# - Try to find ffmpeg libraries (libavcodec, libavformat and libavutil) # Once done this will define # # FFMPEG_FOUND - system has ffmpeg or libav # FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR - the ffmpeg include directory # FFMPEG_LIBRARIES - Link these to use ffmpeg # FFMPEG_LIBAVCODEC # FFMPEG_LIBAVFORMAT # FFMPEG_LIBAVUTIL # # Copyright (c) 2008 Andreas Schneider # Modified for other libraries by Lasse Kärkkäinen # Modified for Hedgewars by Stepik777 # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # # use pkg-config to get the directories and then use these values # in the FIND_PATH() and FIND_LIBRARY() calls find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(_FFMPEG_AVCODEC libavcodec QUIET) pkg_check_modules(_FFMPEG_AVFORMAT libavformat QUIET) pkg_check_modules(_FFMPEG_AVUTIL libavutil QUIET) endif (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) find_path(FFMPEG_AVCODEC_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES libavcodec/avcodec.h PATHS ${_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_INCLUDE_DIRS} /usr/include /usr/local/include /opt/local/include /sw/include PATH_SUFFIXES ffmpeg libav ) find_library(FFMPEG_LIBAVCODEC NAMES avcodec PATHS ${_FFMPEG_AVCODEC_LIBRARY_DIRS} /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /sw/lib ) find_library(FFMPEG_LIBAVFORMAT NAMES avformat PATHS ${_FFMPEG_AVFORMAT_LIBRARY_DIRS} /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /sw/lib ) find_library(FFMPEG_LIBAVUTIL NAMES avutil PATHS ${_FFMPEG_AVUTIL_LIBRARY_DIRS} /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /sw/lib ) if (FFMPEG_LIBAVCODEC AND FFMPEG_LIBAVFORMAT) set(FFMPEG_FOUND TRUE) endif() set(FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR ${FFMPEG_AVCODEC_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(FFMPEG_LIBRARIES ${FFMPEG_LIBAVCODEC} ${FFMPEG_LIBAVFORMAT} ${FFMPEG_LIBAVUTIL} ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(FFmpeg DEFAULT_MSG FFMPEG_LIBRARIES FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR) if(FFMPEG_FOUND AND NOT TARGET ffmpeg::ffmpeg) list(GET FFMPEG_LIBRARIES 0 FFMPEG_FIRST_LIBRARY) set(FFMPEG_OTHER_LIBRARIES "${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES}") list(REMOVE_AT FFMPEG_OTHER_LIBRARIES 0) add_library(ffmpeg::ffmpeg UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(ffmpeg::ffmpeg PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "C;CXX" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${FFMPEG_FIRST_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${FFMPEG_OTHER_LIBRARIES}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) endif()