/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2017-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ // For background page 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ (( ) => { // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/407 if ( vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('firefox') === false ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2950 // Firefox 56 does not normalize URLs to ASCII, uBO must do this itself. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=945240 const evalMustPunycode = ( ) => { return vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('firefox') && vAPI.webextFlavor.major < 57; }; let mustPunycode = evalMustPunycode(); // The real actual webextFlavor value may not be set in stone, so listen // for possible future changes. window.addEventListener('webextFlavor', ( ) => { mustPunycode = evalMustPunycode(); }, { once: true }); const punycode = self.punycode; const reAsciiHostname = /^https?:\/\/[0-9a-z_.:@-]+[/?#]/; const parsedURL = new URL('about:blank'); // Related issues: // - https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1327 // - https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/128 // - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1503721 // Extend base class to normalize as per platform. vAPI.Net = class extends vAPI.Net { constructor() { super(); this.pendingRequests = []; this.cnames = new Map([ [ '', '' ] ]); this.cnameIgnoreList = null; this.cnameIgnore1stParty = true; this.cnameIgnoreExceptions = true; this.cnameIgnoreRootDocument = true; this.cnameMaxTTL = 60; this.cnameReplayFullURL = false; this.cnameTimer = undefined; this.cnameUncloak = true; } setOptions(options) { super.setOptions(options); this.cnameUncloak = options.cnameUncloak !== false; this.cnameIgnoreList = this.regexFromStrList(options.cnameIgnoreList); this.cnameIgnore1stParty = options.cnameIgnore1stParty !== false; this.cnameIgnoreExceptions = options.cnameIgnoreExceptions !== false; this.cnameIgnoreRootDocument = options.cnameIgnoreRootDocument !== false; this.cnameMaxTTL = options.cnameMaxTTL || 120; this.cnameReplayFullURL = options.cnameReplayFullURL === true; this.cnames.clear(); this.cnames.set('', ''); } normalizeDetails(details) { if ( mustPunycode && !reAsciiHostname.test(details.url) ) { parsedURL.href = details.url; details.url = details.url.replace( parsedURL.hostname, punycode.toASCII(parsedURL.hostname) ); } const type = details.type; if ( type === 'imageset' ) { details.type = 'image'; return; } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/345 // Re-categorize an embedded object as a `sub_frame` if its // content type is that of a HTML document. if ( type === 'object' && Array.isArray(details.responseHeaders) ) { for ( const header of details.responseHeaders ) { if ( header.name.toLowerCase() === 'content-type' ) { if ( header.value.startsWith('text/html') ) { details.type = 'sub_frame'; } break; } } } } denormalizeTypes(types) { if ( types.length === 0 ) { return Array.from(this.validTypes); } const out = new Set(); for ( const type of types ) { if ( this.validTypes.has(type) ) { out.add(type); } if ( type === 'image' && this.validTypes.has('imageset') ) { out.add('imageset'); } if ( type === 'sub_frame' ) { out.add('object'); } } return Array.from(out); } processCanonicalName(hn, cn, details) { const hnBeg = details.url.indexOf(hn); if ( hnBeg === -1 ) { return; } const oldURL = details.url; let newURL = oldURL.slice(0, hnBeg) + cn; const hnEnd = hnBeg + hn.length; if ( this.cnameReplayFullURL ) { newURL += oldURL.slice(hnEnd); } else { const pathBeg = oldURL.indexOf('/', hnEnd); if ( pathBeg !== -1 ) { newURL += oldURL.slice(hnEnd, pathBeg + 1); } } details.url = newURL; details.aliasURL = oldURL; return super.onBeforeSuspendableRequest(details); } recordCanonicalName(hn, record) { let cname = typeof record.canonicalName === 'string' && record.canonicalName !== hn ? record.canonicalName : ''; if ( cname !== '' && this.cnameIgnore1stParty && vAPI.domainFromHostname(cname) === vAPI.domainFromHostname(hn) ) { cname = ''; } if ( cname !== '' && this.cnameIgnoreList !== null && this.cnameIgnoreList.test(cname) ) { cname = ''; } this.cnames.set(hn, cname); if ( this.cnameTimer === undefined ) { this.cnameTimer = self.setTimeout( ( ) => { this.cnameTimer = undefined; this.cnames.clear(); this.cnames.set('', ''); }, this.cnameMaxTTL * 60000 ); } return cname; } regexFromStrList(list) { if ( typeof list !== 'string' || list.length === 0 || list === 'unset' || browser.dns instanceof Object === false ) { return null; } if ( list === '*' ) { return /^./; } return new RegExp( '(?:^|\.)(?:' + list.trim() .split(/\s+/) .map(a => a.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')) .join('|') + ')$' ); } onBeforeSuspendableRequest(details) { const r = super.onBeforeSuspendableRequest(details); if ( r !== undefined ) { if ( r.cancel === true || r.redirectUrl !== undefined || this.cnameIgnoreExceptions ) { return r; } } if ( details.type === 'main_frame' && this.cnameIgnoreRootDocument ) { return; } if ( this.cnameUncloak === false ) { return; } const hn = vAPI.hostnameFromNetworkURL(details.url); let cname = this.cnames.get(hn); if ( cname === '' ) { return; } if ( cname !== undefined ) { return this.processCanonicalName(hn, cname, details); } return browser.dns.resolve(hn, [ 'canonical_name' ]).then( rec => { const cname = this.recordCanonicalName(hn, rec); if ( cname === '' ) { return; } return this.processCanonicalName(hn, cname, details); }, ( ) => { this.cnames.set(hn, ''); } ); } suspendOneRequest(details) { const pending = { details: Object.assign({}, details), resolve: undefined, promise: undefined }; pending.promise = new Promise(resolve => { pending.resolve = resolve; }); this.pendingRequests.push(pending); return pending.promise; } unsuspendAllRequests() { const pendingRequests = this.pendingRequests; this.pendingRequests = []; for ( const entry of pendingRequests ) { entry.resolve(this.onBeforeSuspendableRequest(entry.details)); } } canSuspend() { return true; } }; })(); /******************************************************************************/