mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-09-20 00:11:35 +02:00
2016-02-11 21:27:58 +02:00

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29 KiB

<?php namespace App\Models;
use Eloquent;
use Utils;
use Session;
use DateTime;
use Event;
use Cache;
use App;
use File;
use App\Events\UserSettingsChanged;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Laracasts\Presenter\PresentableTrait;
class Account extends Eloquent
use PresentableTrait;
use SoftDeletes;
protected $presenter = 'App\Ninja\Presenters\AccountPresenter';
protected $dates = ['deleted_at'];
protected $hidden = ['ip'];
protected $fillable = [
public static $basicSettings = [
public static $advancedSettings = [
protected $casts = [
'invoice_settings' => 'object',
public function account_tokens()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AccountToken');
public function users()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\User');
public function clients()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Client');
public function contacts()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Contact');
public function invoices()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Invoice');
public function account_gateways()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\AccountGateway');
public function bank_accounts()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\BankAccount');
public function tax_rates()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\TaxRate');
public function products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product');
public function country()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country');
public function timezone()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Timezone');
public function language()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Language');
public function date_format()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DateFormat');
public function datetime_format()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\DatetimeFormat');
public function size()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Size');
public function currency()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Currency');
public function industry()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Industry');
public function default_tax_rate()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\TaxRate');
public function setIndustryIdAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['industry_id'] = $value ?: null;
public function setCountryIdAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['country_id'] = $value ?: null;
public function setSizeIdAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['size_id'] = $value ?: null;
public function isGatewayConfigured($gatewayId = 0)
if ($gatewayId) {
return $this->getGatewayConfig($gatewayId) != false;
} else {
return count($this->account_gateways) > 0;
public function isEnglish()
return !$this->language_id || $this->language_id == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
public function hasInvoicePrefix()
if ( ! $this->invoice_number_prefix && ! $this->quote_number_prefix) {
return false;
return $this->invoice_number_prefix != $this->quote_number_prefix;
public function getDisplayName()
if ($this->name) {
return $this->name;
$user = $this->users()->first();
return $user->getDisplayName();
public function getCityState()
$swap = $this->country && $this->country->swap_postal_code;
return Utils::cityStateZip($this->city, $this->state, $this->postal_code, $swap);
public function getMomentDateTimeFormat()
$format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format_moment : DEFAULT_DATETIME_MOMENT_FORMAT;
if ($this->military_time) {
$format = str_replace('h:mm:ss a', 'H:mm:ss', $format);
return $format;
public function getMomentDateFormat()
$format = $this->getMomentDateTimeFormat();
$format = str_replace('h:mm:ss a', '', $format);
$format = str_replace('H:mm:ss', '', $format);
return trim($format);
public function getTimezone()
if ($this->timezone) {
return $this->timezone->name;
} else {
return 'US/Eastern';
public function getDateTime($date = 'now')
if ( ! $date) {
return null;
} elseif ( ! $date instanceof \DateTime) {
$date = new \DateTime($date);
