AitumMultistream="Aitum Multistream"
AitumMultistreamSettings="Aitum Multistream Settings"
MainCanvas="Main Canvas"
BuiltinStream="Built-in stream"
VerticalCanvas="Vertical Canvas"
MainCanvas="Main Canvas"
MainOutput="Main Output"
MainEncoder="Main Encoder"
SetupTroubleshooter="Setup Troubleshooter"
AddOutput="Add Output"
MadeBy="made with ♡ by"
VideoEncoder="Video Encoder"
VideoEncoderIndex="Video Encoder Index"
AudioEncoder="Audio Encoder"
AudioEncoderIndex="Audio Encoder Index"
AudioTrack="Audio Track"
EditServerSettings="Output Settings"
EditEncoderSettings="Advanced Settings"
BackButton="< Back"
SaveOutput="Save Output"
CreateOutput="Create Output"
AdvancedGroupHeader="Advanced Encoding Settings"
VideoEncoderSettings="Video Settings"
AudioEncoderSettings="Audio Settings"
# Errors and warnings
MainOutputNotActive="Unable to start output. \nThis output is configured to use your main encoder's output (Built-in stream), which is not currently active.\nPlease start your main encoder first."
NewVersion="New version (%1) available here"
NoVerticalWarning="Aitum Vertical is not installed, or is out of date.
Click here to download the latest version."
# Config dialog
SettingsMainCanvasTitle="Main Canvas"
SettingsMainCanvasDescription="You can manage your Main Canvas (the default canvas) settings here. \nPlease note that to change your Built-in Output settings, you need to do this from within the normal OBS settings."
# Output dialog
OutputName="Output Name"
NewOutputWindowTitle="Aitum Multistream: Add New Output"
EditOutputWindowTitle="Aitum Multistream: Edit Output"
NewOutputSelectService="Please select the service/site that your new output will use. If your new service isn't listed, please select \"other\"."
OtherService="Other Service"
# Twitch Output Dialog
TwitchOutput="Twitch Output"
TwitchServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new Twitch output."
TwitchServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this Twitch output."
TwitchServer="Twitch Server"
TwitchServerInfo="Pick your closest Twitch ingest server.\nYou can find your closest/recommended server by clicking here."
TwitchStreamKey="Twitch Stream Key"
TwitchStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this on your Twitch Creator Dashboard."
# YouTube Output Dialog
YouTubeOutput="YouTube Output"
YouTubeServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new YouTube output."
YouTubeServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this YouTube output."
YouTubeServer="YouTube Server"
YouTubeServerInfo="Pick a YouTube live server. If you aren't sure which to pick, pick the first one."
YouTubeStreamKey="YouTube Stream Key"
YouTubeStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this on your YouTube Creator Dashboard."
# TikTok Output Dialog
TikTokOutput="TikTok Output"
TikTokServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new TikTok output.
Note: If you do not have access to a stream key, you will not be able to use Aitum Multistream to send an output to Tiktok. We also cannot provide stream keys/access."
TikTokServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this TikTok output.
Note: If you do not have access to a stream key, you will not be able to use Aitum Multistream to send an output to Tiktok. We also cannot provide stream keys/access."
TikTokServer="TikTok Server"
TikTokServerInfo="Please enter your stream server, you can find this on your TikTok Live Center."
TikTokStreamKey="TikTok Stream Key"
TikTokStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this on your TikTok Live Center."
# Facebook Output Dialog
FacebookOutput="Facebook Output"
FacebookServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new Facebook output."
FacebookServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this Facebook output."
FacebookServer="Facebook Server"
FacebookServerInfo="The stream server URL is preset for Facebook, you do not need to change it."
FacebookStreamKey="Facebook Stream Key"
FacebookStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this on your Facebook Producer page."
# Trovo Output Dialog
TrovoOutput="Trovo Output"
TrovoServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new Trovo output."
TrovoServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this Trovo output."
TrovoServer="Trovo Server"
TrovoServerInfo="The stream server URL is preset for Trovo, you do not need to change it."
TrovoStreamKey="Trovo Stream Key"
TrovoStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this in your Trovo Studio page."
# Twitter Output Dialog
TwitterOutput="X (Twitter) Output"
TwitterServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new X (Twitter) output."
TwitterServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this X (Twitter) output."
TwitterServer="X (Twitter) Server"
TwitterServerInfo="Pick your closest X (Twitter) ingest server."
TwitterStreamKey="X (Twitter) Stream Key"
TwitterStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this in your X (Twitter) Producer page."
# Kick Output Dialog
KickOutput="Kick Output"
KickServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new Kick output."
KickServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this Kick output."
KickServer="Kick Server"
KickServerInfo="The stream server URL is preset for Kick, you do not need to change it."
KickStreamKey="Kick Stream Key"
KickStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, you can find this in your Kick Creator Dashboard."
# Custom Output Dialog
CustomOutput="Custom Output"
CustomServiceInfo="Please complete the following fields to add a new output."
CustomServiceInfoEdit="Please complete the following fields to edit this output."
CustomServerInfo="Please enter the server URL provided by the site."
CustomStreamKey="Stream Key"
CustomStreamKeyInfo="Please enter your stream key, provide by the site."