mirror of https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock.git synced 2024-09-15 23:42:28 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
Raymond Hill 2024-08-12 10:54:11 -04:00
parent 665648ba97
commit 1822d1503f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 25E1490B761470C2
147 changed files with 489 additions and 209 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- الخصوصية السهلة
- قائمة خادم الإعلانات والتتبع لبيتر لوي
يمكنك إضافة المزيد من القواعد من خلال زيارة صفحة الخيارات ومن ثم أنقر على رمز _Cogs_ في اللوحة المنبثقة.
يمكنك تفعيل المزيد من مجموعات القواعد من خلال زيارة صفحة الخيارات - انقر على أيقونة _الترس_ في لوحة الإشعارات.
uBOL صريح تمامًا، مما يعني أنه لا تحتاج إلى uBOL بشكل دائم لحدوث تصفية المحتوى، يتم إجراء تصفية المحتوى من خلال إضافة CSS/JS بشكل موثوق به بواسطة المتصفح نفسه بدلًا من الإضافة.
هذا يعني أن uBOL نفسه لا يستهلك موارد وحدة المعالجة المركزية/الذاكرة أثناء استمراره في حظر المحتوى. عملية عامل الخدمة في uBOL مطلوبة _فقط_ عند التفاعل مع اللوحة المنبثقة أو صفحة الخيارات.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Defolt qaydalar dəsti uBlock Origin-in defolt filtr dəstinə uyğundur:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe-un Reklam və izləyici server siyahısı
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) е блокер за съдържание *без разреше
- EasyPrivacy
- Списък със сървъри на Peter Lowe за реклами и проследяване
Можете да добавите още набори от правила, като посетите страницата с опции щракнете върху иконата _зъбно колело_ в изскачащия панел.
Можете да включите още набори от правила, като посетите страницата с опции щракнете върху иконата „зъбно колело“ в изскачащия панел.
uBOL е изцяло декларативен, което означава, че няма нужда от постоянен процес на uBOL за филтриране, а филтрирането на съдържание, базирано на инжектиране на CSS/JS, се извършва надеждно от самия браузър, а не от разширението. Това означава, че самият uBOL не консумира ресурси на процесора/паметта, докато тече блокирането на съдържанието работният процес на услугата на uBOL е необходим _само_ когато взаимодействате с изскачащия панел или страниците с опции.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) হল একটি *অনুমতি-হীন* MV3-ভিত
- সহজ গোপনীয়তা
- পিটার লো এর বিজ্ঞাপন এবং ট্র্যাকিং সার্ভার তালিকা
আপনি অপশন পেজে গিয়ে আরও নিয়ম সেট যোগ করতে পারেন -- পপআপ প্যানেলে _Cogs_ আইকনে ক্লিক করুন।
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL সম্পূর্ণরূপে ঘোষণামূলক, অর্থাৎ ফিল্টারিং করতে একটি স্থায়ী uBOL প্রক্রিয়ার প্রয়োজন নেই, এবং CSS/JS ইনজেকশন-ভিত্তিক বিষয়বস্তু ফিল্টারিং এক্সটেনশনের পরিবর্তে ব্রাউজার নিজেই নির্ভরযোগ্যভাবে এই কাজ করে থাকে। এর মানে হল যে কন্টেন্ট ব্লকিং চলমান থাকা অবস্থায় uBOL নিজেই CPU/মেমরি রিসোর্স ব্যবহার করে না -- uBOL-এর পরিষেবার প্রক্রিয়ার প্রয়োজন শুধুমাত্র_ যখন আপনি পপআপ প্যানেল বা অপশন পেজগুলির সাথে ইন্টারঅ্যাক্ট করেন।

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Ar reolennoù dre ziouer a glot gant silañ dre ziouer uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Roll bruderezh ha servijerioù heuliañ Peter Lowe
Tu zo deoc'h ouzhpennañ reolennoù all en arventennoù -- klikit war an ikon _kendentadur_ er banell popup.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
Disklêriañ a ra uBOL penn-da-benn, da lavaret eo n'eus ket ezhomm eus un argerzh uBOL padus evit ma c'hoarvezfe ar silañ, ha silañ endalc'hadoù diazezet war enlakaat CSS/JS a vez graet en un doare fizius gant ar merdeer e-unan kentoc'h eget gant an astenn. Kement-se a dalvez ne vez ket gounezet gant uBOL e-unan arc'hwelioù CPU/memor e-pad ma vez stanket an endalc'hadoù -- ezhomm zo eus argerzh al labourer servij uBOL _nemet_ pa vez etregweredet gant ar banell digeriñ pe ar pajennoù dibarzhioù.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Zadani skup pravila odgovara zadanom skupu filtera uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Oglas Peter Lowe i lista servera za praćenje
Možete dodati još skupova pravila tako što ćete posjetiti stranicu sa opcijama -- kliknite na ikonu _Cogs_ na iskačućoj ploči.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL je potpuno deklarativno, što znači da nema potrebe za trajnim uBOL procesom da bi se filtriranje dogodilo, a filtriranje sadržaja zasnovano na CSS/JS injekcijama se pouzdano izvodi od strane samog pretraživača, a ne ekstenzije. To znači da sam uBOL ne troši CPU/memorijske resurse dok je blokiranje sadržaja u toku -- proces uBOL-a servisnog radnika je potreban _samo_ kada stupite u interakciju sa iskačućim panelom ili stranicama sa opcijama.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ El conjunt de regles per defecte correspon al conjunt de filtres per defecte d'u
- EasyPrivacy
- Llista de servidors de seguiment i anuncis de Peter Lowe
Podeu afegir més conjunts de regles si visiteu la pàgina d'opcions: feu clic a la icona _Cogs_ al tauler emergent.
Podeu habilitar més conjunts de regles si visiteu la pàgina d'opcions: feu clic a la icona _Cogs_ al tauler emergent.
L'uBOL és totalment declaratiu, és a dir, no cal un procés uBOL permanent perquè es produeixi el filtratge, i el filtratge de contingut basat en injecció CSS/JS es realitza de manera fiable pel propi navegador més que per l'extensió.
Això vol dir que l'uBOL en si no consumeix recursos de CPU/memòria mentre el bloqueig de contingut està en curs; el procés de treballador de servei d'uBOL només es requereix quan interactueu amb el tauler emergent o les pàgines d'opcions.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Výchozí sada pravidel koresponduje k výchozím sadám filtrů uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Můžete přidat více sad pravidel navštívením stránky nastavení -- klikněte na ikonu ozubených kol ve vyskakovácím panelu.
Další sady pravidel můžete povolit na stránce nastavení - klikněte na ikonu _Ozubeného kolečka_ ve vyskakovacím panelu.
uBOL je zcela deklarativní, což znamená, že pro filtrování není potřeba permanentní proces uBOL a filtrování obsahu založené na vstřikování CSS/JS je spolehlivě prováděno samotným prohlížečem, nikoli rozšířením. To znamená, že samotný uBOL nespotřebovává zdroje CPU/paměti, zatímco probíhá blokování obsahu proces servisního pracovníka uBOL je vyžadován _pouze_ při interakci s vyskakovacím panelem nebo stránkami nastavení.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standardregelsættet svarer til uBlock Origins standardfiltersæt:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Flere regelsæt kan tilføjes ved at gå til indstillingssiden -- klik på ikonet _Cogs_ i pop op-panelet.