$date->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($this->getTimezone()));
return $date;
public function getCustomDateFormat()
return $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT;
public function formatMoney($amount, $client = null, $hideSymbol = false)
if ($client && $client->currency_id) {
$currencyId = $client->currency_id;
} elseif ($this->currency_id) {
$currencyId = $this->currency_id;
} else {
if ($client && $client->country_id) {
$countryId = $client->country_id;
} elseif ($this->country_id) {
$countryId = $this->country_id;
} else {
$countryId = false;
$hideSymbol = $this->show_currency_code || $hideSymbol;
return Utils::formatMoney($amount, $currencyId, $countryId, $hideSymbol);
public function getCurrencyId()
return $this->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
public function formatDate($date)
$date = $this->getDateTime($date);
if ( ! $date) {
return null;
return $date->format($this->getCustomDateFormat());
public function formatDateTime($date)
$date = $this->getDateTime($date);
if ( ! $date) {
return null;
return $date->format($this->getCustomDateTimeFormat());
public function formatTime($date)
$date = $this->getDateTime($date);
if ( ! $date) {
return null;
return $date->format($this->getCustomTimeFormat());
public function getCustomTimeFormat()
return $this->military_time ? 'H:i' : 'g:i a';
public function getCustomDateTimeFormat()
$format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format : DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT;
if ($this->military_time) {
$format = str_replace('g:i a', 'H:i', $format);
return $format;
public function getGatewayByType($type = PAYMENT_TYPE_ANY)
foreach ($this->account_gateways as $gateway) {
if (!$type || $type == PAYMENT_TYPE_ANY) {
return $gateway;
} elseif ($gateway->isPaymentType($type)) {
return $gateway;
return false;
public function getGatewayConfig($gatewayId)
foreach ($this->account_gateways as $gateway) {
if ($gateway->gateway_id == $gatewayId) {
return $gateway;
return false;
public function hasLogo()
return file_exists($this->getLogoFullPath());
public function getLogoPath()
$fileName = 'logo/' . $this->account_key;
return file_exists($fileName.'.png') ? $fileName.'.png' : $fileName.'.jpg';
public function getLogoFullPath()
$fileName = public_path() . '/logo/' . $this->account_key;
return file_exists($fileName.'.png') ? $fileName.'.png' : $fileName.'.jpg';
public function getLogoURL()
return SITE_URL . '/' . $this->getLogoPath();
public function getToken($name)
foreach ($this->account_tokens as $token) {
if ($token->name === $name) {
return $token->token;
return null;
public function getLogoWidth()
$path = $this->getLogoFullPath();
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return 0;
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path);
return $width;
public function getLogoHeight()
$path = $this->getLogoFullPath();
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return 0;
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path);
return $height;
public function createInvoice($entityType, $clientId = null)
$invoice = Invoice::createNew();
$invoice->is_recurring = false;
$invoice->is_quote = false;
$invoice->invoice_date = Utils::today();
$invoice->start_date = Utils::today();
$invoice->invoice_design_id = $this->invoice_design_id;
$invoice->client_id = $clientId;
if ($entityType === ENTITY_RECURRING_INVOICE) {
$invoice->invoice_number = microtime(true);
$invoice->is_recurring = true;
} else {
if ($entityType == ENTITY_QUOTE) {
$invoice->is_quote = true;
if ($this->hasClientNumberPattern($invoice) && !$clientId) {
// do nothing, we don't yet know the value
} else {
$invoice->invoice_number = $this->getNextInvoiceNumber($invoice);
if (!$clientId) {
$invoice->client = Client::createNew();
$invoice->client->public_id = 0;
return $invoice;
public function getNumberPrefix($isQuote)
if ( ! $this->isPro()) {
return '';
return ($isQuote ? $this->quote_number_prefix : $this->invoice_number_prefix) ?: '';
public function hasNumberPattern($isQuote)
if ( ! $this->isPro()) {
return false;
return $isQuote ? ($this->quote_number_pattern ? true : false) : ($this->invoice_number_pattern ? true : false);
public function hasClientNumberPattern($invoice)
