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$LANG = array(
'organization' => 'Организация',
'name' => 'Название',
'website' => 'Веб-сайт',
'work_phone' => 'Телефон',
'address' => 'Адрес',
'address1' => 'Улица',
'address2' => 'Дом/Офис',
'city' => 'Город',
'state' => 'Район',
'postal_code' => 'Почтовый код',
'country_id' => 'Страна',
'contacts' => 'Контакты',
'first_name' => 'Имя',
'last_name' => 'Фамилия',
'phone' => 'Телефон',
'email' => 'Эл. почта',
'additional_info' => 'Дополнительная информация',
'payment_terms' => 'Условия оплаты',
'currency_id' => 'Валюта',
'size_id' => 'Размер компании',
'industry_id' => 'Индустрия',
'private_notes' => 'Персональные заметки',
'invoice' => 'Счёт',
'client' => 'Клиент',
'invoice_date' => 'Дата счёта',
'due_date' => 'Срок оплаты',
'invoice_number' => 'Номер счёта',
'invoice_number_short' => '№ счёта',
'po_number' => 'Номер платежного поручения',
'po_number_short' => '№ платёжного поручения',
'frequency_id' => 'Как часто',
'discount' => 'Скидка',
'taxes' => 'Налоги',
'tax' => 'Налог',
'item' => 'Название',
'description' => 'Описание',
'unit_cost' => 'Стоимость за единицу',
'quantity' => 'Количество',
'line_total' => 'Всего',
'subtotal' => 'Промежуточный итог',
'net_subtotal' => 'Net',
'paid_to_date' => 'Оплачено',
'balance_due' => 'Неоплачено',
'invoice_design_id' => 'Дизайн',
'terms' => 'Условия',
'your_invoice' => 'Ваш счёт',
'remove_contact' => 'Удалить контакт',
'add_contact' => 'Добавить контакт',
'create_new_client' => 'Создать нового клиента',
'edit_client_details' => 'Изменить детали клиента',
'enable' => 'Включить',
'learn_more' => 'Узнать больше',
'manage_rates' => 'Управлять ставками',
'note_to_client' => 'Примечание клиенту',
'invoice_terms' => 'Условия счёта',
'save_as_default_terms' => 'Сохранить как условия по умлочанию',
'download_pdf' => 'Скачать PDF',
'pay_now' => 'Оплатить сейчас',
'save_invoice' => 'Сохранить счёт',
'clone_invoice' => 'Копировать в Счёт',
'archive_invoice' => 'Архивировать счёт',
'delete_invoice' => 'Удалить счёт',
'email_invoice' => 'Отправить счёт',
'enter_payment' => 'Добавить оплату',
'tax_rates' => 'Налоговые ставки',
'rate' => 'Ставка',
'settings' => 'Настройки',
'enable_invoice_tax' => 'Включить указание <b>налога на накладную</b>',
'enable_line_item_tax' => 'Включить указание <b>налогов по позициям</b>',
'dashboard' => 'Главная',
'dashboard_totals_in_all_currencies_help' => 'Примечание: добавьте :link с именем ":name", чтобы показать итоги в единой базовой валюте.',
'clients' => 'Клиенты',
'invoices' => 'Счета',
'payments' => 'Оплаты',
'credits' => 'Кредиты',
'history' => 'История',
'search' => 'Искать',
'sign_up' => 'Зарегистрироваться',
'guest' => 'Гость',
'company_details' => 'Детали компании',
'online_payments' => 'Онлайн платежи',
'notifications' => 'Оповещения',
'import_export' => 'Импорт | Экспорт',
'done' => 'Готово',
'save' => 'Сохранить',
'create' => 'Создать',
'upload' => 'Загрузить',
'import' => 'Импорт',
'download' => 'Скачать',
'cancel' => 'Отмена',
'close' => 'Закрыть',
'provide_email' => 'Введите правильный адрес эл. почты',
'powered_by' => 'Разработано',
'no_items' => 'Нет товаров',
'recurring_invoices' => 'Повторяющиеся счета',
'recurring_help' => '<p>Автоматически отправлять клиентам одни и те же счета-фактуры еженедельно, раз в два месяца, ежемесячно, ежеквартально или ежегодно.</p>
<p>Используйте :MONTH, :QUARTER или :YEAR для динамических дат. Базовая математика также работает, например, :MONTH-1.</p>
<p>Примеры динамических переменных счета:</p>
<li>"Абонемент в спортзал на :MONTH" => "Абонемент в спортзал на июль"</li>
<li>":YEAR+1 годовая подписка" => "2015 годовая подписка"</li>
<li>"Вознаграждение за :QUARTER+1 квартал" => "Вознаграждение за 2 квартал"</li>
'recurring_quotes' => 'Повторяющиеся Прайс-листы',
'in_total_revenue' => 'в общем доходе',
'billed_client' => 'Выставленный счет',
'billed_clients' => 'Выставленные счета',
'active_client' => 'активный клиент',
'active_clients' => 'активные клиенты',
'invoices_past_due' => 'Просроченные счета',
'upcoming_invoices' => 'Текущие счета',
'average_invoice' => 'Средний счёт',
'archive' => 'Архивировать',
'delete' => 'Удалить',
'archive_client' => 'Архивировать клиента',
'delete_client' => 'Удалить клиента',
'archive_payment' => 'Архивировать оплату',
'delete_payment' => 'Удалить оплату',
'archive_credit' => 'Архивировать кредит',
'delete_credit' => 'Удалить кредит',
'show_archived_deleted' => 'Показать архивированные/удалённые',
'filter' => 'Фильтр',
'new_client' => 'Новый клиент',
'new_invoice' => 'Новый счёт',
'new_payment' => 'Добавить оплату',
'new_credit' => 'Добавить кредит',
'contact' => 'Контакт',
'date_created' => 'Дата создания',
'last_login' => 'Последний вход',
'balance' => 'К оплате',
'action' => 'Действие',
'status' => 'Статус',
'invoice_total' => 'Итого счёта',
'frequency' => 'Периодичность',
'range' => 'Диапазон',
'start_date' => 'Дата начала',
'end_date' => 'Дата завершения',
'transaction_reference' => 'Референс транзакции',
'method' => 'Метод',
'payment_amount' => 'Сумма платежа',
'payment_date' => 'Дата платежа',
'credit_amount' => 'Сумма кредита',
'credit_balance' => 'Баланс кредита',
'credit_date' => 'Дата кредита',
'empty_table' => 'Нет данных в таблице',
'select' => 'Выбрать',
'edit_client' => 'Изменить клиента',
'edit_invoice' => 'Изменить счёт',
'create_invoice' => 'Создать счёт',
'enter_credit' => 'Добавить кредит',
'last_logged_in' => 'Последний вход',
'details' => 'Детали',
'standing' => 'Состояние',
'credit' => 'Кредит',
'activity' => 'Активность',
'date' => 'Дата',
'message' => 'Сообщение',
'adjustment' => 'Корректировка',
'are_you_sure' => 'Вы уверены?',
'payment_type_id' => 'Способ оплаты',
'amount' => 'Всего',
'work_email' => 'Эл. почта',
'language_id' => 'Язык',
'timezone_id' => 'Временная зона',
'date_format_id' => 'Формат даты',
'datetime_format_id' => 'Формат даты/время',
'users' => 'Пользователи',
'localization' => 'Локализация',
'remove_logo' => 'Удалить логотип',
'logo_help' => 'Поддерживается: JPEG, GIF и PNG',
'payment_gateway' => 'Платежный шлюз',
'gateway_id' => 'Платёжный шлюз',
'email_notifications' => 'Уведомления по электронной почте',
'email_viewed' => 'Присылать е-мейл когда счёт <b>просмотрен</b>',
'email_paid' => 'Присылать е-мейл когда счёт <b>оплачен</b>',
'site_updates' => 'Обновления сайта',
'custom_messages' => 'Пользовательские сообщения',
'default_email_footer' => 'Установить <b>эл. подпись</b> по умолчанию',
'select_file' => 'Укажите файл',
'first_row_headers' => 'Использовать первую строку в качестве заголовков',
'column' => 'Столбец',
'sample' => 'Пример',
'import_to' => 'Импорт в',
'client_will_create' => 'клиент будет создан',
'clients_will_create' => 'клиенты будут созданы',
'email_settings' => 'Настройки эл. почты',
'client_view_styling' => 'Стиль просмотра клиента',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'Загрузить PDF',
'custom_css' => 'Пользовательские CSS',
'import_clients' => 'Импорт данных клиента',
'csv_file' => 'CSV-файл',
'export_clients' => 'Экспорт данных клиента',
'created_client' => 'Клиент успешно создан',
'created_clients' => 'Успешно создано :count клиента(ов)',
'updated_settings' => 'Настройки успешно обновлены',
'removed_logo' => 'Логотип успешно удалён',
'sent_message' => 'Сообщение успешно отправлено',
'invoice_error' => 'Обязательно выберите клиента и исправьте ошибки.',
'limit_clients' => 'Sorry, this will exceed the limit of :count clients. Please upgrade to a paid plan.',
'payment_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при обработке вашего платежа. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже.',
'registration_required' => 'Registration Required',
'confirmation_required' => 'Пожалуйста, подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты, :link, чтобы отправить письмо с подтверждением ещё раз.',
'updated_client' => 'Клиент успешно обновлён',
'archived_client' => 'Клиент успешно архивирован',
'archived_clients' => 'Успешно архивировано :count клиента(ов)',
'deleted_client' => 'Клиент успешно удалён',
'deleted_clients' => 'Успешно удалено :count клиента(ов)',
'updated_invoice' => 'Счет успешно обновлён',
'created_invoice' => 'Счет успешно создан',
'cloned_invoice' => 'Счет успешно скопирован',
'emailed_invoice' => 'Счет успешно отправлен по почте',
'and_created_client' => 'и создан клиент',
'archived_invoice' => 'Счет успешно архивирован',
'archived_invoices' => 'Успешно архивировано :count счта(ов)',
'deleted_invoice' => 'Счет успешно удалён',
'deleted_invoices' => 'Успешно удалено :count счта(ов)',
'created_payment' => 'Платёж успешно создан',
'created_payments' => 'Успешно создано :count платежа(ей)',
'archived_payment' => 'Платёж успешно архивирован',
'archived_payments' => 'Успешно архивировано :count платежа(ей)',
'deleted_payment' => 'Платёж успешно удалён',
'deleted_payments' => 'Успешно удалено :count платежа(ей)',
'applied_payment' => 'Платёж успешно принят',
'created_credit' => 'Кредит успешно создан',
'archived_credit' => 'Кредит успешно архивирован',
'archived_credits' => 'Успешно архивировано :count кредита(ов)',
'deleted_credit' => 'Кредит успешно удален',
'deleted_credits' => 'Успешно удалено :count кредита(ов)',
'imported_file' => 'Файл успешно импортирован',
'updated_vendor' => 'Поставщик успешно обновлён',
'created_vendor' => 'Поставщик успешно создан',
'archived_vendor' => 'Поставщик успешно архивирован',
'archived_vendors' => 'Успешно архивировано :count поставщика(ов)',
'deleted_vendor' => 'Поставщик успешно удалён',
'deleted_vendors' => 'Успешно удалено :count поставщика(ов)',
'confirmation_subject' => 'Account Confirmation',
'confirmation_header' => 'Подтверждение учетной записи',
'confirmation_message' => 'Чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись, перейдите по ссылке ниже.',
'invoice_subject' => 'Новый счет :number от :account',
'invoice_message' => 'Чтобы просмотреть свой счет за :amount, нажмите ссылку ниже.',
'payment_subject' => 'Оплата получена',
'payment_message' => 'Спасибо за платёжь на сумму :amount.',
'email_salutation' => 'Дорогой :name,',
'email_signature' => 'С Уважением,',
'email_from' => 'The Invoice Ninja Team',
'invoice_link_message' => 'Чтобы просмотреть счет, нажмите на ссылку ниже:',
'notification_invoice_paid_subject' => 'Счёт :invoice оплатил :client',
'notification_invoice_sent_subject' => 'Счёт :invoice отправлен :client',
'notification_invoice_viewed_subject' => 'Счёт :invoice просмотрен :client',
'notification_invoice_paid' => 'Оплата :amount была выполнена клиентом :client по счету :invoice.',
'notification_invoice_sent' => 'Клиенту :client было отправлено электронное письмо со счетом :invoice на сумму :amount.',
'notification_invoice_viewed' => 'Клиент :client просмотрел счет :invoice на сумму :amount.',
'stripe_payment_text' => 'Invoice :invoicenumber for :amount for client :client',
'stripe_payment_text_without_invoice' => 'Payment with no invoice for amount :amount for client :client',
'reset_password' => 'Вы можете сбросить пароль своей учетной записи, нажав следующую кнопку:',
'secure_payment' => 'Безопасная оплата',
'card_number' => 'Номер карты',
'expiration_month' => 'Месяц окончания',
'expiration_year' => 'Год окончания',
'cvv' => 'CVV',
'logout' => 'Выйти',
'sign_up_to_save' => 'Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы сохранить свою работу',
'agree_to_terms' => 'Я согласен с условиями Invoice Ninja :terms ',
'terms_of_service' => 'Условия использования',
'email_taken' => 'Адрес электронной почты уже зарегистрирован',
'working' => 'В работе',
'success' => 'Удачно',
'success_message' => 'Вы успешно зарегистрировались! Чтобы подтвердить свой адрес электронной почты, перейдите по ссылке в электронном письме с подтверждением учетной записи.',
'erase_data' => 'Ваша учетная запись не зарегистрирована, это навсегда удалит ваши данные.',
'password' => 'Пароль',
'pro_plan_product' => 'Pro План',
'pro_plan_success' => 'Спасибо, что выбрали Pro план Invoice Ninja!<p/>&nbsp;<br/>
<b>Следующий шаг</b><p/>Счет на оплату был отправлен по электронной почте
на адрес, связанный с вашей учетной записью. Чтобы разблокировать все потрясающие
функции Pro плана, следуйте инструкциям в счете, чтобы заплатить
за год Pro-уровня.<p/>
Не можете найти счет? Нужна дополнительная помощь? Мы будем рады помочь
-- напишите нам письмо на contact@invoiceninja.com',
'unsaved_changes' => 'У вас есть несохраненные изменения',
'custom_fields' => 'Настраиваемые поля',
'company_fields' => 'Поля компании',
'client_fields' => 'Поля клиента',
'field_label' => 'Поле надписи',
'field_value' => 'Поле значения',
'edit' => 'Редактировать',
'set_name' => 'Укажите название своей компании',
'view_as_recipient' => 'Просмотреть как получатель',
'product_library' => 'Библиотека товаров/услуг',
'product' => 'Товар/услуга',
'products' => 'Товары/Услуги',
'fill_products' => 'Автозаполнение товаров/услуг',
'fill_products_help' => 'Выбор товара/услуги автоматически <b>заполнит описание и стоимость</b>',
'update_products' => 'Автообновление товаров/услуг',
'update_products_help' => 'Обновление счета автоматически <b>обновит библиотеку товаров/услуг</b>',
'create_product' => 'Добавить товар/услугу',
'edit_product' => 'Редактировать товар/услугу',
'archive_product' => 'Архивировать товар/услугу',
'updated_product' => 'Информация о товаре/услуге успешно обновлёна',
'created_product' => 'Товар/услуга успешно создан',
'archived_product' => 'Товар/услуга перенесен в архив',
'pro_plan_custom_fields' => ':link настройте поля, оформив подписку',
'advanced_settings' => 'Расширенные настройки',
'pro_plan_advanced_settings' => ':link откройте расширенные настройки, оформив подписку',
'invoice_design' => 'Дизайн счёта',
'specify_colors' => 'Настроить цвета',
'specify_colors_label' => 'Выбрать цвета, используемые в счете',
'chart_builder' => 'Конструктор диаграмм',
'ninja_email_footer' => 'Created by :site | Create. Send. Get Paid.',
'go_pro' => 'Оформите Pro-подписку',
'quote' => 'Котировка',
'quotes' => 'Прайс-листы',
'quote_number' => 'Номер котировки',
'quote_number_short' => 'Номер котировки',
'quote_date' => 'Дата котировки',
'quote_total' => 'Всего',
'your_quote' => 'Ваша Котировка',
'total' => 'Всего',
'clone' => 'Копировать',
'new_quote' => 'Новая котировка',
'create_quote' => 'Создать котировку',
'edit_quote' => 'Изменить котировку',
'archive_quote' => 'Архивировать котировку',
'delete_quote' => 'Удалить котировку',
'save_quote' => 'Сохранить котировку',
'email_quote' => 'Отправить прайс-лист',
'clone_quote' => 'Копировать в Котировку',
'convert_to_invoice' => 'Конвертировать в счёт',
'view_invoice' => 'Посмотреть счет',
'view_client' => 'Просмотр клиента',
'view_quote' => 'Просмотреть Котировку',
'updated_quote' => 'Прайс-лист успешно обновлён',
'created_quote' => 'Прайс-лист успешно создан',
'cloned_quote' => 'Прайс-лист успешно скопирован',
'emailed_quote' => 'Прайс-лист успешно отправлен',
'archived_quote' => 'Прайс-лист перемещен в архив',
'archived_quotes' => 'Перенесено в архив :count котировок',
'deleted_quote' => 'Котировка успешно удалена',
'deleted_quotes' => 'Successfully deleted :count quotes',
'converted_to_invoice' => 'Successfully converted quote to invoice',
'quote_subject' => 'New quote :number from :account',
'quote_message' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the link below.',
'quote_link_message' => 'To view your client quote click the link below:',
'notification_quote_sent_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_quote_viewed_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_quote_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_quote_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Quote :invoice for :amount.',
'session_expired' => 'Сеанс завершен',
'invoice_fields' => 'Поля счёта',
'invoice_options' => 'Настройки счета',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'Скрыть "Оплатить до"',
'hide_paid_to_date_help' => 'Показывать только «Оплатить до» в ваших счетах после получения платежа.',
'charge_taxes' => 'Расчёт налогов',
'user_management' => 'Управление пользователями',
'add_user' => 'Добавить пользователя',
'send_invite' => 'Отправить приглашение',
'sent_invite' => 'Приглашение успешно отправлено',
'updated_user' => 'Профиль пользователя успешно обновлён',
'invitation_message' => 'Вы получили приглашение от :invitor. ',
'register_to_add_user' => 'Войдите, чтобы добавить пользователя',
'user_state' => 'Страна',
'edit_user' => 'Редактировать',
'delete_user' => 'Удалить пользователя',
'active' => 'Активный',
'pending' => 'Ожидающий',
'deleted_user' => 'Пользователь удалён',
'confirm_email_invoice' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите отправить счет по почте?',
'confirm_email_quote' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите отправить прайс-лист по почте?',
'confirm_recurring_email_invoice' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите отправить счет по почте?',
'confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent' => 'Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?',
'cancel_account' => 'Удалить аккаунт',
'cancel_account_message' => 'Внимание: это приведет к безвозвратному удалению вашего аккаунта.',
'go_back' => 'Назад',
'data_visualizations' => 'Представление данных',
'sample_data' => 'Показаны образцы данных',
'hide' => 'Скрыть',
'new_version_available' => 'Доступна новая версия :releases_link. Вы используете v:user_version, последняя v:latest_version',
'invoice_settings' => 'Настройки счёта',
'invoice_number_prefix' => 'Префикс номера счёта',
'invoice_number_counter' => 'Счетчик номера счёта',
'quote_number_prefix' => 'Quote Number Prefix',
'quote_number_counter' => 'Quote Number Counter',
'share_invoice_counter' => 'Share invoice counter',
'invoice_issued_to' => 'Счёт выставлен',
'invalid_counter' => 'Для предотвращения конфликта, пожалуйста, установите префикс номера счета или котировки',
'mark_sent' => 'Отметить отправленным',
'gateway_help_1' => ':link зарегистрироваться на Authorize.net.',
'gateway_help_2' => ':link зарегистрироваться на Authorize.net.',
'gateway_help_17' => ':link получите API-подпись PayPal .',
'gateway_help_27' => ':link для регистрации на 2Checkout.com. Чтобы обеспечить отслеживание платежей, установите: complete_link в качестве URL-адреса переадресации в разделе «Учетная запись»> «Управление сайтом» на портале «2Checkout».',
'gateway_help_60' => ':link to create a WePay account.',
'more_designs' => 'Больше шаблонов',
'more_designs_title' => 'Дополнительные шаблоны счетов',
'more_designs_cloud_header' => 'Оформите Pro-подписку, чтобы получить новые шаблоны',
'more_designs_cloud_text' => '',
'more_designs_self_host_text' => '',
'buy' => 'Купить',
'bought_designs' => 'Добавлены дополнительные шаблоны счетов',
'sent' => 'Отправить',
'vat_number' => ' регистрационный номер плательщика НДС',
'timesheets' => 'Табель времени',
'payment_title' => 'Укажите адрес для выставления счетов и информацию о кредитной карте',
'payment_cvv' => '*This is the 3-4 digit number on the back of your card',
'payment_footer1' => '*Адрес должен совпадать с адресом карты',
'payment_footer2' => '* Пожалуйста, нажмите «Оплатить» только один раз - транзакция может занять до 1 минуты.',
'id_number' => 'Идентификационный номер',
'white_label_link' => 'White label',
'white_label_header' => 'White Label',
'bought_white_label' => 'Успешно активирована лицензия White Label',
'white_labeled' => 'White labeled',
'restore' => 'Восстановить',
'restore_invoice' => 'Восстановить счёт',
'restore_quote' => 'Restore Quote',
'restore_client' => 'Восстановить клиента',
'restore_credit' => 'Восстановить кредит',
'restore_payment' => 'Восстановить платёж',
'restored_invoice' => 'Счёт успешно восстановлен',
'restored_quote' => 'Successfully restored quote',
'restored_client' => 'Клиент восстановлен',
'restored_payment' => 'Платёж восстановлен',
'restored_credit' => 'Кредит восстановлен',
'reason_for_canceling' => 'Help us improve our site by telling us why you\'re leaving.',
'discount_percent' => 'Процент',
'discount_amount' => 'Всего',
'invoice_history' => 'История счёта',
'quote_history' => 'История котировок',
'current_version' => 'Текущая версия',
'select_version' => 'Выбрать версию',
'view_history' => 'Просмотр истории',
'edit_payment' => 'Редактировать оплату',
'updated_payment' => 'Платёж успешно обновлён',
'deleted' => 'Удален',
'restore_user' => 'Восстановить пользователя',
'restored_user' => 'Пользователь успешно восстановлен',
'show_deleted_users' => 'Показать удалённых пользователей',
'email_templates' => 'Шаблоны писем',
'invoice_email' => 'Письмо',
'payment_email' => 'Платежный адрес эл. почты',
'quote_email' => 'Quote Email',
'reset_all' => 'Сбросить всё',
'approve' => 'Одобрить',
'token_billing_type_id' => 'Token Billing',
'token_billing_help' => 'Храните данные о платежах с помощью WePay, Stripe, Braintree или GoCardless.',
'token_billing_1' => 'Отключен',
'token_billing_2' => 'Флажок «Нет в наличии» отображается, но не отмечен.',
'token_billing_3' => 'Флажок «Нет в наличии» отображается и отмечен.',
'token_billing_4' => 'Всегда',
'token_billing_checkbox' => 'Сохранить данные кредитной карты',
'view_in_gateway' => 'Просмотр через :gateway',
'use_card_on_file' => 'Используйте карту или файл',
'edit_payment_details' => 'Изменить платежные данные',
'token_billing' => 'Сохранить данные карты',
'token_billing_secure' => 'Данные хранятся безопасно: link',
'support' => 'Поддержка',
'contact_information' => 'Контактная информация',
'256_encryption' => '256-битное шифрование',
'amount_due' => 'Сумма долга',
'billing_address' => 'Адрес для выставления счетов',
'billing_method' => 'Способ оплаты',
'order_overview' => 'Обзор заказа',
'match_address' => '*Адрес должен совпадать с адресом карты',
'click_once' => '* Пожалуйста, нажмите «Оплатить» только один раз - транзакция может занять до 1 минуты.',
'invoice_footer' => 'Нижний колонтитул счета',
'save_as_default_footer' => 'Сделать колонтитулом по умолчанию',
'token_management' => 'Token Management',
'tokens' => 'Токены',
'add_token' => 'Добавить Токен',
'show_deleted_tokens' => 'Показать удалённый токены',
'deleted_token' => 'Токен успешно удалён',
'created_token' => 'Токен создан',
'updated_token' => 'Токен обновлён',
'edit_token' => 'Изменить права',
'delete_token' => 'Удалить права',
'token' => 'Права',
'add_gateway' => 'Добавить платёжный шлюз',
'delete_gateway' => 'Удалить платежный шлюз',
'edit_gateway' => 'Изменить платёжный шлюз',
'updated_gateway' => 'Платёжный шлюз успешно обновлён',
'created_gateway' => 'Платёжный шлюз успешно создан',
'deleted_gateway' => 'Платёжный шлюз успешно удалён',
'pay_with_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'pay_with_card' => 'Кредитная карта',
'change_password' => 'Изменить пароль',
'current_password' => 'Текущий пароль',
'new_password' => 'Новый пароль',
'confirm_password' => 'Подтвердите пароль',
'password_error_incorrect' => 'Текущий пароль неверный',
'password_error_invalid' => 'Новый пароль неверный',
'updated_password' => 'Пароль успешно обновлён',
'api_tokens' => 'API токены',
'users_and_tokens' => 'Пользователи и права',
'account_login' => 'Логин',
'recover_password' => 'Восстановить пароль',
'forgot_password' => 'Забыли пароль?',
'email_address' => 'Адрес эл.почты',
'lets_go' => 'Вперед',
'password_recovery' => 'Восстановление пароля',
'send_email' => 'Отправить эл.почту',
'set_password' => 'Установить пароль',
'converted' => 'Преобразован',
'email_approved' => 'Сообщать по почте, когда котировка <b>одобрена</b>',
'notification_quote_approved_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was approved by :client',
'notification_quote_approved' => 'Клиент :client одобрил счет :invoice на сумму :amount.',
'resend_confirmation' => 'Отправить письмо для подтверждения еще раз',
'confirmation_resent' => 'Письмо для подтверждения было заново отправлено',
'gateway_help_42' => ':link для регистрации на BitPay.<br/>Примечание: используйте API-интерфейс Legacy API, а не токен API.',
'payment_type_credit_card' => 'Кредитная карта',
'payment_type_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'payment_type_bitcoin' => 'Биткоин',
'payment_type_gocardless' => 'GoCardless',
'knowledge_base' => 'База знаний',
'partial' => 'Частичная оплата',
'partial_remaining' => ':partial из :balance',
'more_fields' => 'Доп. поля',
'less_fields' => 'Скрыть поля',
'client_name' => 'Имя клиента',
'pdf_settings' => 'Настройки PDF',
'product_settings' => 'Настройки товара/услуги',
'auto_wrap' => 'Auto Line Wrap',
'duplicate_post' => 'Предупреждение: предыдущая страница была отправлена дважды. Повторная отправка была отклонена.',
'view_documentation' => 'Просмотр документации',
'app_title' => 'Free Open-Source Online Invoicing',
'app_description' => 'Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers. With Invoice Ninja, you can easily build and send beautiful invoices from any device that has access to the web. Your clients can print your invoices, download them as pdf files, and even pay you online from within the system.',
'rows' => 'строк',
'www' => 'www',
'logo' => 'Логотип',
'subdomain' => 'Поддомен',
'provide_name_or_email' => 'Укажите имя и адрес эл. почты',
'charts_and_reports' => 'Графики и отчеты',
'chart' => 'График',
'report' => 'Отчет',
'group_by' => 'Группировать',
'paid' => 'Оплачено',
'enable_report' => 'Отчет',
'enable_chart' => 'График',
'totals' => 'Итого',
'run' => 'Создать',
'export' => 'Экспорт',
'documentation' => 'Документация',
'zapier' => 'Zapier',
'recurring' => 'Повторяющийся',
'last_invoice_sent' => 'Последний счет отправлен :date',
'processed_updates' => 'Обновление прошло успешно',
'tasks' => 'Задание',
'new_task' => 'Новое задание',
'start_time' => 'Время начала',
'created_task' => 'Задание успешно создано',
'updated_task' => 'Задание успешно обновлено',
'edit_task' => 'Редактировать задание',
'clone_task' => 'Clone Task',
'archive_task' => 'Архивировать задание',
'restore_task' => 'Восстановить задание',
'delete_task' => 'Удалить задание',
'stop_task' => 'Остановить задание',
'time' => 'Время',
'start' => 'Старт',
'stop' => 'Стоп',
'now' => 'Сейчас',
'timer' => 'Таймер',
'manual' => 'Руководство',
'date_and_time' => 'Дата и время',
'second' => 'Секунда',
'seconds' => 'Секунды',
'minute' => 'Минута',
'minutes' => 'Минуты',
'hour' => 'Час',
'hours' => 'Часы',
'task_details' => 'Детали задания',
'duration' => 'Длительность',
'time_log' => 'Time Log',
'end_time' => 'Время завершения',
'end' => 'Завершить',
'invoiced' => 'Выставлен счёт',
'logged' => 'Учтено',
'running' => 'Выполняется',
'task_error_multiple_clients' => 'Задания могут относиться к разным клиентам',
'task_error_running' => 'Пожалуйста, остановить активные задания',
'task_error_invoiced' => 'Задания включены в счёт',
'restored_task' => 'Задание успешно восстановлено',
'archived_task' => 'Задание перенесено в архив',
'archived_tasks' => 'Перенесено в архив :count заданий',
'deleted_task' => 'Задание удалено',
'deleted_tasks' => 'Удалено :count заданий',
'create_task' => 'Создать задание',
'stopped_task' => 'Задание успешно остановлено',
'invoice_task' => 'Включить в счет',
'invoice_labels' => 'Invoice Labels',
'prefix' => 'Префикс',
'counter' => 'Счётчик',
'payment_type_dwolla' => 'Dwolla',
'gateway_help_43' => ':link регистрация на Dwolla',
'partial_value' => 'Должно быть больше нуля и меньше, чем всего',
'more_actions' => 'Больше',
'pro_plan_title' => 'NINJA PRO',
'pro_plan_call_to_action' => 'Оформить подписку!',
'pro_plan_feature1' => 'Создать несколько клиентов',
'pro_plan_feature2' => 'Доступ к 10 дополнительным шаблоны счетов',
'pro_plan_feature3' => 'Настраиваемый URL - "ВашБренд.InvoiceNinja.com"',
'pro_plan_feature4' => 'Удалить "Created by Invoice Ninja"',
'pro_plan_feature5' => 'Многопользовательский доступ и отслеживание активности',
'pro_plan_feature6' => 'Создание котировок и профессиональных счетов-фактур',
'pro_plan_feature7' => 'Настройка заголовков и нумерации полей счета',
'pro_plan_feature8' => 'Возможность прикрепления PDF-файлов к электронным письмам',
'resume' => 'Назад',
'break_duration' => 'Прервать',
'edit_details' => 'Изменить детали',
'work' => 'Работа',
'timezone_unset' => 'Нажмите :link, чтобы установить часовой пояс',
'click_here' => 'нажмите сюда',
'email_receipt' => 'Отправлять клиенту квитанцию об оплате по эл.почте ',
'created_payment_emailed_client' => 'Квитанция сформирована и отправлена клиенту',
'add_company' => 'Добавить компанию',
'untitled' => 'Без названия',
'new_company' => 'Новая компания',
'associated_accounts' => 'Аккаунты успешно связаны',
'unlinked_account' => 'Аккаунты отключены',
'login' => 'Логин',
'or' => 'или',
'email_error' => 'Не удалось отправить сообщение по электронной почте',
'confirm_recurring_timing' => 'Примечание: электронные письма отправляются в начале часа.',
'confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent' => 'Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.',
'payment_terms_help' => 'Устанавливает <b>дату выставления счета</b> по умолчанию',
'unlink_account' => 'Отключить аккаунт',
'unlink' => 'Отключить',
'show_address' => 'Показать адрес',
'show_address_help' => 'Требовать от клиента предоставления своего платежного адреса',
'update_address' => 'Обновить адрес',
'update_address_help' => 'Обновить адрес клиента предоставленными сведениями',
'times' => 'Время',
'set_now' => 'Установить сейчас',
'dark_mode' => 'Темная тема',
'dark_mode_help' => 'Используйте темный фон для боковых панелей',
'add_to_invoice' => 'Добавить в счет :invoice',
'create_new_invoice' => 'Создать новый счёт',
'task_errors' => 'Пожалуйста, исправьте перекрывающиеся интервалы',
'from' => 'От',
'to' => 'Кому',
'font_size' => 'Размер шрифта',
'primary_color' => 'Основной цвет',
