mirror of https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja.git synced 2024-09-20 16:31:33 +02:00
2016-06-30 21:26:14 +03:00

1364 lines
70 KiB

$LANG = array(
'organization' => 'Empresa',
'name' => 'Nombre',
'website' => 'Sitio Web',
'work_phone' => 'Teléfono',
'address' => 'Dirección',
'address1' => 'Calle',
'address2' => 'Bloq/Pta',
'city' => 'Ciudad',
'state' => 'Región/Provincia',
'postal_code' => 'Código Postal',
'country_id' => 'País',
'contacts' => 'Contactos',
'first_name' => 'Nombres',
'last_name' => 'Apellidos',
'phone' => 'Teléfono',
'email' => 'Correo Electrónico',
'additional_info' => 'Información adicional',
'payment_terms' => 'Plazos de pago',
'currency_id' => 'Divisa',
'size_id' => 'Tamaño de la Empresa',
'industry_id' => 'Industria',
'private_notes' => 'Notas Privadas',
'invoice' => 'Factura de venta',
'client' => 'Cliente',
'invoice_date' => 'Fecha de factura',
'due_date' => 'Fecha de pago',
'invoice_number' => 'Número de Factura',
'invoice_number_short' => 'Factura #',
'po_number' => 'Apartado de correo',
'po_number_short' => 'Apdo.',
'frequency_id' => 'Frecuencia',
'discount' => 'Descuento',
'taxes' => 'Impuestos',
'tax' => 'Impuesto',
'item' => 'Concepto',
'description' => 'Descripción',
'unit_cost' => 'Coste unitario',
'quantity' => 'Cantidad',
'line_total' => 'Total',
'subtotal' => 'Subtotal',
'paid_to_date' => 'Pagado',
'balance_due' => 'Pendiente',
'invoice_design_id' => 'Diseño',
'terms' => 'Términos',
'your_invoice' => 'Tu factura',
'remove_contact' => 'Eliminar contacto',
'add_contact' => 'Añadir contacto',
'create_new_client' => 'Crear nuevo cliente',
'edit_client_details' => 'Editar detalles del cliente',
'enable' => 'Activar',
'learn_more' => 'Aprender más',
'manage_rates' => 'Gestionar tarifas',
'note_to_client' => 'Nota para el cliente',
'invoice_terms' => 'Términos de facturación',
'save_as_default_terms' => 'Guardar como términos por defecto',
'download_pdf' => 'Descargar PDF',
'pay_now' => 'Pagar ahora',
'save_invoice' => 'Guardar factura',
'clone_invoice' => 'Clonar factura',
'archive_invoice' => 'Archivar factura',
'delete_invoice' => 'Eliminar factura',
'email_invoice' => 'Enviar factura por correo',
'enter_payment' => 'Agregar pago',
'tax_rates' => 'Tasas de impuesto',
'rate' => 'Tasas',
'settings' => 'Configuración',
'enable_invoice_tax' => 'Activar impuesto <b>para la factura</b>',
'enable_line_item_tax' => 'Activar impuesto <b>por concepto</b>',
'dashboard' => 'Inicio',
'clients' => 'Clientes',
'invoices' => 'Facturas',
'payments' => 'Pagos',
'credits' => 'Créditos',
'history' => 'Historial',
'search' => 'Búsqueda',
'sign_up' => 'registrate',
'guest' => 'invitado',
'company_details' => 'Detalles de la empresa',
'online_payments' => 'Pagos en linea',
'notifications' => 'Notificaciones',
'import_export' => 'Importar/Exportar',
'done' => 'Hecho',
'save' => 'Guardar',
'create' => 'Crear',
'upload' => 'Subir',
'import' => 'Importar',
'download' => 'Descargar',
'cancel' => 'Cancelar',
'close' => 'Cerrar',
'provide_email' => 'Por favor facilita una dirección de correo electrónico válida.',
'powered_by' => 'Plataforma por ',
'no_items' => 'No hay data',
'recurring_invoices' => 'Facturas recurrentes',
'recurring_help' => '<p>Enviar facturas automáticamente a clientes semanalmente, bi-mensualmente, mensualmente, trimestral o anualmente. </p>
<p>Uso :MONTH, :QUARTER or :YEAR para fechas dinámicas. Matemáticas básicas también funcionan bien. Por ejemplo: :MONTH-1.</p>
<p>Ejemplos de variables dinámicas de factura:</p>
<li>"Afiliación de gimnasio para el mes de:MONTH" => Afiliación de gimnasio para el mes de julio"</li>
<li>":YEAR+1 suscripción anual" => "2015 suscripción anual"</li>
<li>"Retainer payment for :QUARTER+1" => "Pago anticipo de pagos para T2"</li>
'in_total_revenue' => 'ingreso total',
'billed_client' => 'cliente facturado',
'billed_clients' => 'clientes facturados',
'active_client' => 'cliente activo',
'active_clients' => 'clientes activos',
'invoices_past_due' => 'Facturas vencidas',
'upcoming_invoices' => 'Próximas facturas',
'average_invoice' => 'Promedio de facturación',
'archive' => 'Archivar',
'delete' => 'Eliminar',
'archive_client' => 'Archivar cliente',
'delete_client' => 'Eliminar cliente',
'archive_payment' => 'Archivar pago',
'delete_payment' => 'Eliminar pago',
'archive_credit' => 'Archivar crédito',
'delete_credit' => 'Eliminar crédito',
'show_archived_deleted' => 'Mostrar archivados/eliminados',
'filter' => 'Filtrar',
'new_client' => 'Nuevo cliente',
'new_invoice' => 'Nueva factura',
'new_payment' => 'Nuevo pago',
'new_credit' => 'Nuevo crédito',
'contact' => 'Contacto',
'date_created' => 'Fecha de creación',
'last_login' => 'Último acceso',
'balance' => 'Balance',
'action' => 'Acción',
'status' => 'Estado',
'invoice_total' => 'Total facturado',
'frequency' => 'Frequencia',
'start_date' => 'Fecha de inicio',
'end_date' => 'Fecha de finalización',
'transaction_reference' => 'Referencia de transacción',
'method' => 'Método',
'payment_amount' => 'Valor del pago',
'payment_date' => 'Fecha de Pago',
'credit_amount' => 'Cantidad de Crédito',
'credit_balance' => 'Balance de Crédito',
'credit_date' => 'Fecha de Crédito',
'empty_table' => 'Tabla vacía',
'select' => 'Seleccionar',
'edit_client' => 'Editar Cliente',
'edit_invoice' => 'Editar Factura',
'create_invoice' => 'Crear Factura',
'enter_credit' => 'Agregar Crédito',
'last_logged_in' => 'Último inicio de sesión',
'details' => 'Detalles',
'standing' => 'Standing',
'credit' => 'Crédito',
'activity' => 'Actividad',
'date' => 'Fecha',
'message' => 'Mensaje',
'adjustment' => 'Ajustes',
'are_you_sure' => '¿Estás seguro?',
'payment_type_id' => 'Tipo de pago',
'amount' => 'Cantidad',
'work_email' => 'Correo electrónico de la empresa',
'language_id' => 'Idioma',
'timezone_id' => 'Zona horaria',
'date_format_id' => 'Formato de fecha',
'datetime_format_id' => 'Format de fecha/hora',
'users' => 'Usuarios',
'localization' => 'Localización',
'remove_logo' => 'Eliminar logo',
'logo_help' => 'Formatos aceptados: JPEG, GIF y PNG',
'payment_gateway' => 'Pasarela de pago',
'gateway_id' => 'Proveedor',
'email_notifications' => 'Notificaciones de correo',
'email_sent' => 'Avísame por correo cuando una factura <b>se envía</b>',
'email_viewed' => 'Avísame por correo cuando una factura <b>se visualiza</b>',
'email_paid' => 'Avísame por correo cuando una factura <b>se paga</b>',
'site_updates' => 'Actualizaciones del sitio',
'custom_messages' => 'Mensajes a medida',
'default_email_footer' => 'Configurar firma de correo por defecto',
'select_file' => 'Seleccionar archivo',
'first_row_headers' => 'Usar la primera fila como encabezados',
'column' => 'Columna',
'sample' => 'Ejemplo',
'import_to' => 'Importar a',
'client_will_create' => 'cliente se creará',
'clients_will_create' => 'clientes se crearan',
'email_settings' => 'Configuración del Correo Electrónico',
'client_view_styling' => 'Client View Styling',
'pdf_email_attachment' => 'Adjuntar PDF\'s a los Correos',
'custom_css' => 'Custom CSS',
'import_clients' => 'Importar datos del cliente',
'csv_file' => 'Seleccionar archivo CSV',
'export_clients' => 'Exportar datos del cliente',
'created_client' => 'cliente creado con éxito',
'created_clients' => ':count clientes creados con éxito',
'updated_settings' => 'Configuración actualizada con éxito',
'removed_logo' => 'Logo eliminado con éxito',
'sent_message' => 'Mensaje enviado con éxito',