Flere regelsæt kan aktiveres ved at gå til indstillingssiden -- klik på ikonet _Tandhjul_ i pop op-panelet.
uBOL er fuldstændig deklarativ, hvilket betyder, at ingen permanent uBOL-proces behøves for at filtreringen kan finde sted, og CSS/JS-injektionsbaseret indholdsfiltrering udføres pålideligt af browseren selv i stedet for af udvidelsen. Dette betyder, at uBOL ikke selv forbruger CPU-/hukommelsesressourcer under indholdsblokeringen -- uBOLs tjenestearbejdsproces er _kun_ nødvendig under interaktion med pop op-panelet eller indstillingssiderne.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Die Standardregeln entsprechen den Standardfiltern von uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Sie können weitere Regeln hinzufügen, indem Sie die Optionen aufrufen — klicken Sie dazu im Pop-up-Fenster auf das Symbol mit den _Zahnrädern_.
Sie können weitere Regeln aktivieren, indem Sie die Einstellungen aufrufen — klicken Sie dazu im Pop-up-Fenster auf das Symbol mit den _Zahnrädern_.
uBOL ist vollständig deklarativ, d. h. es ist kein dauerhafter uBOL-Prozess für das Filtern erforderlich, und die auf CSS/JS-Injektion basierende Inhaltsfilterung wird zuverlässig vom Browser selbst und nicht von der Erweiterung durchgeführt. Das bedeutet, dass uBOL selbst keine CPU-/Speicherressourcen verbraucht, während der Inhalt blockiert wird — der uBOL-Service-Worker-Prozess wird _nur_ benötigt, wenn Sie mit dem Pop-up-Fenster oder den Optionen interagieren.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε περισσότερα σύνολα κανόνων μεταβαίνοντας στη σελίδα επιλογών -- κάντε κλικ στο εικονίδιο _Cogs_ στον αναδυόμενο πίνακα.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
Το uBOL είναι εξ'ολοκλήρου δηλωτικό, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι δεν υπάρχει ανάγκη για μόνιμη διαδικασία uBOL για να πραγματοποιηθεί το φιλτράρισμα, και το φιλτράρισμα περιεχομένου που βασίζεται σε έγχυση CSS/JS εκτελείται αξιόπιστα από το ίδιο το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης και όχι από την επέκταση. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι το ίδιο το uBOL δεν καταναλώνει πόρους CPU/μνήμης ενώ ο αποκλεισμός περιεχομένου είναι σε εξέλιξη -- η διαδικασία του service worker του uBOL απαιτείται _μόνο_ όταν αλληλεπιδράτε με τον αναδυόμενο πίνακα ή τις σελίδες επιλογών.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Por defecto ya trae configuradas las siguientes listas de filtros:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Puedes añadir más conjuntos de reglas visitando la página de opciones, haz clic en el icono de _engranaje_ del panel emergente.
Puedes activar más ruletas visitando la página de opciones --pulsa el icono _Cogs_ en la ventana del panel
uBOL es completamente declarativo, lo que significa que no hay necesidad de un proceso uBOL permanente para que se produzca el filtrado, y el filtrado de contenido basado en la inyección de CSS/JS se realiza de forma confiable por el propio navegador en lugar de la extensión. Esto significa que uBOL en sí mismo no consume recursos de CPU/memoria mientras el bloqueo de contenido está en curso, el proceso service worker de uBOL se requiere _solo_ cuando se interactúa con el panel emergente o las páginas de opciones.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Tavaline reeglitekogum vastab uBlock Origini tavalisele filtritekogumile:
- EasyPrivacy
Peter Lowe'i reklaamide ja jälitusserverite loend
Reeglitekogumeid saate lisada valikute lehelt ehk avanenud paneelis klõpsake _Cogs_ ikooni.
Rohkem reegleid valikutest ehk toksake _Cogs_ ikooni hüpikpaneelis.
uBOL on läbinisti deklaratiivne ehk filtreerimiseks pole vaja kogu aeg töötavat uBOLi protsessi ja CSS/JS süstipõhist sisu filtreerib tegelikult brauser, mitte laiendus. Teisisõnu, uBOL ei kasuta sisu tõkestamisel protsessori/mälu ressursse. uBOLi teenuse toimimise protsessi on vaja _vaid_ juhul, kui kasutate hüpikpaneeli või valikute lehekülgi.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ZerrendaErraza
Peter Lowe-ren Ad and tracker zerrenda
Arau gehiago gehitu ditzakezu aukeren orrialdea bisitatuz. Sakatu _Cogs_ ikonoa popup panelean.
Ruleta gehiago aktibatu ahal duzu aukerak orria --klikatu _Cogs_ ikonoa panelearen lehioan
uBOL guztiz deklaratiboa da, hau da, ez dago uBOL prozesu iraunkor baten beharrik iragazketa gertatzeko, eta CSS/JS injekzioan oinarritutako edukien iragazketa nabigatzaileak berak egiten du fidagarritasunez, luzapenaren arabera beharrean. Horrek esan nahi du uBOLek berak ez duela CPU/memoria baliabiderik kontsumitzen edukien blokeoa martxan dagoen bitartean... uBOLren zerbitzuko langileen prozesua _only_ behar da popup panelarekin edo aukera orriekin elkarreragiten denean.

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
uBO Lite (uBOL) is a *permission-less* MV3-based content blocker.
The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
مجموعه قوانین پیش فرض آن مطابق با مجموعه قوانین پیش فرض uBlock Origin است:
- uBlock Origin's built-in filter lists
- EasyList
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Oletusarvoiset sääntömääritykset vastaavat uBlock Origin -laajennuksen olet
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Voit lisätä sääntömäärityksiä asetussivulta -- paina ponnahduspaneelin _Rataskuvaketta_.
Voit aktivoida lisää sääntömäärityksiä laajennuksen asetuksista paina ponnahduspaneelin _Ratas_-kuvaketta.
uBOL on täysin deklaratiivinen, eli suodatus ei edellytä pysyvää uBOL-prosessia ja CSS-/JS-koodin manipulointiin perustuva sisällönsuodatuksen suorittaa laajennusprosessin sijaan luotettavasti selainsovellus. Tämän ansiosta itse uBOL ei kuormita prosessoria tai keskusmuistia sisällöneston tapahtuessa -- uBOL:n työprosessia tarvitaan _ainoastaan_ ponnahduspaneelia ja asetussivuja käytettäessä.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ uBOL ei edellytä laajan tietojen luku- ja muokkausoikeuden myöntämistä asenn
On kuitenkin mahdollista myöntää *yksinomaisesti* uBOL:lle laajennetut käyttöoikeudet sivustokohtaisesti niiden suodatuksen tehostamiseksi kosmeettisella suodatuksella ja scriplet-injektoinnilla.
Laajemmat oikeudet myönnetään avoimelle sivustolle avaamalla ponnahduspaneeli ja valitsemalla korkeampi suodatustaso, kuten Optimaalinen tai Täysi.
Laajemmat oikeudet myönnetään avoimelle sivustolle avaamalla ponnahduspaneeli ja valitsemalla korkeampi suodatustaso, kuten "Optimaalinen" tai "Täysi".
