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383 lines
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* Author : Sunil Samuel (web_github@sunilsamuel.com)
* License : GPLv3
* GIT URL : https://github.com/sunil-samuel/jquery-responsive-background-slideshow
* Version: 1.5
* ______ _
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* \_| \_\___||___/ .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/_| \_/ \___|
* | |
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* \____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\__, |_| \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
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* \____/|_|_|\__,_|\___||___/_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/
* This is a responsive JQuery pluging that creates a background slideshow
* using JQuery animations.
(function($) {
$.fn.bgSlideShow = function(options) {
var preloadedImages = new Array();
var defaultOptions = $.extend({
// Start with element 0 as default. Always 0 based.
current: -1,
// The list of images
images: [],
// Time in ms between the transition from one image to another
transitionDelay: 5000,
// The speed of the transition effect
transitionSpeed: 3000,
// The effect to use when transitioning (fade-in, from-right, from-left)
transitionEffect: 'fade-in',
// Adds a gradient over the images.
gradient: null,
// Randomize the start element
randomize: false,
// If the initial image should also be rendered by this plugin
// if null - then do not do anything for the first image
// if a number or 'random' or an image url - then use the appropriate image
initialBackground: null,
// Print console.log debug messages for debug purposes
debug: false,
// Event handlers for different events
eventHandlers: {
// Event before initialization
beforeInit: null,
// Event after initialization
afterInit: null,
// Event before the existing image is replaced
beforeChange: null,
// Event after the existing image is replaced
afterChange: null
// Controls the list control icons. The small ball on the bottom
// of the image for the user to go to a specific image.
slideControls: {
enabled: true,
classes: null
}, options);
// Process each element defined by the caller
return this.each(function(i, el) {
// Overwrite settings with data- attributes for each
// element that we are processing.
var elmtSettings = getSettings(this, defaultOptions);
// Call the before init event handler
if (elmtSettings.eventHandlers.beforeInit) {
elmtSettings.eventHandlers.beforeInit(this, elmtSettings);
processElement(this, elmtSettings)
// Call the after init event handler
if (elmtSettings.eventHandlers.afterInit) {
elmtSettings.eventHandlers.afterInit(this, elmtSettings);
debug(elmtSettings.debug, "Done processing element [" + el + "] number [" + i + "]");
* Returns boolean true or false based on the string. If the string is
* 'true', 1, yes -> true
* otherwise -> false
function getBoolean(str, defaultValue) {
if (str === undefined) {
return defaultValue;
if (typeof str === "boolean") {
return str;
str = str.trim().toLowerCase();
return str.startsWith("t") || str.startsWith("y") || str == 1;
* Uses the default options, options from calling the plugin, and any
* data- attributes on the element to create the settings. The
* data- elements will have the most preference.
function getSettings(elmt, s) {
var thisSetting = {};
thisSetting.uniqueId = getUniqueId(elmt);
thisSetting.current = $(elmt).data("current") || s.current || 0;
thisSetting.images = s.images;
thisSetting.slideControls = s.slideControls;
// List controls
thisSetting.slideControls.enabled = getBoolean($(elmt).data("slidecontrols.enabled"),s.slideControls.enabled);
thisSetting.slideControls.classes = $(elmt).data("slidecontrols.classes") || s.slideControls.classes;
// thisSetting.slideControls.size = $(elmt).data("slideControls.size") || s.slideControls.size;
// thisSetting.slideControls.spaceBetween = $(elmt).data("slideControls.spacebetween") || s.slideControls.spaceBetween;
// thisSetting.slideControls.backgroundColor = $(elmt).data("slideControls.backgroundcolor") || s.slideControls.backgroundColor;
// thisSetting.slideControls.borderColor = $(elmt).data("slideControls.bordercolor") || s.slideControls.borderColor;
// thisSetting.slideControls.borderSize = $(elmt).data("slideControls.bordersize") || s.slideControls.borderSize;
// Images are comma separated, so we need to split that into arrays
if ($(elmt).data("images")) {
thisSetting.images = $(elmt).data("images").split(",").map(item => item.trim());
thisSetting.initialBackground = $(elmt).data("initialbackground") || s.initialBackground;
thisSetting.transitionDelay = $(elmt).data("transitiondelay") || s.transitionDelay;
thisSetting.gradient = $(elmt).data("gradient") || s.gradient;
thisSetting.transitionSpeed = $(elmt).data("transitionspeed") || s.transitionSpeed;
thisSetting.transitionEffect = $(elmt).data("transitioneffect") || s.transitionEffect;
thisSetting.randomize = getBoolean($(elmt).data("randomize"), s.randomize);
thisSetting.debug = getBoolean($(elmt).data("debug"), s.debug);
thisSetting.eventHandlers = s.eventHandlers;
// If the element already has a 'display', css tag, then lets keep that instead
// of going to block.
thisSetting.defaultDisplay = $(elmt).css("display") || "block";
return thisSetting;
* Print log messages only if debug is turned on by the caller.
function debug(v, str) {
v && console.log(str);
* Based on the options selected by the caller, find the next image and
* return the image
function getNextImage(settings) {
/**If the user wanted to randomize, then just pick any from the list of images
making sure it is not the current one */
if (settings.randomize) {
var rand = settings.current;
while (rand == settings.current) {
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * settings.images.length);
settings.current = rand;
return settings.images[rand];
/** If not randomize, then get the next image in the list or recyle */
if (settings.current >= settings.images.length) {
settings.current = 0;
var rval = settings.images[settings.current];
settings.current = settings.current + 1;
return rval;
* Process each element that was selected by the caller. The
* timer is set to load the images.