'invoice_error' => 'Seleccionar cliente y corregir errores.',
'limit_clients' => 'Lo sentimos, te has pasado del límite de :count clientes',
'payment_error' => 'Ha habido un error en el proceso de tu pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.',
'registration_required' => 'Inscríbete para enviar una factura',
'confirmation_required' => 'Por favor confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico',
'updated_client' => 'Cliente actualizado con éxito',
'created_client' => 'cliente creado con éxito',
'archived_client' => 'Cliente archivado con éxito',
'archived_clients' => ':count clientes archivados con éxito',
'deleted_client' => 'Cliente eliminado con éxito',
'deleted_clients' => ':count clientes eliminados con éxito',
'updated_invoice' => 'Factura actualizada con éxito',
'created_invoice' => 'Factura creada con éxito',
'cloned_invoice' => 'Factura clonada con éxito',
'emailed_invoice' => 'Factura enviada con éxito',
'and_created_client' => 'y cliente creado ',
'archived_invoice' => 'Factura archivada con éxito',
'archived_invoices' => ':count facturas archivados con éxito',
'deleted_invoice' => 'Factura eliminada con éxito',
'deleted_invoices' => ':count facturas eliminadas con éxito',
'created_payment' => 'Pago creado con éxito',
'created_payments' => 'Successfully created :count payment(s)',
'archived_payment' => 'Pago archivado con éxito',
'archived_payments' => ':count pagos archivados con éxito',
'deleted_payment' => 'Pago eliminado con éxito',
'deleted_payments' => ':count pagos eliminados con éxito',
'applied_payment' => 'Pago aplicado con éxito',
'created_credit' => 'Crédito creado con éxito',
'archived_credit' => 'Crédito archivado con éxito',
'archived_credits' => ':count creditos archivados con éxito',
'deleted_credit' => 'Créditos eliminados con éxito',
'deleted_credits' => ':count creditos eliminados con éxito',
'imported_file' => 'Successfully imported file',
'updated_vendor' => 'Successfully updated vendor',
'created_vendor' => 'Successfully created vendor',
'archived_vendor' => 'Successfully archived vendor',
'archived_vendors' => 'Successfully archived :count vendors',
'deleted_vendor' => 'Successfully deleted vendor',
'deleted_vendors' => 'Successfully deleted :count vendors',
'confirmation_subject' => 'Corfimación de tu cuenta en Invoice Ninja',
'confirmation_header' => 'Confirmación de Cuenta',
'confirmation_message' => 'Por favor, haz clic en el enlace abajo para confirmar tu cuenta.',
'invoice_subject' => 'Nueva factura :invoice de :account',
'invoice_message' => 'Para visualizar tu factura por el valor de :amount, haz click en el enlace abajo.',
'payment_subject' => 'Pago recibido',
'payment_message' => 'Gracias por tu pago por valor de :amount.',
'email_salutation' => 'Estimado :name,',
'email_signature' => 'Un saludo cordial,',
'email_from' => 'El equipo de Invoice Ninja ',
'invoice_link_message' => 'Para visualizar la factura de cliente, haz clic en el enlace abajo:',
'notification_invoice_paid_subject' => 'La factura :invoice ha sido pagada por el cliente :client',
'notification_invoice_sent_subject' => 'La factura :invoice ha sido enviada a el cliente :client',
'notification_invoice_viewed_subject' => 'La factura :invoice ha sido visualizado por el cliente:client',
'notification_invoice_paid' => 'Un pago por valor de :amount se ha realizado por el cliente :client a la factura :invoice.',
'notification_invoice_sent' => 'La factura :invoice por valor de :amount fue enviada al cliente :cliente.',
'notification_invoice_viewed' => 'La factura :invoice por valor de :amount fue visualizada por el cliente :client.',
'reset_password' => 'Puedes reconfigurar la contraseña de tu cuenta haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace:',
'secure_payment' => 'Pago seguro',
'card_number' => 'Número de tarjeta',
'expiration_month' => 'Mes de caducidad',
'expiration_year' => 'Año de caducidad',
'cvv' => 'CVV',
'logout' => 'Cerrar sesión',
'sign_up_to_save' => 'Registrate para guardar tu trabajo',
'agree_to_terms' => 'Estoy de acuerdo con los términos de Invoice Ninja :terms',
'terms_of_service' => 'Términos de servicio',
'email_taken' => 'Esta dirección de correo electrónico ya se ha registrado',
'working' => 'Procesando',
'success' => 'Éxito',
'success_message' => 'Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, haz clic en el enlace de el correo de confirmación para verificar tu dirección de correo electrónico.',
'erase_data' => 'Esta acción eliminará todos tus datos de forma permanente.',
'password' => 'Contraseña',
'pro_plan_product' => 'Plan Pro',
'pro_plan_success' => '¡Gracias por unirte a Invoice Ninja! Al realizar el pago de tu factura, se iniciara tu PLAN PRO.',
'unsaved_changes' => 'Tienes cambios no guardados',
'custom_fields' => 'Campos a medida',
'company_fields' => 'Campos de la empresa',
'client_fields' => 'Campos del cliente',
'field_label' => 'Etiqueta del campo',
'field_value' => 'Valor del campo',
'edit' => 'Editar',
'set_name' => 'Set your company name',
'view_as_recipient' => 'Ver como destinitario',
'product_library' => 'Inventario de productos',
'product' => 'Producto',
'products' => 'Productos',
'fill_products' => 'Auto-rellenar productos',
'fill_products_help' => 'Seleccionar un producto automáticamente <b>configurará la descripción y coste</b>',
'update_products' => 'Auto-actualizar productos',
'update_products_help' => 'Actualizar una factura automáticamente <b>actualizará los productos</b>',
'create_product' => 'Crear Producto',
'edit_product' => 'Editar Producto',
'archive_product' => 'Archivar Producto',
'updated_product' => 'Producto actualizado con éxito',
'created_product' => 'Producto creado con éxito',
'archived_product' => 'Producto archivado con éxito',
'pro_plan_custom_fields' => ':link haz click para para activar campos a medida',
'advanced_settings' => 'Configuración Avanzada',
'pro_plan_advanced_settings' => ':link haz clic para para activar la configuración avanzada',
'invoice_design' => 'Diseño de factura',
'specify_colors' => 'Especificar colores',
'specify_colors_label' => 'Seleccionar los colores para usar en las facturas',
'chart_builder' => 'Constructor de graficos',
'ninja_email_footer' => 'Usa :site para facturar a tus clientes y recibir pagos de forma gratuita!',
'go_pro' => 'Hazte Pro',
'quote' => 'Cotización',
'quotes' => 'Cotizaciones',
'quote_number' => 'Numero de cotización',
'quote_number_short' => 'Cotización #',
'quote_date' => 'Fecha cotización',
'quote_total' => 'Total cotizado',
'your_quote' => 'Tu cotización',
'total' => 'Total',
'clone' => 'Clon',
'new_quote' => 'Nueva cotización',
'create_quote' => 'Crear Cotización',
'edit_quote' => 'Editar Cotización',
'archive_quote' => 'Archivar Cotización',
'delete_quote' => 'Eliminar Cotización',
'save_quote' => 'Guardar Cotización',
'email_quote' => 'Enviar Cotización',
'clone_quote' => 'Clonar Cotización',
'convert_to_invoice' => 'Convertir a Factura',
'view_invoice' => 'Ver Factura',
'view_client' => 'Ver Cliente',
'view_quote' => 'Ver Cotización',
'updated_quote' => 'Cotización actualizada con éxito',
'created_quote' => 'Cotización creada con éxito',
'cloned_quote' => 'Cotización clonada con éxito',
'emailed_quote' => 'Cotización enviada con éxito',
'archived_quote' => 'Cotización archivada con éxito',
'archived_quotes' => ':count cotizaciones archivadas con exito',
'deleted_quote' => 'Cotizaciónes eliminadas con éxito',
'deleted_quotes' => ':count cotizaciones eliminadas con exito',
