const { join } = require('path'); const isDev = require('electron-is-dev'); const readline = require('readline'); const stringToStream = require('string-to-stream'); const execa = require('execa'); const { platform, arch, isWindows, isMac, isLinux } = require('./util'); const runningFfmpegs = new Set(); // setInterval(() => console.log(runningFfmpegs.size), 1000); let customFfPath; // Note that this does not work on MAS because of sandbox restrictions function setCustomFfPath(path) { customFfPath = path; } function getFfCommandLine(cmd, args) { const mapArg = arg => (/[^0-9a-zA-Z-_]/.test(arg) ? `'${arg}'` : arg); return `${cmd} ${' ')}`; } function getFfPath(cmd) { const exeName = isWindows ? `${cmd}.exe` : cmd; if (customFfPath) return join(customFfPath, exeName); if (isDev) { const components = ['ffmpeg', `${platform}-${arch}`]; if (isWindows || isLinux) components.push('lib'); components.push(exeName); return join(...components); } return join(process.resourcesPath, exeName); } const getFfprobePath = () => getFfPath('ffprobe'); const getFfmpegPath = () => getFfPath('ffmpeg'); function abortFfmpegs() { console.log('Aborting', runningFfmpegs.size, 'ffmpeg process(es)'); runningFfmpegs.forEach((process) => { process.kill('SIGTERM', { forceKillAfterTimeout: 10000 }); }); } function handleProgress(process, durationIn, onProgress, customMatcher = () => {}) { if (!onProgress) return; onProgress(0); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stderr }); rl.on('line', (line) => { // console.log('progress', line); try { let match = line.match(/frame=\s*[^\s]+\s+fps=\s*[^\s]+\s+q=\s*[^\s]+\s+(?:size|Lsize)=\s*[^\s]+\s+time=\s*([^\s]+)\s+/); // Audio only looks like this: "line size= 233422kB time=01:45:50.68 bitrate= 301.1kbits/s speed= 353x " if (!match) match = line.match(/(?:size|Lsize)=\s*[^\s]+\s+time=\s*([^\s]+)\s+/); if (!match) { customMatcher(line); return; } const timeStr = match[1]; // console.log(timeStr); const match2 = timeStr.match(/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)$/); if (!match2) throw new Error(`Invalid time from ffmpeg progress ${timeStr}`); const h = parseInt(match2[1], 10); const m = parseInt(match2[2], 10); const s = parseInt(match2[3], 10); const cs = parseInt(match2[4], 10); const time = (((h * 60) + m) * 60 + s) + cs / 100; // console.log(time); const progressTime = Math.max(0, time); // console.log(progressTime); if (durationIn == null) return; const duration = Math.max(0, durationIn); if (duration === 0) return; const progress = duration ? Math.min(progressTime / duration, 1) : 0; // sometimes progressTime will be greater than cutDuration onProgress(progress); } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to parse ffmpeg progress line:', err.message); } }); } function getExecaOptions({ env, ...customExecaOptions } = {}) { const execaOptions = { ...customExecaOptions, env: { ...env } }; // if (isLinux && !isDev && !customFfPath) execaOptions.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = process.resourcesPath; return execaOptions; } // todo collect warnings from ffmpeg output and show them after export? example: function runFfmpegProcess(args, customExecaOptions, { logCli = true } = {}) { const ffmpegPath = getFfmpegPath(); if (logCli) console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg', args)); const process = execa(ffmpegPath, args, getExecaOptions(customExecaOptions)); (async () => { runningFfmpegs.add(process); try { await process; } catch (err) { // ignored here } finally { runningFfmpegs.delete(process); } })(); return process; } async function runFfmpegConcat({ ffmpegArgs, concatTxt, totalDuration, onProgress }) { const process = runFfmpegProcess(ffmpegArgs); handleProgress(process, totalDuration, onProgress); stringToStream(concatTxt).pipe(process.stdin); return process; } async function runFfmpegWithProgress({ ffmpegArgs, duration, onProgress }) { const process = runFfmpegProcess(ffmpegArgs); handleProgress(process, duration, onProgress); return process; } async function runFfprobe(args, { timeout = isDev ? 