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uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2015-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
µBlock.redirectEngine = (( ) => {
// The resources referenced below are found in ./web_accessible_resources/
// The content of the resources which declare a `data` property will be loaded
// in memory, and converted to a suitable internal format depending on the
// type of the loaded data. The `data` property allows for manual injection
// through `+js(...)`, or for redirection to a data: URI when a redirection
// to a web accessible resource is not desirable.
const redirectableResources = new Map([
[ '1x1.gif', {
alias: '1x1-transparent.gif',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ '2x2.png', {
alias: '2x2-transparent.png',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ '3x2.png', {
alias: '3x2-transparent.png',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ '32x32.png', {
alias: '32x32-transparent.png',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ 'addthis_widget.js', {
alias: 'addthis.com/addthis_widget.js',
} ],
[ 'amazon_ads.js', {
alias: 'amazon-adsystem.com/aax2/amzn_ads.js',
} ],
[ 'amazon_apstag.js', {
} ],
[ 'ampproject_v0.js', {
alias: 'ampproject.org/v0.js',
} ],
[ 'chartbeat.js', {
alias: 'static.chartbeat.com/chartbeat.js',
} ],
[ 'doubleclick_instream_ad_status.js', {
alias: 'doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js',
} ],
[ 'empty', {
data: 'text', // Important!
} ],
[ 'google-analytics_analytics.js', {
alias: 'google-analytics.com/analytics.js',
} ],
[ 'google-analytics_cx_api.js', {
alias: 'google-analytics.com/cx/api.js',
} ],
[ 'google-analytics_ga.js', {
alias: 'google-analytics.com/ga.js',
} ],
[ 'google-analytics_inpage_linkid.js', {
alias: 'google-analytics.com/inpage_linkid.js',
} ],
[ 'googlesyndication_adsbygoogle.js', {
alias: 'googlesyndication.com/adsbygoogle.js',
} ],
[ 'googletagmanager_gtm.js', {
alias: 'googletagmanager.com/gtm.js',
} ],
[ 'googletagservices_gpt.js', {
alias: 'googletagservices.com/gpt.js',
} ],
[ 'hd-main.js', {
} ],
[ 'ligatus_angular-tag.js', {
alias: 'ligatus.com/*/angular-tag.js',
} ],
[ 'monkeybroker.js', {
alias: 'd3pkae9owd2lcf.cloudfront.net/mb105.js',
} ],
[ 'noeval.js', {
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'noeval-silent.js', {
alias: 'silent-noeval.js',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'nobab.js', {
alias: 'bab-defuser.js',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'nofab.js', {
alias: 'fuckadblock.js-3.2.0',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'noop-0.1s.mp3', {
alias: 'noopmp3-0.1s',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ 'noop-1s.mp4', {
alias: 'noopmp4-1s',
data: 'blob',
} ],
[ 'noop.html', {
alias: 'noopframe',
} ],
[ 'noop.js', {
alias: 'noopjs',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'noop.txt', {
alias: 'nooptext',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'outbrain-widget.js', {
alias: 'widgets.outbrain.com/outbrain.js',
} ],
[ 'popads.js', {
alias: 'popads.net.js',
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'popads-dummy.js', {
data: 'text',
} ],
[ 'scorecardresearch_beacon.js', {
alias: 'scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js',
} ],
[ 'window.open-defuser.js', {
alias: 'nowoif.js',
data: 'text',
} ],
const extToMimeMap = new Map([
[ 'gif', 'image/gif' ],
[ 'html', 'text/html' ],
[ 'js', 'application/javascript' ],
[ 'mp3', 'audio/mp3' ],
[ 'mp4', 'video/mp4' ],
[ 'png', 'image/png' ],
[ 'txt', 'text/plain' ],
const typeToMimeMap = new Map([
[ 'main_frame', 'text/html' ],
[ 'other', 'text/plain' ],
[ 'script', 'application/javascript' ],
[ 'stylesheet', 'text/css' ],
[ 'sub_frame', 'text/html' ],
[ 'xmlhttprequest', 'text/plain' ],
const validMimes = new Set(extToMimeMap.values());
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
const mimeFromName = function(name) {
const match = /\.([^.]+)$/.exec(name);
if ( match !== null ) {
return extToMimeMap.get(match[1]);
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
const RedirectEntry = class {
constructor() {
this.mime = '';
this.data = '';
this.warURL = undefined;
// Prevent redirection to web accessible resources when the request is
// of type 'xmlhttprequest', because XMLHttpRequest.responseURL would
// cause leakage of extension id. See:
// - https://stackoverflow.com/a/8056313
// - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=998076
// https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/cpxm1v/
// User-supplied resources may already be base64 encoded.
