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synced 2024-11-10 21:22:58 +01:00
* Adopt Laravel coding style The Laravel framework adopts the PSR-2 coding style with some additions. Laravel apps *should* adopt this coding style as well. However, Shift allows you to customize the adopted coding style by adding your own [PHP CS Fixer][1] `.php_cs` config to your project. You may use [Shift's .php_cs][2] file as a base. [1]: https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer [2]: https://gist.github.com/laravel-shift/cab527923ed2a109dda047b97d53c200 * Shift bindings PHP 5.5.9+ adds the new static `class` property which provides the fully qualified class name. This is preferred over using class name strings as these references are checked by the parser. * Shift core files * Shift to Throwable * Add laravel/ui dependency * Unindent vendor mail templates * Shift config files * Default config files In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files easier, Shift defaulted them so you can review the commit diff for changes. Moving forward, you should use ENV variables or create a separate config file to allow the core config files to remain automatically upgradeable. * Shift Laravel dependencies * Shift cleanup * Upgrade to Laravel 7 Co-authored-by: Laravel Shift <shift@laravelshift.com>
621 lines
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621 lines
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* Invoice Ninja (https://invoiceninja.com).
* @link https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2020. Invoice Ninja LLC (https://invoiceninja.com)
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AAL
namespace App\DataMapper;
use App\DataMapper\CompanySettings;
use App\Utils\Traits\MakesHash;
* CompanySettings.
class CompanySettings extends BaseSettings
use MakesHash;
/*Group settings based on functionality*/
public $auto_archive_invoice = false;
public $lock_invoices = 'off'; //off,when_sent,when_paid
public $enable_client_portal_tasks = false;
public $enable_client_portal_password = false;
public $enable_client_portal = true; //implemented
public $enable_client_portal_dashboard = true; //implemented
public $signature_on_pdf = false;
public $document_email_attachment = false;
//public $send_portal_password = false;
public $portal_design_id = '1';
public $timezone_id = '';
public $date_format_id = '';
public $military_time = false;
public $language_id = '';
public $show_currency_code = false;
public $company_gateway_ids = '';
public $currency_id = '1';
public $custom_value1 = '';
public $custom_value2 = '';
public $custom_value3 = '';
public $custom_value4 = '';
public $default_task_rate = 0;
public $payment_terms = '';
public $send_reminders = false;
public $custom_message_dashboard = '';
public $custom_message_unpaid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_paid_invoice = '';
public $custom_message_unapproved_quote = '';
public $auto_archive_quote = false;
public $auto_convert_quote = true;
public $auto_email_invoice = true;
public $inclusive_taxes = false;
public $quote_footer = '';
public $translations;
public $counter_number_applied = 'when_saved'; // when_saved , when_sent
public $quote_number_applied = 'when_saved'; // when_saved , when_sent
/* Counters */
public $invoice_number_pattern = '';
public $invoice_number_counter = 1;
public $quote_number_pattern = '';
public $quote_number_counter = 1;
public $client_number_pattern = '';
public $client_number_counter = 1;
public $credit_number_pattern = '';
public $credit_number_counter = 1;
public $task_number_pattern = '';
public $task_number_counter = 1;
public $expense_number_pattern = '';
public $expense_number_counter = 1;
public $vendor_number_pattern = '';
public $vendor_number_counter = 1;
public $ticket_number_pattern = '';
public $ticket_number_counter = 1;
public $payment_number_pattern = '';
public $payment_number_counter = 1;
public $shared_invoice_quote_counter = false;
public $recurring_number_prefix = 'R';
public $reset_counter_frequency_id = '0';
public $reset_counter_date = '';
public $counter_padding = 4;
public $auto_bill = 'off'; //off,always,optin,optout
public $design = 'views/pdf/design1.blade.php';
public $invoice_terms = '';
public $quote_terms = '';
public $invoice_taxes = 0;
// public $enabled_item_tax_rates = 0;
public $invoice_design_id = 'VolejRejNm';
public $quote_design_id = 'VolejRejNm';
public $credit_design_id = 'VolejRejNm';
public $invoice_footer = '';
public $credit_footer = '';