10000 : 30000 } = {}) { const ffprobePath = getFfprobePath(); console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffprobe', args)); const ps = execa(ffprobePath, args, getExecaOptions()); const timer = setTimeout(() => { console.warn('killing timed out ffprobe'); ps.kill(); }, timeout); try { return await ps; } finally { clearTimeout(timer); } } async function renderWaveformPng({ filePath, start, duration, color }) { const args1 = [ '-hide_banner', '-i', filePath, '-ss', start, '-t', duration, '-c', 'copy', '-vn', '-map', 'a:0', '-f', 'matroska', // mpegts doesn't support vorbis etc '-', ]; const args2 = [ '-hide_banner', '-i', '-', '-filter_complex', `showwavespic=s=2000x300:scale=lin:filter=peak:split_channels=1:colors=${color}`, '-frames:v', '1', '-vcodec', 'png', '-f', 'image2', '-', ]; console.log(getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg1', args1)); console.log('|', getFfCommandLine('ffmpeg2', args2)); let ps1; let ps2; try { ps1 = runFfmpegProcess(args1, { encoding: null, buffer: false }, { logCli: false }); ps2 = runFfmpegProcess(args2, { encoding: null }, { logCli: false }); ps1.stdout.pipe(ps2.stdin); const timer = setTimeout(() => { ps1.kill(); ps2.kill(); console.warn('ffmpeg timed out'); }, 10000); let stdout; try { ({ stdout } = await ps2); } finally { clearTimeout(timer); } return { buffer: stdout, from: start, to: start + duration, duration, createdAt: new Date(), }; } catch (err) { if (ps1) ps1.kill(); if (ps2) ps2.kill(); throw err; } } const getInputSeekArgs = ({ filePath, from, to }) => [ ...(from != null ? ['-ss', from.toFixed(5)] : []), '-i', filePath, ...(to != null ? ['-t', (to - from).toFixed(5)] : []), ]; function mapTimesToSegments(times) { const segments = []; for (let i = 0; i < times.length; i += 1) { const start = times[i]; const end = times[i + 1]; if (start != null) segments.push({ start, end }); // end undefined is allowed (means until end of video) } return segments; } const getSegmentOffset = (from) => (from != null ? from : 0); function adjustSegmentsWithOffset({ segments, from }) { const offset = getSegmentOffset(from); return{ start, end }) => ({ start: start + offset, end: end != null ? end + offset : end })); } // async function detectSceneChanges({ filePath, minChange, onProgress, from, to }) { const args = [ '-hide_banner', ...getInputSeekArgs({ filePath, from, to }), '-filter_complex', `select='gt(scene,${minChange})',metadata=print:file=-`, '-f', 'null', '-', ]; const process = runFfmpegProcess(args, { encoding: null, buffer: false }); const times = [0]; handleProgress(process, to - from, onProgress); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdout }); rl.on('line', (line) => { const match = line.match(/^frame:\d+\s+pts:\d+\s+pts_time:([\d.]+)/); if (!match) return; const time = parseFloat(match[1]); if (Number.isNaN(time) || time <= times[times.length - 1]) return; times.push(time); }); await process; const segments = mapTimesToSegments(times); return adjustSegmentsWithOffset({ segments, from }); } async function detectIntervals({ filePath, customArgs, onProgress, from, to, matchLineTokens }) { const args = [ '-hide_banner', ...getInputSeekArgs({ filePath, from, to }), ...customArgs, '-f', 'null', '-', ]; const process = runFfmpegProcess(args, { encoding: null, buffer: false }); const segments = []; function customMatcher(line) { const { start: startStr, end: endStr } = matchLineTokens(line); const start = parseFloat(startStr); const end = parseFloat(endStr); if (start == null || end == null || Number.isNaN(start) || Number.isNaN(end)) return; segments.push({ start, end }); } handleProgress(process, to - from, onProgress, customMatcher); await process; return adjustSegmentsWithOffset({ segments, from }); } const mapFilterOptions = (options) => Object.entries(options).map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`).join(':'); async function blackDetect({ filePath, filterOptions, onProgress, from, to }) { function matchLineTokens(line) { const match = line.match(/^[blackdetect\s*@\s*0x[0-9a-f]+] black_start:([\d\\.]