'converted_to_invoice' => 'Cotización convertida a factura con éxito',
'quote_subject' => 'Nueva cotización de :account',
'quote_message' => 'Para visualizar la cotización por valor de :amount, haz click en el enlace abajo.',
'quote_link_message' => 'Para visualizar tu cotización haz click en el enlace abajo:',
'notification_quote_sent_subject' => 'Cotización :invoice enviada a el cliente :client',
'notification_quote_viewed_subject' => 'Cotización :invoice visualizada por el cliente :client',
'notification_quote_sent' => 'La cotización :invoice por un valor de :amount, ha sido enviada al cliente :client.',
'notification_quote_viewed' => 'La cotizacion :invoice por un valor de :amount ha sido visualizada por el cliente :client.',
'session_expired' => 'Tu sesión ha caducado.',
'invoice_fields' => 'Campos de factura',
'invoice_options' => 'Opciones de factura',
'hide_quantity' => 'Ocultar cantidad',
'hide_quantity_help' => 'Si las cantidades de tus partidas siempre son 1, entonces puedes organizar tus facturas mejor al no mostrar este campo.',
'hide_paid_to_date' => 'Ocultar valor pagado a la fecha',
'hide_paid_to_date_help' => 'Solo mostrar la opción “Pagado a la fecha” en tus facturas en cuanto se ha recibido un pago.',
'charge_taxes' => 'Cargar impuestos',
'user_management' => 'Gestión de usario',
'add_user' => 'Añadir usario',
'send_invite' => 'Enviar invitación',
'sent_invite' => 'Invitación enviada con éxito',
'updated_user' => 'Usario actualizado con éxito',
'invitation_message' => ':invitor te ha invitado a unirte a su cuenta en Invoice Ninja.',
'register_to_add_user' => 'Regístrate para añadir usarios',
'user_state' => 'Estado',
'edit_user' => 'Editar Usario',
'delete_user' => 'Eliminar Usario',
'active' => 'Activar',
'pending' => 'Pendiente',
'deleted_user' => 'Usario eliminado con éxito',
'confirm_email_invoice' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar esta factura?',
'confirm_email_quote' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar esta cotización?',
'confirm_recurring_email_invoice' => 'Se ha marcado esta factura como recurrente, estás seguro que quieres enviar esta factura?',
'cancel_account' => 'Cancelar Cuenta',
'cancel_account_message' => 'AVISO: Esta acción eliminará todos tus datos de forma permanente.',
'go_back' => 'Atrás',
'data_visualizations' => 'Visualización de datos',
'sample_data' => 'Datos de ejemplo',
'hide' => 'Ocultar',
'new_version_available' => 'Una nueva versión de :releases_link disponible. Estás utilizando versión :user_version, la última versión es :latest_version',
'invoice_settings' => 'Configuración de facturas',
'invoice_number_prefix' => 'Prefijo de facturación',
'invoice_number_counter' => 'Numeración de facturación',
'quote_number_prefix' => 'Prejijo de cotizaciones',
'quote_number_counter' => 'Numeración de cotizaciones',
'share_invoice_counter' => 'Compartir la numeración para cotización y facturación',
'invoice_issued_to' => 'Factura emitida a',
'invalid_counter' => 'Para evitar posibles conflictos, por favor crea un prefijo de facturación y de cotización.',
'mark_sent' => 'Marcar como enviado',
'gateway_help_1' => ':link para registrarse con Authorize.net.',
'gateway_help_2' => ':link para registrarse con Authorize.net.',
'gateway_help_17' => ':link para obtener su firma del API de PayPal.',
'gateway_help_27' => ':link para registrarse con TwoCheckout.',
'more_designs' => 'Más diseños',
'more_designs_title' => 'Diseños Adicionales de Facturas',
'more_designs_cloud_header' => 'Vete Pro para más diseños de facturas',
'more_designs_cloud_text' => '',
'more_designs_self_host_text' => '',
'buy' => 'Comprar',
'bought_designs' => 'Diseños adicionales de facturas agregados con éxito',
'sent' => 'enviado',
'vat_number' => 'Número de Impuesto',
'timesheets' => 'Hojas de Tiempo',
'payment_title' => 'Ingresa la Dirección de Facturación de tu Tareta de Crédito',
'payment_cvv' => '*Este es el número de 3-4 dígitos en la parte posterior de tu tarjeta de crédito',
'payment_footer1' => '*La dirección debe coincidir con la dirección asociada a la tarjeta de crédito.',
'payment_footer2' => '*Por favor haz clic en "PAGAR AHORA" sólo una vez - la transacción puede demorarse hasta un minuto en ser procesada.',
'id_number' => 'ID Number',
'white_label_link' => 'Etiqueta Blanca',
'white_label_header' => 'Etiqueta Blanca',
'bought_white_label' => 'Licencia de etiqueta blanca habilitada con éxito',
'white_labeled' => 'Etiqueta Blanca',
'restore' => 'Restaurar',
'restore_invoice' => 'Restaurar Invoice',
'restore_quote' => 'Restaurar Quote',
'restore_client' => 'Restaurar Client',
'restore_credit' => 'Restaurar Credit',
'restore_payment' => 'Restaurar Payment',
'restored_invoice' => 'Factura restaurada con éxito',
'restored_quote' => 'Cotización restaurada con éxito',
'restored_client' => 'Cliente restaurado con éxito',
'restored_payment' => 'Pago restaurado con éxito',
'restored_credit' => 'Crédito restaurado con éxito',
'reason_for_canceling' => 'Ayúdenos a mejorar contándonos porqué se va.',
'discount_percent' => 'Porcentaje',
'discount_amount' => 'Cantidad',
'invoice_history' => 'Facturar Historial',
'quote_history' => 'Cotizar Historial',
'current_version' => 'Versión actual',
'select_version' => 'Seleccionar versión',
'view_history' => 'Ver Historial',
'edit_payment' => 'Editar Pago',
'updated_payment' => 'Pago actualizado con éxito',
'deleted' => 'Eliminado',
'restore_user' => 'Restaurar Usuario',
'restored_user' => 'Usuario restaurado con éxito',
'show_deleted_users' => 'Mostrar usuarios eliminados',
'email_templates' => 'Plantillas de Correo',
'invoice_email' => 'Correo de Factura',
'payment_email' => 'Correo de Pago',
'quote_email' => 'Correo de Cotizacion',
'reset_all' => 'Reiniciar Todos',
'approve' => 'Aprobar',
'token_billing_type_id' => 'Token de Facturación',
'token_billing_help' => 'Permite almacenar tarjetas de crédito con su gateway de pagos, y facturar en una fecha posterior.',
'token_billing_1' => 'Deshabilitado',
'token_billing_2' => 'Opt-in - el checkbox es mostrado pero no seleccionado',
'token_billing_3' => 'Opt-out - el checkbox es mostrado y seleccionado',
'token_billing_4' => 'Siempre',
'token_billing_checkbox' => 'Almacenar detalles de la tarjeta de crédito',
'view_in_gateway' => 'Ver en :gateway',
'use_card_on_file' => 'Use Card on File',
'edit_payment_details' => 'Editar detalles del pago',
'token_billing' => 'Guardar detalles de la tarjeta',
'token_billing_secure' => 'La información es almacenada de manera segura por :link',
'support' => 'Soporte',
'contact_information' => 'Información de Contacto',
'256_encryption' => 'Encripción de 256-Bit',
'amount_due' => 'Valor por cobrar',
'billing_address' => 'Dirección de facturación',
'billing_method' => 'Método de facturación',
'order_overview' => 'Resumen de la orden',
'match_address' => '*La dirección debe coincidir con la dirección asociada a la tarjeta de crédito.',
'click_once' => '*Por favor haz clic en "PAGAR AHORA" sólo una vez - la transacción puede demorarse hasta un minuto en ser procesada.',
'invoice_footer' => 'Pié de págia de la factura',
'save_as_default_footer' => 'Guardar como el pié de página por defecto',
'token_management' => 'Administración de Tokens',
'tokens' => 'Tokens',
'add_token' => 'Agregar Token',
'show_deleted_tokens' => 'Mostrar los tokens eliminados',
'deleted_token' => 'Token eliminado con éxito',