Tällöin selain varoittaa laajennuksen avoimelle sivustolle pyytämien käyttöoikeuksien seurauksista ja pyytää hyväksymään tai hylkäämään pyynnön.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Tulad ng uBlock Origin, ito rin ang mga default na listahan ng mga filter:
- EasyPrivacy
- Listahan ni Peter Lowe sa mga ad at tracking server (Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list)
Makakapagdagdag ka ng higit pang mga patakaran sa pahina ng mga opsyon -- pindutin ang icon ng _gulong_ sa popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
Deklaratibo lamang ang uBOL, kaya hindi nito kailangan ng permanenteng proseso upang mag-filter, at mainam na ginagawa ng browser mismo imbes na ekstensyon ang pagfi-filter sa content na nakabase sa CSS o JS. Ibig-sabihin, hindi kumokonsyumo ng CPU o memorya ang uBOL habang nanghaharang -- ang proseso ng trabahante ng serbisyo ay kailangan _lang_ kung nasa popup panel o pahina ng opsyon ka.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Les règles par défaut correspondent au filtrage par défaut d'uBlock Origin :
- EasyPrivacy
- La liste anti-serveurs pub et pistage de Peter Lowe
Vous pouvez ajouter plus de règles en consultant la page des paramètres -- Cliquez sur l'_Engrenage_ dans le panneau pop-up.
Vous pouvez ajouter plus de règles en consultant la page des paramètres -- Cliquez sur l'icône de l'_Engrenage_ dans le panneau pop-up.
uBOL est entièrement déclarative, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y a pas besoin d'un processus uBOL permanent pour filtrer, et le filtrage basé sur l'injection CSS/JavaScript se fait en toute fiabilité par le navigateur lui-même. Cela veut dire qu'en soi, uBOL ne consomme pas de ressources processeur/mémoire pendant le blocage de contenu -- l'agent de service d'uBOL n'est sollicité _que_ quand vous interagissez avec le panneau pop-up ou la page des paramètres.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ De standert regelset komt oerien mei de standert filterset fan uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking-serverlist
Jo kinne mear regelsets tafoegje troch de opsjesside te besykjen klik op it _tântsjilpiktogram_ yn it pop-uppaniel.
Jo kinne mear regelsets ynskeakelje troch de opsjesside te besykjen klik op it _tântsjilpiktogram_ yn it pop-uppaniel.
uBOL is folslein deklaratyf, wat betsjut dat in permanint uBOL-proses foar de filtering net nedich is, en ynhâldsfiltering op basis fan CSS/JS-ynjeksje op in betroubere manier troch de browser sels útfierd wurdt yn stee fan de útwreiding. Dit betsjut dat uBOL sels gjin CPU-/ûnthâldboarnen brûkt wylst ynhâldsblokkearring aktyf is it serviceworker-proses fan uBOL is _allinnich_ fereaske as jo mei it pop-uppaniel of de opsjessiden wurkje.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ O conxunto de regras predeterminado corresponde ao conxunto de filtros predeterm
- EasyPrivacy
Lista de servidores de seguimento e anuncios de Peter Lowe
Podes engadir máis conxuntos de regras visitando a páxina de opcións: fai clic na icona _Cogs_ no panel emerxente.
Podes activar máis grupos de regras indo á páxina de opcións -- preme na roda dentada no panel emerxente.
uBOL é totalmente declarativo, o que significa que non é necesario un proceso permanente de uBOL para que se produza o filtrado e o filtrado de contido baseado en inxección de CSS/JS realízao de forma fiable o propio navegador en lugar da extensión. Isto significa que o propio uBOL non consume recursos de CPU/memoria mentres o bloqueo de contido está en curso -- o proceso do traballador do servizo de uBOL é necesario _só_ cando interactúas co panel emerxente ou coas páxinas de opcións.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) הוא חוסם תוכן *ללא הרשאות* מבוסס MV3.
- EasyPrivacy
- רשימת שרתי מודעות ומעקב של פיטר לואו
ניתן להוסיף ערכות כללים נוספות מעמוד האפשרויות –על ידי הקשה על סמל _Cogs_ בלוח הצץ.
ניתן לאפשר קבוצות חוקים נוספות בדף האפשרויות - עם לחיצה על סמליל _גלגלי השיניים_ בחלונית הקופצת.
uBOL הוא הכרזתי לחלוטין, כלומר אין צורך בתהליך uBOL קבוע כדי שהסינון יתרחש, וסינון תוכן מבוסס הזרקת CSS/JS מבוצע באופן אמין על ידי הדפדפן עצמו ולא על ידי ההרחבה. המשמעות היא ש־uBOL עצמו לא צורכך משאבי מעבד/זיכרון בזמן שחסימת התוכן מתרחשת תהליך ה־service worker של uBOL נדרש _אך ורק_ בזמן הידוד עם החלון הקופץ או עם עמוד האפשרויות.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) एक *अनुमति-रहित* MV3-आधारित
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe की विज्ञापन एवं ट्रैकिंग सर्वर सू‍ची
आप विकल्प पृष्ठ पर जाकर और अधिक रूलसेट जोड़ सकते हैं -- पॉपअप पैनल में _Cogs_ आइकन पर क्लिक करें।
आप विकल्प पृष्ठ पर जाकर और अधिक नियम-सेट सक्षम कर सकते हैं -- पॉपअप पैनल में _Cogs_ आइकन पर क्लिक करें।
uBOL पूरी तरह से वर्णनात्मक है, जिसका यह अर्थ है कि फ़िल्टरिंग के लिए एक स्थायी uBOL प्रक्रिया की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है, और CSS/JS इंजेक्शन-आधारित कन्टेन्ट फ़िल्टरिंग एक्सटेंशन के बजाय ब्राउज़र द्वारा विश्वसनीय रूप से की जाती है। इसका यह अर्थ है कि कन्टेन्ट ब्लॉक करते समय uBOL द्वारा सीपीयू/मेमोरी संसाधनों का उपभोग स्वयं नहीं किया जाता है -- uBOL की सर्विस प्रोसेस की आवश्यकता _केवल_ तब होती है जब आप पॉपअप पैनल या विकल्प पृष्ठों पर कोई अंत:क्रिया करते हैं।

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Zadana lista pravila odgovara uBlock Origin-ovoj zadanoj listi filtera:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe-ova lista oglasa i pratećih servera
Možete dodati više skupova pravila tako što ćete posjetiti stranicu s opcijama -- kliknite ikonu _zupčanika_ na skočnoj ploči.
Možete omogućiti više skupova pravila tako što ćete posjetiti stranicu s opcijama -- kliknite ikonu _Cogs_ na skočnoj ploči.
uBOL je u potpunosti deklarativan, što znači da nema potrebe za trajnim uBOL procesom za filtriranje, a filtriranje sadržaja temeljeno na ubacivanju CSS/JS pouzdano izvodi sam preglednik, a ne ekstenzija. To znači da sam uBOL ne troši CPU/memorijske resurse dok je blokiranje sadržaja u tijeku -- uBOL-ov servisni radni proces potreban je _samo_ kada komunicirate s skočnom pločom ili stranicama s opcijama.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Az uBO Lite (uBOL) egy *engedélyt nem igénylő* MV3-alapú tartalomblokkoló.
A uBO Lite (uBOL) egy *engedélyt nem igénylő* MV3-alapú tartalomblokkoló.
