iPhone app',
'download_android_app' => 'Download the Android app',
'time_tracker_mobile_help' => 'Double tap a task to select it',
'stopped' => 'Stopped',
'ascending' => 'Ascending',
'descending' => 'Descending',
'sort_field' => 'Sort By',
'sort_direction' => 'Direction',
'discard' => 'Discard',
'time_am' => 'AM',
'time_pm' => 'PM',
'time_mins' => 'mins',
'time_hr' => 'hr',
'time_hrs' => 'hrs',
'clear' => 'Clear',
'warn_payment_gateway' => '注: オンライン支払いを受け入れるには、支払いゲートウェイ :link を追加する必要があります。',
'task_rate' => 'Task Rate',
'task_rate_help' => 'Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.',
'past_due' => 'Past Due',
'document' => 'Document',
'invoice_or_expense' => 'Invoice/Expense',
'invoice_pdfs' => 'Invoice PDFs',
'enable_sepa' => 'Accept SEPA',
'enable_bitcoin' => 'Accept Bitcoin',
'iban' => 'IBAN',
'sepa_authorization' => 'あなたのIBANコードを提供し、この支払いを確認することにより、:company と当社の決済サービスプロバイダーであるStripeが、銀行に口座からの引き落としを指示し、銀行がその指示に従ってあなたの口座から引き落としを行うことを承認したことになります。 あなたはあなたの銀行との合意の条件の下で、銀行からの払い戻しを受ける権利があります。 アカウントから引き落とされた日から8週間以内に払い戻しを請求する必要があります。',
'recover_license' => 'Recover License',
'purchase' => 'Purchase',
'recover' => 'Recover',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'recover_white_label_header' => 'Recover White Label License',
'apply_white_label_header' => 'Apply White Label License',
'videos' => 'Videos',
'video' => 'Video',
'return_to_invoice' => 'Return to Invoice',
'partial_due_date' => 'Partial Due Date',
'task_fields' => 'Task Fields',
'product_fields_help' => 'Drag and drop fields to change their order',
'custom_value1' => 'Custom Value',
'custom_value2' => 'Custom Value',
'enable_two_factor' => '2要素認証',
'enable_two_factor_help' => 'Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in',
'two_factor_setup' => '2要素認証のセットアップ',
'two_factor_setup_help' => ':link 互換アプリでバーコードをスキャンします。',
'one_time_password' => 'ワンタイムパスワード',
'set_phone_for_two_factor' => 'Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.',
'enabled_two_factor' => '2要素認証が有効化されました',
'add_product' => 'Add Product',
'email_will_be_sent_on' => '注: 電子メールは :date で送信されます。',
'invoice_product' => 'Invoice Product',
'self_host_login' => 'Self-Host Login',
'set_self_hoat_url' => 'Self-Host URL',
'local_storage_required' => 'エラー: ローカル ストレージが利用できません。',
'your_password_reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'subdomain_taken' => 'The subdomain is already in use',
'client_login' => 'Client Login',
'converted_amount' => 'Converted Amount',
'default' => 'Default',
'shipping_address' => 'Shipping Address',
'bllling_address' => 'Billing Address',
'billing_address1' => 'Billing Street',
'billing_address2' => 'Billing Apt/Suite',
'billing_city' => 'Billing City',
'billing_state' => 'Billing State/Province',
'billing_postal_code' => 'Billing Postal Code',
'billing_country' => 'Billing Country',
'shipping_address1' => 'Shipping Street',
'shipping_address2' => 'Shipping Apt/Suite',
'shipping_city' => 'Shipping City',
'shipping_state' => 'Shipping State/Province',
'shipping_postal_code' => 'Shipping Postal Code',
'shipping_country' => 'Shipping Country',
'classify' => 'Classify',
'show_shipping_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their shipping address',
'ship_to_billing_address' => 'Ship to billing address',
'delivery_note' => 'Delivery Note',
'show_tasks_in_portal' => 'Show tasks in the client portal',
'cancel_schedule' => 'Cancel Schedule',
'scheduled_report' => 'Scheduled Report',
'scheduled_report_help' => ':report レポートを :format として :email に電子メールで送信します。',
'created_scheduled_report' => 'Successfully scheduled report',
'deleted_scheduled_report' => 'Successfully canceled scheduled report',
'scheduled_report_attached' => 'スケジュールされた :type レポートが添付されています。',
'scheduled_report_error' => 'Failed to create schedule report',
'invalid_one_time_password' => 'Invalid one time password',
'apple_pay' => 'Apple/Google Pay',
'enable_apple_pay' => 'Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google',
'requires_subdomain' => 'この支払いタイプには、:link が必要です。',
'subdomain_is_set' => 'subdomain is set',
'verification_file' => 'Verification File',
'verification_file_missing' => 'The verification file is needed to accept payments.',
'apple_pay_domain' => ':link のドメインとして<code>:domain</code>を使用します。',
'apple_pay_not_supported' => 'Sorry, Apple/Google Pay isn\'t supported by your browser',
'optional_payment_methods' => 'Optional Payment Methods',
'add_subscription' => 'Add Subscription',
'target_url' => 'Target',
'target_url_help' => 'When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.',
'event' => 'Event',
'subscription_event_1' => 'Created Client',
'subscription_event_2' => 'Created Invoice',
'subscription_event_3' => 'Created Quote',
'subscription_event_4' => 'Created Payment',
'subscription_event_5' => 'Created Vendor',
'subscription_event_6' => 'Updated Quote',
'subscription_event_7' => 'Deleted Quote',
'subscription_event_8' => 'Updated Invoice',
'subscription_event_9' => 'Deleted Invoice',
'subscription_event_10' => 'Updated Client',
'subscription_event_11' => 'Deleted Client',
'subscription_event_12' => 'Deleted Payment',
'subscription_event_13' => 'Updated Vendor',
'subscription_event_14' => 'Deleted Vendor',
'subscription_event_15' => 'Created Expense',
'subscription_event_16' => 'Updated Expense',
'subscription_event_17' => 'Deleted Expense',
'subscription_event_18' => 'Created Task',
'subscription_event_19' => 'Updated Task',
'subscription_event_20' => 'Deleted Task',
'subscription_event_21' => 'Approved Quote',
'subscriptions' => 'Subscriptions',
'updated_subscription' => 'Successfully updated subscription',
'created_subscription' => 'Successfully created subscription',
'edit_subscription' => 'Edit Subscription',
'archive_subscription' => 'Archive Subscription',
'archived_subscription' => 'Successfully archived subscription',
'project_error_multiple_clients' => 'The projects can\'t belong to different clients',
'invoice_project' => 'Invoice Project',
'module_recurring_invoice' => 'Recurring Invoices',
'module_credit' => '前受金',
'module_quote' => 'Quotes & Proposals',
'module_task' => 'Tasks & Projects',
'module_expense' => '経費と納入業者',
'module_ticket' => 'Tickets',
'reminders' => 'Reminders',
'send_client_reminders' => 'Send email reminders',
'can_view_tasks' => 'Tasks are visible in the portal',
'is_not_sent_reminders' => 'Reminders are not sent',
'promotion_footer' => 'プロモーションはまもなく期限切れになります。:link を今すぐアップグレードしてください。',
'unable_to_delete_primary' => '注: この会社を削除するには、まずリンクされているすべての会社を削除してください。',
'please_register' => 'Please register your account',
'processing_request' => 'Processing request',
'mcrypt_warning' => '警告: Mcrypt は非推奨です。:command を実行して暗号を更新してください。',
'edit_times' => 'Edit Times',
'inclusive_taxes_help' => 'Include <b>taxes in the cost</b>',
'inclusive_taxes_notice' => 'This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.',
'inclusive_taxes_warning' => '警告: 既存の請求書を再保存する必要があります',
'copy_shipping' => 'Copy Shipping',
'copy_billing' => 'Copy Billing',
'quote_has_expired' => 'The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.',
'empty_table_footer' => 'Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries',
'do_not_trust' => 'Do not remember this device',
'trust_for_30_days' => 'Trust for 30 days',
'trust_forever' => 'Trust forever',
'kanban' => 'Kanban',
'backlog' => 'Backlog',
'ready_to_do' => 'Ready to do',
'in_progress' => 'In progress',
'add_status' => 'Add status',
'archive_status' => 'Archive Status',
'new_status' => 'New Status',
'convert_products' => '商品の変換',
'convert_products_help' => 'Automatically convert product prices to the client\'s currency',
'improve_client_portal_link' => 'Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.',
'budgeted_hours' => 'Budgeted Hours',
'progress' => 'Progress',
'view_project' => 'View Project',
'summary' => 'Summary',
'endless_reminder' => 'Endless Reminder',
'signature_on_invoice_help' => 'Add the following code to show your client\'s signature on the PDF.',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'Show on PDF',
'signature_on_pdf_help' => 'Show the client signature on the invoice/quote PDF.',
'expired_white_label' => 'The white label license has expired',
'return_to_login' => 'Return to Login',
'convert_products_tip' => '注: 為替レートを表示するには、「:name」という名前の :link を追加します。',
'amount_greater_than_balance' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.',
'custom_fields_tip' => 'Use <code>Label|Option1,Option2</code> to show a select box.',
'client_information' => 'Client Information',
'updated_client_details' => 'Successfully updated client details',
'auto' => 'Auto',
'tax_amount' => 'Tax Amount',
'tax_paid' => '税金支払済',
'none' => 'None',
'proposal_message_button' => ':amount の提案を表示するには、下のボタンをクリックしてください。',
'proposal' => 'Proposal',
'proposals' => 'Proposals',
'list_proposals' => 'List Proposals',
'new_proposal' => 'New Proposal',
'edit_proposal' => 'Edit Proposal',
'archive_proposal' => 'Archive Proposal',
'delete_proposal' => 'Delete Proposal',
'created_proposal' => 'Successfully created proposal',
'updated_proposal' => 'Successfully updated proposal',
'archived_proposal' => 'Successfully archived proposal',
'deleted_proposal' => 'Successfully archived proposal',
'archived_proposals' => ':count プロポーザルが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_proposals' => ':count プロポーザルが正常にアーカイブされました',
'restored_proposal' => 'Successfully restored proposal',
'restore_proposal' => 'Restore Proposal',
'snippet' => 'Snippet',
'snippets' => 'Snippets',
'proposal_snippet' => 'Snippet',
'proposal_snippets' => 'Snippets',
'new_proposal_snippet' => 'New Snippet',
'edit_proposal_snippet' => 'Edit Snippet',
'archive_proposal_snippet' => 'Archive Snippet',
'delete_proposal_snippet' => 'Delete Snippet',
'created_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully created snippet',
'updated_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully updated snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'deleted_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippets' => ':count スニペットを正常にアーカイブしました',
'deleted_proposal_snippets' => ':count スニペットを正常にアーカイブしました',
'restored_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully restored snippet',
'restore_proposal_snippet' => 'Restore Snippet',
'template' => 'Template',
'templates' => 'Templates',
'proposal_template' => 'Template',
'proposal_templates' => 'Templates',
'new_proposal_template' => 'New Template',
'edit_proposal_template' => 'Edit Template',
'archive_proposal_template' => 'Archive Template',
'delete_proposal_template' => 'Delete Template',
'created_proposal_template' => 'Successfully created template',
'updated_proposal_template' => 'Successfully updated template',
'archived_proposal_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'deleted_proposal_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'archived_proposal_templates' => ':count テンプレートが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_proposal_templates' => ':count テンプレートが正常にアーカイブされました',
'restored_proposal_template' => 'Successfully restored template',
'restore_proposal_template' => 'Restore Template',
'proposal_category' => 'Category',
'proposal_categories' => 'Categories',
'new_proposal_category' => 'New Category',
'edit_proposal_category' => 'Edit Category',
'archive_proposal_category' => 'Archive Category',
'delete_proposal_category' => 'Delete Category',
'created_proposal_category' => 'Successfully created category',
'updated_proposal_category' => 'Successfully updated category',
'archived_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'deleted_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'archived_proposal_categories' => ':count カテゴリが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_proposal_categories' => ':count カテゴリが正常にアーカイブされました',
'restored_proposal_category' => 'Successfully restored category',
'restore_proposal_category' => 'Restore Category',
'delete_status' => 'Delete Status',
'standard' => 'Standard',
'icon' => 'アイコン',
'proposal_not_found' => 'The requested proposal is not available',
'create_proposal_category' => 'Create category',
'clone_proposal_template' => 'Clone Template',
'proposal_email' => 'Proposal Email',
'proposal_subject' => ':account からの新しい提案 :number',
'proposal_message' => ':amount の提案を表示するには、下のリンクをクリックしてください。',
'emailed_proposal' => 'Successfully emailed proposal',
'load_template' => 'Load Template',
'no_assets' => 'No images, drag to upload',
'add_image' => 'Add Image',
'select_image' => 'Select Image',
'upgrade_to_upload_images' => 'Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images',
'delete_image' => 'Delete Image',
'delete_image_help' => '警告: 画像を削除すると、すべての提案から削除されます。',
'amount_variable_help' => '注: 請求書の $amount フィールドは、設定されている場合は部分/預金フィールドを使用し、それ以外の場合は請求書の残高を使用します。',
'taxes_are_included_help' => '注: 内税が有効になっています。',
'taxes_are_not_included_help' => '注: 内税は有効になっていません。',
'change_requires_purge' => 'この設定を変更するには、:link アカウント データが必要です。',
'purging' => 'purging',
'warning_local_refund' => 'The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.',
'email_address_changed' => 'Email address has been changed',
'email_address_changed_message' => 'アカウントのメール アドレスが :old_email から :new_email に変更されました。',
'test' => 'Test',
'beta' => 'Beta',
'gmp_required' => 'Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension',
'email_history' => 'Email History',
'loading' => 'Loading',
'no_messages_found' => 'No messages found',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'reactivate' => 'Reactivate',
'reactivated_email' => 'The email address has been reactivated',
'emails' => 'Emails',
'opened' => 'Opened',
'bounced' => 'Bounced',
'total_sent' => 'Total Sent',
'total_opened' => 'Total Opened',
'total_bounced' => 'Total Bounced',
'total_spam' => 'Total Spam',
'platforms' => 'Platforms',
'email_clients' => 'Email Clients',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'desktop' => 'Desktop',
'webmail' => 'Webmail',
'group' => 'Group',
'subgroup' => 'Subgroup',
'unset' => 'Unset',
'received_new_payment' => 'You\'ve received a new payment!',
'slack_webhook_help' => ':link を使用して支払い通知を受け取ります。',
'slack_incoming_webhooks' => 'Slack incoming webhooks',
'accept' => 'Accept',
'accepted_terms' => 'Successfully accepted the latest terms of service',
'invalid_url' => 'Invalid URL',
'workflow_settings' => 'Workflow Settings',
'auto_email_invoice' => 'Auto Email',
'auto_email_invoice_help' => 'Automatically email recurring invoices when created.',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_invoice_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when paid.',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_quote_help' => 'Automatically archive quotes when converted to invoice.',
'require_approve_quote' => 'Require approve quote',
'require_approve_quote_help' => 'Require clients to approve quotes.',
'allow_approve_expired_quote' => 'Allow approve expired quote',
'allow_approve_expired_quote_help' => 'Allow clients to approve expired quotes.',
'invoice_workflow' => 'Invoice Workflow',
'quote_workflow' => 'Quote Workflow',
'client_must_be_active' => 'エラー: クライアントはアクティブでなければなりません',
'purge_client' => 'Purge Client',
'purged_client' => 'Successfully purged client',
'purge_client_warning' => 'All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.',
'clone_product' => 'Clone Product',
'item_details' => '商品の詳細',
'send_item_details_help' => '決済ネットワークに商品詳細を送信します。',
'view_proposal' => 'View Proposal',
'view_in_portal' => 'View in Portal',
'cookie_message' => 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.',
'got_it' => 'Got it!',
'vendor_will_create' => 'vendor will be created',
'vendors_will_create' => '納入業者が作成されます。',
'created_vendors' => ':count ベンダーが正常に作成されました',
'import_vendors' => 'Import Vendors',
'company' => 'Company',
'client_field' => 'Client Field',
'contact_field' => 'Contact Field',
'product_field' => 'Product Field',
'task_field' => 'Task Field',
'project_field' => 'Project Field',
'expense_field' => 'Expense Field',
'vendor_field' => 'Vendor Field',
'company_field' => 'Company Field',
'invoice_field' => 'Invoice Field',
'invoice_surcharge' => 'Invoice Surcharge',
'custom_task_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a task.',
'custom_project_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a project.',
'custom_expense_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an expense.',
'custom_vendor_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a vendor.',
'messages' => 'メッセージ',
'unpaid_invoice' => '未払の請求書',
'paid_invoice' => '支払済の請求書',
'unapproved_quote' => 'Unapproved Quote',
'unapproved_proposal' => 'Unapproved Proposal',