'secondary_color' => 'Второстепенный цвет',
'customize_design' => 'Настроить шаблон',
'content' => 'Содержание',
'styles' => 'Стили',
'defaults' => 'По умолчанию',
'margins' => 'Границы',
'header' => 'Заголовок',
'footer' => 'Нижний колонтитул',
'custom' => 'Настроить',
'invoice_to' => 'Счет для',
'invoice_no' => 'Номер счета',
'quote_no' => 'Номер котировки',
'recent_payments' => 'Последние платежи',
'outstanding' => 'Исходящие',
'manage_companies' => 'Управлять компаниями',
'total_revenue' => 'Совокупный доход',
'current_user' => 'Текущий пользователь',
'new_recurring_invoice' => 'Создать повторяющийся счет',
'recurring_invoice' => 'Повторяющийся счет',
'new_recurring_quote' => 'New Recurring Quote',
'recurring_quote' => 'Recurring Quote',
'recurring_too_soon' => 'Слишком рано создавать следующий повторяющийся счет, который запланирован на :date',
'created_by_invoice' => 'Создан на основе :invoice',
'primary_user' => 'Основной пользователь',
'help' => 'Помощь',
'customize_help' => '<p>We use :pdfmake_link to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake :playground_link provides a great way to see the library in action.</p>
<p>If you need help figuring something out post a question to our :forum_link with the design you\'re using.</p>',
'playground' => 'playground',
'support_forum' => 'Форум поддержки',
'invoice_due_date' => 'Срок оплаты',
'quote_due_date' => 'Действителен до',
'valid_until' => 'Действителен до',
'reset_terms' => 'Условия по умолчанию',
'reset_footer' => 'Колонтитул по умолчанию',
'invoice_sent' => ':count счет отправлен',
'invoices_sent' => ':count счетов отправлено',
'status_draft' => 'Черновик',
'status_sent' => 'Отправлено',
'status_viewed' => 'Просмотрено',
'status_partial' => 'Частично',
'status_paid' => 'Оплачено',
'status_unpaid' => 'Неоплачено',
'status_all' => 'Все',
'show_line_item_tax' => 'Display <b>line item taxes inline</b>',
'iframe_url' => 'Веб-сайт',
'iframe_url_help1' => 'Скопируйте следующий код на страницу своего сайта.',
'iframe_url_help2' => 'Вы можете протестировать эту функцию счета, нажав «Просмотр как получатель».',
'auto_bill' => 'Авто-счет',
'military_time' => '24-часовой формат',
'last_sent' => 'Последний отправленный',
'reminder_emails' => 'Письма-напоминания',
'quote_reminder_emails' => 'Quote Reminder Emails',
'templates_and_reminders' => 'Шаблоны и Напоминания',
'subject' => 'Тема',
'body' => 'Содержание',
'first_reminder' => 'Первое напоминание',
'second_reminder' => 'Второе напоминание',
'third_reminder' => 'Третье напоминание',
'num_days_reminder' => 'Дней просрочено',
'reminder_subject' => 'Напоминание: Счет :invoice от :account',
'reset' => 'Сбросить',
'invoice_not_found' => 'Запрошенный счет недоступен',
'referral_program' => 'Реферальная программа',
'referral_code' => 'Реферальная ссылка',
'last_sent_on' => 'Отправлено последним :date',
'page_expire' => 'Эта страница скоро будет сброшена, чтобы продолжить работу нажмите :click_here.',
'upcoming_quotes' => 'Входящие Прайс-листы',
'expired_quotes' => 'Expired Quotes',
'sign_up_using' => 'Войти, используя',
'invalid_credentials' => 'Учетные данные не найдены',
'show_all_options' => 'Показать все варианты',
'user_details' => 'Данные пользователя',
'oneclick_login' => 'Связанный Аккаунт',
'disable' => 'Отключить',
'invoice_quote_number' => 'Номера счетов и котировок',
'invoice_charges' => 'Invoice Surcharges',
'notification_invoice_bounced' => 'Не удалось доставить счет :invoice :contact.',
'notification_invoice_bounced_subject' => 'Не удалось доставить счет :invoice',
'notification_quote_bounced' => 'Не удалось доставить котировку :invoice :contact.',
'notification_quote_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Quote :invoice',
'custom_invoice_link' => 'Настроить ссылку на счет',
'total_invoiced' => 'Всего выставлено',
'open_balance' => 'Открытый баланс',
'verify_email' => 'Для подтверждения адреса электронной почты, перейдите по ссылке в письме.',
'basic_settings' => 'Основные настройки',
'pro' => 'Pro',
'gateways' => 'Платежные шлюзы',
'next_send_on' => 'Следующая отправка :date',
'no_longer_running' => 'This invoice is not scheduled to run',
'general_settings' => 'Общие настройки',
'customize' => 'Настроить',
'oneclick_login_help' => 'Подключить учетную запись для входа без пароля',
'referral_code_help' => 'Зарабатывайте деньги, делясь нашим приложением онлайн',
'enable_with_stripe' => 'Enable | Requires Stripe',
'tax_settings' => 'Настройки налогов',
'create_tax_rate' => 'Добавить налоговую ставку',
'updated_tax_rate' => 'Налоговая ставка обновлена',
'created_tax_rate' => 'Налоговая ставка создана',
'edit_tax_rate' => 'Изменить налоговую ставку',
'archive_tax_rate' => 'Добавить налоговую ставку в архив',
'archived_tax_rate' => 'Налоговая ставка добавлена в архив',
'default_tax_rate_id' => 'Налог по умолчанию',
'tax_rate' => 'Налоговая ставка',
'recurring_hour' => 'Recurring Hour',
'pattern' => 'Шаблон',
'pattern_help_title' => 'Pattern Help',
'pattern_help_1' => 'Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern',
'pattern_help_2' => 'Available variables:',
'pattern_help_3' => 'For example, :example would be converted to :value',
'see_options' => 'See options',
'invoice_counter' => 'Invoice Counter',
'quote_counter' => 'Quote Counter',
'type' => 'Тип',
'activity_1' => ':user Создал Клиента :client',
'activity_2' => ':user archived client :client',
'activity_3' => ':user deleted client :client',
'activity_4' => ':user Создал Счёт :invoice',
'activity_5' => ':user Обновил счёт :invoice',
'activity_6' => ':user emailed invoice :invoice for :client to :contact',
'activity_7' => ':contact viewed invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_8' => ':user archived invoice :invoice',
'activity_9' => ':user deleted invoice :invoice',
'activity_10' => ':contact entered payment :payment for :payment_amount on invoice :invoice for :client',
'activity_11' => ':user updated payment :payment',
'activity_12' => ':user archived payment :payment',
'activity_13' => ':user deleted payment :payment',
'activity_14' => ':user entered :credit credit',
'activity_15' => ':user updated :credit credit',
'activity_16' => ':user archived :credit credit',
'activity_17' => ':user deleted :credit credit',
'activity_18' => ':user created quote :quote',
'activity_19' => ':user updated quote :quote',
'activity_20' => ':user emailed quote :quote for :client to :contact',
'activity_21' => ':contact viewed quote :quote',
'activity_22' => ':user archived quote :quote',
'activity_23' => ':user deleted quote :quote',
'activity_24' => ':user restored quote :quote',
'activity_25' => ':user restored invoice :invoice',
'activity_26' => ':user restored client :client',
'activity_27' => ':user restored payment :payment',
'activity_28' => ':user restored :credit credit',
'activity_29' => ':contact approved quote :quote for :client',
'activity_30' => ':user created vendor :vendor',
'activity_31' => ':user archived vendor :vendor',
'activity_32' => ':user deleted vendor :vendor',
'activity_33' => ':user restored vendor :vendor',
'activity_34' => ':user created expense :expense',
'activity_35' => ':user archived expense :expense',
'activity_36' => ':user Удалил Затраты :expense',
'activity_37' => ':user restored expense :expense',
'activity_42' => ':user created task :task',
'activity_43' => ':user updated task :task',
'activity_44' => ':user archived task :task',
'activity_45' => ':user deleted task :task',
'activity_46' => ':user restored task :task',
'activity_47' => ':user Обновил Затраты :expense',
'activity_48' => ':user created user :user',
'activity_49' => ':user updated user :user',
'activity_50' => ':user archived user :user',
'activity_51' => ':user deleted user :user',
'activity_52' => ':user restored user :user',
'activity_53' => ':user marked sent :invoice',
'activity_54' => ':user paid invoice :invoice',
'activity_55' => ':contact replied ticket :ticket',
'activity_56' => ':user viewed ticket :ticket',
'payment' => 'Платёж',
'system' => 'Сичтема',
'signature' => 'Email Signature',
'default_messages' => 'Стандартные сообщения',
'quote_terms' => 'Quote Terms',
'default_quote_terms' => 'Default Quote Terms',
'default_invoice_terms' => 'Default Invoice Terms',
'default_invoice_footer' => 'Default Invoice Footer',
'quote_footer' => 'Quote Footer',
'free' => 'Бесплатно',
'quote_is_approved' => 'Successfully approved',
'apply_credit' => 'Apply Credit',
'system_settings' => 'Системные настройки',
'archive_token' => 'Archive Token',
'archived_token' => 'Successfully archived token',
'archive_user' => 'Добавить пользователя в архив',
'archived_user' => 'Successfully archived user',
'archive_account_gateway' => 'Delete Gateway',
'archived_account_gateway' => 'Successfully archived gateway',
'archive_recurring_invoice' => 'Archive Recurring Invoice',
'archived_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully archived recurring invoice',
'delete_recurring_invoice' => 'Delete Recurring Invoice',
'deleted_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully deleted recurring invoice',
'restore_recurring_invoice' => 'Restore Recurring Invoice',
'restored_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully restored recurring invoice',
'archive_recurring_quote' => 'Archive Recurring Quote',
'archived_recurring_quote' => 'Successfully archived recurring quote',
'delete_recurring_quote' => 'Delete Recurring Quote',
'deleted_recurring_quote' => 'Successfully deleted recurring quote',
'restore_recurring_quote' => 'Restore Recurring Quote',
'restored_recurring_quote' => 'Successfully restored recurring quote',
'archived' => 'Архив',
'untitled_account' => 'Компания без названия',
'before' => 'До',
'after' => 'После',
'reset_terms_help' => 'Reset to the default account terms',
'reset_footer_help' => 'Reset to the default account footer',
'export_data' => 'Экспорт данных',
'user' => 'Пользователь',
'country' => 'Страна',
'include' => 'Включить',
'logo_too_large' => 'Ваш логотип: размер, для лучшего отображения в PDF мы рекомендуем загрузить файл размером менее 200 КБ',
'import_freshbooks' => 'Импорт из FreshBooks',
'import_data' => 'Импорт данных',
'source' => 'Источник',
'csv' => 'CSV',
'client_file' => 'Файл клиентов',
'invoice_file' => 'Файл счетов',
'task_file' => 'Файл заданий',
'no_mapper' => 'No valid mapping for file',
'invalid_csv_header' => 'Invalid CSV Header',
'client_portal' => 'Client Portal',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'show_archived_users' => 'Show archived users',
'notes' => 'Заметки',
'invoice_will_create' => 'invoice will be created',
'invoices_will_create' => 'invoices will be created',
'failed_to_import' => 'The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.',
'publishable_key' => 'Publishable Key',
'secret_key' => 'Secret Key',
'missing_publishable_key' => 'Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process',
'email_design' => 'Email Design',
'due_by' => 'Due by :date',
'enable_email_markup' => 'Enable Markup',
'enable_email_markup_help' => 'Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.',
'template_help_title' => 'Templates Help',
'template_help_1' => 'Available variables:',
'email_design_id' => 'Email Style',
'email_design_help' => 'Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.',
'plain' => 'Plain',
'light' => 'Light',
'dark' => 'Dark',
'industry_help' => 'Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.',
'subdomain_help' => 'Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.',
'website_help' => 'Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website',
'invoice_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.',
'quote_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.',
'custom_client_fields_helps' => 'Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_account_fields_helps' => 'Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_fields_helps' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_charges_helps' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.',
'token_expired' => 'Validation token was expired. Please try again.',
'invoice_link' => 'Invoice Link',
'button_confirmation_message' => 'Confirm your email.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'email_preferences' => 'Email Preferences',
'created_invoices' => 'Successfully created :count invoice(s)',
'next_invoice_number' => 'The next invoice number is :number.',
'next_quote_number' => 'The next quote number is :number.',
'days_before' => 'days before the',
'days_after' => 'days after the',
'field_due_date' => 'cрок оплаты',
'field_invoice_date' => 'invoice date',
'schedule' => 'Schedule',
'email_designs' => 'Email Designs',
'assigned_when_sent' => 'Assigned when sent',
'white_label_purchase_link' => 'Purchase a white label license',
'expense' => 'Затрата',
'expenses' => 'Затраты',
'new_expense' => 'Добавить затраты',
'new_vendor' => 'Новый поставщик',
'payment_terms_net' => 'Net',
'vendor' => 'Vendor',
'edit_vendor' => 'Редактировать Поставщика',
'archive_vendor' => 'Archive Vendor',
'delete_vendor' => 'Delete Vendor',
'view_vendor' => 'View Vendor',
'deleted_expense' => 'Затраты успешно удалены',
'archived_expense' => 'Successfully archived expense',
'deleted_expenses' => 'Затраты успешно удалены',
'archived_expenses' => 'Successfully archived expenses',
'expense_amount' => 'Expense Amount',
'expense_balance' => 'Expense Balance',
'expense_date' => 'Дата Затрат',
'expense_should_be_invoiced' => 'Should this expense be invoiced?',
'public_notes' => 'Публичные заметки',
'invoice_amount' => 'Invoice Amount',
'exchange_rate' => 'Exchange Rate',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'should_be_invoiced' => 'Should be invoiced',
'view_expense' => 'View expense # :expense',
'edit_expense' => 'Редактировать затраты',
'archive_expense' => 'Archive Expense',
'delete_expense' => 'Удалить затраты',
'view_expense_num' => 'Expense # :expense',
'updated_expense' => 'Затраты успешно обновлены',
'created_expense' => 'Successfully created expense',
'enter_expense' => 'Добавить затраты',
'view' => 'View',
'restore_expense' => 'Restore Expense',
'invoice_expense' => 'Invoice Expense',
'expense_error_multiple_clients' => 'Затраты не могут принадлежать разным клиентам',
'expense_error_invoiced' => 'Expense has already been invoiced',
'convert_currency' => 'Convert currency',
'num_days' => 'Количество дней',
'create_payment_term' => 'Create Payment Term',
'edit_payment_terms' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'edit_payment_term' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'archive_payment_term' => 'Archive Payment Term',
'recurring_due_dates' => 'Recurring Invoice Due Dates',
'recurring_due_date_help' => '<p>Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.</p>
<p>Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don\'t have that day will be due the last day of the month.</p>
<p>Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.</li>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of <strong>next</strong> month.
<li>Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.
'due' => 'Due',
'next_due_on' => 'Due Next: :date',
'use_client_terms' => 'Use client terms',
'day_of_month' => ':ordinal день месяца',
'last_day_of_month' => 'Последний день месяца',
'day_of_week_after' => ':ordinal :day after',
'sunday' => 'Воскресенье',
'monday' => 'Понедельник',
'tuesday' => 'Вторник',
'wednesday' => 'Среда',
'thursday' => 'Четверг',
'friday' => 'Пятница',
'saturday' => 'Суббота',
'header_font_id' => 'Header Font',
'body_font_id' => 'Body Font',
'color_font_help' => 'Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.',
'live_preview' => 'Live Preview',
'invalid_mail_config' => 'Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.',
'invoice_message_button' => 'To view your invoice for :amount, click the button below.',
'quote_message_button' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the button below.',
'payment_message_button' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount.',
'payment_type_direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'bank_accounts' => 'Credit Cards & Banks',
'add_bank_account' => 'Add Bank Account',
'setup_account' => 'Setup Account',
'import_expenses' => 'Импортировать Затраты',
'bank_id' => 'Bank',
'integration_type' => 'Integration Type',
'updated_bank_account' => 'Successfully updated bank account',
'edit_bank_account' => 'Edit Bank Account',
'archive_bank_account' => 'Archive Bank Account',
'archived_bank_account' => 'Successfully archived bank account',
'created_bank_account' => 'Successfully created bank account',
'validate_bank_account' => 'Validate Bank Account',
'bank_password_help' => 'Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.',
'bank_password_warning' => 'Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.',
'username' => 'Username',
'account_number' => 'Account Number',
'account_name' => 'Account Name',
'bank_account_error' => 'Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.',
'status_approved' => 'Approved',
'quote_settings' => 'Quote Settings',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'Auto Convert',
'auto_convert_quote_help' => 'Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved.',
'validate' => 'Validate',
'info' => 'Info',
'imported_expenses' => '
Успешно созданы :count_vendors Поставщик(и) и :count_expenses и расход(ы)',
'iframe_url_help3' => 'Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.',
'expense_error_multiple_currencies' => 'The expenses can\'t have different currencies.',
'expense_error_mismatch_currencies' => 'The client\'s currency does not match the expense currency.',
'trello_roadmap' => 'Trello Roadmap',
'header_footer' => 'Header/Footer',
'first_page' => 'First page',
'all_pages' => 'All pages',
'last_page' => 'Last page',
'all_pages_header' => 'Show Header on',
'all_pages_footer' => 'Show Footer on',
'invoice_currency' => 'Invoice Currency',
'enable_https' => 'We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.',
'quote_issued_to' => 'Quote issued to',
'show_currency_code' => 'Currency Code',
'free_year_message' => 'Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.',
'trial_message' => 'Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.',
'trial_footer' => 'Your free pro plan trial lasts :count more days, :link to upgrade now.',
'trial_footer_last_day' => 'This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, :link to upgrade now.',
'trial_call_to_action' => 'Start Free Trial',
'trial_success' => 'Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial',
'overdue' => 'Overdue',
'white_label_text' => 'Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for $:price to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.',
'user_email_footer' => 'To adjust your email notification settings please visit :link',
'reset_password_footer' => 'If you did not request this password reset please email our support: :email',
'limit_users' => 'Sorry, this will exceed the limit of :limit users',
'more_designs_self_host_header' => 'Get 6 more invoice designs for just $:price',
'old_browser' => 'Please use a :link',
'newer_browser' => 'newer browser',
'white_label_custom_css' => ':link for $:price to enable custom styling and help support our project.',
'bank_accounts_help' => 'Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and :link.',
'us_banks' => '400+ US banks',
'pro_plan_remove_logo' => ':link to remove the Invoice Ninja logo by joining the Pro Plan',
'pro_plan_remove_logo_link' => 'Click here',
'invitation_status_sent' => 'Sent',
'invitation_status_opened' => 'Opened',
'invitation_status_viewed' => 'Viewed',
'email_error_inactive_client' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive clients',
'email_error_inactive_contact' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts',
'email_error_inactive_invoice' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices',
'email_error_inactive_proposal' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals',
'email_error_user_unregistered' => 'Please register your account to send emails',
'email_error_user_unconfirmed' => 'Please confirm your account to send emails',
'email_error_invalid_contact_email' => 'Invalid contact email',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'list_invoices' => 'List Invoices',
'list_clients' => 'List Clients',
'list_quotes' => 'Список Прайс-листов',
'list_tasks' => 'List Tasks',
'list_expenses' => 'Список затрат',
'list_recurring_invoices' => 'List Recurring Invoices',
'list_payments' => 'List Payments',
'list_credits' => 'List Credits',
'tax_name' => 'Tax Name',
'report_settings' => 'Report Settings',
'search_hotkey' => 'shortcut is /',
'new_user' => 'New User',
'new_product' => 'Новый товар/услуга',
'new_tax_rate' => 'New Tax Rate',
'invoiced_amount' => 'Invoiced Amount',
'invoice_item_fields' => 'Invoice Item Fields',
'custom_invoice_item_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'recurring_invoice_number' => 'Recurring Number',
'recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help' => 'Specify a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.',
// Client Passwords
'enable_portal_password' => 'Password Protect Invoices',
'enable_portal_password_help' => 'Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.',
'send_portal_password' => 'Generate Automatically',
'send_portal_password_help' => 'If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.',
'expired' => 'Expired',
'invalid_card_number' => 'The credit card number is not valid.',
'invalid_expiry' => 'The expiration date is not valid.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'The CVV is not valid.',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.',
// User Permissions
'owner' => 'Owner',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator_help' => 'Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records',
'user_create_all' => 'Create clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_view_all' => 'View all clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_edit_all' => 'Edit all clients, invoices, etc.',
'gateway_help_20' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'gateway_help_21' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'partial_due' => 'Partial Due',
'restore_vendor' => 'Restore Vendor',
'restored_vendor' => 'Successfully restored vendor',
'restored_expense' => 'Successfully restored expense',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'create_all_help' => 'Allow user to create and modify records',
'view_all_help' => 'Allow user to view records they didn\'t create',
'edit_all_help' => 'Allow user to modify records they didn\'t create',
'view_payment' => 'View Payment',
'january' => 'January',
'february' => 'February',
'march' => 'March',
'april' => 'April',
'may' => 'May',
'june' => 'June',
'july' => 'July',
'august' => 'August',
'september' => 'September',
'october' => 'October',
'november' => 'November',
'december' => 'December',
// Documents
'documents_header' => 'Документы:',
'email_documents_header' => 'Документы:',
'email_documents_example_1' => 'Widgets Receipt.pdf',
'email_documents_example_2' => 'Final Deliverable.zip',
'quote_documents' => 'Прайс листы Документы',
'invoice_documents' => 'Invoice Documents',
'expense_documents' => 'Expense Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents' => 'Embed Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents_help' => 'Include attached images in the invoice.',
'document_email_attachment' => 'Загрузить Документы',
'ubl_email_attachment' => 'Attach UBL',
'download_documents' => 'Download Documents (:size)',
'documents_from_expenses' => 'From Expenses:',
'dropzone_default_message' => 'Для загрузки Перетащите файлы или нажмите.',
'dropzone_default_message_disabled' => 'Uploads disabled',
'dropzone_fallback_message' => 'Your browser does not support drag\'n\'drop file uploads.',
'dropzone_fallback_text' => 'Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.',
'dropzone_file_too_big' => 'File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.',
'dropzone_invalid_file_type' => 'You can\'t upload files of this type.',
'dropzone_response_error' => 'Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.',
'dropzone_cancel_upload' => 'Cancel upload',
'dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?',
'dropzone_remove_file' => 'Remove file',
'documents' => 'Документы',
'document_date' => 'Document Date',
'document_size' => 'Size',
'enable_client_portal' => 'Client Portal',
'enable_client_portal_help' => 'Show/hide the client portal.',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
// Plans
'account_management' => 'Account Management',
'plan_status' => 'Plan Status',
'plan_upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'plan_change' => 'Change Plan',
'pending_change_to' => 'Changes To',
'plan_changes_to' => ':plan on :date',
'plan_term_changes_to' => ':plan (:term) on :date',
'cancel_plan_change' => 'Cancel Change',
'plan' => 'Plan',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'renews' => 'Renews',
'plan_expired' => ':plan Plan Expired',
'trial_expired' => ':plan Plan Trial Ended',
'never' => 'Never',
'plan_free' => 'Free',
'plan_pro' => 'Pro',
'plan_enterprise' => 'Enterprise',
'plan_white_label' => 'Self Hosted (White labeled)',
'plan_free_self_hosted' => 'Self Hosted (Free)',
'plan_trial' => 'Trial',
'plan_term' => 'Term',
'plan_term_monthly' => 'Ежемесячно',
'plan_term_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'plan_term_month' => 'Месяц',
'plan_term_year' => 'Year',
'plan_price_monthly' => '$:price/Месяц',
'plan_price_yearly' => '$:price/Year',
'updated_plan' => 'Updated plan settings',
'plan_paid' => 'Term Started',
'plan_started' => 'Plan Started',
'plan_expires' => 'Plan Expires',
'white_label_button' => 'Purchase White Label',
'pro_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'pro_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_product' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'enterprise_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'plan_credit_product' => 'Credit',
'plan_credit_description' => 'Credit for unused time',
'plan_pending_monthly' => 'Will switch to monthly on :date',
'plan_refunded' => 'A refund has been issued.',
'page_size' => 'Page Size',
'live_preview_disabled' => 'Live preview has been disabled to support selected font',
'invoice_number_padding' => 'Padding',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'list_vendors' => 'Список поставщиков',
'add_users_not_supported' => 'Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.',
'enterprise_plan_features' => 'The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, :link to see the full list of features.',
'return_to_app' => 'Return To App',
// Payment updates
'refund_payment' => 'Refund Payment',
'refund_max' => 'Max:',
'refund' => 'Refund',
'are_you_sure_refund' => 'Refund selected payments?',
'status_pending' => 'Pending',
'status_completed' => 'Completed',
'status_failed' => 'Failed',
'status_partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'status_partially_refunded_amount' => ':amount Refunded',
'status_refunded' => 'Refunded',
'status_voided' => 'Cancelled',
'refunded_payment' => 'Refunded Payment',
'activity_39' => ':user cancelled a :payment_amount payment :payment',
'activity_40' => ':user refunded :adjustment of a :payment_amount payment :payment',
'card_expiration' => 'Exp:&nbsp:expires',
'card_creditcardother' => 'Unknown',
'card_americanexpress' => 'American Express',
'card_carteblanche' => 'Carte Blanche',
'card_unionpay' => 'UnionPay',
'card_diners' => 'Diners Club',
'card_discover' => 'Discover',
'card_jcb' => 'JCB',
'card_laser' => 'Laser',
'card_maestro' => 'Maestro',
'card_mastercard' => 'MasterCard',
'card_solo' => 'Solo',
'card_switch' => 'Switch',
'card_visacard' => 'Visa',
'card_ach' => 'ACH',
'payment_type_stripe' => 'Stripe',
'ach' => 'ACH',
'enable_ach' => 'Accept US bank transfers',
'stripe_ach_help' => 'ACH support must also be enabled in :link.',
'ach_disabled' => 'Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.',
'plaid' => 'Plaid',
'client_id' => 'Client Id',
'secret' => 'Secret',
'public_key' => 'Public Key',
'plaid_optional' => '(optional)',
'plaid_environment_help' => 'When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid\'s development environment (tartan) will be used.',
'other_providers' => 'Other Providers',
'country_not_supported' => 'That country is not supported.',
'invalid_routing_number' => 'The routing number is not valid.',
'invalid_account_number' => 'The account number is not valid.',
'account_number_mismatch' => 'The account numbers do not match.',
'missing_account_holder_type' => 'Please select an individual or company account.',
'missing_account_holder_name' => 'Please enter the account holder\'s name.',
'routing_number' => 'Routing Number',
'confirm_account_number' => 'Confirm Account Number',
'individual_account' => 'Individual Account',
'company_account' => 'Company Account',
'account_holder_name' => 'Account Holder Name',
'add_account' => 'Add Account',
'payment_methods' => 'Методы оплаты',
'complete_verification' => 'Complete Verification',
'verification_amount1' => 'Amount 1',
'verification_amount2' => 'Amount 2',
'payment_method_verified' => 'Verification completed successfully',
'verification_failed' => 'Verification Failed',
'remove_payment_method' => 'Удалить метод оплаты',
'confirm_remove_payment_method' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'payment_method_removed' => 'Removed payment method.',
'bank_account_verification_help' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.',
'bank_account_verification_next_steps' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.
Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click "Complete Verification" next to the account.',
'unknown_bank' => 'Unknown Bank',
'ach_verification_delay_help' => 'You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.',
'add_credit_card' => 'Add Credit Card',
'payment_method_added' => 'Added payment method.',
'use_for_auto_bill' => 'Use For Autobill',
'used_for_auto_bill' => 'Autobill Payment Method',
'payment_method_set_as_default' => 'Set Autobill payment method.',
'activity_41' => ':payment_amount payment (:payment) failed',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook URL',
'stripe_webhook_help' => 'You must :link.',
'stripe_webhook_help_link_text' => 'add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe',
'gocardless_webhook_help_link_text' => 'add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless',
'payment_method_error' => 'There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Invoice :invoice',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed' => 'A payment made by client :client towards Invoice :invoice failed. The payment has been marked as failed and :amount has been added to the client\'s balance.',
'link_with_plaid' => 'Link Account Instantly with Plaid',
'link_manually' => 'Link Manually',
'secured_by_plaid' => 'Secured by Plaid',
'plaid_linked_status' => 'Your bank account at :bank',
'add_payment_method' => 'Add Payment Method',
'account_holder_type' => 'Account Holder Type',
'ach_authorization' => 'I authorize :company to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting :email.',
'ach_authorization_required' => 'You must consent to ACH transactions.',
'off' => 'Off',
'opt_in' => 'Opt-in',
'opt_out' => 'Opt-out',
'always' => 'Always',
'opted_out' => 'Opted out',
'opted_in' => 'Opted in',
'manage_auto_bill' => 'Manage Auto-bill',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'paypal' => 'PayPal',
'braintree_enable_paypal' => 'Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree',
'braintree_paypal_disabled_help' => 'The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments',
'braintree_paypal_help' => 'You must also :link.',
'braintree_paypal_help_link_text' => 'link PayPal to your BrainTree account',
'token_billing_braintree_paypal' => 'Save payment details',
'add_paypal_account' => 'Add PayPal Account',
'no_payment_method_specified' => 'No payment method specified',
'chart_type' => 'Chart Type',
'format' => 'Format',
'import_ofx' => 'Import OFX',
'ofx_file' => 'OFX File',
'ofx_parse_failed' => 'Failed to parse OFX file',
// WePay
'wepay' => 'WePay',
'sign_up_with_wepay' => 'Sign up with WePay',
'use_another_provider' => 'Use another provider',
'company_name' => 'Company Name',
'wepay_company_name_help' => 'This will appear on client\'s credit card statements.',
'wepay_description_help' => 'The purpose of this account.',
'wepay_tos_agree' => 'I agree to the :link.',
'wepay_tos_link_text' => 'WePay Terms of Service',
'resend_confirmation_email' => 'Resend Confirmation Email',
'manage_account' => 'Manage Account',
'action_required' => 'Action Required',
'finish_setup' => 'Finish Setup',
'created_wepay_confirmation_required' => 'Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.',
'switch_to_wepay' => 'Switch to WePay',
'switch' => 'Switch',
'restore_account_gateway' => 'Restore Gateway',
'restored_account_gateway' => 'Successfully restored gateway',
'united_states' => 'United States',
'canada' => 'Canada',
'accept_debit_cards' => 'Accept Debit Cards',
'debit_cards' => 'Debit Cards',
'warn_start_date_changed' => 'The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.',
'warn_start_date_changed_not_sent' => 'Следущий счёт будет создан в начале следущего плтёжного периода',
'original_start_date' => 'Original start date',
'new_start_date' => 'New start date',
'security' => 'Security',
'see_whats_new' => 'See what\'s new in v:version',
'wait_for_upload' => 'Please wait for the document upload to complete.',
'upgrade_for_permissions' => 'Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.',
'enable_second_tax_rate' => 'Enable specifying a <b>second tax rate</b>',
'payment_file' => 'Payment File',
'expense_file' => 'Expense File',
'product_file' => 'Файл товара/услуги',
'import_products' => 'Импортировать товары/услуги',
'products_will_create' => 'Товары/услуги будут созданы',
'product_key' => 'Товар/услуга',
'created_products' => 'Успешно создан(ы)/обновлен(ы) :count товар(ы)/улуга(и)',
'export_help' => 'Используйте JSON если вы планируете импортировать данные в Invoice Ninja.<br/>Файл вклчает клиентов, товары/услуги, счета, прайс-листы и платежи.',
'selfhost_export_help' => '<br/>We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.',
'JSON_file' => 'JSON File',
'view_dashboard' => 'View Dashboard',
'client_session_expired' => 'Session Expired',
'client_session_expired_message' => 'Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.',
'auto_bill_notification' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to your :payment_method on file on :due_date.',
'auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer' => 'bank account',
'auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card' => 'credit card',
'auto_bill_payment_method_paypal' => 'PayPal account',
'auto_bill_notification_placeholder' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.',
'payment_settings' => 'Payment Settings',
'on_send_date' => 'On send date',
'on_due_date' => 'On due date',
'auto_bill_ach_date_help' => 'ACH will always auto bill on the due date.',
'warn_change_auto_bill' => 'Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.',
'bank_account' => 'Bank Account',
'payment_processed_through_wepay' => 'ACH payments will be processed using WePay.',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree' => 'I agree to the WePay :terms and :privacy_policy.',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree_required' => 'You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.',
'ach_email_prompt' => 'Please enter your email address:',
'verification_pending' => 'Verification Pending',
'update_font_cache' => 'Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.',
'more_options' => 'More options',
'credit_card' => 'Credit Card',
'bank_transfer' => 'Bank Transfer',
'no_transaction_reference' => 'We did not receive a payment transaction reference from the gateway.',
'use_bank_on_file' => 'Use Bank on File',
'auto_bill_email_message' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.',
'bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'gocardless' => 'GoCardless',
'added_on' => 'Added :date',
'failed_remove_payment_method' => 'Failed to remove the payment method',
'gateway_exists' => 'This gateway already exists',
'manual_entry' => 'Manual entry',
'start_of_week' => 'First Day of the Week',
// Frequencies
'freq_inactive' => 'Inactive',
'freq_daily' => 'Daily',
'freq_weekly' => 'Еженедельно',
'freq_biweekly' => 'Biweekly',
'freq_two_weeks' => 'Две недели',
'freq_four_weeks' => 'Четыре недели',
'freq_monthly' => 'Ежемесячно',
'freq_three_months' => 'Три месяца',
'freq_four_months' => 'Четыре месяца',
'freq_six_months' => 'Полгода',
'freq_annually' => 'Annually',
'freq_two_years' => 'Two years',
// Payment types
'payment_type_Apply Credit' => 'Apply Credit',
'payment_type_Bank Transfer' => 'Bank Transfer',
'payment_type_Cash' => 'Cash',
'payment_type_Debit' => 'Debit',
'payment_type_ACH' => 'ACH',
'payment_type_Visa Card' => 'Visa Card',
'payment_type_MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
'payment_type_American Express' => 'American Express',
'payment_type_Discover Card' => 'Discover Card',
'payment_type_Diners Card' => 'Diners Card',
'payment_type_EuroCard' => 'EuroCard',
'payment_type_Nova' => 'Nova',
'payment_type_Credit Card Other' => 'Credit Card Other',
'payment_type_PayPal' => 'PayPal',
'payment_type_Google Wallet' => 'Google Wallet',
'payment_type_Check' => 'Check',
'payment_type_Carte Blanche' => 'Carte Blanche',
'payment_type_UnionPay' => 'UnionPay',
'payment_type_JCB' => 'JCB',
'payment_type_Laser' => 'Laser',
'payment_type_Maestro' => 'Maestro',
'payment_type_Solo' => 'Solo',
'payment_type_Switch' => 'Switch',
'payment_type_iZettle' => 'iZettle',
'payment_type_Swish' => 'Swish',
'payment_type_Alipay' => 'Alipay',
'payment_type_Sofort' => 'Sofort',
'payment_type_SEPA' => 'SEPA Direct Debit',
'payment_type_Bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'payment_type_GoCardless' => 'GoCardless',
'payment_type_Zelle' => 'Zelle',
// Countries
'country_Afghanistan' => 'Afghanistan',
'country_Albania' => 'Albania',
'country_Antarctica' => 'Antarctica',
'country_Algeria' => 'Algeria',
'country_American Samoa' => 'American Samoa',
'country_Andorra' => 'Andorra',
'country_Angola' => 'Angola',
'country_Antigua and Barbuda' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'country_Azerbaijan' => 'Azerbaijan',
'country_Argentina' => 'Argentina',
'country_Australia' => 'Australia',
'country_Austria' => 'Austria',
'country_Bahamas' => 'Bahamas',
'country_Bahrain' => 'Bahrain',
'country_Bangladesh' => 'Bangladesh',
'country_Armenia' => 'Armenia',
'country_Barbados' => 'Barbados',
'country_Belgium' => 'Belgium',
'country_Bermuda' => 'Bermuda',
'country_Bhutan' => 'Bhutan',
'country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of' => 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of',
'country_Bosnia and Herzegovina' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'country_Botswana' => 'Botswana',
'country_Bouvet Island' => 'Bouvet Island',
'country_Brazil' => 'Brazil',
'country_Belize' => 'Belize',
'country_British Indian Ocean Territory' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
'country_Solomon Islands' => 'Solomon Islands',
'country_Virgin Islands, British' => 'Virgin Islands, British',
'country_Brunei Darussalam' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'country_Bulgaria' => 'Bulgaria',
'country_Myanmar' => 'Myanmar',
'country_Burundi' => 'Burundi',
'country_Belarus' => 'Belarus',
'country_Cambodia' => 'Cambodia',
'country_Cameroon' => 'Cameroon',
'country_Canada' => 'Canada',
'country_Cape Verde' => 'Cape Verde',
'country_Cayman Islands' => 'Cayman Islands',
'country_Central African Republic' => 'Central African Republic',
'country_Sri Lanka' => 'Sri Lanka',
'country_Chad' => 'Chad',
'country_Chile' => 'Chile',
'country_China' => 'China',
'country_Taiwan, Province of China' => 'Taiwan, Province of China',
'country_Christmas Island' => 'Christmas Island',
'country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
'country_Colombia' => 'Colombia',
'country_Comoros' => 'Comoros',
'country_Mayotte' => 'Mayotte',
'country_Congo' => 'Congo',
'country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' => 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the',
'country_Cook Islands' => 'Cook Islands',
'country_Costa Rica' => 'Costa Rica',
'country_Croatia' => 'Croatia',
'country_Cuba' => 'Cuba',
'country_Cyprus' => 'Cyprus',
'country_Czech Republic' => 'Czech Republic',
'country_Benin' => 'Benin',
'country_Denmark' => 'Denmark',
'country_Dominica' => 'Dominica',
'country_Dominican Republic' => 'Dominican Republic',
'country_Ecuador' => 'Ecuador',
'country_El Salvador' => 'El Salvador',
'country_Equatorial Guinea' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'country_Ethiopia' => 'Ethiopia',
'country_Eritrea' => 'Eritrea',
'country_Estonia' => 'Estonia',
'country_Faroe Islands' => 'Faroe Islands',
'country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
'country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
'country_Fiji' => 'Fiji',
'country_Finland' => 'Finland',
'country_Åland Islands' => 'Åland Islands',
'country_France' => 'France',
'country_French Guiana' => 'French Guiana',
'country_French Polynesia' => 'French Polynesia',
'country_French Southern Territories' => 'French Southern Territories',
'country_Djibouti' => 'Djibouti',
'country_Gabon' => 'Gabon',
'country_Georgia' => 'Georgia',
'country_Gambia' => 'Gambia',
'country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied' => 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
'country_Germany' => 'Germany',
'country_Ghana' => 'Ghana',
'country_Gibraltar' => 'Gibraltar',
'country_Kiribati' => 'Kiribati',
'country_Greece' => 'Greece',
'country_Greenland' => 'Greenland',
'country_Grenada' => 'Grenada',
'country_Guadeloupe' => 'Guadeloupe',
'country_Guam' => 'Guam',
'country_Guatemala' => 'Guatemala',
'country_Guinea' => 'Guinea',
'country_Guyana' => 'Guyana',
'country_Haiti' => 'Haiti',
'country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
'country_Holy See (Vatican City State)' => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
'country_Honduras' => 'Honduras',
'country_Hong Kong' => 'Hong Kong',
'country_Hungary' => 'Hungary',
'country_Iceland' => 'Iceland',
'country_India' => 'India',
'country_Indonesia' => 'Indonesia',
'country_Iran, Islamic Republic of' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
'country_Iraq' => 'Iraq',
'country_Ireland' => 'Ireland',
'country_Israel' => 'Israel',
'country_Italy' => 'Italy',
'country_Côte d\'Ivoire' => 'Côte d\'Ivoire',
'country_Jamaica' => 'Jamaica',
'country_Japan' => 'Japan',
'country_Kazakhstan' => 'Kazakhstan',
'country_Jordan' => 'Jordan',
'country_Kenya' => 'Kenya',
'country_Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of' => 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of',
'country_Korea, Republic of' => 'Korea, Republic of',
'country_Kuwait' => 'Kuwait',
'country_Kyrgyzstan' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'country_Lao People\'s Democratic Republic' => 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic',
'country_Lebanon' => 'Lebanon',
'country_Lesotho' => 'Lesotho',
'country_Latvia' => 'Latvia',
'country_Liberia' => 'Liberia',
'country_Libya' => 'Libya',
'country_Liechtenstein' => 'Liechtenstein',
'country_Lithuania' => 'Lithuania',
'country_Luxembourg' => 'Luxembourg',
'country_Macao' => 'Macao',
'country_Madagascar' => 'Madagascar',
'country_Malawi' => 'Malawi',
'country_Malaysia' => 'Malaysia',
'country_Maldives' => 'Maldives',
'country_Mali' => 'Mali',
'country_Malta' => 'Malta',
'country_Martinique' => 'Martinique',
'country_Mauritania' => 'Mauritania',
'country_Mauritius' => 'Mauritius',
'country_Mexico' => 'Mexico',
'country_Monaco' => 'Monaco',
'country_Mongolia' => 'Mongolia',
'country_Moldova, Republic of' => 'Moldova, Republic of',
'country_Montenegro' => 'Montenegro',
'country_Montserrat' => 'Montserrat',
'country_Morocco' => 'Morocco',
'country_Mozambique' => 'Мозамбик',
'country_Oman' => 'Оман',
'country_Namibia' => 'Намибия',
'country_Nauru' => 'Науру',
'country_Nepal' => 'Непал',
'country_Netherlands' => 'Нидерланды',
'country_Curaçao' => 'Курасао',
'country_Aruba' => 'Аруба',
'country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)' => 'Сан-Мартен (Голландская часть)',
'country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba' => 'о-ва Бонайре, Синт-Эстатиус и Саба',
'country_New Caledonia' => 'Новая Каледония',
'country_Vanuatu' => 'Вануату',
'country_New Zealand' => 'Новая Зеландия',
'country_Nicaragua' => 'Никарагуа',
'country_Niger' => 'Нигер',
'country_Nigeria' => 'Нигерия',
'country_Niue' => 'Ниуэ',
'country_Norfolk Island' => 'Норфолкские острова',
'country_Norway' => 'Норвегия',
'country_Northern Mariana Islands' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'country_United States Minor Outlying Islands' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands',
'country_Micronesia, Federated States of' => 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
'country_Marshall Islands' => 'Marshall Islands',
'country_Palau' => 'Palau',
'country_Pakistan' => 'Пакистан',
'country_Panama' => 'Панама',
'country_Papua New Guinea' => 'Папуа Новая Гвинея',
'country_Paraguay' => 'Парагвай',
'country_Peru' => 'Перу',
'country_Philippines' => 'Филиппины',
'country_Pitcairn' => 'о-в Питкэрн',
'country_Poland' => 'Польша',
'country_Portugal' => 'Португалия',
'country_Guinea-Bissau' => 'Гвинея-Биссау',
'country_Timor-Leste' => 'Тимор',
'country_Puerto Rico' => 'Пуэрто-Рико',
'country_Qatar' => 'Катар',
'country_Réunion' => 'Реюньон',
'country_Romania' => 'Румыния',
'country_Russian Federation' => 'Российская федерация',
'country_Rwanda' => 'Руанда',
'country_Saint Barthélemy' => 'Сен-Бартелеми',
'country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
'country_Saint Kitts and Nevis' => 'Сент-Китс и Невис',
'country_Anguilla' => 'Anguilla',
'country_Saint Lucia' => 'Сент-Люсия',
'country_Saint Martin (French part)' => 'Сан-Мартен (Французская часть)',
'country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon' => 'Сен-Пьер и Микелон',
'country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' => 'Сент-Винсент и Гренадины',
'country_San Marino' => 'Сан-Марино',
'country_Sao Tome and Principe' => 'Сан-Томе и Принсипи',
'country_Saudi Arabia' => 'Саудовская Аравия',
'country_Senegal' => 'Сенегал',
'country_Serbia' => 'Сербия',
'country_Seychelles' => 'Сейшеллы',
'country_Sierra Leone' => 'Сьерра-Леоне',
'country_Singapore' => 'Сингапур',
'country_Slovakia' => 'Словакия',
'country_Viet Nam' => 'Вьетнам',
'country_Slovenia' => 'Словения',
'country_Somalia' => 'Сомали',
'country_South Africa' => 'ЮАР',
'country_Zimbabwe' => 'Зимбабве',
'country_Spain' => 'Испания',
'country_South Sudan' => 'Южный Судан',
'country_Sudan' => 'Судан',
'country_Western Sahara' => 'Западная Сахара',
'country_Suriname' => 'Суринам',
'country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
'country_Swaziland' => 'Свазиленд',
'country_Sweden' => 'Швеция',
'country_Switzerland' => 'Швейцария',
'country_Syrian Arab Republic' => 'Сирийская Арабская Республика',
'country_Tajikistan' => 'Таджикистан',
'country_Thailand' => 'Таиланд',
'country_Togo' => 'Того',
'country_Tokelau' => 'Токелау',
'country_Tonga' => 'Тонга',
'country_Trinidad and Tobago' => 'Тринидад и Тогабо',
'country_United Arab Emirates' => 'Объединённые Арабские Эмираты',
'country_Tunisia' => 'Тунис',
'country_Turkey' => 'Турция',
'country_Turkmenistan' => 'Туркменистан',
'country_Turks and Caicos Islands' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'country_Tuvalu' => 'Tuvalu',
'country_Uganda' => 'Уганда',
'country_Ukraine' => 'Украина',
'country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of' => 'Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of',
'country_Egypt' => 'Египет',
'country_United Kingdom' => 'Соединенное Королевство',
'country_Guernsey' => 'Guernsey',
'country_Jersey' => 'Джерси',
'country_Isle of Man' => 'о.Мэн',
'country_Tanzania, United Republic of' => 'Танзания',
'country_United States' => 'США',
'country_Virgin Islands, U.S.' => 'Виргинские острова',
'country_Burkina Faso' => 'Буркина-Фасо',
'country_Uruguay' => 'Уругвай',
'country_Uzbekistan' => 'Узбекистан',
'country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of' => 'Венесуэлла',
'country_Wallis and Futuna' => 'острова Уоллис и Футуна',
'country_Samoa' => 'Самоа',
'country_Yemen' => 'Йемен',
'country_Zambia' => 'Замбия',
// Languages
'lang_Brazilian Portuguese' => 'Brazilian Portuguese',
'lang_Croatian' => 'Хорватский',
'lang_Czech' => 'Чешский',
'lang_Danish' => 'датский',
'lang_Dutch' => 'голландский',
'lang_English' => 'английский',
'lang_English - United States' => 'English',
'lang_French' => 'французский',
'lang_French - Canada' => 'French - Canada',
'lang_German' => 'немецкий',
'lang_Italian' => 'итальянский',
'lang_Japanese' => 'японский',
'lang_Lithuanian' => 'литовский',
'lang_Norwegian' => 'норвежский',
'lang_Polish' => 'польский',
'lang_Spanish' => 'испанский',
'lang_Spanish - Spain' => 'Spanish - Spain',
'lang_Swedish' => 'шведский',
'lang_Albanian' => 'албанский',
'lang_Greek' => 'Греческий',
'lang_English - United Kingdom' => 'Английский - Соединенное Королевство',
'lang_English - Australia' => 'English - Australia',
'lang_Slovenian' => 'словенский',
'lang_Finnish' => 'финский',
'lang_Romanian' => 'румынский',
'lang_Turkish - Turkey' => 'турецкий - Турция',
'lang_Portuguese - Brazilian' => 'португальский - Бразилия',
'lang_Portuguese - Portugal' => 'португальский - Португалия',
'lang_Thai' => 'Thai',
'lang_Macedonian' => 'Macedonian',
'lang_Chinese - Taiwan' => 'Chinese - Taiwan',
'lang_Serbian' => 'Serbian',
'lang_Bulgarian' => 'Bulgarian',
'lang_Russian (Russia)' => 'Russian (Russia)',
// Industries
'industry_Accounting & Legal' => 'Accounting & Legal',
'industry_Advertising' => 'Advertising',
'industry_Aerospace' => 'Aerospace',
'industry_Agriculture' => 'Agriculture',
'industry_Automotive' => 'Automotive',
'industry_Banking & Finance' => 'Banking & Finance',
'industry_Biotechnology' => 'Biotechnology',
'industry_Broadcasting' => 'Broadcasting',
'industry_Business Services' => 'Business Services',
'industry_Commodities & Chemicals' => 'Commodities & Chemicals',
'industry_Communications' => 'Communications',
'industry_Computers & Hightech' => 'Computers & Hightech',
'industry_Defense' => 'Defense',
'industry_Energy' => 'Energy',
'industry_Entertainment' => 'Entertainment',
'industry_Government' => 'Government',
'industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences' => 'Healthcare & Life Sciences',
'industry_Insurance' => 'Insurance',
'industry_Manufacturing' => 'Manufacturing',
'industry_Marketing' => 'Marketing',
'industry_Media' => 'Media',
'industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed' => 'Nonprofit & Higher Ed',
'industry_Pharmaceuticals' => 'Pharmaceuticals',
'industry_Professional Services & Consulting' => 'Professional Services & Consulting',
'industry_Real Estate' => 'Real Estate',
'industry_Retail & Wholesale' => 'Retail & Wholesale',
'industry_Sports' => 'Sports',
'industry_Transportation' => 'Transportation',
'industry_Travel & Luxury' => 'Travel & Luxury',
'industry_Other' => 'Other',
'industry_Photography' => 'Photography',
'view_client_portal' => 'View client portal',
'view_portal' => 'View Portal',
'vendor_contacts' => 'Vendor Contacts',
'all' => 'All',
'selected' => 'Selected',
'category' => 'Категория',
'categories' => 'Категории',
'new_expense_category' => 'New Expense Category',
'edit_category' => 'Изменить Категорию',
'archive_expense_category' => 'Archive Category',
'expense_categories' => 'Категория Затрат',
'list_expense_categories' => 'Список Категорий Затрат',
'updated_expense_category' => 'Категория Затрат успешно обновлена',
'created_expense_category' => 'Successfully created expense category',
'archived_expense_category' => 'Successfully archived expense category',
'archived_expense_categories' => 'Successfully archived :count expense category',
'restore_expense_category' => 'Restore expense category',
'restored_expense_category' => 'Successfully restored expense category',
'apply_taxes' => 'Apply taxes',
'min_to_max_users' => ':min to :max users',
'max_users_reached' => 'The maximum number of users has been reached.',
'buy_now_buttons' => 'Buy Now Buttons',
'landing_page' => 'Landing Page',
'payment_type' => 'Payment Type',
'form' => 'Form',
'link' => 'Link',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'dwolla' => 'Dwolla',
'buy_now_buttons_warning' => 'Note: the client and invoice are created even if the transaction isn\'t completed.',
'buy_now_buttons_disabled' => 'This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.',
'enable_buy_now_buttons_help' => 'Enable support for buy now buttons',
'changes_take_effect_immediately' => 'Note: changes take effect immediately',
'wepay_account_description' => 'Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja',
'payment_error_code' => 'There was an error processing your payment [:code]. Please try again later.',
'standard_fees_apply' => 'Fee: 2.9%/1.2% [Credit Card/Bank Transfer] + $0.30 per successful charge.',
'limit_import_rows' => 'Data needs to be imported in batches of :count rows or less',
'error_title' => 'Something went wrong',
'error_contact_text' => 'If you\'d like help please email us at :mailaddress',
'no_undo' => 'Warning: this can\'t be undone.',
'no_contact_selected' => 'Please select a contact',
'no_client_selected' => 'Please select a client',
'gateway_config_error' => 'It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.',
'payment_type_on_file' => ':type on file',
'invoice_for_client' => 'Invoice :invoice for :client',
'intent_not_found' => 'Sorry, I\'m not sure what you\'re asking.',
'intent_not_supported' => 'Sorry, I\'m not able to do that.',
'client_not_found' => 'I wasn\'t able to find the client',
'not_allowed' => 'Sorry, you don\'t have the needed permissions',
'bot_emailed_invoice' => 'Your invoice has been sent.',
'bot_emailed_notify_viewed' => 'I\'ll email you when it\'s viewed.',
'bot_emailed_notify_paid' => 'I\'ll email you when it\'s paid.',
'add_product_to_invoice' => 'Добавить 1 :product',
'not_authorized' => 'You are not authorized',
'bot_get_email' => 'Hi! (wave)<br/>Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.<br/>You need to create a free account to use this bot.<br/>Send me your account email address to get started.',
'bot_get_code' => 'Thanks! I\'ve sent a you an email with your security code.',
'bot_welcome' => 'That\'s it, your account is verified.<br/>',
'email_not_found' => 'I wasn\'t able to find an available account for :email',
'invalid_code' => 'The code is not correct',
'security_code_email_subject' => 'Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot',
'security_code_email_line1' => 'This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.',
'security_code_email_line2' => 'Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.',
'bot_help_message' => 'I currently support:<br/>• Create\update\email an invoice<br/>• List products<br/>For example:<br/><i>invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent</i>',
'list_products' => 'Список товаров/услуг',
'include_item_taxes_inline' => 'Include <b>line item taxes in line total</b>',
'created_quotes' => 'Successfully created :count quotes(s)',
'limited_gateways' => 'Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.',
'warning' => 'Warning',
'self-update' => 'Update',
'update_invoiceninja_title' => 'Update Invoice Ninja',
'update_invoiceninja_warning' => 'Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!',
'update_invoiceninja_available' => 'A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.',
'update_invoiceninja_unavailable' => 'No new version of Invoice Ninja available.',
'update_invoiceninja_instructions' => 'Please install the new version <strong>:version</strong> by clicking the <em>Update now</em> button below. Afterwards you\'ll be redirected to the dashboard.',
'update_invoiceninja_update_start' => 'Update now',
'update_invoiceninja_download_start' => 'Download :version',
'create_new' => 'Create New',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle Navigation',
'toggle_history' => 'Toggle History',
'unassigned' => 'Unassigned',
'task' => 'Task',
'contact_name' => 'Contact Name',
'city_state_postal' => 'City/State/Postal',
'postal_city' => 'Postal/City',
'custom_field' => 'Custom Field',
'account_fields' => 'Company Fields',
'facebook_and_twitter' => 'Facebook and Twitter',
'facebook_and_twitter_help' => 'Follow our feeds to help support our project',
'reseller_text' => 'Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at :email if you\'d like to resell the app.',
'unnamed_client' => 'Unnamed Client',
'day' => 'День',
'week' => 'Неделя',
'month' => 'Месяц',
'inactive_logout' => 'You have been logged out due to inactivity',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'total_profit' => 'Total Profit',
'total_expenses' => 'Суммарные Затраты',
'quote_to' => 'Quote to',
// Limits
'limit' => 'Limit',
'min_limit' => 'Min: :min',
'max_limit' => 'Max: :max',
'no_limit' => 'No Limits',
'set_limits' => 'Set :gateway_type Limits',
'enable_min' => 'Enable min',
'enable_max' => 'Enable max',
'min' => 'Min',
'max' => 'Max',
'limits_not_met' => 'This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.',
'date_range' => 'Date Range',
'raw' => 'Raw',
'raw_html' => 'Raw HTML',
'update' => 'Update',
'invoice_fields_help' => 'Drag and drop fields to change their order and location',
'new_category' => 'Новая категория',
'restore_product' => 'Восстановить товар/услугу',
'blank' => 'Blank',
'invoice_save_error' => 'There was an error saving your invoice',
'enable_recurring' => 'Enable Recurring',
'disable_recurring' => 'Disable Recurring',
'text' => 'Text',
'expense_will_create' => 'expense will be created',
'expenses_will_create' => 'expenses will be created',
'created_expenses' => 'Successfully created :count expense(s)',
'translate_app' => 'Help improve our translations with :link',
'expense_category' => 'Категория затрат',
'go_ninja_pro' => 'Go Ninja Pro!',
'go_enterprise' => 'Go Enterprise!',
'upgrade_for_features' => 'Upgrade For More Features',
'pay_annually_discount' => 'Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!',
'pro_upgrade_title' => 'Ninja Pro',
'pro_upgrade_feature1' => 'YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com',
'pro_upgrade_feature2' => 'Customize every aspect of your invoice!',
'enterprise_upgrade_feature1' => 'Set permissions for multiple-users',
'enterprise_upgrade_feature2' => 'Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses',
'much_more' => 'Much More!',
'all_pro_fetaures' => 'Plus all pro features!',
'currency_symbol' => 'Symbol',
'currency_code' => 'Code',
'buy_license' => 'Buy License',
'apply_license' => 'Apply License',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'white_label_license_key' => 'License Key',
'invalid_white_label_license' => 'The white label license is not valid',
'created_by' => 'Created by :name',
'modules' => 'Modules',
'financial_year_start' => 'Первый месяц года',
'authentication' => 'Authentication',
'checkbox' => 'Checkbox',
'invoice_signature' => 'Signature',
'show_accept_invoice_terms' => 'Invoice Terms Checkbox',
'show_accept_invoice_terms_help' => 'Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.',
'show_accept_quote_terms' => 'Quote Terms Checkbox',
'show_accept_quote_terms_help' => 'Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.',
'require_invoice_signature' => 'Invoice Signature',
'require_invoice_signature_help' => 'Require client to provide their signature.',
'require_quote_signature' => 'Quote Signature',
'require_quote_signature_help' => 'Require client to provide their signature.',
'i_agree' => 'I Agree To The Terms',
'sign_here' => 'Please sign here:',
'authorization' => 'Authorization',
'signed' => 'Signed',
'vendor_name' => 'Vendor',
'entity_state' => 'State',
'client_created_at' => 'Дата создания',
'postmark_error' => 'There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: :link',
'project' => 'Project',
'projects' => 'Projects',
'new_project' => 'New Project',
'edit_project' => 'Edit Project',
'archive_project' => 'Archive Project',
'list_projects' => 'List Projects',
'updated_project' => 'Successfully updated project',
'created_project' => 'Successfully created project',
'archived_project' => 'Successfully archived project',
'archived_projects' => 'Successfully archived :count projects',
'restore_project' => 'Restore Project',
'restored_project' => 'Successfully restored project',
'delete_project' => 'Delete Project',
'deleted_project' => 'Successfully deleted project',
'deleted_projects' => 'Successfully deleted :count projects',
'delete_expense_category' => 'Delete category',
'deleted_expense_category' => 'Successfully deleted category',
'delete_product' => 'Удалить товар/услугу',
'deleted_product' => 'Товар/услуга успешно удалены',
'deleted_products' => 'Successfully deleted :count products',
'restored_product' => 'Successfully restored product',
'update_credit' => 'Update Credit',
'updated_credit' => 'Successfully updated credit',
'edit_credit' => 'Edit Credit',
'realtime_preview' => 'Realtime Preview',
'realtime_preview_help' => 'Realtime refresh PDF preview on the invoice page when editing invoice.<br/>Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.',
'live_preview_help' => 'Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.',
'force_pdfjs_help' => 'Replace the built-in PDF viewer in :chrome_link and :firefox_link.<br/>Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.',
'force_pdfjs' => 'Prevent Download',
'redirect_url' => 'Redirect URL',
'redirect_url_help' => 'Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.',
'save_draft' => 'Save Draft',
'refunded_credit_payment' => 'Refunded credit payment',
'keyboard_shortcuts' => 'Горячие клавиши',
'toggle_menu' => 'Скрыть меню',
'new_...' => 'Новый...',
'list_...' => 'Список...',
'created_at' => 'Дата создания',
'contact_us' => 'Свяжитесь с нами',
'user_guide' => 'Руководство пользователя',
'promo_message' => 'Upgrade before :expires and get :amount OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.',
'discount_message' => ':amount off expires :expires',
