From 2c07de84bd678a019b4a6393bb4b9cc2107a2c94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Quinten <> Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2023 11:34:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update ALT:V --- game_eggs/gta/altv/egg-alt--v.json | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/game_eggs/gta/altv/egg-alt--v.json b/game_eggs/gta/altv/egg-alt--v.json index ef127936..ba43f080 100644 --- a/game_eggs/gta/altv/egg-alt--v.json +++ b/game_eggs/gta/altv/egg-alt--v.json @@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ "version": "PTDL_v2", "update_url": null }, - "exported_at": "2022-07-20T17:34:40+02:00", + "exported_at": "2023-06-18T11:34:24+02:00", "name": "alt:V", "author": "", "description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V", "features": null, "docker_images": { - "\/parkervcp\/games:altv": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv" + "ALT:V": "\/parkervcp\/games:altv" }, "file_denylist": [], "startup": ".\/altv-server", "config": { - "files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"json\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch\": \"{{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", + "files": "{\r\n \"server.toml\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "quit" }, "scripts": { "installation": { - "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin coreutils pcregrep\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\n#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n# Script Name:\r\n#\r\n# Author: Lhoerion\r\n#\r\n# Description: The following script compares SHA-1 hashes of remote and local alt:V files. If local file is missing or outdated, script automatically downloads it to script directory.\r\n# Old files are preserved as *.old. Script also keep track of current branch and build. Server start script gets created if missing.\r\n#\r\n# Run Information: This script is run manually.\r\n# Dependencies: coreutils, wget, >=jq_1.4, pcregrep\r\n#\r\n\r\nnoBackup=false\r\nnoLogFile=false\r\ndryRun=false\r\nsilent=false\r\nfor arg in \"$@\"\r\ndo\r\n if [ $arg = '--no-logfile' ]; then\r\n noLogFile=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--no-backup' ]; then\r\n noBackup=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--dry-run' ]; then\r\n dryRun=true\r\n elif [ $arg = '--silent' ]; then\r\n silent=true\r\n fi\r\ndone\r\nfiles=()\r\nprintAndLog() {\r\n if [[ \"$silent\" == false ]]; then\r\n outFd=1\r\n else\r\n exec {outFd}>\/dev\/null\r\n fi\r\n if [ \"$2\" = 'ERR' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[91m[$(date +%T)][Error] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'WARN' ]; then\r\n printf \"\\e[93m[$(date +%T)][Warning] $1\\e[39m\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n elif [ \"$2\" = 'APP' ]; then\r\n printf \"$1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n else\r\n printf \"[$(date +%T)] $1\" |& ([ $noLogFile != true ] && tee -a 'update.log' >& $outFd || cat)\r\n fi\r\n}\r\nsemVerCmp() {\r\n declare -r \"semVerRegex=^(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*))?\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$\"\r\n local matchA=(${1##v})\r\n local matchB=(${2##v})\r\n for i in {1..5}\r\n do\r\n matchA+=$(`echo ${1##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n matchB+=$(`echo ${2##v} | pcregrep \"-o$i\" $semVerRegex`)\r\n done\r\n if [ ${1##v} == ${2##v} ]; then\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n if [ \\( -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( ! -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [ \\( ! -z $matchA[4] \\) -a \\( -z $matchB[4] \\) ]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n local i=0\r\n for a in ${matchA[@]}\r\n do\r\n local b=\"${matchB[$i]}\"\r\n if [ \\( $i -eq 2 \\) -a \\( \\( -z $a \\) -o \\( -z $b \\) \\) ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [[ $a > $b ]]; then\r\n echo 1 && return 0\r\n elif [[ $a < $b ]]; then\r\n echo -1 && return 0\r\n fi\r\n i=$((i + 1))\r\n done\r\n echo 0 && return 0\r\n}\r\ngetFileHash() {\r\n local file=(${1##v})\r\n sha1sum \"$file\" | awk '{print $1}'\r\n}\r\nfetchUpdateData() {\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/server\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n\r\n str='. | to_entries | map(if .key==\"hashList\" then {\"key\":.key} + {\"value\":(.value | to_entries | map(. + {\"value\":[.value, \"%s\"]}) | from_entries)} else . end) | from_entries'\r\n \r\n local updateTmp=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n\r\n echo '{}' > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'server')\" > ${updateTmp[0]}\r\n\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/data\/$localBranch\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for update, try again later\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n exit 1\r\n