#include "DrawUI.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include constexpr size_t ui_textSize = 25; constexpr size_t ui_textHeight = 22; constexpr size_t ui_outerMargin = 20; constexpr size_t ui_infoMargin = 10; constexpr size_t ui_weaponSize = 64; constexpr size_t ui_ammoSize = 14; constexpr size_t ui_ammoHeight = 16; constexpr size_t ui_armourOffset = ui_textSize * 3; constexpr size_t ui_maxWantedLevel = 6; constexpr size_t ui_lowHealth = 9; const glm::u8vec3 ui_timeColour(196, 165, 119); const glm::u8vec3 ui_moneyColour(89, 113, 147); const glm::u8vec3 ui_healthColour(187, 102, 47); const glm::u8vec3 ui_armourColour(123, 136, 93); const glm::u8vec3 ui_shadowColour(0, 0, 0); const float ui_mapSize = 150.f; const float ui_worldSizeMin = 200.f; const float ui_worldSizeMax = 300.f; void drawMap(ViewCamera& currentView, PlayerController* player, GameWorld* world, GameRenderer* render) { MapRenderer::MapInfo map; if (world->state->hudFlash != HudFlash::FlashRadar || std::fmod(world->getGameTime(), 0.5f) >= .25f) { glm::quat camRot = currentView.rotation; map.rotation = glm::roll(camRot) - glm::half_pi(); map.worldSize = ui_worldSizeMin; map.worldSize = ui_worldSizeMax; if (player) { map.worldCenter = glm::vec2(player->getCharacter()->getPosition()); } const glm::ivec2& vp = render->getRenderer()->getViewport(); glm::vec2 mapTop = glm::vec2(ui_outerMargin, vp.y - (ui_outerMargin + ui_mapSize)); glm::vec2 mapBottom = glm::vec2(ui_outerMargin + ui_mapSize, vp.y - ui_outerMargin); map.screenPosition = (mapTop + mapBottom) / 2.f; map.screenSize = ui_mapSize * 0.95f; render->map.draw(world, map); } } void drawPlayerInfo(PlayerController* player, GameWorld* world, GameRenderer* render) { float infoTextX = render->getRenderer()->getViewport().x - (ui_outerMargin + ui_weaponSize + ui_infoMargin); float infoTextY = 0.f + ui_outerMargin; float iconX = render->getRenderer()->getViewport().x - (ui_outerMargin + ui_weaponSize); float iconY = ui_outerMargin; float wantedX = render->getRenderer()->getViewport().x - (ui_outerMargin); float wantedY = ui_outerMargin + ui_weaponSize + 3.f; TextRenderer::TextInfo ti; ti.font = 1; ti.size = ui_textSize; ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Right; { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << world->getHour() << std::setw(0) << ":" << std::setw(2) << world->getMinute(); ti.text = GameStringUtil::fromString(ss.str()); } ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX + 1.f, infoTextY + 1.f); render->text.renderText(ti); ti.baseColour = ui_timeColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX, infoTextY); render->text.renderText(ti); infoTextY += ui_textHeight; { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << world->state->playerInfo.displayedMoney; ti.text = GameSymbols::Money + GameStringUtil::fromString(ss.str()); } ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX + 1.f, infoTextY + 1.f); render->text.renderText(ti); ti.baseColour = ui_moneyColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX, infoTextY); render->text.renderText(ti); infoTextY += ui_textHeight; if ((world->state->hudFlash != HudFlash::FlashHealth && player->getCharacter()->getCurrentState().health > ui_lowHealth) || std::fmod(world->getGameTime(), 0.5f) >= .25f) { // UI: Blinking health indicator if health is low std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << (int)player->getCharacter()->getCurrentState().health; ti.text = GameSymbols::Heart + GameStringUtil::fromString(ss.str()); ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX + 1.f, infoTextY + 1.f); render->text.renderText(ti); ti.baseColour = ui_healthColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX, infoTextY); render->text.renderText(ti); } if (player->getCharacter()->getCurrentState().armour > 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << (int)player->getCharacter()->getCurrentState().armour; ti.text = GameSymbols::Armour + GameStringUtil::fromString(ss.str()); ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX + 1.f - ui_armourOffset, infoTextY + 1.f); render->text.renderText(ti); ti.baseColour = ui_armourColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(infoTextX - ui_armourOffset, infoTextY); render->text.renderText(ti); } GameString s; for (size_t i = 0; i < ui_maxWantedLevel; ++i) { s += GameSymbols::Star; } ti.text = s; ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(wantedX + 1.f, wantedY + 1.f); render->text.renderText(ti); #if 0 // Useful for debugging ti.text = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMANOQRTSWXYZ\nM0123456789"; ti.size = 30; ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Left; ti.baseColour = glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(101.f, 202.f); render->text.renderText(ti); ti.baseColour = glm::vec3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(100.f, 200.f); render->text.renderText(ti); #endif auto item = player->getCharacter()->getActiveItem(); auto weapon = world->data->weaponData[item]; std::string itemTextureName = "fist"; if (weapon && weapon->modelID > 0) { auto model = world->data->findModelInfo(weapon->modelID); if (model != nullptr) { itemTextureName = model->name; } } // Urgh if (itemTextureName == "colt45") { itemTextureName = "pistol"; } else if (itemTextureName == "bomb") { itemTextureName = "detonator"; } TextureData::Handle itemTexture = render->getData()->findSlotTexture("hud", itemTextureName); RW_CHECK(itemTexture != nullptr, "Item has 0 texture"); if (itemTexture != nullptr) { RW_CHECK(itemTexture->getName() != 0, "Item has 0 texture"); render->drawTexture( itemTexture.get(), glm::vec4(iconX, iconY, ui_weaponSize, ui_weaponSize)); } if (weapon->fireType != WeaponData::MELEE) { const CharacterState& cs = player->getCharacter()->getCurrentState(); const CharacterWeaponSlot& slotInfo = cs.weapons[cs.currentWeapon]; // In weapon.dat clip size of 0 or 1000+ indicates no reload // Clip size of 1 is being visually omitted as well bool noClip = weapon->clipSize < 2 || weapon->clipSize > 999; uint32_t displayBulletsTotal = slotInfo.bulletsTotal; if (noClip) { // The clip is actually there, but it holds just one shot/charge displayBulletsTotal += slotInfo.bulletsClip; ti.text = GameStringUtil::fromString( std::to_string(displayBulletsTotal)); } else { // Limit the maximal displayed length for the total bullet count if (slotInfo.bulletsTotal > 9999) { displayBulletsTotal = 9999; } ti.text = GameStringUtil::fromString( std::to_string(displayBulletsTotal) + "-" + std::to_string(slotInfo.bulletsClip)); } ti.baseColour = ui_shadowColour; ti.font = 2; ti.size = ui_ammoSize; ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Center; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(iconX + ui_weaponSize / 2.f, iconY + ui_weaponSize - ui_ammoHeight); render->text.renderText(ti); } } void drawHUD(ViewCamera& currentView, PlayerController* player, GameWorld* world, GameRenderer* render) { if (player && player->getCharacter()) { drawMap(currentView, player, world, render); drawPlayerInfo(player, world, render); } } void drawOnScreenText(GameWorld* world, GameRenderer* renderer) { const auto vp = glm::vec2(renderer->getRenderer()->getViewport()); TextRenderer::TextInfo ti; ti.font = 2; ti.screenPosition = glm::vec2(10.f, 10.f); ti.size = 20.f; auto& alltext = world->state->text.getAllText(); for (auto& l : alltext) { for (auto& t : l) { ti.size = t.size; ti.font = t.font; ti.text = t.text; ti.wrapX = t.wrapX; ti.screenPosition = (t.position / glm::vec2(640.f, 480.f)) * vp; switch (t.alignment) { case 0: ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Left; break; case 1: ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Center; break; case 2: ti.align = TextRenderer::TextInfo::Right; break; } // Check for the background type if (t.colourBG.a == 0) { glm::vec2 shadowPosition((int8_t)t.colourBG.x, (int8_t)t.colourBG.y); ti.baseColour = glm::vec3(0.f); ti.screenPosition += shadowPosition; ti.backgroundColour = {0, 0, 0, 0}; renderer->text.renderText(ti, true); ti.screenPosition -= shadowPosition; } else if (t.colourBG.a > 0) { ti.backgroundColour = t.colourBG; } ti.baseColour = t.colourFG; renderer->text.renderText(ti); } } }