mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-09-24 02:11:34 +02:00
2014-04-22 14:33:53 +03:00

156 lines
4.9 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python
def default(context):
def minifyfiles(context):
src = context.Node('jspdf.js')
dst = src.parent + 'dist/' + src.name - '.js' + '.source.js'
dst.text = src.text.replace(
"${buildDate}", timeUTC()
"${commitID}", getCommitIDstring()
) + \
(src - '.js' + '.plugin.addimage.js').text + \
(src - '.js' + '.plugin.from_html.js').text + \
(src - '.js' + '.plugin.sillysvgrenderer.js').text + \
(src - '.js' + '.plugin.split_text_to_size.js').text + \
(src - '.js' + '.plugin.standard_fonts_metrics.js').text + \
(src - 'jspdf.js' + 'libs/Blob.js/BlobBuilder.js').text + \
(src - 'jspdf.js' + 'libs/FileSaver.js/FileSaver.js').text + \
(src - 'jspdf.js' + 'libs/Deflate/deflate.js').text + \
(src - 'jspdf.js' + 'libs/Deflate/adler32cs.js').text
# (src - '.js' + '.plugin.from_html.js').text + \
minified = dst - '.source.js' + '.min.js'
print("=== Compressing jsPDF and select plugins into " + minified.name)
minified.text = compress_with_closure_compiler( dst.text )
# AMD-compatible version:
(minified - '.min.js' + '.amd.min.js').text = """;(function(){
;define(function(){return jsPDF})})();
""" % minified.text
# jQuery "NoConflict" version:
# only needed if some of the modules compiled into jsPDF need $
# one such module is fromHTML
# (minified - '.min.js' + '.noconflict.min.js').text = """;(function($){
# %s
# })(jQuery);
# """ % minified.text
def docs(context):
java -jar %jsdocbindir%\jsrun.jar %jsdocbindir%\app\run.js -v %rootdir%\jspdf.js -d=%rootdir%\doc -t=%rootdir%\tools\jsdoc_template
jsdocBinDir = context.Node('~/bin/jsdoc-toolkit/')
codefile = context.Node('jspdf.js')
destinationFolder = context.Node('doc/')
templateFolder = context.Node('tools/jsdoc_template/')
import subprocess
, '-jar'
, (jsdocBinDir + 'jsrun.jar').absolutepath
, (jsdocBinDir + 'app/run.js').absolutepath
, '-v'
, codefile.absolutepath
, '-d='+destinationFolder.absolutepath
, '-t='+templateFolder.absolutepath
def timeUTC():
import datetime
return datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
def getCommitIDstring():
import subprocess
if not hasattr( subprocess, "check_output"):
# let's not bother emulating it. Not important
return ""
return "commit ID " + subprocess.check_output(
, 'rev-parse'
, 'HEAD'
def compress_with_closure_compiler(code, compression_level = None):
'''Sends text of JavaScript code to Google's Closure Compiler API
Returns text of compressed code.
# script (with some modifications) from
# https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial1
import httplib, urllib, sys
compression_levels = [
if compression_level not in compression_levels:
compression_level = compression_levels[1] # simple optimizations
# Define the parameters for the POST request and encode them in
# a URL-safe format.
params = urllib.urlencode([
('js_code', code)
, ('compilation_level', compression_level)
, ('output_format', 'json')
, ('output_info', 'compiled_code')
, ('output_info', 'warnings')
, ('output_info', 'errors')
, ('output_info', 'statistics')
# , ('output_file_name', 'default.js')
# , ('js_externs', 'javascript with externs') # only used on Advanced.
# Always use the following value for the Content-type header.
headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('closure-compiler.appspot.com')
conn.request('POST', '/compile', params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status != 200:
raise Exception("Compilation server responded with non-OK status of " + str(response.status))
compressedcode = response.read()
import json # needs python 2.6+ or simplejson module for earlier
parts = json.loads(compressedcode)
if 'errors' in parts:
prettyerrors = ['\nCompilation Error:']
for error in parts['errors']:
"\nln %s, ch %s, '%s' - %s" % (
, error['charno']
, error['line']
, error['error']
raise Exception(''.join(prettyerrors))
return parts['compiledCode']
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("This is a Wak build automation tool script. Please, get Wak on GitHub and run it against the folder containing this automation script.")