'created_token' => 'Token creado con éxito',
'updated_token' => 'Token actualizado con éxito',
'edit_token' => 'Editar Token',
'delete_token' => 'Eliminar Token',
'token' => 'Token',
'add_gateway' => 'Agregar Gateway',
'delete_gateway' => 'Eliminar Gateway',
'edit_gateway' => 'Editar Gateway',
'updated_gateway' => 'Gateway actualizado con éxito',
'created_gateway' => 'Gateway creado con éxito',
'deleted_gateway' => 'Gateway eliminado con éxito',
'pay_with_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'pay_with_card' => 'Tarjeta de Crédito',
'change_password' => 'Cambiar contraseña',
'current_password' => 'contraseña actual',
'new_password' => 'Nueva contraseña',
'confirm_password' => 'Confirmar contraseña',
'password_error_incorrect' => 'La contraseña actual es incorrecta.',
'password_error_invalid' => 'La nueva contraseña es inválida.',
'updated_password' => 'Contraseñaactualizada con éxito',
'api_tokens' => 'API Tokens',
'users_and_tokens' => 'Usuarios y Tokens',
'account_login' => 'Ingreso',
'recover_password' => 'Recupera tu contraseña',
'forgot_password' => 'Olvidaste tu Contraseña?',
'email_address' => 'Correo Electrónico',
'lets_go' => 'Vamos',
'password_recovery' => 'Recuperación de Contraseña',
'send_email' => 'Enviar Correo',
'set_password' => 'Asignar Contraseña',
'converted' => 'Convertido',
'email_approved' => 'Enviarme un correo cuando una cotización sea <b>aprobada</b>',
'notification_quote_approved_subject' => 'Cotización :invoice fue aprobada por :client',
'notification_quote_approved' => 'El cliente :client ha aprobado la cotización :invoice por el valor :amount.',
'resend_confirmation' => 'Reenviar correo de confirmación',
'confirmation_resent' => 'El correo de confirmación fue reenviado',
'gateway_help_42' => ':link para registrarse en BitPay.<br/>Nota: use una llave del API legacy, no un token API.',
'payment_type_credit_card' => 'Tarjeta de Crédito',
'payment_type_paypal' => 'PayPal',
'payment_type_bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'knowledge_base' => 'Base de Conocimiento',
'partial' => 'Parcial',
'partial_remaining' => ':partial de :balance',
'more_fields' => ' Más Campos',
'less_fields' => 'Menos Campos',
'client_name' => 'Nombre del Cliente',
'pdf_settings' => 'Configuración de PDF',
'product_settings' => 'Configuración del Producto',
'auto_wrap' => 'Ajuste Automático de Linea',
'duplicate_post' => 'Advertencia: la página anterior fue enviada dos veces. El segundo envío ha sido ignorado.',
'view_documentation' => 'Ver Documentación',
'app_title' => 'Facturación Open-Source Gratuita',
'app_description' => 'Invoice Ninja es una solución open-source gratuita para manejar la facturación de tus clientes. Con Invoice Ninja, se pueden crear y enviar hermosas facturas desde cualquier dispositivo que tenga acceso a Internet. Tus clientes pueden imprimir tus facturas, descargarlas en formato PDF o inclusive pagarlas en linea desde esta misma plataforma',
'rows' => 'filas',
'www' => 'www',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'subdomain' => 'Subdominio',
'provide_name_or_email' => 'Por favor provee un nombre o correo electrónico de contacto',
'charts_and_reports' => 'Gráficas y Reportes',
'chart' => 'Gráfica',
'report' => 'Reporte',
'group_by' => 'Agrupar por',
'paid' => 'Pagado',
'enable_report' => 'Reportes',
'enable_chart' => 'Gráficas',
'totals' => 'Totales',
'run' => 'Ejecutar',
'export' => 'Exportar',
'documentation' => 'Documentación',
'zapier' => 'Zapier',
'recurring' => 'Recurrente',
'last_invoice_sent' => 'Ultima factura enviada en :date',
'processed_updates' => 'Actualización completada con éxito',
'tasks' => 'Tareas',
'new_task' => 'Nueva Tarea',
'start_time' => 'Tiempo de Inicio',
'created_task' => 'Tarea creada con éxito',
'updated_task' => 'Tarea actualizada con éxito',
'edit_task' => 'Editar Tarea',
'archive_task' => 'Archivar Tarea',
'restore_task' => 'Restaurar Tarea',
'delete_task' => 'Eliminar Tarea',
'stop_task' => 'Detener Tarea',
'time' => 'Tiempo',
'start' => 'Iniciar',
'stop' => 'Detener',
'now' => 'Ahora',
'timer' => 'Timer',
'manual' => 'Manual',
'date_and_time' => 'Fecha y Hora',
'second' => 'segundo',
'seconds' => 'segundos',
'minute' => 'minuto',
'minutes' => 'minutos',
'hour' => 'hora',
'hours' => 'horas',
'task_details' => 'Detalles de la Tarea',
'duration' => 'Duración',
'end_time' => 'Tiempo Final',
'end' => 'Fin',
'invoiced' => 'Facturado',
'logged' => 'Registrado',
'running' => 'Corriendo',
'task_error_multiple_clients' => 'Las tareas no pueden pertenecer a diferentes clientes',
'task_error_running' => 'Por favor primero detenga las tareas que se estén ejecutando',
'task_error_invoiced' => 'Las tareas ya han sido facturadas',
'restored_task' => 'Tarea restaurada con éxito',
'archived_task' => 'Tarea archivada con éxito',
'archived_tasks' => ':count tareas archivadas con éxito',
'deleted_task' => 'Tarea eliminada con éxito',
'deleted_tasks' => ':count tareas eliminadas con éxito',
'create_task' => 'Crear Tarea',
'stopped_task' => 'Tarea detenida con éxito',
'invoice_task' => 'Tarea de Factura',
'invoice_labels' => 'Etiquetas',
'prefix' => 'Prefijo',
'counter' => 'Contador',
'payment_type_dwolla' => 'Dwolla',
'gateway_help_43' => ':link para registrarse con Dwolla.',
'partial_value' => 'Debe ser mayor que cero y menor que el total',
'more_actions' => 'Más Acciones',
'pro_plan_title' => 'NINJA PRO',
'pro_plan_call_to_action' => 'Actualízate Ahora!',
'pro_plan_feature1' => 'Crea Clientes Ilimitados',
'pro_plan_feature2' => 'Accede a 10 hermosos diseños de factura',
'pro_plan_feature3' => 'URLs Personalizadas - "SuMarca.InvoiceNinja.com"',
'pro_plan_feature4' => 'Remueve "Creado por Invoice Ninja"',
'pro_plan_feature5' => 'Acceso Multi-usuario y seguimiento de actividades',
'pro_plan_feature6' => 'Crea Cotizaciones y facturas Pro-forma',
'pro_plan_feature7' => 'Personaliza los Títulos de los Campos y Numeración de las Facturas',
'pro_plan_feature8' => 'Opción para adjuntarle documentos PDF a los correos dirigidos a los clientes',
'resume' => 'Continuar',
'break_duration' => 'Descanso',
'edit_details' => 'Editar Detalles',
'work' => 'Trabajo',
'timezone_unset' => 'Por favor :link para configurar tu Uso Horario',
'click_here' => 'haz clic aquí',
'email_receipt' => 'Enviar por correo electrónico el recibo de pago al cliente',
'created_payment_emailed_client' => 'Pago creado y enviado al cliente con éxito',
'add_company' => 'Agregar Compañía',
'untitled' => 'Sin Título',
'new_company' => 'Nueva Compañia',
'associated_accounts' => 'Cuentas conectadas con éxito',
'unlinked_account' => 'Cuentas desconectadas con éxito',
'login' => 'Ingresar',
'or' => 'o',
'email_error' => 'Hubo un problema enviando el correo',
'confirm_recurring_timing' => 'Nota: los correos son enviados al inicio de la hora.',
'payment_terms_help' => 'Asigna la fecha de vencimiento por defecto de la factura',
'unlink_account' => 'Desconectar Cuenta',
'unlink' => 'Desconectar',
'show_address' => 'Actualizar Dirección',
'show_address_help' => 'Requerir que el cliente provea su dirección de facturación',
'update_address' => 'Actualizar Dirección',
'update_address_help' => 'Actualiza la dirección del cliente con los detalles proporcionados',
'times' => 'Tiempos',
'set_now' => 'Asignar ahora',
'dark_mode' => 'Modo Oscuro',
'dark_mode_help' => 'Mostrar texto blanco sobre fondo negro',
'add_to_invoice' => 'Agregar a cuenta :invoice',
'create_new_invoice' => 'Crear Nueva Cuenta',