toURL(fctxt, asDataURI = false) {
if (
this.warURL !== undefined &&
asDataURI !== true &&
fctxt instanceof Object &&
fctxt.type !== 'xmlhttprequest'
) {
return `${this.warURL}${vAPI.warSecret()}`;
if ( this.data === undefined ) { return; }
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/701
if ( this.data === '' ) {
const mime = typeToMimeMap.get(fctxt.type);
if ( mime === undefined ) { return; }
return `data:${mime},`;
if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') === false ) {
if ( this.mime.indexOf(';') === -1 ) {
this.data = `data:${this.mime};base64,${btoa(this.data)}`;
} else {
this.data = `data:${this.mime},${this.data}`;
return this.data;
toContent() {
if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') ) {
const pos = this.data.indexOf(',');
const base64 = this.data.endsWith(';base64', pos);
this.data = this.data.slice(pos + 1);
if ( base64 ) {
this.data = atob(this.data);
return this.data;
static fromContent(mime, content) {
const r = new RedirectEntry();
r.mime = mime;
r.data = content;
return r;
static fromSelfie(selfie) {
const r = new RedirectEntry();
r.mime = selfie.mime;
r.data = selfie.data;
r.warURL = selfie.warURL;
return r;
const RedirectEngine = function() {
this.aliases = new Map();
this.resources = new Map();
2016-01-07 23:30:56 +01:00
this.resourceNameRegister = '';
RedirectEngine.prototype.reset = function() {
this.rules = new Map();
this.ruleSources = new Set();
this.ruleDestinations = new Set();
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
RedirectEngine.prototype.resetCache = function() {
this._src = '';
this._srcAll = [ '*' ];
this._des = '';
this._desAll = [ '*' ];
RedirectEngine.prototype.freeze = function() {
RedirectEngine.prototype.toBroaderHostname = function(hostname) {
const pos = hostname.indexOf('.');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
return hostname.slice(pos + 1);
return hostname !== '*' ? '*' : '';
RedirectEngine.prototype.decomposeHostname = function(hn, dict, out) {
let i = 0;
for (;;) {
if ( dict.has(hn) ) {
out[i] = hn; i += 1;
hn = this.toBroaderHostname(hn);
if ( hn === '' ) { break; }
out.length = i;
RedirectEngine.prototype.lookup = function(fctxt) {
const src = fctxt.getDocHostname();
const des = fctxt.getHostname();
const type = fctxt.type;
if ( src !== this._src ) {
this._src = src;
this.decomposeHostname(src, this.ruleSources, this._srcAll);
2019-09-07 14:31:32 +02:00
if ( this._srcAll.length === 0 ) { return; }
if ( des !== this._des ) {
this._des = des;
this.decomposeHostname(des, this.ruleDestinations, this._desAll);
2019-09-07 14:31:32 +02:00
if ( this._desAll.length === 0 ) { return; }
const reqURL = fctxt.url;
for ( const src of this._srcAll ) {
for ( const des of this._desAll ) {
let entries = this.rules.get(`${src} ${des} ${type}`);
if ( entries !== undefined ) {
const rule = this.lookupRule(entries, reqURL);
if ( rule !== undefined ) { return rule; }
entries = this.rules.get(`${src} ${des} *`);
if ( entries !== undefined ) {
const rule = this.lookupRule(entries, reqURL);
if ( rule !== undefined ) { return rule; }
RedirectEngine.prototype.lookupRule = function(entries, reqURL) {
for ( const entry of entries ) {
if ( entry.pat instanceof RegExp === false ) {
entry.pat = new RegExp(entry.pat, 'i');
if ( entry.pat.test(reqURL) ) {
return entry;
RedirectEngine.prototype.toURL = function(fctxt) {
const rule = this.lookup(fctxt);
if ( rule === undefined ) { return; }
let token = this.resourceNameRegister = rule.tok;
const asDataURI = token.charCodeAt(0) === 0x25 /* '%' */;
if ( asDataURI ) {
token = token.slice(1);
const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(token) || token);
if ( entry !== undefined ) {
return entry.toURL(fctxt, asDataURI);
RedirectEngine.prototype.addRule = function(src, des, type, pattern, redirect) {
const key = `${src} ${des} ${type}`,
entries = this.rules.get(key);
if ( entries === undefined ) {
this.rules.set(key, [ { tok: redirect, pat: pattern } ]);
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
let entry;
for ( var i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++ ) {
entry = entries[i];
if ( redirect === entry.tok ) { break; }
if ( i === n ) {
entries.push({ tok: redirect, pat: pattern });
let p = entry.pat;
if ( p instanceof RegExp ) {
p = p.source;
// Duplicate?