'autofills_city_state' => 'Auto-fills city/state',
'no_match_found' => 'No match found',
'password_strength' => 'Password Strength',
'strength_weak' => 'Weak',
'strength_good' => 'Good',
'strength_strong' => 'Strong',
'mark' => 'Mark',
'updated_task_status' => 'Successfully update task status',
'background_image' => 'Background Image',
'background_image_help' => ':link を使用して画像を管理します。小さなファイルを使用することをお勧めします。',
'proposal_editor' => 'proposal editor',
'background' => 'Background',
'guide' => 'Guide',
'gateway_fee_item' => 'Gateway Fee Item',
'gateway_fee_description' => 'Gateway Fee Surcharge',
'gateway_fee_discount_description' => 'Gateway Fee Discount',
'show_payments' => 'Show Payments',
'show_aging' => 'Show Aging',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'amount_paid' => '支払済総額',
'send_notifications_for' => '通知を送信する',
'all_invoices' => '全ての請求書',
'my_invoices' => 'My Invoices',
'payment_reference' => 'Payment Reference',
'maximum' => 'Maximum',
'sort' => 'Sort',
'refresh_complete' => '更新完了',
'please_enter_your_email' => 'Please enter your email',
'please_enter_your_password' => 'Please enter your password',
'please_enter_your_url' => 'Please enter your URL',
'please_enter_a_product_key' => 'Please enter a product key',
'an_error_occurred' => 'An error occurred',
'overview' => '概要',
'copied_to_clipboard' => ':value をクリップボードにコピーしました',
'error' => 'Error',
'could_not_launch' => 'Could not launch',
'additional' => 'Additional',
'ok' => 'Ok',
'email_is_invalid' => 'メールアドレスが無効です',
'items' => 'アイテム',
'partial_deposit' => 'Partial/Deposit',
'add_item' => 'アイテムを追加',
'total_amount' => '合計金額',
'pdf' => 'PDF',
'invoice_status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'click_plus_to_add_item' => 'Click + to add an item',
'count_selected' => ':count が選択されました',
'dismiss' => 'Dismiss',
'please_select_a_date' => 'Please select a date',
'please_select_a_client' => 'Please select a client',
'language' => 'Language',
'updated_at' => 'Updated',
'please_enter_an_invoice_number' => 'Please enter an invoice number',
'please_enter_a_quote_number' => 'Please enter a quote number',
'clients_invoices' => ':client の請求書',
'viewed' => 'Viewed',
'approved' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_1' => 'Draft',
'invoice_status_2' => '送信済',
'invoice_status_3' => 'Viewed',
'invoice_status_4' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_5' => 'Partial',
'invoice_status_6' => '支払済',
'marked_invoice_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'please_enter_a_client_or_contact_name' => 'Please enter a client or contact name',
'restart_app_to_apply_change' => 'Restart the app to apply the change',
'refresh_data' => 'Refresh Data',
'blank_contact' => 'Blank Contact',
'no_records_found' => 'No records found',
'industry' => 'Industry',
'size' => 'Size',
'net' => 'Net',
'show_tasks' => 'Show tasks',
'email_reminders' => 'Email Reminders',
'reminder1' => 'First Reminder',
'reminder2' => 'Second Reminder',
'reminder3' => 'Third Reminder',
'send' => 'Send',
'auto_billing' => 'Auto billing',
'button' => 'Button',
'more' => 'More',
'edit_recurring_invoice' => 'Edit Recurring Invoice',
'edit_recurring_quote' => 'Edit Recurring Quote',
'quote_status' => 'Quote Status',
'please_select_an_invoice' => 'Please select an invoice',
'filtered_by' => 'Filtered by',
'payment_status' => 'Payment Status',
'payment_status_1' => 'Pending',
'payment_status_2' => 'Voided',
'payment_status_3' => 'Failed',
'payment_status_4' => '完了',
'payment_status_5' => 'Partially Refunded',
'payment_status_6' => 'Refunded',
'send_receipt_to_client' => 'Send receipt to the client',
'refunded' => 'Refunded',
'marked_quote_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked quote as sent',
'custom_module_settings' => 'Custom Module Settings',
'ticket' => 'Ticket',
'tickets' => 'Tickets',
'ticket_number' => 'Ticket #',
'new_ticket' => 'New Ticket',
'edit_ticket' => 'Edit Ticket',
'view_ticket' => 'View Ticket',
'archive_ticket' => 'Archive Ticket',
'restore_ticket' => 'Restore Ticket',
'delete_ticket' => 'Delete Ticket',
'archived_ticket' => 'Successfully archived ticket',
'archived_tickets' => 'Successfully archived tickets',
'restored_ticket' => 'Successfully restored ticket',
'deleted_ticket' => 'Successfully deleted ticket',
'open' => 'Open',
'new' => 'New',
'closed' => 'Closed',
'reopened' => 'Reopened',
'priority' => 'Priority',
'last_updated' => 'Last Updated',
'comment' => 'Comments',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'linked_objects' => 'Linked Objects',
'low' => 'Low',
'medium' => 'Medium',
'high' => 'High',
'no_due_date' => 'No due date set',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned to',
'reply' => 'Reply',
'awaiting_reply' => 'Awaiting reply',
'ticket_close' => 'Close Ticket',
'ticket_reopen' => 'Reopen Ticket',
'ticket_open' => 'Open Ticket',
'ticket_split' => 'Split Ticket',
'ticket_merge' => 'Merge Ticket',
'ticket_update' => 'Update Ticket',
'ticket_settings' => 'Ticket Settings',
'updated_ticket' => 'Ticket Updated',
'mark_spam' => 'Mark as Spam',
'local_part' => 'Local Part',
'local_part_unavailable' => 'Name taken',
'local_part_available' => 'Name available',
'local_part_invalid' => 'Invalid name (alpha numeric only, no spaces',
'local_part_help' => 'Customize the local part of your inbound support email, ie. YOUR_NAME@support.invoiceninja.com',
'from_name_help' => 'From name is the recognizable sender which is displayed instead of the email address, ie Support Center',
'local_part_placeholder' => 'YOUR_NAME',
'from_name_placeholder' => 'Support Center',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'client_upload' => 'Client uploads',
'enable_client_upload_help' => 'Allow clients to upload documents/attachments',
'max_file_size_help' => 'Maximum file size (KB) is limited by your post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables as set in your PHP.INI',
'max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size',
'mime_types' => 'Mime types',
'mime_types_placeholder' => '.pdf , .docx, .jpg',
'mime_types_help' => 'Comma separated list of allowed mime types, leave blank for all',
'ticket_number_start_help' => 'Ticket number must be greater than the current ticket number',
'new_ticket_template_id' => 'New ticket',
'new_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a new ticket is created',
'update_ticket_template_id' => 'Updated ticket',
'update_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'テンプレートを選択すると、チケット更新時にクライアント/連絡先に対して自動応答が送信されます。',
'close_ticket_template_id' => 'Closed ticket',
'close_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is closed',
'default_priority' => 'Default priority',
'alert_new_comment_id' => 'New comment',
'alert_comment_ticket_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a comment is made.',
'alert_comment_ticket_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on new comment.',
'new_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new ticket notifications',
'update_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new comment notifications',
'comma_separated_values' => 'admin@example.com, supervisor@example.com',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id' => 'Ticket assignment',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_hel' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket is assigned.',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_notifications' => 'Additional ticket assigned notifications',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket assignment.',
'alert_ticket_transfer_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket transfer.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id' => 'Ticket overdue',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email' => 'Additional overdue ticket notifications',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket overdue.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket becomes overdue.',
'ticket_master' => 'Ticket Master',
'ticket_master_help' => 'Has the ability to assign and transfer tickets. Assigned as the default agent for all tickets.',
'default_agent' => 'Default Agent',
'default_agent_help' => 'If selected will automatically be assigned to all inbound tickets',
'show_agent_details' => 'Show agent details on responses',
'avatar' => 'Avatar',
'remove_avatar' => 'Remove avatar',
'ticket_not_found' => 'Ticket not found',
'add_template' => 'Add Template',
'ticket_template' => 'Ticket Template',
'ticket_templates' => 'Ticket Templates',
'updated_ticket_template' => 'Updated Ticket Template',
'created_ticket_template' => 'Created Ticket Template',
'archive_ticket_template' => 'Archive Template',
'restore_ticket_template' => 'Restore Template',
'archived_ticket_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'restored_ticket_template' => 'Successfully restored template',
'close_reason' => 'Let us know why you are closing this ticket',
'reopen_reason' => 'Let us know why you are reopening this ticket',
'enter_ticket_message' => 'Please enter a message to update the ticket',
'show_hide_all' => 'Show / Hide all',
'subject_required' => 'Subject required',
'mobile_refresh_warning' => 'If you\'re using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.',
'enable_proposals_for_background' => '背景画像 :link をアップロードして、提案モジュールを有効にします。',
'ticket_assignment' => 'チケット :ticket_number が :agent に割り当てられました',
'ticket_contact_reply' => 'チケット :ticket_number がクライアント :contact によって更新されました',
'ticket_new_template_subject' => 'チケット :ticket_number が作成されました。',
'ticket_updated_template_subject' => 'チケット :ticket_number が更新されました。',
'ticket_closed_template_subject' => 'チケット :ticket_number はクローズされました。',
'ticket_overdue_template_subject' => 'チケット :ticket_number の期限が過ぎています',
'merge' => 'Merge',
'merged' => 'Merged',
'agent' => 'Agent',
'parent_ticket' => 'Parent Ticket',
'linked_tickets' => 'Linked Tickets',
'merge_prompt' => 'Enter ticket number to merge into',
'merge_from_to' => 'チケット #:old_ticket はチケット #:new_ticket に統合されました',
'merge_closed_ticket_text' => 'チケット #:old_ticket はクローズされ、Ticket#:new_ticket に統合されました - :subject',
'merge_updated_ticket_text' => 'チケット #:old_ticket はクローズされ、このチケットに統合されました',
'merge_placeholder' => 'チケット #:ticket を次のチケットにマージします',
'select_ticket' => 'Select Ticket',
'new_internal_ticket' => 'New internal ticket',
'internal_ticket' => 'Internal ticket',
'create_ticket' => 'Create ticket',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external' => 'New Tickets by email (Client)',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external_help' => 'Allow clients to create new tickets by email',
'include_in_filter' => 'Include in filter',
'custom_client1' => ':価値',
'custom_client2' => ':価値',
'compare' => 'Compare',
'hosted_login' => 'Hosted Login',
'selfhost_login' => 'Selfhost Login',
'google_login' => 'Google Login',
'thanks_for_patience' => 'Thank for your patience while we work to implement these features.\n\nWe hope to have them completed in the next few months.\n\nUntil then we\'ll continue to support the',
'legacy_mobile_app' => 'legacy mobile app',
'today' => 'Today',
'current' => 'Current',
'previous' => 'Previous',
'current_period' => 'Current Period',
'comparison_period' => 'Comparison Period',
'previous_period' => 'Previous Period',
'previous_year' => 'Previous Year',
'compare_to' => 'Compare to',
'last_week' => 'Last Week',
'clone_to_invoice' => 'Clone to Invoice',
'clone_to_quote' => 'Clone to Quote',
'convert' => 'Convert',
'last7_days' => 'Last 7 Days',
'last30_days' => 'Last 30 Days',
'custom_js' => 'Custom JS',
'adjust_fee_percent_help' => 'Adjust percent to account for fee',
'show_product_notes' => 'Show product details',
'show_product_notes_help' => 'Include the <b>description and cost</b> in the product dropdown',
'important' => '重要',
'thank_you_for_using_our_app' => '弊社のAppをご利用頂き誠にありがとうございます。',
'if_you_like_it' => 'If you like it please',
'to_rate_it' => 'to rate it.',
'average' => '平均',
'unapproved' => 'Unapproved',
'authenticate_to_change_setting' => 'Please authenticate to change this setting',
'locked' => 'Locked',
'authenticate' => 'Authenticate',
'please_authenticate' => 'Please authenticate',
'biometric_authentication' => 'Biometric Authentication',
'auto_start_tasks' => 'Auto Start Tasks',
'budgeted' => 'Budgeted',
'please_enter_a_name' => 'Please enter a name',
'click_plus_to_add_time' => 'Click + to add time',
'design' => 'Design',
'password_is_too_short' => 'Password is too short',
'failed_to_find_record' => 'Failed to find record',
'valid_until_days' => 'Valid Until',
'valid_until_days_help' => 'Automatically sets the <b>Valid Until</b> value on quotes to this many days in the future. Leave blank to disable.',
'usually_pays_in_days' => 'Days',
'requires_an_enterprise_plan' => 'Requires an enterprise plan',
'take_picture' => 'Take Picture',
'upload_file' => 'Upload File',
'new_document' => 'New Document',
'edit_document' => 'Edit Document',
'uploaded_document' => 'Successfully uploaded document',
'updated_document' => 'Successfully updated document',
'archived_document' => 'Successfully archived document',
'deleted_document' => 'Successfully deleted document',
'restored_document' => 'Successfully restored document',
'no_history' => 'No History',
'expense_status_1' => 'Logged',
'expense_status_2' => 'Pending',
'expense_status_3' => 'Invoiced',
'no_record_selected' => 'No record selected',
'error_unsaved_changes' => 'Please save or cancel your changes',
'thank_you_for_your_purchase' => 'Thank you for your purchase!',
'redeem' => 'Redeem',
'back' => 'Back',
'past_purchases' => 'Past Purchases',
'annual_subscription' => 'Annual Subscription',
'pro_plan' => 'Pro Plan',
'enterprise_plan' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'count_users' => ':count 人のユーザー',
'upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'please_enter_a_first_name' => 'Please enter a first name',
'please_enter_a_last_name' => 'Please enter a last name',
'please_agree_to_terms_and_privacy' => 'Please agree to the terms of service and privacy policy to create an account.',
'i_agree_to_the' => 'I agree to the',
'terms_of_service_link' => 'terms of service',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'privacy policy',
'view_website' => 'View Website',
'create_account' => 'Create Account',
'email_login' => 'Email Login',
'late_fees' => 'Late Fees',
'payment_number' => 'Payment Number',
'before_due_date' => 'Before the due date',
'after_due_date' => 'After the due date',
'after_invoice_date' => 'After the invoice date',
'filtered_by_user' => 'Filtered by User',
'created_user' => 'Successfully created user',
'primary_font' => 'Primary Font',
'secondary_font' => 'Secondary Font',
'number_padding' => 'Number Padding',
'general' => 'General',
'surcharge_field' => 'Surcharge Field',
'company_value' => 'Company Value',
'credit_field' => 'Credit Field',
'payment_field' => 'Payment Field',
'group_field' => 'Group Field',
'number_counter' => 'Number Counter',
'number_pattern' => 'Number Pattern',
'custom_javascript' => 'Custom JavaScript',
'portal_mode' => 'Portal Mode',
'attach_pdf' => 'Attach PDF',
'attach_documents' => 'Attach Documents',
'attach_ubl' => 'Attach UBL',
'email_style' => 'Email Style',
'processed' => 'Processed',
'fee_amount' => 'Fee Amount',
'fee_percent' => 'Fee Percent',
'fee_cap' => 'Fee Cap',
'limits_and_fees' => 'Limits/Fees',
'credentials' => 'Credentials',
'require_billing_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their billing address',
'require_shipping_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their shipping address',
'deleted_tax_rate' => 'Successfully deleted tax rate',
'restored_tax_rate' => 'Successfully restored tax rate',
'provider' => 'Provider',
'company_gateway' => 'Payment Gateway',
'company_gateways' => 'Payment Gateways',
'new_company_gateway' => 'New Gateway',
'edit_company_gateway' => 'Edit Gateway',
'created_company_gateway' => 'Successfully created gateway',
'updated_company_gateway' => 'Successfully updated gateway',
'archived_company_gateway' => 'Successfully archived gateway',
'deleted_company_gateway' => 'Successfully deleted gateway',
'restored_company_gateway' => 'Successfully restored gateway',
'continue_editing' => 'Continue Editing',
'default_value' => 'Default value',
'currency_format' => '通貨フォーマット',
'first_day_of_the_week' => 'First Day of the Week',
'first_month_of_the_year' => 'First Month of the Year',
'symbol' => 'Symbol',
'ocde' => 'Code',
'date_format' => 'Date Format',
'datetime_format' => 'Datetime Format',
'send_reminders' => 'Send Reminders',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'filtered_by_group' => 'Filtered by Group',
