[base] text = FFFFFF subtext = F0F0F0 sidebar-text = FFFFFF main = 000000 sidebar = 24b558 player = 000000 card = 000000 shadow = 202020 selected-row = 797979 button = 24b558 button-active = 24b558 button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = 166632 notification = 1db954 notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [white] text = 363636 subtext = 3D3D3D sidebar-text = FFF9F4 main = FFF9F4 sidebar = FFA789 player = FFF9F4 card = FFF9F4 shadow = d3d3d3 selected-row = 6D6D6D button = ff8367 button-active = ff8367 button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = ffdace notification = FFA789 notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [dark] text = F0F0F0 subtext = F0F0F0 sidebar-text = 0a0e14 main = 0a0e14 sidebar = C2D935 player = 0a0e14 card = 0a0e14 shadow = 202020 selected-row = DEDEDE button = C2D935 button-active = C2D935 button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = 727d2b notification = C2D935 notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [dracula] text = f8f8f2 subtext = f8f8f2 sidebar-text = F0F0F0 main = 44475a sidebar = 6272a4 player = 44475a card = 6272a4 shadow = 000000 selected-row = bd93f9 button = ffb86c button-active = 8be9fd button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = 6272a4 notification = bd93f9 notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [nord-light] text = 2e3440 subtext = 3b4252 sidebar-text = ECEFF4 main = ECEFF4 sidebar = 5E81AC player = ECEFF4 card = ebcb8b shadow = eceff4 selected-row = 4c566a button = 81a1c1 button-active = 81a1c1 button-disabled = c0c0c0 tab-active = ebcb8b notification = a3be8c notification-error = bf616a misc = BFBFBF [nord-dark] text = ECEFF4 subtext = E5E9F0 sidebar-text = 434c5e main = 2e3440 sidebar = 88C0D0 player = 2e3440 card = 2e3440 shadow = 2E3440 selected-row = D8DEE9 button = 81A1C1 button-active = 81A1C1 button-disabled = 434C5E tab-active = 434C5E notification = A3BE8C notification-error = BF616A misc = BFBFBF [purple] text = f1eaff subtext = f1eaff sidebar-text = e0d0ff main = 0A0E14 sidebar = 6F3C89 player = 0A0E14 card = 0A0E14 shadow = 3a2645 selected-row = 645275 button = c76af6 button-active = 6F3C89 button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = 58306D notification = ff9e00 notification-error = f61379 misc = DEDEDE [samurai] text = ebdbb2 subtext = ebdbb2 sidebar-text = 461217 main = 461217 sidebar = ebdbb2 player = 461217 card = 461217 shadow = 000000 selected-row = 909090 button = e7a52d button-active = e7a52d button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = e7a52d notification = e7a52d notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [beach-sunset] text = FFFFFF subtext = F0F0F0 sidebar-text = F0F0F0 main = 262626 sidebar = bd3e3e player = 262626 card = 262626 shadow = 000000 selected-row = d1d6e2 button = f1a84f button-active = c98430 button-disabled = 535353 tab-active = f1a84f notification = c98430 notification-error = e22134 misc = BFBFBF [gruvbox] text = fbf1c7 subtext = d5c4a1 sidebar-text = ebe1b7 main = 292828 sidebar = 689d6a player = 292828 card = 3c3836 shadow = 202020 selected-row = d5c4a1 button = fb4934 button-active = cc241d button-disabled = bdae93 tab-active = fb4934 notification = 8ec07c notification-error = d79921 misc = BFBFBF [gruvbox-material-dark] text = fbf1c7 subtext = d5c4a1 sidebar-text = 716e5f main = 292828 sidebar = 1d2021 player = 292828 card = 3c3836 shadow = 202020 selected-row = d5c4a1 button = a9b665 button-active = a9b665 button-disabled = bdae93 tab-active = a9b665 notification = 8ec07c notification-error = d79921 misc = BFBFBF [rosepine] text = ebbcba subtext = F0F0F0 sidebar-text = e0def4 main = 191724 sidebar = 2a2837 player = 191724 card = 191724 shadow = 1f1d2e selected-row = 797979 button = 31748f button-active = 31748f button-disabled = 555169 tab-active = 31748f notification = 1db954 notification-error = eb6f92 misc = 6e6a86 [lunar] text = f3f3f3 subtext = cecece sidebar-text = f3f3f3 main = 161616 sidebar = 202020 player = 161616 card = 161616 shadow = 252525 selected-row = 202020 button = 3281ea button-active = 0284e8 button-disabled = 303030 tab-active = ebbcba notification = 3281ea notification-error = b10c0c misc = 252525 ; Comments below correspond to the labeling of the colors on the Catppuccin GitHub page. [catppuccin-latte] text = 4c4f69 ; Text subtext = 5c5f77 ; Subtext1 sidebar-text = 4c4f69 ; Text main = eff1f5 ; Base sidebar = e6e9ef ; Mantle player = eff1f5 ; Base card = eff1f5 ; Base shadow = e6e9ef ; Mantle selected-row = 7c7f93 ; Overlay2 button = 8c8fa1 ; Overlay1 button-active = 7c7f93 ; Overlay2 button-disabled = 9ca0b0 ; Overlay0 tab-active = ccd0da ; Surface0 notification = ccd0da ; Surface0 notification-error = d20f39 ; Red misc = bcc0cc ; Surface1 [catppuccin-frappe] text = c6d0f5 ; Text subtext = b5bfe2 ; Subtext1 sidebar-text = c6d0f5 ; Text main = 303446 ; Base sidebar = 292c3c ; Mantle player = 303446 ; Base card = 303446 ; Base shadow = 292c3c ; Mantle selected-row = 949cbb ; Overlay2 button = 838ba7 ; Overlay1 button-active = 949cbb ; Overlay2 button-disabled = 737994 ; Overlay0 tab-active = 414559 ; Surface0 notification = 414559 ; Surface0 notification-error = e78284 ; Red misc = 51576d ; Surface1 [catppuccin-macchiato] text = cad3f5 ; Text subtext = b8c0e0 ; Subtext1 sidebar-text = cad3f5 ; Text main = 24273a ; Base sidebar = 1e2030 ; Mantle player = 24273a ; Base card = 24273a ; Base shadow = 1e2030 ; Mantle selected-row = 939ab7 ; Overlay2 button = 8087a2 ; Overlay1 button-active = 939ab7 ; Overlay2 button-disabled = 6e738d ; Overlay0 tab-active = 363a4f ; Surface0 notification = 363a4f ; Surface0 notification-error = ed8796 ; Red misc = 494d64 ; Surface1 [catppuccin-mocha] text = cdd6f4 ; Text subtext = bac2de ; Subtext1 sidebar-text = cdd6f4 ; Text main = 1e1e2e ; Base sidebar = 181825 ; Mantle player = 1e1e2e ; Base card = 1e1e2e ; Base shadow = 181825 ; Mantle selected-row = 9399b2 ; Overlay2 button = 7f849c ; Overlay1 button-active = 9399b2 ; Overlay2 button-disabled = 6c7086 ; Overlay0 tab-active = 313244 ; Surface0 notification = 313244 ; Surface0 notification-error = f38ba8 ; Red misc = 45475a ; Surface1