let pos = p.indexOf(pattern);
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
if ( pos === 0 || p.charAt(pos - 1) === '|' ) {
pos += pattern.length;
if ( pos === p.length || p.charAt(pos) === '|' ) { return; }
entry.pat = p + '|' + pattern;
RedirectEngine.prototype.fromCompiledRule = function(line) {
const fields = line.split('\t');
if ( fields.length !== 5 ) { return; }
this.addRule(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4]);
RedirectEngine.prototype.compileRuleFromStaticFilter = function(line) {
const matches = this.reFilterParser.exec(line);
if ( matches === null || matches.length !== 4 ) { return; }
const des = matches[1] || '';
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/572
// Extract best possible hostname.
let deshn = des;
let pos = deshn.lastIndexOf('*');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
deshn = deshn.slice(pos + 1);
pos = deshn.indexOf('.');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
deshn = deshn.slice(pos + 1);
} else {
deshn = '';
const path = matches[2] || '';
let pattern =
.replace(/\*/g, '[\\w.%-]*')
.replace(/\./g, '\\.') +
.replace(/\|$/, '$')
.replace(/[.+?{}()|[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&')
.replace(/\^/g, '[^\\w.%-]')
.replace(/\*/g, '.*?');
if ( pattern === '' ) {
pattern = '^';
let type,
2016-10-26 14:59:15 +02:00
redirect = '',
srchns = [];
for ( const option of matches[3].trim().split(/,/) ) {
if ( option.startsWith('redirect=') ) {
redirect = option.slice(9);
if ( option.startsWith('redirect-rule=') ) {
redirect = option.slice(14);
if ( option === 'empty' ) {
redirect = 'empty';
if ( option === 'mp4' ) {
redirect = 'noopmp4-1s';
if ( option.startsWith('domain=') ) {
srchns = option.slice(7).split('|');
if ( (option === 'first-party' || option === '1p') && deshn !== '' ) {
srchns.push(µBlock.URI.domainFromHostname(deshn) || deshn);
2015-11-25 16:05:23 +01:00
// One and only one type must be specified.
if ( this.supportedTypes.has(option) ) {
if ( type !== undefined ) { return; }
type = this.supportedTypes.get(option);
2015-11-24 05:34:03 +01:00
// Need a resource token.
if ( redirect === '' ) { return; }
2015-11-24 05:34:03 +01:00
2015-11-25 16:05:23 +01:00
// Need one single type -- not negated.
if ( type === undefined ) {
if ( redirect === 'empty' ) {
type = '*';
} else if ( redirect === 'noopmp4-1s' ) {
type = 'media';
} else {
if ( deshn === '' ) {
deshn = '*';
if ( srchns.length === 0 ) {
const out = [];
for ( const srchn of srchns ) {
if ( srchn === '' ) { continue; }
if ( srchn.startsWith('~') ) { continue; }
if ( out.length === 0 ) { return; }
return out;
RedirectEngine.prototype.reFilterParser = /^(?:\|\|([^\/:?#^]+)|\*?)([^$]+)?\$([^$]+)$/;
RedirectEngine.prototype.supportedTypes = new Map([
[ 'css', 'stylesheet' ],
[ 'font', 'font' ],
[ 'image', 'image' ],
[ 'media', 'media' ],
[ 'object', 'object' ],
[ 'script', 'script' ],
[ 'stylesheet', 'stylesheet' ],
[ 'frame', 'sub_frame' ],
[ 'subdocument', 'sub_frame' ],
[ 'xhr', 'xmlhttprequest' ],
[ 'xmlhttprequest', 'xmlhttprequest' ],
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
RedirectEngine.prototype.toSelfie = function(path) {
// Because rules may contains RegExp instances, we need to manually
// convert it to a serializable format. The serialized format must be
// suitable to be used as an argument to the Map() constructor.
