{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v2", "update_url": null }, "exported_at": "2022-11-08T16:25:05+01:00", "name": "Custom HLDS Engine Game", "author": "parker@parkervcp.com", "description": "This option allows modifying the startup arguments and other details to run a custom HLDS based game on the panel.", "features": [ "steam_disk_space" ], "docker_images": { "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/games:source": "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/games:source" }, "file_denylist": [], "startup": ".\/hlds_run -console -game {{HLDS_GAME}} -port {{SERVER_PORT}} -sport {{VAC_PORT}} +map {{SRCDS_MAP}} +ip -strictportbind -norestart", "config": { "files": "{}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Connection to Steam servers successful\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "quit" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n# SRCDS Base Installation Script\r\n#\r\n# Server Files: \/mnt\/server\r\n#apt -y update\r\n#apt -y --no-install-recommends install curl lib32gcc-s1 ca-certificates\r\n\r\ncd \/tmp\r\ncurl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz http:\/\/media.steampowered.com\/installer\/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz\r\n\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\ntar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# SteamCMD fails otherwise for some reason, even running as root.\r\n# This is changed at the end of the install process anyways.\r\nchown -R root:root \/mnt\r\n\r\nexport HOME=\/mnt\/server\r\n.\/steamcmd.sh +force_install_dir \/mnt\/server +login anonymous +app_update ${SRCDS_APPID} +app_set_config 90 mod ${HLDS_GAME} +quit\r\n\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.steam\/sdk32\r\ncp -v linux32\/steamclient.so ..\/.steam\/sdk32\/steamclient.so\r\n\r\n## install end\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"", "container": "ghcr.io\/parkervcp\/installers:debian", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "Game ID", "description": "The ID corresponding to the game to download and run using HLDS.\r\n\r\nThe HLDS server ID is 90. This should not be changed.", "env_variable": "SRCDS_APPID", "default_value": "90", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|numeric|digits_between:1,6", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Game Name", "description": "The name corresponding to the game to download and run using HLDS.\r\n\r\nall the HLDS server names are here - https:\/\/developer.valvesoftware.com\/wiki\/Dedicated_Server_Name_Enumeration", "env_variable": "HLDS_GAME", "default_value": "cstrike", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|alpha_dash|between:1,100", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "Map", "description": "The default map for the server.", "env_variable": "SRCDS_MAP", "default_value": "de_dust2", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|alpha_dash", "field_type": "text" }, { "name": "VAC port", "description": "Specifies the VAC port the server should use. Default is 26900.", "env_variable": "VAC_PORT", "default_value": "26900", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|numeric|digits_between:1,5", "field_type": "text" } ] }