Az alapértelmezett szabálykészlet megfelel a uBlock Origin alapértelmezett szűrőkészletének:
@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ Az alapértelmezett szabálykészlet megfelel a uBlock Origin alapértelmezett s
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe hirdetési és nyomkövető-kiszolgálókat tartalmazó listája
További szabályokat adhat hozzá a beállítások oldalon kattintson a _Fogaskerekek_ ikonra a felugró panelen.
További szabályokat engedélyezhet a beállítások oldalon kattintson a _Fogaskerekek_ ikonra a felugró panelen.
Az uBOL teljes mértékben deklaratív, vagyis nincs szükség állandó uBOL folyamatra a szűréshez, és a CSS/JS injektálás-alapú tartalomszűrést maga a böngésző végzi megbízhatóan, nem pedig a kiegészítő. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az uBOL maga nem fogyaszt CPU/memória erőforrásokat, amíg a tartalom blokkolása folyamatban van az uBOL service worker folyamatára _csak_ akkor van szükség, amikor az felugró panellel vagy a beállítási oldalakkal érintkezik.
A uBOL teljes mértékben deklaratív, vagyis nincs szükség állandó uBOL folyamatra a szűréshez, és a CSS/JS injektálás-alapú tartalomszűrést maga a böngésző végzi megbízhatóan, nem pedig a kiegészítő. Ez azt jelenti, hogy az uBOL maga nem fogyaszt CPU/memória erőforrásokat, amíg a tartalom blokkolása folyamatban van az uBOL service worker folyamatára _csak_ akkor van szükség, amikor az felugró panellel vagy a beállítási oldalakkal érintkezik.
Az uBOL nem igényel széles körű „adatok módosítása és olvasása” engedélyt a telepítéskor, ezért korlátozott képességei vannak az uBlock Originhez vagy más tartalomblokkolókhoz képest, amelyek széles körű „adatok olvasása és módosítása” engedélyeket igényelnek a telepítésükkor.
A uBOL nem igényel széles körű „adatok módosítása és olvasása” engedélyt a telepítéskor, ezért korlátozott képességei vannak a uBlock Originhez vagy más tartalomblokkolókhoz képest, amelyek széles körű „adatok olvasása és módosítása” engedélyeket igényelnek a telepítésükkor.
Az uBOL azonban lehetővé teszi, hogy *kifejezetten* kiterjesztett engedélyeket adjon az Ön által választott bizonyos webhelyekhez, hogy jobban szűrhessen ezeken a webhelyeken kozmetikai szűréssel és szkriptlet-injekciókkal.
Az uBOL azonban lehetővé teszi, hogy *kifejezetten* kiterjesztett engedélyeket adjon az Ön által választott bizonyos webhelyeknél, hogy jobban szűrhessen ezeken a webhelyeken kozmetikai szűréssel és parancsfájlbeillesztéssel.
Ha kiterjesztett engedélyeket szeretne adni egy adott webhelyen, nyissa meg az előugró panelt, és válasszon magasabb szűrési módot, például Optimális vagy Teljes.
Ha kiterjesztett engedélyeket szeretne adni egy adott webhelyen, nyissa meg a felugró panelt, és válasszon magasabb szűrési módot, mint az Optimális vagy a Teljes.
A böngésző ekkor figyelmezteti Önt a bővítmény által kért további engedélyek megadásának hatásaira az aktuális webhelyen, és közölnie kell a böngészővel, hogy elfogadja-e vagy elutasítja a kérést.
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Ha elfogadja az uBOL további engedélyekre vonatkozó kérését az aktuális w
Az alapértelmezett szűrési módot az uBOL beállítási oldalán állíthatja be. Ha az Optimális vagy a Teljes módot választja alapértelmezettként, akkor az uBOL-nak engedélyt kell adnia az adatok olvasására és módosítására az összes webhelyen.
Ne feledje, hogy ez még folyamatban van, a következő célokkal:
Ne feledje, hogy ez még egy folyamatban lévő fejlesztés, a következő célokkal:
- Nincsenek széles körű gazdagép-engedélyek a telepítés során a kiterjesztett engedélyeket a felhasználó kifejezetten webhelyenként adja meg.
- Nincsenek széles körű kiszolgálókra vonatkozó engedélyek a telepítés során a kiterjesztett engedélyeket a felhasználó kifejezetten webhelyenként adja meg.
- Teljesen deklaratív a nagyobb megbízhatóság illetve CPU- és memóriahatékonyság érdekében.
- Teljesen deklaratív a nagyobb megbízhatóság, illetve CPU- és memóriahatékonyság érdekében.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL)-ը բովանդակության արգելափակիչ է, որ
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe-ի գովազդային և հետագծող սպասարկիչների ցուցակ
Դուք կարող եք ավելացնել ուրիշ կանոններ՝ այցելելով ընտրանքների էջը. կտտացրեք Ժանանվակի_պատկերակին դուրս լողացող վահանակում։
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL-ն ամբողջությամբ դեկլարատիվ է, այսինքն՝ զտման համար անընդհատ կատարվող uBOL գործընթացի կարիք չկա, իսկ CSS/JS արմատավորման վրա հիմնված բովանդակության զտումը հուսալիորեն իրականացվում է զննիչի կողմից, այլ ոչ թե ընդլայնման միջոցով։ Սա նշանակում է, որ uBOL հավելումը չի սպառում մշակիչի/հիշողության որևէ ռեսուրս, երբ տեղի է ունենում գովազդի արգելափակումը. uBOL աշխատանքային գործընթացն աշխատում է _միայն_ երբ Դուք փոփոխություններ եք կատարում դուրս լողացող վահանակում կամ ընտրանքների էջում։

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Kumpulan aturan bawaan sesuai dengan kumpulan penyaringan bawaan uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Daftar server iklan dan pelacak Peter Lowe
Anda dapat menambahkan ruleset dengan mengunjungi halaman options -- klik ikon _Cogs_ di panel popup.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL sepenuhnya deklaratif, yang mana tidak membutuhkan proses permanen uBOL agar penyaringan dapat terjadi, dan penyaringan konten berbasis injeksi CSS/JS dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh peramban itu sendiri ketimbang oleh ekstensi. Ini berarti bahwa uBOL sendiri tidak mengkonsumsi sumber daya CPU/memori selama melakukan pemblokiran konten -- proses pekerja layanan uBOL dibutuhkan _hanya_ ketika Anda berinteraksi dengan panel popup atau opsi halaman.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ L'insieme di regole predefinito corrisponde all'insieme di filtri predefinito di
- EasyPrivacy
- Elenco dei server pubblicitari e di tracciamento di Peter Lowe
Puoi aggiungere altri insiemi di regole visitando la pagina delle opzioni: clicca sull'icona con gli _Ingranaggi_ nel pannello a comparsa.