$pattern = $invoice->is_quote ? $this->quote_number_pattern : $this->invoice_number_pattern;
return strstr($pattern, '$custom');
public function getNumberPattern($invoice)
$pattern = $invoice->is_quote ? $this->quote_number_pattern : $this->invoice_number_pattern;
if (!$pattern) {
return false;
$search = ['{$year}'];
$replace = [date('Y')];
$search[] = '{$counter}';
$replace[] = str_pad($this->getCounter($invoice->is_quote), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (strstr($pattern, '{$userId}')) {
$search[] = '{$userId}';
$replace[] = str_pad(($invoice->user->public_id + 1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$matches = false;
preg_match('/{\$date:(.*?)}/', $pattern, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
$format = $matches[1];
$search[] = $matches[0];
$replace[] = str_replace($format, date($format), $matches[1]);
$pattern = str_replace($search, $replace, $pattern);
if ($invoice->client_id) {
$pattern = $this->getClientInvoiceNumber($pattern, $invoice);
return $pattern;
private function getClientInvoiceNumber($pattern, $invoice)
if (!$invoice->client) {
return $pattern;
$search = [
$replace = [
return str_replace($search, $replace, $pattern);
public function getCounter($isQuote)
return $isQuote && !$this->share_counter ? $this->quote_number_counter : $this->invoice_number_counter;
public function previewNextInvoiceNumber($entityType = ENTITY_INVOICE)
$invoice = $this->createInvoice($entityType);
return $this->getNextInvoiceNumber($invoice);
public function getNextInvoiceNumber($invoice)
if ($this->hasNumberPattern($invoice->is_quote)) {
return $this->getNumberPattern($invoice);
$counter = $this->getCounter($invoice->is_quote);
$prefix = $this->getNumberPrefix($invoice->is_quote);
$counterOffset = 0;
// confirm the invoice number isn't already taken
do {
$number = $prefix . str_pad($counter, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$check = Invoice::scope(false, $this->id)->whereInvoiceNumber($number)->withTrashed()->first();
} while ($check);
// update the invoice counter to be caught up
if ($counterOffset > 1) {
if ($invoice->is_quote && !$this->share_counter) {
$this->quote_number_counter += $counterOffset - 1;
} else {
$this->invoice_number_counter += $counterOffset - 1;
return $number;
public function incrementCounter($invoice)
if ($invoice->is_quote && !$this->share_counter) {
$this->quote_number_counter += 1;
} else {
$default = $this->invoice_number_counter;
$actual = Utils::parseInt($invoice->invoice_number);
if ( ! $this->isPro() && $default != $actual) {
$this->invoice_number_counter = $actual + 1;
} else {
$this->invoice_number_counter += 1;
public function loadLocalizationSettings($client = false)
$this->load('timezone', 'date_format', 'datetime_format', 'language');
$timezone = $this->timezone ? $this->timezone->name : DEFAULT_TIMEZONE;
Session::put(SESSION_TIMEZONE, $timezone);
Session::put(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->format : DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
Session::put(SESSION_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT, $this->date_format ? $this->date_format->picker_format : DEFAULT_DATE_PICKER_FORMAT);
$currencyId = ($client && $client->currency_id) ? $client->currency_id : $this->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
$locale = ($client && $client->language_id) ? $client->language->locale : ($this->language_id ? $this->Language->locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE);
Session::put(SESSION_CURRENCY, $currencyId);
Session::put(SESSION_LOCALE, $locale);
$format = $this->datetime_format ? $this->datetime_format->format : DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT;
if ($this->military_time) {
$format = str_replace('g:i a', 'H:i', $format);
Session::put(SESSION_DATETIME_FORMAT, $format);
public function getInvoiceLabels()
$data = [];
$custom = (array) json_decode($this->invoice_labels);
$fields = [
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($custom[$field]) && $custom[$field]) {
$data[$field] = $custom[$field];
} else {
$data[$field] = $this->isEnglish() ? uctrans("texts.$field") : trans("texts.$field");
foreach (['item', 'quantity', 'unit_cost'] as $field) {
$data["{$field}_orig"] = $data[$field];
return $data;
public function isNinjaAccount()