+) black_end:([\d\\.]+) black_duration:[\d\\.]+/); if (!match) return {}; return { start: parseFloat(match[1]), end: parseFloat(match[2]), }; } const customArgs = ['-vf', `blackdetect=${mapFilterOptions(filterOptions)}`, '-an']; return detectIntervals({ filePath, onProgress, from, to, matchLineTokens, customArgs }); } async function silenceDetect({ filePath, filterOptions, onProgress, from, to }) { function matchLineTokens(line) { const match = line.match(/^[silencedetect\s*@\s*0x[0-9a-f]+] silence_end: ([\d\\.]+)[|\s]+silence_duration: ([\d\\.]+)/); if (!match) return {}; const end = parseFloat(match[1]); const silenceDuration = parseFloat(match[2]); if (Number.isNaN(end) || Number.isNaN(silenceDuration)) return {}; const start = end - silenceDuration; if (start < 0 || end <= 0 || start >= end) return {}; return { start, end, }; } const customArgs = ['-af', `silencedetect=${mapFilterOptions(filterOptions)}`, '-vn']; return detectIntervals({ filePath, onProgress, from, to, matchLineTokens, customArgs }); } function getFffmpegJpegQuality(quality) { // Normal range for JPEG is 2-31 with 31 being the worst quality. const qMin = 2; const qMax = 31; return Math.min(Math.max(qMin, quality, Math.round((1 - quality) * (qMax - qMin) + qMin)), qMax); } function getQualityOpts({ captureFormat, quality }) { if (captureFormat === 'jpeg') return ['-q:v', getFffmpegJpegQuality(quality)]; if (captureFormat === 'webp') return ['-q:v', Math.max(0, Math.min(100, Math.round(quality * 100)))]; return []; } function getCodecOpts(captureFormat) { if (captureFormat === 'webp') return ['-c:v', 'libwebp']; // else we get only a single file for webp return []; } async function captureFrames({ from, to, videoPath, outPathTemplate, quality, filter, framePts, onProgress, captureFormat }) { const args = [ '-ss', from, '-i', videoPath, '-t', Math.max(0, to - from), ...getQualityOpts({ captureFormat, quality }), ...(filter != null ? ['-vf', filter] : []), // ...(framePts ? ['-frame_pts', '1'] : []), '-vsync', '0', // else we get a ton of duplicates (thumbnail filter) ...getCodecOpts(captureFormat), '-f', 'image2', '-y', outPathTemplate, ]; const process = runFfmpegProcess(args, { encoding: null, buffer: false }); handleProgress(process, to - from, onProgress); await process; } async function captureFrame({ timestamp, videoPath, outPath, quality }) { const ffmpegQuality = getFffmpegJpegQuality(quality); await runFfmpegProcess([ '-ss', timestamp, '-i', videoPath, '-vframes', '1', '-q:v', ffmpegQuality, '-y', outPath, ]); } async function readFormatData(filePath) { console.log('readFormatData', filePath); const { stdout } = await runFfprobe([ '-of', 'json', '-show_format', '-i', filePath, '-hide_banner', ]); return JSON.parse(stdout).format; } async function getDuration(filePath) { return parseFloat((await readFormatData(filePath)).duration); } async function html5ify({ outPath, filePath: filePathArg, speed, hasAudio, hasVideo, onProgress }) { let audio; if (hasAudio) { if (speed === 'slowest') audio = 'hq'; else if (['slow-audio', 'fast-audio', 'fastest-audio'].includes(speed)) audio = 'lq'; else if (['fast-audio-remux', 'fastest-audio-remux'].includes(speed)) audio = 'copy'; } let video; if (hasVideo) { if (speed === 'slowest') video = 'hq'; else if (['slow-audio', 'slow'].includes(speed)) video = 'lq'; else video = 'copy'; } console.log('Making HTML5 friendly version', { filePathArg, outPath, video, audio }); let videoArgs; let audioArgs; // h264/aac_at: No licensing when using HW encoder (Video/Audio Toolbox on Mac) // const targetHeight = 400; switch (video) { case 'hq': { if (isMac) { videoArgs = ['-vf', 'format=yuv420p', '-allow_sw', '1', '-vcodec', 'h264', '-b:v', '15M']; } else { // AV1 is very