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
const rules = [];
for ( const item of this.rules ) {
const rule = [ item[0], [] ];
const entries = item[1];
let i = entries.length;
while ( i-- ) {
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
const entry = entries[i];
tok: entry.tok,
pat: entry.pat instanceof RegExp ? entry.pat.source : entry.pat
2015-11-29 23:06:58 +01:00
2015-11-29 23:06:58 +01:00
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
return µBlock.assets.put(
rules: rules,
ruleSources: Array.from(this.ruleSources),
ruleDestinations: Array.from(this.ruleDestinations)
RedirectEngine.prototype.fromSelfie = async function(path) {
const result = await µBlock.assets.get(`${path}/main`);
let selfie;
try {
selfie = JSON.parse(result.content);
} catch (ex) {
if ( selfie instanceof Object === false ) { return false; }
this.rules = new Map(selfie.rules);
this.ruleSources = new Set(selfie.ruleSources);
this.ruleDestinations = new Set(selfie.ruleDestinations);
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
return true;
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourceContentFromName = function(name, mime) {
const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(name) || name);
if ( entry === undefined ) { return; }
if ( mime === undefined || entry.mime.startsWith(mime) ) {
return entry.toContent();
// TODO: combine same key-redirect pairs into a single regex.
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commit/deefe875551197d655f79cb540e62dfc17c95f42
// Consider 'none' a reserved keyword, to be used to disable redirection.
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromString = function(text) {
const lineIter = new µBlock.LineIterator(removeTopCommentBlock(text));
const reNonEmptyLine = /\S/;
let fields, encoded, details;
while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) {
let line = lineIter.next();
if ( line.startsWith('#') ) { continue; }
if ( line.startsWith('// ') ) { continue; }
2015-11-24 19:21:14 +01:00
if ( fields === undefined ) {
if ( line === '' ) { continue; }
// Modern parser
if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) {
const name = line.slice(4).trim();
fields = [ name, mimeFromName(name) ];
// Legacy parser
const head = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
if ( head.length !== 2 ) { continue; }
if ( head[0] === 'none' ) { continue; }
let pos = head[1].indexOf(';');
if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = head[1].length; }
if ( validMimes.has(head[1].slice(0, pos)) === false ) {
encoded = head[1].indexOf(';') !== -1;
fields = head;
if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) {
if ( details === undefined ) {
details = {};
const [ prop, value ] = line.slice(4).trim().split(/\s+/);
if ( value !== undefined ) {
details[prop] = value;
if ( reNonEmptyLine.test(line) ) {
fields.push(encoded ? line.trim() : line);
2015-11-24 05:34:03 +01:00
const name = this.aliases.get(fields[0]) || fields[0];
const mime = fields[1];
const content = µBlock.orphanizeString(
fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n')
2015-11-24 19:21:14 +01:00
// No more data, add the resource.
RedirectEntry.fromContent(mime, content)
if ( details instanceof Object && details.alias ) {
this.aliases.set(details.alias, name);
2015-11-24 19:21:14 +01:00
fields = undefined;
details = undefined;
2015-11-24 19:21:14 +01:00
2015-11-24 05:34:03 +01:00
2015-11-24 19:21:14 +01:00
// Process pending resource data.
if ( fields !== undefined ) {
const name = fields[0];
const mime = fields[1];
const content = µBlock.orphanizeString(
fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n')
RedirectEntry.fromContent(mime, content)
if ( details instanceof Object && details.alias ) {
this.aliases.set(details.alias, name);
this.modifyTime = Date.now();
const removeTopCommentBlock = function(text) {
return text.replace(/^\/\*[\S\s]+?\n\*\/\s*/, '');
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
RedirectEngine.prototype.loadBuiltinResources = function() {
// TODO: remove once usage of uBO 1.20.4 is widespread.