'mark_paid' => 'Отметить оплаченным',
'marked_sent_invoice' => 'Successfully marked invoice sent',
'marked_sent_invoices' => 'Successfully marked invoices sent',
'invoice_name' => 'Счёт',
'product_will_create' => 'будет создан(а) товар/услуга ',
'contact_us_response' => 'Спасибо за Ваше сообщение! Мы постараемся ответить как можно скорее.',
'last_7_days' => 'Последние 7 дней',
'last_30_days' => 'Последние 30 дней',
'this_month' => 'Текущий месяц',
'last_month' => 'Прошлый месяц',
'current_quarter' => 'Current Quarter',
'last_quarter' => 'Last Quarter',
'last_year' => 'Прошлый год',
'custom_range' => 'Custom Range',
'url' => 'URL',
'debug' => 'Отладка',
'https' => 'HTTPS',
'require' => 'Require',
'license_expiring' => 'Примечание. Срок действия вашей лицензии истекает через :count days, :link, чтобы обновить ее.',
'security_confirmation' => 'Ваш адрес эл.почты подтвержден.',
'white_label_expired' => 'Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.',
'renew_license' => 'Renew License',
'iphone_app_message' => 'Consider downloading our :link',
'iphone_app' => 'приложение для iPhone',
'android_app' => 'Приложение для Android',
'logged_in' => 'Успешный вход',
'switch_to_primary' => 'Switch to your primary company (:name) to manage your plan.',
'inclusive' => 'Inclusive',
'exclusive' => 'Exclusive',
'postal_city_state' => 'Индекс/Город/Страна',
'phantomjs_help' => 'In certain cases the app uses :link_phantom to generate the PDF, install :link_docs to generate it locally.',
'phantomjs_local' => 'Using local PhantomJS',
'client_number' => 'Client Number',
'client_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.',
'next_client_number' => 'The next client number is :number.',
'generated_numbers' => 'Generated Numbers',
'notes_reminder1' => 'First Reminder',
'notes_reminder2' => 'Second Reminder',
'notes_reminder3' => 'Third Reminder',
'notes_reminder4' => 'Reminder',
'bcc_email' => 'BCC Email',
'tax_quote' => 'Tax Quote',
'tax_invoice' => 'Tax Invoice',
'emailed_invoices' => 'Successfully emailed invoices',
'emailed_quotes' => 'Successfully emailed quotes',
'website_url' => 'URL веб-сайта',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'domain_help' => 'Used in the client portal and when sending emails.',
'domain_help_website' => 'Used when sending emails.',
'import_invoices' => 'Импортировать счета',
'new_report' => 'Создать отчёт',
'edit_report' => 'Редактировать отчёт',
'columns' => 'Столбцы',
'filters' => 'Фильтры',
'sort_by' => 'Sort By',
'draft' => 'Черновик',
'unpaid' => 'Неоплачено',
'aging' => 'Aging',
'age' => 'Возраст',
'days' => 'Дни',
'age_group_0' => '0-30 дней',
'age_group_30' => '30-60 дней',
'age_group_60' => '60-90 дней',
'age_group_90' => '90-120 дней',
'age_group_120' => '120+ дней',
'invoice_details' => 'Детали счёта',
'qty' => 'Количество',
'profit_and_loss' => 'Прибыли и убытки',
'revenue' => 'Revenue',
'profit' => 'Profit',
'group_when_sorted' => 'Group Sort',
'group_dates_by' => 'Group Dates By',
'year' => 'Год',
'view_statement' => 'View Statement',
'statement' => 'Statement',
'statement_date' => 'Statement Date',
'mark_active' => 'Mark Active',
'send_automatically' => 'Send Automatically',
'initial_email' => 'Initial Email',
'invoice_not_emailed' => 'This invoice hasn\'t been emailed.',
'quote_not_emailed' => 'This quote hasn\'t been emailed.',
'sent_by' => 'Отправлено :user',
'recipients' => 'Получатели',
'save_as_default' => 'По умолчанию',
'start_of_week_help' => 'Used by <b>date</b> selectors',
'financial_year_start_help' => 'Used by <b>date range</b> selectors',
'reports_help' => 'Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.',
'this_year' => 'This Year',
// Updated login screen
'ninja_tagline' => 'Create. Send. Get Paid.',
'login_or_existing' => 'Or login with a connected account.',
'sign_up_now' => 'Зарегистрироваться сейчас',
'not_a_member_yet' => 'Еще на с нами?',
'login_create_an_account' => 'Создать аккаунт',
// New Client Portal styling
'invoice_from' => 'Счета от:',
'email_alias_message' => 'Каждая компании обязана иметь уникальный адрес электронной почты. Рассмотрите использование псевдонима, н-р. email+label@example.com',
'full_name' => 'Полное имя',
'month_year' => 'Месяц/Год',
'valid_thru' => 'Действителен до',
'product_fields' => 'Поля товара/услуги',
'custom_product_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'freq_two_months' => 'Два месяца',
'freq_yearly' => 'Ежегодно',
'profile' => 'Профиль',
'payment_type_help' => 'Sets the default <b>manual payment type</b>.',
'industry_Construction' => 'Construction',
'your_statement' => 'Your Statement',
'statement_issued_to' => 'Statement issued to',
'statement_to' => 'Statement to',
'customize_options' => 'Customize options',
'created_payment_term' => 'Successfully created payment term',
'updated_payment_term' => 'Successfully updated payment term',
'archived_payment_term' => 'Successfully archived payment term',
'resend_invite' => 'Послать приглашение еще раз',
'credit_created_by' => 'Credit created by payment :transaction_reference',
'created_payment_and_credit' => 'Successfully created payment and credit',
'created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client' => 'Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client',
'create_project' => 'Создать проект',
'create_vendor' => 'Создать поставщика',
'create_expense_category' => 'Создать категорию',
'pro_plan_reports' => ':link to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan',
'mark_ready' => 'Отметить готовым',
'limits' => 'Лимиты',
'fees' => 'Платы',
'fee' => 'Плата',
'set_limits_fees' => 'Set :gateway_type Limits/Fees',
'fees_tax_help' => 'Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.',
'fees_sample' => 'The fee for a :amount invoice would be :total.',
'discount_sample' => 'The discount for a :amount invoice would be :total.',
'no_fees' => 'Нет платы',
'gateway_fees_disclaimer' => 'Предупреждение: не все штаты / платежные шлюзы разрешают добавлять сборы, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с местными законы / условиями обслуживания.',
'percent' => 'Процент',
'location' => 'Местоположение',
'line_item' => 'Line Item',
'surcharge' => 'Surcharge',
'location_first_surcharge' => 'Enabled - First surcharge',
'location_second_surcharge' => 'Enabled - Second surcharge',
'location_line_item' => 'Enabled - Line item',
'online_payment_surcharge' => 'Комиссия при оплате онлайн',
'gateway_fees' => 'Комиссия платёжного шлюза',
'fees_disabled' => 'Плата отсутствует.',
'gateway_fees_help' => 'Автоматически учитывать сумму комиссии / скидки за онлайн платёж.',
'gateway' => 'Шлюз',
'gateway_fee_change_warning' => 'If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.',
'fees_surcharge_help' => 'Customize surcharge :link.',
'label_and_taxes' => 'label and taxes',
'billable' => 'Оплачиваемый',
'logo_warning_too_large' => 'Размер изображения слишком большой.',
'logo_warning_fileinfo' => 'Предупреждение. Для поддержки gif необходимо, чтобы расширение PHP было включено.',
'logo_warning_invalid' => 'Не удалось прочитать файл изображения, попробуйте другой формат.',
'error_refresh_page' => 'Произошла ошибка, обновите страницу и повторите попытку.',
'data' => 'Дата',
'imported_settings' => 'Настройки успешно импортированы',
'reset_counter' => 'Reset Counter',
'next_reset' => 'Next Reset',
'reset_counter_help' => 'Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.',
'auto_bill_failed' => 'Auto-billing for invoice :invoice_number failed',
'online_payment_discount' => 'Скидка при платеже онлайн',
'created_new_company' => 'Новая компания успешно создана',
'fees_disabled_for_gateway' => 'Плата для этого шлюза отсутствует.',
'logout_and_delete' => 'Выйти/Удалить аккаунт',
'tax_rate_type_help' => 'Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.<br/>Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.',
'invoice_footer_help' => 'Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.',
'credit_note' => 'Credit Note',
'credit_issued_to' => 'Credit issued to',
'credit_to' => 'Credit to',
'your_credit' => 'Your Credit',
'credit_number' => 'Credit Number',
'create_credit_note' => 'Create Credit Note',
'menu' => 'Меню',
'error_incorrect_gateway_ids' => 'Ошибка: таблица шлюзов имеет неправильные идентификаторы.',
'purge_data' => 'Purge Data',
'delete_data' => 'Delete Data',
'purge_data_help' => 'Безвозвратно удалить все данные и настройки учетной записи.',
'cancel_account_help' => 'Безвозвратно удалить учетную запись со всеми данными и настройками.',
'purge_successful' => 'Информация о компании успешно удалена',
'forbidden' => 'Запрещено',
'purge_data_message' => 'Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.',
'contact_phone' => 'Контактный номер',
'contact_email' => 'Почта для связи',
'reply_to_email' => 'Ответить на сообщение',
'reply_to_email_help' => 'Specify the reply-to address for client emails.',
'bcc_email_help' => 'Privately include this address with client emails.',
'import_complete' => 'Импорт успешно завершён.',
'confirm_account_to_import' => 'Подтвердите свою учетную запись, чтобы импортировать данные.',
'import_started' => 'Импорт начался, мы отправим вам электронное письмо после его завершения.',
'listening' => 'Listening...',
'microphone_help' => 'Say "new invoice for [client]" or "show me [client]\'s archived payments"',
'voice_commands' => 'Голосовые команды',
'sample_commands' => 'Примеры команд',
'voice_commands_feedback' => 'Мы активно работаем над улучшением этой функции, если есть команда, которую вы хотели бы увидеть, напишите нам по электронной почте :email.',
'payment_type_Venmo' => 'Venmo',
'payment_type_Money Order' => 'Money Order',
'archived_products' => 'Successfully archived :count products',
'recommend_on' => 'We recommend <b>enabling</b> this setting.',
'recommend_off' => 'We recommend <b>disabling</b> this setting.',
'notes_auto_billed' => 'Auto-billed',
'surcharge_label' => 'Surcharge Label',
'contact_fields' => 'Contact Fields',
'custom_contact_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.',
'datatable_info' => 'Показано :start to :end из :total строк',
'credit_total' => 'Credit Total',
'mark_billable' => 'Mark billable',
'billed' => 'Billed',
'company_variables' => 'Company Variables',
'client_variables' => 'Client Variables',
'invoice_variables' => 'Invoice Variables',
'navigation_variables' => 'Navigation Variables',
'custom_variables' => 'Custom Variables',
'invalid_file' => 'Invalid file type',
'add_documents_to_invoice' => 'Add Documents to Invoice',
'mark_expense_paid' => 'Отметить оплаченным',
'white_label_license_error' => 'Failed to validate the license, either expired or excessive activations. Email contact@invoiceninja.com for more information.',
'plan_price' => 'Plan Price',
'wrong_confirmation' => 'Неверный код подтверждения',
'oauth_taken' => 'Учетная запись уже существует',
'emailed_payment' => 'Successfully emailed payment',
'email_payment' => 'Email Payment',
'invoiceplane_import' => 'Use :link to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.',
'duplicate_expense_warning' => 'Warning: This :link may be a duplicate',
'expense_link' => 'расход',
'resume_task' => 'Возобновить задание',
'resumed_task' => 'Задание успешно возобновлено',
'quote_design' => 'Шаблон котировок',
'default_design' => 'Стандартный шаблон',
'custom_design1' => 'Пользовательский шаблон 1',
'custom_design2' => 'Пользовательский шаблон 2',
'custom_design3' => 'Пользовательский шаблон 3',
'empty' => 'Пусто',
'load_design' => 'Загрузить шаблон',
'accepted_card_logos' => 'Accepted Card Logos',
'phantomjs_local_and_cloud' => 'Используется локального PhantomJS, назад к phantomjscloud.com',
'google_analytics' => 'Google Analytics',
'analytics_key' => 'Analytics Key',
'analytics_key_help' => 'Отслеживайте платежи используя :link',
'start_date_required' => 'Укажите дату начала',
'application_settings' => 'Настройки приложения',
'database_connection' => 'Соединение с БД',
'driver' => 'Driver',
'host' => 'Хост',
'database' => 'База данных',
'test_connection' => 'Проверить соединение',
'from_name' => 'From Name',
'from_address' => 'От',
'port' => 'Порт',
'encryption' => 'Шифрование',
'mailgun_domain' => 'Домен рассылки',
'mailgun_private_key' => 'Ключ почтовой рассылки',
'send_test_email' => 'Отправить тестовое сообщение',
'select_label' => 'Выбрать ярлык',
'label' => 'Label',
'service' => 'Услуга',
'update_payment_details' => 'Обновить платежные данные',
'updated_payment_details' => 'Successfully updated payment details',
'update_credit_card' => 'Update Credit Card',
'recurring_expenses' => 'Recurring Expenses',
'recurring_expense' => 'Recurring Expense',
'new_recurring_expense' => 'New Recurring Expense',
'edit_recurring_expense' => 'Edit Recurring Expense',
'archive_recurring_expense' => 'Archive Recurring Expense',
'list_recurring_expense' => 'List Recurring Expenses',
'updated_recurring_expense' => 'Повторяющаяся Затрата успешно обновлена',
'created_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully created recurring expense',
'archived_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully archived recurring expense',
'restore_recurring_expense' => 'Restore Recurring Expense',
'restored_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully restored recurring expense',
'delete_recurring_expense' => 'Delete Recurring Expense',
'deleted_recurring_expense' => 'Проект успешно удален',
'view_recurring_expense' => 'Просмотреть повторяющийся расходы',
'taxes_and_fees' => 'Налоги и платежи',
'import_failed' => 'Не удалось импортировать',
'recurring_prefix' => 'Повторяющийся префикс',
'options' => 'Настройки',
'credit_number_help' => 'Укажите префикс или используйте собственный шаблон, чтобы динамически установить номер кредита для отрицательных счетов.',
'next_credit_number' => 'The next credit number is :number.',
'padding_help' => 'Число нулей для заполнения номера.',
'import_warning_invalid_date' => 'Предупреждение. Неверный формат даты.',
'product_notes' => 'Примечания к товару/услуге',
'app_version' => 'Версия приложения',
'ofx_version' => 'OFX Версия',
'gateway_help_23' => ':link, чтобы получить ключи Stripe API.',
'error_app_key_set_to_default' => 'Ошибка: для APP_KEY установлено значение по умолчанию, чтобы обновить его, создайте резервную копию базы данных, а затем запустить <code>php artisan ninja: update-key</code>',
'charge_late_fee' => 'Пеня',
'late_fee_amount' => 'Сумма пени',
'late_fee_percent' => 'Процент пени',
'late_fee_added' => 'Пеня начислена :date',
'download_invoice' => 'Скачать счёт',
'download_quote' => 'Скачать котировки',
'invoices_are_attached' => 'Счёт в PDF прикреплён ',
'downloaded_invoice' => 'An email will be sent with the invoice PDF',
'downloaded_quote' => 'An email will be sent with the quote PDF',
'downloaded_invoices' => 'An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs',
'downloaded_quotes' => 'An email will be sent with the quote PDFs',
'clone_expense' => 'Clone Expense',
'default_documents' => 'Документы по умолчанию',
'send_email_to_client' => 'Отправлять клиенту письмо',
'refund_subject' => 'Refund Processed',
'refund_body' => 'You have been processed a refund of :amount for invoice :invoice_number.',
'currency_us_dollar' => 'Доллар США',
'currency_british_pound' => 'Британский фунт',
'currency_euro' => 'Евро',
'currency_south_african_rand' => 'Южноафриканский рэнд',
'currency_danish_krone' => 'Датская крона',
'currency_israeli_shekel' => 'Израильский шекель',
'currency_swedish_krona' => 'Шведская крона',
'currency_kenyan_shilling' => 'Кенийский шиллинг',
'currency_canadian_dollar' => 'Канадский доллар',
'currency_philippine_peso' => 'Филиппинское песо',
'currency_indian_rupee' => 'Индийская рупия',
'currency_australian_dollar' => 'Австралийский доллар',
'currency_singapore_dollar' => 'Сингапурский доллар',
'currency_norske_kroner' => 'Норвежская крона',
'currency_new_zealand_dollar' => 'Новозеландский доллар',
'currency_vietnamese_dong' => 'Вьетнамский донг',
'currency_swiss_franc' => 'Шведский франк',
'currency_guatemalan_quetzal' => 'Гватемальский кецаль',
'currency_malaysian_ringgit' => 'Малайзийский ринггит',
'currency_brazilian_real' => 'Бразильский реал',
'currency_thai_baht' => 'Тайский бат',
'currency_nigerian_naira' => 'Нигерийская найра',
'currency_argentine_peso' => 'Аргентинское песо',
'currency_bangladeshi_taka' => 'Бангладешский така',
'currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham' => 'дирхам Объединённых Арабских Эмиратов',
'currency_hong_kong_dollar' => 'Гонконгский доллар',
'currency_indonesian_rupiah' => 'Индонезийская рупия',
'currency_mexican_peso' => 'Мексиканское песо',
'currency_egyptian_pound' => 'Египетский фунт',
'currency_colombian_peso' => 'Колумбийское песо',
'currency_west_african_franc' => 'Западно-африканский франк',
'currency_chinese_renminbi' => 'Китайский юань',
'currency_rwandan_franc' => 'Руандийский франк',
'currency_tanzanian_shilling' => 'Танзанийский шиллинг',
'currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder' => 'Нидерландский гульден',
'currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar' => 'Доллар Тринидада и Тобаго',
'currency_east_caribbean_dollar' => 'Восточно-карибский доллар',
'currency_ghanaian_cedi' => 'Ганайский седи',
'currency_bulgarian_lev' => 'Болгарский лев',
'currency_aruban_florin' => 'Арубанский флорин',
'currency_turkish_lira' => 'Турецкая лира',
'currency_romanian_new_leu' => 'Румынский лей',
'currency_croatian_kuna' => 'Хорватская куна',
'currency_saudi_riyal' => 'Саудовский риал',
'currency_japanese_yen' => 'Японская йена',
'currency_maldivian_rufiyaa' => 'Мальдивская руфия',
'currency_costa_rican_colon' => 'Коста-риканский колон',
'currency_pakistani_rupee' => 'Пакистанская рупия',
'currency_polish_zloty' => 'Польский злотый',
'currency_sri_lankan_rupee' => 'Шри-ланскийская рупия',
'currency_czech_koruna' => 'Чешская крона',
'currency_uruguayan_peso' => 'Уругвайский песо',
'currency_namibian_dollar' => 'Намибийский доллар',
'currency_tunisian_dinar' => 'Тунисский динар',
'currency_russian_ruble' => 'Российский рубль',
'currency_mozambican_metical' => 'Мозамбикский метикал',
'currency_omani_rial' => 'Оманский риал',
'currency_ukrainian_hryvnia' => 'Украинская гривна',
'currency_macanese_pataca' => 'Патака Макао',
'currency_taiwan_new_dollar' => 'Новый тайваньский доллар',
'currency_dominican_peso' => 'Доминиканский песо',
'currency_chilean_peso' => 'Чилийский песо',
'currency_icelandic_krona' => 'Исландская крона',
'currency_papua_new_guinean_kina' => 'Кина',
'currency_jordanian_dinar' => 'Иорданский динар',
'currency_myanmar_kyat' => 'Кьят',
'currency_peruvian_sol' => 'Перуанский соль',
'currency_botswana_pula' => 'Botswana Pula',
'currency_hungarian_forint' => 'Hungarian Forint',
'currency_ugandan_shilling' => 'Ugandan Shilling',
'currency_barbadian_dollar' => 'Barbadian Dollar',
'currency_brunei_dollar' => 'Brunei Dollar',
'currency_georgian_lari' => 'Georgian Lari',
'currency_qatari_riyal' => 'Qatari Riyal',
'currency_honduran_lempira' => 'Honduran Lempira',
'currency_surinamese_dollar' => 'Surinamese Dollar',
'currency_bahraini_dinar' => 'Bahraini Dinar',
'currency_venezuelan_bolivars' => 'Venezuelan Bolivars',
'currency_south_korean_won' => 'South Korean Won',
'currency_moroccan_dirham' => 'Moroccan Dirham',
'currency_jamaican_dollar' => 'Jamaican Dollar',
'currency_angolan_kwanza' => 'Angolan Kwanza',
'currency_haitian_gourde' => 'Haitian Gourde',
'currency_zambian_kwacha' => 'Zambian Kwacha',
'currency_nepalese_rupee' => 'Nepalese Rupee',
'currency_cfp_franc' => 'CFP Franc',
'currency_mauritian_rupee' => 'Mauritian Rupee',
'currency_cape_verdean_escudo' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo',
'currency_kuwaiti_dinar' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar',
'currency_algerian_dinar' => 'Algerian Dinar',
'currency_macedonian_denar' => 'Macedonian Denar',
'currency_fijian_dollar' => 'Fijian Dollar',
'currency_bolivian_boliviano' => 'Bolivian Boliviano',
'currency_albanian_lek' => 'Albanian Lek',
'currency_serbian_dinar' => 'Serbian Dinar',
'currency_lebanese_pound' => 'Lebanese Pound',
'currency_armenian_dram' => 'Armenian Dram',
'currency_azerbaijan_manat' => 'Azerbaijan Manat',
'currency_bosnia_and_herzegovina_convertible_mark' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark',
'currency_belarusian_ruble' => 'Belarusian Ruble',
'currency_moldovan_leu' => 'Moldovan Leu',
'currency_kazakhstani_tenge' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge',
'currency_gibraltar_pound' => 'Gibraltar Pound',
'currency_gambia_dalasi' => 'Gambia Dalasi',
'currency_paraguayan_guarani' => 'Paraguayan Guarani',
'currency_malawi_kwacha' => 'Malawi Kwacha',
'currency_zimbabwean_dollar' => 'Zimbabwean Dollar',
'currency_cambodian_riel' => 'Cambodian Riel',
'currency_vanuatu_vatu' => 'Vanuatu Vatu',
'currency_cuban_peso' => 'Cuban Peso',
'currency_bz_dollar' => 'BZ Dollar',
'review_app_help' => 'We hope you\'re enjoying using the app.<br/>If you\'d consider :link we\'d greatly appreciate it!',
'writing_a_review' => 'writing a review',
'use_english_version' => 'Обязательно используйте английскую версию файлов. Мы используем заголовки столбцов для соответствия полям.',
'tax1' => 'First Tax',
'tax2' => 'Second Tax',
'fee_help' => 'Плата за услуги платежного шлюза - это платежи, взимаемые за доступ к финансовым сетям, которые обрабатывают онлайн-платежи.',
'format_export' => 'Exporting format',
'custom1' => 'First Custom',
'custom2' => 'Second Custom',
'contact_first_name' => 'Contact First Name',
'contact_last_name' => 'Contact Last Name',
'contact_custom1' => 'Contact First Custom',
'contact_custom2' => 'Contact Second Custom',
'currency' => 'Валюта',
'ofx_help' => 'To troubleshoot check for comments on :ofxhome_link and test with :ofxget_link.',
'comments' => 'comments',
'item_product' => 'Item Product',
'item_notes' => 'Заметки',
'item_cost' => 'Item Cost',
'item_quantity' => 'Item Quantity',
'item_tax_rate' => 'Item Tax Rate',
'item_tax_name' => 'Item Tax Name',
'item_tax1' => 'Item Tax1',
'item_tax2' => 'Item Tax2',
'delete_company' => 'Удалить компанию',
'delete_company_help' => 'Безвозвратно удалить компанию со всеми данными и настройками.',
'delete_company_message' => 'Внимание: это приведет к безвозвратному удалению вашего аккаунта.',
'applied_discount' => 'Купон был применен, цена плана была уменьшена на :discount%.',
'applied_free_year' => 'Купон был применен, ваша учетная запись была обновлена до Pro на один год.',
'contact_us_help' => 'Если вы сообщаете об ошибке, включите любые соответствующие журналы из storage/logs/laravel-error.log',
'include_errors' => 'Включить ошибки',
'include_errors_help' => 'Укажите :link из storage/logs/laravel-error.log',
'recent_errors' => 'последние ошибки',
'customer' => 'Клиент',
'customers' => 'Клиенты',
'created_customer' => 'Успешно создан :count клиент',
'created_customers' => 'Успешно создано :count клиентов',
'purge_details' => 'Данные Вашей компании (:account) были успешно удалены.',
'deleted_company' => 'Successfully deleted company',
'deleted_account' => 'Successfully canceled account',
'deleted_company_details' => 'Ваша компания (:account) успешно удалена.',
'deleted_account_details' => 'Ваша учетная запись (:account) успешно удалена.',
'alipay' => 'Alipay',
'sofort' => 'Sofort',
'sepa' => 'SEPA Direct Debit',
'name_without_special_characters' => 'Please enter a name with only the letters a-z and whitespaces',
'enable_alipay' => 'Принимаем Alipay',
'enable_sofort' => 'Принимаем переводы банков Европы',
'stripe_alipay_help' => 'Эти шлюзы также необходимо активировать в :link.',
'calendar' => 'Календарь',
'pro_plan_calendar' => ':link активируйте календарь, оформив Pro-подписку',
'what_are_you_working_on' => 'Над чем Вы работаете?',
'time_tracker' => 'Тайм-трекер',
'refresh' => 'Refresh',
'filter_sort' => 'Filter/Sort',
'no_description' => 'No Description',
'time_tracker_login' => 'Time Tracker Login',
'save_or_discard' => 'Save or discard your changes',
'discard_changes' => 'Discard Changes',
'tasks_not_enabled' => 'Tasks are not enabled.',
'started_task' => 'Successfully started task',
'create_client' => 'Create Client',
'download_desktop_app' => 'Download the desktop app',
'download_iphone_app' => 'Download the iPhone app',
'download_android_app' => 'Download the Android app',
'time_tracker_mobile_help' => 'Double tap a task to select it',
'stopped' => 'Stopped',
'ascending' => 'Ascending',
'descending' => 'Descending',
'sort_field' => 'Sort By',
'sort_direction' => 'Direction',
'discard' => 'Discard',
'time_am' => 'AM',
'time_pm' => 'PM',
'time_mins' => 'mins',
'time_hr' => 'hr',
'time_hrs' => 'hrs',
'clear' => 'Clear',
'warn_payment_gateway' => 'Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, :link to add one.',
'task_rate' => 'Task Rate',
'task_rate_help' => 'Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.',
'past_due' => 'Past Due',
'document' => 'Document',
'invoice_or_expense' => 'Invoice/Expense',
'invoice_pdfs' => 'Invoice PDFs',
'enable_sepa' => 'Accept SEPA',
'enable_bitcoin' => 'Accept Bitcoin',
'iban' => 'IBAN',
'sepa_authorization' => 'By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing :company and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.',
'recover_license' => 'Recover License',
'purchase' => 'Purchase',
'recover' => 'Recover',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'recover_white_label_header' => 'Recover White Label License',
'apply_white_label_header' => 'Apply White Label License',
'videos' => 'Videos',
'video' => 'Video',
'return_to_invoice' => 'Return to Invoice',
'gateway_help_13' => 'To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.',
'partial_due_date' => 'Partial Due Date',
'task_fields' => 'Task Fields',
'product_fields_help' => 'Drag and drop fields to change their order',
'custom_value1' => 'Custom Value',
'custom_value2' => 'Custom Value',
'enable_two_factor' => 'Two-Factor Authentication',
'enable_two_factor_help' => 'Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in',
'two_factor_setup' => 'Two-Factor Setup',
'two_factor_setup_help' => 'Scan the bar code with a :link compatible app.',
'one_time_password' => 'One Time Password',
'set_phone_for_two_factor' => 'Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.',
'enabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication',
'add_product' => 'Добавить товар/услугу',
'email_will_be_sent_on' => 'Note: the email will be sent on :date.',
'invoice_product' => 'Выставить счёт на товар/услугу',
'self_host_login' => 'Self-Host Login',
'set_self_hoat_url' => 'Self-Host URL',
'local_storage_required' => 'Error: local storage is not available.',
'your_password_reset_link' => 'Your Password Reset Link',
'subdomain_taken' => 'The subdomain is already in use',
'client_login' => 'Войти как клиент',
'converted_amount' => 'Converted Amount',
'default' => 'Default',
'shipping_address' => 'Shipping Address',
'bllling_address' => 'Billing Address',
'billing_address1' => 'Billing Street',
'billing_address2' => 'Billing Apt/Suite',
'billing_city' => 'Billing City',
'billing_state' => 'Billing State/Province',
'billing_postal_code' => 'Billing Postal Code',
'billing_country' => 'Billing Country',
'shipping_address1' => 'Shipping Street',
'shipping_address2' => 'Shipping Apt/Suite',
'shipping_city' => 'Shipping City',
'shipping_state' => 'Shipping State/Province',
'shipping_postal_code' => 'Shipping Postal Code',
'shipping_country' => 'Shipping Country',
'classify' => 'Classify',
'show_shipping_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their shipping address',
'ship_to_billing_address' => 'Ship to billing address',
'delivery_note' => 'Delivery Note',
'show_tasks_in_portal' => 'Show tasks in the client portal',
'cancel_schedule' => 'Cancel Schedule',
'scheduled_report' => 'Scheduled Report',
'scheduled_report_help' => 'Email the :report report as :format to :email',
'created_scheduled_report' => 'Successfully scheduled report',
'deleted_scheduled_report' => 'Successfully canceled scheduled report',
'scheduled_report_attached' => 'Your scheduled :type report is attached.',
'scheduled_report_error' => 'Failed to create schedule report',
'invalid_one_time_password' => 'Invalid one time password',
'apple_pay' => 'Apple/Google Pay',
'enable_apple_pay' => 'Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google',
'requires_subdomain' => 'This payment type requires that a :link.',
'subdomain_is_set' => 'subdomain is set',
'verification_file' => 'Verification File',
'verification_file_missing' => 'The verification file is needed to accept payments.',
'apple_pay_domain' => 'Use <code>:domain</code> as the domain in :link.',
'apple_pay_not_supported' => 'Sorry, Apple/Google Pay isn\'t supported by your browser',
'optional_payment_methods' => 'Optional Payment Methods',
'add_subscription' => 'Add Subscription',
'target_url' => 'Цель',
'target_url_help' => 'When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.',
'event' => 'Event',
'subscription_event_1' => 'Создан Клиент',
'subscription_event_2' => 'Создан Счёт',
'subscription_event_3' => 'Created Quote',
'subscription_event_4' => 'Created Payment',
'subscription_event_5' => 'Created Vendor',
'subscription_event_6' => 'Updated Quote',
'subscription_event_7' => 'Deleted Quote',
'subscription_event_8' => 'Обновил счёт',
'subscription_event_9' => 'Deleted Invoice',
'subscription_event_10' => 'Updated Client',
'subscription_event_11' => 'Deleted Client',
'subscription_event_12' => 'Deleted Payment',
'subscription_event_13' => 'Updated Vendor',
'subscription_event_14' => 'Deleted Vendor',
'subscription_event_15' => 'Created Expense',
'subscription_event_16' => 'Затраты обновлены',
'subscription_event_17' => 'Удалённые затраты',
'subscription_event_18' => 'Created Task',
'subscription_event_19' => 'Updated Task',
'subscription_event_20' => 'Deleted Task',
'subscription_event_21' => 'Approved Quote',
'subscriptions' => 'Subscriptions',
'updated_subscription' => 'Successfully updated subscription',
'created_subscription' => 'Successfully created subscription',
'edit_subscription' => 'Edit Subscription',
'archive_subscription' => 'Archive Subscription',
'archived_subscription' => 'Successfully archived subscription',
'project_error_multiple_clients' => 'The projects can\'t belong to different clients',
'invoice_project' => 'Invoice Project',
'module_recurring_invoice' => 'Recurring Invoices',
'module_credit' => 'Credits',
'module_quote' => 'Счета и Коммерческие предложения',
'module_task' => 'Tasks & Projects',
'module_expense' => 'Затраты и Поставщики',
'module_ticket' => 'Тикеты',
'reminders' => 'Reminders',
'send_client_reminders' => 'Send email reminders',
'can_view_tasks' => 'Tasks are visible in the portal',
'is_not_sent_reminders' => 'Reminders are not sent',
'promotion_footer' => 'Your promotion will expire soon, :link to upgrade now.',
'unable_to_delete_primary' => 'Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.',
'please_register' => 'Please register your account',
'processing_request' => 'Processing request',
'mcrypt_warning' => 'Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run :command to update your cipher.',
'edit_times' => 'Edit Times',
'inclusive_taxes_help' => 'Include <b>taxes in the cost</b>',
'inclusive_taxes_notice' => 'This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.',
'inclusive_taxes_warning' => 'Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved',
'copy_shipping' => 'Copy Shipping',
'copy_billing' => 'Copy Billing',
'quote_has_expired' => 'The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.',
'empty_table_footer' => 'Показано 0 to 0 из 0 записей',
'do_not_trust' => 'Do not remember this device',
'trust_for_30_days' => 'Trust for 30 days',
'trust_forever' => 'Trust forever',
'kanban' => 'Kanban',
'backlog' => 'Backlog',
'ready_to_do' => 'Ready to do',
'in_progress' => 'В процессе',
'add_status' => 'Add status',
'archive_status' => 'Archive Status',
'new_status' => 'New Status',
'convert_products' => 'Конвертировать товар/услугу',
'convert_products_help' => 'Автоматически конвертировать цену продукта в валюту клиента ',
'improve_client_portal_link' => 'Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.',
'budgeted_hours' => 'Budgeted Hours',
'progress' => 'Прогресс',
'view_project' => 'View Project',
'summary' => 'Summary',
'endless_reminder' => 'Endless Reminder',
'signature_on_invoice_help' => 'Add the following code to show your client\'s signature on the PDF.',
'signature_on_pdf' => 'Show on PDF',
'signature_on_pdf_help' => 'Show the client signature on the invoice/quote PDF.',
'expired_white_label' => 'The white label license has expired',
'return_to_login' => 'Return to Login',
'convert_products_tip' => 'Note: add a :link named ":name" to see the exchange rate.',
'amount_greater_than_balance' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.',
'custom_fields_tip' => 'Use <code>Label|Option1,Option2</code> to show a select box.',