fi\r\n\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" 'data')\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n if [[ \"${modules[$i]}\" == 'csharp-module' ]]; then\r\n modules[$i]='coreclr-module'\r\n fi\r\n local moduleName=${modules[$i]}\r\n updateData=$(curl -s \"https:\/\/\/$moduleName\/$localBranch\/x64_linux\/update.json\" -A 'AltPublicAgent')\r\n echo $updateData | jq -e '.' >\/dev\/null 2>&1\r\n if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Failed to check for $moduleName update\\n\" 'WARN'\r\n else\r\n updateTmp+=($(mktemp '\/tmp\/'))\r\n echo '{}' > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n echo $updateData | jq -c \"$(printf \"$str\" \"$moduleName\")\" > \"${updateTmp[${#updateTmp[@]} - 1]}\"\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n updateData=$(jq -s '.[0].latestBuildNumber as $b | .[0].version as $c | reduce .[] as $x ({}; . * $x) | .latestBuildNumber=$b | .version=$c' ${updateTmp[@]})\r\n remoteBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.latestBuildNumber')\"\r\n [[ $remoteBuild -eq -1 ]] && remoteBuild=$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r '.version')\r\n}\r\nvalidateFiles() {\r\n files=()\r\n for file in $(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList | keys[]')\r\n do\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$file\" || (\"$(printf \"%0.s0\" {1..40})\" != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\" && $(getFileHash \"$file\") != \"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[0]\")\") ]]; then\r\n files+=(\"$file\")\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [ ! -e 'server.cfg' ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server file server.cfg not found, creating one . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n printf 'name: \"alt:V Server\"\\nhost:\\nport: 7788\\nplayers: 128\\n#password: ultra-password\\nannounce: false\\n#token: YOUR_TOKEN\\ngamemode: Freeroam\\nwebsite:\\nlanguage: en\\ndescription: \"alt:V Sample Server\"\\nmodules: [\\n \\n]\\nresources: [\\n \\n]\\n' > 'server.cfg' && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $localBuild -ge 1232 ]]; then\r\n local nodeExist=$([ -e '' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n local moduleExist=$([ -e 'modules\/' ] && echo true || echo false)\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true || \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Found old node-module files, removing . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n local result1=true\r\n local result2=true\r\n if [[ \"$nodeExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f ''\r\n result1=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$moduleExist\" == true ]]; then\r\n rm -f 'modules\/'\r\n result2=$([[ \"$?\" -eq 0 ]] && echo true || echo false)\r\n fi\r\n if [[ \"$result1\" == true && \"$result2\" == true ]]; then\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n if [ $localBuild != $remoteBuild ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files update is available\\n\"\r\n elif [ \"${#files[@]}\" -ne 0 ]; then\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are invalidated\/corrupted, ${#files[@]} in total\\n\"\r\n else\r\n printAndLog \"Server files are up-to-date, no action required\\n\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\n modulesTemp=\"\"\r\n for (( i=0; i < ${#modules[@]}; i++ ))\r\n do\r\n modulesTemp+=\"\\\"${modules[$i]}\\\"\"\r\n if [ $(($i + 1)) -ne ${#modules[@]} ]; then\r\n modulesTemp+=','\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n if [[ $localBuild =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":%d,\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n else\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"%s\",\"build\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[%s]}' $localBranch $localBuild $modulesTemp | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n}\r\ndownloadFiles() {\r\n if [ \"${#files[@]}\" -eq 0 ]; then\r\n return\r\n fi\r\n for file in ${files[@]}\r\n do\r\n dlType=\"$(echo \"$updateData\" | jq -r \".hashList.\\\"$file\\\"[1]\")\"\r\n platform=$([ \"$dlType\" == \"data\" ] && echo \"\" || echo \"x64_linux\/\")\r\n updateData=\"$(echo $updateData | jq -r '.hashList.