'task_errors' => 'Por favor corrije cualquier tiempo que se sobreponga con otro',
'from' => 'De',
'to' => 'Para',
'font_size' => 'Tamaño de Letra',
'primary_color' => 'Color Primario',
'secondary_color' => 'Color Secundario',
'customize_design' => 'Personalizar el Diseño',
'content' => 'Contenido',
'styles' => 'Estílos',
'defaults' => 'Valores por Defecto',
'margins' => 'Márgenes',
'header' => 'encabezado',
'footer' => 'Pié de Página',
'custom' => 'Personalizado',
'invoice_to' => 'Factura para',
'invoice_no' => 'Factura No.',
'recent_payments' => 'Pagos Recientes',
'outstanding' => 'Sobresaliente',
'manage_companies' => 'Administrar Compañías',
'total_revenue' => 'Ingresos Totales',
'current_user' => 'Usuario Actual',
'new_recurring_invoice' => 'Nueva Factura Recurrente',
'recurring_invoice' => 'Factura Recurrente',
'recurring_too_soon' => 'Es my pronto para crear la siguiente factura recurrente, it\'s scheduled for :date',
'created_by_invoice' => 'Creado por :invoice',
'primary_user' => 'Usuario Primario',
'help' => 'Ayuda',
'customize_help' => '<p>We use <a href="http://pdfmake.org/" target="_blank">pdfmake</a> to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake <a href="http://pdfmake.org/playground.html" target="_blank">playground</a> provide\'s a great way to see the library in action.</p>
<p>You can access a child property using dot notation. For example to show the client name you could use <code>$client.name</code>.</p>
<p>If you need help figuring something out post a question to our <a href="https://www.invoiceninja.com/forums/forum/support/" target="_blank">support forum</a> with the design you\'re using.</p>',
'invoice_due_date' => 'Fecha de Vencimiento',
'quote_due_date' => 'Válida Hasta',
'valid_until' => 'Válida Hasta',
'reset_terms' => 'Reiniciar términos',
'reset_footer' => 'Reiniciar pié de página',
'invoices_sent' => ':count factura enviada|:count facturas enviadas',
'status_draft' => 'Borrador',
'status_sent' => 'Enviado',
'status_viewed' => 'Visto',
'status_partial' => 'Parcial',
'status_paid' => 'Pagado',
'show_line_item_tax' => ' Mostrar <b>impuestos por cada ítem</b> en línea.',
'iframe_url' => 'Sitio Web',
'iframe_url_help1' => 'Copia el siguiente código en una página de tu sitio web.',
'iframe_url_help2' => 'Puedes probar esta funcionalidad haciendo clic en \'Ver como el destinitario\' de una factura.',
'auto_bill' => 'Cobro Automático',
'military_time' => 'Tiempo 24 Horas',
'last_sent' => 'Último Enviado',
'reminder_emails' => 'Correos de Recordatorio',
'templates_and_reminders' => 'Plantillas & Recordatorios',
'subject' => 'Asunto',
'body' => 'Mensaje',
'first_reminder' => 'Primer Recordatorio',
'second_reminder' => 'Segundo Recordatorio',
'third_reminder' => 'Tercer Recordatorio',
'num_days_reminder' => 'Días después de la fecha de vencimiento',
'reminder_subject' => 'Recordatorio: Factura :invoice de :account',
'reset' => 'Reiniciar',
'invoice_not_found' => 'La factura solicitada no está disponible',
'referral_program' => 'Programa de Referidos',
'referral_code' => 'Código de Referidos',
'last_sent_on' => 'ültimo enviado en :date',
'page_expire' => 'Esta página expirará pronto, :click_here para que siga funcionando',
'upcoming_quotes' => 'Próximas Cotizaciones',
'expired_quotes' => 'Cotizaciones Vencidas',
'sign_up_using' => 'Ingrese usando',
'invalid_credentials' => 'Estas credenciales no concuerdan con nuestros registros',
'show_all_options' => 'Mostrar todas las opciones',
'user_details' => 'Detalles de Usuario',
'oneclick_login' => 'Ingresar con un Click',
'disable' => 'Deshabilitar',
'invoice_quote_number' => 'Números de Cotización y Factura',
'invoice_charges' => 'Cargos de Factura',
'notification_invoice_bounced' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Factura :invoice a :contact.',
'notification_invoice_bounced_subject' => 'No fue posible entregar la Factura :invoice',
'notification_quote_bounced' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización :invoice a :contact.',
'notification_quote_bounced_subject' => 'No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización :invoice',
'custom_invoice_link' => 'Link Personalizado de Factura',
'total_invoiced' => 'Total Facturado',
'open_balance' => 'Abrir Balance',
'verify_email' => 'Para verificar su cuenta de correo por favor visite el link en el correo de confirmación de tu cuenta.',
'basic_settings' => 'Configuración Básica',
'pro' => 'Pro',
'gateways' => 'Pasarelas de Pago',
'next_send_on' => 'Enviar Siguiente: :date',
'no_longer_running' => 'La ejecución de esta factura no está programada',
'general_settings' => 'Configuración General',
'customize' => 'Personalizar',
'oneclick_login_help' => 'Conecta una cuenta para ingresar sin contraseña',
'referral_code_help' => 'Gana dinero compartiendo nuestra app en linea',
'enable_with_stripe' => 'Habilitar | Requiere Stripe',
'tax_settings' => 'Configuración de Impuestos',
'create_tax_rate' => 'Agregar Tasa de Impuesto',
'updated_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto actualizada con éxito',
'created_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto creada con éxito',
'edit_tax_rate' => 'Editar tasa de impuesto',
'archive_tax_rate' => 'Archivar tasa de impuesto',
'archived_tax_rate' => 'Tasa de impuesto archivada con éxito',
'default_tax_rate_id' => 'Tasa de Impuesto por Defecto',
'tax_rate' => 'Tasa de Impuesto',
'recurring_hour' => 'Hora Recurrente',
'pattern' => 'Patrón',
'pattern_help_title' => 'Ayuda de Patrón',
'pattern_help_1' => 'Cree números de factura y cotizaciones personalizados especificando un patrón',
'pattern_help_2' => 'Variables disponibles:',
'pattern_help_3' => 'Por ejemplo, :example sería convertido a :value',
'see_options' => 'Ver Opciones',
'invoice_counter' => 'Contador de Facturas',
'quote_counter' => 'Contador de Cotizaciones',
'type' => 'Tipo',
'activity_1' => ':user creó el cliente :client',
'activity_2' => ':user archivó el cliente :client',
'activity_3' => ':user eliminó el cliente :client',
'activity_4' => ':user creó la factura :invoice',
'activity_5' => ':user actualizó la factura :invoice',
'activity_6' => ':user envió por correo electrónico la factura :invoice to :contact',
'activity_7' => ':contact vió la factura :invoice',
'activity_8' => ':user archivó la factura :invoice',
'activity_9' => ':user eliminó la factura :invoice',
'activity_10' => ':contact ingresó el pago :payment for :invoice',
'activity_11' => ':user actualizó el pago :payment',
'activity_12' => ':user archivó el pago :payment',
'activity_13' => ':user eliminó el pago :payment',
'activity_14' => ':user ingresó :credit créditos',
'activity_15' => ':user actualizó :credit créditos',
'activity_16' => ':user archivó :credit créditos',
'activity_17' => ':user eliminó :credit créditos',
'activity_18' => ':user creó la cotización :quote',
'activity_19' => ':user actualizó la cotización :quote',
'activity_20' => ':user envió por correo electrónico la cotización :quote to :contact',
'activity_21' => ':contact vió la cotización :quote',
'activity_22' => ':user archivó la cotización :quote',
'activity_23' => ':user eliminó la cotización :quote',
'activity_24' => ':user restauró la cotización :quote',
'activity_25' => ':user restauró factura :invoice',
'activity_26' => ':user restauró el cliente :client',
'activity_27' => ':user restauró el pago :payment',
'activity_28' => ':user restauró :credit créditos',