'client_information' => 'Client Information',
'updated_client_details' => 'Successfully updated client details',
'auto' => 'Auto',
'tax_amount' => 'Tax Amount',
'tax_paid' => 'Tax Paid',
'none' => 'None',
'proposal_message_button' => 'To view your proposal for :amount, click the button below.',
'proposal' => 'Proposal',
'proposals' => 'Коммерческие предложения',
'list_proposals' => 'Список Коммерческих предложений',
'new_proposal' => 'New Proposal',
'edit_proposal' => 'Edit Proposal',
'archive_proposal' => 'Archive Proposal',
'delete_proposal' => 'Delete Proposal',
'created_proposal' => 'Successfully created proposal',
'updated_proposal' => 'Successfully updated proposal',
'archived_proposal' => 'Successfully archived proposal',
'deleted_proposal' => 'Successfully archived proposal',
'archived_proposals' => 'Successfully archived :count proposals',
'deleted_proposals' => 'Successfully archived :count proposals',
'restored_proposal' => 'Successfully restored proposal',
'restore_proposal' => 'Restore Proposal',
'snippet' => 'Snippet',
'snippets' => 'Snippets',
'proposal_snippet' => 'Snippet',
'proposal_snippets' => 'Snippets',
'new_proposal_snippet' => 'New Snippet',
'edit_proposal_snippet' => 'Edit Snippet',
'archive_proposal_snippet' => 'Archive Snippet',
'delete_proposal_snippet' => 'Delete Snippet',
'created_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully created snippet',
'updated_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully updated snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'deleted_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully archived snippet',
'archived_proposal_snippets' => 'Successfully archived :count snippets',
'deleted_proposal_snippets' => 'Successfully archived :count snippets',
'restored_proposal_snippet' => 'Successfully restored snippet',
'restore_proposal_snippet' => 'Restore Snippet',
'template' => 'Шаблон',
'templates' => 'Шаблоны',
'proposal_template' => 'Шаблон',
'proposal_templates' => 'Шаблоны',
'new_proposal_template' => 'New Template',
'edit_proposal_template' => 'Edit Template',
'archive_proposal_template' => 'Archive Template',
'delete_proposal_template' => 'Delete Template',
'created_proposal_template' => 'Successfully created template',
'updated_proposal_template' => 'Successfully updated template',
'archived_proposal_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'deleted_proposal_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'archived_proposal_templates' => 'Successfully archived :count templates',
'deleted_proposal_templates' => 'Successfully archived :count templates',
'restored_proposal_template' => 'Successfully restored template',
'restore_proposal_template' => 'Restore Template',
'proposal_category' => 'Категория',
'proposal_categories' => 'Категории',
'new_proposal_category' => 'Новая категория',
'edit_proposal_category' => 'Edit Category',
'archive_proposal_category' => 'Archive Category',
'delete_proposal_category' => 'Delete Category',
'created_proposal_category' => 'Successfully created category',
'updated_proposal_category' => 'Successfully updated category',
'archived_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'deleted_proposal_category' => 'Successfully archived category',
'archived_proposal_categories' => 'Успешно перемещены в архив :count Категории',
'deleted_proposal_categories' => 'Успешно перемещены в архив :count Категории',
'restored_proposal_category' => 'Successfully restored category',
'restore_proposal_category' => 'Restore Category',
'delete_status' => 'Delete Status',
'standard' => 'Standard',
'icon' => 'Иконка',
'proposal_not_found' => 'The requested proposal is not available',
'create_proposal_category' => 'Create category',
'clone_proposal_template' => 'Скопировать Шаблон',
'proposal_email' => 'Proposal Email',
'proposal_subject' => 'New proposal :number from :account',
'proposal_message' => 'To view your proposal for :amount, click the link below.',
'emailed_proposal' => 'Successfully emailed proposal',
'load_template' => 'Load Template',
'no_assets' => 'No images, drag to upload',
'add_image' => 'Add Image',
'select_image' => 'Select Image',
'upgrade_to_upload_images' => 'Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images',
'delete_image' => 'Delete Image',
'delete_image_help' => 'Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.',
'amount_variable_help' => 'Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.',
'taxes_are_included_help' => 'Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.',
'taxes_are_not_included_help' => 'Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.',
'change_requires_purge' => 'Changing this setting requires :link the account data.',
'purging' => 'purging',
'warning_local_refund' => 'The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.',
'email_address_changed' => 'Email address has been changed',
'email_address_changed_message' => 'The email address for your account has been changed from :old_email to :new_email.',
'test' => 'Тест',
'beta' => 'Бета',
'gmp_required' => 'Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension',
'email_history' => 'История сообщений',
'loading' => 'Загружается',
'no_messages_found' => 'No messages found',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'reactivate' => 'Reactivate',
'reactivated_email' => 'The email address has been reactivated',
'emails' => 'Emails',
'opened' => 'Opened',
'bounced' => 'Bounced',
'total_sent' => 'Total Sent',
'total_opened' => 'Total Opened',
'total_bounced' => 'Total Bounced',
'total_spam' => 'Total Spam',
'platforms' => 'Platforms',
'email_clients' => 'Email Clients',
'mobile' => 'Mobile',
'desktop' => 'Рабочий стол',
'webmail' => 'Webmail',
'group' => 'Группа',
'subgroup' => 'Subgroup',
'unset' => 'Unset',
'received_new_payment' => 'You\'ve received a new payment!',
'slack_webhook_help' => 'Receive payment notifications using :link.',
'slack_incoming_webhooks' => 'Slack incoming webhooks',
'accept' => 'Подтвердить',
'accepted_terms' => 'Successfully accepted the latest terms of service',
'invalid_url' => 'Невалидный URL',
'workflow_settings' => 'Workflow Settings',
'auto_email_invoice' => 'Auto Email',
'auto_email_invoice_help' => 'Automatically email recurring invoices when created.',
'auto_archive_invoice' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_invoice_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when paid.',
'auto_archive_quote' => 'Auto Archive',
'auto_archive_quote_help' => 'Automatically archive quotes when converted to invoice.',
'require_approve_quote' => 'Require approve quote',
'require_approve_quote_help' => 'Require clients to approve quotes.',
'allow_approve_expired_quote' => 'Allow approve expired quote',
'allow_approve_expired_quote_help' => 'Allow clients to approve expired quotes.',
'invoice_workflow' => 'Invoice Workflow',
'quote_workflow' => 'Quote Workflow',
'client_must_be_active' => 'Error: the client must be active',
'purge_client' => 'Purge Client',
'purged_client' => 'Successfully purged client',
'purge_client_warning' => 'Все связанные записи(счета, затраты, документы и.т.д.) также будут удалены.',
'clone_product' => 'Копировать товар/услугу.',
'item_details' => 'Item Details',
'send_item_details_help' => 'Send line item details to the payment gateway.',
'view_proposal' => 'View Proposal',
'view_in_portal' => 'View in Portal',
'cookie_message' => 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.',
'got_it' => 'Понял!',
'vendor_will_create' => 'vendor will be created',
'vendors_will_create' => 'Поставщики были созданы',
'created_vendors' => 'Successfully created :count vendor(s)',
'import_vendors' => 'Импортировать Поставщиков',
'company' => 'Компания',
'client_field' => 'Client Field',
'contact_field' => 'Contact Field',
'product_field' => 'Поле товара/услуги',
'task_field' => 'Task Field',
'project_field' => 'Project Field',
'expense_field' => 'Expense Field',
'vendor_field' => 'Поле Поставщика',
'company_field' => 'Поле Компании',
'invoice_field' => 'Поле Счёта',
'invoice_surcharge' => 'Invoice Surcharge',
'custom_task_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a task.',
'custom_project_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a project.',
'custom_expense_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an expense.',
'custom_vendor_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating a vendor.',
'messages' => 'Сообщения',
'unpaid_invoice' => 'Unpaid Invoice',
'paid_invoice' => 'Оплаченные счета',
'unapproved_quote' => 'Unapproved Quote',
'unapproved_proposal' => 'Unapproved Proposal',
'autofills_city_state' => 'Auto-fills city/state',
'no_match_found' => 'Совпадений не найдено',
'password_strength' => 'Сложность пароля',
'strength_weak' => 'Слыбый',
'strength_good' => 'Хороший',
'strength_strong' => 'Сильный',
'mark' => 'Mark',
'updated_task_status' => 'Successfully update task status',
'background_image' => 'Фоновое изображение',
'background_image_help' => 'Use the :link to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.',
'proposal_editor' => 'proposal editor',
'background' => 'Background',
'guide' => 'Руководство',
'gateway_fee_item' => 'Gateway Fee Item',
'gateway_fee_description' => 'Gateway Fee Surcharge',
'gateway_fee_discount_description' => 'Gateway Fee Discount',
'show_payments' => 'Show Payments',
'show_aging' => 'Show Aging',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'amount_paid' => 'Amount Paid',
'send_notifications_for' => 'Send Notifications For',
'all_invoices' => 'Все счета',
'my_invoices' => 'Мои Счета',
'payment_reference' => 'Payment Reference',
'maximum' => 'Максимум',
'sort' => 'Сортировка',
'refresh_complete' => 'Refresh Complete',
'please_enter_your_email' => 'Please enter your email',
'please_enter_your_password' => 'Please enter your password',
'please_enter_your_url' => 'Please enter your URL',
'please_enter_a_product_key' => 'Пожалуйста, введите код товара/услуги',
'an_error_occurred' => 'An error occurred',
'overview' => 'Overview',
'copied_to_clipboard' => 'Copied :value to the clipboard',
'error' => 'Ошибка',
'could_not_launch' => 'Could not launch',
'additional' => 'Additional',
'ok' => 'Ok',
'email_is_invalid' => 'Email is invalid',
'items' => 'Items',
'partial_deposit' => 'Частичная оплата',
'add_item' => 'Add Item',
'total_amount' => 'Total Amount',
'pdf' => 'PDF',
'invoice_status_id' => 'Статус Счёта',
'click_plus_to_add_item' => 'Click + to add an item',
'count_selected' => ':count selected',
'dismiss' => 'Dismiss',
'please_select_a_date' => 'Пожалуйста, выбирите дату',
'please_select_a_client' => 'Пожалуйста, выбирите клиента',
'language' => 'Язык',
'updated_at' => 'Updated',
'please_enter_an_invoice_number' => 'Please enter an invoice number',
'please_enter_a_quote_number' => 'Please enter a quote number',
'clients_invoices' => ':client\'s invoices',
'viewed' => 'Viewed',
'approved' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_1' => 'Draft',
'invoice_status_2' => 'Sent',
'invoice_status_3' => 'Viewed',
'invoice_status_4' => 'Approved',
'invoice_status_5' => 'Partial',
'invoice_status_6' => 'Paid',
'marked_invoice_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'please_enter_a_client_or_contact_name' => 'Please enter a client or contact name',
'restart_app_to_apply_change' => 'Restart the app to apply the change',
'refresh_data' => 'Обновить Данные',
'blank_contact' => 'Blank Contact',
'no_records_found' => 'No records found',
'industry' => 'Industry',
'size' => 'Размер',
'net' => 'Net',
'show_tasks' => 'Show tasks',
'email_reminders' => 'Email Reminders',
'reminder1' => 'First Reminder',
'reminder2' => 'Second Reminder',
'reminder3' => 'Third Reminder',
'send' => 'Send',
'auto_billing' => 'Auto billing',
'button' => 'Кнопка',
'more' => 'More',
'edit_recurring_invoice' => 'Edit Recurring Invoice',
'edit_recurring_quote' => 'Edit Recurring Quote',
'quote_status' => 'Quote Status',
'please_select_an_invoice' => 'Please select an invoice',
'filtered_by' => 'Filtered by',
'payment_status' => 'Статус Платежа',
'payment_status_1' => 'Pending',
'payment_status_2' => 'Voided',
'payment_status_3' => 'Failed',
'payment_status_4' => 'Completed',
'payment_status_5' => 'Partially Refunded',
'payment_status_6' => 'Refunded',
'send_receipt_to_client' => 'Send receipt to the client',
'refunded' => 'Refunded',
'marked_quote_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked quote as sent',
'custom_module_settings' => 'Custom Module Settings',
'ticket' => 'Тикет',
'tickets' => 'Тикеты',
'ticket_number' => 'Ticket #',
'new_ticket' => 'New Ticket',
'edit_ticket' => 'Edit Ticket',
'view_ticket' => 'Посмотреть Тикет',
'archive_ticket' => 'Архивировать Тикет',
'restore_ticket' => 'Восстановить Тикет',
'delete_ticket' => 'Удалить Тикет',
'archived_ticket' => 'Successfully archived ticket',
'archived_tickets' => 'Successfully archived tickets',
'restored_ticket' => 'Successfully restored ticket',
'deleted_ticket' => 'Successfully deleted ticket',
'open' => 'Открыт',
'new' => 'Новый',
'closed' => 'Закрыт',
'reopened' => 'Открыт заново',
'priority' => 'Приоритет',
'last_updated' => 'Последнее обновление',
'comment' => 'Комментарии',
'tags' => 'Тэги',
'linked_objects' => 'Связанный объекты',
'low' => 'Низкий',
'medium' => 'Средний',
'high' => 'Высокий',
'no_due_date' => 'No due date set',
'assigned_to' => 'Назначен',
'reply' => 'Ответ',
'awaiting_reply' => 'В ожидании ответа',
'ticket_close' => 'Закрыть Тикет',
'ticket_reopen' => 'Открыть Тикет заново',
'ticket_open' => 'Открыть Тикет',
'ticket_split' => 'Разделить Тикет',
'ticket_merge' => 'Объединить Тикет',
'ticket_update' => 'Обновить Тикет',
'ticket_settings' => 'Настройки тикета',
'updated_ticket' => 'Тикет обновлён',
'mark_spam' => 'Пометить как спам',
'local_part' => 'Local Part',
'local_part_unavailable' => 'Name taken',
'local_part_available' => 'Name available',
'local_part_invalid' => 'Invalid name (alpha numeric only, no spaces',
'local_part_help' => 'Customize the local part of your inbound support email, ie. YOUR_NAME@support.invoiceninja.com',
'from_name_help' => 'From name is the recognizable sender which is displayed instead of the email address, ie Support Center',
'local_part_placeholder' => 'ВАШЕМЯ',
'from_name_placeholder' => 'Центр Поддержки',
'attachments' => 'Прикреплённый файлы',
'client_upload' => 'Загрузки Клиента',
'enable_client_upload_help' => 'Allow clients to upload documents/attachments',
'max_file_size_help' => 'Maximum file size (KB) is limited by your post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables as set in your PHP.INI',
'max_file_size' => 'Максимальный размер файла',
'mime_types' => 'Mime types',
'mime_types_placeholder' => '.pdf , .docx, .jpg',
'mime_types_help' => 'Comma separated list of allowed mime types, leave blank for all',
'ticket_number_start_help' => 'Ticket number must be greater than the current ticket number',
'new_ticket_template_id' => 'Новый тикет',
'new_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a new ticket is created',
'update_ticket_template_id' => 'Updated ticket',
'update_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is updated',
'close_ticket_template_id' => 'закрытый тикет',
'close_ticket_autoresponder_help' => 'Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client/contact when a ticket is closed',
'default_priority' => 'ПРиоритет по-умолчанию',
'alert_new_comment_id' => 'Новый комментарий',
'alert_comment_ticket_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a comment is made.',
'alert_comment_ticket_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on new comment.',
'new_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new ticket notifications',
'update_ticket_notification_list' => 'Additional new comment notifications',
'comma_separated_values' => 'admin@example.ru, supervisor@example.ru',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id' => 'Ticket assignment',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_hel' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket is assigned.',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_notifications' => 'Additional ticket assigned notifications',
'alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket assignment.',
'alert_ticket_transfer_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket transfer.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id' => 'Тикет просрочен',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email' => 'Additional overdue ticket notifications',
'alert_ticket_overdue_email_help' => 'Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket overdue.',
'alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id_help' => 'Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket becomes overdue.',
'ticket_master' => 'Ticket Master',
'ticket_master_help' => 'Has the ability to assign and transfer tickets. Assigned as the default agent for all tickets.',
'default_agent' => 'Default Agent',
'default_agent_help' => 'If selected will automatically be assigned to all inbound tickets',
'show_agent_details' => 'Show agent details on responses',
'avatar' => 'Аватар',
'remove_avatar' => 'Удалить аватар',
'ticket_not_found' => 'Тикет не найден',
'add_template' => 'Добавить Шаблон',
'ticket_template' => 'Шаблон Тикета',
'ticket_templates' => 'Шаблоны Тикетов',
'updated_ticket_template' => 'Updated Ticket Template',
'created_ticket_template' => 'Created Ticket Template',
'archive_ticket_template' => 'Архивировать шаблон',
'restore_ticket_template' => 'Восстановить шаблон',
'archived_ticket_template' => 'Successfully archived template',
'restored_ticket_template' => 'Successfully restored template',
'close_reason' => 'Let us know why you are closing this ticket',
'reopen_reason' => 'Let us know why you are reopening this ticket',
'enter_ticket_message' => 'Пожалуйста, введите сообщение для того чтобы обновить тикет',
'show_hide_all' => 'Показать / Скрыть всё',
'subject_required' => 'Требуется ввести Тему',
'mobile_refresh_warning' => 'If you\'re using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.',
'enable_proposals_for_background' => 'To upload a background image :link to enable the proposals module.',
'ticket_assignment' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been assigned to :agent',
'ticket_contact_reply' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been updated by client :contact',
'ticket_new_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been created.',
'ticket_updated_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been updated.',
'ticket_closed_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number has been closed.',
'ticket_overdue_template_subject' => 'Ticket :ticket_number is now overdue',
'merge' => 'Объединить',
'merged' => 'Обединён',
'agent' => 'Агент',
'parent_ticket' => 'Родительский Тикет',
'linked_tickets' => 'Связзвнные тикеты',
'merge_prompt' => 'Enter ticket number to merge into',
'merge_from_to' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket merged into Ticket #:new_ticket',
'merge_closed_ticket_text' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket was closed and merged into Ticket#:new_ticket - :subject',
'merge_updated_ticket_text' => 'Ticket #:old_ticket was closed and merged into this ticket',
'merge_placeholder' => 'Merge ticket #:ticket into the following ticket',
'select_ticket' => 'Выбирите тикет',
'new_internal_ticket' => 'Новый внутренний тикет',
'internal_ticket' => 'Внутренний тикет',
'create_ticket' => 'Создать Тикет',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external' => 'New Tickets by email (Client)',
'allow_inbound_email_tickets_external_help' => 'Allow clients to create new tickets by email',
'include_in_filter' => 'Include in filter',
'custom_client1' => ':VALUE',
'custom_client2' => ':VALUE',
'compare' => 'Сравнить',
'hosted_login' => 'Hosted Login',
'selfhost_login' => 'Selfhost Login',
'google_login' => 'Авторизация с помощью Google',
'thanks_for_patience' => 'Thank for your patience while we work to implement these features.\n\nWe hope to have them completed in the next few months.\n\nUntil then we\'ll continue to support the',
'legacy_mobile_app' => 'устаревшее мобильное приложение',
'today' => 'Сегодня',
'current' => 'Текущий',
'previous' => 'Предыдущий',
'current_period' => 'Текущий период',
'comparison_period' => 'Период сравнения',
'previous_period' => 'Прошлый период',
'previous_year' => 'Преддуший год',
'compare_to' => 'Сравнить с',
'last_week' => 'За последнюю неделю',
'clone_to_invoice' => 'Добавить в счёт',
'clone_to_quote' => 'Добавить в Прайс-лист',
'convert' => 'Конвертирован',
'last7_days' => 'Последние 7 дней',
'last30_days' => 'Последние 30 дней',
'custom_js' => 'Свой JS',
'adjust_fee_percent_help' => 'Adjust percent to account for fee',
'show_product_notes' => 'Показать детали товара/услуги',
'show_product_notes_help' => 'Include the <b>description and cost</b> in the product dropdown',
'important' => 'Важно',
'thank_you_for_using_our_app' => 'Спасибо что используете наше приложение!',
'if_you_like_it' => 'If you like it please',
'to_rate_it' => 'to rate it.',
'average' => 'Average',
'unapproved' => 'Неподтверждённые',
'authenticate_to_change_setting' => 'Please authenticate to change this setting',
'locked' => 'Заблокировано',
'authenticate' => 'Authenticate',
'please_authenticate' => 'Please authenticate',
'biometric_authentication' => 'Biometric Authentication',
'auto_start_tasks' => 'Auto Start Tasks',
'budgeted' => 'Budgeted',
'please_enter_a_name' => 'Please enter a name',
'click_plus_to_add_time' => 'Click + to add time',
'design' => 'Design',
'password_is_too_short' => 'Password is too short',
'failed_to_find_record' => 'Failed to find record',
'valid_until_days' => 'Valid Until',
'valid_until_days_help' => 'Automatically sets the <b>Valid Until</b> value on quotes to this many days in the future. Leave blank to disable.',
'usually_pays_in_days' => 'Days',
'requires_an_enterprise_plan' => 'Requires an enterprise plan',
'take_picture' => 'Take Picture',
'upload_file' => 'Upload File',
'new_document' => 'New Document',
'edit_document' => 'Edit Document',
'uploaded_document' => 'Successfully uploaded document',
'updated_document' => 'Successfully updated document',
'archived_document' => 'Successfully archived document',
'deleted_document' => 'Successfully deleted document',
'restored_document' => 'Successfully restored document',
'no_history' => 'No History',
'expense_status_1' => 'Logged',
'expense_status_2' => 'Pending',
'expense_status_3' => 'Invoiced',
'no_record_selected' => 'No record selected',
'error_unsaved_changes' => 'Please save or cancel your changes',
'thank_you_for_your_purchase' => 'Thank you for your purchase!',
'redeem' => 'Redeem',
'back' => 'Back',
'past_purchases' => 'Past Purchases',
'annual_subscription' => 'Annual Subscription',
'pro_plan' => 'Pro Plan',
'enterprise_plan' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'count_users' => ':count users',
'upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'please_enter_a_first_name' => 'Please enter a first name',
'please_enter_a_last_name' => 'Please enter a last name',
'please_agree_to_terms_and_privacy' => 'Please agree to the terms of service and privacy policy to create an account.',
'i_agree_to_the' => 'I agree to the',
'terms_of_service_link' => 'terms of service',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'privacy policy',
'view_website' => 'View Website',
'create_account' => 'Create Account',
'email_login' => 'Email Login',
'late_fees' => 'Late Fees',
'payment_number' => 'Payment Number',
'before_due_date' => 'Before the due date',
'after_due_date' => 'After the due date',
'after_invoice_date' => 'After the invoice date',
'filtered_by_user' => 'Filtered by User',
'created_user' => 'Successfully created user',
'primary_font' => 'Primary Font',
'secondary_font' => 'Secondary Font',
'number_padding' => 'Number Padding',
'general' => 'General',
'surcharge_field' => 'Surcharge Field',
'company_value' => 'Company Value',
'credit_field' => 'Credit Field',
'payment_field' => 'Payment Field',
'group_field' => 'Group Field',
'number_counter' => 'Number Counter',
'number_pattern' => 'Number Pattern',
'custom_javascript' => 'Custom JavaScript',
'portal_mode' => 'Portal Mode',
'attach_pdf' => 'Attach PDF',
'attach_documents' => 'Attach Documents',
'attach_ubl' => 'Attach UBL',
'email_style' => 'Email Style',
'processed' => 'Processed',
'fee_amount' => 'Fee Amount',
'fee_percent' => 'Fee Percent',
'fee_cap' => 'Fee Cap',
'limits_and_fees' => 'Limits/Fees',
'credentials' => 'Credentials',
'require_billing_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their billing address',
'require_shipping_address_help' => 'Require client to provide their shipping address',
'deleted_tax_rate' => 'Successfully deleted tax rate',
'restored_tax_rate' => 'Successfully restored tax rate',
'provider' => 'Provider',
'company_gateway' => 'Payment Gateway',
'company_gateways' => 'Payment Gateways',
'new_company_gateway' => 'New Gateway',
'edit_company_gateway' => 'Edit Gateway',
'created_company_gateway' => 'Successfully created gateway',
'updated_company_gateway' => 'Successfully updated gateway',
'archived_company_gateway' => 'Successfully archived gateway',
'deleted_company_gateway' => 'Successfully deleted gateway',
'restored_company_gateway' => 'Successfully restored gateway',
'continue_editing' => 'Continue Editing',
'default_value' => 'Default value',
'currency_format' => 'Currency Format',
'first_day_of_the_week' => 'First Day of the Week',
'first_month_of_the_year' => 'First Month of the Year',
'symbol' => 'Symbol',
'ocde' => 'Code',
'date_format' => 'Date Format',
'datetime_format' => 'Datetime Format',
'send_reminders' => 'Send Reminders',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'filtered_by_group' => 'Filtered by Group',
'filtered_by_invoice' => 'Filtered by Invoice',
'filtered_by_client' => 'Filtered by Client',
'filtered_by_vendor' => 'Filtered by Vendor',
'group_settings' => 'Group Settings',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'new_group' => 'New Group',
'edit_group' => 'Edit Group',
'created_group' => 'Successfully created group',
'updated_group' => 'Successfully updated group',
'archived_group' => 'Successfully archived group',
'deleted_group' => 'Successfully deleted group',
'restored_group' => 'Successfully restored group',
'upload_logo' => 'Upload Logo',
'uploaded_logo' => 'Successfully uploaded logo',
'saved_settings' => 'Successfully saved settings',
'device_settings' => 'Device Settings',
'credit_cards_and_banks' => 'Credit Cards & Banks',
'price' => 'Price',
'email_sign_up' => 'Email Sign Up',
'google_sign_up' => 'Google Sign Up',
'sign_up_with_google' => 'Sign Up With Google',
'long_press_multiselect' => 'Long-press Multiselect',
'migrate_to_next_version' => 'Migrate to the next version of Invoice Ninja',
'migrate_intro_text' => 'We\'ve been working on next version of Invoice Ninja. Click the button bellow to start the migration.',
'start_the_migration' => 'Start the migration',
'migration' => 'Migration',
'welcome_to_the_new_version' => 'Welcome to the new version of Invoice Ninja',
'next_step_data_download' => 'At the next step, we\'ll let you download your data for the migration.',
'download_data' => 'Press button below to download the data.',
'migration_import' => 'Awesome! Now you are ready to import your migration. Go to your new installation to import your data',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'company1' => 'Custom Company 1',
'company2' => 'Custom Company 2',
'company3' => 'Custom Company 3',
'company4' => 'Custom Company 4',
'product1' => 'Custom Product 1',
'product2' => 'Custom Product 2',
'product3' => 'Custom Product 3',
'product4' => 'Custom Product 4',
'client1' => 'Custom Client 1',
'client2' => 'Custom Client 2',
'client3' => 'Custom Client 3',
'client4' => 'Custom Client 4',
'contact1' => 'Custom Contact 1',
'contact2' => 'Custom Contact 2',
'contact3' => 'Custom Contact 3',
'contact4' => 'Custom Contact 4',
'task1' => 'Custom Task 1',
'task2' => 'Custom Task 2',
'task3' => 'Custom Task 3',
'task4' => 'Custom Task 4',
'project1' => 'Custom Project 1',
'project2' => 'Custom Project 2',
'project3' => 'Custom Project 3',
'project4' => 'Custom Project 4',
'expense1' => 'Custom Expense 1',
'expense2' => 'Custom Expense 2',
'expense3' => 'Custom Expense 3',
'expense4' => 'Custom Expense 4',
'vendor1' => 'Custom Vendor 1',
'vendor2' => 'Custom Vendor 2',
'vendor3' => 'Custom Vendor 3',
'vendor4' => 'Custom Vendor 4',
'invoice1' => 'Custom Invoice 1',
'invoice2' => 'Custom Invoice 2',
'invoice3' => 'Custom Invoice 3',
'invoice4' => 'Custom Invoice 4',
'payment1' => 'Custom Payment 1',
'payment2' => 'Custom Payment 2',
'payment3' => 'Custom Payment 3',
'payment4' => 'Custom Payment 4',
'surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'group1' => 'Custom Group 1',
'group2' => 'Custom Group 2',
'group3' => 'Custom Group 3',
'group4' => 'Custom Group 4',
'number' => 'Number',
'count' => 'Count',
'is_active' => 'Is Active',
'contact_last_login' => 'Contact Last Login',
'contact_full_name' => 'Contact Full Name',
'contact_custom_value1' => 'Contact Custom Value 1',
'contact_custom_value2' => 'Contact Custom Value 2',
'contact_custom_value3' => 'Contact Custom Value 3',
'contact_custom_value4' => 'Contact Custom Value 4',
'assigned_to_id' => 'Assigned To Id',
'created_by_id' => 'Created By Id',
'add_column' => 'Add Column',
'edit_columns' => 'Edit Columns',
'to_learn_about_gogle_fonts' => 'to learn about Google Fonts',
'refund_date' => 'Refund Date',
'multiselect' => 'Multiselect',
'verify_password' => 'Verify Password',
'applied' => 'Applied',
'include_recent_errors' => 'Include recent errors from the logs',
'your_message_has_been_received' => 'We have received your message and will try to respond promptly.',
'show_product_details' => 'Show Product Details',
'show_product_details_help' => 'Include the description and cost in the product dropdown',
'pdf_min_requirements' => 'The PDF renderer requires :version',
'adjust_fee_percent' => 'Adjust Fee Percent',
'configure_settings' => 'Configure Settings',
'about' => 'About',
'credit_email' => 'Credit Email',
'domain_url' => 'Domain URL',
'password_is_too_easy' => 'Password must contain an upper case character and a number',
'client_portal_tasks' => 'Client Portal Tasks',
'client_portal_dashboard' => 'Client Portal Dashboard',
'please_enter_a_value' => 'Please enter a value',
'deleted_logo' => 'Successfully deleted logo',
'generate_number' => 'Generate Number',
'when_saved' => 'When Saved',
'when_sent' => 'When Sent',
'select_company' => 'Select Company',
'float' => 'Float',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'show_or_hide' => 'Show/hide',
'menu_sidebar' => 'Menu Sidebar',
'history_sidebar' => 'History Sidebar',
'tablet' => 'Tablet',
'layout' => 'Layout',
'module' => 'Module',
'first_custom' => 'First Custom',
'second_custom' => 'Second Custom',
'third_custom' => 'Third Custom',
'show_cost' => 'Show Cost',
'show_cost_help' => 'Display a product cost field to track the markup/profit',
'show_product_quantity' => 'Show Product Quantity',
'show_product_quantity_help' => 'Display a product quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'show_invoice_quantity' => 'Show Invoice Quantity',
'show_invoice_quantity_help' => 'Display a line item quantity field, otherwise default to one',
'default_quantity' => 'Default Quantity',
'default_quantity_help' => 'Automatically set the line item quantity to one',
'one_tax_rate' => 'One Tax Rate',
'two_tax_rates' => 'Two Tax Rates',
'three_tax_rates' => 'Three Tax Rates',
'default_tax_rate' => 'Default Tax Rate',
'invoice_tax' => 'Invoice Tax',
'line_item_tax' => 'Line Item Tax',
'inclusive_taxes' => 'Inclusive Taxes',
'invoice_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Tax Rates',
'item_tax_rates' => 'Item Tax Rates',
'configure_rates' => 'Configure rates',
'tax_settings_rates' => 'Tax Rates',
'accent_color' => 'Accent Color',
'comma_sparated_list' => 'Comma separated list',
'single_line_text' => 'Single-line text',
'multi_line_text' => 'Multi-line text',
'dropdown' => 'Dropdown',
'field_type' => 'Field Type',
'recover_password_email_sent' => 'A password recovery email has been sent',
'removed_user' => 'Successfully removed user',
'freq_three_years' => 'Three Years',
'military_time_help' => '24 Hour Display',
'click_here_capital' => 'Click here',
'marked_invoice_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoice as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'marked_invoices_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked invoices as sent',
'activity_57' => 'System failed to email invoice :invoice',
'custom_value3' => 'Custom Value 3',
'custom_value4' => 'Custom Value 4',
'email_style_custom' => 'Custom Email Style',
