mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 04:42:38 +01:00
171 lines
4.4 KiB
171 lines
4.4 KiB
#include <renderwure/loaders/LoaderIDE.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
bool LoaderIDE::load(const std::string &filename)
std::ifstream str(filename);
if ( ! str.is_open())
return false;
SectionTypes section = NONE;
while( ! str.eof()) {
std::string line;
getline(str, line);
line.erase(std::find_if(line.rbegin(), line.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(), line.end());
if ( ! line.empty() && line[0] == '#')
if (line == "end") {
section = NONE;
} else if(section == NONE) {
if (line == "objs") {
section = OBJS;
} else if (line == "tobj") {
section = TOBJ;
} else if (line == "peds") {
section = PEDS;
} else if (line == "cars") {
section = CARS;
} else if (line == "hier") {
section = HIER;
} else if (line == "2dfx") {
section = TWODFX;
} else if (line == "path") {
section = PATH;
} else {
// Remove ALL the whitespace!!
line.erase(remove_if(line.begin(), line.end(), isspace), line.end());
std::stringstream strstream(line);
switch (section) {
case OBJS: { // Supports Type 1, 2 and 3
OBJS_t objs;
std::string id, numClumps, flags,
modelName, textureName;
// Read the content of the line
getline(strstream, id, ',');
getline(strstream, modelName, ',');
getline(strstream, textureName, ',');
getline(strstream, numClumps, ',');
objs.numClumps = atoi(numClumps.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < objs.numClumps; i++) {
std::string drawDistance;
getline(strstream, drawDistance, ',');
objs.drawDistance[i] = atoi(drawDistance.c_str());
getline(strstream, flags, ',');
// Put stuff in our struct
objs.ID = atoi(id.c_str());
objs.flags = atoi(flags.c_str());
objs.modelName = modelName;
objs.textureName = textureName;
objs.LOD = modelName.find("LOD") != modelName.npos;
case CARS: {
CARS_t cars;
std::string id, type, classType, frequency, lvl,
comprules, wheelModelID, wheelScale;
getline(strstream, id, ',');
getline(strstream, cars.modelName, ',');
getline(strstream, cars.textureName, ',');
getline(strstream, type, ',');
getline(strstream, cars.handlingID, ',');
getline(strstream, cars.gameName, ',');
getline(strstream, classType, ',');
getline(strstream, frequency, ',');
getline(strstream, lvl, ',');
getline(strstream, comprules, ',');
getline(strstream, wheelModelID, ',');
getline(strstream, wheelScale, ',');
cars.ID = atoi(id.c_str());
cars.frequency = atoi(frequency.c_str());
cars.lvl = atoi(lvl.c_str());
cars.comprules = atoi(comprules.c_str());
if (type == "car") {
cars.type = CAR;
cars.wheelModelID = atoi(wheelModelID.c_str());
cars.wheelScale = atof(wheelScale.c_str());
} else if (type == "boat") {
cars.type = BOAT;
} else if (type == "train") {
cars.type = TRAIN;
cars.modelLOD = atoi(wheelModelID.c_str());
} else if (type == "plane") {
cars.type = PLANE;
} else if (type == "heli") {
cars.type = HELI;
const std::map<VehicleClass, std::string> classTypes{
{IGNORE, "ignore"},
{NORMAL, "normal"},
{POORFAMILY, "poorfamily"},
{RICHFAMILY, "richfamily"},
{EXECUTIVE, "executive"},
{WORKER, "worker"},
{BIG, "big"},
{TAXI, "taxi"},
{MOPED, "moped"},
{MOTORBIKE, "motorbike"},
{LEISUREBOAT, "leisureboat"},
{WORKERBOAT, "workerboat"},
{BICYCLE, "bicycle"},
{ONFOOT, "onfoot"},
for (auto &a : classTypes) {
if (classType == a.second) {
cars.classType = a.first;
case PEDS: {
PEDS_t peds;
std::string id, driveMask;
getline(strstream, id, ',');
getline(strstream, peds.modelName, ',');
getline(strstream, peds.textureName, ',');
getline(strstream, peds.type, ',');
getline(strstream, peds.behaviour, ',');
getline(strstream, peds.animGroup, ',');
getline(strstream, driveMask, ',');
peds.ID = atoi(id.c_str());
peds.driveMask = atoi(driveMask.c_str());
return true;
} |