Puoi abilitare altri set di regole visitando la pagina delle opzioni: clicca sull'icona _Cogs_ nel pannello a comparsa.
uBOL è interamente dichiarativo, ovvero non è necessario che ci sia un processo di uBOL permanente per poter eseguire il filtraggio; e il filtraggio dei contenuti basato sull'iniezione di elementi CSS/JS viene eseguito in modo affidabile dal browser stesso piuttosto che dall'estensione. Ciò significa che lo stesso uBOL non consuma risorse di CPU o memoria mentre il blocco dei contenuti viene eseguito: il processo che esegue il servizio di uBOL è richiesto _solamente_ quando interagisci con il pannello a comparsa o con le pagine delle opzioni.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) は権限を必要としない MV3 ベースのコンテンツ
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
オプションページでルールセットを追加できます -- ポップアップ パネルの「歯車」アイコンをクリックします
uBOL は完全に宣言的です。つまり、フィルタリングを行うための恒久的な uBOL プロセスは必要なく、CSS/JS インジェクション ベースのコンテンツフィルタリングは拡張機能ではなくブラウザによって、確実に実行されます。 これは uBOL がコンテンツブロッキングの際に CPU、メモリを消費しないことを意味します。uBOL のサービス ワーカーは ポップアップ パネルや設定ページでのみ必要とされます。

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) *ნებართვებისგან თავისუ
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe სარეკლამო სერვერების სია
შეგიძლიათ სხვა კრებულებიც დაამატეთ პარამეტრების გვერდიდან -- დაწკაპეთ _Cogs_ ხატულაზე ამომხტომ არეში.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL სრულად დეკლარაციულია, ანუ არაა საჭირო მუდმივად იყოს გაშვებული uBOL-პროცესი გასაფილტრად, CSS/JS ჩანაცვლებით შიგთავსის გაფილტვრას თავად ბრაუზერი უზრუნველყოფს ნაცვლად გაფართოებისა, რაც მეტად საიმედოა. შესაბამისად, uBOL თავად არ დატვირთავს პროცესორს/ოპერატიულს შიგთავსის შეზღუდვის დროს -- uBOL-ის შუამავალი მომსახურე პროცესი საჭიროა _მხოლოდ_ მაშინ, როცა ამომხტომ არესთან ურთიერთქმედებთ ან ცვლით პარამეტრებს.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. ಇದರರ್ಥ ವಿಷಯ ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸುವಿಕೆಯು ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಿರುವಾಗ uBOL ಸ್ವತಃ CPU/ಮೆಮೊರಿ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ -- ನೀವು ಪಾಪ್ಅಪ್ ಪ್ಯಾನೆಲ್ ಅಥವಾ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯ ಪುಟಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂವಹನ ನಡೆಸಿದಾಗ uBOL ನ ಸೇವಾ ವರ್ಕರ್ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಯು _ಮಾತ್ರಾ_ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite(uBOL)는 *적은 권한을 요구하는* MV3 기반 콘텐츠 차단기
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
설정 페이지에서 규칙 목록을 더욱 추가할 수 있습니다. 팝업 창의 _Cogs_ 아이콘을 누르세요.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL은 완전히 선언적이라 필터링 중 영구적으로 실행되는 uBOL 프로세스를 필요로 하지 않으며, CSS/JS 주입 기반 콘텐츠 필터링이 확장 프로그램이 아닌 브라우저 자체에서 더욱 안정적으로 동작합니다. 즉 uBOL 자체는 콘텐츠 차단을 하는 동안 CPU/메모리 리소스를 소비하지 않습니다. uBOL 서비스워커 프로세스는 사용자가 팝업 창이나 설정을 열었을 _때에만_ 동작합니다.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Noklusējuma nosacījumu kopa atbilst uBokc Origin noklusējuma aizturēšanas k
- EasyPrivacy
- Pētera Lova (Peter Lowe) reklāmu un izsakošanas serveru saraksts
Vairāk nosacījumu kopu var pievienot iestatījumu sadaļā -- jāklikšķina _Zobratu_ ikona uznirstošajā logā.
Vairāk nosacījumu kopu var iespējot iestatījumu sadaļā -- jāklikšķina _Zobratu_ ikona uznirstošajā logā.
uBOL ir pilnībā vispārīgs, kas nozīmē, ka nav nepieciešamības pēc pastāvīga uBOL procesa, lai notiktu aizturēšana, un uz CSS/JS ievietošanu balstīta satura aizturēšanu uzticami veic pārlūks, nevis paplašinājums. Tas nozīmē, ka uBOL pats par sevi neizmanto procesoru un atmiņu, kamēr satura aizturēšana ir notiekoša -- uBOL pakalpojuma strādņa process ir nepieciešams _tikai_ tad, kad notiek mijiedarbība ar uznirstošo logu vai iestatījumu sadaļām.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) ഒരു *അനുമതി-കുറവ്* MV3 അടിസ
- ഈസി സ്വകാര്യത
- പീറ്റർ ലോവിന്റെ പരസ്യവും ട്രാക്കിംഗ് സെർവർ ലിസ്റ്റും
ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ പേജ് സന്ദർശിച്ച് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് കൂടുതൽ നിയമങ്ങൾ ചേർക്കാൻ കഴിയും -- പോപ്പ്അപ്പ് പാനലിലെ _Cogs_ ഐക്കണിൽ ക്ലിക്കുചെയ്യുക.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL പൂർണ്ണമായും ഡിക്ലറേറ്റീവ് ആണ്, അതായത് ഫിൽട്ടറിംഗ് സംഭവിക്കുന്നതിന് ഒരു സ്ഥിരമായ uBOL പ്രക്രിയയുടെ ആവശ്യമില്ല, കൂടാതെ CSS/JS ഇഞ്ചക്ഷൻ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള ഉള്ളടക്ക ഫിൽട്ടറിംഗ്, എക്സ്റ്റൻഷനേക്കാൾ വിശ്വസനീയമായി ബ്രൗസർ തന്നെ നിർവഹിക്കുന്നു. ഉള്ളടക്കം തടയൽ നടന്നുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ uBOL തന്നെ CPU/മെമ്മറി ഉറവിടങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കില്ല എന്നാണ് ഇതിനർത്ഥം -- നിങ്ങൾ പോപ്പ്അപ്പ് പാനലുമായോ ഓപ്‌ഷൻ പേജുകളുമായോ സംവദിക്കുമ്പോൾ _only_ uBOL-ന്റെ സേവന വർക്കർ പ്രോസസ്സ് ആവശ്യമാണ്.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Set peraturan lalai sepadan dengan set penapis lalai uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Senarai pelayan iklan dan penjejakan 'Peter Lowe'
Anda boleh menambah lebih banyak set peraturan dengan melawat halaman pilihan -- klik the _Cogs_ icon pada panel timbul.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL adalah deklaratif sepenuhnya, bermakna tidak ada keperluan untuk proses uBOL kekal untuk penapisan berlaku, dan penapisan kandungan berasaskan suntikan CSS/JS dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh penyemak imbas itu sendiri dan bukannya oleh sambungan. Ini bermakna uBOL sendiri tidak menggunakan sumber CPU/memori semasa penyekatan kandungan sedang berjalan -- proses pekerja perkhidmatan uBOL diperlukan _hanya_ apabila anda berinteraksi dengan panel timbul atau halaman pilihan.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standardregelsettet tilsvarer standardfiltersettet til uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Du kan legge til flere regelsett ved å gå til innstillingssiden -- klikk _Tannhjul_-ikonet i oppsprettspanelet.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL er fullstendig deklarativ, noe som betyr at det ikke er behov for en permanent uBOL-prosess for at filtreringen skal skje, og CSS/JS-injeksjonsbasert innholdsfiltrering utføres pålitelig av nettleseren selv i stedet for av utvidelsen. Dette betyr at uBOL selv ikke bruker CPU/minneressurser mens innholdsblokkering pågår -- uBOL's service worker-prosess kreves _bare_ når du samhandler med oppsprettspanelet eller innstillingssidene.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ De standaard regelset komt overeen met de standaard filterset van uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
U kunt meer regelsets toevoegen door de optiespagina te bezoeken -- klik op het _tandwielpictogram_ in het pop-uppaneel.
