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* Invoice Ninja (https://clientninja.com).
* @link https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2022. Invoice Ninja LLC (https://invoiceninja.com)
* @license https://www.elastic.co/licensing/elastic-license
namespace App\Services\Quickbooks\Transformers;
use App\Models\Client;
use App\Models\Company;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use App\Models\Product;
use App\DataMapper\InvoiceItem;
* Class InvoiceTransformer.
class InvoiceTransformer extends BaseTransformer
public function qbToNinja(mixed $qb_data)
return $this->transform($qb_data);
public function ninjaToQb()
public function transform($qb_data)
$client_id = $this->getClientId(data_get($qb_data, 'CustomerRef.value', null));
return $client_id ? [
'client_id' => $client_id,
'number' => data_get($qb_data, 'DocNumber', false),
'date' => data_get($qb_data, 'TxnDate', now()->format('Y-m-d')),
'private_notes' => data_get($qb_data, 'PrivateNote', ''),
'public_notes' => data_get($qb_data, 'CustomerMemo.value', false),
'due_date' => data_get($qb_data, 'DueDate', null),
'po_number' => data_get($qb_data, 'PONumber', ""),
'partial' => data_get($qb_data, 'Deposit', 0),
'line_items' => $this->getLineItems(data_get($qb_data, 'Line', [])),
'payment_ids' => $this->getPayments($qb_data),
'status_id' => Invoice::STATUS_SENT,
'tax_rate1' => $rate = data_get($qb_data,'TxnTaxDetail.TaxLine.TaxLineDetail.TaxPercent', 0),
'tax_name1' => $rate > 0 ? "Sales Tax" : "",
] : false;
private function getPayments(mixed $qb_data)
$payments = [];
$qb_payments = data_get($qb_data, 'LinkedTxn', false);
if(!$qb_payments) {
return [];
if(!is_array($qb_payments) && data_get($qb_payments, 'TxnType', false) == 'Payment'){
return [data_get($qb_payments, 'TxnId.value', false)];
foreach($qb_payments as $payment)
if(data_get($payment, 'TxnType', false) == 'Payment')
$payments[] = data_get($payment, 'TxnId.value', false);
return $payments;
private function getLineItems(mixed $qb_items)
$items = [];
foreach($qb_items as $qb_item)
$item = new InvoiceItem;
$item->product_key = data_get($qb_item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef.name', '');
$item->notes = data_get($qb_item,'Description', '');
$item->quantity = data_get($qb_item,'SalesItemLineDetail.Qty', 0);
$item->cost = data_get($qb_item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice', 0);
$item->discount = data_get($item,'DiscountRate', data_get($qb_item,'DiscountAmount', 0));
$item->is_amount_discount = data_get($qb_item,'DiscountAmount', 0) > 0 ? true : false;
$item->type_id = stripos(data_get($qb_item, 'ItemAccountRef.name') ?? '', 'Service') !== false ? '2' : '1';
$item->tax_id = data_get($qb_item, 'TaxCodeRef.value', '') == 'NON' ? Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_EXEMPT : $item->type_id;
$item->tax_rate1 = data_get($qb_item, 'TxnTaxDetail.TaxLine.TaxLineDetail.TaxPercent', 0);
$item->tax_name1 = $item->tax_rate1 > 0 ? "Sales Tax" : "";
$items[] = (object)$item;
return $items;
// public function getTotalAmt($data)
// {
// return (float) $this->getString($data, 'TotalAmt');
// }
// public function getLine($data)
// {
// return array_map(function ($item) {
// return [
// 'description' => $this->getString($item, 'Description'),
// 'product_key' => $this->getString($item, 'Description'),
// 'quantity' => (int) $this->getString($item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.Qty'),
// 'unit_price' => (float) $this->getString($item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice'),
// 'line_total' => (float) $this->getString($item, 'Amount'),
// 'cost' => (float) $this->getString($item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice'),
// 'product_cost' => (float) $this->getString($item, 'SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice'),
// 'tax_amount' => (float) $this->getString($item, 'TxnTaxDetail.TotalTax'),
// ];
// }, array_filter($this->getString($data, 'Line'), function ($item) {
// return $this->getString($item, 'DetailType') !== 'SubTotalLineDetail';
// }));
// }
// public function getInvoiceClient($data, $field = null)
// {
// /**
// * "CustomerRef": {
// "value": "23",
// "name": ""Barnett Design
// },
// "CustomerMemo": {
// "value": "Thank you for your business and have a great day!"