'custom_message_dashboard' => 'Custom Dashboard Message',
'custom_message_unpaid_invoice' => 'Custom Unpaid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_paid_invoice' => 'Custom Paid Invoice Message',
'custom_message_unapproved_quote' => 'Custom Unapproved Quote Message',
'lock_sent_invoices' => 'Lock Sent Invoices',
'translations' => 'Translations',
'task_number_pattern' => 'Task Number Pattern',
'task_number_counter' => 'Task Number Counter',
'expense_number_pattern' => 'Expense Number Pattern',
'expense_number_counter' => 'Expense Number Counter',
'vendor_number_pattern' => 'Vendor Number Pattern',
'vendor_number_counter' => 'Vendor Number Counter',
'ticket_number_pattern' => 'Ticket Number Pattern',
'ticket_number_counter' => 'Ticket Number Counter',
'payment_number_pattern' => 'Payment Number Pattern',
'payment_number_counter' => 'Payment Number Counter',
'invoice_number_pattern' => 'Invoice Number Pattern',
'quote_number_pattern' => 'Quote Number Pattern',
'client_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'client_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'credit_number_pattern' => 'Credit Number Pattern',
'credit_number_counter' => 'Credit Number Counter',
'reset_counter_date' => 'Reset Counter Date',
'counter_padding' => 'Counter Padding',
'shared_invoice_quote_counter' => 'Share Invoice Quote Counter',
'default_tax_name_1' => 'Default Tax Name 1',
'default_tax_rate_1' => 'Default Tax Rate 1',
'default_tax_name_2' => 'Default Tax Name 2',
'default_tax_rate_2' => 'Default Tax Rate 2',
'default_tax_name_3' => 'Default Tax Name 3',
'default_tax_rate_3' => 'Default Tax Rate 3',
'email_subject_invoice' => 'Email Invoice Subject',
'email_subject_quote' => 'Email Quote Subject',
'email_subject_payment' => 'Email Payment Subject',
'switch_list_table' => 'Switch List Table',
'client_city' => 'Client City',
'client_state' => 'Client State',
'client_country' => 'Client Country',
'client_is_active' => 'Client is Active',
'client_balance' => 'Client Balance',
'client_address1' => 'Client Street',
'client_address2' => 'Client Apt/Suite',
'client_shipping_address1' => 'Client Shipping Street',
'client_shipping_address2' => 'Client Shipping Apt/Suite',
'tax_rate1' => 'Tax Rate 1',
'tax_rate2' => 'Tax Rate 2',
'tax_rate3' => 'Tax Rate 3',
'archived_at' => 'Archived At',
'has_expenses' => 'Has Expenses',
'custom_taxes1' => 'Custom Taxes 1',
'custom_taxes2' => 'Custom Taxes 2',
'custom_taxes3' => 'Custom Taxes 3',
'custom_taxes4' => 'Custom Taxes 4',
'custom_surcharge1' => 'Custom Surcharge 1',
'custom_surcharge2' => 'Custom Surcharge 2',
'custom_surcharge3' => 'Custom Surcharge 3',
'custom_surcharge4' => 'Custom Surcharge 4',
'is_deleted' => 'Is Deleted',
'vendor_city' => 'Vendor City',
'vendor_state' => 'Vendor State',
'vendor_country' => 'Vendor Country',
'credit_footer' => 'Credit Footer',
'credit_terms' => 'Credit Terms',
'untitled_company' => 'Untitled Company',
'added_company' => 'Successfully added company',
'supported_events' => 'Supported Events',
'custom3' => 'Third Custom',
'custom4' => 'Fourth Custom',
'optional' => 'Optional',
'license' => 'License',
'invoice_balance' => 'Invoice Balance',
'saved_design' => 'Successfully saved design',
'client_details' => 'Client Details',
'company_address' => 'Company Address',
'quote_details' => 'Quote Details',
'credit_details' => 'Credit Details',
'product_columns' => 'Product Columns',
'task_columns' => 'Task Columns',
'add_field' => 'Add Field',
'all_events' => 'All Events',
'owned' => 'Owned',
'payment_success' => 'Payment Success',
'payment_failure' => 'Payment Failure',
'quote_sent' => 'Quote Sent',
'credit_sent' => 'Credit Sent',
'invoice_viewed' => 'Invoice Viewed',
'quote_viewed' => 'Quote Viewed',
'credit_viewed' => 'Credit Viewed',
'quote_approved' => 'Quote Approved',
'receive_all_notifications' => 'Receive All Notifications',
'purchase_license' => 'Purchase License',
'enable_modules' => 'Enable Modules',
'converted_quote' => 'Successfully converted quote',
'credit_design' => 'Credit Design',
'includes' => 'Includes',
'css_framework' => 'CSS Framework',
'custom_designs' => 'Custom Designs',
'designs' => 'Designs',
'new_design' => 'New Design',
'edit_design' => 'Edit Design',
'created_design' => 'Successfully created design',
'updated_design' => 'Successfully updated design',
'archived_design' => 'Successfully archived design',
'deleted_design' => 'Successfully deleted design',
'removed_design' => 'Successfully removed design',
'restored_design' => 'Successfully restored design',
'recurring_tasks' => 'Recurring Tasks',
'removed_credit' => 'Successfully removed credit',
'latest_version' => 'Latest Version',
'update_now' => 'Update Now',
'a_new_version_is_available' => 'A new version of the web app is available',
'update_available' => 'Update Available',
'app_updated' => 'Update successfully completed',
'integrations' => 'Integrations',
'tracking_id' => 'Tracking Id',
'slack_webhook_url' => 'Slack Webhook URL',
'partial_payment' => 'Partial Payment',
'partial_payment_email' => 'Partial Payment Email',
'clone_to_credit' => 'Clone to Credit',
'emailed_credit' => 'Successfully emailed credit',
'marked_credit_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked credit as sent',
'email_subject_payment_partial' => 'Email Partial Payment Subject',
'is_approved' => 'Is Approved',
'migration_went_wrong' => 'Oops, something went wrong! Please make sure you have setup an Invoice Ninja v5 instance before starting the migration.',
'cross_migration_message' => 'Cross account migration is not allowed. Please read more about it here: <a href="https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting">https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/migration/#troubleshooting</a>',
'email_credit' => 'Email Credit',
'client_email_not_set' => 'Client does not have an email address set',
'ledger' => 'Ledger',
'view_pdf' => 'View PDF',
'all_records' => 'All records',
'owned_by_user' => 'Owned by user',
'credit_remaining' => 'Credit Remaining',
'use_default' => 'Use default',
'reminder_endless' => 'Endless Reminders',
'number_of_days' => 'Number of days',
'configure_payment_terms' => 'Configure Payment Terms',
'payment_term' => 'Payment Term',
'new_payment_term' => 'New Payment Term',
'deleted_payment_term' => 'Successfully deleted payment term',
'removed_payment_term' => 'Successfully removed payment term',
'restored_payment_term' => 'Successfully restored payment term',
'full_width_editor' => 'Full Width Editor',
'full_height_filter' => 'Full Height Filter',
'email_sign_in' => 'Sign in with email',
'change' => 'Change',
'change_to_mobile_layout' => 'Change to the mobile layout?',
'change_to_desktop_layout' => 'Change to the desktop layout?',
'send_from_gmail' => 'Send from Gmail',
'reversed' => 'Reversed',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'quote_amount' => 'Quote Amount',
'hosted' => 'Hosted',
'selfhosted' => 'Self-Hosted',
'hide_menu' => 'Hide Menu',
'show_menu' => 'Show Menu',
'partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'search_documents' => 'Search Documents',
'search_designs' => 'Search Designs',
'search_invoices' => 'Search Invoices',
'search_clients' => 'Search Clients',
'search_products' => 'Search Products',
'search_quotes' => 'Search Quotes',
'search_credits' => 'Search Credits',
'search_vendors' => 'Search Vendors',
'search_users' => 'Search Users',
'search_tax_rates' => 'Search Tax Rates',
'search_tasks' => 'Search Tasks',
'search_settings' => 'Search Settings',
'search_projects' => 'Search Projects',
'search_expenses' => 'Search Expenses',
'search_payments' => 'Search Payments',
'search_groups' => 'Search Groups',
'search_company' => 'Search Company',
'cancelled_invoice' => 'Successfully cancelled invoice',
'cancelled_invoices' => 'Successfully cancelled invoices',
'reversed_invoice' => 'Successfully reversed invoice',
'reversed_invoices' => 'Successfully reversed invoices',
'reverse' => 'Reverse',
'filtered_by_project' => 'Filtered by Project',
'google_sign_in' => 'Sign in with Google',
'activity_58' => ':user reversed invoice :invoice',
'activity_59' => ':user cancelled invoice :invoice',
'payment_reconciliation_failure' => 'Reconciliation Failure',
'payment_reconciliation_success' => 'Reconciliation Success',
'gateway_success' => 'Gateway Success',
'gateway_failure' => 'Gateway Failure',
'gateway_error' => 'Gateway Error',
'email_send' => 'Email Send',
'email_retry_queue' => 'Email Retry Queue',
'failure' => 'Failure',
'quota_exceeded' => 'Quota Exceeded',
'upstream_failure' => 'Upstream Failure',
'system_logs' => 'System Logs',
'copy_link' => 'Copy Link',
'welcome_to_invoice_ninja' => 'Welcome to Invoice Ninja',
'optin' => 'Opt-In',
'optout' => 'Opt-Out',
'auto_convert' => 'Auto Convert',
'reminder1_sent' => 'Reminder 1 Sent',
'reminder2_sent' => 'Reminder 2 Sent',
'reminder3_sent' => 'Reminder 3 Sent',
'reminder_last_sent' => 'Reminder Last Sent',
'pdf_page_info' => 'Page :current of :total',
'emailed_credits' => 'Successfully emailed credits',
'view_in_stripe' => 'View in Stripe',
'rows_per_page' => 'Rows Per Page',
'apply_payment' => 'Apply Payment',
'unapplied' => 'Unapplied',
'custom_labels' => 'Custom Labels',
'record_type' => 'Record Type',
'record_name' => 'Record Name',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'height' => 'Height',
'width' => 'Width',
'health_check' => 'Health Check',
'last_login_at' => 'Last Login At',
'company_key' => 'Company Key',
'storefront' => 'Storefront',
'storefront_help' => 'Enable third-party apps to create invoices',
'count_records_selected' => ':count records selected',
'count_record_selected' => ':count record selected',
'client_created' => 'Client Created',
'online_payment_email' => 'Online Payment Email',
'manual_payment_email' => 'Manual Payment Email',
'completed' => 'Completed',
'gross' => 'Gross',
'net_amount' => 'Net Amount',
'net_balance' => 'Net Balance',
'client_settings' => 'Client Settings',
'selected_invoices' => 'Selected Invoices',
'selected_payments' => 'Selected Payments',
'selected_quotes' => 'Selected Quotes',
'selected_tasks' => 'Selected Tasks',
'selected_expenses' => 'Selected Expenses',
'past_due_invoices' => 'Past Due Invoices',
'create_payment' => 'Create Payment',
'update_quote' => 'Update Quote',
'update_invoice' => 'Update Invoice',
'update_client' => 'Update Client',
'update_vendor' => 'Update Vendor',
'create_expense' => 'Create Expense',
'update_expense' => 'Update Expense',
'update_task' => 'Update Task',
'approve_quote' => 'Approve Quote',
'when_paid' => 'When Paid',
'expires_on' => 'Expires On',
'show_sidebar' => 'Show Sidebar',
'hide_sidebar' => 'Hide Sidebar',
'event_type' => 'Event Type',
'copy' => 'Copy',
'must_be_online' => 'Please restart the app once connected to the internet',
'crons_not_enabled' => 'The crons need to be enabled',
'api_webhooks' => 'API Webhooks',
'search_webhooks' => 'Search :count Webhooks',
'search_webhook' => 'Search 1 Webhook',
'webhook' => 'Webhook',
'webhooks' => 'Webhooks',
'new_webhook' => 'New Webhook',
'edit_webhook' => 'Edit Webhook',
'created_webhook' => 'Successfully created webhook',
'updated_webhook' => 'Successfully updated webhook',
'archived_webhook' => 'Successfully archived webhook',
'deleted_webhook' => 'Successfully deleted webhook',
'removed_webhook' => 'Successfully removed webhook',
'restored_webhook' => 'Successfully restored webhook',
'search_tokens' => 'Search :count Tokens',
'search_token' => 'Search 1 Token',
'new_token' => 'New Token',
'removed_token' => 'Successfully removed token',
'restored_token' => 'Successfully restored token',
'client_registration' => 'Client Registration',
'client_registration_help' => 'Enable clients to self register in the portal',
'customize_and_preview' => 'Customize & Preview',
'search_document' => 'Search 1 Document',
'search_design' => 'Search 1 Design',
'search_invoice' => 'Search 1 Invoice',
'search_client' => 'Search 1 Client',
'search_product' => 'Search 1 Product',
'search_quote' => 'Search 1 Quote',
'search_credit' => 'Search 1 Credit',
'search_vendor' => 'Search 1 Vendor',
'search_user' => 'Search 1 User',
'search_tax_rate' => 'Search 1 Tax Rate',
'search_task' => 'Search 1 Tasks',
'search_project' => 'Search 1 Project',
'search_expense' => 'Search 1 Expense',
'search_payment' => 'Search 1 Payment',
'search_group' => 'Search 1 Group',
'created_on' => 'Created On',
'payment_status_-1' => 'Unapplied',
'lock_invoices' => 'Lock Invoices',
'show_table' => 'Show Table',
'show_list' => 'Show List',
'view_changes' => 'View Changes',
'force_update' => 'Force Update',
'force_update_help' => 'You are running the latest version but there may be pending fixes available.',
'mark_paid_help' => 'Track the expense has been paid',
'mark_invoiceable_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'add_documents_to_invoice_help' => 'Make the documents visible to client',
'convert_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate',
'expense_settings' => 'Expense Settings',
'clone_to_recurring' => 'Clone to Recurring',
'crypto' => 'Crypto',
'user_field' => 'User Field',
'variables' => 'Variables',
'show_password' => 'Show Password',
'hide_password' => 'Hide Password',
'copy_error' => 'Copy Error',
'capture_card' => 'Capture Card',
'auto_bill_enabled' => 'Auto Bill Enabled',
'total_taxes' => 'Total Taxes',
'line_taxes' => 'Line Taxes',
'total_fields' => 'Total Fields',
'stopped_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully stopped recurring invoice',
'started_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully started recurring invoice',
'resumed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully resumed recurring invoice',
'gateway_refund' => 'Gateway Refund',
'gateway_refund_help' => 'Process the refund with the payment gateway',
'due_date_days' => 'Due Date',
'paused' => 'Paused',
'day_count' => 'Day :count',
'first_day_of_the_month' => 'First Day of the Month',
'last_day_of_the_month' => 'Last Day of the Month',
'use_payment_terms' => 'Use Payment Terms',
'endless' => 'Endless',
'next_send_date' => 'Next Send Date',
'remaining_cycles' => 'Remaining Cycles',
'created_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully created recurring invoice',
'updated_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully updated recurring invoice',
'removed_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully removed recurring invoice',
'search_recurring_invoice' => 'Search 1 Recurring Invoice',
'search_recurring_invoices' => 'Search :count Recurring Invoices',
'send_date' => 'Send Date',
'auto_bill_on' => 'Auto Bill On',
'minimum_under_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Under Payment Amount',
'allow_over_payment' => 'Allow Over Payment',
'allow_over_payment_help' => 'Support paying extra to accept tips',
'allow_under_payment' => 'Allow Under Payment',
'allow_under_payment_help' => 'Support paying at minimum the partial/deposit amount',
'test_mode' => 'Test Mode',
'calculated_rate' => 'Calculated Rate',
'default_task_rate' => 'Default Task Rate',
'clear_cache' => 'Clear Cache',
'sort_order' => 'Sort Order',
'task_status' => 'Status',
'task_statuses' => 'Task Statuses',
'new_task_status' => 'New Task Status',
'edit_task_status' => 'Edit Task Status',
'created_task_status' => 'Successfully created task status',
'archived_task_status' => 'Successfully archived task status',
'deleted_task_status' => 'Successfully deleted task status',
'removed_task_status' => 'Successfully removed task status',
'restored_task_status' => 'Successfully restored task status',
'search_task_status' => 'Search 1 Task Status',
'search_task_statuses' => 'Search :count Task Statuses',
'show_tasks_table' => 'Show Tasks Table',
'show_tasks_table_help' => 'Always show the tasks section when creating invoices',
'invoice_task_timelog' => 'Invoice Task Timelog',
'invoice_task_timelog_help' => 'Add time details to the invoice line items',
'auto_start_tasks_help' => 'Start tasks before saving',
'configure_statuses' => 'Configure Statuses',
'task_settings' => 'Task Settings',
'configure_categories' => 'Configure Categories',
'edit_expense_category' => 'Edit Expense Category',
'removed_expense_category' => 'Successfully removed expense category',
'search_expense_category' => 'Search 1 Expense Category',
'search_expense_categories' => 'Search :count Expense Categories',
'use_available_credits' => 'Use Available Credits',
'show_option' => 'Show Option',
'negative_payment_error' => 'The credit amount cannot exceed the payment amount',
'should_be_invoiced_help' => 'Enable the expense to be invoiced',
'configure_gateways' => 'Configure Gateways',
'payment_partial' => 'Partial Payment',
'is_running' => 'Is Running',
'invoice_currency_id' => 'Invoice Currency ID',
'tax_name1' => 'Tax Name 1',
'tax_name2' => 'Tax Name 2',
'transaction_id' => 'Transaction ID',
'invoice_late' => 'Invoice Late',
'quote_expired' => 'Quote Expired',
'recurring_invoice_total' => 'Invoice Total',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'expense_number' => 'Expense Number',
'task_number' => 'Task Number',
'project_number' => 'Project Number',
'view_settings' => 'View Settings',
'company_disabled_warning' => 'Warning: this company has not yet been activated',
'late_invoice' => 'Late Invoice',
'expired_quote' => 'Expired Quote',
'remind_invoice' => 'Remind Invoice',
'client_phone' => 'Client Phone',
'required_fields' => 'Required Fields',
'enabled_modules' => 'Enabled Modules',
'activity_60' => ':contact viewed quote :quote',
'activity_61' => ':user updated client :client',
'activity_62' => ':user updated vendor :vendor',
'activity_63' => ':user emailed first reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_64' => ':user emailed second reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_65' => ':user emailed third reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'activity_66' => ':user emailed endless reminder for invoice :invoice to :contact',
'expense_category_id' => 'Expense Category ID',
'view_licenses' => 'View Licenses',
'fullscreen_editor' => 'Fullscreen Editor',
'sidebar_editor' => 'Sidebar Editor',
'please_type_to_confirm' => 'Please type ":value" to confirm',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'clone_to' => 'Clone To',
'clone_to_other' => 'Clone to Other',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'add_custom' => 'Add Custom',
'payment_tax' => 'Payment Tax',
'white_label' => 'White Label',
'sent_invoices_are_locked' => 'Sent invoices are locked',
'paid_invoices_are_locked' => 'Paid invoices are locked',
'source_code' => 'Source Code',
'app_platforms' => 'App Platforms',
'archived_task_statuses' => 'Successfully archived :value task statuses',
'deleted_task_statuses' => 'Successfully deleted :value task statuses',
'restored_task_statuses' => 'Successfully restored :value task statuses',
'deleted_expense_categories' => 'Successfully deleted expense :value categories',
'restored_expense_categories' => 'Successfully restored expense :value categories',
'archived_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully archived recurring :value invoices',
'deleted_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully deleted recurring :value invoices',
'restored_recurring_invoices' => 'Successfully restored recurring :value invoices',
'archived_webhooks' => 'Successfully archived :value webhooks',
'deleted_webhooks' => 'Successfully deleted :value webhooks',
'removed_webhooks' => 'Successfully removed :value webhooks',
'restored_webhooks' => 'Successfully restored :value webhooks',
'api_docs' => 'API Docs',
'archived_tokens' => 'Successfully archived :value tokens',
'deleted_tokens' => 'Successfully deleted :value tokens',
'restored_tokens' => 'Successfully restored :value tokens',
'archived_payment_terms' => 'Successfully archived :value payment terms',
'deleted_payment_terms' => 'Successfully deleted :value payment terms',
'restored_payment_terms' => 'Successfully restored :value payment terms',
'archived_designs' => 'Successfully archived :value designs',
'deleted_designs' => 'Successfully deleted :value designs',
'restored_designs' => 'Successfully restored :value designs',
'restored_credits' => 'Successfully restored :value credits',
'archived_users' => 'Successfully archived :value users',
'deleted_users' => 'Successfully deleted :value users',
'removed_users' => 'Successfully removed :value users',
'restored_users' => 'Successfully restored :value users',
'archived_tax_rates' => 'Successfully archived :value tax rates',
'deleted_tax_rates' => 'Successfully deleted :value tax rates',
'restored_tax_rates' => 'Successfully restored :value tax rates',
'archived_company_gateways' => 'Successfully archived :value gateways',
'deleted_company_gateways' => 'Successfully deleted :value gateways',
'restored_company_gateways' => 'Successfully restored :value gateways',
'archived_groups' => 'Successfully archived :value groups',
'deleted_groups' => 'Successfully deleted :value groups',
'restored_groups' => 'Successfully restored :value groups',
'archived_documents' => 'Successfully archived :value documents',
'deleted_documents' => 'Successfully deleted :value documents',
'restored_documents' => 'Successfully restored :value documents',
'restored_vendors' => 'Successfully restored :value vendors',
'restored_expenses' => 'Successfully restored :value expenses',
'restored_tasks' => 'Successfully restored :value tasks',
'restored_projects' => 'Successfully restored :value projects',
'restored_products' => 'Successfully restored :value products',
'restored_clients' => 'Successfully restored :value clients',
'restored_invoices' => 'Successfully restored :value invoices',
'restored_payments' => 'Successfully restored :value payments',
'restored_quotes' => 'Successfully restored :value quotes',
'update_app' => 'Update App',
'started_import' => 'Successfully started import',
'duplicate_column_mapping' => 'Duplicate column mapping',
'uses_inclusive_taxes' => 'Uses Inclusive Taxes',
'is_amount_discount' => 'Is Amount Discount',
'map_to' => 'Map To',
'first_row_as_column_names' => 'Use first row as column names',
'no_file_selected' => 'No File Selected',
'import_type' => 'Import Type',
'draft_mode' => 'Draft Mode',
'draft_mode_help' => 'Preview updates faster but is less accurate',
'show_product_discount' => 'Show Product Discount',
'show_product_discount_help' => 'Display a line item discount field',
'tax_name3' => 'Tax Name 3',
'debug_mode_is_enabled' => 'Debug mode is enabled',
'debug_mode_is_enabled_help' => 'Warning: it is intended for use on local machines, it can leak credentials. Click to learn more.',
'running_tasks' => 'Running Tasks',
'recent_tasks' => 'Recent Tasks',
'recent_expenses' => 'Recent Expenses',
'upcoming_expenses' => 'Upcoming Expenses',
'search_payment_term' => 'Search 1 Payment Term',
'search_payment_terms' => 'Search :count Payment Terms',
'save_and_preview' => 'Save and Preview',
'save_and_email' => 'Save and Email',
'converted_balance' => 'Converted Balance',
'is_sent' => 'Is Sent',
'document_upload' => 'Document Upload',
'document_upload_help' => 'Enable clients to upload documents',
'expense_total' => 'Expense Total',
'enter_taxes' => 'Enter Taxes',
'by_rate' => 'By Rate',
'by_amount' => 'By Amount',
'enter_amount' => 'Enter Amount',
'before_taxes' => 'Before Taxes',
'after_taxes' => 'After Taxes',
'color' => 'Color',
'show' => 'Show',
'empty_columns' => 'Empty Columns',
'project_name' => 'Project Name',
'counter_pattern_error' => 'To use :client_counter please add either :client_number or :client_id_number to prevent conflicts',
'this_quarter' => 'This Quarter',
'to_update_run' => 'To update run',
'registration_url' => 'Registration URL',
'show_product_cost' => 'Show Product Cost',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'notification_credit_sent_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_credit_viewed_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_credit_sent' => 'The following client :client was emailed Credit :invoice for :amount.',
'notification_credit_viewed' => 'The following client :client viewed Credit :credit for :amount.',
'reset_password_text' => 'Enter your email to reset your password.',
'password_reset' => 'Password reset',
'account_login_text' => 'Welcome back! Glad to see you.',
'request_cancellation' => 'Request cancellation',
'delete_payment_method' => 'Delete Payment Method',
'about_to_delete_payment_method' => 'You are about to delete the payment method.',
'action_cant_be_reversed' => 'Action can\'t be reversed',
'profile_updated_successfully' => 'The profile has been updated successfully.',
'currency_ethiopian_birr' => 'Ethiopian Birr',
'client_information_text' => 'Use a permanent address where you can receive mail.',
'status_id' => 'Invoice Status',
'email_already_register' => 'This email is already linked to an account',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'freq_indefinitely' => 'Indefinitely',
'cycles_remaining' => 'Cycles remaining',
'i_understand_delete' => 'I understand, delete',
'download_files' => 'Download Files',
'download_timeframe' => 'Use this link to download your files, the link will expire in 1 hour.',
'new_signup' => 'New Signup',
'new_signup_text' => 'A new account has been created by :user - :email - from IP address: :ip',
'notification_payment_paid_subject' => 'Payment was made by :client',
'notification_partial_payment_paid_subject' => 'Partial payment was made by :client',
'notification_payment_paid' => 'A payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_partial_payment_paid' => 'A partial payment of :amount was made by client :client towards :invoice',
'notification_bot' => 'Notification Bot',
'invoice_number_placeholder' => 'Invoice # :invoice',
'entity_number_placeholder' => ':entity # :entity_number',
'email_link_not_working' => 'If the button above isn\'t working for you, please click on the link',
'display_log' => 'Display Log',
'send_fail_logs_to_our_server' => 'Report errors in realtime',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'quick_overview_statistics' => 'Quick overview & statistics',
'update_your_personal_info' => 'Update your personal information',
'name_website_logo' => 'Name, website & logo',
'make_sure_use_full_link' => 'Make sure you use full link to your site',
'personal_address' => 'Personal address',
'enter_your_personal_address' => 'Enter your personal address',
'enter_your_shipping_address' => 'Enter your shipping address',
'list_of_invoices' => 'List of invoices',
'with_selected' => 'With selected',
'invoice_still_unpaid' => 'This invoice is still not paid. Click the button to complete the payment',
'list_of_recurring_invoices' => 'List of recurring invoices',
'details_of_recurring_invoice' => 'Here are some details about recurring invoice',
'cancellation' => 'Cancellation',
'about_cancellation' => 'In case you want to stop the recurring invoice, please click to request the cancellation.',
'cancellation_warning' => 'Warning! You are requesting a cancellation of this service. Your service may be cancelled with no further notification to you.',
'cancellation_pending' => 'Cancellation pending, we\'ll be in touch!',
'list_of_payments' => 'List of payments',
'payment_details' => 'Details of the payment',
'list_of_payment_invoices' => 'List of invoices affected by the payment',
'list_of_payment_methods' => 'List of payment methods',
'payment_method_details' => 'Details of payment method',
'permanently_remove_payment_method' => 'Permanently remove this payment method.',
'warning_action_cannot_be_reversed' => 'Warning! This action can not be reversed!',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'list_of_quotes' => 'Quotes',
'waiting_for_approval' => 'Waiting for approval',
'quote_still_not_approved' => 'This quote is still not approved',
'list_of_credits' => 'Credits',
'required_extensions' => 'Required extensions',
'php_version' => 'PHP version',
'writable_env_file' => 'Writable .env file',
'env_not_writable' => '.env file is not writable by the current user.',
'minumum_php_version' => 'Minimum PHP version',
'satisfy_requirements' => 'Make sure all requirements are satisfied.',
'oops_issues' => 'Oops, something does not look right!',
'open_in_new_tab' => 'Open in new tab',
'complete_your_payment' => 'Complete payment',
'authorize_for_future_use' => 'Authorize payment method for future use',
'page' => 'Page',
'per_page' => 'Per page',
'of' => 'Of',
'view_credit' => 'View Credit',
'to_view_entity_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to enter password.',
'showing_x_of' => 'Showing :first to :last out of :total results',
'no_results' => 'No results found.',
'payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Client :client',
'payment_failed_body' => 'A payment made by client :client failed with message :message',
'register' => 'Register',
'register_label' => 'Create your account in seconds',
'password_confirmation' => 'Confirm your password',
'verification' => 'Verification',
'complete_your_bank_account_verification' => 'Before using a bank account it must be verified.',
'checkout_com' => 'Checkout.com',
'footer_label' => 'Copyright © :year :company.',
'credit_card_invalid' => 'Provided credit card number is not valid.',
'month_invalid' => 'Provided month is not valid.',
'year_invalid' => 'Provided year is not valid.',
'https_required' => 'HTTPS is required, form will fail',
'if_you_need_help' => 'If you need help you can post to our',
'update_password_on_confirm' => 'After updating password, your account will be confirmed.',
'bank_account_not_linked' => 'To pay with a bank account, first you have to add it as payment method.',
'application_settings_label' => 'Let\'s store basic information about your Invoice Ninja!',
'recommended_in_production' => 'Highly recommended in production',
'enable_only_for_development' => 'Enable only for development',
'test_pdf' => 'Test PDF',
'checkout_authorize_label' => 'Checkout.com can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store credit card details" during payment process.',
'sofort_authorize_label' => 'Bank account (SOFORT) can be can saved as payment method for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store payment details" during payment process.',
'node_status' => 'Node status',
'npm_status' => 'NPM status',
'node_status_not_found' => 'I could not find Node anywhere. Is it installed?',
'npm_status_not_found' => 'I could not find NPM anywhere. Is it installed?',
'locked_invoice' => 'This invoice is locked and unable to be modified',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'resource' => 'Resource',
'document_details' => 'Details about the document',
'hash' => 'Hash',
'resources' => 'Resources',
'allowed_file_types' => 'Allowed file types:',
'common_codes' => 'Common codes and their meanings',
'payment_error_code_20087' => '20087: Bad Track Data (invalid CVV and/or expiry date)',
'download_selected' => 'Download selected',
'to_pay_invoices' => 'To pay invoices, you have to',
'add_payment_method_first' => 'add payment method',
'no_items_selected' => 'No items selected.',
'payment_due' => 'Payment due',
'account_balance' => 'Account balance',
'thanks' => 'Thanks',
'minimum_required_payment' => 'Minimum required payment is :amount',
'under_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support under payments.',
'over_payments_disabled' => 'Company doesn\'t support over payments.',
'saved_at' => 'Saved at :time',
'credit_payment' => 'Credit applied to Invoice :invoice_number',
'credit_subject' => 'New credit :number from :account',
'credit_message' => 'To view your credit for :amount, click the link below.',
'payment_type_Crypto' => 'Cryptocurrency',
'payment_type_Credit' => 'Credit',
'store_for_future_use' => 'Store for future use',
'pay_with_credit' => 'Pay with credit',
'payment_method_saving_failed' => 'Payment method can\'t be saved for future use.',
'pay_with' => 'Pay with',
'n/a' => 'N/A',
'by_clicking_next_you_accept_terms' => 'By clicking "Next step" you accept terms.',
'not_specified' => 'Not specified',
'before_proceeding_with_payment_warning' => 'Before proceeding with payment, you have to fill following fields',
'after_completing_go_back_to_previous_page' => 'After completing, go back to previous page.',
'pay' => 'Pay',
'instructions' => 'Instructions',
'notification_invoice_reminder1_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 1 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder2_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 2 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder3_sent_subject' => 'Reminder 3 for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'notification_invoice_reminder_endless_sent_subject' => 'Endless reminder for Invoice :invoice was sent to :client',
'assigned_user' => 'Assigned User',
'setup_steps_notice' => 'To proceed to next step, make sure you test each section.',
'setup_phantomjs_note' => 'Note about Phantom JS.