'activity_29' => ':contact aprovó la cotización :quote',
'activity_30' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_31' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_32' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_33' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_34' => ':user created expense :expense',
'activity_35' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_36' => ':user created :vendor',
'activity_37' => ':user created :vendor',
'payment' => 'pago',
'system' => 'Sistema',
'signature' => 'Email Signature',
'default_messages' => 'Default Messages',
'quote_terms' => 'Quote Terms',
'default_quote_terms' => 'Default Quote Terms',
'default_invoice_terms' => 'Configurar términos de factura por defecto',
'default_invoice_footer' => 'Asignar pié de página por defecto para la factura',
'quote_footer' => 'Quote Footer',
'free' => 'Free',
'quote_is_approved' => 'This quote is approved',
'apply_credit' => 'Apply Credit',
'system_settings' => 'System Settings',
'archive_token' => 'Archive Token',
'archived_token' => 'Successfully archived token',
'archive_user' => 'Archive User',
'archived_user' => 'Successfully archived user',
'archive_account_gateway' => 'Archive Gateway',
'archived_account_gateway' => 'Successfully archived gateway',
'archive_recurring_invoice' => 'Archive Recurring Invoice',
'archived_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully archived recurring invoice',
'delete_recurring_invoice' => 'Delete Recurring Invoice',
'deleted_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully deleted recurring invoice',
'restore_recurring_invoice' => 'Restore Recurring Invoice',
'restored_recurring_invoice' => 'Successfully restored recurring invoice',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'untitled_account' => 'Untitled Company',
'before' => 'Before',
'after' => 'After',
'reset_terms_help' => 'Reset to the default account terms',
'reset_footer_help' => 'Reset to the default account footer',
'export_data' => 'Export Data',
'user' => 'User',
'country' => 'Country',
'include' => 'Include',
'logo_too_large' => 'Your logo is :size, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB',
'import_freshbooks' => 'Import From FreshBooks',
'import_data' => 'Import Data',
'source' => 'Source',
'csv' => 'CSV',
'client_file' => 'Client File',
'invoice_file' => 'Invoice File',
'task_file' => 'Task File',
'no_mapper' => 'No valid mapping for file',
'invalid_csv_header' => 'Invalid CSV Header',
'client_portal' => 'Client Portal',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
'show_archived_users' => 'Show archived users',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'invoice_will_create' => 'client will be created',
'invoices_will_create' => 'invoices will be created',
'failed_to_import' => 'The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.',
'publishable_key' => 'Publishable Key',
'secret_key' => 'Secret Key',
'missing_publishable_key' => 'Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process',
'email_design' => 'Email Design',
'due_by' => 'Due by :date',
'enable_email_markup' => 'Enable Markup',
'enable_email_markup_help' => 'Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.',
'template_help_title' => 'Templates Help',
'template_help_1' => 'Available variables:',
'email_design_id' => 'Email Style',
'email_design_help' => 'Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts',
'plain' => 'Plain',
'light' => 'Light',
'dark' => 'Dark',
'industry_help' => 'Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.',
'subdomain_help' => 'Customize the invoice link subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.',
'invoice_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.',
'quote_number_help' => 'Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.',
'custom_client_fields_helps' => 'Add a text input to the client create/edit page and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_account_fields_helps' => 'Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_fields_helps' => 'Add a text input to the invoice create/edit page and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'custom_invoice_charges_helps' => 'Add a text input to the invoice create/edit page and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.',
'token_expired' => 'Validation token was expired. Please try again.',
'invoice_link' => 'Invoice Link',
'button_confirmation_message' => 'Click to confirm your email address.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'email_preferences' => 'Email Preferences',
'created_invoices' => 'Successfully created :count invoice(s)',
'next_invoice_number' => 'The next invoice number is :number.',
'next_quote_number' => 'The next quote number is :number.',
'days_before' => 'days before',
'days_after' => 'days after',
'field_due_date' => 'due date',
'field_invoice_date' => 'invoice date',
'schedule' => 'Schedule',
'email_designs' => 'Email Designs',
'assigned_when_sent' => 'Assigned when sent',
'white_label_purchase_link' => 'Purchase a white label license',
'expense' => 'Expense',
'expenses' => 'Expenses',
'new_expense' => 'Enter Expense',
'enter_expense' => 'Enter Expense',
'vendors' => 'Vendors',
'new_vendor' => 'New Vendor',
'payment_terms_net' => 'Net',
'vendor' => 'Vendor',
'edit_vendor' => 'Edit Vendor',
'archive_vendor' => 'Archive Vendor',
'delete_vendor' => 'Delete Vendor',
'view_vendor' => 'View Vendor',
'deleted_expense' => 'Successfully deleted expense',
'archived_expense' => 'Successfully archived expense',
'deleted_expenses' => 'Successfully deleted expenses',
'archived_expenses' => 'Successfully archived expenses',
'expense_amount' => 'Expense Amount',
'expense_balance' => 'Expense Balance',
'expense_date' => 'Expense Date',
'expense_should_be_invoiced' => 'Should this expense be invoiced?',
'public_notes' => 'Public Notes',
'invoice_amount' => 'Invoice Amount',
'exchange_rate' => 'Exchange Rate',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'should_be_invoiced' => 'Should be invoiced',
'view_expense' => 'View expense # :expense',
'edit_expense' => 'Edit Expense',
'archive_expense' => 'Archive Expense',
'delete_expense' => 'Delete Expense',
'view_expense_num' => 'Expense # :expense',
'updated_expense' => 'Successfully updated expense',
'created_expense' => 'Successfully created expense',
'enter_expense' => 'Enter Expense',
'view' => 'View',
'restore_expense' => 'Restore Expense',
'invoice_expense' => 'Invoice Expense',
'expense_error_multiple_clients' => 'The expenses can\'t belong to different clients',
'expense_error_invoiced' => 'Expense has already been invoiced',
'convert_currency' => 'Convert currency',
'num_days' => 'Number of days',
'create_payment_term' => 'Create Payment Term',
'edit_payment_terms' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'edit_payment_term' => 'Edit Payment Term',
'archive_payment_term' => 'Archive Payment Term',
'recurring_due_dates' => 'Recurring Invoice Due Dates',
'recurring_due_date_help' => '<p>Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.</p>
<p>Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don\'t have that day will be due the last day of the month.</p>
<p>Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.</li>
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.
<li>Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of <strong>next</strong> month.
<li>Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.