'filtered_by_invoice' => 'Filtered by Invoice',
'filtered_by_client' => 'Filtered by Client',
'filtered_by_vendor' => 'Filtered by Vendor',
'group_settings' => 'Group Settings',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'new_group' => 'New Group',
'edit_group' => 'Edit Group',
'created_group' => 'Successfully created group',
'updated_group' => 'Successfully updated group',
'archived_group' => 'Successfully archived group',
'deleted_group' => 'Successfully deleted group',
'restored_group' => 'Successfully restored group',
'upload_logo' => 'Upload Logo',
'uploaded_logo' => 'Successfully uploaded logo',
'saved_settings' => 'Successfully saved settings',
'device_settings' => 'Device Settings',
'credit_cards_and_banks' => 'Credit Cards & Banks',
'price' => 'Price',
'email_sign_up' => 'Email Sign Up',
'google_sign_up' => 'Google Sign Up',
'sign_up_with_google' => 'Sign Up With Google',
'long_press_multiselect' => 'Long-press Multiselect',
'migrate_to_next_version' => 'Migrate to the next version of Invoice Ninja',
'migrate_intro_text' => 'We\'ve been working on next version of Invoice Ninja. Click the button bellow to start the migration.',
'start_the_migration' => 'Start the migration',
'migration' => 'Migration',
'welcome_to_the_new_version' => '「Invoice Ninja」の新バージョンへようこそ ',
'next_step_data_download' => 'At the next step, we\'ll let you download your data for the migration.',
'download_data' => 'Press button below to download the data.',
'migration_import' => 'Awesome! Now you are ready to import your migration. Go to your new installation to import your data',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'company1' => 'Custom Company 1',
'company2' => 'Custom Company 2',
'company3' => 'Custom Company 3',
'company4' => 'Custom Company 4',
'product1' => 'Custom Product 1',
'product2' => 'Custom Product 2',
'product3' => 'Custom Product 3',
'product4' => 'Custom Product 4',
'client1' => 'Custom Client 1',
'client2' => 'Custom Client 2',
'client3' => 'Custom Client 3',
'client4' => 'Custom Client 4',
'contact1' => 'Custom Contact 1',
'contact2' => 'Custom Contact 2',
'contact3' => 'Custom Contact 3',
'contact4' => 'Custom Contact 4',
'task1' => 'Custom Task 1',
'task2' => 'Custom Task 2',
'task3' => 'Custom Task 3',
'task4' => 'Custom Task 4',
'project1' => 'Custom Project 1',
'project2' => 'Custom Project 2',
'project3' => 'Custom Project 3',
'project4' => 'Custom Project 4',
'expense1' => 'Custom Expense 1',
'expense2' => 'Custom Expense 2',
'expense3' => 'Custom Expense 3',
'expense4' => 'Custom Expense 4',
'vendor1' => 'Custom Vendor 1',
'vendor2' => 'Custom Vendor 2',
'vendor3' => 'Custom Vendor 3',
'vendor4' => 'Custom Vendor 4',
'invoice1' => 'Custom Invoice 1',
'invoice2' => 'Custom Invoice 2',
'invoice3' => 'Custom Invoice 3',
'invoice4' => 'Custom Invoice 4',
'payment1' => 'Custom Payment 1',
'payment2' => 'Custom Payment 2',
'payment3' => 'Custom Payment 3',
'payment4' => 'Custom Payment 4',
'surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'group1' => 'Custom Group 1',
'group2' => 'Custom Group 2',
'group3' => 'Custom Group 3',
'group4' => 'Custom Group 4',
'number' => '番号',
'count' => 'Count',
'is_active' => 'Is Active',
'contact_last_login' => 'Contact Last Login',
'contact_full_name' => 'Contact Full Name',
'contact_custom_value1' => 'Contact Custom Value 1',
'contact_custom_value2' => 'Contact Custom Value 2',
'contact_custom_value3' => 'Contact Custom Value 3',
'contact_custom_value4' => 'Contact Custom Value 4',
'assigned_to_id' => 'Assigned To Id',
'created_by_id' => 'Created By Id',
'add_column' => 'Add Column',
'edit_columns' => 'Edit Columns',
'to_learn_about_gogle_fonts' => 'to learn about Google Fonts',
'refund_date' => 'Refund Date',
'multiselect' => 'Multiselect',
'verify_password' => 'Verify Password',
'applied' => 'Applied',
'include_recent_errors' => 'Include recent errors from the logs',
'your_message_has_been_received' => 'We have received your message and will try to respond promptly.',
'show_product_details' => 'Show Product Details',
'show_product_details_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown',
'pdf_min_requirements' => 'PDF レンダラーには :version が必要です',
'adjust_fee_percent' => 'Adjust Fee Percent',
'configure_settings' => 'Configure Settings',
'about' => 'About',
'credit_email' => 'Credit Email',
'domain_url' => 'Domain URL',
'password_is_too_easy' => 'Password must contain an upper case character and a number',
'client_portal_tasks' => 'Client Portal Tasks',
'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Client Portal Dashboard',
'please_enter_a_value' => 'Please enter a value',
'deleted_logo' => 'Successfully deleted logo',
'generate_number' => 'Generate Number',
'when_saved' => 'When Saved',
'when_sent' => 'When Sent',
'select_company' => 'Select Company',
'float' => 'Float',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'show_or_hide' => 'Show/hide',
'menu_sidebar' => 'Menu Sidebar',
'history_sidebar' => 'History Sidebar',
'tablet' => 'Tablet',
'layout' => 'Layout',
'module' => 'Module',
'first_custom' => 'First Custom',
'second_custom' => 'Second Custom',
'third_custom' => 'Third Custom',
'show_cost' => 'Show Cost',
'show_cost_help' => 'Display a product cost field to track the markup/profit',
'show_product_quantity' => 'Show Product Quantity',
'show_product_quantity_help' => 'Display a product quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'show_invoice_quantity' => 'Show Invoice Quantity',
'show_invoice_quantity_help' => 'Display a line item quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'default_quantity' => 'Default Quantity',
'default_quantity_help' => 'Automatically set the line item quantity to one',
'one_tax_rate' => 'One Tax Rate',
'two_tax_rates' => 'Two Tax Rates',
'three_tax_rates' => 'Three Tax Rates',
'default_tax_rate' => 'Default Tax Rate',
'invoice_tax' => 'Invoice Tax',
'line_item_tax' => 'Line Item Tax',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'Inclusive Taxes',
'invoice_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Tax Rates',
'item_tax_rates' => 'Item Tax Rates',
'configure_rates' => 'Configure rates',
'tax_settings_rates' => 'Tax Rates',
'accent_color' => 'Accent Color',
'comma_sparated_list' => 'Comma separated list',
'single_line_text' => 'Single-line text',
'multi_line_text' => 'Multi-line text',
'dropdown' => 'Dropdown',
'field_type' => 'Field Type',
'recover_password_email_sent' => 'A password recovery email has been sent',
'removed_user' => 'Successfully removed user',
'freq_three_years' => 'Three Years',
'military_time_help' => '24 Hour Display',
'click_here_capital' => 'Click here',
'marked_invoice_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'activity_57' => 'システムが請求書 :invoice を電子メールで送信できませんでした',
'custom_value3' => 'Custom Value 3',
'custom_value4' => 'Custom Value 4',
'email_style_custom' => 'Custom Email Style',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'Custom Dashboard Message',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'Custom Unpaid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'Custom Paid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'Custom Unapproved Quote Message',
'lock_sent_invoices' => '送信済請求書をロックする',
'translations' => 'Translations',
'task_number_pattern' => 'Task Number Pattern',
'task_number_counter' => 'Task Number Counter',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'Expense Number Pattern',
'expense_number_counter' => 'Expense Number Counter',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'Vendor Number Pattern',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'Vendor Number Counter',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'Ticket Number Pattern',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'Ticket Number Counter',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'Payment Number Pattern',
'payment_number_counter' => 'Payment Number Counter',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'Invoice Number Pattern',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'Quote Number Pattern',
'client_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'client_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'credit_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'reset_counter_date' => 'Reset Counter Date',
'counter_padding' => 'Counter Padding',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Share Invoice Quote Counter',
'default_tax_name_1' => 'Default Tax Name 1',
'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Default Tax Rate 1',
'default_tax_name_2' => 'Default Tax Name 2',
'default_tax_rate_2' => 'Default Tax Rate 2',
'default_tax_name_3' => 'Default Tax Name 3',
'default_tax_rate_3' => 'Default Tax Rate 3',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'Email Invoice Subject',
'email_subject_quote' => 'Email Quote Subject',
'email_subject_payment' => 'Email Payment Subject',
'switch_list_table' => 'Switch List Table',
'client_city' => 'Client City',
'client_state' => 'Client State',
'client_country' => 'Client Country',
'client_is_active' => 'Client is Active',
'client_balance' => 'Client Balance',
'client_address1' => 'Client Street',
'client_address2' => 'Client Apt/Suite',
'client_shipping_address1' => 'Client Shipping Street',
'client_shipping_address2' => 'Client Shipping Apt/Suite',
'tax_rate1' => 'Tax Rate 1',
'tax_rate2' => 'Tax Rate 2',
'tax_rate3' => 'Tax Rate 3',
'archived_at' => 'Archived At',
'has_expenses' => 'Has Expenses',
'custom_taxes1' => 'Custom Taxes 1',
'custom_taxes2' => 'Custom Taxes 2',
'custom_taxes3' => 'Custom Taxes 3',
'custom_taxes4' => 'Custom Taxes 4',
'custom_surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'custom_surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'custom_surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'custom_surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'is_deleted' => 'Is Deleted',
'vendor_city' => 'Vendor City',
'vendor_state' => 'Vendor State',
'vendor_country' => 'Vendor Country',
'credit_footer' => 'Credit Footer',
'credit_terms' => 'Credit Terms',
'untitled_company' => 'Untitled Company',
'added_company' => 'Successfully added company',
'supported_events' => 'Supported Events',
'custom3' => 'Third Custom',
'custom4' => 'Fourth Custom',
'optional' => 'Optional',
'license' => 'License',
'invoice_balance' => 'Invoice Balance',
'saved_design' => 'Successfully saved design',
'client_details' => 'Client Details',
'company_address' => 'Company Address',
'quote_details' => 'Quote Details',
'credit_details' => 'Credit Details',
'product_columns' => 'Product Columns',
'task_columns' => 'Task Columns',
'add_field' => 'Add Field',
'all_events' => 'All Events',
'owned' => 'Owned',
'payment_success' => 'Payment Success',
'payment_failure' => 'Payment Failure',
'quote_sent' => '見積書送信済',
'credit_sent' => '前受金送信済',
'invoice_viewed' => 'Invoice Viewed',
'quote_viewed' => 'Quote Viewed',
'credit_viewed' => 'Credit Viewed',
'quote_approved' => 'Quote Approved',
'receive_all_notifications' => 'Receive All Notifications',
'purchase_license' => 'Purchase License',
'enable_modules' => 'Enable Modules',
'converted_quote' => 'Successfully converted quote',
'credit_design' => 'Credit Design',
'includes' => 'Includes',
'css_framework' => 'CSS Framework',
'custom_designs' => 'Custom Designs',
'designs' => 'Designs',
'new_design' => 'New Design',
'edit_design' => 'Edit Design',
'created_design' => 'Successfully created design',
'updated_design' => 'Successfully updated design',
'archived_design' => 'Successfully archived design',
'deleted_design' => 'Successfully deleted design',
'removed_design' => 'Successfully removed design',
'restored_design' => 'Successfully restored design',
'recurring_tasks' => 'Recurring Tasks',
'removed_credit' => 'Successfully removed credit',
'latest_version' => 'Latest Version',
'update_now' => '今すぐアップデート',
'a_new_version_is_available' => 'Webアプリの新しいバージョンが利用可能です',
'update_available' => 'アップデートが利用可能です',
'app_updated' => 'Update successfully completed',
'integrations' => 'Integrations',
'tracking_id' => 'Tracking Id',
'slack_webhook_url' => 'Slack Webhook URL',
'partial_payment' => 'Partial Payment',
'partial_payment_email' => 'Partial Payment Email',
'clone_to_credit' => 'Clone to Credit',
'emailed_credit' => 'Successfully emailed credit',
'marked_credit_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked credit as sent',
'email_subject_payment_partial' => 'Email Partial Payment Subject',
'is_approved' => 'Is Approved',
'migration_went_wrong' => 'Oops, something went wrong! Please make sure you have setup an Invoice Ninja v5 instance before starting the migration.',
'cross_migration_message' => 'アカウント間の移行は許可されていません。詳細については、https: <a href="https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting">//invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting</a>をご覧ください。',
'email_credit' => 'Email Credit',
'client_email_not_set' => 'Client does not have an email address set',
'ledger' => 'Ledger',
'view_pdf' => 'View PDF',
'all_records' => 'All records',
'owned_by_user' => 'Owned by user',
'credit_remaining' => 'Credit Remaining',
'use_default' => 'Use default',
'reminder_endless' => 'Endless Reminders',
'number_of_days' => 'Number of days',
'configure_payment_terms' => 'Configure Payment Terms',
'payment_term' => 'Payment Term',
'new_payment_term' => 'New Payment Term',
'deleted_payment_term' => 'Successfully deleted payment term',
'removed_payment_term' => 'Successfully removed payment term',
'restored_payment_term' => 'Successfully restored payment term',
'full_width_editor' => 'Full Width Editor',
'full_height_filter' => 'Full Height Filter',
'email_sign_in' => 'メールアドレスでログイン',
'change' => 'Change',
'change_to_mobile_layout' => 'Change to the mobile layout?',
'change_to_desktop_layout' => 'Change to the desktop layout?',
'send_from_gmail' => 'Send from Gmail',
'reversed' => 'Reversed',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'quote_amount' => 'Quote Amount',
'hosted' => 'Hosted',
'selfhosted' => 'Self-Hosted',
'hide_menu' => 'Hide Menu',
'show_menu' => 'Show Menu',
'partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'search_documents' => '文書の検索',
'search_designs' => 'Search Designs',
'search_invoices' => '請求書の検索',
'search_clients' => '顧客の検索',
'search_products' => '商品の検索',
'search_quotes' => '見積書の検索',
'search_credits' => 'Search Credits',
'search_vendors' => '納入業者の検索',
'search_users' => 'ユーザーの検索',
'search_tax_rates' => '税率の検索',
'search_tasks' => 'タスクの検索',
'search_settings' => '設定の検索',
'search_projects' => 'プロジェクトの検索',
'search_expenses' => '経費の検索',
'search_payments' => 'Search Payments',
'search_groups' => 'グループの検索',
'search_company' => '会社の検索',
'cancelled_invoice' => 'Successfully cancelled invoice',
'cancelled_invoices' => 'Successfully cancelled invoices',
'reversed_invoice' => 'Successfully reversed invoice',
'reversed_invoices' => 'Successfully reversed invoices',
'reverse' => 'Reverse',
'filtered_by_project' => 'Filtered by Project',
'google_sign_in' => 'Sign in with Google',
'activity_58' => ':user 逆請求書 :invoice',
'activity_59' => ':user キャンセルされた請求書 :invoice',
'payment_reconciliation_failure' => 'Reconciliation Failure',
'payment_reconciliation_success' => 'Reconciliation Success',
'gateway_success' => 'Gateway Success',
'gateway_failure' => 'Gateway Failure',
'gateway_error' => 'Gateway Error',
'email_send' => 'Email Send',
'email_retry_queue' => 'Email Retry Queue',
'failure' => 'Failure',
'quota_exceeded' => 'Quota Exceeded',
'upstream_failure' => 'Upstream Failure',
'system_logs' => 'System Logs',
'copy_link' => 'リンクをコピー',
'welcome_to_invoice_ninja' => 'Invoice Ninja へようこそ',
'optin' => 'Opt-In',
'optout' => 'Opt-Out',
'auto_convert' => 'Auto Convert',
'reminder1_sent' => 'リマインダー1送信済',
'reminder2_sent' => 'リマインダー2送信済',
'reminder3_sent' => 'リマインダー3送信済',
'reminder_last_sent' => '最終リマインダー送信済',
'pdf_page_info' => ':total のページ :current',
'emailed_credits' => 'Successfully emailed credits',
'view_in_stripe' => 'View in Stripe',
'rows_per_page' => 'Rows Per Page',
'apply_payment' => 'Apply Payment',
'unapplied' => 'Unapplied',
'custom_labels' => 'Custom Labels',
'record_type' => 'Record Type',
'record_name' => 'Record Name',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'height' => 'Height',
'width' => 'Width',
'health_check' => 'Health Check',
'last_login_at' => 'Last Login At',
'company_key' => 'Company Key',
'storefront' => 'Storefront',
'storefront_help' => 'Enable third-party apps to create invoices',
'count_records_selected' => ':count レコードが選択されました',
'count_record_selected' => ':count レコードが選択されました',