U kunt meer regelsets inschakelen door de optiespagina te bezoeken -- klik hiervoor op het _tandwielpictogram_ in het pop-uppaneel.
uBOL is volledig declaratief, wat betekent dat er geen permanent uBOL-proces voor de filtering nodig is, en inhoudsfiltering op basis van CSS/JS-injectie op een betrouwbare manier door de browser zelf wordt uitgevoerd in plaats van door de extensie. Dit betekent dat uBOL zelf geen CPU-/geheugenbronnen gebruikt terwijl inhoudsblokkering actief is -- het serviceworker-proces van uBOL is _alleen_ vereist als u met het pop-uppaneel of de optiespaginas werkt.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) ਇੱਕ *ਬਿਨਾਂ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤਾਂ* ਵਾਲਾ M
-ਸੌਖੀ ਪਰਦੇਦਾਰੀ
- Peter Lowe ਦੀ ਇਸ਼ਤਿਹਾਰ ਅਤੇ ਟਰੈਕਿੰਗ ਸਰਵਰ ਸੂਚੀ
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚੋਣਾਂ ਸਫ਼ੇ ਨੂੰ ਖੋਲ੍ਹ ਕੇ ਹੋਰ ਰੂਲ-ਸੈੱਟ ਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰ ਕਦੇ ਹੋ -- ਪੌਪ-ਅੱਪ ਪੈਨਲ ਵਿੱਚ _Cogs_ icon ਨੂੰ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ।
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ To grant extended permissions on a given site, open the popup panel and pick a h
The browser will then warn you about the effects of granting the additional permissions requested by the extension on the current site, and you will have to tell the browser whether you accept or decline the request.
If you accept uBOL's request for additional permissions on the current site, it will be able to better filter content for the current site.
ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਸਾਈਟਾਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਇਜਾਜਤਾਂ ਲਈ uBOL ਦੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਨੂੰ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਸਾਈਟ ਬਾਰੇ ਵਧੀਆ ਫਿਲਟਰ ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰੇਗੀ।
You can set the default filtering mode from uBOL's options page. If you pick the Optimal or Complete mode as the default one, you will need to grant uBOL the permission to read and modify data on all websites.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Domyślny zestaw reguł odpowiada domyślnemu zestawowi filtrów uBlock Origin:
lista serwerów śledzących i reklam Petera Lowe'a
Możesz dodać więcej zestawów reguł, odwiedzając stronę opcji kliknij ikonę _koła zębatego_ w wyskakującym panelu.
Możesz włączyć więcej zestawów reguł, odwiedzając stronę opcji kliknij ikonę _koła zębatego_ w wyskakującym panelu.
uBOL jest całkowicie deklaratywny, co oznacza, że nie jest potrzebny stały proces uBOL w celu filtrowania, a filtrowanie treści oparte na wstrzykiwaniu CSS/JS jest wykonywane niezawodnie przez samą przeglądarkę, a nie przez rozszerzenie. Oznacza to, że sam uBOL nie zużywa zasobów procesora/pamięci, gdy trwa blokowanie treści proces Service Worker uBOL jest wymagany _tylko_ podczas interakcji z panelem wyskakującym lub stronami opcji.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ O conjunto de regras padrão corresponde ao conjunto de filtros padrão do uBloc
- EasyPrivacy
- Lista de servidores de anúncios e rastreadores do Peter Lowe
Você pode adicionar mais conjuntos de regras visitando a página das opções -- clique no ícone _Engrenagens_ no painel do pop-up.
Você pode ativar mais conjuntos de regras visitando a página das opções — clique no ícone da _Engranagem_ no painel do popup.
O uBOL é totalmente declarativo, significando que não há necessidade de um processo permanente do uBOL para a filtragem ocorrer e a filtragem de conteúdo baseada em injeção do CSS/JS é realizada confiavelmente pelo próprio navegador ao invés da extensão. Isto significa que o próprio uBOL não consome recursos de CPU/memória enquanto o bloqueio de conteúdo está em andamento -- o processo do service worker do uBOL _só_ é necessário quando você interage com o painel do pop-up ou as páginas das opções.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ O conjunto de regras padrão corresponde ao conjunto de filtros padrão do uBloc
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Pode adicionar mais conjuntos de regras visitando a página de opções -- clique no ícone _Cogs_ na janela flutuante.
Pode ativar mais conjuntos de regras visitando a página de opções -- clique no ícone _Cogs_ na janela flutuante.
O uBOL é totalmente declarativo, o que elimina a necessidade de um processo ativo constante para a filtragem ocorrer. A injeção de CSS e JS para filtragem de conteúdo é efetuada de maneira confiável pelo navegador, não dependendo da extensão. Isso significa que o uBOL por si só não gasta recursos de CPU/memória enquanto o bloqueio de conteúdo está a acontecer -- o processo do trabalhador de serviço do uBOL é necessário apenas quando se interage com a janela flutuante ou as páginas de opções.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Listele de filtre încorporate de uBlock Origin
- EasyPrivacy
- Oglas Peter Lowe i lista servera za praćenje
Puteți adăuga mai multe seturi de reguli vizitând pagina de opțiuni -- făcând clic pe pictograma _Cogs_ din panoul pop-up
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL este în întregime declarativ, ceea ce înseamnă că nu este nevoie de un proces uBOL permanent pentru ca filtrarea să aibă loc, iar filtrarea conținutului pe bază de injecție CSS/JS este realizată în mod sigur de browser în sine, mai degrabă decât de extensie. Aceasta înseamnă că uBOL în sine nu consumă resurse CPU/memorie în timp ce blocarea conținutului este în desfășurare -- procesul de lucru al serviciului uBOL este necesar _doar_ atunci când interacționați cu panoul pop-up sau cu paginile de opțiuni.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) — это блокировщик содержимого, *не
- EasyPrivacy
- Список рекламных и отслеживающих серверов от Peter Lowe
Вы можете добавить больше правил, посетив страницу настроек -- нажмите на значок_Шестеренок на всплывающей панели.
Вы можете активировать больше списков правил на странице настроек -- нажмите на значок _Шестерёнки_ на всплывающей панели.
uBOL - полностью декларативный, т.е. для фильтрации не нужен постоянно выполняющийся uBOL процесс, а фильтрация контента, основанная на внедрении CSS/JS, производится непосредственно браузером. Это значит, что дополнение uBOL не расходует ресурсы ЦПУ/памяти, когда происходит блокировка рекламы -- служебный процесс uBOL запускается, _только_ когда вы вносите изменения на всплывающей панели или странице настроек.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Predvolený súbor pravidiel zodpovedá predvolenému súboru filtrov uBlock Ori
- EasyPrivacy
- Zoznam reklamných a sledovacích serverov Petra Lowea
Ďalšie súbory pravidiel môžete pridať na stránke s možnosťami kliknite na ikonu _súkolesia_ vo vyskakovacom paneli.