'due' => 'Due',
'next_due_on' => 'Due Next: :date',
'use_client_terms' => 'Use client terms',
'day_of_month' => ':ordinal day of month',
'last_day_of_month' => 'Last day of month',
'day_of_week_after' => ':ordinal :day after',
'sunday' => 'Sunday',
'monday' => 'Monday',
'tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
'wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
'thursday' => 'Thursday',
'friday' => 'Friday',
'saturday' => 'Saturday',
'header_font_id' => 'Header Font',
'body_font_id' => 'Body Font',
'color_font_help' => 'Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.',
'live_preview' => 'Live Preview',
'invalid_mail_config' => 'Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.',
'invoice_message_button' => 'To view your invoice for :amount, click the button below.',
'quote_message_button' => 'To view your quote for :amount, click the button below.',
'payment_message_button' => 'Thank you for your payment of :amount.',
'payment_type_direct_debit' => 'Direct Debit',
'bank_accounts' => 'Bank Accounts',
'add_bank_account' => 'Add Bank Account',
'setup_account' => 'Setup Account',
'import_expenses' => 'Import Expenses',
'bank_id' => 'bank',
'integration_type' => 'Integration Type',
'updated_bank_account' => 'Successfully updated bank account',
'edit_bank_account' => 'Edit Bank Account',
'archive_bank_account' => 'Archive Bank Account',
'archived_bank_account' => 'Successfully archived bank account',
'created_bank_account' => 'Successfully created bank account',
'validate_bank_account' => 'Validate Bank Account',
'bank_password_help' => 'Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.',
'bank_password_warning' => 'Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.',
'username' => 'Username',
'account_number' => 'Account Number',
'account_name' => 'Account Name',
'bank_account_error' => 'Failed to retreive account details, please check your credentials.',
'status_approved' => 'Approved',
'quote_settings' => 'Quote Settings',
'auto_convert_quote' => 'Auto convert quote',
'auto_convert_quote_help' => 'Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved by a client.',
'validate' => 'Validate',
'info' => 'Info',
'imported_expenses' => 'Successfully created :count_vendors vendor(s) and :count_expenses expense(s)',
'iframe_url_help3' => 'Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.',
'expense_error_multiple_currencies' => 'The expenses can\'t have different currencies.',
'expense_error_mismatch_currencies' => 'The client\'s currency does not match the expense currency.',
'trello_roadmap' => 'Trello Roadmap',
'header_footer' => 'Header/Footer',
'first_page' => 'first page',
'all_pages' => 'all pages',
'last_page' => 'last page',
'all_pages_header' => 'Show header on',
'all_pages_footer' => 'Show footer on',
'invoice_currency' => 'Invoice Currency',
'enable_https' => 'We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.',
'quote_issued_to' => 'Quote issued to',
'show_currency_code' => 'Currency Code',
'trial_message' => 'Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.',
'trial_footer' => 'Your free trial lasts :count more days, :link to upgrade now.',
'trial_footer_last_day' => 'This is the last day of your free trial, :link to upgrade now.',
'trial_call_to_action' => 'Start Free Trial',
'trial_success' => 'Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial',
'overdue' => 'Overdue',
'white_label_text' => 'Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for $:price to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the client portal and help support our project.',
'user_email_footer' => 'Para ajustar la configuración de las notificaciones de tu correo, visita :link',
'reset_password_footer' => 'Si no has solicitado un cambio de contraseña, por favor contactate con nosostros: :email',
'limit_users' => 'Lo sentimos, esta acción excederá el límite de :limit usarios',
'more_designs_self_host_header' => 'Adquiera 6 diseños adicionales de facturas por solo $:price',
'old_browser' => 'Por favor utiliza <a href=":link" target="_blank">más reciente</a>',
'white_label_custom_css' => ':link for $:price to enable custom styling and help support our project.',
'bank_accounts_help' => 'Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and <a href=":link" target="_blank">400+ US banks.</a>',
'pro_plan_remove_logo' => ':link haz click para eliminar el logo de Invoice Ninja',
'pro_plan_remove_logo_link' => 'Haz clic aquí',
'invitation_status_sent' => 'Correo enviado',
'invitation_status_opened' => 'Correo Abierto',
'invitation_status_viewed' => 'Factura Vista',
'email_error_inactive_client' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive clients',
'email_error_inactive_contact' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts',
'email_error_inactive_invoice' => 'Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices',
'email_error_user_unregistered' => 'Please register your account to send emails',
'email_error_user_unconfirmed' => 'Please confirm your account to send emails',
'email_error_invalid_contact_email' => 'Invalid contact email',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'list_invoices' => 'List Invoices',
'list_clients' => 'List Clients',
'list_quotes' => 'List Quotes',
'list_tasks' => 'List Tasks',
'list_expenses' => 'List Expenses',
'list_recurring_invoices' => 'List Recurring Invoices',
'list_payments' => 'List Payments',
'list_credits' => 'List Credits',
'tax_name' => 'Tax Name',
'report_settings' => 'Report Settings',
'search_hotkey' => 'shortcut is /',
'new_user' => 'New User',
'new_product' => 'New Product',
'new_tax_rate' => 'New Tax Rate',
'invoiced_amount' => 'Invoiced Amount',
'invoice_item_fields' => 'Invoice Item Fields',
'custom_invoice_item_fields_help' => 'Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.',
'recurring_invoice_number' => 'Recurring Invoice Number',
'recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help' => 'Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices. The default value is \'R\'.',
// Client Passwords
'enable_portal_password'=>'Password protect invoices',
'enable_portal_password_help'=>'Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.',
'send_portal_password'=>'Generate password automatically',
'send_portal_password_help'=>'If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.',
'expired' => 'Expired',
'invalid_card_number' => 'The credit card number is not valid.',
'invalid_expiry' => 'The expiration date is not valid.',
'invalid_cvv' => 'The CVV is not valid.',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'create_invoice_for_sample' => 'Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.',
// User Permissions
'owner' => 'Owner',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
'administrator_help' => 'Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records',
'user_create_all' => 'Create clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_view_all' => 'View all clients, invoices, etc.',
'user_edit_all' => 'Edit all clients, invoices, etc.',
'gateway_help_20' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'gateway_help_21' => ':link to sign up for Sage Pay.',
'partial_due' => 'Partial Due',
'restore_vendor' => 'Restore Vendor',
'restored_vendor' => 'Successfully restored vendor',
'restored_expense' => 'Successfully restored expense',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'create_all_help' => 'Allow user to create and modify records',
'view_all_help' => 'Allow user to view records they didn\'t create',
'edit_all_help' => 'Allow user to modify records they didn\'t create',
'view_payment' => 'View Payment',
'january' => 'January',
'february' => 'February',
'march' => 'March',
'april' => 'April',
'may' => 'May',
'june' => 'June',
'july' => 'July',
'august' => 'August',
'september' => 'September',
'october' => 'October',
'november' => 'November',
'december' => 'December',
// Documents
'documents_header' => 'Documents:',
'email_documents_header' => 'Documents:',
'email_documents_example_1' => 'Widgets Receipt.pdf',
'email_documents_example_2' => 'Final Deliverable.zip',
'invoice_documents' => 'Documents',
'expense_documents' => 'Attached Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents' => 'Embed Documents',
'invoice_embed_documents_help' => 'Include attached images in the invoice.',
'document_email_attachment' => 'Attach Documents',
'download_documents' => 'Download Documents (:size)',
'documents_from_expenses' => 'From Expenses:',
'dropzone_default_message' => 'Drop files or click to upload',
'dropzone_fallback_message' => 'Your browser does not support drag\'n\'drop file uploads.',
'dropzone_fallback_text' => 'Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.',
'dropzone_file_too_big' => 'File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.',
'dropzone_invalid_file_type' => 'You can\'t upload files of this type.',
'dropzone_response_error' => 'Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.',
'dropzone_cancel_upload' => 'Cancel upload',
'dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?',
'dropzone_remove_file' => 'Remove file',
'documents' => 'Documents',
'document_date' => 'Document Date',
'document_size' => 'Size',
'enable_client_portal' => 'Dashboard',
'enable_client_portal_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'enable_client_portal_dashboard_help' => 'Show/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.',
// Plans
'account_management' => 'Account Management',
'plan_status' => 'Plan Status',
'plan_upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'plan_change' => 'Change Plan',
'pending_change_to' => 'Changes To',
'plan_changes_to' => ':plan on :date',
'plan_term_changes_to' => ':plan (:term) on :date',
'cancel_plan_change' => 'Cancel Change',
'plan' => 'Plan',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'renews' => 'Renews',
'plan_expired' => ':plan Plan Expired',
'trial_expired' => ':plan Plan Trial Ended',
'never' => 'Never',
'plan_free' => 'Free',
'plan_pro' => 'Pro',
'plan_enterprise' => 'Enterprise',
'plan_white_label' => 'Self Hosted (White labeled)',
'plan_free_self_hosted' => 'Self Hosted (Free)',
'plan_trial' => 'Trial',
'plan_term' => 'Term',
'plan_term_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'plan_term_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'plan_term_month' => 'Month',
'plan_term_year' => 'Year',
'plan_price_monthly' => '$:price/Month',
'plan_price_yearly' => '$:price/Year',
'updated_plan' => 'Updated plan settings',
'plan_paid' => 'Term Started',
'plan_started' => 'Plan Started',