'client_created' => '顧客を登録しました',
'online_payment_email' => 'Online Payment Email',
'manual_payment_email' => 'Manual Payment Email',
'completed' => '完了',
'gross' => 'Gross',
'net_amount' => 'Net Amount',
'net_balance' => 'Net Balance',
'client_settings' => 'Client Settings',
'selected_invoices' => 'Selected Invoices',
'selected_payments' => 'Selected Payments',
'selected_quotes' => 'Selected Quotes',
'selected_tasks' => 'Selected Tasks',
'selected_expenses' => 'Selected Expenses',
'past_due_invoices' => 'Past Due Invoices',
'create_payment' => 'Create Payment',
'update_quote' => 'Update Quote',
'update_invoice' => 'Update Invoice',
'update_client' => 'Update Client',
'update_vendor' => 'Update Vendor',
'create_expense' => 'Create Expense',
'update_expense' => 'Update Expense',
'update_task' => 'Update Task',
'approve_quote' => 'Approve Quote',
'when_paid' => 'When Paid',
'expires_on' => 'Expires On',
'show_sidebar' => 'Show Sidebar',
'hide_sidebar' => 'Hide Sidebar',
'event_type' => 'Event Type',
'copy' => 'Copy',
'must_be_online' => 'Please restart the app once connected to the internet',
'crons_not_enabled' => 'The crons need to be enabled',
'api_webhooks' => 'API Webhooks',
'search_webhooks' => ':count Webhook を検索',
'search_webhook' => 'Search 1 Webhook',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'new_webhook' => 'New Webhook',
'edit_webhook' => 'Edit Webhook',
'created_webhook' => 'Successfully created webhook',
'updated_webhook' => 'Successfully updated webhook',
'archived_webhook' => 'Successfully archived webhook',
'deleted_webhook' => 'Successfully deleted webhook',
'removed_webhook' => 'Successfully removed webhook',
'restored_webhook' => 'Successfully restored webhook',
'search_tokens' => ':countトークンを検索',
'search_token' => 'Search 1 Token',
'new_token' => 'New Token',
'removed_token' => 'Successfully removed token',
'restored_token' => 'Successfully restored token',
'client_registration' => 'Client Registration',
'client_registration_help' => 'Enable clients to self register in the portal',
'customize_and_preview' => 'Customize & Preview',
'search_document' => 'Search 1 Document',
'search_design' => 'Search 1 Design',
'search_invoice' => 'Search 1 Invoice',
'search_client' => 'Search 1 Client',
'search_product' => 'Search 1 Product',
'search_quote' => 'Search 1 Quote',
'search_credit' => 'Search 1 Credit',
'search_vendor' => 'Search 1 Vendor',
'search_user' => 'Search 1 User',
'search_tax_rate' => 'Search 1 Tax Rate',
'search_task' => 'Search 1 Tasks',
'search_project' => 'Search 1 Project',
'search_expense' => 'Search 1 Expense',
'search_payment' => 'Search 1 Payment',
'search_group' => 'Search 1 Group',
'created_on' => 'Created On',
'payment_status_-1' => 'Unapplied',
'lock_invoices' => '請求書をロック',
'show_table' => 'テーブルを表示',
'show_list' => 'リストを表示',
'view_changes' => 'View Changes',
'force_update' => '強制的にアップデート',
'force_update_help' => 'You are running the latest version but there may be pending fixes available.',
'mark_paid_help' => 'Track the expense has been paid',
'mark_invoiceable_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'add_documents_to_invoice_help' => 'Make the documents visible to client',
'convert_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate',
'expense_settings' => 'Expense Settings',
'clone_to_recurring' => 'Clone to Recurring',
'crypto' => 'Crypto',
'user_field' => 'User Field',
'variables' => 'Variables',
'show_password' => 'Show Password',
'hide_password' => 'Hide Password',
'copy_error' => 'Copy Error',
'capture_card' => 'Capture Card',
'auto_bill_enabled' => 'Auto Bill Enabled',
'total_taxes' => 'Total Taxes',
'line_taxes' => 'Line Taxes',
'total_fields' => 'Total Fields',
'stopped_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully stopped recurring invoice',
'started_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully started recurring invoice',
'resumed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully resumed recurring invoice',
'gateway_refund' => 'Gateway Refund',
'gateway_refund_help' => 'Process the refund with the payment gateway',
'due_date_days' => 'Due Date',
'paused' => 'Paused',
'day_count' => '日 :count',
'first_day_of_the_month' => 'First Day of the Month',
'last_day_of_the_month' => 'Last Day of the Month',
'use_payment_terms' => 'Use Payment Terms',
'endless' => 'Endless',
'next_send_date' => 'Next Send Date',
'remaining_cycles' => 'Remaining Cycles',
'created_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully created recurring invoice',
'updated_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully updated recurring invoice',
'removed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully removed recurring invoice',
'search_recurring_invoice' => 'Search 1 Recurring Invoice',
'search_recurring_invoices' => ':count 定期請求書を検索',
'send_date' => 'Send Date',
'auto_bill_on' => 'Auto Bill On',
'minimum_under_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Under Payment Amount',
'allow_over_payment' => 'Allow Over Payment',
'allow_over_payment_help' => 'Support paying extra to accept tips',
'allow_under_payment' => 'Allow Under Payment',
'allow_under_payment_help' => 'Support paying at minimum the partial/deposit amount',
'test_mode' => 'Test Mode',
'calculated_rate' => 'Calculated Rate',
'default_task_rate' => 'Default Task Rate',
'clear_cache' => 'Clear Cache',
'sort_order' => 'Sort Order',
'task_status' => 'Status',
'task_statuses' => 'Task Statuses',
'new_task_status' => 'New Task Status',
'edit_task_status' => 'Edit Task Status',
'created_task_status' => 'Successfully created task status',
'archived_task_status' => 'Successfully archived task status',
'deleted_task_status' => 'Successfully deleted task status',
'removed_task_status' => 'Successfully removed task status',
'restored_task_status' => 'Successfully restored task status',
'search_task_status' => 'Search 1 Task Status',
'search_task_statuses' => ':count タスク ステータスの検索',
'show_tasks_table' => 'Show Tasks Table',
'show_tasks_table_help' => 'Always show the tasks section when creating invoices',
'invoice_task_timelog' => 'Invoice Task Timelog',
'invoice_task_timelog_help' => 'Add time details to the invoice line items',
'auto_start_tasks_help' => 'Start tasks before saving',
'configure_statuses' => 'Configure Statuses',
'task_settings' => 'Task Settings',
'configure_categories' => 'Configure Categories',
'edit_expense_category' => 'Edit Expense Category',
'removed_expense_category' => 'Successfully removed expense category',
'search_expense_category' => 'Search 1 Expense Category',
'search_expense_categories' => ':count 経費カテゴリを検索',
'use_available_credits' => 'Use Available Credits',
'show_option' => 'Show Option',
'negative_payment_error' => 'The credit amount cannot exceed the payment amount',
'should_be_invoiced_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'configure_gateways' => 'Configure Gateways',
'payment_partial' => 'Partial Payment',
'is_running' => 'Is Running',
'invoice_currency_id' => 'Invoice Currency ID',
'tax_name1' => 'Tax Name 1',
'tax_name2' => 'Tax Name 2',
'transaction_id' => 'Transaction ID',
'invoice_late' => 'Invoice Late',
'quote_expired' => 'Quote Expired',
'recurring_invoice_total' => 'Invoice Total',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'expense_number' => '経費番号',
'task_number' => 'タスク番号',
'project_number' => 'プロジェクト番号',
'view_settings' => 'View Settings',
'company_disabled_warning' => '警告: この会社はまだ有効化されていません',
'late_invoice' => 'Late Invoice',
'expired_quote' => 'Expired Quote',
'remind_invoice' => 'Remind Invoice',
'client_phone' => 'Client Phone',
'required_fields' => 'Required Fields',
'enabled_modules' => 'Enabled Modules',
'activity_60' => ':contact 閲覧引用 :quote',
'activity_61' => ':user 更新されたクライアント :client',
'activity_62' => ':user 更新されたベンダー :vendor',
'activity_63' => ':user は、請求書 :invoice の最初のリマインダーを :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'activity_64' => ':user は、請求書 :invoice の 2 回目のリマインダーを :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'activity_65' => ':user は、請求書 :invoice の 3 回目のリマインダーを :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'activity_66' => ':user は、請求書 :invoice のエンドレス リマインダーを :contact に電子メールで送信しました',
'expense_category_id' => 'Expense Category ID',
'view_licenses' => 'View Licenses',
'fullscreen_editor' => 'Fullscreen Editor',
'sidebar_editor' => 'Sidebar Editor',
'please_type_to_confirm' => '「:value」と入力して確認してください',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'clone_to' => 'Clone To',
'clone_to_other' => 'Clone to Other',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'add_custom' => 'Add Custom',
'payment_tax' => 'Payment Tax',
'white_label' => 'White Label',
'sent_invoices_are_locked' => '送信済請求書はロックされました',
'paid_invoices_are_locked' => 'Paid invoices are locked',
'source_code' => 'Source Code',
'app_platforms' => 'App Platforms',
'archived_task_statuses' => ':value タスク ステータスが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_task_statuses' => ':value タスク ステータスが正常に削除されました',
'restored_task_statuses' => ':value タスクのステータスが正常に復元されました',
'deleted_expense_categories' => '経費 :value カテゴリが正常に削除されました',
'restored_expense_categories' => '経費 :value カテゴリが正常に復元されました',
'archived_recurring_invoices' => '定期的な :value 請求書が正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_recurring_invoices' => '定期的な :value 請求書を正常に削除しました',
'restored_recurring_invoices' => '定期的な :value 請求書を正常に復元しました',
'archived_webhooks' => ':value Webhook が正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_webhooks' => ':value Webhook が正常に削除されました',
'removed_webhooks' => ':value Webhook が正常に削除されました',
'restored_webhooks' => ':value Webhook が正常に復元されました',
'api_docs' => 'API Docs',
'archived_tokens' => ':value トークンが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_tokens' => ':value トークンが正常に削除されました',
'restored_tokens' => ':value トークンを正常に復元しました',
'archived_payment_terms' => ':value 支払い条件が正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_payment_terms' => ':value 支払い条件が正常に削除されました',
'restored_payment_terms' => ':value の支払い条件が正常に復元されました',
'archived_designs' => ':value のデザインが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_designs' => ':value のデザインが正常に削除されました',
'restored_designs' => ':value のデザインが正常に復元されました',
'restored_credits' => ':value クレジットの復元に成功しました',
'archived_users' => ':value ユーザーが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_users' => ':value ユーザーが正常に削除されました',
'removed_users' => ':value ユーザーが正常に削除されました',
'restored_users' => ':value ユーザーが正常に復元されました',
'archived_tax_rates' => ':value の税率が正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_tax_rates' => ':value の税率が正常に削除されました',
'restored_tax_rates' => ':value の税率が正常に復元されました',
'archived_company_gateways' => ':value ゲートウェイが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_company_gateways' => ':value ゲートウェイが正常に削除されました',
'restored_company_gateways' => ':value ゲートウェイが正常に復元されました',
'archived_groups' => ':value グループが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_groups' => ':value グループが正常に削除されました',
'restored_groups' => ':value グループが正常に復元されました',
'archived_documents' => ':value ドキュメントが正常にアーカイブされました',
'deleted_documents' => ':value ドキュメントが正常に削除されました',
'restored_documents' => ':value ドキュメントが正常に復元されました',
'restored_vendors' => ':value ベンダーが正常に復元されました',
'restored_expenses' => ':value の経費を正常に復元しました',
'restored_tasks' => ':value タスクが正常に復元されました',
'restored_projects' => ':value プロジェクトが正常に復元されました',
'restored_products' => ':value 製品の復元に成功しました',
'restored_clients' => ':value クライアントが正常に復元されました',
'restored_invoices' => ':value 請求書が正常に復元されました',
'restored_payments' => ':value の支払いが正常に復元されました',
'restored_quotes' => ':value 引用符を正常に復元しました',
'update_app' => 'Update App',
'started_import' => 'Successfully started import',
'duplicate_column_mapping' => 'Duplicate column mapping',
'uses_inclusive_taxes' => 'Uses Inclusive Taxes',
'is_amount_discount' => 'Is Amount Discount',
'map_to' => 'Map To',
'first_row_as_column_names' => 'Use first row as column names',
'no_file_selected' => 'No File Selected',
'import_type' => 'Import Type',
'draft_mode' => 'Draft Mode',
'draft_mode_help' => 'Preview updates faster but is less accurate',
'show_product_discount' => 'Show Product Discount',
'show_product_discount_help' => 'Display a line item discount field',
'tax_name3' => 'Tax Name 3',
'debug_mode_is_enabled' => 'Debug mode is enabled',
'debug_mode_is_enabled_help' => '警告: ローカル マシンでの使用を意図しているため、資格情報が漏洩する可能性があります。クリックして詳細をご覧ください。',
'running_tasks' => 'Running Tasks',
'recent_tasks' => 'Recent Tasks',
'recent_expenses' => 'Recent Expenses',
'upcoming_expenses' => 'Upcoming Expenses',
'search_payment_term' => 'Search 1 Payment Term',
'search_payment_terms' => '検索 :count 支払条件',
'save_and_preview' => 'Save and Preview',
'save_and_email' => 'Save and Email',
'converted_balance' => 'Converted Balance',
'is_sent' => 'Is Sent',
'document_upload' => 'Document Upload',
'document_upload_help' => 'Enable clients to upload documents',
'expense_total' => 'Expense Total',
'enter_taxes' => 'Enter Taxes',
'by_rate' => 'By Rate',
'by_amount' => 'By Amount',
'enter_amount' => 'Enter Amount',
'before_taxes' => 'Before Taxes',
'after_taxes' => 'After Taxes',
'color' => 'Color',
'show' => 'Show',
'empty_columns' => 'Empty Columns',
'project_name' => 'Project Name',
'counter_pattern_error' => ':client_counter を使用するには、競合を防ぐために :client_number または :client_id_number のいずれかを追加してください',
'this_quarter' => 'This Quarter',
'to_update_run' => 'To update run',
'registration_url' => 'Registration URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Show Product Cost',
'complete' => '完了',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'クレジット :invoice は :client に送信されました',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'クレジット :invoice は :client によって閲覧されました',
'notification_credit_sent' => '次のクライアント :client には、:amount のクレジット :invoice が電子メールで送信されました。',
'notification_credit_viewed' => '次のクライアント :client は、:amount のクレジット :credit を表示しました。',
'reset_password_text' => 'Enter your email to reset your password.',
'password_reset' => 'Password reset',
'account_login_text' => 'Welcome back! Glad to see you.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Request cancellation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Delete Payment Method',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'You are about to delete the payment method.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Action can\'t be reversed',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'The profile has been updated successfully.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopian Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.',
'status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitely',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles remaining',
'i_understand_delete' => 'I understand, delete',
'download_files' => 'Download Files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'New Signup',
'new_signup_text' => '新しいアカウントが :user - :email によって IP アドレスから作成されました: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => '支払いは :client によって行われました',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => '一部支払いは :client によって行われました',
'notification_payment_paid' => ':amount の支払いは、クライアント :client によって :invoice に対して行われました。',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => ':amount の一部支払いは、クライアント :client によって :invoice に対して行われました。',
'notification_bot' => 'Notification Bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => '請求書番号 :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'Display Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Report errors in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => '概要・統計',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update your personal information',
'name_website_logo' => 'Name, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'Personal address',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Enter your personal address',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Enter your shipping address',
'list_of_invoices' => 'List of invoices',
'with_selected' => 'With selected',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'この請求に対する支払いが完了していません。 支払いを完了するにはこのボタンを押してください。',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'List of recurring invoices',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Here are some details about recurring invoice',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellation',
'about_cancellation' => 'In case you want to stop the recurring invoice, please click to request the cancellation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Warning! You are requesting a cancellation of this service. Your service may be cancelled with no further notification to you.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellation pending, we\'ll be in touch!',
