#include "GameConfig.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace pt = boost::property_tree; #ifdef RW_WINDOWS #include #include #include #endif const std::string kConfigDirectoryName("OpenRW"); void GameConfig::loadFile(const rwfs::path &path) { m_configPath = path; std::string dummy; m_parseResult = parseConfig(ParseType::FILE, path.string(), ParseType::CONFIG, dummy); } rwfs::path GameConfig::getConfigPath() const { return m_configPath; } bool GameConfig::isValid() const { return m_parseResult.isValid(); } const GameConfig::ParseResult &GameConfig::getParseResult() const { return m_parseResult; } rwfs::path GameConfig::getDefaultConfigPath() { #if defined(RW_LINUX) || defined(RW_FREEBSD) || defined(RW_NETBSD) || \ defined(RW_OPENBSD) char *config_home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (config_home != nullptr) { return rwfs::path(config_home) / kConfigDirectoryName; } char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home != nullptr) { return rwfs::path(home) / ".config/" / kConfigDirectoryName; } #elif defined(RW_OSX) char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) return rwfs::path(home) / "Library/Preferences/" / kConfigDirectoryName; #elif defined(RW_WINDOWS) wchar_t *widePath; auto res = SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr, &widePath); if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { auto utf8Path = wideStringToACP(widePath); return rwfs::path(utf8Path) / kConfigDirectoryName; } #else return rwfs::path(); #endif // Well now we're stuck. RW_ERROR("No default config path found."); return rwfs::path(); } std::string stripComments(const std::string &str) { auto s = std::string(str, 0, str.find_first_of(";#")); return s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t") + 1); } struct PathTranslator { typedef std::string internal_type; typedef rwfs::path external_type; boost::optional get_value(const internal_type &str) { return rwfs::path(str); } boost::optional put_value(const external_type &path) { return path.string(); } }; struct StringTranslator { typedef std::string internal_type; typedef std::string external_type; boost::optional get_value(const internal_type &str) { return stripComments(str); } boost::optional put_value(const external_type &str) { return str; } }; struct BoolTranslator { typedef std::string internal_type; typedef bool external_type; boost::optional get_value(const internal_type &str) { boost::optional res; try { res = std::stoi(stripComments(str)) != 0; } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { } return res; } boost::optional put_value(const external_type &b) { return internal_type(b ? "1" : "0"); } }; struct IntTranslator { typedef std::string internal_type; typedef int external_type; boost::optional get_value(const internal_type &str) { boost::optional res; try { res = std::stoi(stripComments(str)); } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { } return res; } boost::optional put_value(const external_type &i) { return std::to_string(i); } }; struct FloatTranslator { typedef std::string internal_type; typedef float external_type; boost::optional get_value(const internal_type &str) { boost::optional res; try { res = std::stof(stripComments(str)); } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { } return res; } boost::optional put_value(const external_type &f) { return std::to_string(f); } }; GameConfig::ParseResult GameConfig::saveConfig() { auto configPath = getConfigPath().string(); return parseConfig(ParseType::CONFIG, "", ParseType::FILE, configPath); } std::string GameConfig::getDefaultINIString() { std::string result; parseConfig(ParseType::DEFAULT, "", ParseType::STRING, result); return result; } GameConfig::ParseResult GameConfig::parseConfig(GameConfig::ParseType srcType, const std::string &source, ParseType destType, std::string &destination) { // srcTree: holds all key/value pairs pt::ptree srcTree; ParseResult parseResult(srcType, source, destType, destination); try { if (srcType == ParseType::STRING) { std::istringstream iss(source); pt::read_ini(iss, srcTree); } else if (srcType == ParseType::FILE) { pt::read_ini(source, srcTree); } } catch (pt::ini_parser_error &e) { // Catches illegal input files (nonsensical input, duplicate keys) parseResult.failInputFile(e.line(), e.message()); RW_MESSAGE(e.what()); return parseResult; } if (destType == ParseType::DEFAULT) { parseResult.failArgument(); RW_ERROR("Target cannot be DEFAULT."); return parseResult; } // knownKeys: holds all known keys std::vector knownKeys; auto read_config = [&](const std::string &key, auto &target, const auto &defaultValue, auto &translator, bool optional = true) { typedef typename std::remove_reference::type config_t; config_t sourceValue; knownKeys.push_back(key); switch (srcType) { case ParseType::DEFAULT: sourceValue = defaultValue; break; case ParseType::CONFIG: sourceValue = target; break; case ParseType::FILE: case ParseType::STRING: try { sourceValue = srcTree.get(key, translator); } catch (pt::ptree_bad_path &e) { RW_UNUSED(e); // Catches missing key-value pairs: fail when required if (!optional) { parseResult.failRequiredMissing(key); RW_MESSAGE(e.what()); return; } sourceValue = defaultValue; } catch (pt::ptree_bad_data &e) { RW_UNUSED(e); // Catches illegal value data: always fail parseResult.failInvalidData(key); RW_MESSAGE(e.what()); return; } break; } srcTree.put(key, sourceValue, translator); switch (destType) { case ParseType::DEFAULT: // Target cannot be DEFAULT (case already handled) parseResult.failArgument(); break; case ParseType::CONFIG: // Don't care if success == false target = sourceValue; break; case ParseType::FILE: case ParseType::STRING: break; } }; auto deft = StringTranslator(); auto boolt = BoolTranslator(); auto patht = PathTranslator(); auto intt = IntTranslator(); auto floatt = FloatTranslator(); // Add new configuration parameters here. // Additionally, add them to the unit test. // @todo Don't allow path separators and relative directories read_config("game.path", this->m_gamePath, "/opt/games/Grand Theft Auto 3", patht, false); read_config("game.language", this->m_gameLanguage, "american", deft); read_config("game.hud_scale", this->m_HUDscale, 1.f, floatt); read_config("input.invert_y", this->m_inputInvertY, false, boolt); read_config("window.width", this->m_windowWidth, 800, intt); read_config("window.height", this->m_windowHeight, 600, intt); read_config("window.fullscreen", this->m_windowFullscreen, false, boolt); // Build the unknown key/value map from the correct source switch (srcType) { case ParseType::FILE: case ParseType::STRING: for (const auto §ion : srcTree) { for (const auto &subKey : section.second) { std::string key = section.first + "." + subKey.first; if (std::find(knownKeys.begin(), knownKeys.end(), key) == knownKeys.end()) { RW_MESSAGE("Unknown configuration key: " << key); parseResult.addUnknownData(key, subKey.second.data()); } } } break; case ParseType::CONFIG: parseResult.setUnknownData(m_parseResult.getUnknownData()); break; case ParseType::DEFAULT: break; } // Store the unknown key/value map to the correct destination switch (destType) { case ParseType::CONFIG: m_parseResult.setUnknownData(parseResult.getUnknownData()); break; case ParseType::STRING: case ParseType::FILE: for (const auto &keyvalue : parseResult.getUnknownData()) { srcTree.put(keyvalue.first, keyvalue.second); } break; default: break; } if (!parseResult.isValid()) return parseResult; try { if (destType == ParseType::STRING) { std::ostringstream ostream; pt::write_ini(ostream, srcTree); destination = ostream.str(); } else if (destType == ParseType::FILE) { pt::write_ini(destination, srcTree); } } catch (pt::ini_parser_error &e) { parseResult.failOutputFile(e.line(), e.message()); RW_MESSAGE(e.what()); } if (parseResult.type() == ParseResult::ErrorType::UNINITIALIZED) { parseResult.markGood(); } return parseResult; } std::string GameConfig::extractFilenameParseTypeData(ParseType