; COLORS' KEY DESCRIPTIONS ; topbar = background ; topbar-text = title, enabled history button ; topbar-subtext = unselected tabs, disabled history button ; tab-active = selected tab item, search bar background ; tab-active-text = selected tab item, search bar text ; tab-hover = hovered tab item, hovered search bar ; topbar-border = bottom border ; sidebar = background ; sidebar-text = primary text (home, search, library, playlists, etc) ; link-hover-text = hovered link item text ; link-active = selected link item background ; link-active-text = selected link item text ; sidebar-border = left or right border ; main = background ; text = primary text (heading, title, some name, song count, button text, etc) ; subtext = secondary text (description, some name, duration, tracklist album, play count, etc) ; selected-row = some details, border, button (heart, download, options in playlist or album) ; player = background ; player-text = song title, hovered text ; player-subtext = artist name, time duration ; player-selected-row = progress bar (background, duration, volume), button (playback, extra) ; player-border = top border ; button = button (lyrics, queue in player bar, on toggle in settings) ; button-active = button (play-pause button, current song title in queue, active heart, hovered button and toggle) ; button-disabled = button (off toggle and dropdown menu in settings) ; scrollbar = default ; scrollbar-hover = hovered ; context-menu = background ; context-menu-text = primary text ; context-menu-hover = hovered item backgrond ; card = hovered card, tracks in queue or playlist, etc ; shadow = context menu shadow, popup background dim, popup button background (close, carousel), toast shadow ; notification = toast background, private session indicator ; notification-error = error toast background ; misc = idk ; main-elevated = ylx searchbar ; highlight-elevated = ylx hovered searchbar ; highlight = ylx hovered playlist [matte] ; topbar topbar = 232b32 topbar-text = d0d2d9 topbar-subtext = 4a5460 tab-active = 1c2228 tab-active-text = d0d2d9 tab-hover = 131b20 topbar-border = 232b32 ; sidebars sidebar = 181e23 sidebar-text = 7e8596 link-active-text = 181e23 sidebar-border = 181e23 ; main view main = 1c2228 text = b9bcc6 subtext = 7e8596 selected-row = 5b6b79 ; player bar player = 141b1f player-text = 969aa9 player-subtext = 6d8392 player-selected-row = 6d8392 player-border = 141b1f ; accent colors link-hover-text = 009587 link-active = 009587 button = 01bfa5 button-active = 01bfa5 scrollbar-hover = 009688 ; others button-disabled = 2c353e scrollbar = 39454f context-menu = 232b32 context-menu-text = d0d2d9 context-menu-hover = 343e47 card = 232d35 shadow = 101418 notification = 1c2228 notification-error = b73434 misc = 39454f ; ylx main-elevated = 1c2228 highlight-elevated = 232d35 highlight = 20272d [periwinkle] ; topbar topbar-text = ffffff topbar-subtext = aaa5e4 tab-active-text = d0ccff tab-hover = ffffff ; sidebars sidebar = ffffff sidebar-text = 010101 link-active-text = ffffff sidebar-border = ffffff ; main view main = ffffff text = 010101 subtext = 6d6d6d selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = ffffff player-text = 010101 player-subtext = 6d6d6d player-selected-row = 6d6d6d player-border = d9d9d9 ; accent colors topbar = 7269d2 tab-active = 7269d2 topbar-border = 7269d2 link-hover-text = 8c84da link-active = 7269d2 button = 7269d2 button-active = 8c84da scrollbar-hover = 8a82e0 context-menu-hover = 7269d2 ; others button-disabled = ebebeb scrollbar = d9d9d9 context-menu = ffffff context-menu-text = 010101 card = ebebeb shadow = 363163 notification = ffffff notification-error = ff4264 misc = 6d6d6d ; ylx main-elevated = ffffff highlight-elevated = ebebeb highlight = ebebeb [periwinkle-dark] ; topbar topbar-text = f6f6f6 topbar-subtext = aaa5e4 tab-active-text = d0ccff tab-hover = 383838 ; sidebars sidebar = 383838 sidebar-text = d0d0d0 link-hover-text = 8c84da link-active-text = f6f6f6 sidebar-border = 383838 ; main view main = 383838 text = f6f6f6 subtext = d0d0d0 selected-row = d0d0d0 ; player bar player = 343434 player-text = f6f6f6 player-subtext = d0d0d0 player-selected-row = d0d0d0 player-border = 2e2e2e ; accent colors topbar = 7269d2 tab-active = 7269d2 topbar-border = 7269d2 link-active = 7269d2 button = 7269d2 button-active = 8c84da scrollbar-hover = 8a82e0 context-menu-hover = 7269d2 ; others button-disabled = 444444 scrollbar = 494949 context-menu = 343434 context-menu-text = f6f6f6 card = 444444 shadow = 2e2e2e notification = 343434 notification-error = ff4264 misc = d0d0d0 ; ylx main-elevated = 383838 highlight-elevated = 444444 highlight = 444444 [porcelain] ; topbar topbar = e8eaf0 topbar-text = 242b31 topbar-subtext = 899099 tab-active = e8eaf0 tab-active-text = 242b31 tab-hover = ffffff topbar-border = e8eaf0 ; sidebars sidebar = dfe1e8 sidebar-text = 3f4b56 link-hover-text = 6a7495 link-active-text = dfe1e8 sidebar-border = dfe1e8 ; main view main = f9f9fb text = 3f4b56 subtext = 70828f selected-row = 70828f ; player bar player = d5d8df player-text = 364049 player-subtext = 4e5a67 player-selected-row = 4e5a67 player-border = cdd0d8 ; accent colors link-active = 43a8ff button = 43a8ff button-active = 038aff scrollbar-hover = 43a8ff ; others button-disabled = c0c5ce scrollbar = d6dbdf context-menu = e8eaf0 context-menu-text = 2f353c context-menu-hover = ced2db card = e3e6ea shadow = 6d6e71 notification = f9f9fb notification-error = e6395f misc = 4e5a67 ; ylx main-elevated = f9f9fb highlight-elevated = e3e6ea highlight = ced1db [gray-dark1] ; topbar topbar = 191919 topbar-text = d4d4d4 topbar-subtext = 7a7a7a tab-active = 1f1f1f tab-active-text = d4d4d4 tab-hover = 272727 topbar-border = 191919 ; sidebars sidebar = 202020 sidebar-text = d4d4d4 link-hover-text = 6d6d6d link-active = 2d2d2d link-active-text = e8e8e8 sidebar-border = 191919 ; main view main = 202020 text = d4d4d4 subtext = 959595 selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = 202020 player-text = d4d4d4 player-subtext = 959595 player-selected-row = 959595 player-border = 191919 ; accent colors button-active = 2080df ; others button = 404040 button-disabled = 252525 scrollbar = 353535 scrollbar-hover = 999999 context-menu = 202020 context-menu-text = d4d4d4 context-menu-hover = 2d2d2d card = 2d2d2d shadow = 0c0c0c notification = 202020 notification-error = d32635 misc = 959595 ; ylx main-elevated = 202020 highlight-elevated = 2d2d2d highlight = 2d2d2d [gray-dark2] ; topbar topbar = 191919 topbar-text = d4d4d4 topbar-subtext = 535353 tab-active = 191919 tab-active-text = d4d4d4 tab-hover = 1f1f1f topbar-border = 191919 ; sidebars sidebar = 161616 sidebar-text = d4d4d4 link-hover-text = 6c6c6c link-active = 1c1c1c link-active-text = d4d4d4 sidebar-border = 161616 ; main view main = 202020 text = d4d4d4 subtext = 959595 selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = 1a1a1a player-text = d4d4d4 player-subtext = 959595 player-selected-row = 959595 player-border = 1a1a1a ; accent colors button-active = 2080df ; others button = 404040 button-disabled = 252525 scrollbar = 353535 scrollbar-hover = 999999 context-menu = 202020 context-menu-text = d4d4d4 context-menu-hover = 2d2d2d card = 2d2d2d shadow = 0c0c0c notification = 202020 notification-error = d32635 misc = 959595 ; ylx main-elevated = 202020 highlight-elevated = 2d2d2d highlight = 2d2d2d [gray-dark3] ; topbar topbar = 191919 topbar-text = d4d4d4 topbar-subtext = 7a7a7a tab-active = 191919 tab-active-text = d4d4d4 tab-hover = 1f1f1f topbar-border = 191919 ; sidebars sidebar = 131313 sidebar-text = d4d4d4 link-hover-text = 6c6c6c link-active = 1e1e1e link-active-text = d4d4d4 sidebar-border = 131313 ; main view main = 161616 text = d4d4d4 subtext = 959595 selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = 101010 player-text = d4d4d4 player-subtext = 959595 player-selected-row = 959595 player-border = 101010 ; accent colors button-active = 2080df ; others button = 404040 button-disabled = 252525 scrollbar = 353535 scrollbar-hover = 999999 context-menu = 202020 context-menu-text = d4d4d4 context-menu-hover = 2d2d2d card = 2d2d2d shadow = 0c0c0c notification = 202020 notification-error = d32635 misc = 959595 ; ylx main-elevated = 161616 highlight-elevated = 2d2d2d highlight = 2d2d2d [gray] ; topbar topbar = 404040 topbar-text = e9e9e9 topbar-subtext = 646464 tab-active = 333333 tab-active-text = e9e9e9 tab-hover = 303030 topbar-border = 404040 ; sidebars sidebar = 383838 sidebar-text = d4d4d4 link-hover-text = e9e9e9 link-active = 4c4c4c link-active-text = e9e9e9 sidebar-border = 2f2f2f ; main view main = 383838 text = e9e9e9 subtext = aaaaaa selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = 343434 player-text = d4d4d4 player-subtext = 7f7f7f player-selected-row = 7f7f7f player-border = 2e2e2e ; accent colors button-active = 2888d7 ; others button = 898989 button-disabled = 404040 scrollbar = 494949 scrollbar-hover = a3a3a3 context-menu = 383838 context-menu-text = d4d4d4 context-menu-hover = 4c4c4c card = 4c4c4c shadow = 1e1e1e notification = 383838 notification-error = e35b5b misc = 959595 ; ylx main-elevated = 383838 highlight-elevated = 4c4c4c highlight = 444444 [gray-light] ; topbar topbar = 404040 topbar-text = e9e9e9 topbar-subtext = 646464 tab-active = 333333 tab-active-text = e9e9e9 tab-hover = 303030 topbar-border = 404040 ; sidebars sidebar = ffffff sidebar-text = 010101 link-hover-text = 010101 link-active = e1e1e1 link-active-text = 010101 sidebar-border = e9e9e9 ; main view main = ffffff text = 010101 subtext = 6d6d6d selected-row = 6d6d6d ; player bar player = ffffff player-text = 010101 player-subtext = 6d6d6d player-selected-row = 6d6d6d player-border = e9e9e9 ; accent colors button = 2888d7 button-active = 2888d7 ; others button-disabled = dfdfdf scrollbar = d9d9d9 scrollbar-hover = 4d4d4d context-menu = ffffff context-menu-text = 010101 context-menu-hover = ebebeb card = ebebeb shadow = 1e1e1e notification = ffffff notification-error = e35b5b misc = 6d6d6d ; ylx main-elevated = ffffff highlight-elevated = ebebeb highlight = ebebeb