'list_of_payments' => 'List of payments',
'payment_details' => 'Details of the payment',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'List of invoices affected by the payment',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'List of payment methods',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details of payment method',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Permanently remove this payment method.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Warning! This action can not be reversed!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Quotes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Waiting for approval',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approved',
'list_of_credits' => '前受金',
'required_extensions' => 'Required extensions',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Writable .env file',
'env_not_writable' => '.env file is not writable by the current user.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Make sure all requirements are satisfied.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oops, something does not look right!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in new tab',
'complete_your_payment' => '支払いを完了する',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Authorize payment method for future use',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Per page',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'View Credit',
'to_view_entity_password' => ':entity を表示するには、パスワードを入力する必要があります。',
'showing_x_of' => ':total の結果のうち、:first から :last を表示しています',
'no_results' => 'No results found.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'クライアント :client の支払いに失敗しました',
'payment_failed_body' => 'クライアント :client による支払いは、メッセージ :message で失敗しました',
'register' => 'Register',
'register_label' => 'Create your account in seconds',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm your password',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => '著作権 © :year :company。',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Provided credit card number is not valid.',
'month_invalid' => 'Provided month is not valid.',
'year_invalid' => 'Provided year is not valid.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS is required, form will fail',
'if_you_need_help' => 'If you need help you can post to our',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'After updating password, your account will be confirmed.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'To pay with a bank account, first you have to add it as payment method.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Highly recommended in production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enable only for development',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bank account (SOFORT) can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store payment details" during payment process.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'I could not find Node anywhere. Is it installed?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'I could not find NPM anywhere. Is it installed?',
'locked_invoice' => 'This invoice is locked and unable to be modified',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Resource',
'document_details' => 'Details about the document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Resources',
'allowed_file_types' => '許可されているファイルの種類:',
'common_codes' => 'Common codes and their meanings',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: 不良トラック データ (無効な CVV および/または有効期限)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selected',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'To pay invoices, you have to',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'add payment method',
'no_items_selected' => 'No items selected.',
'payment_due' => 'Payment due',
'account_balance' => 'Account balance',
'thanks' => 'Thanks',
'minimum_required_payment' => '最低限必要な支払いは :amount です',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support under payments.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support over payments.',
'saved_at' => '保存元: :time',
'credit_payment' => '請求書に適用されるクレジット :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => ':account からの新しいクレジット :number',
'credit_message' => ':amount のクレジットを表示するには、下のリンクをクリックしてください。',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptocurrency',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Store for future use',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pay with credit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Payment method can\'t be saved for future use.',
'pay_with' => 'Pay with',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'By clicking "Next step" you accept terms.',
'not_specified' => 'Not specified',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Before proceeding with payment, you have to fill following fields',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'After completing, go back to previous page.',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => '請求書 :invoice のリマインダー 1 が :client に送信されました',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => '請求書 :invoice のリマインダー 2 が :client に送信されました',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => '請求書 :invoice のリマインダー 3 が :client に送信されました',
'notification_invoice_custom_sent_subject' => 'Custom reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => '請求書 :invoice の無限のリマインダーが :client に送信されました',
'assigned_user' => 'Assigned User',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'To proceed to next step, make sure you test each section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Note about Phantom JS.
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Payment',
'no_action_provided' => 'No action provided. If you believe this is wrong, please contact the support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No payable invoices selected. Make sure you are not trying to pay draft invoice or invoice with zero balance due.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Required payment details',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'To complete a payment we need more details about you.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'We will save this, so you don\'t have to enter it next time.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'クレジット :invoice を :contact に配信できませんでした。 \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'クレジットを提供できません :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Save payment method details',
'new_card' => 'New card',
'new_bank_account' => 'New bank account',
'company_limit_reached' => 'アカウントあたり :limit 社の制限。',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total credits applied cannot be MORE than total of invoices',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Credit number already taken',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credit not found',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Selected invoices are not from a single client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicate credits submitted.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicate invoices submitted.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'You must have an invoice set when using a credit in a payment',
'client_id_required' => 'Client id is required',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Expense number already taken',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Invoice number already taken',
'payment_id_required' => 'Payment `id` required.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Unable to retrieve specified payment',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => '請求書 ID :invoice はこの支払いに関連していません',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'クレジット ID :credit は、この支払いに関連していません',
'max_refundable_invoice' => '請求書 ID :invoice に許可されている金額を超えて払い戻しを試みています。払い戻し可能な最大金額は :amount です',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credits/s to be refunded.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'クレジット :credit の許容額を超えて返金しようとしています。返金可能な最大額は :amount です',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project client does not match entity client',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Quote number already taken',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => '定期請求書番号 :number は既に使用されています',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'User not associated with this account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Amounts do not balance correctly.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Insufficient applied amount remaining to cover payment.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Insufficient balance on credit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'One or more of these invoices have been paid',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => '請求書 ID :number は払い戻しできません',
'attempted_refund_failed' => ':amount の払い戻しを試みていますが、払い戻し可能なのは :refundable_amount のみです',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'This user is unable to be attached to this company. Perhaps they have already registered a user on another account?',
'migration_completed' => '移行完了',
'migration_completed_description' => '移行作業が完了しました。 ログイン後にデータを確認してください。',
'api_404' => '404 | Nothing to see here!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Cannot load a large account without a updated_at parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No backup exists for this activity',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Company User record not found',
'no_credits_found' => 'No credits found.',
'action_unavailable' => '要求されたアクション :action は利用できません。',
'no_documents_found' => 'No Documents Found',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No group settings found',
'access_denied' => 'Insufficient privileges to access/modify this resource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Invoice cannot be marked as paid',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => '無効なライセンスまたは無効な環境 :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Route not available',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Invalid custom design object',
'quote_not_found' => 'Quote/s not found',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Unable to approve this quote as it has expired.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler has run',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler has never run',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Self update not available on this system.',
'user_detached' => 'User detached from company',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Failed to create Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => ':invoice に対して :amount をお支払いいただきありがとうございます。',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => '注: オンラインでの支払いは、金額が 1 ドルまたは同等の通貨を超える場合にのみサポートされます。',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Payment token not found, please try again. If an issue still persist, try with another payment method',
'vendor_address1' => 'Vendor Street',
'vendor_address2' => 'Vendor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Please select a user authenticated with Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'List Long Press',
'show_actions' => 'Show Actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'メールアドレス確認用メールが送信されました',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converted Paid to Date',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Converted Credit Balance',
'converted_total' => 'Converted Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Reply-To Name',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'color_theme' => 'Color Theme',
'start_migration' => 'Start Migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => ':contact からの定期請求キャンセルのリクエスト',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => 'クライアント :client からの :contact は定期請求書のキャンセルを要求されました :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'group_documents' => 'Group documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Are you sure you want to approve this quote?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Select companies to migrate',
'force_migration' => 'Force migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Require Password with Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Stay Logged In',
'session_about_to_expire' => '警告: セッションの有効期限が近づいています',
'count_hours' => ':count 時間',
'count_day' => '1 Day',
'count_days' => ':count 日',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Security Settings',
'resend_email' => 'Resend Email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Please confirm your email address',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'required_files_missing' => 'Please provide all CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Let\'s continue by authenticating.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Your discount will be applied on the checkout.',
'use_last_email' => 'Use last email',
'activate_company' => 'Activate Company',
'activate_company_help' => 'Enable emails, recurring invoices and notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'An error occurred, please try again',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Please first set a password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => '警告: 電話番号を変更すると 2FA が無効になります',
'help_translate' => 'Help Translate',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Please select a country',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully disabled 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Successfully connected account',
'disconnected_google' => 'Successfully disconnected account',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'View Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Please provide a mobile phone number to enable two factor authentication',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS Code',
'connect_google' => 'Connect Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnect Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disable Two Factor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Invoice Task Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Add date details to the invoice line items',
'promo_code' => 'Promo code',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Recurring invoice issued to',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'new_subscription' => 'New Subscription',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Successfully deleted subscription',
'removed_subscription' => 'Successfully removed subscription',
'restored_subscription' => 'Successfully restored subscription',
'search_subscription' => 'Search 1 Subscription',
'search_subscriptions' => ':count サブスクリプションを検索',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomain is not available',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connect Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnect Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Successfully connected Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Successfully disconnected Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'コードベースへの変更が更新をブロックしている可能性があります。次のコマンドを実行して変更を破棄できます。',
'client_id_number' => 'Client ID Number',
'count_minutes' => ':count 分',
'password_timeout' => 'Password Timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Credit Counter',
'activity_80' => ':user がサブスクリプション :subscription を作成しました',
'activity_81' => ':user 更新されたサブスクリプション :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user アーカイブされたサブスクリプション :subscription',
'activity_83' => ':user 削除されたサブスクリプション :subscription',
'activity_84' => ':user 復元されたサブスクリプション :subscription',
'amount_greater_than_balance_v5' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance. You cannot overpay an invoice.',
'click_to_continue' => 'Click to continue',
'notification_invoice_created_body' => '次の請求書 :invoice は、:amount のクライアント :client に対して作成されました。',
'notification_invoice_created_subject' => '請求書 :invoice が :client に対して作成されました',
'notification_quote_created_body' => '次の見積もり :invoice は、:amount のクライアント :client に対して作成されました。',
'notification_quote_created_subject' => '引用 :invoice は :client に対して作成されました',
'notification_credit_created_body' => '次のクレジット :invoice は、:amount のクライアント :client に対して作成されました。',