public $credit_terms = '';
public $invoice_labels = '';
public $tax_name1 = '';
public $tax_rate1 = 0;
public $tax_name2 = '';
public $tax_rate2 = 0;
public $tax_name3 = '';
public $tax_rate3 = 0;
public $payment_type_id = '0';
public $invoice_fields = '';
public $show_accept_invoice_terms = false;
public $show_accept_quote_terms = false;
public $require_invoice_signature = false;
public $require_quote_signature = false;
//email settings
public $email_sending_method = 'default'; //enum 'default','gmail'
public $gmail_sending_user_id = '0';
public $reply_to_email = '';
public $bcc_email = '';
public $pdf_email_attachment = false;
public $ubl_email_attachment = false;
public $email_style = 'light'; //plain, light, dark, custom
public $email_style_custom = ''; //the template itself
public $email_subject_invoice = '';
public $email_subject_quote = '';
public $email_subject_payment = '';
public $email_subject_payment_partial = '';
public $email_subject_statement = '';
public $email_template_invoice = '';
public $email_template_quote = '';
public $email_template_payment = '';
public $email_template_payment_partial = '';
public $email_template_statement = '';
public $email_subject_reminder1 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder2 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder3 = '';
public $email_subject_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_template_reminder1 = '';
public $email_template_reminder2 = '';
public $email_template_reminder3 = '';
public $email_template_reminder_endless = '';
public $email_signature = '';
public $enable_email_markup = true;
public $email_subject_custom1 = '';
public $email_subject_custom2 = '';
public $email_subject_custom3 = '';
public $email_template_custom1 = '';
public $email_template_custom2 = '';
public $email_template_custom3 = '';
public $enable_reminder1 = false;
public $enable_reminder2 = false;
public $enable_reminder3 = false;
public $num_days_reminder1 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder2 = 0;
public $num_days_reminder3 = 0;
public $schedule_reminder1 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder2 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $schedule_reminder3 = ''; // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
public $reminder_send_time = 32400; //number of seconds from UTC +0 to send reminders
public $late_fee_amount1 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount2 = 0;
public $late_fee_amount3 = 0;
public $endless_reminder_frequency_id = '0';
public $late_fee_endless_amount = 0;
public $late_fee_endless_percent = 0;
public $client_online_payment_notification = true; //@todo implement in notifications
public $client_manual_payment_notification = true; //@todo implement in notifications
/* Company Meta data that we can use to build sub companies*/
public $name = '';
public $company_logo = '';
public $website = '';
public $address1 = '';
public $address2 = '';
public $city = '';
public $state = '';
public $postal_code = '';
public $phone = '';
public $email = '';
public $country_id;
public $vat_number = '';
public $id_number = '';
public $page_size = 'A4'; //Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6
public $font_size = 9;
public $primary_font = 'Roboto';
public $secondary_font = 'Roboto';
public $hide_paid_to_date = false;
public $embed_documents = false;
public $all_pages_header = false;
public $all_pages_footer = false;
public $pdf_variables = '';
public $portal_custom_head = '';
public $portal_custom_css = '';
public $portal_custom_footer = '';
public $portal_custom_js = '';
public $client_can_register = false;
public $client_portal_terms = '';
public $client_portal_privacy_policy = '';
public $client_portal_enable_uploads = false;
public $client_portal_allow_under_payment = false;
public $client_portal_allow_over_payment = false;
public static $casts = [
'client_portal_allow_under_payment' => 'bool',
'client_portal_allow_over_payment' => 'bool',
'auto_bill' => 'string',
'lock_invoices' => 'string',
'client_portal_terms' => 'string',
'client_portal_privacy_policy' => 'string',
'client_can_register' => 'bool',
'portal_design_id' => 'string',
'late_fee_endless_percent' => 'float',
'late_fee_endless_amount' => 'float',
'auto_email_invoice' => 'bool',
'reminder_send_time' => 'int',
'email_sending_method' => 'string',
'gmail_sending_user_id' => 'string',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'counter_number_applied' => 'string',