\"altv-server\"[1] = \"server\"')\"\r\n outDir=\"$(dirname $file)\"\r\n printAndLog \"Downloading file $file . . . \"\r\n if [[ \"$dryRun\" == false ]]; then\r\n if [[ \"$noBackup\" == false && -e \"$file\" ]]; then\r\n mv \"$file\" \"$file.old\"\r\n fi\r\n if [[ ! -e \"$outDir\/\" ]]; then\r\n mkdir -p \"$outDir\/\"\r\n fi\r\n\r\n wget \"https:\/\/\/$dlType\/$localBranch\/$platform${file}?build=$localBuild\" -U 'AltPublicAgent' -O \"$file\" -N -q && printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP' || printAndLog 'failed\\n' 'APP'\r\n if [ ! -e \"$file\" ]; then\r\n continue\r\n fi\r\n if [ -e \"$file.old\" ]; then\r\n chmod --reference=\"$file.old\" \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to copy chmod to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n chmod -x \"$file.old\" || printAndLog \"Failed to remove execution permissions from file $file.old\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n else\r\n chmod +x \"$file\" || printAndLog \"Failed to add execution permissions to file $file\\n\" 'ERR'\r\n fi\r\n else\r\n printAndLog 'done\\n' 'APP'\r\n fi\r\n done\r\n validateFiles\r\n}\r\n\r\nif [ $noLogFile != true ]; then\r\n truncate -s 0 'update.log'\r\nfi\r\nif [[ ( \"$dryRun\" == false ) && ( ! -e 'update.cfg' ) ]]; then\r\n printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.' > 'update.cfg'\r\nfi\r\nupdateCfg=$([[ -e 'update.cfg' ]] && cat 'update.cfg' || printf '{\"branch\":\"release\",\"modules\":[\"js-module\"]}' | jq '.')\r\nlocalBranch=$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.branch')\r\n[[ ! -n \"$localBranch\" || \"$localBranch\" != 'release' && \"$localBranch\" != 'rc' && \"$localBranch\" != 'dev' ]] && localBranch='release'\r\nmodules=($(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r '.modules \/\/ \"\"' | tr -d '[],\"'))\r\n[[ ! -n \"$modules\" ]] && modules=('js-module')\r\nfetchUpdateData\r\nlocalBuild=\"$(echo \"$updateCfg\" | jq -r 'if .build == null then empty else .build end')\"\r\n[[ -z $localBuild || $localBuild == \"-1\" ]] && localBuild=$remoteBuild\r\nprintAndLog \"Current version: $localBuild\\n\"\r\nprintAndLog \"Latest version: $remoteBuild\\n\"\r\nvalidateFiles\r\ndownloadFiles\r\n\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmodels.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmodels.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"vehmods.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"vehmods.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"clothes.bin\" ];\r\nthen\r\n echo \"clothes.bin found.\"\r\nelse\r\n echo \"clothes.bin has not been found, downloading it\"\r\n wget wget https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\nfi\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\necho -e \"install complete\"", - "container": "debian:buster-slim", + "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n#\r\n\r\napt update\r\napt install -y wget jq curl \r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\nNEWVERSION=$(curl -sSL https:\/\/\/server\/${BUILD}\/x64_linux\/update.json | jq -r .version)\r\n\r\n\r\nif [ -f \"\/mnt\/server\/altv-server\" ]; then\r\n CURRENTVERSION=$(cat update.json | jq -r .version)\r\n if [[ \"${CURRENTVERSION}\" == \"${NEWVERSION}\" ]]; then\r\n echo \"No update found\"\r\n exit 0\r\n fi\r\n echo \"Backing up version ${CURRENTVERSION}\"\r\n mkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv altv-server \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/\r\n cd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n mv clothes.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv vehmodels.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv vehmods.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv pedmodels.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv weaponmodels.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n mv rpfdata.bin \/mnt\/server\/backup\/${CURRENTVERSION}\/data\r\n rm \/mnt\/server\/update.json\r\nfi\r\n\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n\r\necho \"Installing version: ${NEWVERSION}\"\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/server\/${BUILD}\/x64_linux\/altv-server\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/server\/${BUILD}\/x64_linux\/update.json\r\nchmod +x .\/altv-server\r\n\r\n\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/data\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/data\r\n\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmodels.bin\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/vehmods.bin\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/clothes.bin\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/pedmodels.bin\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/weaponmodels.bin\r\nwget -q https:\/\/\/data\/${BUILD}\/data\/rpfdata.bin\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\nif [ ! -f \"\/mnt\/server\/server.toml\" ]; then\r\ncat << EOF >> server.toml\r\nname = 'alt:V Server'\r\nhost = ''\r\nport = ${SERVER_PORT}\r\nplayers = 128\r\npassword = '${PASSWORD}'\r\nannounce = false\r\ntoken = 'YOUR_TOKEN'\r\ngamemode = 'Freeroam'\r\nwebsite = ''\r\nlanguage = 'en'\r\ndescription = '${SERVER_DESC}'\r\nmodules = []\r\nresources = []\r\nEOF\r\nfi\r\n\r\nmkdir -p resources\/\r\n\r\necho -e \"install complete\"", + "container": "debian:bullseye-slim", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "default_value": "release", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, - "rules": "required|string|max:20", + "rules": "required|string|in:release,rc,dev", "field_type": "text" }, {