Related commit:
- 41876336db
The `tryCount` parameter has been removed.
The new default behavior of the sed.js scriptlet is to bail out
when the document itself has been fully loaded, i.e. when
DOMContentLoaded event is fired.
Two new parameters have been added to override the default quit out
`stay, 1`
Use to force the scriptlet to stay at work forever.
`quitAfter, ms`
This tells the scriptlet to quit `ms` milliseconds after the
page has been loaded, i.e. after the DOMContentLoaded event has
been fired.
The mutation observer of the sed.js scriptlet can be a significant
overhead for pages with dynamically updated DOM, and in most cases
the scriptlet is useful only for DOM changes occurring before the
DOMContentLoaded event, so the default is to quit out when that
event is received ("quit out" means discarding the mutation observer
and having the scriptlet garbage-collected by the JS engine).
To ensure smooth transition in next stable release: people on
an older version of uBO could end up updating assets.json,
hence we needs to keep a local URL to the non-minified packaged
version of the lists.
At the moment, the only filter lists deemed from a "trusted source"
are uBO-specific filter lists (i.e. "uBlock filters -- ..."), and
the user's own filters from "My filters".
A new scriptlet which can only be used by filter lists from trusted
sources has been introduced: `sed.js`.
The new `sed.js` scriptlet provides the ability to perform
text-level substitutions. Usage:, nodeName, pattern, replacement, ...)
The name of the node for which the text content must be substituted.
Valid node names can be found at:
A string or regex to find in the text content of the node as the target of
The replacement text. Can be omitted if the goal is to delete the text which
matches the pattern. Cannot be omitted if extra pairs of parameters have to be
used (see below).
Optionally, extra pairs of parameters to modify the behavior of the scriptlet:
`condition, pattern`
A string or regex which must be found in the text content of the node
in order for the substitution to occur.
`sedCount, n`
This will cause the scriptlet to stop after n instances of substitution. Since
a mutation oberver is used by the scriptlet, it's advised to stop it whenever
it becomes pointless. Default to zero, which means the scriptlet never stops.
`tryCount, n`
This will cause the scriptlet to stop after n instances of mutation observer
run (regardless of whether a substitution occurred). Default to zero, which
means the scriptlet never stops.
`log, 1`
This will cause the scriptlet to output information at the console, useful as
a debugging tool for filter authors. The logging ability is supported only
in the dev build of uBO.
Examples of usage:, script, /devtoolsDetector\.launch\(\)\;/, , sedCount, 1), #text, /^Advertisement$/)
Related issue:
Usage:, selector, property-name, property-value, ...)
- selector: a valid CSS selector which matches the elements for which
the spoofing must apply.
- property-name: a CSS property name (can be dashed- or camel-cased)
- property-value: the value to return regardless of the currently
computed value.
There can be any number of property-name/property-value pairs, all
separated by commas.
A special property-name/property-value pair `debug/1` can be used
to force the browser to break when `getComputedStyle()` or
`getBoundingClientrect()` is called, useful to help pinpoint usage
of those calls in the page's source code:, .ad, debug, 1)
Related issue:
Expand `set-constant`: 3rd parameter and beyond are tokens which
modify the behavior of `set-contant`. Valid tokens:
- `interactive`, `end`, `2`: set the constant when the event
`DOMContentInteractive` is fired.
- `complete`, `idle`, `3`: set the constant when the event
`load` is fired.
- `asFunction`: the constant will be a function returning the
specified value.
- `asCallback`: the constant will be a function returning a
function returning the specified value.
- `asResolved`: the constant will be a promise resolving to
the specified value.
- `asRejected`: the constant will be a promise failing with
the specified value.
Harden `no-setimeout-if` and `no-setinterval-if` as per feedback
from filter list maintainers.