; Game World Data Setting - name, difficulty, gameMode ; name : world name ; difficulty : 0- Easy, 1- Normal(default), 2- Hard, 3- VeryHard ; gameMode : 1- NormalWorld(default), 2- CreativeWorld_Build, 3- CreativeWorld_Play ; Server Setting - port : used when not using steam lobby function ; maxPlayerNumber : maximum number of player can join into the server(1 ~ 127) ; usePassword : using server password(1- True / 0- False) ; serverPassword : setting server password up to 8 digit number pin ; Graphics Setting - vSyncCount, maxFPS, grassBend, clothSimOption ; vSyncCount : vertical sync, 0- disable, 1- once per frame 2- per two frame ; maxFPS : max frames per second, set to -1 for unlimited fps ; grassBend : enable Grass Bend(1- True / 0- False) ; ClothSimOption : cloth simulation, 1- animate everybody's, 2- animate nobody's ; Save Setting - autoSaveSec, autoSavePerHour ; autoSaveSec : autoSavePer ** second, to disable, set to -1 ; autoSavePerHour : enable autoSavePerHour(1- True / 0- False) ; savePath : relative path base on ServerSetting.ini folder or absolute path ; Creative Mode Setting - ; quickCraft : crafting without checking item cost(1- True / 0- False) ; ageLevel : age Level of the game world, effect crafting recipe ; islandLevel : island level override, effect monster and dungeon level, set to -1 to disable override ; noDeath : player character would not dead(1- True / 0- False) ; noDamage : player character would not take damage(1- True / 0- False) ; noHunger : player character would not be hungry(1- True / 0- False) ; infinitStamina : player character has infinit stamina(1- True / 0- False) ; forceDayTime : game world day time override, 0 to 24, set to -1 to disable ; buildingIgnoreDamage : building would not take damage(1- True / 0- False) ; noBuild : player can not place new building(1- True / 0- False) ; Creative Mode Player Status Override - apply at gameStart ; Level : override character level, set to 0 to disable ; Health : override character health, set to 0 to disable ; Mana : override character mana, set to 0 to disable ; Stamina : override character stamia, set to 0 to disable ; Money : override character money ; SkillPoint : override character skill point ; EnchantPoint : override character enchant point [GameWorld] name=NoName difficulty=1 gameMode=1 [Host] port=6587 maxPlayerNumber=7 usePassword=0 serverPassword=00000000 bindAddress= [Graphics] vSyncCount=0 maxFPS=60 grassBend=0 clothSimOption=2 [Save] autoSaveSec=300 autoSavePerHour=1 savePath=DedicatedServerSave/ [CreativeModeSetting] quickCraft=1 ageLevel=7 islandLevel=-1 noDeath=1 noDamage=1 noHunger=1 infinitStamina=1 forceDayTime=-1 buildingIgnoreDamage=0 noBuild=0 [CreativeModePlStatus] Level=0 Health=0 Mana=0 Stamina=0 Money=1000 SkillPoint=0 EnchantPoint=0