function processElement(element, settings) {
debug(settings.debug, "ProcessShow with element [" + element + "]");
$(element).data("bgSlideShowApplied", true);
// Check if we need to set the initial image
setInitialImage(element, settings);
// Preload all of the images
// FIXME - Do in another thread
// Wrap an element around this element with certain
// css attributes.
settings.wrapBgElement = $('<div/>', {
class: 'jquery-bg-slideshow-wrap-bg-element',
id: settings.uniqueId + "-wrap-widget"
var wrappedElement = $(element).css("position", "absolute");
createImageSlideControls(element, wrappedElement.parent(), settings);
debug(settings.debug, "Setting timeout for element [" + element + "]");
updateCurrentSlideElement(settings, settings.current);
settings.timerId = setTimeout(timeoutEvent, settings.transitionDelay, element, settings);
* Create a list of small 'ball' images on the bottom of the image for the user
* to click to view diffferent images.
function createImageSlideControls(element, wrappedElement, settings) {
debug(settings.debug, "List controls enabled: " + settings.slideControls.enabled);
if (settings.slideControls.enabled == true) {
settings.slideControlsElement = $('<div/>', {
class: "jquery-bg-slideshow-list-control-element" +
(settings.slideControls.classes ? " " + settings.slideControls.classes : ""),
var ilen = settings.images.length;
for (var i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
var id = settings.uniqueId + "-image" + i;
$("<div/>", {
class: "jquery-bg-slideshow-list-control-image-element",
id: id
$("[id^='" + settings.uniqueId + "-image']").off("click").on("click", function() {
// Id will give us image number
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var imageOffset = parseInt(id.match(/-image(\d+)/)[1]);
settings.current = imageOffset + 1;
$(element).css("background", "url(" + settings.images[imageOffset] + ")");
updateCurrentSlideElement(settings, settings.current - 1);
console.log("clicked on [" + $(this).attr("id") + "]");
* Given an element, if it has a id attribute, then return it otherwise create a unique
* id and return it.
function getUniqueId(element) {
var id = $(element).attr("id");
if (!id) {
id = generateUniqueId();
return id;
* Generate a unique id based on random character and current date in ms.
function generateUniqueId() {
var rval = characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)) + Date.now();
return rval;
* Check to see if the initial background should be set by this code.
function setInitialImage(element, settings) {
if (!settings.initialBackground) {
debug(settings.debug, "Setting initial image");
var initialImage = settings.initialBackground;
var image = "";
// If this is a number then use the number
if (!isNaN(initialImage) && initialImage < settings.images.length) {
image = settings.images[initialImage];
settings.current = initialImage + 1;
} else if (initialImage.toLowerCase() == "random") {
var originalRandom = settings.randomize;
settings.randomize = true;
image = getNextImage(settings);
settings.randomize = originalRandom;
} else {
image = settings.initialBackground;
if(settings.gradient) {
$(element).css("background", settings.gradient + ", url(" + image + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed");
}else {
$(element).css("background", "url(" + image + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed");
* The timeout event is called based on the transition time set by
* the caller. This will continually call itself once the background
* image is set on the element.
function timeoutEvent(element, settings) {
debug(settings.debug, "Calling timer for element [" + element + "]");
var nextImage = getNextImage(settings);
slideBackgroundImage(element, settings, nextImage);
* Slide the background now given the next image.
function slideBackgroundImage(element, settings, nextImage) {
if (settings.eventHandlers.beforeChange) {
settings.eventHandlers.beforeChange(element, settings, nextImage);
if ($(settings.cloned).length) {
settings.cloned = $(element).clone();
if(settings.gradient) {
"background": settings.gradient+", url(" + nextImage + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed"
} else {
"background": "url(" + nextImage + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed"
"background": settings.gradient+", url(" + nextImage + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed"
$(settings.cloned).css("display", settings.defaultDisplay);
debug(settings.debug, "Before element fadeout");
$(element).stop().fadeOut(settings.transitionSpeed, function() {
debug(settings.debug, "Fading out is done - should remove cloned element");
if(settings.gradient) {
"background": settings.gradient+", url(" + nextImage + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed",
"position": "absolute",
"display": settings.defaultDisplay
} else {
"background": "url(" + nextImage + ") center center/cover no-repeat fixed",
"position": "absolute",
"display": settings.defaultDisplay
//var removed = $(settings.cloned).remove();
//debug(settings.debug, "Total removed [" + removed.length + "]");
if (settings.eventHandlers.afterChange) {
settings.eventHandlers.afterChange(element, settings, nextImage);
updateCurrentSlideElement(settings, settings.current);
settings.timerId = setTimeout(timeoutEvent, settings.transitionDelay, element, settings);
function updateCurrentSlideElement(settings, current) {
if (settings.slideControls.enabled) {
var id = "#" + settings.uniqueId + "-image" + current;
$("[id^='" + settings.uniqueId + "-image']").removeClass("jquery-bg-slideshow-list-control-image-active-element");
* Preload all of the images so that there will be no delay in showing
* the background.
function preloadImages(images) {
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
var length = preloadImages.length;
preloadedImages[length] = new Image();
preloadedImages[length].src = images[i];
* Helper function to check if plugin is applied
$.fn.bgSlideshowApplied = function() {
return $(this).data("bgSlideShowApplied") == true ? true : false;