'minimum_payment' => 'Minimum Payment',
'no_action_provided' => 'No action provided. If you believe this is wrong, please contact the support.',
'no_payable_invoices_selected' => 'No payable invoices selected. Make sure you are not trying to pay draft invoice or invoice with zero balance due.',
'required_payment_information' => 'Required payment details',
'required_payment_information_more' => 'To complete a payment we need more details about you.',
'required_client_info_save_label' => 'We will save this, so you don\'t have to enter it next time.',
'notification_credit_bounced' => 'We were unable to deliver Credit :invoice to :contact. \n :error',
'notification_credit_bounced_subject' => 'Unable to deliver Credit :invoice',
'save_payment_method_details' => 'Save payment method details',
'new_card' => 'New card',
'new_bank_account' => 'New bank account',
'company_limit_reached' => 'Limit of :limit companies per account.',
'credits_applied_validation' => 'Total credits applied cannot be MORE than total of invoices',
'credit_number_taken' => 'Credit number already taken',
'credit_not_found' => 'Credit not found',
'invoices_dont_match_client' => 'Selected invoices are not from a single client',
'duplicate_credits_submitted' => 'Duplicate credits submitted.',
'duplicate_invoices_submitted' => 'Duplicate invoices submitted.',
'credit_with_no_invoice' => 'You must have an invoice set when using a credit in a payment',
'client_id_required' => 'Client id is required',
'expense_number_taken' => 'Expense number already taken',
'invoice_number_taken' => 'Invoice number already taken',
'payment_id_required' => 'Payment `id` required.',
'unable_to_retrieve_payment' => 'Unable to retrieve specified payment',
'invoice_not_related_to_payment' => 'Invoice id :invoice is not related to this payment',
'credit_not_related_to_payment' => 'Credit id :credit is not related to this payment',
'max_refundable_invoice' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for invoice id :invoice, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'refund_without_invoices' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with invoices attached, please specify valid invoice/s to be refunded.',
'refund_without_credits' => 'Attempting to refund a payment with credits attached, please specify valid credits/s to be refunded.',
'max_refundable_credit' => 'Attempting to refund more than allowed for credit :credit, maximum refundable amount is :amount',
'project_client_do_not_match' => 'Project client does not match entity client',
'quote_number_taken' => 'Quote number already taken',
'recurring_invoice_number_taken' => 'Recurring Invoice number :number already taken',
'user_not_associated_with_account' => 'User not associated with this account',
'amounts_do_not_balance' => 'Amounts do not balance correctly.',
'insufficient_applied_amount_remaining' => 'Insufficient applied amount remaining to cover payment.',
'insufficient_credit_balance' => 'Insufficient balance on credit.',
'one_or_more_invoices_paid' => 'One or more of these invoices have been paid',
'invoice_cannot_be_refunded' => 'Invoice id :number cannot be refunded',
'attempted_refund_failed' => 'Attempting to refund :amount only :refundable_amount available for refund',
'user_not_associated_with_this_account' => 'This user is unable to be attached to this company. Perhaps they have already registered a user on another account?',
'migration_completed' => 'Migration completed',
'migration_completed_description' => 'Your migration has completed, please review your data after logging in.',
'api_404' => '404 | Nothing to see here!',
'large_account_update_parameter' => 'Cannot load a large account without a updated_at parameter',
'no_backup_exists' => 'No backup exists for this activity',
'company_user_not_found' => 'Company User record not found',
'no_credits_found' => 'No credits found.',
'action_unavailable' => 'The requested action :action is not available.',
'no_documents_found' => 'No Documents Found',
'no_group_settings_found' => 'No group settings found',
'access_denied' => 'Insufficient privileges to access/modify this resource',
'invoice_cannot_be_marked_paid' => 'Invoice cannot be marked as paid',
'invoice_license_or_environment' => 'Invalid license, or invalid environment :environment',
'route_not_available' => 'Route not available',
'invalid_design_object' => 'Invalid custom design object',
'quote_not_found' => 'Quote/s not found',
'quote_unapprovable' => 'Unable to approve this quote as it has expired.',
'scheduler_has_run' => 'Scheduler has run',
'scheduler_has_never_run' => 'Scheduler has never run',
'self_update_not_available' => 'Self update not available on this system.',
'user_detached' => 'User detached from company',
'create_webhook_failure' => 'Failed to create Webhook',
'payment_message_extended' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount for :invoice',
'online_payments_minimum_note' => 'Note: Online payments are supported only if amount is bigger than $1 or currency equivalent.',
'payment_token_not_found' => 'Payment token not found, please try again. If an issue still persist, try with another payment method',
'vendor_address1' => 'Vendor Street',
'vendor_address2' => 'Vendor Apt/Suite',
'partially_unapplied' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'select_a_gmail_user' => 'Please select a user authenticated with Gmail',
'list_long_press' => 'List Long Press',
'show_actions' => 'Show Actions',
'start_multiselect' => 'Start Multiselect',
'email_sent_to_confirm_email' => 'An email has been sent to confirm the email address',
'converted_paid_to_date' => 'Converted Paid to Date',
'converted_credit_balance' => 'Converted Credit Balance',
'converted_total' => 'Converted Total',
'reply_to_name' => 'Reply-To Name',
'payment_status_-2' => 'Partially Unapplied',
'color_theme' => 'Color Theme',
'start_migration' => 'Start Migration',
'recurring_cancellation_request' => 'Request for recurring invoice cancellation from :contact',
'recurring_cancellation_request_body' => ':contact from Client :client requested to cancel Recurring Invoice :invoice',
'hello' => 'Hello',
'group_documents' => 'Group documents',
'quote_approval_confirmation_label' => 'Are you sure you want to approve this quote?',
'migration_select_company_label' => 'Select companies to migrate',
'force_migration' => 'Force migration',
'require_password_with_social_login' => 'Require Password with Social Login',
'stay_logged_in' => 'Stay Logged In',
'session_about_to_expire' => 'Warning: Your session is about to expire',
'count_hours' => ':count Hours',
'count_day' => '1 Day',
'count_days' => ':count Days',
'web_session_timeout' => 'Web Session Timeout',
'security_settings' => 'Security Settings',
'resend_email' => 'Resend Email',
'confirm_your_email_address' => 'Please confirm your email address',
'freshbooks' => 'FreshBooks',
'invoice2go' => 'Invoice2go',
'invoicely' => 'Invoicely',
'waveaccounting' => 'Wave Accounting',
'zoho' => 'Zoho',
'accounting' => 'Accounting',
'required_files_missing' => 'Please provide all CSVs.',
'migration_auth_label' => 'Let\'s continue by authenticating.',
'api_secret' => 'API secret',
'migration_api_secret_notice' => 'You can find API_SECRET in the .env file or Invoice Ninja v5. If property is missing, leave field blank.',
'billing_coupon_notice' => 'Your discount will be applied on the checkout.',
'use_last_email' => 'Use last email',
'activate_company' => 'Activate Company',
'activate_company_help' => 'Enable emails, recurring invoices and notifications',
'an_error_occurred_try_again' => 'An error occurred, please try again',
'please_first_set_a_password' => 'Please first set a password',
'changing_phone_disables_two_factor' => 'Warning: Changing your phone number will disable 2FA',
'help_translate' => 'Help Translate',
'please_select_a_country' => 'Please select a country',
'disabled_two_factor' => 'Successfully disabled 2FA',
'connected_google' => 'Successfully connected account',
'disconnected_google' => 'Successfully disconnected account',
'delivered' => 'Delivered',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'view_docs' => 'View Docs',
'enter_phone_to_enable_two_factor' => 'Please provide a mobile phone number to enable two factor authentication',
'send_sms' => 'Send SMS',
'sms_code' => 'SMS Code',
'connect_google' => 'Connect Google',
'disconnect_google' => 'Disconnect Google',
'disable_two_factor' => 'Disable Two Factor',
'invoice_task_datelog' => 'Invoice Task Datelog',
'invoice_task_datelog_help' => 'Add date details to the invoice line items',
'promo_code' => 'Promo code',
'recurring_invoice_issued_to' => 'Recurring invoice issued to',
'subscription' => 'Subscription',
'new_subscription' => 'New Subscription',
'deleted_subscription' => 'Successfully deleted subscription',
'removed_subscription' => 'Successfully removed subscription',
'restored_subscription' => 'Successfully restored subscription',
'search_subscription' => 'Search 1 Subscription',
'search_subscriptions' => 'Search :count Subscriptions',
'subdomain_is_not_available' => 'Subdomain is not available',
'connect_gmail' => 'Connect Gmail',
'disconnect_gmail' => 'Disconnect Gmail',
'connected_gmail' => 'Successfully connected Gmail',
'disconnected_gmail' => 'Successfully disconnected Gmail',
'update_fail_help' => 'Changes to the codebase may be blocking the update, you can run this command to discard the changes:',
'client_id_number' => 'Client ID Number',
'count_minutes' => ':count Minutes',
'password_timeout' => 'Password Timeout',
'shared_invoice_credit_counter' => 'Share Invoice/Credit Counter',
'activity_80' => ':user created subscription :subscription',
'activity_81' => ':user updated subscription :subscription',
'activity_82' => ':user archived subscription :subscription',
'activity_83' => ':user deleted subscription :subscription',
'activity_84' => ':user restored subscription :subscription',
'amount_greater_than_balance_v5' => 'The amount is greater than the invoice balance. You cannot overpay an invoice.',
'click_to_continue' => 'Click to continue',
'notification_invoice_created_body' => 'The following invoice :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_invoice_created_subject' => 'Invoice :invoice was created for :client',
'notification_quote_created_body' => 'The following quote :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_quote_created_subject' => 'Quote :invoice was created for :client',
'notification_credit_created_body' => 'The following credit :invoice was created for client :client for :amount.',
'notification_credit_created_subject' => 'Credit :invoice was created for :client',
'max_companies' => 'Maximum companies migrated',
'max_companies_desc' => 'You have reached your maximum number of companies. Delete existing companies to migrate new ones.',
'migration_already_completed' => 'Company already migrated',
'migration_already_completed_desc' => 'Looks like you already migrated <b> :company_name </b>to the V5 version of the Invoice Ninja. In case you want to start over, you can force migrate to wipe existing data.',
'payment_method_cannot_be_authorized_first' => 'This payment method can be can saved for future use, once you complete your first transaction. Don\'t forget to check "Store details" during payment process.',
'new_account' => 'New account',
'activity_100' => ':user created recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_101' => ':user updated recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_102' => ':user archived recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_103' => ':user deleted recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'activity_104' => ':user restored recurring invoice :recurring_invoice',
'new_login_detected' => 'New login detected for your account.',
'new_login_description' => 'You recently logged in to your Invoice Ninja account from a new location or device:<br><br><b>IP:</b> :ip<br><b>Time:</b> :time<br><b>Email:</b> :email',
'contact_details' => 'Contact Details',
'download_backup_subject' => 'Your company backup is ready for download',
'account_passwordless_login' => 'Account passwordless login',
'user_duplicate_error' => 'Cannot add the same user to the same company',
'user_cross_linked_error' => 'User exists but cannot be crossed linked to multiple accounts',
'ach_verification_notification_label' => 'ACH verification',
'ach_verification_notification' => 'Connecting bank accounts require verification. Payment gateway will automatically send two small deposits for this purpose. These deposits take 1-2 business days to appear on the customer\'s online statement.',
'login_link_requested_label' => 'Login link requested',
'login_link_requested' => 'There was a request to login using link. If you did not request this, it\'s safe to ignore it.',
'invoices_backup_subject' => 'Your invoices are ready for download',
'migration_failed_label' => 'Migration failed',
'migration_failed' => 'Looks like something went wrong with the migration for the following company:',
'client_email_company_contact_label' => 'If you have any questions please contact us, we\'re here to help!',
'quote_was_approved_label' => 'Quote was approved',
'quote_was_approved' => 'We would like to inform you that quote was approved.',
'company_import_failure_subject' => 'Error importing :company',
'company_import_failure_body' => 'There was an error importing the company data, the error message was:',
'recurring_invoice_due_date' => 'Due Date',
'amount_cents' => 'Amount in pennies,pence or cents. ie for $0.10 please enter 10',
'default_payment_method_label' => 'Default Payment Method',
'default_payment_method' => 'Make this your preferred way of paying.',
'already_default_payment_method' => 'This is your preferred way of paying.',
'auto_bill_disabled' => 'Auto Bill Disabled',
'select_payment_method' => 'Select a payment method:',
'login_without_password' => 'Log in without password',
'email_sent' => 'Присылать е-мейл когда счёт <b>отправлен</b>',
'one_time_purchases' => 'One time purchases',
'recurring_purchases' => 'Recurring purchases',
'you_might_be_interested_in_following' => 'You might be interested in the following',
'quotes_with_status_sent_can_be_approved' => 'Only quotes with "Sent" status can be approved.',
'no_quotes_available_for_download' => 'No quotes available for download.',
'copyright' => 'Copyright',
'user_created_user' => ':user created :created_user at :time',
'company_deleted' => 'Company deleted',
'company_deleted_body' => 'Company [ :company ] was deleted by :user',
'back_to' => 'Back to :url',
'stripe_connect_migration_title' => 'Connect your Stripe Account',
'stripe_connect_migration_desc' => 'Invoice Ninja v5 uses Stripe Connect to link your Stripe account to Invoice Ninja. This provides an additional layer of security for your account. Now that you data has migrated, you will need to Authorize Stripe to accept payments in v5.<br><br>To do this, navigate to Settings > Online Payments > Configure Gateways. Click on Stripe Connect and then under Settings click Setup Gateway. This will take you to Stripe to authorize Invoice Ninja and on your return your account will be successfully linked!',
'email_quota_exceeded_subject' => 'Account email quota exceeded.',
'email_quota_exceeded_body' => 'In a 24 hour period you have sent :quota emails. <br> We have paused your outbound emails.<br><br> Your email quota will reset at 23:00 UTC.',
'auto_bill_option' => 'Opt in or out of having this invoice automatically charged.',
'lang_Arabic' => 'Arabic',
'lang_Persian' => 'Persian',
'lang_Latvian' => 'Latvian',
'expiry_date' => 'Expiry date',
'cardholder_name' => 'Card holder name',
'recurring_quote_number_taken' => 'Recurring Quote number :number already taken',
'account_type' => 'Account type',
'locality' => 'Locality',
'checking' => 'Checking',
'savings' => 'Savings',
'unable_to_verify_payment_method' => 'Unable to verify payment method.',
'generic_gateway_error' => 'Gateway configuration error. Please check your credentials.',
'my_documents' => 'My documents',
'payment_method_cannot_be_preauthorized' => 'This payment method cannot be preauthorized.',
'kbc_cbc' => 'KBC/CBC',
'bancontact' => 'Bancontact',
'sepa_mandat' => 'By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing :company and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.',
'ideal' => 'iDEAL',
'bank_account_holder' => 'Bank Account Holder',
'aio_checkout' => 'All-in-one checkout',
'przelewy24' => 'Przelewy24',
'przelewy24_accept' => 'I declare that I have familiarized myself with the regulations and information obligation of the Przelewy24 service.',
'giropay' => 'GiroPay',
'giropay_law' => 'By entering your Customer information (such as name, sort code and account number) you (the Customer) agree that this information is given voluntarily.',
'klarna' => 'Klarna',
'eps' => 'EPS',
'becs' => 'BECS Direct Debit',
'bacs' => 'BACS Direct Debit',
'payment_type_BACS' => 'BACS Direct Debit',
'missing_payment_method' => 'Please add a payment method first, before trying to pay.',
'becs_mandate' => 'By providing your bank account details, you agree to this <a class="underline" href="https://stripe.com/au-becs-dd-service-agreement/legal">Direct Debit Request and the Direct Debit Request service agreement</a>, and authorise Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 Direct Debit User ID number 507156 (“Stripe”) to debit your account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) on behalf of :company (the “Merchant”) for any amounts separately communicated to you by the Merchant. You certify that you are either an account holder or an authorised signatory on the account listed above.',
'you_need_to_accept_the_terms_before_proceeding' => 'You need to accept the terms before proceeding.',
'direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'clone_to_expense' => 'Clone to Expense',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'acss' => 'Pre-authorized debit payments',
'invalid_amount' => 'Invalid amount. Number/Decimal values only.',
'client_payment_failure_body' => 'Payment for Invoice :invoice for amount :amount failed.',
'browser_pay' => 'Google Pay, Apple Pay, Microsoft Pay',
'no_available_methods' => 'We can\'t find any credit cards on your device. <a href="https://invoiceninja.github.io/docs/payments#apple-pay-google-pay-microsoft-pay" target="_blank" class="underline">Read more about this.</a>',
'gocardless_mandate_not_ready' => 'Payment mandate is not ready. Please try again later.',
'payment_type_instant_bank_pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'payment_type_iDEAL' => 'iDEAL',
'payment_type_Przelewy24' => 'Przelewy24',
'payment_type_Mollie Bank Transfer' => 'Mollie Bank Transfer',
'payment_type_KBC/CBC' => 'KBC/CBC',
'payment_type_Instant Bank Pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'payment_type_Hosted Page' => 'Hosted Page',
'payment_type_GiroPay' => 'GiroPay',
'payment_type_EPS' => 'EPS',
'payment_type_Direct Debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'payment_type_Bancontact' => 'Bancontact',
'payment_type_BECS' => 'BECS',
'payment_type_ACSS' => 'ACSS',
'gross_line_total' => 'Gross line total',
'lang_Slovak' => 'Slovak',
'normal' => 'Normal',
'large' => 'Large',
'extra_large' => 'Extra Large',
'show_pdf_preview' => 'Show PDF Preview',
'show_pdf_preview_help' => 'Display PDF preview while editing invoices',
'print_pdf' => 'Print PDF',
'remind_me' => 'Remind Me',
'instant_bank_pay' => 'Instant Bank Pay',
'click_selected' => 'Click Selected',
'hide_preview' => 'Hide Preview',
'edit_record' => 'Edit Record',
'credit_is_more_than_invoice' => 'The credit amount can not be more than the invoice amount',
'please_set_a_password' => 'Please set an account password',
'recommend_desktop' => 'We recommend using the desktop app for the best performance',
'recommend_mobile' => 'We recommend using the mobile app for the best performance',
'disconnected_gateway' => 'Successfully disconnected gateway',
'disconnect' => 'Disconnect',
'add_to_invoices' => 'Add to Invoices',
'bulk_download' => 'Download',
'persist_data_help' => 'Save data locally to enable the app to start faster, disabling may improve performance in large accounts',
'persist_ui' => 'Persist UI',
'persist_ui_help' => 'Save UI state locally to enable the app to start at the last location, disabling may improve performance',
'client_postal_code' => 'Client Postal Code',
'client_vat_number' => 'Client VAT Number',
'has_tasks' => 'Has Tasks',
'registration' => 'Registration',
'unauthorized_stripe_warning' => 'Please authorize Stripe to accept online payments.',
'update_all_records' => 'Update all records',
'set_default_company' => 'Set Default Company',
'updated_company' => 'Successfully updated company',
'kbc' => 'KBC',
'why_are_you_leaving' => 'Help us improve by telling us why (optional)',
'webhook_success' => 'Webhook Success',
'error_cross_client_tasks' => 'Tasks must all belong to the same client',
'error_cross_client_expenses' => 'Expenses must all belong to the same client',
'app' => 'App',
'for_best_performance' => 'For the best performance download the :app app',
'bulk_email_invoice' => 'Email Invoice',
'bulk_email_quote' => 'Email Quote',
'bulk_email_credit' => 'Email Credit',
'removed_recurring_expense' => 'Successfully removed recurring expense',
'search_recurring_expense' => 'Search Recurring Expense',
'search_recurring_expenses' => 'Search Recurring Expenses',
'last_sent_date' => 'Last Sent Date',
'include_drafts' => 'Include Drafts',
'include_drafts_help' => 'Include draft records in reports',
'is_invoiced' => 'Is Invoiced',
'change_plan' => 'Change Plan',
'persist_data' => 'Persist Data',
'customer_count' => 'Customer Count',
'verify_customers' => 'Verify Customers',
'google_analytics_tracking_id' => 'Google Analytics Tracking ID',
'decimal_comma' => 'Decimal Comma',
'use_comma_as_decimal_place' => 'Use comma as decimal place in forms',
'select_method' => 'Select Method',
'select_platform' => 'Select Platform',
'use_web_app_to_connect_gmail' => 'Please use the web app to connect to Gmail',
'expense_tax_help' => 'Item tax rates are disabled',
'enable_markdown' => 'Enable Markdown',
'enable_markdown_help' => 'Convert markdown to HTML on the PDF',
'add_second_contact' => 'Add Second Contact',
'previous_page' => 'Previous Page',
'next_page' => 'Next Page',
'export_colors' => 'Export Colors',
'import_colors' => 'Import Colors',
'clear_all' => 'Clear All',
'contrast' => 'Contrast',
'custom_colors' => 'Custom Colors',
'colors' => 'Colors',
'sidebar_active_background_color' => 'Sidebar Active Background Color',
'sidebar_active_font_color' => 'Sidebar Active Font Color',
'sidebar_inactive_background_color' => 'Sidebar Inactive Background Color',
'sidebar_inactive_font_color' => 'Sidebar Inactive Font Color',
'table_alternate_row_background_color' => 'Table Alternate Row Background Color',
'invoice_header_background_color' => 'Invoice Header Background Color',
'invoice_header_font_color' => 'Invoice Header Font Color',
'review_app' => 'Review App',
'check_status' => 'Check Status',
'free_trial' => 'Free Trial',
'free_trial_help' => 'All accounts receive a two week trial of the Pro plan, once the trial ends your account will automatically change to the free plan.',
'free_trial_ends_in_days' => 'The Pro plan trial ends in :count days, click to upgrade.',
'free_trial_ends_today' => 'Today is the last day of the Pro plan trial, click to upgrade.',
'change_email' => 'Change Email',
'client_portal_domain_hint' => 'Optionally configure a separate client portal domain',
'tasks_shown_in_portal' => 'Tasks Shown in Portal',
'uninvoiced' => 'Uninvoiced',
'subdomain_guide' => 'The subdomain is used in the client portal to personalize links to match your brand. ie, https://your-brand.invoicing.co',
'send_time' => 'Send Time',
'import_settings' => 'Import Settings',
'json_file_missing' => 'Please provide the JSON file',
'json_option_missing' => 'Please select to import the settings and/or data',
'json' => 'JSON',
'no_payment_types_enabled' => 'No payment types enabled',
'wait_for_data' => 'Please wait for the data to finish loading',
'net_total' => 'Net Total',
'has_taxes' => 'Has Taxes',
'import_customers' => 'Import Customers',
'imported_customers' => 'Successfully started importing customers',
'login_success' => 'Successful Login',
'login_failure' => 'Failed Login',
'exported_data' => 'Once the file is ready you"ll receive an email with a download link',
'include_deleted_clients' => 'Include Deleted Clients',
'include_deleted_clients_help' => 'Load records belonging to deleted clients',
'step_1_sign_in' => 'Step 1: Sign In',
'step_2_authorize' => 'Step 2: Authorize',
'account_id' => 'Account ID',
'migration_not_yet_completed' => 'The migration has not yet completed',
'show_task_end_date' => 'Show Task End Date',
'show_task_end_date_help' => 'Enable specifying the task end date',
'gateway_setup' => 'Gateway Setup',
'preview_sidebar' => 'Preview Sidebar',
'years_data_shown' => 'Years Data Shown',
'ended_all_sessions' => 'Successfully ended all sessions',
'end_all_sessions' => 'End All Sessions',
'count_session' => '1 Session',
'count_sessions' => ':count Sessions',
'invoice_created' => 'Invoice Created',
'quote_created' => 'Quote Created',
'credit_created' => 'Credit Created',
'enterprise' => 'Enterprise',
'invoice_item' => 'Invoice Item',
'quote_item' => 'Quote Item',
'order' => 'Order',
'search_kanban' => 'Search Kanban',
'search_kanbans' => 'Search Kanban',
'move_top' => 'Move Top',
'move_up' => 'Move Up',
'move_down' => 'Move Down',
'move_bottom' => 'Move Bottom',
'body_variable_missing' => 'Error: the custom email must include a :body variable',
'add_body_variable_message' => 'Make sure to include a :body variable',
'view_date_formats' => 'View Date Formats',
'is_viewed' => 'Is Viewed',
'letter' => 'Letter',
'legal' => 'Legal',
'page_layout' => 'Page Layout',
'portrait' => 'Portrait',
'landscape' => 'Landscape',
'owner_upgrade_to_paid_plan' => 'The account owner can upgrade to a paid plan to enable the advanced advanced settings',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan' => 'Upgrade to a paid plan to enable the advanced settings',
'invoice_payment_terms' => 'Invoice Payment Terms',
'quote_valid_until' => 'Quote Valid Until',
'no_headers' => 'No Headers',
'add_header' => 'Add Header',
'remove_header' => 'Remove Header',
'return_url' => 'Return URL',
'rest_method' => 'REST Method',
'header_key' => 'Header Key',
'header_value' => 'Header Value',
'recurring_products' => 'Recurring Products',
'promo_discount' => 'Promo Discount',
'allow_cancellation' => 'Allow Cancellation',
'per_seat_enabled' => 'Per Seat Enabled',
'max_seats_limit' => 'Max Seats Limit',
'trial_enabled' => 'Trial Enabled',
'trial_duration' => 'Trial Duration',
'allow_query_overrides' => 'Allow Query Overrides',
'allow_plan_changes' => 'Allow Plan Changes',
'plan_map' => 'Plan Map',
'refund_period' => 'Refund Period',
'webhook_configuration' => 'Webhook Configuration',
'purchase_page' => 'Purchase Page',
'email_bounced' => 'Email Bounced',
'email_spam_complaint' => 'Spam Complaint',
'email_delivery' => 'Email Delivery',
'webhook_response' => 'Webhook Response',
'pdf_response' => 'PDF Response',
'authentication_failure' => 'Authentication Failure',
'pdf_failed' => 'PDF Failed',
'pdf_success' => 'PDF Success',
'modified' => 'Modified',
'html_mode' => 'HTML Mode',
'html_mode_help' => 'Preview updates faster but is less accurate',
'status_color_theme' => 'Status Color Theme',
'load_color_theme' => 'Load Color Theme',
'lang_Estonian' => 'Estonian',
'marked_credit_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked credit as paid',
'marked_credits_as_paid' => 'Successfully marked credits as paid',
'wait_for_loading' => 'Data loading - please wait for it to complete',
'wait_for_saving' => 'Data saving - please wait for it to complete',
'html_preview_warning' => 'Note: changes made here are only previewed, they must be applied in the tabs above to be saved',
'remaining' => 'Remaining',
'invoice_paid' => 'Invoice Paid',
'activity_120' => ':user created recurring expense :recurring_expense',
'activity_121' => ':user updated recurring expense :recurring_expense',
'activity_122' => ':user archived recurring expense :recurring_expense',
'activity_123' => ':user deleted recurring expense :recurring_expense',
'activity_124' => ':user restored recurring expense :recurring_expense',
'fpx' => "FPX",
'to_view_entity_set_password' => 'To view the :entity you need to set password.',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe',
'unsubscribed' => 'Unsubscribed',
'unsubscribed_text' => 'You have been removed from notifications for this document',
'client_shipping_state' => 'Client Shipping State',
'client_shipping_city' => 'Client Shipping City',
'client_shipping_postal_code' => 'Client Shipping Postal Code',
'client_shipping_country' => 'Client Shipping Country',
'load_pdf' => 'Load PDF',
'start_free_trial' => 'Start Free Trial',
'start_free_trial_message' => 'Start your FREE 14 day trial of the pro plan',
'due_on_receipt' => 'Due on Receipt',
'is_paid' => 'Is Paid',
'age_group_paid' => 'Paid',
'id' => 'Id',
'convert_to' => 'Convert To',
'client_currency' => 'Client Currency',
'company_currency' => 'Company Currency',
'custom_emails_disabled_help' => 'To prevent spam we require upgrading to a paid account to customize the email',
'upgrade_to_add_company' => 'Upgrade your plan to add companies',
'file_saved_in_downloads_folder' => 'The file has been saved in the downloads folder',
'small' => 'Small',