slow // videoArgs = ['-vf', 'format=yuv420p', '-sws_flags', 'neighbor', '-vcodec', 'libaom-av1', '-crf', '30', '-cpu-used', '8']; // Theora is a bit faster but not that much // videoArgs = ['-vf', '-c:v', 'libtheora', '-qscale:v', '1']; // videoArgs = ['-vf', 'format=yuv420p', '-c:v', 'libvpx-vp9', '-crf', '30', '-b:v', '0', '-row-mt', '1']; // x264 can only be used in GPL projects videoArgs = ['-vf', 'format=yuv420p', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-profile:v', 'high', '-preset:v', 'slow', '-crf', '17']; } break; } case 'lq': { if (isMac) { videoArgs = ['-vf', `scale=-2:${targetHeight},format=yuv420p`, '-allow_sw', '1', '-sws_flags', 'lanczos', '-vcodec', 'h264', '-b:v', '1500k']; } else { // videoArgs = ['-vf', `scale=-2:${targetHeight},format=yuv420p`, '-sws_flags', 'neighbor', '-c:v', 'libtheora', '-qscale:v', '1']; // x264 can only be used in GPL projects videoArgs = ['-vf', `scale=-2:${targetHeight},format=yuv420p`, '-sws_flags', 'neighbor', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-profile:v', 'baseline', '-x264opts', 'level=3.0', '-preset:v', 'ultrafast', '-crf', '28']; } break; } case 'copy': { videoArgs = ['-vcodec', 'copy']; break; } default: { videoArgs = ['-vn']; } } switch (audio) { case 'hq': { if (isMac) { audioArgs = ['-acodec', 'aac_at', '-b:a', '192k']; } else { audioArgs = ['-acodec', 'flac']; } break; } case 'lq': { if (isMac) { audioArgs = ['-acodec', 'aac_at', '-ar', '44100', '-ac', '2', '-b:a', '96k']; } else { audioArgs = ['-acodec', 'flac', '-ar', '11025', '-ac', '2']; } break; } case 'copy': { audioArgs = ['-acodec', 'copy']; break; } default: { audioArgs = ['-an']; } } const ffmpegArgs = [ '-hide_banner', '-i', filePathArg, ...videoArgs, ...audioArgs, '-sn', '-y', outPath, ]; const duration = await getDuration(filePathArg); const process = runFfmpegProcess(ffmpegArgs); if (duration) handleProgress(process, duration, onProgress); const { stdout } = await process; console.log(stdout); } function createRawFfmpeg({ fps = 25, path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, oneFrameOnly, execaOpts, streamIndex, outSize = 320 }) { // const fps = 25; // TODO const aspectRatio = inWidth / inHeight; let newWidth; let newHeight; if (inWidth > inHeight) { newWidth = outSize; newHeight = Math.floor(newWidth / aspectRatio); } else { newHeight = outSize; newWidth = Math.floor(newHeight * aspectRatio); } const args = [ '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'panic', '-re', '-ss', seekTo, '-noautorotate', '-i', path, '-vf', `fps=${fps},scale=${newWidth}:${newHeight}:flags=lanczos`, '-map', `0:${streamIndex}`, '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'rgba', ...(oneFrameOnly ? ['-frames:v', '1'] : []), '-f', 'image2pipe', '-', ]; // console.log(args); return { process: runFfmpegProcess(args, execaOpts, { logCli: false }), width: newWidth, height: newHeight, channels: 4, }; } function getOneRawFrame({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, outSize }) { const { process, width, height, channels } = createRawFfmpeg({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, oneFrameOnly: true, execaOpts: { encoding: null }, outSize }); return { process, width, height, channels }; } function encodeLiveRawStream({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex }) { const { process, width, height, channels } = createRawFfmpeg({ path, inWidth, inHeight, seekTo, streamIndex, execaOpts: { encoding: null, buffer: false } }); return { process, width, height, channels, }; } // Don't pass complex objects over the bridge const runFfmpeg = async (...args) => runFfmpegProcess(...args); module.exports = { setCustomFfPath, abortFfmpegs, getFfmpegPath, runFfprobe, runFfmpeg, runFfmpegConcat, runFfmpegWithProgress, renderWaveformPng, mapTimesToSegments, detectSceneChanges, captureFrames, captureFrame, getFfCommandLine, html5ify, getDuration, getOneRawFrame, encodeLiveRawStream, blackDetect, silenceDetect, };