Ďalšie súbory pravidiel môžete povoliť na stránke s možnosťami kliknite na ikonu _súkolesia_ vo vyskakovacom paneli.
uBOL je úplne deklaratívny, čo znamená, že na filtrovanie nie je potrebný trvalý proces uBOL a filtrovanie obsahu založené na injektovaní CSS/JS spoľahlivo vykonáva samotný prehliadač, a nie rozšírenie. To znamená, že samotný uBOL nespotrebúva zdroje CPU/pamäte, kým prebieha blokovanie obsahu -- proces uBOL Service Worker je potrebný _len_ pri interakcii s vyskakovacím panelom alebo stránkami možností.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Rregullat e tij janë të barasvlershme me filtrat standardë që përdor uBlock
- EasyPrivacy
- Lista e Peter Lowe për reklamat dhe gjurmuesit
Në faqen e opsioneve mund të shtoni rregulla të tjera klikoni ikonën e _ingranazhit_ në panelin modal.
Në faqen e opsioneve mund të aktivizoni rregulla të tjera klikoni ikonën e _ingranazhit_ në panelin modal.
uBOL është tërësisht deklarativ, domethënë filtrimi ndodh pa qenë nevoja që procesi i uBOL të vijojë vazhdimisht në sfond, ndërsa injektimi i filtrave CSS/JS te materialet kryhet me saktësi nga vetë shfletuesi. Pra, uBOL i bllokon materialet pa konsumuar resurset e procesorit/memories asetet e uBOL nevojiten _vetëm_ kur ndërveproni me panelin modal ose faqen e opsioneve të tij.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) је блокатор садржаја *без дозвола*,
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
Можете додати још скупова правила тако што ћете посетити страницу са опцијама - кликните на иконицу зупчаника у искачућем панелу.
Можете омогућити још скупова правила тако што ћете посетити страницу са опцијама -- кликните на иконицу зупчаника у искачућем панелу.
uBOL је потпуно декларативан, што значи да нема потребе за трајним uBOL процесом да би дошло до филтрирања, а филтрирање садржаја засновано на убацивању CSS/JS се обавља поуздано од стране самог прегледача, а не проширења. То значи да сам uBOL не троши CPU/меморијске ресурсе док је блокирање садржаја у току -- сервисни радни процес uBOL-а је потребан _само_ када ступите у интеракцију са искачућим панелом или страницама опција.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Standardregeluppsättningen motsvarar uBlock Origins standardfilteruppsättning:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes reklam- och spårningsserverlista
Du kan lägga till fler regeluppsättningar genom att besöka alternativsidan -- klicka på ikonen _Kugghjulet_ i popup-panelen.
Du kan lägga till fler regeluppsättningar i alternativ -- klicka på _Kugghjulet_ i popup-panelen.
uBOL är helt deklarativt, vilket innebär att det inte finns något behov av en permanent uBOL-process för att filtreringen ska ske och CSS/JS-injektionsbaserad innehållsfiltrering utförs på ett tillförlitligt sätt av webbläsaren själv snarare än av tillägget. Detta innebär att uBOL själv inte förbrukar CPU/minnesresurser medan innehållsblockering pågår -- uBOLs serviceworkerprocess krävs _endast_ när du interagerar med popup-panelen eller alternativsidorna.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The default ruleset corresponds to uBlock Origin's default filterset:
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Varsayılan kural seti, uBlock Origin'in varsayılan filtre setine karşılık g
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowe'un Reklam ve izleme sunucusu listesi
Seçenekler sayfasını ziyaret ederek daha fazla kural seti ekleyebilirsiniz -- açılan paneldeki _Cogs_ simgesine tıklayın.
Seçenekler ekranına uğrayarak daha çok kuralı uygulatabilirsiniz, bunun için açılır paneldeki _dişli_ simgesine tıklayın.
uBOL tamamen bildirimseldir, yani filtrelemenin gerçekleşmesi için kalıcı bir uBOL işlemine gerek yoktur, içerik filtreleme eklenti yerine tarayıcının kendisi tarafından CSS/JS yerleştirerek gerçekleştirilir. Bu, içerik engelleme devam ederken uBOL'nin kendisinin CPU/bellek kaynaklarını tüketmediği anlamına gelir -- uBOL'un hizmet çalışanı işlemi, _only_ açılan panel veya seçenek sayfalarıyla etkileşim kurduğunuzda gereklidir.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) - це блокувальник вмісту на основі M
- EasyPrivacy
- Список серверів реклами та стеження від Peter Lowe
Ви можете додати більше наборів правил, перейшовши на сторінку налаштувань — натисніть на піктограму _Шестерень_ на спливній панелі.
Ви можете ввімкнути більше наборів правил, перейшовши на сторінку налаштувань — натисніть на піктограму _Шестерень_ на спливній панелі.
uBOL повністю декларативний, тобто немає необхідності в постійному процесі uBOL для здійснення фільтрації, а фільтрація вмісту на основі CSS/JS-ін'єкцій надійно виконується самим браузером, а не розширенням. Це означає, що сам uBOL не споживає ресурси процесора/пам'яті під час блокування вмісту — службовий робочий процес uBOL потрібен _лише_ під час взаємодії зі спливною панеллю або сторінками опцій.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) ایک *اجازت سے کم* MV3 پر مبنی مواد بلا
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can add more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL is entirely declarative, meaning there is no need for a permanent uBOL process for the filtering to occur, and CSS/JS injection-based content filtering is performed reliably by the browser itself rather than by the extension. This means that uBOL itself does not consume CPU/memory resources while content blocking is ongoing -- uBOL's service worker process is required _only_ when you interact with the popup panel or the option pages.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Bộ quy tắc mặc định tương tự bộ lọc của uBlock Origin:
- EasyPrivacy
- Danh sách máy chủ chạy quảng cáo và trình theo dõi của Pete Lowe
Bạn có thể tự thêm quy tắc mới ở trang cài đặt -- click vào icon _Bánh răng_ ở trong cửa sổ popup.
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL mang tính khai báo hoàn toàn, vì vậy uBOL sẽ không cần phải liên tục chạy để chặn nội dung. Thay vào đó, chính trình duyệt sẽ thực hiện lọc nội dung bằng cách sử dụng công cụ chèn CSS/JS hiệu quả hơn có sẵn của nó. Điều này cũng đồng thời có nghĩa là uBOL sẽ không tiêu tốn tài nguyên CPU/bộ nhớ của bạn để chặn nội dung. uBOL sẽ chỉ chạy _khi và chỉ khi_ bạn đang xem cửa sổ popup của uBOL, hoặc bạn đang cấu hình uBOL ở trang cài đặt.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) 是一个基于最新浏览器扩展接口Manifest Version 3
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
You can enable more rulesets by visiting the options page -- click the _Cogs_ icon in the popup panel.
uBOL 的过滤规则是完全声明式的,并不需要固定保留一个 uBOL 扩展进程,基于 CSS/JS 注入的内容过滤更是交由浏览器进行调度,比起扩展本身更为可靠。 这也即是说当内容被过滤时 uBOL 自身并不占用额外 CPU 和内存资源,只有在您打开弹出面板或是设置页面时才会生成 uBOL 扩展进程。

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ uBO Lite (uBOL) 是款以 MV3 為基礎的「免權限」內容阻擋器。
- EasyPrivacy
- Peter Lowes Ad and tracking server list
您可以前往選項頁面(按下彈出面板的 **齒輪** 按鈕)新增更多規則集。
您可以前往選項頁面(按下彈出面板的 **齒輪** 按鈕)啟用更多規則集。
uBOL 是完全宣告式的,意即過濾過程中不需要持續性的 uBOL 處理程序參與,且以 CSS/JS 注入為基礎進行的內容過濾由可靠的瀏覽器執行,而非是擴充功能。 這就代表 uBOL 在內容阻擋過程不會佔用 CPU 和記憶體資源——除了和彈出面板或選項頁面互動的場景外,都不需要 uBOL 的 Service Worker 程序。

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
"description": "extension name."