this.resources = new Map();
this.aliases = new Map();
const fetches = [
).then(result => {
const content = result.content;
if ( typeof content === 'string' && content.length !== 0 ) {
const store = (name, data = undefined) => {
const details = redirectableResources.get(name);
const entry = RedirectEntry.fromSelfie({
mime: mimeFromName(name),
warURL: vAPI.getURL(`/web_accessible_resources/${name}`),
this.resources.set(name, entry);
if ( details.alias !== undefined ) {
this.aliases.set(details.alias, name);
const processBlob = (name, blob) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = ( ) => {
store(name, reader.result);
Expand bidi-trie usage in static network filtering engine Related issues: - https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/761 - https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/528 The previous bidi-trie code could only hold filters which are plain pattern, i.e. no wildcard characters, and which had no origin option (`domain=`), right and/or left anchor, and no `csp=` option. Example of filters that could be moved into a bidi-trie data structure: &ad_box_ /w/d/capu.php?z=$script,third-party ||liveonlinetv247.com/images/muvixx-150x50-watch-now-in-hd-play-btn.gif Examples of filters that could NOT be moved to a bidi-trie: -adap.$domain=~l-adap.org /tsc.php?*&ses= ||ibsrv.net/*forumsponsor$domain=[...] @@||imgspice.com/jquery.cookie.js|$script ||view.atdmt.com^*/iview/$third-party ||postimg.cc/image/$csp=[...] Ideally the filters above should be able to be moved to a bidi-trie since they are basically plain patterns, or at least partially moved to a bidi-trie when there is only a single wildcard (i.e. made of two plain patterns). Also, there were two distinct bidi-tries in which plain-pattern filters can be moved to: one for patterns without hostname anchoring and another one for patterns with hostname-anchoring. This was required because the hostname-anchored patterns have an extra condition which is outside the bidi-trie knowledge. This commit expands the number of filters which can be stored in the bidi-trie, and also remove the need to use two distinct bidi-tries. - Added ability to associate a pattern with an integer in the bidi-trie [1]. - The bidi-trie match code passes this externally provided integer when calling an externally provided method used for testing extra conditions that may be present for a plain pattern found to be matching in the bidi-trie. - Decomposed existing filters into smaller logical units: - FilterPlainLeftAnchored => FilterPatternPlain + FilterAnchorLeft - FilterPlainRightAnchored => FilterPatternPlain + FilterAnchorRight - FilterExactMatch => FilterPatternPlain + FilterAnchorLeft + FilterAnchorRight - FilterPlainHnAnchored => FilterPatternPlain + FilterAnchorHn - FilterWildcard1 => FilterPatternPlain + [ FilterPatternLeft or FilterPatternRight ] - FilterWildcard1HnAnchored => FilterPatternPlain + [ FilterPatternLeft or FilterPatternRight ] + FilterAnchorHn - FilterGenericHnAnchored => FilterPatternGeneric + FilterAnchorHn - FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored => FilterPatternGeneric + FilterAnchorRight + FilterAnchorHn - FilterOriginMixedSet => FilterOriginMissSet + FilterOriginHitSet - Instances of FilterOrigin[...], FilterDataHolder can also be added to a composite filter to represent `domain=` and `csp=` options. - Added a new filter class, FilterComposite, for filters which are a combination of two or more logical units. A FilterComposite instance is a match when *all* filters composing it are a match. Since filters are now encoded into combination of smaller units, it becomes possible to extract the FilterPatternPlain component and store it in the bidi-trie, and use the integer as a handle for the remaining extra conditions, if any. Since a single pattern in the bidi-trie may be a component for different filters, the associated integer points to a sequence of extra conditions, and a match occurs as soon as one of the extra conditions (which may itself be a sequence of conditions) is fulfilled. Decomposing filters which are currently single instance into sequences of smaller logical filters means increasing the storage and CPU overhead when evaluating such filters. The CPU overhead is compensated by the fact that more filters can now moved into the bidi-trie, where the first match is efficiently evaluated. The extra conditions have to be evaluated if and only if there is a match in the bidi-trie. The storage overhead is compensated by the bidi-trie's intrinsic nature of merging similar patterns. Furthermore, the storage overhead is reduced by no longer using JavaScript array to store collection of filters (which is what FilterComposite is): the same technique used in [2] is imported to store sequences of filters. A sequence of filters is a sequence of integer pairs where the first integer is an index to an actual filter instance stored in a global array of filters (`filterUnits`), while the second integer is an index to the next pair in the sequence -- which means all sequences of filters are encoded in one single array of integers (`filterSequences` => Uint32Array). As a result, a sequence of filters can be represented by one single integer -- an index to the first pair -- regardless of the number of filters in the sequence. This representation is further leveraged to replace the use of JavaScript array in FilterBucket [3], which used a JavaScript array to store collection of filters. Doing so means there is no more need for FilterPair [4], which purpose was to be a lightweight representation when there was only two filters in a collection. As a result of the above changes, the map of `token` (integer) => filter instance (object) used