return $this->account_key === NINJA_ACCOUNT_KEY;
public function startTrial()
if ( ! Utils::isNinja()) {
$this->pro_plan_trial = date_create()->format('Y-m-d');
public function isPro()
if (!Utils::isNinjaProd()) {
return true;
if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) {
return true;
$datePaid = $this->pro_plan_paid;
$trialStart = $this->pro_plan_trial;
if ($datePaid == NINJA_DATE) {
return true;
return Utils::withinPastTwoWeeks($trialStart) || Utils::withinPastYear($datePaid);
public function isTrial()
if ($this->pro_plan_paid && $this->pro_plan_paid != '0000-00-00') {
return false;
return Utils::withinPastTwoWeeks($this->pro_plan_trial);
public function isEligibleForTrial()
return ! $this->pro_plan_trial || $this->pro_plan_trial == '0000-00-00';
public function getCountTrialDaysLeft()
$interval = Utils::getInterval($this->pro_plan_trial);
return $interval ? 14 - $interval->d : 0;
public function getRenewalDate()
if ($this->pro_plan_paid && $this->pro_plan_paid != '0000-00-00') {
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $this->pro_plan_paid);
$date->modify('+1 year');
$date = max($date, date_create());
} elseif ($this->isTrial()) {
$date = date_create();
$date->modify('+'.$this->getCountTrialDaysLeft().' day');
} else {
$date = date_create();
return $date->format('Y-m-d');
public function isWhiteLabel()
if ($this->isNinjaAccount()) {
return false;
if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) {
return self::isPro() && $this->pro_plan_paid != NINJA_DATE;
} else {
if ($this->pro_plan_paid == NINJA_DATE) {
return true;
return Utils::withinPastYear($this->pro_plan_paid);
public function getLogoSize()
if (!$this->hasLogo()) {
return 0;
$filename = $this->getLogoFullPath();
return round(File::size($filename) / 1000);
public function isLogoTooLarge()
return $this->getLogoSize() > MAX_LOGO_FILE_SIZE;
public function getSubscription($eventId)
return Subscription::where('account_id', '=', $this->id)->where('event_id', '=', $eventId)->first();
public function hideFieldsForViz()
foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
foreach ($client->invoices as $invoice) {
foreach ($invoice->invoice_items as $invoiceItem) {
foreach ($client->contacts as $contact) {
'email', ]);
return $this;
public function getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType)
if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') !== false) {
$entityType = 'reminder';
return trans("texts.{$entityType}_subject", ['invoice' => '$invoice', 'account' => '$account']);
public function getEmailSubject($entityType)
if ($this->isPro()) {
$field = "email_subject_{$entityType}";
$value = $this->$field;
if ($value) {
return $value;
return $this->getDefaultEmailSubject($entityType);
public function getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false)
if (strpos($entityType, 'reminder') !== false) {
$entityType = ENTITY_INVOICE;
$template = "<div>\$client,</div><br>";
if ($this->isPro() && $this->email_design_id != EMAIL_DESIGN_PLAIN) {
$template .= "<div>" . trans("texts.{$entityType}_message_button", ['amount' => '$amount']) . "</div><br>" .
"<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\$viewButton</div><br>";
} else {
$template .= "<div>" . trans("texts.{$entityType}_message", ['amount' => '$amount']) . "</div><br>" .
if ($message) {
$template .= "$message<p/>\r\n\r\n";
return $template . "\$footer";
public function getEmailTemplate($entityType, $message = false)
$template = false;
if ($this->isPro()) {
$field = "email_template_{$entityType}";
$template = $this->$field;
if (!$template) {
$template = $this->getDefaultEmailTemplate($entityType, $message);
// <br/> is causing page breaks with the email designs
return str_replace('/>', ' />', $template);
public function getEmailFooter()
if ($this->email_footer) {
// Add line breaks if HTML isn't already being used
return strip_tags($this->email_footer) == $this->email_footer ? nl2br($this->email_footer) : $this->email_footer;
} else {
return "<p>" . trans('texts.email_signature') . "\n<br>\$account</ p>";
public function getReminderDate($reminder)
if ( ! $this->{"enable_reminder{$reminder}"}) {
return false;
$numDays = $this->{"num_days_reminder{$reminder}"};
$plusMinus = $this->{"direction_reminder{$reminder}"} == REMINDER_DIRECTION_AFTER ? '-' : '+';