'quotes_backup_subject' => 'Your quotes are ready for download',
'credits_backup_subject' => 'Your credits are ready for download',
'document_download_subject' => 'Your documents are ready for download',
'reminder_message' => 'Reminder for invoice :number for :balance',
'gmail_credentials_invalid_subject' => 'Send with GMail invalid credentials',
'gmail_credentials_invalid_body' => 'Your GMail credentials are not correct, please log into the administrator portal and navigate to Settings > User Details and disconnect and reconnect your GMail account. We will send you this notification daily until this issue is resolved',
'total_columns' => 'Total Fields',
'view_task' => 'View Task',
'cancel_invoice' => 'Cancel',
'changed_status' => 'Successfully changed task status',
'change_status' => 'Change Status',
'enable_touch_events' => 'Enable Touch Events',
'enable_touch_events_help' => 'Support drag events to scroll',
'after_saving' => 'After Saving',
'view_record' => 'View Record',
'enable_email_markdown' => 'Enable Email Markdown',
'enable_email_markdown_help' => 'Use visual markdown editor for emails',
'enable_pdf_markdown' => 'Enable PDF Markdown',
'json_help' => 'Note: JSON files generated by the v4 app are not supported',
'release_notes' => 'Release Notes',
'upgrade_to_view_reports' => 'Upgrade your plan to view reports',
'started_tasks' => 'Successfully started :value tasks',
'stopped_tasks' => 'Successfully stopped :value tasks',
'approved_quote' => 'Successfully apporved quote',
'approved_quotes' => 'Successfully :value approved quotes',
'client_website' => 'Client Website',
'invalid_time' => 'Invalid Time',
'signed_in_as' => 'Signed in as',
'total_results' => 'Total results',
'restore_company_gateway' => 'Restore gateway',
'archive_company_gateway' => 'Archive gateway',
'delete_company_gateway' => 'Delete gateway',
'exchange_currency' => 'Exchange currency',
'tax_amount1' => 'Tax Amount 1',
'tax_amount2' => 'Tax Amount 2',
'tax_amount3' => 'Tax Amount 3',
'update_project' => 'Update Project',
'auto_archive_invoice_cancelled' => 'Auto Archive Cancelled Invoice',
'auto_archive_invoice_cancelled_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when cancelled',
'no_invoices_found' => 'No invoices found',
'created_record' => 'Successfully created record',
'auto_archive_paid_invoices' => 'Auto Archive Paid',
'auto_archive_paid_invoices_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.',
'auto_archive_cancelled_invoices' => 'Auto Archive Cancelled',
'auto_archive_cancelled_invoices_help' => 'Automatically archive invoices when cancelled.',
'alternate_pdf_viewer' => 'Alternate PDF Viewer',
'alternate_pdf_viewer_help' => 'Improve scrolling over the PDF preview [BETA]',
'currency_cayman_island_dollar' => 'Cayman Island Dollar',
'download_report_description' => 'Please see attached file to check your report.',
'left' => 'Left',
'right' => 'Right',
'center' => 'Center',
'page_numbering' => 'Page Numbering',
'page_numbering_alignment' => 'Page Numbering Alignment',
'invoice_sent_notification_label' => 'Invoice Sent',
'show_product_description' => 'Show Product Description',
'show_product_description_help' => 'Include the description in the product dropdown',
'invoice_items' => 'Invoice Items',
'quote_items' => 'Quote Items',
'profitloss' => 'Profit and Loss',
'import_format' => 'Import Format',
'export_format' => 'Export Format',
'export_type' => 'Export Type',
'stop_on_unpaid' => 'Stop On Unpaid',
'stop_on_unpaid_help' => 'Stop creating recurring invoices if the last invoice is unpaid.',
'use_quote_terms' => 'Use Quote Terms',
'use_quote_terms_help' => 'When converting a quote to an invoice',
'add_country' => 'Add Country',
'enable_tooltips' => 'Enable Tooltips',
'enable_tooltips_help' => 'Show tooltips when hovering the mouse',
'multiple_client_error' => 'Error: records belong to more than one client',
'login_label' => 'Login to an existing account',
'purchase_order' => 'Purchase Order',
'purchase_order_number' => 'Purchase Order Number',
'purchase_order_number_short' => 'Purchase Order #',
'inventory_notification_subject' => 'Inventory threshold notification for product: :product',
'inventory_notification_body' => 'Threshold of :amount has been reach for product: :product',
'activity_130' => ':user created purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_131' => ':user updated purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_132' => ':user archived purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_133' => ':user deleted purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_134' => ':user restored purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_135' => ':user emailed purchase order :purchase_order',
'activity_136' => ':contact viewed purchase order :purchase_order',
'purchase_order_subject' => 'New Purchase Order :number from :account',
'purchase_order_message' => 'To view your purchase order for :amount, click the link below.',
'view_purchase_order' => 'View Purchase Order',
'purchase_orders_backup_subject' => 'Your purchase orders are ready for download',
'notification_purchase_order_viewed_subject' => 'Purchase Order :invoice was viewed by :client',
'notification_purchase_order_viewed' => 'The following vendor :client viewed Purchase Order :invoice for :amount.',
'purchase_order_date' => 'Purchase Order Date',
'purchase_orders' => 'Purchase Orders',
'purchase_order_number_placeholder' => 'Purchase Order # :purchase_order',
'accepted' => 'Accepted',
'activity_137' => ':contact accepted purchase order :purchase_order',
'vendor_information' => 'Vendor Information',
'notification_purchase_order_accepted_subject' => 'Purchase Order :purchase_order was accepted by :vendor',
'notification_purchase_order_accepted' => 'The following vendor :vendor accepted Purchase Order :purchase_order for :amount.',
'amount_received' => 'Amount received',
'purchase_order_already_expensed' => 'Already converted to an expense.',
'convert_to_expense' => 'Convert to Expense',
'add_to_inventory' => 'Add to Inventory',
'added_purchase_order_to_inventory' => 'Successfully added purchase order to inventory',
'added_purchase_orders_to_inventory' => 'Successfully added purchase orders to inventory',
'client_document_upload' => 'Client Document Upload',
'vendor_document_upload' => 'Vendor Document Upload',
'vendor_document_upload_help' => 'Enable vendors to upload documents',
'are_you_enjoying_the_app' => 'Are you enjoying the app?',
'yes_its_great' => 'Yes, it"s great!',
'not_so_much' => 'Not so much',
'would_you_rate_it' => 'Great to hear! Would you like to rate it?',
'would_you_tell_us_more' => 'Sorry to hear it! Would you like to tell us more?',
'sure_happy_to' => 'Sure, happy to',
'no_not_now' => 'No, not now',
'add' => 'Add',
'last_sent_template' => 'Last Sent Template',
'enable_flexible_search' => 'Enable Flexible Search',
'enable_flexible_search_help' => 'Match non-contiguous characters, ie. "ct" matches "cat"',
'vendor_details' => 'Vendor Details',
'purchase_order_details' => 'Purchase Order Details',
'qr_iban' => 'QR IBAN',
'besr_id' => 'BESR ID',
'clone_to_purchase_order' => 'Clone to PO',
'vendor_email_not_set' => 'Vendor does not have an email address set',
'bulk_send_email' => 'Send Email',
'marked_purchase_order_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked purchase order as sent',
'marked_purchase_orders_as_sent' => 'Successfully marked purchase orders as sent',
'accepted_purchase_order' => 'Successfully accepted purchase order',
'accepted_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully accepted purchase orders',
'cancelled_purchase_order' => 'Successfully cancelled purchase order',
'cancelled_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully cancelled purchase orders',
'please_select_a_vendor' => 'Please select a vendor',
'purchase_order_total' => 'Purchase Order Total',
'email_purchase_order' => 'Email Purchase Order',
'bulk_email_purchase_order' => 'Email Purchase Order',
'disconnected_email' => 'Successfully disconnected email',
'connect_email' => 'Connect Email',
'disconnect_email' => 'Disconnect Email',
'use_web_app_to_connect_microsoft' => 'Please use the web app to connect to Microsoft',
'email_provider' => 'Email Provider',
'connect_microsoft' => 'Connect Microsoft',
'disconnect_microsoft' => 'Disconnect Microsoft',
'connected_microsoft' => 'Successfully connected Microsoft',
'disconnected_microsoft' => 'Successfully disconnected Microsoft',
'microsoft_sign_in' => 'Login with Microsoft',
'microsoft_sign_up' => 'Sign up with Microsoft',
'emailed_purchase_order' => 'Successfully queued purchase order to be sent',
'emailed_purchase_orders' => 'Successfully queued purchase orders to be sent',
'enable_react_app' => 'Change to the React web app',
'purchase_order_design' => 'Purchase Order Design',
'purchase_order_terms' => 'Purchase Order Terms',
'purchase_order_footer' => 'Purchase Order Footer',
'require_purchase_order_signature' => 'Purchase Order Signature',
'require_purchase_order_signature_help' => 'Require vendor to provide their signature.',
'new_purchase_order' => 'New Purchase Order',
'edit_purchase_order' => 'Edit Purchase Order',
'created_purchase_order' => 'Successfully created purchase order',
'updated_purchase_order' => 'Successfully updated purchase order',
'archived_purchase_order' => 'Successfully archived purchase order',
'deleted_purchase_order' => 'Successfully deleted purchase order',
'removed_purchase_order' => 'Successfully removed purchase order',
'restored_purchase_order' => 'Successfully restored purchase order',
'search_purchase_order' => 'Search Purchase Order',
'search_purchase_orders' => 'Search Purchase Orders',
'login_url' => 'Login URL',
'enable_applying_payments' => 'Enable Applying Payments',
'enable_applying_payments_help' => 'Support separately creating and applying payments',
'stock_quantity' => 'Stock Quantity',
'notification_threshold' => 'Notification Threshold',
'track_inventory' => 'Track Inventory',
'track_inventory_help' => 'Display a product stock field and update when invoices are sent',
'stock_notifications' => 'Stock Notifications',
'stock_notifications_help' => 'Send an email when the stock reaches the threshold',
'vat' => 'VAT',
'view_map' => 'View Map',
'set_default_design' => 'Set Default Design',
'add_gateway_help_message' => 'Add a payment gateway (ie. Stripe, WePay or PayPal) to accept online payments',
'purchase_order_issued_to' => 'Purchase Order issued to',
'archive_task_status' => 'Archive Task Status',
'delete_task_status' => 'Delete Task Status',
'restore_task_status' => 'Restore Task Status',
'lang_Hebrew' => 'Hebrew',
'price_change_accepted' => 'Price change accepted',
'price_change_failed' => 'Price change failed with code',
'restore_purchases' => 'Restore Purchases',
'activate' => 'Activate',
'connect_apple' => 'Connect Apple',
'disconnect_apple' => 'Disconnect Apple',
'disconnected_apple' => 'Successfully disconnected Apple',
'send_now' => 'Send Now',
'received' => 'Received',
'converted_to_expense' => 'Successfully converted to expense',
'converted_to_expenses' => 'Successfully converted to expenses',
'entity_removed' => 'This document has been removed, please contact the vendor for further information',
'entity_removed_title' => 'Document no longer available',
'field' => 'Field',
'period' => 'Period',
'fields_per_row' => 'Fields Per Row',
'total_active_invoices' => 'Active Invoices',
'total_outstanding_invoices' => 'Outstanding Invoices',
'total_completed_payments' => 'Completed Payments',
'total_refunded_payments' => 'Refunded Payments',
'total_active_quotes' => 'Active Quotes',
'total_approved_quotes' => 'Approved Quotes',
'total_unapproved_quotes' => 'Unapproved Quotes',
'total_logged_tasks' => 'Logged Tasks',
'total_invoiced_tasks' => 'Invoiced Tasks',
'total_paid_tasks' => 'Paid Tasks',
'total_logged_expenses' => 'Logged Expenses',
'total_pending_expenses' => 'Pending Expenses',
'total_invoiced_expenses' => 'Invoiced Expenses',
'total_invoice_paid_expenses' => 'Invoice Paid Expenses',
'vendor_portal' => 'Vendor Portal',
'send_code' => 'Send Code',
'save_to_upload_documents' => 'Save the record to upload documents',
'expense_tax_rates' => 'Expense Tax Rates',
'invoice_item_tax_rates' => 'Invoice Item Tax Rates',
'verified_phone_number' => 'Successfully verified phone number',
'code_was_sent' => 'A code has been sent via SMS',
'resend' => 'Resend',
'verify' => 'Verify',
'enter_phone_number' => 'Please provide a phone number',
'invalid_phone_number' => 'Invalid phone number',
'verify_phone_number' => 'Verify Phone Number',
'verify_phone_number_help' => 'Please verify your phone number to send emails',
'merged_clients' => 'Successfully merged clients',
'merge_into' => 'Merge Into',
'php81_required' => 'Note: v5.5 requires PHP 8.1',
'bulk_email_purchase_orders' => 'Email Purchase Orders',
'bulk_email_invoices' => 'Email Invoices',
'bulk_email_quotes' => 'Email Quotes',
'bulk_email_credits' => 'Email Credits',
'archive_purchase_order' => 'Archive Purchase Order',
'restore_purchase_order' => 'Restore Purchase Order',
'delete_purchase_order' => 'Delete Purchase Order',
'connect' => 'Connect',
'mark_paid_payment_email' => 'Mark Paid Payment Email',
'convert_to_project' => 'Convert to Project',
'client_email' => 'Client Email',
'invoice_task_project' => 'Invoice Task Project',
'invoice_task_project_help' => 'Add the project to the invoice line items',
'bulk_action' => 'Bulk Action',
'phone_validation_error' => 'This mobile (cell) phone number is not valid, please enter in E.164 format',
'transaction' => 'Transaction',
'disable_2fa' => 'Disable 2FA',
'change_number' => 'Change Number',
'resend_code' => 'Resend Code',
'base_type' => 'Base Type',
'category_type' => 'Category Type',
'bank_transaction' => 'Transaction',
'bulk_print' => 'Print PDF',
'vendor_postal_code' => 'Vendor Postal Code',
'preview_location' => 'Preview Location',
'bottom' => 'Bottom',
'side' => 'Side',
'pdf_preview' => 'PDF Preview',
'long_press_to_select' => 'Long Press to Select',
'purchase_order_item' => 'Purchase Order Item',
'would_you_rate_the_app' => 'Would you like to rate the app?',
'include_deleted' => 'Include Deleted',
'include_deleted_help' => 'Include deleted records in reports',
'due_on' => 'Due On',
'browser_pdf_viewer' => 'Use Browser PDF Viewer',
'browser_pdf_viewer_help' => 'Warning: Prevents interacting with app over the PDF',
'converted_transactions' => 'Successfully converted transactions',
'default_category' => 'Default Category',
'connect_accounts' => 'Connect Accounts',
'manage_rules' => 'Manage Rules',
'search_category' => 'Search 1 Category',
'search_categories' => 'Search :count Categories',
'min_amount' => 'Min Amount',
'max_amount' => 'Max Amount',
'converted_transaction' => 'Successfully converted transaction',
'convert_to_payment' => 'Convert to Payment',
'deposit' => 'Deposit',
'withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal',
'deposits' => 'Deposits',
'withdrawals' => 'Withdrawals',
'matched' => 'Matched',
'unmatched' => 'Unmatched',
'create_credit' => 'Create Credit',
'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'new_transaction' => 'New Transaction',
'edit_transaction' => 'Edit Transaction',
'created_transaction' => 'Successfully created transaction',
'updated_transaction' => 'Successfully updated transaction',
'archived_transaction' => 'Successfully archived transaction',
'deleted_transaction' => 'Successfully deleted transaction',
'removed_transaction' => 'Successfully removed transaction',
'restored_transaction' => 'Successfully restored transaction',
'search_transaction' => 'Search Transaction',
'search_transactions' => 'Search :count Transactions',
'deleted_bank_account' => 'Successfully deleted bank account',
'removed_bank_account' => 'Successfully removed bank account',
'restored_bank_account' => 'Successfully restored bank account',
'search_bank_account' => 'Search Bank Account',
'search_bank_accounts' => 'Search :count Bank Accounts',
'code_was_sent_to' => 'A code has been sent via SMS to :number',
'verify_phone_number_2fa_help' => 'Please verify your phone number for 2FA backup',
'enable_applying_payments_later' => 'Enable Applying Payments Later',
'line_item_tax_rates' => 'Line Item Tax Rates',
'show_tasks_in_client_portal' => 'Show Tasks in Client Portal',
'notification_quote_expired_subject' => 'Quote :invoice has expired for :client',
'notification_quote_expired' => 'The following Quote :invoice for client :client and :amount has now expired.',
'auto_sync' => 'Auto Sync',
'refresh_accounts' => 'Refresh Accounts',
'upgrade_to_connect_bank_account' => 'Upgrade to Enterprise to connect your bank account',
'click_here_to_connect_bank_account' => 'Click here to connect your bank account',
'include_tax' => 'Include tax',
'email_template_change' => 'E-mail template body can be changed on',
'task_update_authorization_error' => 'Insufficient permissions, or task may be locked',
'cash_vs_accrual' => 'Accrual accounting',
'cash_vs_accrual_help' => 'Turn on for accrual reporting, turn off for cash basis reporting.',
'expense_paid_report' => 'Expensed reporting',
'expense_paid_report_help' => 'Turn on for reporting all expenses, turn off for reporting only paid expenses',
'online_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when an online payment is made',
'manual_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when manually entering a payment',
'mark_paid_payment_email_help' => 'Send an email when marking an invoice as paid',
'linked_transaction' => 'Successfully linked transaction',
'link_payment' => 'Link Payment',
'link_expense' => 'Link Expense',
'lock_invoiced_tasks' => 'Lock Invoiced Tasks',
'lock_invoiced_tasks_help' => 'Prevent tasks from being edited once invoiced',
'registration_required_help' => 'Require clients to register',
'use_inventory_management' => 'Use Inventory Management',
'use_inventory_management_help' => 'Require products to be in stock',
'optional_products' => 'Optional Products',
'optional_recurring_products' => 'Optional Recurring Products',
'convert_matched' => 'Convert',
'auto_billed_invoice' => 'Successfully queued invoice to be auto-billed',
'auto_billed_invoices' => 'Successfully queued invoices to be auto-billed',
'operator' => 'Operator',
'value' => 'Value',
'is' => 'Is',
'contains' => 'Contains',
'starts_with' => 'Starts with',
'is_empty' => 'Is empty',
'add_rule' => 'Add Rule',
'match_all_rules' => 'Match All Rules',
'match_all_rules_help' => 'All criteria needs to match for the rule to be applied',
'auto_convert_help' => 'Automatically convert matched transactions to expenses',
'rules' => 'Rules',
'transaction_rule' => 'Transaction Rule',
'transaction_rules' => 'Transaction Rules',
'new_transaction_rule' => 'New Transaction Rule',
'edit_transaction_rule' => 'Edit Transaction Rule',
'created_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully created rule',
'updated_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully updated transaction rule',
'archived_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully archived transaction rule',
'deleted_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully deleted transaction rule',
'removed_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully removed transaction rule',
'restored_transaction_rule' => 'Successfully restored transaction rule',
'search_transaction_rule' => 'Search Transaction Rule',
'search_transaction_rules' => 'Search Transaction Rules',
'payment_type_Interac E-Transfer' => 'Interac E-Transfer',
'delete_bank_account' => 'Delete Bank Account',
'archive_transaction' => 'Archive Transaction',
'delete_transaction' => 'Delete Transaction',
'otp_code_message' => 'We have sent a code to :email enter this code to proceed.',
'otp_code_subject' => 'Your one time passcode code',
'otp_code_body' => 'Your one time passcode is :code',
'delete_tax_rate' => 'Delete Tax Rate',
'restore_tax_rate' => 'Restore Tax Rate',
'company_backup_file' => 'Select company backup file',
'company_backup_file_help' => 'Please upload the .zip file used to create this backup.',
'backup_restore' => 'Backup | Restore',
'export_company' => 'Create company backup',
'backup' => 'Backup',
'notification_purchase_order_created_body' => 'The following purchase_order :purchase_order was created for vendor :vendor for :amount.',
'notification_purchase_order_created_subject' => 'Purchase Order :purchase_order was created for :vendor',
'notification_purchase_order_sent_subject' => 'Purchase Order :purchase_order was sent to :vendor',
'notification_purchase_order_sent' => 'The following vendor :vendor was emailed Purchase Order :purchase_order for :amount.',
'subscription_blocked' => 'This product is a restricted item, please contact the vendor for further information.',
'subscription_blocked_title' => 'Product not available.',
'purchase_order_created' => 'Purchase Order Created',
'purchase_order_sent' => 'Purchase Order Sent',
'purchase_order_viewed' => 'Purchase Order Viewed',
'purchase_order_accepted' => 'Purchase Order Accepted',
'credit_payment_error' => 'The credit amount can not be greater than the payment amount',
'convert_payment_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate when entering a manual payment',
'convert_expense_currency_help' => 'Set an exchange rate when creating an expense',
'matomo_url' => 'Matomo URL',
'matomo_id' => 'Matomo Id',
'action_add_to_invoice' => 'Add To Invoice',
'danger_zone' => 'Danger Zone',
'import_completed' => 'Import completed',
'client_statement_body' => 'Your statement from :start_date to :end_date is attached.',
'email_queued' => 'Email queued',
'clone_to_recurring_invoice' => 'Clone to Recurring Invoice',
'inventory_threshold' => 'Inventory Threshold',
'emailed_statement' => 'Successfully queued statement to be sent',
'show_email_footer' => 'Show Email Footer',
'invoice_task_hours' => 'Invoice Task Hours',
'invoice_task_hours_help' => 'Add the hours to the invoice line items',
'auto_bill_standard_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Standard Invoices',
'auto_bill_recurring_invoices' => 'Auto Bill Recurring Invoices',
'email_alignment' => 'Email Alignment',
'pdf_preview_location' => 'PDF Preview Location',
'mailgun' => 'Mailgun',
'postmark' => 'Postmark',
'microsoft' => 'Microsoft',
'click_plus_to_create_record' => 'Click + to create a record',
'last365_days' => 'Last 365 Days',
'import_design' => 'Import Design',
'imported_design' => 'Successfully imported design',
'invalid_design' => 'The design is invalid, the :value section is missing',
'setup_wizard_logo' => 'Would you like to upload your logo?',
'installed_version' => 'Installed Version',
'notify_vendor_when_paid' => 'Notify Vendor When Paid',
'notify_vendor_when_paid_help' => 'Send an email to the vendor when the expense is marked as paid',
'update_payment' => 'Update Payment',
'markup' => 'Markup',
'unlock_pro' => 'Unlock Pro',
'upgrade_to_paid_plan_to_schedule' => 'Upgrade to a paid plan to create schedules',
'next_run' => 'Next Run',
'all_clients' => 'All Clients',
'show_aging_table' => 'Show Aging Table',
'show_payments_table' => 'Show Payments Table',
'email_statement' => 'Email Statement',
'once' => 'Once',
'schedules' => 'Schedules',
'new_schedule' => 'New Schedule',
'edit_schedule' => 'Edit Schedule',
'created_schedule' => 'Successfully created schedule',
'updated_schedule' => 'Successfully updated schedule',
'archived_schedule' => 'Successfully archived schedule',
'deleted_schedule' => 'Successfully deleted schedule',
'removed_schedule' => 'Successfully removed schedule',
'restored_schedule' => 'Successfully restored schedule',
'search_schedule' => 'Search Schedule',
'search_schedules' => 'Search Schedules',
'update_product' => 'Update Product',
'create_purchase_order' => 'Create Purchase Order',
'update_purchase_order' => 'Update Purchase Order',
'sent_invoice' => 'Sent Invoice',
'sent_quote' => 'Sent Quote',
'sent_credit' => 'Sent Credit',
'sent_purchase_order' => 'Sent Purchase Order',
'image_url' => 'Image URL',
'max_quantity' => 'Max Quantity',
'test_url' => 'Test URL',
'auto_bill_help_off' => 'Option is not shown',
'auto_bill_help_optin' => 'Option is shown but not selected',
'auto_bill_help_optout' => 'Option is shown and selected',
'auto_bill_help_always' => 'Option is not shown',
'view_all' => 'View All',
'edit_all' => 'Edit All',
'accept_purchase_order_number' => 'Accept Purchase Order Number',
'accept_purchase_order_number_help' => 'Enable clients to provide a PO number when approving a quote',
'from_email' => 'From Email',
'show_preview' => 'Show Preview',
'show_paid_stamp' => 'Show Paid Stamp',
'show_shipping_address' => 'Show Shipping Address',
'no_documents_to_download' => 'There are no documents in the selected records to download',
'pixels' => 'Pixels',
'logo_size' => 'Logo Size',
'failed' => 'Failed',
'client_contacts' => 'Client Contacts',
'sync_from' => 'Sync From',
'gateway_payment_text' => 'Invoices: :invoices for :amount for client :client',
'gateway_payment_text_no_invoice' => 'Payment with no invoice for amount :amount for client :client',
'click_to_variables' => 'Client here to see all variables.',
'ship_to' => 'Ship to',
'stripe_direct_debit_details' => 'Please transfer into the nominated bank account above.',
'branch_name' => 'Branch Name',
'branch_code' => 'Branch Code',
'bank_name' => 'Bank Name',
'bank_code' => 'Bank Code',
'bic' => 'BIC',
'change_plan_description' => 'Upgrade or downgrade your current plan.',
'add_company_logo' => 'Add Logo',
'add_stripe' => 'Add Stripe',
'invalid_coupon' => 'Invalid Coupon',
'no_assigned_tasks' => 'No billable tasks for this project',
'authorization_failure' => 'Insufficient permissions to perform this action',
'authorization_sms_failure' => 'Please verify your account to send emails.',
'white_label_body' => 'Thank you for purchasing a white label license. <br><br> Your license key is: <br><br> :license_key',
'payment_type_Klarna' => 'Klarna',
'payment_type_Interac E Transfer' => 'Interac E Transfer',
'xinvoice_payable' => 'Payable within :payeddue days net until :paydate',
'xinvoice_no_buyers_reference' => "No buyer's reference given",
'xinvoice_online_payment' => 'The invoice needs to be payed online via the provided link',
'pre_payment' => 'Pre Payment',
'number_of_payments' => 'Number of payments',
'number_of_payments_helper' => 'The number of times this payment will be made',
'pre_payment_indefinitely' => 'Continue until cancelled',
'notification_payment_emailed' => 'Payment :payment was emailed to :client',
'notification_payment_emailed_subject' => 'Payment :payment was emailed',
'record_not_found' => 'Record not found',
'product_tax_exempt' => 'Product Tax Exempt',
'product_type_physical' => 'Physical Goods',
'product_type_digital' => 'Digital Goods',
'product_type_service' => 'Services',
'product_type_freight' => 'Shipping',
'minimum_payment_amount' => 'Minimum Payment Amount',
'client_initiated_payments' => 'Client Initiated Payments',
'client_initiated_payments_help' => 'Support making a payment in the client portal without an invoice',
'share_invoice_quote_columns' => 'Share Invoice/Quote Columns',
'cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'payment_balance' => 'Payment Balance',
'view_report_permission' => 'Allow user to access the reports, data is limited to available permissions',
'activity_138' => 'Payment :payment was emailed to :client',
'one_time_products' => 'One-Time Products',
'optional_one_time_products' => 'Optional One-Time Products',
'required' => 'Required',
'hidden' => 'Hidden',
'payment_links' => 'Payment Links',
'payment_link' => 'Payment Link',
'new_payment_link' => 'New Payment Link',
'edit_payment_link' => 'Edit Payment Link',
'created_payment_link' => 'Successfully created payment link',
'updated_payment_link' => 'Successfully updated payment link',
'archived_payment_link' => 'Successfully archived payment link',
'deleted_payment_link' => 'Successfully deleted payment link',
'removed_payment_link' => 'Successfully removed payment link',
'restored_payment_link' => 'Successfully restored payment link',
'search_payment_link' => 'Search 1 Payment Link',
'search_payment_links' => 'Search :count Payment Links',
'increase_prices' => 'Increase Prices',
'update_prices' => 'Update Prices',
'incresed_prices' => 'Successfully queued prices to be increased',
'updated_prices' => 'Successfully queued prices to be updated',
'api_token' => 'API Token',
'api_key' => 'API Key',
'endpoint' => 'Endpoint',
'not_billable' => 'Not Billable',
'allow_billable_task_items' => 'Allow Billable Task Items',
'allow_billable_task_items_help' => 'Enable configuring which task items are billed',
'show_task_item_description' => 'Show Task Item Description',
'show_task_item_description_help' => 'Enable specifying task item descriptions',
'email_record' => 'Email Record',
'invoice_product_columns' => 'Invoice Product Columns',
'quote_product_columns' => 'Quote Product Columns',
'vendors' => 'Vendors',
'product_sales' => 'Product Sales',
'user_sales_report_header' => 'User sales report for client/s :client from :start_date to :end_date',
'client_balance_report' => 'Customer balance report',
'client_sales_report' => 'Customer sales report',
'user_sales_report' => 'User sales report',
'aged_receivable_detailed_report' => 'Aged Receivable Detailed Report',
'aged_receivable_summary_report' => 'Aged Receivable Summary Report',
'taxable_amount' => 'Taxable Amount',
'tax_summary' => 'Tax Summary',
'oauth_mail' => 'OAuth / Mail',
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'analytics' => 'Analytics',
return $LANG;