'plan_expires' => 'Plan Expires',
'white_label_button' => 'White Label',
'pro_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'pro_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_product' => 'Enterprise Plan',
'enterprise_plan_year_description' => 'One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'enterprise_plan_month_description' => 'One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.',
'plan_credit_product' => 'Credit',
'plan_credit_description' => 'Credit for unused time',
'plan_pending_monthly' => 'Will switch to monthly on :date',
'plan_refunded' => 'A refund has been issued.',
'live_preview' => 'Live Preview',
'page_size' => 'Page Size',
'live_preview_disabled' => 'Live preview has been disabled to support selected font',
'invoice_number_padding' => 'Padding',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'list_vendors' => 'List Vendors',
'add_users_not_supported' => 'Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.',
'enterprise_plan_features' => 'The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, :link to see the full list of features.',
'return_to_app' => 'Return to app',
// Payment updates
'refund_payment' => 'Refund Payment',
'refund_max' => 'Max:',
'refund' => 'Refund',
'are_you_sure_refund' => 'Refund selected payments?',
'status_pending' => 'Pending',
'status_completed' => 'Completed',
'status_failed' => 'Failed',
'status_partially_refunded' => 'Partially Refunded',
'status_partially_refunded_amount' => ':amount Refunded',
'status_refunded' => 'Refunded',
'status_voided' => 'Cancelled',
'refunded_payment' => 'Refunded Payment',
'activity_39' => ':user cancelled a :payment_amount payment (:payment)',
'activity_40' => ':user refunded :adjustment of a :payment_amount payment (:payment)',
'card_expiration' => 'Exp:&nbsp:expires',
'card_creditcardother' => 'Unknown',
'card_americanexpress' => 'American Express',
'card_carteblanche' => 'Carte Blanche',
'card_unionpay' => 'UnionPay',
'card_diners' => 'Diners Club',
'card_discover' => 'Discover',
'card_jcb' => 'JCB',
'card_laser' => 'Laser',
'card_maestro' => 'Maestro',
'card_mastercard' => 'MasterCard',
'card_solo' => 'Solo',
'card_switch' => 'Switch',
'card_visacard' => 'Visa',
'card_ach' => 'ACH',
'payment_type_stripe' => 'Stripe',
'ach' => 'ACH',
'enable_ach' => 'Enable ACH',
'stripe_ach_help' => 'ACH support must also be enabled at Stripe.',
'ach_disabled' => 'Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.',
'plaid' => 'Plaid',
'client_id' => 'Client Id',
'secret' => 'Secret',
'public_key' => 'Public Key',
'plaid_optional' => '(optional)',
'plaid_environment_help' => 'When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid\'s development environement (tartan) will be used.',
'other_providers' => 'Other Providers',
'country_not_supported' => 'That country is not supported.',
'invalid_routing_number' => 'The routing number is not valid.',
'invalid_account_number' => 'The account number is not valid.',
'account_number_mismatch' => 'The account numbers do not match.',
'missing_account_holder_type' => 'Please select an individual or company account.',
'missing_account_holder_name' => 'Please enter the account holder\'s name.',
'routing_number' => 'Routing Number',
'confirm_account_number' => 'Confirm Account Number',
'individual_account' => 'Individual Account',
'company_account' => 'Company Account',
'account_holder_name' => 'Account Holder Name',
'add_account' => 'Add Account',
'payment_methods' => 'Payment Methods',
'complete_verification' => 'Complete Verification',
'verification_amount1' => 'Amount 1',
'verification_amount2' => 'Amount 2',
'payment_method_verified' => 'Verification completed successfully',
'verification_failed' => 'Verification Failed',
'remove_payment_method' => 'Remove Payment Method',
'confirm_remove_payment_method' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'payment_method_removed' => 'Removed payment method.',
'bank_account_verification_help' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.',
'bank_account_verification_next_steps' => 'We have made two deposits into your account with the description "VERIFICATION". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.
Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click "Complete Verification" next to the account.',
'unknown_bank' => 'Unknown Bank',
'ach_verification_delay_help' => 'You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.',
'add_credit_card' => 'Add Credit Card',
'payment_method_added' => 'Added payment method.',
'use_for_auto_bill' => 'Use For Autobill',
'used_for_auto_bill' => 'Autobill Payment Method',
'payment_method_set_as_default' => 'Set Autobill payment method.',
'activity_41' => ':payment_amount payment (:payment) failed',
'webhook_url' => 'Webhook URL',
'stripe_webhook_help' => 'You must :link.',
'stripe_webhook_help_link_text' => 'add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe',
'payment_method_error' => 'There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject' => 'Payment failed for Invoice :invoice',
'notification_invoice_payment_failed' => 'A payment made by client :client towards Invoice :invoice failed. The payment has been marked as failed and :amount has been added to the client\'s balance.',
'link_with_plaid' => 'Link Account Instantly with Plaid',
'link_manually' => 'Link Manually',
'secured_by_plaid' => 'Secured by Plaid',
'plaid_linked_status' => 'Your bank account at :bank',
'add_payment_method' => 'Add Payment Method',
'account_holder_type' => 'Account Holder Type',
'ach_authorization' => 'I authorize :company to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting :email.',
'ach_authorization_required' => 'You must consent to ACH transactions.',
'off' => 'Off',
'opt_in' => 'Opt-in',
'opt_out' => 'Opt-out',
'always' => 'Always',
'opted_out' => 'Opted out',
'opted_in' => 'Opted in',
'manage_auto_bill' => 'Manage Auto-bill',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'paypal' => 'PayPal',
'braintree_enable_paypal' => 'Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree',
'braintree_paypal_disabled_help' => 'The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments',
'braintree_paypal_help' => 'You must also :link.',
'braintree_paypal_help_link_text' => 'link PayPal to your BrainTree account',
'token_billing_braintree_paypal' => 'Save payment details',
'add_paypal_account' => 'Add PayPal Account',
'no_payment_method_specified' => 'No payment method specified',
'chart_type' => 'Chart Type',
'format' => 'Format',
'import_ofx' => 'Import OFX',
'ofx_file' => 'OFX File',
'ofx_parse_failed' => 'Failed to parse OFX file',
// WePay
'wepay' => 'WePay',
'sign_up_with_wepay' => 'Sign up with WePay',
'use_another_provider' => 'Use another provider',
'company_name' => 'Company Name',
'wepay_company_name_help' => 'This will appear on client\'s credit card statements.',
'wepay_description_help' => 'The purpose of this account.',
'wepay_tos_agree' => 'I agree to the :link.',
'wepay_tos_link_text' => 'WePay Terms of Service',
'resend_confirmation_email' => 'Resend Confirmation Email',
'manage_wepay_account' => 'Manage WePay Account',
'action_required' => 'Action Required',
'finish_setup' => 'Finish Setup',
'created_wepay_confirmation_required' => 'Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.',
'switch_to_wepay' => 'Switch to WePay',
'switch' => 'Switch',
'restore_account_gateway' => 'Restore Gateway',
'restored_account_gateway' => 'Successfully restored gateway',
'united_states' => 'United States',
'canada' => 'Canada',
'accept_debit_cards' => 'Accept Debit Cards',
'debit_cards' => 'Debit Cards',
'warn_start_date_changed' => 'The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.',
'original_start_date' => 'Original start date',
'new_start_date' => 'New start date',
'security' => 'Security',
'see_whats_new' => 'See what\'s new in v:version',
'wait_for_upload' => 'Please wait for the document upload to complete.',
'upgrade_for_permissions' => 'Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.',
'enable_second_tax_rate' => 'Enable specifying a <b>second tax rate</b>',
'payment_file' => 'Payment File',
'expense_file' => 'Expense File',
'product_file' => 'Product File',
'import_products' => 'Import Products',
'products_will_create' => 'products will be created.',
'product_key' => 'Product',
'created_products' => 'Successfully created :count product(s)',
'export_help' => 'Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.',
'JSON_file' => 'JSON File',
'view_dashboard' => 'View Dashboard',
'client_session_expired' => 'Session Expired',
'client_session_expired_message' => 'Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.',
'auto_bill_notification' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to your :payment_method on file on :due_date.',
'auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer' => 'bank account',
'auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card' => 'credit card',
'auto_bill_payment_method_paypal' => 'PayPal account',
'auto_bill_notification_placeholder' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.',
'payment_settings' => 'Payment Settings',
'on_send_date' => 'On send date',
'on_due_date' => 'On due date',
'auto_bill_ach_date_help' => 'ACH auto bill will always happen on the due date',
'warn_change_auto_bill' => 'Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.',
'bank_account' => 'Bank Account',
'payment_processed_through_wepay' => 'ACH payments will be processed using WePay.',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree' => 'I agree to the WePay :terms and :privacy_policy.',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'wepay_payment_tos_agree_required' => 'You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.',
'payment_settings_supported_gateways' => 'These options are supported by the WePay, Stripe, and Braintree gateways.',
'ach_email_prompt' => 'Please enter your email address:',
'verification_pending' => 'Verification Pending',
'update_font_cache' => 'Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.',
'more_options' => 'More options',
'credit_card' => 'Credit Card',
'bank_transfer' => 'Bank Transfer',
'no_transaction_reference' => 'We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.',
'use_bank_on_file' => 'Use Bank on File',
'auto_bill_email_message' => 'This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.',
'bitcoin' => 'Bitcoin',
'added_on' => 'Added :date',
'failed_remove_payment_method' => 'Failed to remove the payment method',
'gateway_exists' => 'This gateway already exists',
'manual_entry' => 'Manual entry',
return $LANG;