mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-09-29 14:17:11 +02:00

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"extName": {
"message": "uBlock Origin Lite",
"description": "extension name."
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "En experimentell blockerare. Blockerar annonser, spårare, miners och mer omedelbart efter installationen.",
"description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"perRulesetStats": {
"message": "{{ruleCount}} regler, konverterat från {{filterCount}} nätverksfilter",
"description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"dashboardName": {
"message": "uBO Lite — Kontrollpanel",
"description": "English: uBO Lite — Dashboard"
"dashboardUnsavedWarning": {
"message": "Varning! Du har inte sparat dina ändringar",
"description": "A warning in the dashboard when navigating away from unsaved changes"
"dashboardUnsavedWarningStay": {
"message": "Stanna kvar",
"description": "Label for button to prevent navigating away from unsaved changes"
"dashboardUnsavedWarningIgnore": {
"message": "Ignorera",
"description": "Label for button to ignore unsaved changes"
"settingsPageName": {
"message": "Inställningar",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"3pPageName": {
"message": "Filterlistor",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"1pPageName": {
"message": "Mina filter",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"whitelistPageName": {
"message": "Pålitliga webbplatser",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"aboutPageName": {
"message": "Om",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"aboutPrivacyPolicy": {
"message": "Integritetspolicy",
"description": "Link to privacy policy on GitHub (English)"
"popupPowerSwitchInfo": {
"message": "Inaktivera/aktivera uBO Lite för den här sidan",
"description": "Tooltip for the main power button in the popup panel"
"popupTipDashboard": {
"message": "Öppna kontrollpanelen",
"description": "English: Click to open the dashboard"
"popupTipZapper": {
"message": "Gå till elementzapperläge",
"description": "Tooltip for the element-zapper icon in the popup panel"
"popupTipPicker": {
"message": "Gå till elementväljarläge",
"description": "English: Enter element picker mode"
"popupTipReport": {
"message": "Rapportera ett problem på denna webbplats",
"description": "Tooltip used for the 'chat' icon in the panel"
"popupTipSaveRules": {
"message": "Klicka för att göra ändringarna permanenta.",
"description": "Tooltip when hovering over the padlock in the dynamic filtering pane."
"popupTipRevertRules": {
"message": "Klicka för att ångra dina ändringar.",
"description": "Tooltip when hovering over the eraser in the dynamic filtering pane."
"popupMoreButton": {
"message": "Mer",
"description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections"
"popupGrantGreatPowers": {
"message": "Klicka för att ge uBO Lite utökade behörigheter på den här webbplatsen.\nMed utökade behörigheter blir innehållsblockering mer effektiv.",
"description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections"
"popupRevokeGreatPowers": {
"message": "Klicka för att återkalla utökade behörigheter på den här webbplatsen",
"description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections"
"popupLessButton": {
"message": "Mindre",
"description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections"
"settingsIconBadgePrompt": {
"message": "Visa antalet blockerade förfrågningar på ikonen",
"description": "English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon"
"settingsAppearance": {
"message": "Utseende",
"description": "Section for controlling user interface appearance"
"settingsThemeLabel": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Label for checkbox to enable a custom dark theme"
"settingsThemeAccent0Label": {
"message": "Anpassad accentfärg",
"description": "Label for checkbox to pick an accent color"
"settingsNoCSPReportsPrompt": {
"message": "Blockera CSP-rapporter",
"description": "background information: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3150"
"3pGroupDefault": {
"message": "Standard",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupAds": {
"message": "Annonser",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupPrivacy": {
"message": "Integritet",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupMalware": {
"message": "Domäner med skadlig kod (malware)",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupAnnoyances": {
"message": "Störande",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupMisc": {
"message": "Diverse",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupRegions": {
"message": "Regioner, språk",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"1pFormatHint": {
"message": "Ett filter per rad. Ett filter kan vara ett vanligt värdnamn eller ett EasyList-kompatibelt filter. Rader med prefixet <code>!</code> ignoreras.",
"description": "Short information about how to create custom filters"
"1pImport": {
"message": "Importera och lägg till",
"description": "English: Import and append"
"1pExport": {
"message": "Exportera",
"description": "English: Export"
"1pExportFilename": {
"message": "mina-ublock-statiska-filter_{{datetime}}.txt",
"description": "English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt"
"whitelistPrompt": {
"message": "Direktiven för betrodda webbplatser anger vilka webbsidor som uBlock Origin ska inaktiveras på. En post per rad.",
"description": "A concise description of the 'Trusted sites' pane."
"whitelistImport": {
"message": "Importera och lägg till",
"description": "English: Import and append"
"whitelistExport": {
"message": "Exportera",
"description": "English: Export"
"whitelistExportFilename": {
"message": "mina-ublock-pålitliga-webbplatser_{{datetime}}.txt",
"description": "The default filename to use for import/export purpose"
"aboutChangelog": {
"message": "Ändringslogg",
"description": ""
"aboutCode": {
"message": "Källkod (GPLv3)",
"description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)"
"aboutContributors": {
"message": "Bidragsgivare",
"description": "English: Contributors"
"aboutSourceCode": {
"message": "Källkod",
"description": "Link text to source code repo"
"aboutTranslations": {
"message": "Översättningar",
"description": "Link text to translations repo"
"aboutFilterLists": {
"message": "Filterlistor",
"description": "Link text to uBO's own filter lists repo"
"aboutDependencies": {
"message": "Externa beroenden (GPLv3-kompatibla):",
"description": "Shown in the About pane"
"genericSubmit": {
"message": "Skicka",
"description": "for generic 'Submit' buttons"
"genericApplyChanges": {
"message": "Verkställ ändringar",
"description": "for generic 'Apply changes' buttons"
"genericRevert": {
"message": "Ångra",
"description": "for generic 'Revert' buttons"