From c1f5ac66565712b98e9c49a06a99553d4a523655 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Raymond Hill Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2022 11:29:11 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Import translation work from --- src/_locales/az/messages.json | 50 ++++++++++++++++---------------- src/_locales/id/messages.json | 6 ++-- src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json | 2 +- 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/_locales/az/messages.json b/src/_locales/az/messages.json index ee9f8ac27..820b736dc 100644 --- a/src/_locales/az/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/az/messages.json @@ -336,15 +336,15 @@ "description": "English: Color-blind friendly" }, "settingsAppearance": { - "message": "Appearance", + "message": "Görünüş", "description": "Section for controlling user interface appearance" }, "settingsThemeLabel": { - "message": "Theme", + "message": "Mövzu", "description": "Label for checkbox to enable a custom dark theme" }, "settingsThemeAccent0Label": { - "message": "Custom accent color", + "message": "Xüsusi vurğu rəngi", "description": "Label for checkbox to pick an accent color" }, "settingsCloudStorageEnabledPrompt": { @@ -400,11 +400,11 @@ "description": "background information:" }, "settingsAdvanced": { - "message": "Advanced", + "message": "Təkmil", "description": "Section for controlling advanced-user settings" }, "settingsAdvancedSynopsis": { - "message": "Features suitable only for technical users", + "message": "Yalnız texniki istifadəçilərə uyğun parametrlər", "description": "Description of section controlling advanced-user settings" }, "settingsAdvancedUserSettings": { @@ -912,15 +912,15 @@ "description": "Header of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane" }, "supportS3P1": { - "message": "Report filter issues with specific websites to the uBlockOrigin/uAssets issue tracker. Requires a GitHub account.", + "message": "Müəyyən vebsaytların filtr problemlərini uBlockOrigin/uAssets problem izləyicisinə bildirin. GitHub hesabı tələb edir.", "description": "First paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane" }, "supportS3P2": { - "message": "Important: Avoid using other similarly-purposed blockers along with uBlock Origin, as this may cause filter issues on specific websites.", + "message": "Vacib: uBlock Origin-lə yanaşı, oxşar bloklayıcı genişləndirmələrin istifadəsindən çəkinin. Əks halda bəzi veb-saytlarda filtr problemləri ilə üzləşə bilərsiniz.", "description": "Second paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane" }, "supportS3P3": { - "message": "Tips: Be sure your filter lists are up to date. The logger is the primary tool to diagnose filter-related issues.", + "message": "İpuçları: Filtr siyahınızın yenilənmiş olduğundan əmin olun. Qeydiyyatçı, filtrlərlə bağlı problemləri müəyyənləşdirmək üçün başlıca vasitədir.", "description": "Third paragraph of 'Filter issues' section in Support pane" }, "supportS4H": { @@ -928,19 +928,19 @@ "description": "Header of 'Bug report' section in Support pane" }, "supportS4P1": { - "message": "Report issues with uBlock Origin itself to the uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issue issue tracker. Requires a GitHub account.", + "message": "uBlock Origin-lə bağlı problemləri uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issue problem izləyicisinə bildirin. Github hesabı tələb edir.", "description": "First paragraph of 'Bug report' section in Support pane" }, "supportS5H": { - "message": "Troubleshooting Information", + "message": "Problemlərin Həlli", "description": "Header of 'Troubleshooting Information' section in Support pane" }, "supportS5P1": { - "message": "Below is technical information that might be useful when volunteers are trying to help you solve a problem.", + "message": "Aşağıdaki könüllülər sizə probleminizi aradan qaldırmağa çalışırkən faydalı ola biləcək texniki məlumatdır.", "description": "First paragraph of 'Troubleshooting Information' section in Support pane" }, "supportS5P2": { - "message": "Important: Potentially private or sensitive information is redacted by default. Redacted information may make it more difficult to solve a problem.", + "message": "Vacib: Gizli və həssas ola biləcək məlumatlar defolt olaraq qısaldılır. Qısaldılmış məlumatlar, bir problemi aradan qaldırmağı çətinləşdirə bilər.", "description": "Second paragraph of 'Troubleshooting Information' section in Support pane" }, "supportS6H": { @@ -948,11 +948,11 @@ "description": "Header of 'Report a filter issue' section in Support pane" }, "supportS6P1S1": { - "message": "To avoid burdening volunteers with duplicate reports, please verify that the issue has not already