'notification_credit_created_subject' => 'クレジット :invoice は :client に対して作成されました',
'max_companies' => 'Maximum companies migrated',
'max_companies_desc' => 'You have reached your maximum number of companies. Delete existing companies to migrate new ones.',
'migration_already_completed' => 'Company already migrated',
'migration_already_completed_desc' => '<b>:company_name を</b>Invoice Ninja の V5 バージョンに移行済みのようです。最初からやり直す場合は、移行を強制して既存のデータを消去できます。',
'payment_method_cannot_be_authorized_first' => 'This payment method can be can saved for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store details" during payment process.',
'new_account' => 'New account',
'activity_100' => ':user が定期請求書 :recurring_invoice を作成しました',
'activity_101' => ':user 更新された定期請求書 :recurring_invoice',
'activity_102' => ':user アーカイブされた定期請求書 :recurring_invoice',
'activity_103' => ':user 削除された定期請求書 :recurring_invoice',
'activity_104' => ':user 復元された定期請求書 :recurring_invoice',
'new_login_detected' => 'New login detected for your account.',
'new_login_description' => '最近、新しい場所またはデバイスから Invoice Ninja アカウントにログインしました:<br><br> <b>IP:</b> :ip<br><b>時間:</b> :time<br><b>電子メール:</b> :email',
'contact_details' => 'Contact Details',
'download_backup_subject' => 'Your company backup is ready for download',
'account_passwordless_login' => 'Account passwordless login',
'user_duplicate_error' => 'Cannot add the same user to the same company',
'user_cross_linked_error' => 'User exists but cannot be crossed linked to multiple accounts',
'ach_verification_notification_label' => 'ACH verification',
'ach_verification_notification' => 'Connecting bank accounts require verification. Payment gateway will automatically send two small deposits for this purpose. These deposits take 1-2 business days to appear on the customer\'s online statement.',
'login_link_requested_label' => 'Login link requested',
'login_link_requested' => 'There was a request to login using link. If you did not request this, it\'s safe to ignore it.',
'invoices_backup_subject' => 'Your invoices are ready for download',
'migration_failed_label' => 'Migration failed',
'migration_failed' => '次の会社の移行で問題が発生したようです:',
'client_email_company_contact_label' => 'If you have any questions please contact us, we\'re here to help!',
'quote_was_approved_label' => 'Quote was approved',
'quote_was_approved' => 'We would like to inform you that quote was approved.',
'company_import_failure_subject' => ':company のインポート エラー',
'company_import_failure_body' => '会社データのインポート中にエラーが発生しました。エラー メッセージは次のとおりです。',
'recurring_invoice_due_date' => 'Due Date',
'amount_cents' => 'Amount in pennies,pence or cents. ie for $0.10 please enter 10',
'default_payment_method_label' => 'Default Payment Method',
'default_payment_method' => 'Make this your preferred way of paying.',
'already_default_payment_method' => 'This is your preferred way of paying.',
'auto_bill_disabled' => 'Auto Bill Disabled',
'select_payment_method' => '支払い方法を選んでください:',
'login_without_password' => 'Log in without password',
'email_sent' => 'Email me when an invoice is <b>sent</b>',
'one_time_purchases' => 'One time purchases',
'recurring_purchases' => 'Recurring purchases',
'you_might_be_interested_in_following' => 'You might be interested in the following',
'quotes_with_status_sent_can_be_approved' => 'Only quotes with "Sent" status can be approved.',
'no_quotes_available_for_download' => 'No quotes available for download.',
'copyright' => 'Copyright',
'user_created_user' => ':user は :created_user を :time に作成しました',
'company_deleted' => 'Company deleted',
'company_deleted_body' => '会社 [ :company ] は :user によって削除されました',
'back_to' => ':urlに戻る',
'stripe_connect_migration_title' => 'Connect your Stripe Account',
'stripe_connect_migration_desc' => 'Invoice Ninja v5 uses Stripe Connect to link your Stripe account to Invoice Ninja. This provides an additional layer of security for your account. Now that you data has migrated, you will need to Authorize Stripe to accept payments in v5.<br><br>To do this, navigate to Settings > Online Payments > Configure Gateways. Click on Stripe Connect and then under Settings click Setup Gateway. This will take you to Stripe to authorize Invoice Ninja and on your return your account will be successfully linked!',
'email_quota_exceeded_subject' => 'Account email quota exceeded.',
'email_quota_exceeded_body' => '24 時間以内に :quota メールを送信しました。<br>送信メールを一時停止しました。<br><br>メールのクォータは 23:00 UTC にリセットされます。',
'auto_bill_option' => 'Opt in or out of having this invoice automatically charged.',
'lang_Arabic' => 'Arabic',
'lang_Persian' => 'Persian',
'lang_Latvian' => 'Latvian',
'expiry_date' => 'Expiry date',
'cardholder_name' => 'Card holder name',
'recurring_quote_number_taken' => '定期的な見積もり番号 :number は既に使用されています',
'account_type' => 'Account type',
'locality' => 'Locality',
'checking' => 'Checking',
'savings' => 'Savings',
'unable_to_verify_payment_method' => 'Unable to verify payment method.',
'generic_gateway_error' => 'Gateway configuration error. Please check your credentials.',
'my_documents' => 'My documents',
'payment_method_cannot_be_preauthorized' => 'This payment method cannot be preauthorized.',
'kbc_cbc' => 'KBC/CBC',
'bancontact' => 'Bancontact',
'sepa_mandat' => 'IBAN を提供し、この支払いを確認することにより、:company と当社の決済サービス プロバイダーである Stripe が、お客様の銀行に口座からの引き落としの指示を送信し、その指示に従って口座からの引き落としの銀行に指示を送信することを承認したことになります。お客様は、銀行との契約条件に基づいて、銀行から返金を受ける権利があります。払い戻しは、アカウントが引き落とされた日から 8 週間以内に請求する必要があります。',
'ideal' => 'iDEAL',
'bank_account_holder' => 'Bank Account Holder',
'aio_checkout' => 'All-in-one checkout',
'przelewy24' => 'Przelewy24',
'przelewy24_accept' => 'I declare that I have familiarized myself with the regulations and information obligation of the Przelewy24 service.',
'giropay' => 'GiroPay',
'giropay_law' => 'By entering your Customer information (such as name, sort code and account number) you (the Customer) agree that this information is given voluntarily.',
'klarna' => 'Klarna',
'eps' => 'EPS',
'becs' => 'BECS Direct Debit',
'bacs' => 'BACS Direct Debit',
'payment_type_BACS' => 'BACS Direct Debit',
'missing_payment_method' => 'Please add a payment method first, before trying to pay.',
'becs_mandate' => '銀行口座の詳細を提供することにより、この<a class="underline" href="https://stripe.com/au-becs-dd-service-agreement/legal">口座引き落としリクエストと口座引き落としリクエスト サービス契約</a>に同意し、Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 口座引き落としユーザー ID 番号 507156 (「Stripe」) が、 :company (「マーチャント」) に代わって、マーチャントからお客様に個別に通知された金額の一括電子清算システム (BECS)。お客様は、上記のアカウントのアカウント所有者または正式な署名者であることを証明します。',
'you_need_to_accept_the_terms_before_proceeding' => 'You need to accept the terms before proceeding.',
'direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'clone_to_expense' => 'Clone to Expense',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'acss' => 'Pre-authorized debit payments',
'invalid_amount' => 'Invalid amount. Number/Decimal values only.',
'client_payment_failure_body' => '金額 :amount の請求書 :invoice の支払いに失敗しました。',
'browser_pay' => 'Google Pay, Apple Pay, Microsoft Pay',
'no_available_methods' => 'お使いのデバイスにクレジット カードが見つかりません。 <a href="https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/payments#apple-pay-google-pay-microsoft-pay" target="_blank" class="underline">これについてもっと読む。</a>',
'gocardless_mandate_not_ready' => 'Payment mandate is not ready. Please try again later.',
'payment_type_instant_bank_pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'payment_type_iDEAL' => 'iDEAL',
'payment_type_Przelewy24' => 'Przelewy24',
'payment_type_Mollie Bank Transfer' => 'Mollie Bank Transfer',
'payment_type_KBC/CBC' => 'KBC/CBC',
'payment_type_Instant Bank Pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'payment_type_Hosted Page' => 'Hosted Page',
'payment_type_GiroPay' => 'GiroPay',
'payment_type_EPS' => 'EPS',
'payment_type_Direct Debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'payment_type_Bancontact' => 'Bancontact',
'payment_type_BECS' => 'BECS',
'payment_type_ACSS' => 'ACSS',
'gross_line_total' => 'Gross line total',
'lang_Slovak' => 'Slovak',
'normal' => 'Normal',
'large' => 'Large',
'extra_large' => 'Extra Large',
'show_pdf_preview' => 'Show PDF Preview',
'show_pdf_preview_help' => 'Display PDF preview while editing invoices',
'print_pdf' => 'Print PDF',
'remind_me' => 'Remind Me',
'instant_bank_pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'click_selected' => 'Click Selected',
'hide_preview' => 'Hide Preview',
'edit_record' => 'Edit Record',
'credit_is_more_than_invoice' => 'The credit amount can not be more than the invoice amount',
'please_set_a_password' => 'Please set an account password',
'recommend_desktop' => 'We recommend using the desktop app for the best performance',
'recommend_mobile' => 'We recommend using the mobile app for the best performance',
'disconnected_gateway' => 'Successfully disconnected gateway',
'disconnect' => 'Disconnect',
'add_to_invoices' => 'Add to Invoices',
'bulk_download' => 'Download',
'persist_data_help' => 'Save data locally to enable the app to start faster, disabling may improve performance in large accounts',
'persist_ui' => 'Persist UI',
'persist_ui_help' => 'Save UI state locally to enable the app to start at the last location, disabling may improve performance',
'client_postal_code' => 'Client Postal Code',
'client_vat_number' => 'Client VAT Number',
'has_tasks' => 'Has Tasks',
'registration' => 'Registration',
'unauthorized_stripe_warning' => 'Please authorize Stripe to accept online payments.',
'update_all_records' => 'Update all records',
'set_default_company' => 'Set Default Company',
'updated_company' => 'Successfully updated company',
'kbc' => 'KBC',
'why_are_you_leaving' => 'Help us improve by telling us why (optional)',
'webhook_success' => 'Webhook Success',
'error_cross_client_tasks' => 'Tasks must all belong to the same client',
'error_cross_client_expenses' => 'Expenses must all belong to the same client',
'app' => 'App',
'for_best_performance' => '最高のパフォーマンスを得るには、:app アプリをダウンロードしてください',
'bulk_email_invoice' => 'Email Invoice',
'bulk_email_quote' => 'Email Quote',
'bulk_email_credit' => 'Email Credit',
'removed_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully removed recurring expense',
'search_recurring_expense' => 'Search Recurring Expense',
'search_recurring_expenses' => 'Search Recurring Expenses',
'last_sent_date' => 'Last Sent Date',
'include_drafts' => 'Include Drafts',
'include_drafts_help' => 'Include draft records in reports',
'is_invoiced' => 'Is Invoiced',
'change_plan' => 'Change Plan',
'persist_data' => 'Persist Data',
'customer_count' => 'Customer Count',
'verify_customers' => 'Verify Customers',
'google_analytics_tracking_id' => 'Google Analytics Tracking ID',
'decimal_comma' => 'Decimal Comma',
'use_comma_as_decimal_place' => 'Use comma as decimal place in forms',
'select_method' => 'Select Method',
'select_platform' => 'Select Platform',
'use_web_app_to_connect_gmail' => 'Please use the web app to connect to Gmail',
'expense_tax_help' => 'Item tax rates are disabled',
'enable_markdown' => 'Enable Markdown',
'enable_markdown_help' => 'Convert markdown to HTML on the PDF',
'add_second_contact' => 'Add Second Contact',
'previous_page' => 'Previous Page',
'next_page' => 'Next Page',
'export_colors' => 'Export Colors',
'import_colors' => 'Import Colors',
'clear_all' => 'Clear All',
'contrast' => 'Contrast',
'custom_colors' => 'Custom Colors',
'colors' => 'Colors',
'sidebar_active_background_color' => 'Sidebar Active Background Color',
'sidebar_active_font_color' => 'Sidebar Active Font Color',
'sidebar_inactive_background_color' => 'Sidebar Inactive Background Color',
'sidebar_inactive_font_color' => 'Sidebar Inactive Font Color',
'table_alternate_row_background_color' => 'Table Alternate Row Background Color',
'invoice_header_background_color' => 'Invoice Header Background Color',
'invoice_header_font_color' => 'Invoice Header Font Color',
'review_app' => 'Review App',
'check_status' => 'Check Status',
'free_trial' => 'Free Trial',
'free_trial_help' => 'All accounts receive a two week trial of the Pro plan, once the trial ends your account will automatically change to the free plan.',
'free_trial_ends_in_days' => 'Pro プランの試用版は :count 日で終了します。クリックしてアップグレードしてください。',
'free_trial_ends_today' => 'Today is the last day of the Pro plan trial, click to upgrade.',
'change_email' => 'Change Email',
'client_portal_domain_hint' => 'Optionally configure a separate client portal domain',
'tasks_shown_in_portal' => 'Tasks Shown in Portal',
'uninvoiced' => 'Uninvoiced',
'subdomain_guide' => 'サブドメインは、お客様のブランドに合わせてリンクをパーソナライズするためにクライアント ポータルで使用されます。つまり、https://your-brand.invoicing.co',
'send_time' => 'Send Time',
'import_settings' => 'Import Settings',
'json_file_missing' => 'Please provide the JSON file',
'json_option_missing' => 'Please select to import the settings and/or data',
'json' => 'JSON',
'no_payment_types_enabled' => 'No payment types enabled',
'wait_for_data' => 'Please wait for the data to finish loading',
'net_total' => 'Net Total',
'has_taxes' => 'Has Taxes',
'import_customers' => 'Import Customers',
'imported_customers' => 'Successfully started importing customers',
'login_success' => 'Successful Login',
'login_failure' => 'Failed Login',
'exported_data' => 'Once the file is ready you\'ll receive an email with a download link',
'include_deleted_clients' => 'Include Deleted Clients',
'include_deleted_clients_help' => 'Load records belonging to deleted clients',
'step_1_sign_in' => 'ステップ 1: サインイン',
'step_2_authorize' => 'ステップ 2: 承認する',
'account_id' => 'Account ID',
'migration_not_yet_completed' => 'The migration has not yet completed',
'show_task_end_date' => 'Show Task End Date',
'show_task_end_date_help' => 'Enable specifying the task end date',
'gateway_setup' => 'Gateway Setup',
'preview_sidebar' => 'Preview Sidebar',
'years_data_shown' => 'Years Data Shown',
'ended_all_sessions' => 'Successfully ended all sessions',
'end_all_sessions' => 'End All Sessions',
'count_session' => '1 Session',
'count_sessions' => ':count セッション',
'invoice_created' => 'Invoice Created',
'quote_created' => 'Quote Created',
'credit_created' => 'Credit Created',
'enterprise' => 'Enterprise',
'invoice_item' => 'Invoice Item',
'quote_item' => 'Quote Item',
'order' => 'Order',
'search_kanban' => 'Search Kanban',
'search_kanbans' => 'Search Kanban',
'move_top' => 'Move Top',
'move_up' => 'Move Up',
'move_down' => 'Move Down',
'move_bottom' => 'Move Bottom',
'body_variable_missing' => 'エラー: カスタム メールには :body 変数を含める必要があります',
'add_body_variable_message' => ':body 変数を必ず含めてください',
'view_date_formats' => 'View Date Formats',
'is_viewed' => 'Is Viewed',
'letter' => 'Letter',
'legal' => 'Legal',
'page_layout' => 'Page Layout',
'portrait' => 'Portrait',
'landscape' => 'Landscape',
'owner_upgrade_to_paid_plan' => 'The account owner can upgrade to a paid plan to enable the advanced advanced settings',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan' => 'Upgrade to a paid plan to enable the advanced settings',
'invoice_payment_terms' => 'Invoice Payment Terms',
'quote_valid_until' => 'Quote Valid Until',
'no_headers' => 'No Headers',
'add_header' => 'Add Header',
'remove_header' => 'Remove Header',
'return_url' => 'Return URL',
'rest_method' => 'REST Method',
'header_key' => 'Header Key',
'header_value' => 'Header Value',
'recurring_products' => 'Recurring Products',
'promo_discount' => 'Promo Discount',
'allow_cancellation' => 'Allow Cancellation',
'per_seat_enabled' => 'Per Seat Enabled',
'max_seats_limit' => 'Max Seats Limit',
'trial_enabled' => 'Trial Enabled',
'trial_duration' => 'Trial Duration',
'allow_query_overrides' => 'Allow Query Overrides',
'allow_plan_changes' => 'Allow Plan Changes',
'plan_map' => 'Plan Map',
'refund_period' => 'Refund Period',
'webhook_configuration' => 'Webhook Configuration',
'purchase_page' => 'Purchase Page',
'email_bounced' => 'Email Bounced',
'email_spam_complaint' => 'Spam Complaint',
'email_delivery' => 'Email Delivery',
'webhook_response' => 'Webhook Response',
'pdf_response' => 'PDF Response',
'authentication_failure' => 'Authentication Failure',
'pdf_failed' => 'PDF Failed',
'pdf_success' => 'PDF Success',
'modified' => 'Modified',
'html_mode' => 'HTML Mode',
'html_mode_help' => 'Preview updates faster but is less accurate',
'status_color_theme' => 'Status Color Theme',
'load_color_theme' => 'Load Color Theme',
'lang_Estonian' => 'Estonian',
'marked_credit_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked credit as paid',
'marked_credits_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked credits as paid',
'wait_for_loading' => 'Data loading - please wait for it to complete',