type, const std::string &data) { switch (type) { case ParseType::CONFIG: return ""; case ParseType::FILE: return data; case ParseType::STRING: return ""; case ParseType::DEFAULT: default: return ""; } } GameConfig::ParseResult::ParseResult(GameConfig::ParseType srcType, const std::string &source, GameConfig::ParseType destType, const std::string &destination) : m_result(ErrorType::GOOD) , m_inputfilename(GameConfig::extractFilenameParseTypeData(srcType, source)) , m_outputfilename( GameConfig::extractFilenameParseTypeData(destType, destination)) , m_line(0) , m_message() , m_keys_requiredMissing() , m_keys_invalidData() , m_unknownData() { } GameConfig::ParseResult::ParseResult() : m_result(ErrorType::UNINITIALIZED) , m_inputfilename() , m_outputfilename() , m_line(0) , m_message() , m_keys_requiredMissing() , m_keys_invalidData() { } GameConfig::ParseResult::ErrorType GameConfig::ParseResult::type() const { return this->m_result; } bool GameConfig::ParseResult::isValid() const { return this->type() == ErrorType::GOOD; } void GameConfig::ParseResult::failInputFile(size_t line, const std::string &message) { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::INVALIDINPUTFILE; this->m_line = line; this->m_message = message; } void GameConfig::ParseResult::markGood() { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::GOOD; } void GameConfig::ParseResult::failArgument() { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::INVALIDARGUMENT; } void GameConfig::ParseResult::failRequiredMissing(const std::string &key) { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::INVALIDCONTENT; this->m_keys_requiredMissing.push_back(key); } void GameConfig::ParseResult::failInvalidData(const std::string &key) { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::INVALIDCONTENT; this->m_keys_invalidData.push_back(key); } void GameConfig::ParseResult::failOutputFile(size_t line, const std::string &message) { this->m_result = ParseResult::ErrorType::INVALIDOUTPUTFILE; this->m_line = line; this->m_message = message; } const std::vector &GameConfig::ParseResult::getKeysRequiredMissing() const { return this->m_keys_requiredMissing; } const std::vector &GameConfig::ParseResult::getKeysInvalidData() const { return this->m_keys_invalidData; } std::string GameConfig::ParseResult::what() const { std::ostringstream oss; switch (this->m_result) { case ErrorType::UNINITIALIZED: oss << "Parsing was skipped or did not finish."; break; case ErrorType::GOOD: oss << "Parsing completed without errors."; break; case ErrorType::INVALIDARGUMENT: oss << "Invalid argument: destination cannot be the default " "config."; break; case ErrorType::INVALIDINPUTFILE: oss << "Error while reading \"" << this->m_inputfilename << "\":" << this->m_line << ":\n" << this->m_message << "."; break; case ErrorType::INVALIDOUTPUTFILE: oss << "Error while writing \"" << this->m_inputfilename << "\":" << this->m_line << ":\n" << this->m_message << "."; break; case ErrorType::INVALIDCONTENT: oss << "Error while parsing \"" << this->m_inputfilename << "\"."; if (!this->m_keys_requiredMissing.empty()) { oss << "\nRequired keys that are missing:"; for (auto &key : this->m_keys_requiredMissing) { oss << "\n - " << key; } } if (!this->m_keys_invalidData.empty()) { oss << "\nKeys that contain invalid data:"; for (auto &key : this->m_keys_invalidData) { oss << "\n - " << key; } } break; default: oss << "Unknown error."; break; } if (!this->m_unknownData.empty()) { oss << "\nUnknown configuration keys:"; for (const auto &[key, value] : m_unknownData) { oss << "\n - " << key; } } return oss.str(); } void GameConfig::ParseResult::addUnknownData(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { this->m_unknownData[key] = value; } const std::map &GameConfig::ParseResult::getUnknownData() const { return this->m_unknownData; } void GameConfig::ParseResult::setUnknownData( const std::map &unknownData) { this->m_unknownData = unknownData; }