to associate tokens to filters or collections of filters is replaced with a more efficient map of `token` (integer) to filter unit index (integer) to lookup a filter object from the global `filterUnits` array. Another consequence of using one single global array to store all filter instances means we can reuse existing instances when a logical filter instance is parameter-less, which is the case for FilterAnchorLeft, FilterAnchorRight, FilterAnchorHn, the index to these single instances is reused where needed. `urlTokenizer` now stores the character codes of the scanned URL into a bidi-trie buffer, for reuse when string matching methods are called. New method: `tokenHistogram()`, used to generate histograms of occurrences of token extracted from URLs in built-in benchmark. The top results of the "miss" histogram are used as "bad tokens", i.e. tokens to avoid if possible when compiling filter lists. All plain pattern strings are now stored in the bidi-trie memory buffer, regardless of whether they will be used in the trie proper or not. Three methods have been added to the bidi-trie to test stored string against the URL which is also stored in then bidi-trie. FilterParser is now instanciated on demand and released when no longer used. *** [1] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/blob/135a45a878f5b93bc538f822981e3a42b1e9073f/src/js/strie.js#L120 [2] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/commit/e94024d350b066e4e04a772b0a3dbc69daab3fb7 [3] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/blob/135a45a878f5b93bc538f822981e3a42b1e9073f/src/js/static-net-filtering.js#L1630 [4] https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/blob/135a45a878f5b93bc538f822981e3a42b1e9073f/src/js/static-net-filtering.js#L1566
2019-10-21 14:15:58 +02:00
reader.onabort = reader.onerror = ( ) => {
const processText = (name, text) => {
store(name, removeTopCommentBlock(text));
const process = result => {
const match = /^\/web_accessible_resources\/([^?]+)/.exec(result.url);
if ( match === null ) { return; }
const name = match[1];
return result.content instanceof Blob
? processBlob(name, result.content)
: processText(name, result.content);
for ( const [ name, details ] of redirectableResources ) {
if ( typeof details.data !== 'string' ) {
{ responseType: details.data }
result => process(result)
return Promise.all(fetches);
RedirectEngine.prototype.getResourceDetails = function() {
const out = new Map();
for ( const [ name, entry ] of this.resources ) {
out.set(name, {
canInject: typeof entry.data === 'string',
canRedirect: entry.warURL !== undefined,
aliasOf: '',
for ( const [ alias, name ] of this.aliases ) {
const original = out.get(name);
if ( original === undefined ) { continue; }
const aliased = Object.assign({}, original);
aliased.aliasOf = name;
out.set(alias, aliased);
return Array.from(out).sort((a, b) => {
return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);
const resourcesSelfieVersion = 5;
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
RedirectEngine.prototype.selfieFromResources = function() {
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
version: resourcesSelfieVersion,
aliases: Array.from(this.aliases),
resources: Array.from(this.resources),
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromSelfie = async function() {
const result = await µBlock.assets.get('compiled/redirectEngine/resources');
let selfie;
try {
selfie = JSON.parse(result.content);
} catch(ex) {
if (
selfie instanceof Object === false ||
selfie.version !== resourcesSelfieVersion ||
Array.isArray(selfie.resources) === false
) {
return false;
this.aliases = new Map(selfie.aliases);
this.resources = new Map();
for ( const [ token, entry ] of selfie.resources ) {
this.resources.set(token, RedirectEntry.fromSelfie(entry));
return true;
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
RedirectEngine.prototype.invalidateResourcesSelfie = function() {
Refactor selfie generation into a more flexible persistence mechanism The motivation is to address the higher peak memory usage at launch time with 3rd-gen HNTrie when a selfie was present. The selfie generation prior to this change was to collect all filtering data into a single data structure, and then to serialize that whole structure at once into storage (using JSON.stringify). However, HNTrie serialization requires that a large UintArray32 be converted into a plain JS array, which itslef would be indirectly converted into a JSON string. This was the main reason why peak memory usage would be higher at launch from selfie, since the JSON string would need to be wholly unserialized into JS objects, which themselves would need to be converted into more specialized data structures (like that Uint32Array one). The solution to lower peak memory usage at launch is to refactor selfie generation to allow a more piecemeal approach: each filtering component is given the ability to serialize itself rather than to be forced to be embedded in the master selfie. With this approach, the HNTrie buffer can now serialize to its own storage by converting the buffer data directly into a string which can be directly sent to storage. This avoiding expensive intermediate steps such as converting into a JS array and then to a JSON string. As part of the refactoring, there was also opportunistic code upgrade to ES6 and Promise (eventually all of uBO's code will be proper ES6). Additionally, the polyfill to bring getBytesInUse() to Firefox has been revisited to replace the rather expensive previous implementation with an implementation with virtually no overhead.
2019-02-14 19:33:55 +01:00
// TODO: obsolete, remove eventually
2018-02-15 23:25:38 +01:00
return new RedirectEngine();