'quote_number_applied' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom1' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom2' => 'string',
'email_subject_custom3' => 'string',
'email_template_custom1' => 'string',
'email_template_custom2' => 'string',
'email_template_custom3' => 'string',
'enable_reminder1' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder2' => 'bool',
'enable_reminder3' => 'bool',
'num_days_reminder1' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder2' => 'int',
'num_days_reminder3' => 'int',
'schedule_reminder1' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder2' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'schedule_reminder3' => 'string', // (enum: after_invoice_date, before_due_date, after_due_date)
'late_fee_amount1' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount2' => 'float',
'late_fee_amount3' => 'float',
'endless_reminder_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'client_online_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'client_manual_payment_notification' => 'bool',
'document_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'enable_email_markup' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal' => 'bool',
'email_template_statement' => 'string',
'email_subject_statement' => 'string',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'bool',
// 'send_portal_password' => 'bool',
'quote_footer' => 'string',
'page_size' => 'string',
'font_size' => 'int',
'primary_font' => 'string',
'secondary_font' => 'string',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'bool',
'embed_documents' => 'bool',
'all_pages_header' => 'bool',
'all_pages_footer' => 'bool',
'task_number_pattern' => 'string',
'task_number_counter' => 'int',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'string',
'expense_number_counter' => 'int',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'string',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'int',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'string',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'int',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'string',
'payment_number_counter' => 'int',
'reply_to_email' => 'string',
'bcc_email' => 'string',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'ubl_email_attachment' => 'bool',
'email_style' => 'string',
'email_style_custom' => 'string',
'company_gateway_ids' => 'string',
'address1' => 'string',
'address2' => 'string',
'city' => 'string',
'company_logo' => 'string',
'country_id' => 'string',
'client_number_pattern' => 'string',
'client_number_counter' => 'integer',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'string',
'credit_number_counter' => 'integer',
'currency_id' => 'string',
'custom_value1' => 'string',
'custom_value2' => 'string',
'custom_value3' => 'string',
'custom_value4' => 'string',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'string',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'string',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'string',
'default_task_rate' => 'float',
'email_signature' => 'string',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'string',
'email_subject_quote' => 'string',
'email_subject_payment' => 'string',
'email_subject_payment_partial' => 'string',
'email_template_invoice' => 'string',
'email_template_quote' => 'string',
'email_template_payment' => 'string',
'email_template_payment_partial' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_subject_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder1' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder2' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder3' => 'string',
'email_template_reminder_endless' => 'string',
'enable_client_portal_password' => 'bool',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'bool',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'string',
'invoice_number_counter' => 'integer',
'invoice_design_id' => 'string',
'invoice_fields' => 'string',
'invoice_taxes' => 'int',
//'enabled_item_tax_rates' => 'int',
'invoice_footer' => 'string',
'invoice_labels' => 'string',
'invoice_terms' => 'string',
'credit_footer' => 'string',
'credit_terms' => 'string',
'name' => 'string',
'payment_terms' => 'string',
'payment_type_id' => 'string',
'phone' => 'string',
'postal_code' => 'string',
'quote_design_id' => 'string',
'credit_design_id' => 'string',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'string',
'quote_number_counter' => 'integer',