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "حاجب محتوى و بأقل التراخيص المسبقة. يحجب الإعلانات والمتتبعات والمعدنات والكثير فوراً عند التثبيت.",
"message": "أداة لحظر المحتوى بدون إذن. يحظر الإعلانات وأدوات التتبع وأدوات التعدين وغيرها فور التثبيت.",
"description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"perRulesetStats": {
"message": "{{ruleCount}} شرط محولة من {{filterCount}} مصفيّات الشبكة ",
"message": "{{ruleCount}} قواعد، محولة من {{filterCount}} مرشحات الشبكة",
"description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"dashboardName": {
@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "قائمة بأسماء المضيفين التي لن تتم أي تصفية لها",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "السلوك",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behavior",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Спіс назваў хостаў, для якіх не будзе праводзіцца фільтраванне",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[толькі назвы хостаў]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Паводзіны",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Списък с имена на хостове, за които няма да се извършва филтриране",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[само имена на хостове]\nprimer.com\nigri.primer\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Поведение",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "হোস্টনেমের তালিকা যেগুলোর কোনো ফিল্টারিং হবে না",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "আচরণ",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Roll anvioù domanioù ha ne vint ket silet.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[anvioù herberc'hierien hepken]\nskouer.com\nchoariou.skouer\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Emzalc'h",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Lista imena hostova za koja se neće vršiti filtriranje",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Ponašanje",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Llistat de noms d'amfitrió als quals no s'aplicarà cap filtre",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[només noms d'amfitrió]\nexemple.com\njocs.exemple\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Comportament",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Seznam názvů hostitelů, pro které nebude probíhat žádné filtrování",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[pouze názvy hostitelů]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Chování",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behavior",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Ymddygiad",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Liste over værtsnavne, for hvilke ingen filtrering vil ske.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[kun værtsnavne]\neksempel.dk\nspil.eksempel\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Adfærd",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Liste der Hostnamen, für die nicht gefiltert wird.",
"message": "Liste der Websites, für die nicht gefiltert wird.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[nur Hostnamen]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n…",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Verhalten",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Λίστα των hostnames για τα οποία δεν θα πραγματοποιηθεί φιλτράρισμα",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Συμπεριφορά",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behaviour",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behavior",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Lista de nombres de dominio para los cuales no se realizará ningún filtrado.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[solo nombres de hospedador]\nejemplo.com\njuegos.ejemplo\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Comportamiento",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Hostinimede loend, kus filtreerimine keelatakse",
"message": "Veebilehtede loend, kus filtreid ei kasutata.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[ainult hostinimed]\nnäide.com\nmängud.näide\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Käitumine",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Filtrorik ezarriko ez zaien zerbitzarien izenak",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "portaera or jokaera",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behavior",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Listaus osotteista, joita ei suodateta.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[vain isäntänimiä]\nesimerkki.fi\npelit.esimerkki\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Toiminta",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Ugali",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Liste des noms de domaine qu'uBO Lite ne devra pas filtrer",
"message": "Liste des noms de domaine pour lesquels aucun filtrage n'aura lieu.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[noms de domaine uniquement]\nexemple.com\njeux.exemple\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Comportement",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "List fan hostnammen wêrfoar gjin filtering plakfynt.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[allinnich hostnammen]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n…",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Gedrach",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Lista de nomes de host para os que non se fará filtrado",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[só nomes de servidor]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Comportamento",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List of hostnames for which no filtering will take place.",
"message": "List of websites for which no filtering will take place.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Behavior",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "רשימה של שמות אתרים שלא יתבצע עליהם סינון",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[שמות אתרים בלבד]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "התנהגות",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "होस्टनामों की सूची जिनके लिए कोई फ़िल्टरिंग नहीं होगी",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[केवल होस्ट का नाम]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "व्यवहार",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
"message": "Popis naziva hostova za koje se neće izvršiti filtriranje.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[samo nazivi hostova]\nexample.com\ngames.example",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Ponašanje",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description": "extension name."
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "Kísérleti, engedélyt nem igénylő nélküli tartalomblokkoló. A telepítés után azonnal blokkolja a hirdetéseket, nyomkövetőket, bányászokat és egyebeket.",
"message": "Kísérleti, engedélyeket nem igénylő nélküli tartalomblokkoló. A telepítés után azonnal blokkolja a hirdetéseket, nyomkövetőket, bányászprogramokat és egyebeket.",
"description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"perRulesetStats": {
@ -100,15 +100,15 @@
"description": "Shown in the About pane"
"firstRunSectionLabel": {
"message": "Üdvöznk",
"message": "Üdvözöljük",
"description": "The header text for the welcome message section"
"firstRunDescription": {
"message": "Alapértelmezés szerint az <em>Alap</em> mód van kiválasztva, mert nem igényel engedélyt az adatok olvasásához és módosításához. Ha megbízik az uBO Lite-ban, széles körű engedélyt adhat neki az adatok olvasására és módosítására az összes webhelyen, hogy alapértelmezés szerint fejlettebb szűrési lehetőségeket tegyen lehetővé minden webhelyen.",
"message": "Most telepítette a uBO Lite-ot. Itt választhatja ki az összes weboldalon használandó alapértelmezett szűrési módot.\n\nAlapértelmezés szerint az <em>Alapvetú</em> mód van kiválasztva, mert nem igényel engedélyt az adatok olvasásához és módosításához. Ha megbízik az uBO Lite-ban, széles körű engedélyt adhat neki az adatok olvasására és módosítására az összes webhelyen, hogy alapértelmezés szerint fejlettebb szűrési lehetőségeket tegyen lehetővé minden webhelyen.",
"description": "Descriptive text shown at first install time only "
"defaultFilteringModeSectionLabel": {
"message": "Alapértelmezett szűrő",
"message": "Alapértelmezett szűrési mód",
"description": "The header text for the default filtering mode section"
"defaultFilteringModeDescription": {
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
"description": "This describes the default filtering mode setting"
"filteringMode0Name": {
"message": "Nincs szűrés",
"message": "nincs szűrés",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 0"
"filteringMode1Name": {
"message": "alapok",
"message": "alapvető",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 1"
"filteringMode2Name": {
@ -144,9 +144,13 @@
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Azon hosztnevek listája, amelyek esetében nem történik szűrés",
"message": "Azon gépnevek listája, amelyek esetében nem történik szűrés.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"noFilteringModePlaceholder": {
"message": "[hostnames only]\nexample.com\ngames.example\n...",
"description": "Default text for in edit field"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Viselkedés",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"

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