'wait_for_saving' => 'Data saving - please wait for it to complete',
'html_preview_warning' => '注: ここで行った変更はプレビューのみです。保存するには、上のタブで適用する必要があります。',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'invoice_paid' => 'Invoice Paid',
'activity_120' => ':user 作成された経常費用 :recurring_expense',
'activity_121' => ':user 更新された経常費用 :recurring_expense',
'activity_122' => ':user アーカイブされた経常経費 :recurring_expense',
'activity_123' => ':user 削除された経常費用 :recurring_expense',
'activity_124' => ':user 経常費用を復元しました :recurring_expense',
'fpx' => "FPX",
'to_view_entity_set_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to set a password.',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe',
'unsubscribed' => 'Unsubscribed',
'unsubscribed_text' => 'You have been removed from notifications for this document',
'client_shipping_state' => 'Client Shipping State',
'client_shipping_city' => 'Client Shipping City',
'client_shipping_postal_code' => 'Client Shipping Postal Code',
'client_shipping_country' => 'Client Shipping Country',
'load_pdf' => 'Load PDF',
'start_free_trial' => 'Start Free Trial',
'start_free_trial_message' => 'Start your FREE 14 day trial of the pro plan',
'due_on_receipt' => 'Due on Receipt',
'is_paid' => 'Is Paid',
'age_group_paid' => 'Paid',
'id' => 'Id',
'convert_to' => 'Convert To',
'client_currency' => 'Client Currency',
'company_currency' => 'Company Currency',
'custom_emails_disabled_help' => 'To prevent spam we require upgrading to a paid account to customize the email',
'upgrade_to_add_company' => 'Upgrade your plan to add companies',
'file_saved_in_downloads_folder' => 'The file has been saved in the downloads folder',
'small' => 'Small',
'quotes_backup_subject' => 'Your quotes are ready for download',
'credits_backup_subject' => 'Your credits are ready for download',
'document_download_subject' => 'Your documents are ready for download',
'reminder_message' => ':balance の請求書 :number の通知',
'gmail_credentials_invalid_subject' => 'Send with GMail invalid credentials',
'gmail_credentials_invalid_body' => 'Your GMail credentials are not correct, please log into the administrator portal and navigate to Settings > User Details and disconnect and reconnect your GMail account. We will send you this notification daily until this issue is resolved',
'total_columns' => 'Total Fields',
'view_task' => 'View Task',
'cancel_invoice' => 'Cancel',
'changed_status' => 'Successfully changed task status',
'change_status' => 'Change Status',
'enable_touch_events' => 'Enable Touch Events',
'enable_touch_events_help' => 'Support drag events to scroll',
'after_saving' => 'After Saving',
'view_record' => 'View Record',
'enable_email_markdown' => 'Enable Email Markdown',
'enable_email_markdown_help' => 'Use visual markdown editor for emails',
'enable_pdf_markdown' => 'Enable PDF Markdown',
'json_help' => '注: v4 アプリによって生成された JSON ファイルはサポートされていません',
'release_notes' => 'Release Notes',
'upgrade_to_view_reports' => 'Upgrade your plan to view reports',
'started_tasks' => ':value タスクが正常に開始されました',
'stopped_tasks' => ':value タスクを正常に停止しました',
'approved_quote' => 'Successfully apporved quote',
'approved_quotes' => ':value 件の見積もりが正常に承認されました',
'client_website' => 'Client Website',
'invalid_time' => 'Invalid Time',
'signed_in_as' => 'Signed in as',
'total_results' => 'Total results',
'restore_company_gateway' => 'Restore gateway',
'archive_company_gateway' => 'Archive gateway',
'delete_company_gateway' => 'Delete gateway',
'exchange_currency' => 'Exchange currency',
'tax_amount1' => 'Tax Amount 1',
'tax_amount2' => 'Tax Amount 2',
'tax_amount3' => 'Tax Amount 3',
'update_project' => 'Update Project',
'auto_archive_invoice_cancelled' => 'Auto Archive Cancelled Invoice',
'auto_archive_invoice_cancelled_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when cancelled',
'no_invoices_found' => 'No invoices found',
'created_record' => 'Successfully created record',
'auto_archive_paid_invoices' => 'Auto Archive Paid',
'auto_archive_paid_invoices_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.',
'auto_archive_cancelled_invoices' => 'Auto Archive Cancelled',
'auto_archive_cancelled_invoices_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when cancelled.',
'alternate_pdf_viewer' => 'Alternate PDF Viewer',
'alternate_pdf_viewer_help' => 'Improve scrolling over the PDF preview [BETA]',
'currency_cayman_island_dollar' => 'Cayman Island Dollar',
'download_report_description' => 'Please see attached file to check your report.',
'left' => 'Left',
'right' => 'Right',
'center' => 'Center',
'page_numbering' => 'Page Numbering',
'page_numbering_alignment' => 'Page Numbering Alignment',
'invoice_sent_notification_label' => 'Invoice Sent',
'show_product_description' => 'Show Product Description',
'show_product_description_help' => 'Include the description in the product dropdown',
'invoice_items' => 'Invoice Items',
'quote_items' => 'Quote Items',
'profitloss' => 'Profit and Loss',
'import_format' => 'Import Format',
'export_format' => 'Export Format',
'export_type' => 'Export Type',
'stop_on_unpaid' => 'Stop On Unpaid',
'stop_on_unpaid_help' => 'Stop creating recurring invoices if the last invoice is unpaid.',
'use_quote_terms' => 'Use Quote Terms',
'use_quote_terms_help' => 'When converting a quote to an invoice',
'add_country' => 'Add Country',
'enable_tooltips' => 'Enable Tooltips',
'enable_tooltips_help' => 'Show tooltips when hovering the mouse',
'multiple_client_error' => 'エラー: レコードは複数のクライアントに属しています',
'login_label' => 'Login to an existing account',
'purchase_order' => 'Purchase Order',
'purchase_order_number' => 'Purchase Order Number',
'purchase_order_number_short' => 'Purchase Order #',
'inventory_notification_subject' => '製品の在庫しきい値通知: :product',
'inventory_notification_body' => 'Threshold of :amount has been reached for product: :product',
'activity_130' => ':user 作成された発注書 :purchase_order',
'activity_131' => ':user 更新された発注書 :purchase_order',
'activity_132' => ':user アーカイブされた発注書 :purchase_order',
'activity_133' => ':user 削除された発注書 :purchase_order',
'activity_134' => ':user 復元された発注書 :purchase_order',
'activity_135' => ':user 注文書を電子メールで送信 :purchase_order',
'activity_136' => ':contact 閲覧注文書 :purchase_order',
'purchase_order_subject' => ':accountからの新しい発注書:number',
'purchase_order_message' => ':amount の注文書を表示するには、下のリンクをクリックしてください。',
'view_purchase_order' => 'View Purchase Order',
'purchase_orders_backup_subject' => 'Your purchase orders are ready for download',
'notification_purchase_order_viewed_subject' => '注文書 :invoice は :client によって閲覧されました',
'notification_purchase_order_viewed' => '次のベンダー :client は、:amount の発注書 :invoice を閲覧しました。',
'purchase_order_date' => 'Purchase Order Date',
'purchase_orders' => 'Purchase Orders',
'purchase_order_number_placeholder' => '注文書番号 :purchase_order',
'accepted' => 'Accepted',
'activity_137' => ':contact 承認済みの注文書 :purchase_order',
'vendor_information' => 'Vendor Information',
'notification_purchase_order_accepted_subject' => '注文書 :purchase_order は :vendor によって承認されました',
'notification_purchase_order_accepted' => '次のベンダー :vendor は、:amount の注文書 :purchase_order を受け入れました。',
'amount_received' => 'Amount received',
'purchase_order_already_expensed' => 'Already converted to an expense.',
'convert_to_expense' => 'Convert to Expense',
'add_to_inventory' => 'Add to Inventory',
'added_purchase_order_to_inventory' => 'Successfully added purchase order to inventory',
'added_purchase_orders_to_inventory' => 'Successfully added purchase orders to inventory',
'client_document_upload' => 'Client Document Upload',
'vendor_document_upload' => 'Vendor Document Upload',
'vendor_document_upload_help' => 'Enable vendors to upload documents',
'are_you_enjoying_the_app' => 'Are you enjoying the app?',
'yes_its_great' => 'Yes, it\'s great!',
'not_so_much' => 'Not so much',
'would_you_rate_it' => 'Great to hear! Would you like to rate it?',
'would_you_tell_us_more' => 'Sorry to hear it! Would you like to tell us more?',
'sure_happy_to' => 'Sure, happy to',
'no_not_now' => 'No, not now',
'add' => 'Add',
'last_sent_template' => 'Last Sent Template',
'enable_flexible_search' => 'Enable Flexible Search',
'enable_flexible_search_help' => 'Match non-contiguous characters, ie. "ct" matches "cat"',
'vendor_details' => 'Vendor Details',
'purchase_order_details' => 'Purchase Order Details',
'qr_iban' => 'QR IBAN',
'besr_id' => 'BESR ID',
'clone_to_purchase_order' => 'Clone to PO',
'vendor_email_not_set' => 'Vendor does not have an email address set',
'bulk_send_email' => 'Send Email',
'marked_purchase_order_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked purchase order as sent',
'marked_purchase_orders_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked purchase orders as sent',
'accepted_purchase_order' => 'Successfully accepted purchase order',
'accepted_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully accepted purchase orders',
'cancelled_purchase_order' => 'Successfully cancelled purchase order',
'cancelled_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully cancelled purchase orders',
'please_select_a_vendor' => 'Please select a vendor',
'purchase_order_total' => 'Purchase Order Total',
'email_purchase_order' => 'Email Purchase Order',
'bulk_email_purchase_order' => 'Email Purchase Order',
'disconnected_email' => 'Successfully disconnected email',
'connect_email' => 'Connect Email',
'disconnect_email' => 'Disconnect Email',
'use_web_app_to_connect_microsoft' => 'Please use the web app to connect to Microsoft',
'email_provider' => 'Email Provider',
'connect_microsoft' => 'Connect Microsoft',
'disconnect_microsoft' => 'Disconnect Microsoft',
'connected_microsoft' => 'Successfully connected Microsoft',
'disconnected_microsoft' => 'Successfully disconnected Microsoft',
'microsoft_sign_in' => 'Login with Microsoft',
'microsoft_sign_up' => 'Sign up with Microsoft',
'emailed_purchase_order' => 'Successfully queued purchase order to be sent',
'emailed_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully queued purchase orders to be sent',
'enable_react_app' => 'Change to the React web app',
'purchase_order_design' => 'Purchase Order Design',
'purchase_order_terms' => 'Purchase Order Terms',
'purchase_order_footer' => 'Purchase Order Footer',
'require_purchase_order_signature' => 'Purchase Order Signature',
'require_purchase_order_signature_help' => 'Require vendor to provide their signature.',
'new_purchase_order' => 'New Purchase Order',
'edit_purchase_order' => 'Edit Purchase Order',
'created_purchase_order' => 'Successfully created purchase order',
'updated_purchase_order' => 'Successfully updated purchase order',
'archived_purchase_order' => 'Successfully archived purchase order',
'deleted_purchase_order' => 'Successfully deleted purchase order',
'removed_purchase_order' => 'Successfully removed purchase order',
'restored_purchase_order' => 'Successfully restored purchase order',
'search_purchase_order' => 'Search Purchase Order',
'search_purchase_orders' => 'Search Purchase Orders',
'login_url' => 'Login URL',
'enable_applying_payments' => 'Enable Applying Payments',
'enable_applying_payments_help' => 'Support separately creating and applying payments',
'stock_quantity' => 'Stock Quantity',
'notification_threshold' => 'Notification Threshold',
'track_inventory' => 'Track Inventory',
'track_inventory_help' => 'Display a product stock field and update when invoices are sent',
'stock_notifications' => 'Stock Notifications',
'stock_notifications_help' => 'Send an email when the stock reaches the threshold',
'vat' => 'VAT',
'view_map' => 'View Map',
'set_default_design' => 'Set Default Design',
'purchase_order_issued_to' => 'Purchase Order issued to',
'archive_task_status' => 'Archive Task Status',
'delete_task_status' => 'Delete Task Status',
'restore_task_status' => 'Restore Task Status',
'lang_Hebrew' => 'Hebrew',
'price_change_accepted' => 'Price change accepted',
'price_change_failed' => 'Price change failed with code',
'restore_purchases' => 'Restore Purchases',
'activate' => 'Activate',
'connect_apple' => 'Connect Apple',
'disconnect_apple' => 'Disconnect Apple',
'disconnected_apple' => 'Successfully disconnected Apple',
'send_now' => 'Send Now',
'received' => 'Received',
'converted_to_expense' => 'Successfully converted to expense',
'converted_to_expenses' => 'Successfully converted to expenses',
'entity_removed' => 'This document has been removed, please contact the vendor for further information',
'entity_removed_title' => 'Document no longer available',
'field' => 'Field',
'period' => 'Period',
'fields_per_row' => 'Fields Per Row',
'total_active_invoices' => 'Active Invoices',
'total_outstanding_invoices' => 'Outstanding Invoices',
'total_completed_payments' => 'Completed Payments',
'total_refunded_payments' => 'Refunded Payments',
'total_active_quotes' => 'Active Quotes',
'total_approved_quotes' => 'Approved Quotes',
'total_unapproved_quotes' => 'Unapproved Quotes',
'total_logged_tasks' => 'Logged Tasks',
'total_invoiced_tasks' => 'Invoiced Tasks',
'total_paid_tasks' => 'Paid Tasks',
'total_logged_expenses' => 'Logged Expenses',
'total_pending_expenses' => 'Pending Expenses',
'total_invoiced_expenses' => 'Invoiced Expenses',
'total_invoice_paid_expenses' => 'Invoice Paid Expenses',
'vendor_portal' => 'Vendor Portal',
'send_code' => 'Send Code',
'save_to_upload_documents' => 'Save the record to upload documents',
'expense_tax_rates' => 'Expense Tax Rates',
'invoice_item_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Item Tax Rates',
'verified_phone_number' => 'Successfully verified phone number',
'code_was_sent' => 'A code has been sent via SMS',
'resend' => 'Resend',
'verify' => 'Verify',
'enter_phone_number' => 'Please provide a phone number',
'invalid_phone_number' => 'Invalid phone number',
'verify_phone_number' => 'Verify Phone Number',
'verify_phone_number_help' => 'Please verify your phone number to send emails',
'merged_clients' => 'Successfully merged clients',
'merge_into' => 'Merge Into',
'php81_required' => '注: v5.5 には PHP 8.1 が必要です',
'bulk_email_purchase_orders' => 'Email Purchase Orders',
'bulk_email_invoices' => 'Email Invoices',
'bulk_email_quotes' => 'Email Quotes',
'bulk_email_credits' => 'Email Credits',
'archive_purchase_order' => 'Archive Purchase Order',
'restore_purchase_order' => 'Restore Purchase Order',
'delete_purchase_order' => 'Delete Purchase Order',
'connect' => 'Connect',
'mark_paid_payment_email' => 'Mark Paid Payment Email',
'convert_to_project' => 'Convert to Project',
'client_email' => 'Client Email',
'invoice_task_project' => 'Invoice Task Project',
'invoice_task_project_help' => 'Add the project to the invoice line items',
'bulk_action' => 'Bulk Action',
'phone_validation_error' => 'This mobile (cell) phone number is not valid, please enter in E.164 format',
'transaction' => 'Transaction',
'disable_2fa' => 'Disable 2FA',
'change_number' => 'Change Number',
'resend_code' => 'Resend Code',
'base_type' => 'Base Type',
'category_type' => 'Category Type',
'bank_transaction' => 'Transaction',
'bulk_print' => 'Print PDF',
'vendor_postal_code' => 'Vendor Postal Code',
'preview_location' => 'Preview Location',
'bottom' => 'Bottom',
'side' => 'Side',
'pdf_preview' => 'PDF Preview',
'long_press_to_select' => 'Long Press to Select',
'purchase_order_item' => 'Purchase Order Item',
'would_you_rate_the_app' => 'Would you like to rate the app?',
'include_deleted' => 'Include Deleted',
'include_deleted_help' => 'Include deleted records in reports',
'due_on' => 'Due On',
'browser_pdf_viewer' => 'Use Browser PDF Viewer',
'browser_pdf_viewer_help' => '警告: PDF を介したアプリとの対話を防止します',
'converted_transactions' => 'Successfully converted transactions',
'default_category' => 'Default Category',
'connect_accounts' => 'Connect Accounts',
'manage_rules' => 'Manage Rules',
'search_category' => 'Search 1 Category',
'search_categories' => ':count カテゴリを検索',
'min_amount' => 'Min Amount',
'max_amount' => 'Max Amount',
'converted_transaction' => 'Successfully converted transaction',
'convert_to_payment' => 'Convert to Payment',
'deposit' => 'Deposit',
'withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal',
'deposits' => 'Deposits',
'withdrawals' => 'Withdrawals',
'matched' => 'Matched',
'unmatched' => 'Unmatched',
'create_credit' => 'Create Credit',
'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'new_transaction' => 'New Transaction',
'edit_transaction' => 'Edit Transaction',
'created_transaction' => 'Successfully created transaction',
'updated_transaction' => 'Successfully updated transaction',
'archived_transaction' => 'Successfully archived transaction',
'deleted_transaction' => 'Successfully deleted transaction',