'quote_terms' => 'string',
'recurring_number_prefix' => 'string',
'reset_counter_frequency_id' => 'integer',
'reset_counter_date' => 'string',
'require_invoice_signature' => 'bool',
'require_quote_signature' => 'bool',
'state' => 'string',
'email' => 'string',
'vat_number' => 'string',
'id_number' => 'string',
'tax_name1' => 'string',
'tax_name2' => 'string',
'tax_name3' => 'string',
'tax_rate1' => 'float',
'tax_rate2' => 'float',
'tax_rate3' => 'float',
'show_accept_quote_terms' => 'bool',
'show_accept_invoice_terms' => 'bool',
'timezone_id' => 'string',
'date_format_id' => 'string',
'military_time' => 'bool',
'language_id' => 'string',
'show_currency_code' => 'bool',
'send_reminders' => 'bool',
'enable_client_portal_tasks' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'bool',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'bool',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'bool',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'bool',
'counter_padding' => 'integer',
'design' => 'string',
'website' => 'string',
'pdf_variables' => 'object',
'portal_custom_head' => 'string',
'portal_custom_css' => 'string',
'portal_custom_footer' => 'string',
'portal_custom_js' => 'string',
'client_portal_enable_uploads' => 'bool',
public static $free_plan_casts = [
'currency_id' => 'string',
'company_gateway_ids' => 'string',
'address1' => 'string',
'address2' => 'string',
'city' => 'string',
'company_logo' => 'string',
'country_id' => 'string',
'custom_value1' => 'string',
'custom_value2' => 'string',
'custom_value3' => 'string',
'custom_value4' => 'string',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'bool',
'name' => 'string',
'payment_terms' => 'string',
'payment_type_id' => 'string',
'phone' => 'string',
'postal_code' => 'string',
'state' => 'string',
'email' => 'string',
'vat_number' => 'string',
'id_number' => 'string',
'tax_name1' => 'string',
'tax_name2' => 'string',
'tax_name3' => 'string',
'tax_rate1' => 'float',
'tax_rate2' => 'float',
'tax_rate3' => 'float',
'timezone_id' => 'string',
'date_format_id' => 'string',
'military_time' => 'bool',
'language_id' => 'string',
'show_currency_code' => 'bool',
'website' => 'string',
* Array of variables which
* cannot be modified client side.
public static $protected_fields = [
// 'credit_number_counter',
// 'invoice_number_counter',
// 'quote_number_counter',
public static $string_casts = [
* Cast object values and return entire class
* prevents missing properties from not being returned
* and always ensure an up to date class is returned.
* @return \stdClass
public function __construct($obj)
// parent::__construct($obj);
* Provides class defaults on init.
* @return object
public static function defaults():\stdClass
$config = json_decode(config('ninja.settings'));
$data = (object) get_class_vars(self::class);
$data->timezone_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.timezone_id');
$data->currency_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.currency_id');
$data->language_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.language_id');
$data->payment_terms = (string) config('ninja.i18n.payment_terms');
$data->military_time = (bool) config('ninja.i18n.military_time');
$data->date_format_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.date_format_id');
$data->country_id = (string) config('ninja.i18n.country_id');
$data->translations = (object) [];
$data->pdf_variables = (object) self::getEntityVariableDefaults();
return self::setCasts($data, self::$casts);
* In case we update the settings object in the future we
* need to provide a fallback catch on old settings objects which will
* set new properties to the object prior to being returned.
* @param object $data The settings object to be checked
public static function setProperties($settings):\stdClass
$company_settings = (object) get_class_vars(self::class);
foreach ($company_settings as $key => $value) {
if (! property_exists($settings, $key)) {
$settings->{ $key} = self::castAttribute($key, $company_settings->{ $key});
return $settings;
public static function notificationDefaults()
$notification = new \stdClass;
$notification->email = ['all_notifications'];
return $notification;
private static function getEntityVariableDefaults()
$variables = [
'client_details' => [
'company_details' => [
'company_address' => [
'invoice_details' => [
'quote_details' => [
'credit_details' => [
'product_columns' => [
'task_columns' =>[
'total_columns' => [
return json_decode(json_encode($variables));