/* eslint-disable no-console */ import assert from 'node:assert'; import { execa } from 'execa'; import got from 'got'; import os from 'node:os'; import timers from 'node:timers/promises'; const losslessCutExePath = process.argv[2]; assert(losslessCutExePath); const screenshotDevice = process.argv[3]; const screenshotOutPath = process.argv[4]; assert(screenshotOutPath); const port = 8081; const ps = execa(losslessCutExePath, ['--http-api', String(port)]); console.log('Started', losslessCutExePath); // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-top-level-await ps.catch((err) => console.error(err)); const client = got.extend({ prefixUrl: `${port}`, timeout: { request: 5000 } }); async function captureScreenshot(outPath: string) { // https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Desktop#Windows const platform = os.platform(); if (platform === 'darwin') { const { stderr } = await execa('ffmpeg', ['-f', 'avfoundation', '-list_devices', 'true', '-i', '', '-hide_banner'], { reject: false }); console.log(stderr); } assert(screenshotDevice); await execa('ffmpeg', [ ...(platform === 'darwin' ? ['-r', '30', '-pix_fmt', 'uyvy422', '-f', 'avfoundation'] : []), ...(platform === 'win32' ? ['-f', 'gdigrab', '-framerate', '30'] : []), ...(platform === 'linux' ? ['-framerate', '25', '-f', 'x11grab'] : []), '-i', screenshotDevice, '-vframes', '1', outPath, ], { timeout: 30000 }); } try { const resp = await client('', { retry: { backoffLimit: 5000, limit: 10 }, hooks: { beforeRequest: [() => { console.log('attempt'); }] }, }).text(); assert(resp.length > 0); console.log('Waiting for UI to settle'); await timers.setTimeout(5000); console.log('Capturing screenshot'); await captureScreenshot(screenshotOutPath); console.log('Sending quit command'); await client.post('api/action/quit').text(); } finally { // ps.cancel(); } console.log('Waiting for app to quit'); const { stdout, stderr } = await ps; console.log('App has quit'); console.log('stdout:', stdout); console.log('stderr:', stderr);