been reported.", + "message": "Könüllülərə eyni hesabatların narahatçılıq verməməsi üçün, xahiş olunur problemin əvvəlcədən bildirilmədiyinə əmin olun.", "description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section" }, "supportS6URL": { - "message": "Address of the web page:", + "message": "Veb-səhifənin ünvanı:", "description": "Label for the URL of the page" }, "supportS6Select1": { @@ -960,35 +960,35 @@ "description": "Label for widget to select type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option0": { - "message": "-- Pick an entry --", + "message": "-- Bir daxiletmə seçin --", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option1": { - "message": "Shows ads or ad leftovers", + "message": "Reklam və ya reklam qalıqları göstərir", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option2": { - "message": "Has overlays or other nuisances", + "message": "Üst-üstə düşmə və ya digər nasazlıqları var", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option3": { - "message": "Detects uBlock Origin", + "message": "uBlock Origin-i aşkarlayır", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option4": { - "message": "Has privacy-related issues", + "message": "Məxfiliklə bağlı problemləri var", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option5": { - "message": "Malfunctions when uBlock Origin is enabled", + "message": "uBlock Origin aktiv ikən xarab olur", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Select1Option6": { - "message": "Opens unwanted tabs or windows", + "message": "Arzuolunmaz tab-vərəqələr və ya pəncərələr açır", "description": "An entry in the widget used to select the type of issue" }, "supportS6Checkbox1": { - "message": "Label the web page as “NSFW” (“Not Safe For Work”)", + "message": "Veb-səhifəni uyğun olmayan (“NSFW”) olaraq işarələ (“Not Safe For Work”)", "description": "A checkbox to use for NSFW sites" }, "supportRedact": { @@ -1032,11 +1032,11 @@ "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutCDNs": { - "message": "uBO's own filter lists are freely hosted on the following CDNs:", + "message": "uBO-nun öz filtr siyahıları ödənişsiz şəkildə bu CDN-lərdə yerləşdirilib:", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutCDNsInfo": { - "message": "A randomly picked CDN is used when a filter list needs to be updated", + "message": "Bir filtr siyahısının yenilənməsi lazım olduqda təsadüfi seçilən bir CDN istifadə olunur", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutBackupDataButton": { @@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ "description": "Label for buttons used to select all text in editor" }, "toggleCosmeticFiltering": { - "message": "Toggle cosmetic filtering", + "message": "Kozmetik filtrləməni yandır/söndür", "description": "Label for keyboard shortcut used to toggle cosmetic filtering" }, "relaxBlockingMode": { diff --git a/src/_locales/id/messages.json b/src/_locales/id/messages.json index c474d191e..91e9f5f9a 100644 --- a/src/_locales/id/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/id/messages.json @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ "description": "English: a sort option for list of rules." }, "whitelistPrompt": { - "message": "Berisi domain atau halaman situs terpercaya, uBlock Origin akan dinonaktifkan. Satu entri per baris. Entri yang tidak valid akan diabaikan dan dijadikan komentar.", + "message": "Arahan situs tepercaya menentukan halaman web mana yang uBlock Origin harus dinonaktifkan. Satu entri per baris.", "description": "A concise description of the 'Trusted sites' pane." }, "whitelistImport": { @@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ "description": "Header of 'Report a filter issue' section in Support pane" }, "supportS6P1S1": { - "message": "Untuk mengurangi beban relawan dengan laporan sama berulang, harap verifikasi bahwa masalah tersebut belum dilaporkan.", + "message": "Untuk menghindari membebani sukarelawan dengan laporan duplikat, harap verifikasi bahwa masalah tersebut belum dilaporkan.", "description": "A paragraph in the filter issue reporter section" }, "supportS6URL": { @@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutCDNs": { - "message": "Daftar filter milik uBO dihosting secara bebas pada CDN berikut:", + "message": "Daftar filter uBO sendiri dihosting secara gratis di CDN berikut:", "description": "Shown in the About pane" }, "aboutCDNsInfo": { diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index 7f2ccb43a..9c95d827b 100644 --- a/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections" }, "popupLessButton_v2": { - "message": "折叠 UI 面板", + "message": "更少", "description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections" }, "popupTipGlobalRules": {