option(RW_VERBOSE_DEBUG_MESSAGES "Print verbose debugging messages" ON) option(BUILD_TOOLS "Build tools") option(BUILD_TESTS "Build test suite") option(BUILD_VIEWER "Build GUI data viewer") option(ENABLE_SCRIPT_DEBUG "Enable verbose script execution") option(ENABLE_PROFILING "Enable detailed profiling metrics") option(TEST_DATA "Enable tests that require game data") set(FAILED_CHECK_ACTION "IGNORE" CACHE STRING "What action to perform on a failed RW_CHECK (in debug mode)") set_property(CACHE FAILED_CHECK_ACTION PROPERTY STRINGS "IGNORE" "ABORT" "BREAKPOINT") set(FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY "BOOST" CACHE STRING "Which filesystem library to use") set_property(CACHE FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY PROPERTY STRINGS "CXX17" "CXXTS" "BOOST") set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "Release;Debug;RelWithDebInfo;MinSizeRel" CACHE INTERNAL "Build types supported by this project.") if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}") endif() if(MSVC) option(MSVC_NO_DEBUG_RUNTIME "Don't use the debug runtime") endif() option(CHECK_IWYU "Enable IncludeWhatYouUse (Analyze #includes in C and C++ source files)") option(CHECK_CLANGTIDY "Enable clang-tidy (A clang-based C++ linter tool)") option(CHECK_CLANGTIDY_FIX "Apply fixes from clang-tidy (!!!RUN ON CLEAN GIT TREE!!!)") set(ENABLE_SANITIZERS "" CACHE STRING "Enable selected sanitizer.") set(CODECOV_NAME "" CACHE STRING "Name of report in codecov.io ui.") option(TEST_COVERAGE "Enable coverage analysis (implies CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug)") option(SEPARATE_TEST_SUITES "Add each test suite as separate test to CTest") option(BOOST_STATIC "Link against static Boost libraries") option(USE_CONAN "Use Conan as package manager")