'removed_transaction' => 'Successfully removed transaction',
'restored_transaction' => 'Successfully restored transaction',
'search_transaction' => 'Search Transaction',
'search_transactions' => ':count トランザクションを検索',
'deleted_bank_account' => 'Successfully deleted bank account',
'removed_bank_account' => 'Successfully removed bank account',
'restored_bank_account' => 'Successfully restored bank account',
'search_bank_account' => 'Search Bank Account',
'search_bank_accounts' => ':count 銀行口座を検索',
'code_was_sent_to' => 'コードが SMS 経由で :number に送信されました',
'verify_phone_number_2fa_help' => 'Please verify your phone number for 2FA backup',
'enable_applying_payments_later' => 'Enable Applying Payments Later',
'line_item_tax_rates' => 'Line Item Tax Rates',
'show_tasks_in_client_portal' => 'Show Tasks in Client Portal',
'notification_quote_expired_subject' => ':client の見積もり :invoice の有効期限が切れました',
'notification_quote_expired' => 'クライアント :client および :amount の次の見積もり :invoice は現在期限切れです。',
'auto_sync' => 'Auto Sync',
'refresh_accounts' => 'Refresh Accounts',
'upgrade_to_connect_bank_account' => 'Upgrade to Enterprise to connect your bank account',
'click_here_to_connect_bank_account' => 'Click here to connect your bank account',
'include_tax' => 'Include tax',
'email_template_change' => 'E-mail template body can be changed on',
'task_update_authorization_error' => 'Insufficient permissions, or task may be locked',
'cash_vs_accrual' => 'Accrual accounting',
'cash_vs_accrual_help' => 'Turn on for accrual reporting, turn off for cash basis reporting.',
'expense_paid_report' => 'Expensed reporting',
'expense_paid_report_help' => 'Turn on for reporting all expenses, turn off for reporting only paid expenses',
'online_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when an online payment is made',
'manual_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when manually entering a payment',
'mark_paid_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when marking an invoice as paid',
'linked_transaction' => 'Successfully linked transaction',
'link_payment' => 'Link Payment',
'link_expense' => 'Link Expense',
'lock_invoiced_tasks' => 'Lock Invoiced Tasks',
'lock_invoiced_tasks_help' => 'Prevent tasks from being edited once invoiced',
'registration_required_help' => 'Require clients to register',
'use_inventory_management' => 'Use Inventory Management',
'use_inventory_management_help' => 'Require products to be in stock',
'optional_products' => 'Optional Products',
'optional_recurring_products' => 'Optional Recurring Products',
'convert_matched' => 'Convert',
'auto_billed_invoice' => 'Successfully queued invoice to be auto-billed',
'auto_billed_invoices' => 'Successfully queued invoices to be auto-billed',
'operator' => 'Operator',
'value' => 'Value',
'is' => 'Is',
'contains' => 'Contains',
'starts_with' => 'Starts with',
'is_empty' => 'Is empty',
'add_rule' => 'Add Rule',
'match_all_rules' => 'Match All Rules',
'match_all_rules_help' => 'All criteria needs to match for the rule to be applied',
'auto_convert_help' => 'Automatically convert matched transactions to expenses',
'rules' => 'Rules',
'transaction_rule' => 'Transaction Rule',
'transaction_rules' => 'Transaction Rules',
'new_transaction_rule' => 'New Transaction Rule',
'edit_transaction_rule' => 'Edit Transaction Rule',
'created_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully created rule',
'updated_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully updated transaction rule',
'archived_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully archived transaction rule',
'deleted_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully deleted transaction rule',
'removed_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully removed transaction rule',
'restored_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully restored transaction rule',
'search_transaction_rule' => 'Search Transaction Rule',
'search_transaction_rules' => 'Search Transaction Rules',
'payment_type_Interac E-Transfer' => 'Interac E-Transfer',
'delete_bank_account' => 'Delete Bank Account',
'archive_transaction' => 'Archive Transaction',
'delete_transaction' => 'Delete Transaction',
'otp_code_message' => ':email にコードを送信しました。続行するには、このコードを入力してください。',
'otp_code_subject' => 'Your one time passcode code',
'otp_code_body' => 'ワンタイム パスコードは :code です',
'delete_tax_rate' => 'Delete Tax Rate',
'restore_tax_rate' => 'Restore Tax Rate',
'company_backup_file' => 'Select company backup file',
'company_backup_file_help' => 'Please upload the .zip file used to create this backup.',
'backup_restore' => 'Backup | Restore',
'export_company' => 'Create company backup',
'backup' => 'Backup',
'notification_purchase_order_created_body' => '次の purchase_order :purchase_order は、:amount のベンダー :vendor に対して作成されました。',
'notification_purchase_order_created_subject' => ':vendor の注文書 :purchase_order が作成されました',
'notification_purchase_order_sent_subject' => '注文書 :purchase_order が :vendor に送信されました',
'notification_purchase_order_sent' => '次のベンダー :vendor には、:amount の注文書 :purchase_order が電子メールで送信されました。',
'subscription_blocked' => 'This product is a restricted item, please contact the vendor for further information.',
'subscription_blocked_title' => 'Product not available.',
'purchase_order_created' => 'Purchase Order Created',
'purchase_order_sent' => 'Purchase Order Sent',
'purchase_order_viewed' => 'Purchase Order Viewed',
'purchase_order_accepted' => 'Purchase Order Accepted',
'credit_payment_error' => 'The credit amount can not be greater than the payment amount',
'convert_payment_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate when entering a manual payment',
'convert_expense_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate when creating an expense',
'matomo_url' => 'Matomo URL',
'matomo_id' => 'Matomo Id',
'action_add_to_invoice' => 'Add To Invoice',
'danger_zone' => 'Danger Zone',
'import_completed' => 'Import completed',
'client_statement_body' => ':start_date から :end_date までのステートメントを添付します。',
'email_queued' => 'Email queued',
'clone_to_recurring_invoice' => 'Clone to Recurring Invoice',
'inventory_threshold' => 'Inventory Threshold',
'emailed_statement' => 'Successfully queued statement to be sent',
'show_email_footer' => 'Show Email Footer',
'invoice_task_hours' => 'Invoice Task Hours',
'invoice_task_hours_help' => 'Add the hours to the invoice line items',
'auto_bill_standard_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Standard Invoices',
'auto_bill_recurring_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Recurring Invoices',
'email_alignment' => 'Email Alignment',
'pdf_preview_location' => 'PDF Preview Location',
'mailgun' => 'Mailgun',
'postmark' => 'Postmark',
'microsoft' => 'Microsoft',
'click_plus_to_create_record' => 'Click + to create a record',
'last365_days' => 'Last 365 Days',
'import_design' => 'Import Design',
'imported_design' => 'Successfully imported design',
'invalid_design' => 'デザインが無効です。:value セクションがありません',
'setup_wizard_logo' => 'Would you like to upload your logo?',
'installed_version' => 'Installed Version',
'notify_vendor_when_paid' => 'Notify Vendor When Paid',
'notify_vendor_when_paid_help' => 'Send an email to the vendor when the expense is marked as paid',
'update_payment' => 'Update Payment',
'markup' => 'Markup',
'unlock_pro' => 'Unlock Pro',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan_to_schedule' => 'Upgrade to a paid plan to create schedules',
'next_run' => 'Next Run',
'all_clients' => 'All Clients',
'show_aging_table' => 'Show Aging Table',
'show_payments_table' => 'Show Payments Table',
'email_statement' => 'Email Statement',
'once' => 'Once',
'schedules' => 'Schedules',
'new_schedule' => 'New Schedule',
'edit_schedule' => 'Edit Schedule',
'created_schedule' => 'Successfully created schedule',
'updated_schedule' => 'Successfully updated schedule',
'archived_schedule' => 'Successfully archived schedule',
'deleted_schedule' => 'Successfully deleted schedule',
'removed_schedule' => 'Successfully removed schedule',
'restored_schedule' => 'Successfully restored schedule',
'search_schedule' => 'Search Schedule',
'search_schedules' => 'Search Schedules',
'update_product' => 'Update Product',
'create_purchase_order' => 'Create Purchase Order',
'update_purchase_order' => 'Update Purchase Order',
'sent_invoice' => 'Sent Invoice',
'sent_quote' => 'Sent Quote',
'sent_credit' => 'Sent Credit',
'sent_purchase_order' => 'Sent Purchase Order',
'image_url' => 'Image URL',
'max_quantity' => 'Max Quantity',
'test_url' => 'Test URL',
'auto_bill_help_off' => 'Option is not shown',
'auto_bill_help_optin' => 'Option is shown but not selected',
'auto_bill_help_optout' => 'Option is shown and selected',
'auto_bill_help_always' => 'Option is not shown',
'view_all' => 'View All',
'edit_all' => 'Edit All',
'accept_purchase_order_number' => 'Accept Purchase Order Number',
'accept_purchase_order_number_help' => 'Enable clients to provide a PO number when approving a quote',
'from_email' => 'From Email',
'show_preview' => 'Show Preview',
'show_paid_stamp' => 'Show Paid Stamp',
'show_shipping_address' => 'Show Shipping Address',
'no_documents_to_download' => 'There are no documents in the selected records to download',
'pixels' => 'Pixels',
'logo_size' => 'Logo Size',
'failed' => 'Failed',
'client_contacts' => 'Client Contacts',
'sync_from' => 'Sync From',
'gateway_payment_text' => '請求書: クライアント :client の :amount の :invoices',
'gateway_payment_text_no_invoice' => 'クライアント :client の金額 :amount の請求書なしの支払い',
'click_to_variables' => 'Client here to see all variables.',
'ship_to' => 'Ship to',
'stripe_direct_debit_details' => 'Please transfer into the nominated bank account above.',
'branch_name' => 'Branch Name',
'branch_code' => 'Branch Code',
'bank_name' => 'Bank Name',
'bank_code' => 'Bank Code',
'bic' => 'BIC',
'change_plan_description' => 'Upgrade or downgrade your current plan.',
'add_company_logo' => 'Add Logo',
'add_stripe' => 'Add Stripe',
'invalid_coupon' => 'Invalid Coupon',
'no_assigned_tasks' => 'No billable tasks for this project',
'authorization_failure' => 'Insufficient permissions to perform this action',
'authorization_sms_failure' => 'Please verify your account to send emails.',
'white_label_body' => 'ホワイトレーベルライセンスをお買い上げいただき、誠にありがとうございます。<br><br>ライセンス キーは次のとおりです。<br><br> :license_key',
'payment_type_Klarna' => 'Klarna',
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => ':paydate まで正味 :payeddue 日以内に支払い可能',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "No buyer's reference given",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be paid online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Pre Payment',
'number_of_payments' => 'Number of payments',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'The number of times this payment will be made',
'pre_payment_indefinitely' => 'Continue until cancelled',
'notification_payment_emailed' => '支払い :payment は :client に電子メールで送信されました',
'notification_payment_emailed_subject' => '支払い :payment がメールで送信されました',
'record_not_found' => 'Record not found',
'minimum_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Payment Amount',
'client_initiated_payments' => 'Client Initiated Payments',
'client_initiated_payments_help' => 'Support making a payment in the client portal without an invoice',
'share_invoice_quote_columns' => 'Share Invoice/Quote Columns',
'cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'payment_balance' => 'Payment Balance',
'view_report_permission' => 'Allow user to access the reports, data is limited to available permissions',
'activity_138' => '支払い :payment は :client に電子メールで送信されました',
'one_time_products' => 'One-Time Products',
'optional_one_time_products' => 'Optional One-Time Products',
'required' => 'Required',
'hidden' => 'Hidden',
'payment_links' => 'Payment Links',
'payment_link' => 'Payment Link',
'new_payment_link' => 'New Payment Link',
'edit_payment_link' => 'Edit Payment Link',
'created_payment_link' => 'Successfully created payment link',
'updated_payment_link' => 'Successfully updated payment link',
'archived_payment_link' => 'Successfully archived payment link',
'deleted_payment_link' => 'Successfully deleted payment link',
'removed_payment_link' => 'Successfully removed payment link',
'restored_payment_link' => 'Successfully restored payment link',
'search_payment_link' => 'Search 1 Payment Link',
'search_payment_links' => ':count 支払いリンクを検索',
'increase_prices' => 'Increase Prices',
'update_prices' => 'Update Prices',
'incresed_prices' => 'Successfully queued prices to be increased',
'updated_prices' => 'Successfully queued prices to be updated',
'api_token' => 'API Token',
'api_key' => 'API Key',
'endpoint' => 'Endpoint',
'not_billable' => 'Not Billable',
'allow_billable_task_items' => 'Allow Billable Task Items',
'allow_billable_task_items_help' => 'Enable configuring which task items are billed',
'show_task_item_description' => 'Show Task Item Description',
'show_task_item_description_help' => 'Enable specifying task item descriptions',
'email_record' => 'Email Record',
'invoice_product_columns' => 'Invoice Product Columns',
'quote_product_columns' => 'Quote Product Columns',
'vendors' => 'Vendors',
'product_sales' => 'Product Sales',
'user_sales_report_header' => ':start_date から :end_date までのクライアント :client のユーザー販売レポート',
'client_balance_report' => 'Customer balance report',
'client_sales_report' => 'Customer sales report',
'user_sales_report' => 'User sales report',
'aged_receivable_detailed_report' => 'Aged Receivable Detailed Report',
'aged_receivable_summary_report' => 'Aged Receivable Summary Report',
'taxable_amount' => 'Taxable Amount',
'tax_summary' => 'Tax Summary',
'oauth_mail' => 'OAuth / Mail',
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'analytics' => 'Analytics',
'reduced_rate' => 'Reduced Rate',
'tax_all' => 'Tax All',
'tax_selected' => 'Tax Selected',
'version' => 'version',
'seller_subregion' => 'Seller Subregion',
'calculate_taxes' => 'Calculate Taxes',
'calculate_taxes_help' => 'Automatically calculate taxes when saving invoices',
'link_expenses' => 'Link Expenses',
'converted_client_balance' => 'Converted Client Balance',
'converted_payment_balance' => 'Converted Payment Balance',
'total_hours' => 'Total Hours',
'date_picker_hint' => 'Use +days to set the date in the future',
'app_help_link' => 'More information ',
'here' => 'here',
'industry_Restaurant & Catering' => 'Restaurant & Catering',
'show_credits_table' => 'Show Credits Table',
'manual_payment' => 'Payment Manual',
'tax_summary_report' => 'Tax Summary Report',
'tax_category' => 'Tax Category',
'physical_goods' => 'Physical Goods',
'digital_products' => 'Digital Products',
'services' => 'Services',
'shipping' => 'Shipping',
'tax_exempt' => 'Tax Exempt',
'late_fee_added_locked_invoice' => 'Late fee for invoice :invoice added on :date',
'lang_Khmer' => 'Khmer',
'routing_id' => 'Routing ID',
'enable_e_invoice' => 'Enable E-Invoice',
'e_invoice_type' => 'E-Invoice Type',
'reduced_tax' => 'Reduced Tax',
'override_tax' => 'Override Tax',
'zero_rated' => 'Zero Rated',
'reverse_tax' => 'Reverse Tax',
'updated_tax_category' => 'Successfully updated the tax category',
'updated_tax_categories' => 'Successfully updated the tax categories',
'set_tax_category' => 'Set Tax Category',
'payment_manual' => 'Payment Manual',
'expense_payment_type' => 'Expense Payment Type',
'payment_type_Cash App' => 'Cash App',
'rename' => 'Rename',
'renamed_document' => 'Successfully renamed document',
'e_invoice' => 'E-Invoice',
'light_dark_mode' => 'Light/Dark Mode',
'activities' => 'Activities',
'recent_transactions' => "Here are your company's most recent transactions:",
'country_Palestine' => "Palestine",
'country_Taiwan' => 'Taiwan',
'duties' => 'Duties',
'order_number' => 'Order Number',
'order_id' => 'Order',
'total_invoices_outstanding' => 'Total Invoices Outstanding',
'recent_activity' => 'Recent Activity',
'enable_auto_bill' => 'Enable auto billing',
'email_count_invoices' => 'Email :count invoices',
'invoice_task_item_description' => 'Invoice Task Item Description',
'invoice_task_item_description_help' => 'Add the item description to the invoice line items',
'next_send_time' => 'Next Send Time',
'uploaded_certificate' => 'Successfully uploaded certificate',
'certificate_set' => 'Certificate set',
'certificate_not_set' => 'Certificate not set',
'passphrase_set' => 'Passphrase set',
'passphrase_not_set' => 'Passphrase not set',
'upload_certificate' => 'Upload Certificate',
'certificate_passphrase' => 'Certificate Passphrase',
'valid_vat_number' => 'Valid VAT Number',
return $LANG;