// },
// "BillAddr": {
// "Id": "58",
// "Line1": "Shara Barnett",
// "Line2": "Barnett Design",
// "Line3": "19 Main St.",
// "Line4": "Middlefield, CA 94303",
// "Lat": "37.4530553",
// "Long": "-122.1178261"
// },
// "ShipAddr": {
// "Id": "24",
// "Line1": "19 Main St.",
// "City": "Middlefield",
// "CountrySubDivisionCode": "CA",
// "PostalCode": "94303",
// "Lat": "37.445013",
// "Long": "-122.1391443"
// },"BillEmail": {
// "Address": "Design@intuit.com"
// },
// [
// 'name' => 'CompanyName',
// 'phone' => 'PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber',
// 'country_id' => 'BillAddr.Country',
// 'state' => 'BillAddr.CountrySubDivisionCode',
// 'address1' => 'BillAddr.Line1',
// 'city' => 'BillAddr.City',
// 'postal_code' => 'BillAddr.PostalCode',
// 'shipping_country_id' => 'ShipAddr.Country',
// 'shipping_state' => 'ShipAddr.CountrySubDivisionCode',
// 'shipping_address1' => 'ShipAddr.Line1',
// 'shipping_city' => 'ShipAddr.City',
// 'shipping_postal_code' => 'ShipAddr.PostalCode',
// 'public_notes' => 'Notes'
// ];
// */
// $bill_address = (object) $this->getString($data, 'BillAddr');
// $ship_address = $this->getString($data, 'ShipAddr');
// $customer = explode(" ", $this->getString($data, 'CustomerRef.name'));
// $customer = ['GivenName' => $customer[0], 'FamilyName' => $customer[1]];
// $has_company = property_exists($bill_address, 'Line4');
// $address = $has_company ? $bill_address->Line4 : $bill_address->Line3;
// $address_1 = substr($address, 0, stripos($address, ','));
// $address = array_filter([$address_1] + (explode(' ', substr($address, stripos($address, ",") + 1))));
// $client_id = null;
// $client =
// [
// "CompanyName" => $has_company ? $bill_address->Line2 : $bill_address->Line1,
// "BillAddr" => array_combine(['City','CountrySubDivisionCode','PostalCode'], array_pad($address, 3, 'N/A')) + ['Line1' => $has_company ? $bill_address->Line3 : $bill_address->Line2 ],
// "ShipAddr" => $ship_address
// ] + $customer + ['PrimaryEmailAddr' => ['Address' => $this->getString($data, 'BillEmail.Address') ]];
// if($this->hasClient($client['CompanyName'])) {
// $client_id = $this->getClient($client['CompanyName'], $this->getString($client, 'PrimaryEmailAddr.Address'));
// }
// return ['client' => (new ClientTransformer($this->company))->transform($client), 'client_id' => $client_id ];
// }
// public function getDueDate($data)
// {
// return $this->parseDateOrNull($data, 'DueDate');
// }
// public function getDeposit($data)
// {
// return (float) $this->getString($data, 'Deposit');
// }
// public function getBalance($data)
// {
// return (float) $this->getString($data, 'Balance');
// }
// public function getCustomerMemo($data)
// {
// return $this->getString($data, 'CustomerMemo.value');
// }
// public function getDocNumber($data, $field = null)
// {
// return sprintf(
// "%s-%s",
// $this->getString($data, 'DocNumber'),
// $this->getString($data, 'Id.value')
// );
// }
// public function getLinkedTxn($data)
// {
// $payments = $this->getString($data, 'LinkedTxn');
// if(empty($payments)) {
// return [];
// }
// return [[
// 'amount' => $this->getTotalAmt($data),
// 'date' => $this->parseDateOrNull($data, 'TxnDate')
// ]];
// }