First of all, thank you for taking the time to help improve uBlock!
### Issue template
Probably the easiest way to submit an issue.
**[Use this link to start with the standard issue template.]([BrowserName]%20ShortDescription&body=%3C!--%0AInstructions%3A%0A%0AReplace%20the%20relevant%20parts%20of%20this%20template%20%0Awith%20details%20applicable%20to%20your%20case.%20Please%0Adon't%20remove%20the%20headers%2Fsubtitles.%0A%0ADon't%20worry%20about%20removing%20these%20instructions%3B%0Athey''re%20observing%20are.%0A%0A%23%23%20Preferences%20Different%20From%20Defaults%0AWe%20recommend%20a%20screenshot%20—%20include%20any%20filter%20lists%20you%20enabled%2Fdisabled%2C%20whitelisted%20sites%2C%20etc.%0A%0A%23%23%20Info%0A%0A%60%60%60%0AuBlock%20version%3A%0A%20%20%20%*%20None.)**
* Describe what you observe and consider broken behavior; this is what we'll be looking for after executing the steps
* Example: video doesn't start playing, page layout broken
* A screenshot of **any** of uBlock's preferences that differ from the defaults
* This includes a whitelisted website, enabled/disabled filter list, anything
* Please do include everything different from the defaults whether or not it seems relevant to your issue
* The version of uBlock you're having the issue with; you can find this in [uBlock's popup UI](