{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v1" }, "exported_at": "2019-12-23T13:23:16-04:00", "name": "Waterfall", "author": "hostmaster@waterfallgaming.net", "description": "Waterfall is a fork of the well-known BungeeCord server teleportation suite.", "image": "quay.io\/pterodactyl\/core:java", "startup": "java -Xms128M -Xmx{{SERVER_MEMORY}}M -jar {{SERVER_JARFILE}}", "config": { "files": "{\r\n \"config.yml\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"yaml\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"listeners[0].host\": \"{{server.build.default.port}}\",\r\n \"servers.*.address\": {\r\n \"\": \"{{config.docker.interface}}\",\r\n \"localhost\": \"{{config.docker.interface}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Listening on \",\r\n \"userInteraction\": [\r\n \"Listening on \/\"\r\n ]\r\n}", "logs": "{\r\n \"custom\": false,\r\n \"location\": \"proxy.log.0\"\r\n}", "stop": "end" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/ash\r\n# Paper Installation Script\r\n#\r\n# Server Files: \/mnt\/server\r\napk add --no-cache --update curl jq\r\n\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\nif [ -n \"${DL_PATH}\" ]; then\r\n echo -e \"using supplied download url\"\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=`eval echo $(echo ${DL_PATH} | sed -e 's\/{{\/${\/g' -e 's\/}}\/}\/g')`\r\nelse\r\n if [ -z \"$VANILLA_VERSION\" ] || [ \"${MINECRAFT_VERSION}\" == \"latest\" ]; then\r\n MINECRAFT_VERSION=$(curl -s https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall | jq -r '.versions[0]')\r\n else\r\n VER_EXISTS=$(curl -s https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall | jq -r --arg VERSION $MINECRAFT_VERSION '.versions | contains ([$VERSION])')\r\n fi\r\n \r\n if [ \"${VER_EXISTS}\" == \"true\" ]; then\r\n echo -e \"Version is valid. Using version ${MINECRAFT_VERSION}\"\r\n else\r\n echo -e \"Using the latest waterfall version\"\r\n MINECRAFT_VERSION=$(curl -s https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall\/ | jq -r '.versions[0]')\r\n fi\r\n \r\n if [ ! ${BUILD_NUMBER} == \"latest\" ] ; then\r\n BUILD_EXISTS=$(curl -s https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall\/${MINECRAFT_VERSION} | jq -r --arg BUILD ${BUILD_NUMBER} '.builds.all[] | IN($BUILD)' | grep true)\r\n LATEST_WATERFALL_VERSION=$(curl -s https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall\/ | jq -r '.versions[0]')\r\n \r\n if [ \"${BUILD_EXISTS}\" == \"true\" ]; then\r\n echo -e \"Build is valid. Using version ${BUILD_NUMBER}\"\r\n else\r\n echo -e \"Using the latest paper build\"\r\n BUILD_NUMBER=${LATEST_WATERFALL_VERSION}\r\n fi\r\n fi\r\n \r\n echo \"Version being downloaded: ${BUILD_NUMBER}\"\r\n echo -e \"MC Version: ${MINECRAFT_VERSION}\"\r\n echo -e \"Build: ${BUILD_NUMBER}\"\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=https:\/\/papermc.io\/api\/v1\/waterfall\/${MINECRAFT_VERSION}\/${BUILD_NUMBER}\/download \r\nfi\r\n\r\necho -e \"running curl -o ${SERVER_JARFILE} ${DOWNLOAD_URL}\"\r\n\r\ncurl -o ${SERVER_JARFILE} ${DOWNLOAD_URL}\r\n\r\nif [ ! -f config.yml ]; then\r\n echo -e \"Downloading waterfall config.yml\"\r\n curl -o config.yml https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/parkervcp\/eggs\/master\/minecraft_proxy\/waterfall\/config.yml\r\nelse\r\n echo -e \"Waterfall config.yml exists. Will not pull a new file\"\r\nfi", "container": "alpine:3.10", "entrypoint": "ash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "Minecraft Version", "description": "The version of Minecraft that water was built to support.", "env_variable": "MINECRAFT_VERSION", "default_value": "latest", "user_viewable": 1, "user_editable": 1, "rules": "required|alpha_num|between:1,6" }, { "name": "Waterfall Jar File", "description": "The name of the Jarfile to use when running Waterfall.", "env_variable": "SERVER_JARFILE", "default_value": "waterfall.jar", "user_viewable": 1, "user_editable": 1, "rules": "required|regex:\/^([\\w\\d._-]+)(\\.jar)$\/" }, { "name": "Download Link", "description": "A link to the server jar to download the waterfall jar.", "env_variable": "DL_LINK", "default_value": "", "user_viewable": 1, "user_editable": 1, "rules": "nullable|string" }, { "name": "Waterfall build number", "description": "Default is latest.\r\n\r\nif set to latest or an invalid version will grab the latest build number.", "env_variable": "BUILD_NUMBER", "default_value": "latest", "user_viewable": 1, "user_editable": 1, "rules": "required|string|max:20" } ] }