return date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$plusMinus $numDays days"));
public function getInvoiceReminder($invoice)
for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
if ($date = $this->getReminderDate($i)) {
$field = $this->{"field_reminder{$i}"} == REMINDER_FIELD_DUE_DATE ? 'due_date' : 'invoice_date';
if ($invoice->$field == $date) {
return "reminder{$i}";
return false;
public function showTokenCheckbox()
if (!$this->isGatewayConfigured(GATEWAY_STRIPE)) {
return false;
return $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_IN
|| $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_OUT;
public function selectTokenCheckbox()
return $this->token_billing_type_id == TOKEN_BILLING_OPT_OUT;
public function getSiteUrl()
$url = SITE_URL;
$iframe_url = $this->iframe_url;
if ($iframe_url) {
return "{$iframe_url}/?";
} else if ($this->subdomain) {
$url = Utils::replaceSubdomain($url, $this->subdomain);
return $url;
public function checkSubdomain($host)
if (!$this->subdomain) {
return true;
$server = explode('.', $host);
$subdomain = $server[0];
if (!in_array($subdomain, ['app', 'www']) && $subdomain != $this->subdomain) {
return false;
return true;
public function showCustomField($field, $entity)
if ($this->isPro()) {
return $this->$field ? true : false;
if (!$entity) {
return false;
// convert (for example) 'custom_invoice_label1' to 'invoice.custom_value1'
$field = str_replace(['invoice_', 'label'], ['', 'value'], $field);
return Utils::isEmpty($entity->$field) ? false : true;
public function attatchPDF()
return $this->isPro() && $this->pdf_email_attachment;
public function getEmailDesignId()
return $this->isPro() ? $this->email_design_id : EMAIL_DESIGN_PLAIN;
public function clientViewCSS(){
$css = null;
if ($this->isPro()) {
$bodyFont = $this->getBodyFontCss();
$headerFont = $this->getHeaderFontCss();
$css = 'body{'.$bodyFont.'}';
if ($headerFont != $bodyFont) {
$css .= 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6{'.$headerFont.'}';
if ((Utils::isNinja() && $this->isPro()) || $this->isWhiteLabel()) {
// For self-hosted users, a white-label license is required for custom CSS
$css .= $this->client_view_css;
return $css;
public function hasLargeFont()
return stripos($this->getBodyFontName(), 'chinese') || stripos($this->getHeaderFontName(), 'chinese');
public function getFontsUrl($protocol = ''){
$bodyFont = $this->getHeaderFontId();
$headerFont = $this->getBodyFontId();
$bodyFontSettings = Utils::getFromCache($bodyFont, 'fonts');
$google_fonts = array($bodyFontSettings['google_font']);
if($headerFont != $bodyFont){
$headerFontSettings = Utils::getFromCache($headerFont, 'fonts');
$google_fonts[] = $headerFontSettings['google_font'];
return ($protocol?$protocol.':':'').'//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.implode('|',$google_fonts);
public function getHeaderFontId() {
return ($this->isPro() && $this->header_font_id) ? $this->header_font_id : DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT;
public function getBodyFontId() {
return ($this->isPro() && $this->body_font_id) ? $this->body_font_id : DEFAULT_BODY_FONT;
public function getHeaderFontName(){
return Utils::getFromCache($this->getHeaderFontId(), 'fonts')['name'];
public function getBodyFontName(){
return Utils::getFromCache($this->getBodyFontId(), 'fonts')['name'];
public function getHeaderFontCss($include_weight = true){
$font_data = Utils::getFromCache($this->getHeaderFontId(), 'fonts');
$css = 'font-family:'.$font_data['css_stack'].';';
$css .= 'font-weight:'.$font_data['css_weight'].';';
return $css;
public function getBodyFontCss($include_weight = true){
$font_data = Utils::getFromCache($this->getBodyFontId(), 'fonts');
$css = 'font-family:'.$font_data['css_stack'].';';
$css .= 'font-weight:'.$font_data['css_weight'].';';
return $css;
public function getFonts(){
return array_unique(array($this->getHeaderFontId(), $this->getBodyFontId()));
public function getFontsData(){
$data = array();
foreach($this->getFonts() as $font){
$data[] = Utils::getFromCache($font, 'fonts');
return $data;
public function getFontFolders(){
return array_map(function($item){return $item['folder'];}, $this->getFontsData());
Account::updated(function ($account) {
Event::fire(new UserSettingsChanged());